The Albany tri-weekly news. (Albany, Ga.) 1867-186?, December 21, 1867, Image 3

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SEKLY HEWS ijro Trvvkukb Ascot.—CoL Jf. L .nnonncea'as ngcnt for the TV#. Ho ia authorized to solicit d|d admtUeguots, Mil re- theMiae. e CMuURecs hr Dnghtrty C*uty. ICcanty'-KiMotlre Committee met r on tlie SOtb in»t.,and appointed County Committees: •Albany Dmnucr. G, 1. Wright, H. Towns, obbc, C. R Cumpfieid J. H. GampfcJdi, Ike Brinson, Sarah Heads, Pied Lehman, 1 B. J Wright, 8. Brown, ,V»»od, S>* Armstrongs ~'elcb, IMll ’TSSir J.L.1 ieoood District Lawton, . M. W. Tomp Gilliland, 'B, W.tedlx. Lyon. ' V. N. Cbildqra. East aide of River. Billingalea, Dr. T. Jonea, White, B, J. Barkadatey .Giles. A. R. Wright. ■ (Southern District. Mayo, J. W. Mayo, (Robert,' Dr. G.B. Donglua, i j. Robert member of theaa Comraitteea ore |y requested to meet the Executive itea at tho Court House in Albany day next, all] o’clock A. M. der of Committee. Bg'i " S5Mo» Tot, Ob’*. Dtvta, Secretary. Grroc series, Hots, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Crockery, Hardware, IVotioi!.<£Veediiien ? s Goods ofeery description, OUR TERMS ARE CASH, AMR CASH ONLY! ffidl and Examine for yourselves. ALBANY,GA., Get. 2D—10*—142 L.ES/& H. E. WELCH, Wholesaleand Retail ^ CORNER OF Broad & Washington Street, ALBANY, Gra., Have removed to their old stand, ATTENTION 'Fine FurnituieiRICH, GOLINSKI & CO., PROPERTY HOLDERS. % I uow here in store the largest stock of fine and I |?|»an ci vi rT Wfl ton Ppnrif well assorted furniture eTer offered In Middle 4Je<*r- r ire ana \\ aiei i i oui ^ wUich {atu 8cUi0g Terj low# mm mmm. i JERRY WATER’S BUILDING. Albany, Ga. with a new and complete stock of DRCCi W DIC1NE8. PAINTS, >eeit Reduction ijsr lOBItSf AND D01K1STIC- DM GOODS. N'»w in .st^n* i.titl constantly roveivirig, h varied, elegant ami extensive assortment • Latlles’ Dress Goods, Consisting, in part, of St* htevtae *T **r ftipml ■ last term- of nor Soparior Court. adJnry preaeated this : question, 4a aome recommendation.. As yet e beard of no movement for the reiiet ■ufferlog women and children in the id the cry of diatreta is fearfully on ratio. lon’tknow hoar it it to hedone, nor tv'do it j bat certainly it ia aome- d«ty,and it ought to beattended to. have no tthxvartien tiara y*t awhile. nCenough.-., ■ gift, which l am selling very low. i Parlor Unites, Chamber Bullet luWal 1 not mid nnhogoBy, Cheaper than Zinc or Tin. better than Slate, and , r „ . .. can be applied In half the time; no boarding is re- : buamtletl Chamber Suites very low. j fr “ ,s: t chan,. t.m„. wr.!*,.*,, «.f«. m..i«*«., 1 is Just the thing for the side* of buddings. 