The Statesboro eagle. (Statesboro, GA.) 1884-1891, May 23, 1889, Image 3

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.f.. v ^*-— -.’ 4 Thursday- ? f f t * ......May 23,1889 •».* Mrs, T. H. Potter is visit¬ ing relatiyep- in Savannah this #eek ' •• c Geo. Waters has moved in his new residence on North Street, * K* ».Y**V«* Some of our lawyers are at¬ tending Screven Superio* X Court. '' ' Mrs; F, N, Fletcher has Ijeen quite sick with typhoid rover. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lee of Nell wood' weFe in attend¬ ance at church Sunday. % 5 Rev. Mr, Smith preached an excellent sermon last Sun¬ day, in the Baptist church. Mr. John A. Smith, haa a He new boarder at his house. is a young John Smith. Mr. Francis Aldus, our Tax Qollector, with is badly crippled rheumatism,,and has to go on Crqtphes. The 4 fair sex of the town Were well represented on last Sunday at church, and the jjioys were all out with thei< Ipest girls. Mess W. A. Eewis and W. T, Smith havsijeen quite un¬ well for glad the past week, but we are to see them able to be about again. Mr* Jff!^ Strickland had a tun Week, away scrape one day last near here; fortunately he was not hnrt, but his road part was demolished. Bewarp of the tattling tongue; for one tatling tongue iu a community can do more to create strife and discord than ninety and nine just per¬ sons. The Ragle still continues jts weekly vla?m tci the limn. prous homes of the county j imparting and the good news of Jiume abroad, to its many subscribers. John A. Smith is erecting Jxis stables on West street for the purpose of doing a gener fll livery fellow business. John is a mshing and \yp predict pun success. School, aflpr a tyeek of va¬ cation, started here again last Monday, and all persons plac¬ ing the true value upon educa tiou should tqke advantage of the golden mopiepts. The Statesboro Alliance piet last Saturday for the transaction of business. Their cause is a good one, and they seem to be persistant in their efforts for its promotion. Mr. Baker Lee, of Nell wood, paid our sanctum a vis¬ it last Saturday, and report the crops very good in that section of the county, though a little backward from the Jate Spring. Some parts of the county were blessed with a good rain on last Saturday. The oat crop is now nearly made, and if we do not get one or two good rains, they will he cut off very much. Sheriff Williams, W. N. Hall, Dan Davis, and V* L. Johnson wept ' the Ogee chec on lav ^utufday fishing, and were well paid for the time so spent, as they brought back a fine lot of fish. Col. Mosley conducts his courts with dignity and good behavior; and we approve of it, because a justice court should he respected as well as othes courts, and the pre¬ siding justice should enforce good behavior. Sick headache, wind on the stomach, biliousness, nausea, are promptly and agreeably banished, .by Dr. J H, McLean’s Little Liver and Kidney fillets. 25c. a vial. . Mr. Ivy Bland, living six miles above Statesboro, died on last Thursday. He was a young man about 35 years age, and leaves a wife and several children. Mr. Bland was a hard working progres¬ sive farmar, and the death of such men is a great loss to the community in which they live. TOWN COMMITTEE. At a ipeeting of the citi¬ zens at the courthouse on last Friday night, the sanitary requirements of the town were discussed, All agre^that preserve health, sanitary measures iYcre necessary, and with that in view, the follow¬ ing gentlemen were appoint¬ ed a committee, yisj. Dr. Hol¬ land, W. N. Hall, J. A. Brannen, J. C. Jones, W. D. Davis, Wm. Huggins, T. II. Potter. In the of any town laws, the com¬ mittee of course cannot en iorce measures, but they note all nuisances that liable