The Statesboro eagle. (Statesboro, GA.) 1884-1891, May 23, 1889, Image 2

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II 1 i .i. ~ ® 3, j. g « STATESBORO, GA. Official Organ ok Bulloch (' J. . HHANNKN.......Pi-rush ff, sun- -amov rates: One year, in advance,-............$1,00 fix . hi advance,... . oil eta. Advertising ra: ■> made on ing application. The rates of legal advertis¬ are regulated by law. TbeNc.v : from different parts of the tKMtntv will be. pnbHsbe !, and eovtnn; jiieuUo'.s on live topics arc solicitc-1. Letters from our enmspon dents liabli to be lown,'’ a- Die la -k of space some?imes requires it. When a communication arrives too late it will be published in the next issue. Tiiv. Em,!.:: will be rent to r'-sponsible subscribers until ordered discontinued by them. communication No inserted unless BccomjtRni: (I by the name of the writer, not for pip e ntion. but as an evidence of good faith. Address all communications relating to the busiuessWif tin* paper to i'liti Baulk, Statesboro, Ga. Tuck :>av .. Mai 23, 1889. r PHe resolulions adopted by the national Alliances through out the’ cotton growing see tioiis ofthejSouth in rega»d to cotton bagging, is beginning to' assume’a phase of serious¬ ness, very detrimental to the intmisl’ofilhe mautaeturers of bagging and they are now beginning'Toj ealize the 'posi¬ tion in which they stand. On Nay lGtli, NffshvBlc Tcnn. u iwiled in the pres ancc of 8 or 10 thou, and en tlmsiaslie patriot^, a beauti¬ ful monument in memory of the confederate dead. Twenty five years have passd sincp the Lost Cause of the Con¬ federacy, but foity times tlvuity-five can not still the ardour a. d admiration felt in the heart of every true South t'itu r, for the noble and sclf saefaficcing deeds of valor, by otrr confederate every state in the South from the Potomac to the RioCrande feel Ibis by their continuous erecting of moij ubfents to their memory, there by portraying to the world the warm place they still occu¬ py in our hearts. TV AN HOF DOl'S. The weal her is warm, the days Scarce, are long, provisions are and credit is,poor. .. Crops ars a Mttlc especially cotton. A great many cotton planters plain of having a poor Statestloi'<» was representt-d ai the Ficalay sflpiui picnic at Fellowsm?) by K. i .( me ami W. I). I)av:s, accompanied dv their best girls. killed - Mr. X. M. Wright says he eighty cut worms iu his garden one morning recently. C. II. and If. F. Waruoc . killed two large turki s not rang since. o X eon 0 ,! * nine t - m iu the schools i< thw vOTmlv. ],. E. W m'ooek am! S. Groover cave opened a to Au-wIm. Henry Gordon. Ena i. Ga. May 13th, F89. To fit. ■ Editor,of allow The iCdgP ■ A If you wid me in your paper; I wish to lei and others know how I eve been treated by my son, V Bowen. He was con >1 and sentenced to the penife.nliary, lVomthiscounty, for the term of ten years. On last August he escaped the convict . camp, and been back to this county since, with the exception of only n very little time, slip - - • - ping pir.g . from Iren, place place to to '• Rich was all trouble to I, at a great expense a d I trouble, got up :i petition, ami s cnt a man to Atlanta twice, trying to get bis pardon. On last Saturday night, while I was away from home, there ing no one left but E. M. B wen, nty son, and and a young man bv the name of Proctor, Jack came to my place and stayed iintill Sun day evening, late when he left, as I had told him I did not want him to come around me untill he could get his par¬ don, if possible. I tried sev¬ eral times to get him to go hack to the convict camp