1 WinJ(JW ghft j Wt fine assortment) Wall Paper, 1. r» • i r\ , ... .. Carrots, Hug*. Foot Mats, Bedsteads (cheap) Cof-1 Iron Bridges, Doors and HlUtters. fin' in Rosewood, Mahogony, Walnut, Cedar and ! Samples of the above mav be seen, and ord er* re painted, all price*, i eoived at the * Metalie Cases and FullOlafs Caskets. Agricultural and Machine Dtpl oils. | 2d Street, Macon, 6a. " ■'»««! door«. uni« »««; GLASS. Where also may be found in operation «h.'rMe* aU.tCOA, GhORlrlA. As Cheap as (he Cheapest far the earn brated universal poccrobct 10th, lf*i)7 128v2nl4. Quality, ; COTTON GIN and condencf.r Whioh wo warrant as Ropro- the new^rknci^burrcorn mills, R? }j]VTj] lV HOI IS r-> ,n i d H'. 01 T'\ im, n°7‘ 1 A1,<1 ' Bty ' ~ T XJI> J-iv/uk. , Jump rets Cloths, all Wool Dclatnx. Poplins, "callandeaamtn.. r " G.McGIN^Y, Proprietor, Mu*.lin% Alphas, ■!.*• of ©vt>ry quality, atylu and pattern; choice Prints, Trimming* .1. H. MILLS, Agent. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^haw 1>, Shoos, FattoV Good?, etc., «tc. WTm7Ttmnr^Tnmn V ci.TLXlciiJ.1 Also. G :>’? ? : inL:, IU.ui>', .shoo?, Huts, C’nsatmerc?, Ht'nvy Good?, of every dt- Iy I H. |a I . n. |a ft ^ \ | I I M This Commodioy and script ion: Kiav nt i oommon lUttukots. reQay*niado Clothing for laboring men and boyG UliJlLviJll (X KJ -U A A II { ^rr'n Cirn fftir A Itirrm^PiPTF ^ 0,k ’‘‘- s tdc-nrtu*: :iH / l>rv hi»*h .iro now olTerin^ at crvaitlv reduced prioea; and ee ike i.i vIjJjAX&u) XUvli/ UiLSOJ Cash System i?T»i’inu r griK*rallv niloptod, for oft?h th«‘v will *a©1l alittle lower than tfcoae Would raspeotfttlly inform their friendi and the Just m 39t d through a thorough renovation who pretend t,i s.dl nrt’-.Dt. * , newly furnished throughout, is now \p Pubic Generally, jsccon* lo none Nenit of New fork THAT THEY HAVE % i Thc Proprietor takes 'pleasure in informing his y Y m Ts 1"1/^T^TTLt\ ! patrons that he has receutly purchased OMNI* J lx K( vKI V JjiJLr [ nr^LS for his own use, thereby enabling him to ' convey his juests from Railroads and Steamboats'to ’ fhc Hotel Fr of Charge. December 10 123v2 60 DR1 seated. ■audita ERHIMBRY. FANCY and TOILET ARTICLE*. lome lime read what bq. of uu- ntralfc. i> not the' alua injurious ’ of on* PVUOO lo ioa<ioili.t,Mbao*“Roo4- kfea, Iwr.PtorKavTo.v (BAfS.- i Rw to* 'onoui, oa* pvrvon to Mdor. or |»4M>taodP%>ocbaiid r ran, In fiat, welaa or ■uppita liM pa&iewith ihf SR CASES, - com Bar *■— BRUSHES. ETC. In aadleat variety and of tha lESTOHJALITY* * Imported and American Winesi liquors, and Cigars, LONE JACK and other fino brands Smoking and chewing To* bacco. also a largo stock of Pipea, for Retail and Jobbing trade. Pocket Books and OUTIjBRY, Thomburas Garden Seeds, a mammoth stock, warranted fresh and genuine up aaprossly for-our own trads, and stand 25 percent, higher than any other seed, Wholesale and Retail for cash only, at wa are determined to atop tha credit system; and we hope our patrons will not oblige ua to repeat these words, by asking for