to effect the health the people, and where party maintaining the sance refuses tq abate it, committee can raise funds by subscription to have the done. The health of The zens is of greater •than any thing else, and noth¬ ing should he allowed to ex ist that brings disease and death, when the t ame can be prevented. A man’s private interest must yield always, for the interest of the public good. While the town is blessed with fair health, it is the duty of every citizen contribute to the public health and public welfare. a discussion at the arose as to the danger of sick¬ ness being caused, by the large pile of saw dust at Mr. saw mill. The weight opinion was that it was gerous fo the health of town, but c 3 gentlemen in the meeting rs k tne posrrion that in as much as the saw dust was there, when some of the citizens moved to the town they That ought not to complain. position however, was not sustained by any one else. The testimony of the Physi¬ cians residing in the town, is that the pile of saw dust is dangerous to the public health and the committee will ob¬ tain Mr. Davis’ permission, and have the saw dust hauled away and burned. Everybody wants Mr. Davis’ mill, which is of much value to the com¬ munity, but they don’t want the saw dust, nor do the cit¬ izens of the town want any tiling to exist that is a to the public health, and threatens themselves and fam¬ ilies with disease and death. EXCELSIOR NOTES. To the Editor of the Eagle : At this writing sadness prevails among us caused by the sudden death of one who commanded love and respect of us all. On Saturday at 10-30 P- M. young Mr. Lawson Kennel / passed quiet lv from this life to "share the realities of the great life beyond Lawson was a student of our school, and, as he was a good young man, he was a general favontein the school and community. He was a aou of Mr. Stephen Ken aedy. a worthy and respected citizen of this county. Though he died away from home he died among friends. He was interred in the vil inge cemetery late yesterday after noon. This is the first death that lias occurred in our school during its fourteen years progress, and the first student that our principal, Prof. L. W. Perdue has lost during his experience as a teacher Wc are having dry weather and it is a good time to kill grass. Crop* are backward. Some sickness in the community. Fishing is the order of the day with many of those who do little work. Coke. Are you restless at night, and ba r assed by a bad cough? Use I)r. J. H. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. It will secure you sound sleep and of feet a prompt and radical cure. NOTIC fy Application will hi Legislature 1£89 session, of for Georgif’* the Ut bijl entitled gs follows P h Bn entitled; entitled, “An act to make raf-iboW* land] an act to the and county incorporate site of BuljM tlifcn 1 o. to for other .purposes, : ;}1u I *< Decern her 1866 { exVej p4‘,^3 said act us makes county provide site of Bullock conn/ <£, i a new charter for tl^ loch, of Statesboro for the election in the couutyT^I of mayitj a council, to prescribe their nfl ami duties and for oth er This 22ml, May 1889. - 1 * Statesboro Alliance. Meets every Saturd; y' before 3rd. Sunday in eachmonth at 2 o’clock p. m. W. J.M. GRINER, Pres. JOHN F. ALDERMAN, Sec’ty. Dr. J. C .White, STATESBORO, GA., TENDERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE PUBLIC. ; IWA11 calls promptly attended to Office upstairs in Hall’s Hotel. vSS Two-wheel EUREKA SIND % Phaeton* * 1 PRICKS FOR AND THE ruMa.u . OIROULARS Bock Falls, EUREKA Carriage. Two-wbee Fxasna THE IX CO 1 THE PRIDE OF WOMAN. A clear pearly and transparent skin is always a sign of pure blood, and all persons troubled with dark, greasy, yellow