and give me a better chance to get him a pardon, and said I w uld go with him and do all I could for him. But when I came home this morning, I found that some ore had been in my trunk, and had taken about forty dollars, and I am satisfied Jack Is the party that has taken the money, and if, as 1 believe, he did take it, he needs no pardon whatever. I believe he is gone, and is making his way to Florida, or some place South. It pains me to write you this, hut I feel like I want "my friends and foes to know rny trouble, and see how a favored son has treated his aged hi¬ ther. J. J. Bowen. CEMETERY. The citizens of the town and community met in the courthouse on last Friday night, to take steps in loca¬ ting a place for the burial of the dead. Mr Tillman was made chairman, and on mo¬ tion, the following gentle¬ men were selected to act as trustees of the proposed cem¬ etery, to-wit: IX 0. Proctor, B. E. Turner, D. R. Groo¬ ver, Jos. Zetterour, R. F.i jes¬ ter, J. E. C. Tillman, Win. Huggins, II. 6. Blitch, John A. Smith, and S. F. Olliff. Col. Groover was made chair¬ man of the board, with the power to call a meeting of the trustees at such time as may be proper. These gentlemen are to select the ground, but before confirming a purchase, ’] y are to submit their action to a meeting of the citizens, to be by them approved or iv : ected. The lands near the Baptist red, church seem to be fa¬ ta but the place is yet to \ bs- decided upon. it is a very important mat iU)( ] one that should re C eive due consideration from trustees, All men arc j*n to die, and right consid and due regard for tS;o dead, require that every jm-n have a cemetery, that the same mav receive care and attention from the living. CORPORATION. ^ was resolved by the ns on last Friday that this town be at the next session of |„, ? , B i atm . 0 . Some ..rose as to the probable ,, r mai „,. linin „ |, u , every one to favor the idea, and voted. A municipal govern ment will be necessary ;\s it is in every other grow ing town, and no man can to it, unless he is an arehibt, or has so little spirit as to oppose that elevates society ami motes the public While the property will have to pay some to keep up a town govern ment, no man can object to that who has the welfare ol his town at heart. ■ EA man ought not to own property iu a town, if he objects to pay * ing his share of the taxes, ; bearing - his part . ot the* A> "' dens „ of of civil civil ' Men who own property, the ones to pay thcMp'liinflft fSLww;^o cause they receive therefroMj’ er benefit to$L er &; man owns a lot in p , h pays a small tax, he is ed by the good order preserv¬ “ Railroad ed. Tiie will in- . create the population of the town, ard the public health, the protection of society, pll demand a town governing It, and wo are glad^ to see our people favor it. HOW’S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for an\- case of Catarrh tin t cannot be cured by taking Halls Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY&CO., Proprietor., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their linn. West&Tktjax* Wholesale Toledo, O Wat.dinG, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Ohio. E. H. VanHoEsen, Cashier, Toledo National Hai.k, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in¬ ternally. acting directly upon blood and mucus surfaces ot tik system. ‘Tice 75c. per bottle, Sold by Druggists. NOTICE. Therewill bo an examination of ap¬ plicants for license to teach in the pub¬ lic schools of Builoch county.atStates boro; for white* on Wednesday, 29th, nut. and for colored teachers, on Thursday the Sftth, hist. By order of Jar. h. Hook, 8. S. C. _ This May 3rd, 1889. James S. liagin, C. 8. C. Persons who lead a life of exposure arc* subject to rheumatism, icunilvia, md lumli.ago Dr. and J. will find r m’’* v.