credit, even for a few days, as all goods must be paid for befora leaving tho story^ ■* Especial attention has been paid to furnishing our prescription department with .. I HJM ; AND Albany. < 117 v2 nl'KL it Come! AND HAVE NOW INSTORE, A Large and Well Selected, STOCK OF HEAVY AND FANCY - Fertilizers. UP css mass (33- ua axusa toj, |ii ; Imporlcd direct from McKean’s island, South Pa- Jj) | cific ocean. Price, $65 per tou of 2,tX>0 pounds, lu ' Savnunab, aud $60 in Augusta. TO •ices Reduced SUIT THE TIIvIES. STAPLE DRY GOODS, j Wilcox, tibbs & Co’s. M*ntpil*le4 Gun*. HARDWARE, " Groceries, provisions un<l Dry Goods nt Cost!!! C. VV KSTI3ROOK & BRO. OutlerY* ©to. etc. iti:e Peruvian gcano. . ' ^r.U'uboiaay, GDoxa Which hara been reesut’y bough? ni Very Low Prices, - r with the etetl 'remedies that edamted skill can levba or thejr «W to C CD a CSS a SS CE SS3=> | And tliey are now prepared lo oiler Particular attention given to tilling pre Kiiptiona, nt all bOura day aud night.. I„ E. & II. K. WELCH, Druggist a. Albany, Ga., Dtc. 17, I8B7, UMd lo tlw aft of car. «d ul»l price. Prof. Ke KAYTON-B OLEUM VITJE, iCtanai UmmeulKn Rbwnaluai, Niorilria, It. Beet, Jotou, BreeU or Side. Nenrou Held. ■RUB*. Eer.ehe, Spuing Enrive. Buin,«e. lAYTON'S MAGIC CURE. N Cough* tad Cold,. Aedune, Add Btamich (or. Throet, S.a SkkiiM..Cliolir«,DUnbe» P*lo» in llwStomecli. etc. N-8 dyspeptic pillr • . Btlsw. Diwnku, Ccuetnus &ek .11 Dteadeneflbe Utor, B'.un«h asd .UalMa apdag end Lll nwdkioe lu cairy oil k, Brauni. the blood.—Quiunan Banner. ^ " n, uinoeeet, in-I no praon need ba mb ; p« tka, are powuifol, and will taaoeratedaboae. Aldalwiliaal. tbeii curaiire properliua are not mtf UwdoreioProf.H.H. Karros Savannah kfeAgnta A. A. Sonoiyiiu'dc Co-, Wbo!c«»» Maitnaab.Oa. atfaeaMtWta. Tha«eooine baa Piof. V- H. IdpuUneoaMch bottle and box aljrL EAR E WELCH, AlbanyOa. 1 Drauiata and Mtrehaals yrnerally. Noticfg. Fir S. W. * B. r -»*,.Y* Boat. LEAH b^la, V G Lockett J S l Dudley, Eaylea A Co, J k Co, 1 B Higdon, W H MUehaU, i J B Parish, Boal, Jobnlta A , Bvlmbarey tikalb A Co, Corf ell of Gdpartnerehif •7.^ :T y, aserehants using the firm name ‘ s Talbott k Co.,” was dissolved k, 1867, by muiaal consent. a iadsbted to the old firm are earnestly teomc forward and settle. JOHN TALBOTT, If. WM. T. BBAY. CONFECTIONARIES AND MMMLY OTPLUIBS. New store and New Goods. KIi BLDI &C0. * THREEDOORSFKOM Mercer & Smith’s Corner. AX.BAJLTY, C3-A... Hava jual efpeaad, and now ^ffar at Greatly Reduced Prices, A larga and carefully aclacted atoek of Conreclionaric^Frencb Candles* he, Family tirocetlet, etc., etc., consisting la of French Candies, Nate, BrandieKand Pie Orttars, Sardlnea, Pieklsa. Gosheu^Butter, Tobadeo, Cigars, Pipes and Snuff. Also a largo assortment of Toys for Christmas, Dills, Yankee Notions, Fire Crasser? of ertry do wriptlon, Bomaa Candles, ! PEBFDR1ERV, aid toilet gcoda of every deicnpUon Fine Braadlee, J aciaei* Enin, K OF EVER? BRAND . othetparporcs.' amine our stock t*d pridas. Our _ _ bced to suit the times. 