or blotched skin can rest assured that their blood is opt of order. A few loses of BEGG’S BLOOD PURIFYER & Blood Maker will remove the cause and the skin will become clear and transparent. Try it, and if satisfac¬ tion is pot given it will cost you nothing. For It is fully warranted. sale bv Dr.M. M. Holland, Drug¬ gist, Statesboro, Dtp ja!7 ty m iifti if tm i FR(iS $S5, to am This Elegant Parlor Organ style 70 coutaiiiiiijj 5 oc- m tuv- s, 4 sets cf r eels, 10 slops. anil 2 kutesw*ll>. Stool Book free. For only j j ff gggBjRfc,, coupler. $53.00. V, it', Warranted rigli* end 'or left 6 H '• ltia onlvt/t-c-cssarylosenid re'ereniTs as to your re- wU epousibility from any bat*- Mbi er, postmaster, merchant or IB fft express ^tstaro-Ju agent and the Organ t -Mm sj "^C iTcTiar free to s 1 1. 1 Bo furs to iv its mo, irnd save money. Solid walnut rata-. JluiUon where this “AD ” is sco». Re elected Wr.;'or April 9, 1868. by a large majority. H. W. ALLEGER, ■’sjL^U ,: Warren County, slow Jersey, United Htatfs of AKCRir-4. Far better than harsh treatment by medicines which horribly gripe the patient and destroy the coating of the stomach. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Chill* and Fever Cure, by mild yet effec¬ tive action will cure. Sold at 50 cents a bottle. Eu \ wa f ,™ ade °" t ^ of „ \ r ! .. b °j , he 8ul e ot Adam notout f of his . head t0 t to . h . ut h;s feet ^ a “P >! led ! ra ° no , bu r ° f t n ut of f , h, ula , ° to n ’ ° » ® d« his equal,under 1 , his h arm to be pro looted and near his heart to be be t \ < < — A'; tl t w Henry Exposure to damp rough weather, getting wet, living in localities, are fa¬ vorable to the contraction of diseases of the kidneys and bladder As a preven¬ tive and for the cure of all kidney and liver trouble, use that valuable rem¬ edy, Kidney Dr. J. „II. McLean’s Liver and Balm. $1.00 per bottle. you cannot afford At this season of the year to be with¬ out a good reliable diarrhoea balsam in the house, as cramps, colic, diarrhoea ind all inflammation of the stomach and bowels are exceedingly dangerous if not attended to at once. One bottle of Bkoos’ Diarrike Balsam will do more good in cases of this kind than other medicine on earth, W e guarantee it. For sale by M. M. Hol druggist, Statesboro, Ga. jal7-ly ' i MedlomesT in A A ** . nseed Oil, Machine Oil, Varnishes end Brushes. i FAMOUS FIRE PROOF KEROSENE OIL! s regard f6r life and Property requires the use of this celebr d oil. rs, Candies, Toilet ■ Everything usually kept in a Drugstore! ! Mr. Tom Newsome, who is my clerk, will take pleasure in waiting upon customers, at any hour, day or night, —ZFxescxiptiorLs a, Specialty. buggies, vehicles, carts. 1 iV' f liii 'V ( . /*> k V. j >■ . r '..j.; ■'4 1 ifTt ig$ . £• ■■*r l 0 i r ,rt 1 BEST and CHEAPEST ON EARTH. ftO CREDIT. ★ NO AGENTS. ★ ONE PRICE ONLY. Z.005E AT TBBSB 3?BSICS:S: " Grade 2..,,,. Grade X .47.90. End Spring Busies wi+> Top, —-a x,.—ajfycial...... (50.00. Grade B.—Regular. 57.50. Grade A.............. 70.00. „ S T,:r r J'-uggles, 92.50 Extra. If top Is «u>t wanted, we deduct trout 90.50 - ' to 915.00, according to tirade. ... ROAD CARTS, $ 13 . 50 . asr- CaA’S'EB ©X BOAR© CARS AT NASHVILLE, TEXXESSEt. ‘a# We can furnish any kind of job on wiieols at covrespon<iiTig prices. V/e reefer you to -•>'» pmVr, V/e and sell vruijtid u-^il ehiolcv you to than make Bjiyinctory reference la the to it South in any and coov^iunfeationa it if .