-iln.pj'-' remedy in U. >tcL' banffh Vu ! panic Oil Liuhnent.; it will oain And subdueintiarnmati m. ft*-*'4*n.?«*-•*’r.■" iilsaUlfesSw ”v:n ^ ■ ■I ‘4f hi :.k. if Frof. Siti’ 4 -. r*!i<r‘:us <]## V. N, »• !<■=■•' the of Ky. i >*c<al oircrstei fi .-il L«xto*»M. received tli»: It Em Gold Wllh M** Jp® : E i *»», 1 , id f •-"■ It ■' World’s V of KxpdK'nion Kook-!-.■oping for 8yv af.i! I"OU ■■ -i K rnnor-l Busincn : Kdncr.tloM. i. "■ r . .. -;-i * pnenn business,TiesidesCeii- rnforto 104)00 irraiVi /i rii..; ;r; ...; ■ ■ ?: 1 ■ . of rf whtek year'I ar.p.Ntrjj in another fr< cel ■IF iaourp last CG) fitn.’ 'nts $ in the Jinsln&s, l'hw.*. 7 /UnAd, U Tj/pe- rtr m<A a hip, e nd i paring to earn a living, busine&a and to hold world. high and hcii ora -io poHiUODSi in tho There are many accidents and eases which affect Stock and serious inconvenience and ! >ss to fanner in his work which may juioklv remedied by the use of Dr. H. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment. FOB $80. JUST THINK OP IT! riMOwimmii Do you waul a S; wing M whine? $17.50 TO $30.00. Warranted Five Years! With all attachments. for illustrated Circulars of our “Singers,” “New Home,” etc. 810 TO s-;,i hived by ordering diuct from il v dcjnartcrF. Needles for my /vlachine 25 cents i dozen in stamps. Address e THE LOUISVILLE SEWIIE HACHtkE CD., NO. 520 FOURTH AVE., mm? ly Louisville, Ky. -- JPCD R AMES ENGINES VARIABLE FEED SAW MILES. COTTON PRESSES, Cotton Orlns loud Creek Grist Mills, Gin Repairs, Machinery {Supplies, &e. fa# 'Write for Catalogue and :). M. STONE, Salesman, No. 7 Wauren Blocs, iU<»USTA, GKORGLA. Many Persons AO k:'n t'.o’.ru from ovcrwntk nr hcmehold Brown’S Iron Ititlcrt he, ftids digestion, *e!n.»Te» ax* Ot liile, oud uuitM lamiatTii. G«t tliii^ur.uiae, A ► l w tv W ■ v V Statesboro, Ga., * :-VE OPENED AND wILT, CARRY IN STOCK ALL KINDS OF goods NEEDED BA the people. IH iu WCl m, Bill BOOBS, ms, Mi- TINWARE, FARMING UTENSILS, &c. We aim keep In siwk » full line of Rm.1v CLOTHING, FINE HATS stDCN. A<\ Wo .w agent* i<>r WANAMAKKR A BROWN, the wlebrutwi lothlot ■aA wt will h.ivo youv ototfies imnlo to order U' you dost it It. IV** want iur >;uuv of unit whou ">m buy come to see us, and we will make nrWs low, and endeavor to you. fc21-ly 3TATIOWESRY SSOOSS-S, PERIODICALS, &.B. THUS EMIL. HJGUSIBK 6®. will kelp on hand and for sale AT CITY PRICES EVERYTHING USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. Biteis Eoc&s, ITato Beaks, Lctiar Ciood Hovels, Scads, Tasiodicals, Paper, Legal Cap, Bavelopes, AND ALL KINDS OF READING MATTER. Ink, Writing Fens, Pencils, Slates, and All Other School Apparatus, Note Books, Receipts, Blanks of Every Kind Used by County Officials, Rubbers, Brads, And in fact any article iu this line. Remember to call around in “THE EAGLE” Office for anything you may want in the way of Reading Matter, etc, W. CL ZHTjEJID LESTON, MANAGER. in 30 I' i n ! iriiP g ■« It fy' 3 ECSB^ ; • , • pFN i rssSBi gyu: s?r‘ F L - I Wy rrmB. S k../' 2 jg mm mm A: H ■AAA.'*- MM k F r,c ; T < fells N - <r *4 G TIN WAM, WOODEN WARE, i i DIXIE BOY” PLOWS. HORSE HOES A.UNTIE CULTIVATORS. PALMER BROTHERS, g-bqs& ta . Miscella n eons. If you find pricking pains on mov ! ng the eyes, find or cannot sight bear weak bright 'Jght, and your and falling, H. McLean’s you should promptly use Eye Dr. 1. Strengthening ialve. 