1 E.Mu BlaXJN & CO. •, G'*:, Dea. Id—125—1,6 MtomttiAsic^ '■ 10t6kA G MERCHANTS, "••'llWmitMaB Q[eorgia, - .ragpectfnily Solid- Inducements TO PURCHASERS, FOR THE MONEY, We give notice that from this time out, we SELL GOODS For the cash only! NO “TO-MORROW,” OR “Next Week,” “ When;I Sell Cotton,” BUT CASH ON DELIVERY Are ourTerms. December 12, tS67. 124 ISO direct t> Tn Pmivian Ageut, nt lowwt market |nir<* in Savflmmh nml August a. Ate now •• We 1; . ; ep a lor e -lock of the above Duanotalways Family Sapp ou han-l. * * T <frit«. l)rd<?v.« MjlioiieJ and promptly filled for Cash. Send for a circular containing analysis and ccr mm, sivev* Mtb wi in, 4'ORT, roltCANU , an ioituuusc atoek of Uroaeriee, Provisions auff, ■ con.- ' liu - - e»t lin- oti, Flour, Lard, Cheese, Migar, Coffee, Tea, Sugar Cured llams, Meat uklfti.A’iitt Kruita, Orackers', Onions. Sauce*, etc., etc. ALSO A LAUGH AND JL DIGIOlLSLY SELECTED WILCOX, GIBBS & CO., IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN • usually kepi iu . -ner ! tl laiust styles nml most elegant patterns. Sh.R’s, Huts and Furnishing Goods Ueuerally. In fact, avet - unis anu rurniaiitng uoods Uenerally. In fact, avery arOda ;k fot ceiiit-irt nf the inner or the outer man, or woman, or any ether Maa. ' -. It. n , ii.vli,.. ..I I 1..1I ,,m f v . kj . . ■ .a . 1 .. a _ .a a , Novuutber 2! No. CI Bay Street, 8.1 TAAH, OR No. 211 BROAD STREET, Augusta, o a , lor Our Agsnta throughout the country will sell at same prices with necessary expenses added. December 10 126 v2 noO. ADDISQfELptl”. AVholeisale Grocers, | M . lsn „ TIISTW ARE, Gentlemen'?’ i’*n:L:n#r. I- ually kept iu gcneml ‘•iu They arc in t! v mark*?, r r the purchase of Cotton, Corn, Bacon, and'every etherariieie # of ' and, wi'.l pay tl.o Iiij.heM M uket 1’iicos. They a iv ui.-A prcptii.-1 t.. '-ip Cotton, consigned to their care, to the test Houses in Msecs Savaaaik or Now Vor.'f,’ tind to uai;-.' liberal advancen oil the atme. ■ 'I’ni'pi »°N i' S ! I U> * 1 tt* 1 * r ‘.a,[ l 1 1 l ^ Fertiliser a, and ars sole Agents for QUSTIN'S AMMONIA. B. A. WISE, Maoon. G-a. rA AND THQJHAS J.FLINT & CO. importers ; , , > .-' AND Wholesale and Retail - DEALERS IN China, Orockery rad f . Glass Wai*e. Having removed from No. 80 Mulberry Street to IVo. 70 SECOND STREET 0»ei De Loaches Carriage Repository, Mtocon, Oa., Have jut received, end now offer ior sale the^lnrgeat and moet carefully (elected Imported and domestic GLASS, CHINA MM ******** VMM. ever brought to thie eoontry TOQEniX* WITH A FULL iXD OOUKXTE A*- norinirarr or House Furnishing Goods, I hftvc on linml 800IROI7 WITOH, Queen of the All oiilors entrustod to .ly executed. .Our best