•.» its. lie , you will miss y -i tniltot: adv.inta-e of the above #Atreinely low cash prices, fcjtnti Post-oCico Order s. Jhecli With your order. - Address, THE TENNESSEE buauv oo. XASHVI F.I.E, TENS. CHURCH DIRECTORY. PRIMITIVE BAPTIST. first Sunday and Saturday before—Upper Mill Creek, H. Temples pastor; Lower Mill Creek, Jasper Wilson pastor; I.ane’s, J. I.. Smith pastor; Emeus, H. U. Wilkinson pastor; Lake, M. F. Stubbs pastor. Second Sunday and Saturday before—Bethle¬ hem, J. L. Smith pastor; Ash Branch, J. H. Smith pastor; Deloach's, H. ii. Wilkinson pas¬ tor. Third Sunday and Saturday before—Upper Black Creek, J. I.. Smith pastor; Fellowship, M. F. Stubbs pastor; Ephesus, W. M. Williams pastor. Fourth Sunday and Saturday before—Upper Lott’s Creek, J. L. Smith pastor; Lower Lott’s Creek, J. H. Smith pastor; Nevil’s, D. K. Mc Elveen pastor. METHODISf. First Sundav-Statcsboro, C. T. Clark pastor; ffarville, W. T. Rea pastor. Second Sunday—Union, at 11 a m, and Tarver- 4 p m, C. T. Clark pastor; Harmony, W. T. Rea pastor. ■ Third Sunday—Eureka, C. T. Clark pastor; Pleasant Hill. 11 o’clock, Payne’s Chapel, 4 o’clock, W. T. Bea pastor. Fourth Sunday—New Hope, C.T. Clark pastor; Trinity, W. T. Rea pastor. Fifth Sunday-Payna’s Chapel, W. T. Rae pastor. BAPTIST. Third Sunday—Statesboro, G. W. Smith pastor. Other appointments not receeived. Pastors will please notify us ol changes in ap¬ pointments. SHERIFF’S SALE GEORGIA—Rulloch County. Will be sold before the court honse door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, under and by virtue of an execution issued from the superior court of said county, in favor of Andrew J. Wil¬ son against W. H. Roberts, the fol lowing described property to wit: All that tract of land in the 1209th, district G. M. of said count*/, con¬ taining [232]gacres, two handled and thirty-two bounded by lands of J. W. Rountree, Daniel Rigdon, Jasper Deal, and others, and known as the lligdon mill tract, togather with the mill and the machinery thereon sit levied on as the property of said W, H. Roberts to satisfy said execution, having bond [the s id W* H. Roberts for titles for said land, and a deed having been filed with the clerk of the Superior court to said said land] Legal notice given to W. H. Roberts, in posession. This May 21st, 1889. S. J. Williams, Sheriff. The carpenters are kept en all the time. Lean Physicians Tar Wine nrescrihe Lung Dr. Balm; J. H. in Mc¬ it s find no trace of opium or mor¬ while its efficacy in curing or lung diseases is womlerfui. ROAD NOTICES. GEORGIA—Bulloch County. Whereas certain petitioners haae made their application to this court praying an order granting 1 the |;hp public estab¬ lishment of a change in road that leads from Dtdoach’es mill to excelsior, between the 59 and 51 mile post ou said road, the length of change about six hundred yards, and whereas commissioners ap pointed for that purpose, have re yiewid and marked out said con templaated road, and reported to me that said change.will be one much public utility and conveniecc. Now this is to cite and admonish all persons that on and after the Monday in July 1889, said new road or change will be granted if good cause is shown to the contrary. Given under my hand and sea 1 this May 18th. 1889. A. R. LANIER, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Bullach County. Whereas J. B. Cone has his application to this ccurt,praying an order granting a change in Moore road, commencing at the ford ot the branch near tlje corner of S. F. QUiffs field, and running glong the fence of said S. F. QUiffs pear¬ ly due East, to the race tract road or North street, And whereas com¬ missioners appointed for that pur¬ pose, have reviewed and marked out said contemplated change in said road, and reported to me that said road will be one of much public utility aqd copyenience. Now this is to cite and admonish all persons that on and after the 23rd, day ol Jnne 1889, said change in said road will be granted if no goop cause be shown to the