25 cents a box. Manufactories would pay hero in iouth Georgia. When nature falters ann requires kelp, recruit her enfeebled energies with Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strength¬ ening Cordial and Blood Purifier. $1.00 >er bottle. Lookout for cyclones this sultry weather. WHY IS IT that people linger along always com feeling? ilrtining One about that continual Be{/gs tired bottle of f Blood "nrtjlrr and Blood Maker will ntirely remove thi? feeling, give them i good appetite and regulate digestion. /or sale by M. M. Holland, druggist, •Statesboro, Ga. ja!7-ly The Eager wants to Lisa body right. Children will freely take Dr. J. II McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm; un iko cough syrups, it contains no opium will soothe and heal any disease of the hroat or lungs quicker than any other remedy. iteiioiial Jury of World’s Exposition ri 7 . !. ILttorl, Hou. J. Cftnftda. (i. Hodgint, Hon. LouisUuft. W. O. RrJ| A r: w >■ birr Mirnrertan. R«r. W. Hillman, Hon. Lyndon £vnMh, lu .nfan Bro*. School. Mua. Bee. U. S. Bureau. .ViMj Gov. J. W, Hoyt, Chairman, and Monn. Buis I'D, i iie of Educational Franco, rompostnl Kxhfmt this at disthiguinhod Worla ff Exposition jury, vs*.* the gramloHt ever made, and wurj tinder the urvlfioa of the United Ftatos Govemment. r rota. K. W. ainlVV, K. ^niith. ofUerra of he Cammcretii!CatSejtc Ky.* who received of Ky. the-GoW Univeraity* Medal ami getievttl tHpUima of Busincsa Honor for Kduratlon, Syntcni ol will Book-krcpinn &«?nd free of with ) .rp;« their h large iituMrated engraving, t"xi2f> inches, of tbifc .ftrry, circular of their Buhinjass ■ Tape- ’ollkgk, Writing, and Telegraph?/ aprcialtles etc. of tihnrt-Mcwd 13 teachers Writing, „ arc em¬ in their Institution, and 1000 student* wera endunee U’.e past vear. Addraaii. W1LUIJU fc. S.UXTH. LexiudOD, Ky. SXiaCXfM>KC*S Livery StaMe. m V F A, m IrfYlMI r® J| mi j ■■: L- Yv mMsi ■ r-fi ■■ . Horses and Mules for SALE AT ALL TIMES. Teams -will "be HIRED AT LOW RATES’ 1 will also board stock. JOHN A SMITH STATESBORO, GEO. Job Printing! LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, And Job Printing of all kinds ex¬ ecuted on short notice at the OFFICE I Patronize your county paper. City Price* duplicated. Eeal Estate! Any person who has TO SELL, And wants to find a purchaser to ADVERTISE. I will act as Agent for the sale »f Lands placed in my bands, will advertise the same, and charge a Reasonable Per Cent, selling the same. fSTIf no sale is made no ex will be incurred. Respectfully, J. A. BRANNEN, Statesboro, Ga. • m After ten years exclusive sale, can now bn obtained of all Druggists and Dealers In Medi¬ cines. It CURES-tuke notice-not simply helps but CUBES I.IVJER COMPUIST, Blllonmesa and Byspepsla. Isa strictly vegetable preparation and will CUBE Malahia, and all Malaeial troubles. “Have Dr. practiced S. H. Wise, medicine of 15 Boston, Ky. and find says : Ueheihe Diver years, Regulator.” no equal Dr. to \V. A. Baker, as of a Madison, Fla., of Hkrbwe Is worth says : “A bottle Quinine In family more ” than $3.00 worth of any Act ing on the Elver In a different way from any other medicine; It is a positive cure for Chronic Constipation and is cheaper than Pills. Its peculiar composition of is Chills such, and that Fever we guarantee to enre any case or Bilious Fever with one bottle. It costs but 75 cents and each bottle con¬ tains over 40 average doses, making Would the cost loss than two cents a dose. yon ask for cheaper medicine 9 It is not a cure-all. Bat will cure any l.iver, Bilious OP Mala, rial Complaint. Manufactured by *3?lxo