attention will : gi veu to all Consignments. U E KEREN CES; I. B. Kirtland, Hill, Talmidos k Go., 99 Pina Siraat, N. Y. O' II, Brkrdict i Co., Bfl Broad Street, N. Y. T. J. Slavoiiteh, of Norton, Slaughter fit Co*., Broad Street, N. Y. Hunt B»o*, k Co, Charleston, 8. C, E. C. Wads & Co., Savannah, Ga. UattNAtfT k Adams., Savannah, Ga. B. Elliolt A Soxs, 134 Pearl Street, N. Y. Deo. 40 +, 128 v2 n!4 • .. - c - ,7-tr- . --w - •> Commission iltcrcljants, w* ‘ Savaruaalx, • t»n«l otlior improved pattom * rri Solicit ccmaignmchlaj to theaselvas and tkraagli them to "• Ratbbone, Brothers * €•• New York, Tenner, Btuett A Benman, Liverpool, And Wendt in Baltimore andPhiladelphia- Orders filltd in. any market, and usual facilitiss furnished far all basinets. ' ,■ December 10. . 129 r2 ulff. Plantation^ Saw and Grist Mill TO RENT. of.December, at Cooper k ra&trfbr the aaswiag year, bidder, the ?T. /y -Kr*-n A TTQIpf m lb, fork 0fUraboI»toab awI Flint Blrw, and No.1 8aw MiU and Grist lSQOacm of open land mi n good DwelUnt«| which I will *cll ns lowtts first class Stores can . be soM. Also a good assortment of Bow and Parlor Stoves. Every Stove Warranted per- feot and Battafaotory or Hx;ci3CA,iTa-siD. MY Croekery. Cotiery, atrd all foreign goods; FACT0RB8 lK>UaH ' rlB r m8t1 ’ the MAKU- 'Imported direct, lamtnabled to offer th’cin to Mete haul • at law 1 ORDERS by aialt promp»l, (HU*at luvni pricua TERRIS 9A.SH; . it. a. " Macon, flu., November 10, y';,- -i - 03-184 ... .J UOurTjr StriMt, - - - Mieon, O* Tba mnbactibet hiving fitted op bia Hoara vltbanllrenowFarpilnre In - -Tho Most ™ ^ Mmi P M* THOMPSON, Contractor and Builder, amu DiAtaa /a BURIAL OASES,. ALBANY, GA. I an prep, rod lo conlract for all kiadr of watR in my Una, and promt,, aatlifutlen U ovary * ##d “»!r W MIT ALIO BURalA CASES constantly on band, and fUrnialred at bat* nolle*. Alio a good .apply of ROSEWOOD and WAJLWOT OOmfm, Something very One in tbig Un*. * Albany, Jana 22tb, 18*7. ,t~ tm W-Aie.EDEIOTJSjEJ'. -M»D- (JommiBsioH JBercljant TO The Planters & Merchant! In laatiarinf you my Ibaaka ftta paai again, witb plauart, aievm; *— * to truit aia, with pleainw, a*«r ay aanlcM. 1 premia, do my whole duly t* ,11 wbo an kind wsttgh ta lit m, with Ibair pialmnag,. T* tbosa ofmy fontar cnafowra, *M I ban aoccpt^l farerr t . I bare ,trained.•rery ntrre. rclyu. »n promptnes, to matt lb* tam,. I bar, mad* art m,nt« tn itora all cotton directod to n otdaUad. JONATHAN Maoaaatpt 1* df GREAT BARGAINSF The Lowest Prices M. FLEISHMAN & 00.% BROAD STREET, ALBANY, GA. N« Poor to Hinas * Hobba 1 •"t to oomapipj Wllbtba rfriagingy ri jbe time*. Oarawekaf Ladta 1 Dram Qaoda mpriaas tb(A .' *»«* qimllty adAOka aad frWi rapHma. j MobaIre,*e..*«.,Trij,«l»ra.B A,. 1 . ; .. . to Ganla’ FnrnUbin* • Clothing. ■ PtaaGoatU, eMab rimarra.IM.eMu. IUU, Silrta, b*. QpHW-ohef JK -Ak