contrary. Given under my hand and seal this 22nd, day of May 1889. A. R. LAN1RR, Ordinal y. NOTICE, TO DEBTORS and CREDITORS. All persons having demands against the estate of William A. Brannen, late of Bulloch County, deceased, are hereby notified to ren¬ der in their demands to the under¬ signed according to law; and all persons iudebted to said estate are required to make immediate pay ment. W. H. Brannen, Administrator W. A. Brannen. May 7th, 1889. Dry weaatoer has injured oat crop. am /•* Mr El wp-rm mm «s<; jir- teteilii. . isetwl f«rc«&#,e. NOTICE. I hereby notify all portons not t» >, trade for two certain promis&ry, notes, dated about January 14th, 1889, made pay Able November 1st, 1889, to Madison Warren for $100/ (One Hundred dollars) eaeh, with' a mortgage to follow said notes, aaj they were given for one certain, repre-j mule and said mule is hot as sented to me, and 1 will not pay said notes. This May 8th, 1889. t i J. B ‘Wallace. NOTICE. , 1 foreworn all persons from trad¬ ing for one ($50,00) fifty dollars. NOTE made payable lo»Jame8 Bar ber and dated April 25th, 1889 and. signed by me and tested by W. D, Peacock, as I refuse to pay said, { note. J. K. Lanier. This April 30th, 1889. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA—Bulloch County. Elizabeth Bowen applies for years support out of the estate of William G. Bowen dec’d, and the appraisers having made their returns, this is to cite all parties interested to show, cause witbjn thirty days f**om date or their returns will *be made the judgement of thiB' court. This May 6th, 1889 ( «- • A. 3. LANIER. Orninary. GEORGIA— Bulloch County. May Sikes has applied for yeaes support oiit, of the estate of Hamp> ton Sikes dec’d and the appraisers having made their returns, this is 1 to cite all parties interested to show the wifi f madsrtie^^fgo returns' be ment. of this court. This May 6th, 1889. A. R. LANIER, Ordinary. GEORGIA —Bulloch Countt. Martha Alderman applies for years support out of the estate th^ of Daniel Alderman deceased, ami appraisers having made their re¬ turns, this is to cite all parties in¬ terested to show cause withm thirty days from date, or the returns will be made the judgement of this court; This May 6th, 1889, A. R. LANIER. Ordinary. GEORGIA— Bulloch Couktt. Saiah E. Alderman applies for years support out of the estate o{ Jamen Alderman for herself and two minor children and the appraisers having <pade their returns, this is to cite all parties interested to show cause within thirty days from dat^ or the return will be made th^ judgement of this court. This May 6th, ’ 1889. A. R. LANIER, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Bulloch County. H. I. Waters. V8. Mitchel Williams Relies&c. James H. F risbee and William H. Rogers, that the jt appearing tyilliam to the court is defendant, Rog¬ ers ordered not a resdeqt of this state, it that the said defendant do ap¬ pear and answer the plaintifl’s declera tion, default at the next term os this court, or. in of such appearance, the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain, this it is fuither ordered that rule be published ip the States¬ boro E 4 Qtjc twice a month for two. months before said next term of thia court. April 22nd, 1889. James R. Hffies, J. g. C. M. C. GEORGIA—Bulloch County, I John E. C. Tillman, clerk of the Superior Court in and fer said county, do certify that the above writing is a true copy of the reeorcs of faid Super¬ ior court. Witness my hand ahd seal of office this May 15th. 1889. J, E. C. Tillman. Clerk S. 0. B. C, Why don’t our merchants buy more chicoens aud. eggs? IF TO UK HACK ACRES Or yon are it all is worn out, tl debili reall; fcr netting BROHrf gen-: mo# .v It will cureyewr it.^ * '