Hortoirto Co., (Successors to Wm.Condell.) St. Louis, 31®. NOTICE. Upon reading, and considering ordered the within application, it is that H. I. Waters haye leave to sell a certain estray steer; color, whitd with red ears and red specks on feet; about three years old, with horns long and large for age, and unmarked. Will be sold alter giv¬ ing notice of such sale, by wrtteii advertisements at the place of hold¬ ing Justice courts in the 48th, Diet, and in The (Statesboro Eagle it* said county. This Mat the 6th, 1889, A. R. Laniek, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Bulloch County. In the Superior Court. Cora Monroe I vs. Divorce. James D. Monroe ) It appears to the court that the de-1 fendant does not reside in the county of Bulloch, and it further appears that he does not reside in the state. It is or¬ dered that the defendant do be and ap¬ pear at the next term of this court to’ answer the Plaintiff’s libel for divorce, or in default, the court will, proceed as to justice shall appertain. It is further ordered that this order be published in. the .Statesboro Eagle twice a month! for two months before next said term of this court. Api'il 22nd, 1889. James K. Hines, J. S. C. M. C. GEORGIA—Bulloch County. I, John E. C. Tillman, clerk of the Superior Court in. and for said, county, do certify that the above writ¬ ing is a true and correct copy of the re¬ cords of said Superior Court. Witness my hand and official seal this May the 15 th, 1889. J. E. C. Tillman, clerk S.C.B.C. EXECUTOR’S SALE. GEORGIA — Bulloch Co. Ry virtue of the authority on uj eon-, fered by the will of John Olliff: On the first Tuesday in JUNE next, betweon, the legal hours of sale at the Court House in said county, we will sell to the highest pidder two tracts of land longing to the estate of said John Olli* lying in said county to-wit: One tract containing N1NTY-SIX acres more or less; bounded by Kerby branch, Estate, lands, lands of Mai Akins and and one other tract containing ONE. HUNDRED AND SEY T ENTY acre* more or less bounded by Kerby branch, lands of Mrs. Lucinda Olliff, Akins and others. The line between said two tracts and land of Mai Akins, being a line beginning at a stake corner and running N. 8 W. to a stake corner. Terms. Time to November 15th, small notes and two good Purchasers pay for titles. April 30th, 1889. W. W. <fc H. I. Olliff. Executor’s of John Olliff’s will. LETTERS DISMISSION GEORGIA —Bulloch Countt. To all whom it may concern. W. N, Lee, administrator of the es¬ tate of Amos Waters, late of said county deceased, of applies to me for letters dismission from said administration, and I will pass upon his cation on the Frst Alonday in tember next at my office in States¬ boro in said county. Given under my hand and official signature, this the sixth day of Mat 1889. A. R. Lanier, Ordinary, B. C. BRIDGE NOTICE. GEORGIA—Bulloch County. Two Bridges to be repaired: On« on Black creek, on the Dublin road, better known as the Burnsid’s Bridge, said bridge about 180 feet long. Said bridge to be repaired by taking ont all unsound timbers and replacing them with good heart lum¬ ber, Said bridge to be same dimen sion as old bridge, to be well and braced, The other Bridge the on Ash the branch Dublin road, known as 70 feet in length, bridge, about or to be re same as first bridge, to be braced. Said bridges will be let out on the day of June next. Contractors be required to give good Bond Security to keep said bridges good and sale condition for the public, for the period of years from date of Bond. May 10th, 1889, A. R. LANIER. Ordinary.