The Statesboro eagle. (Statesboro, GA.) 1884-1891, May 23, 1889, Image 4

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The iC Red Men assembled in council Brunswick, Ga., on Tuesday, and had a grand time. Cardinal Gibbons visited Atlanta, Ga., and left for his home, Baltimore, Md., on given Tuesday. During his stay he was several receptions. The Supreme Council of the Catholic Knights Tenn., of America convened There at Chatta¬ nooga, on Monday. were over one hundred delegates. The mayor of Fairborn, Ga., denies the report that he pronounced the prohi¬ bition law a failure, and declares the fault to be on the part of the officers for not enforcing the law. The trustees of Vanderbilt Universi¬ ty, Nashville, Tenn., have elected Bishop the It. K. Hargrove as the successor of late Bishop II. N. McTyeirc in the presi¬ dency of the board of trust. An accident occurred on the Buena Vista Railroad near Columbus, Ga., in which an engine was mysteriously over turned and Engineer Miller and Fireman Phillips were both very seriously hurt. Rear oT Admiral Edward 1 i a aru Donaldson uv a , United it . i States . Navy, v aged 78, died at his home in Baltimore, Md., on Monday, His physicians said that old age and livet cbmplaint Were the causes tlie Col. projected Samuel L. Reading Fowler, president Chesajieake of & Railroad apoplexy’, died suddenly Wednesday of aged 72 years. Col. Fowler owned large tracts of land in the South. Rev G W E Fisse Enisconal mis sionarv sionary, died died at at Brunswick JiruDSWick, Ga ua., on on Tuesday. Alt efforts to get Mr. tailed. Iisse to give the names of relations His trunk was searched, but no clew to his home, was found. It is thought it is Philadelphia or Baltimore. The Clark University, in Atlanta, Ga., owns 450 acres of land lying b in its im mediatc vicinity which ha 8 nevew been returned for taxation. The comptroller general has decided it is taxable property, and that the state and county #vm ' mm! bp n»id ' nn it There , f remarkable , state of , affairs „ . is a AT.’t.sSi appoint td postmastu is tl- u. *s 1 appears that the appointment is so offen sive to the people that they will not send f rr* " ,d r ?*," 'Sr* l “ “ m ‘ c ’ but they, use John’s , Hdl, a town some distance away as postoffice. bert At HawkinB, Avt|jidi>le, colored, Birminghnm look T a. AJa., sharp Fil- sr* and split his wife’s head wide open, while she lay asleep in bed.. Four or five people, sleeping in adjoining who rooms and Hawkin’s mother-in-law, was asieep in tbe same room, heard no noise and the crime was not discovered until the next morning. The crand lodue of Odd Fellows, ol North Carolina, met at Fayetteville, in the hall of Cross Creek lodge. The at leudiince Ibcludgo. ivua the lai-cat in thu histfiry o' died membeis. There are now forty-six working lodges with fifteen hundred members. The increase during the past year was the greatest on record. The monument to dead soldiers of the four German conpanies in the Confede late service in Bethany cemetery,Charles ton, 6. C., on Wednesday. The menu mint was unveiled hy ten little German tills, clad in white, while a German band played a German choral. Theded icating prayer was in German, bv Pastor Muller, and the dedication address was delivered by Senator Hampton, in wh se famous legion ° the German soldiers fought, ATnse B flw i P . G,of. instantlv Lille/, Frank Jackson at Nashville Teun. It? Bouie is a t contractor nnd unloads him car. ™ h, bird with emnloves’ Sl^e^lhViitetd wa<ns and Jackson fo gef and tlS -m ' mnimr’c ,e r. ^ i", , - v 1 '■ JaCkson . , advanced , , towards . Bogle , with . . a heavv stick S 1 in his hand fitmu, and ant the the latter latter shot i V him in ■ .v ho r forehead the pistol bait SSSf* ' tL } SSHVSlfSIZi a >e all.CO orea. the The impeachment sensation in . of Memphis Teun., is Judge J. J. DuBo,sc, since September, 1880. court/ judge of Shell,v «o«n«y .criminal The leading cause oi impeachment, that as recited m a bill m ebauciry, is DaBose was • tUfe second of James Bnzzolari m the famous duel between Bnzzolan and Gfebrgd Phelau, ,Wo. just over the Arkansas ,kj«. line, in b,. pnivi8ioiii,, [articip nionin a aiiutortver Durstlm participant from holding public office, In the criminal court of Birmingham, Ala., on Tuesday, Ben Eigy, colored, j,leaded guilty to an indictment cliarg ing him with murder in the .Meadow” first decree for the killing of J. W. a white sbly the man, la»t and January. desperate El"v is pi’ob worst most nerxro criminal in the country. About three years white ago, he murdered and robbed a womim in Cobb countv, Ga., and soon afterwards shot a policeman in At lanta, Ga., wlio was trying to arrest him for burglary. N-Wr/ai,"....... Tenn ii,., t\\? Chattanooga, ... r n with >us shops in Gtattanooga, lent)., mit a-tragic death Tuesday by taking, tluough mistake, an overdose of oil of for tansy. She had been feeling very badly seveial days, and persisted in taking a dofee of the dangerous drug. Neith. r she or fier husband knowing what amount corstituted a dose, she took two two tea-p>onsfu1, bmire from which she died within ^ in .great T l ny.. lo T fii, danger Of glV6 0n y e::trem « cases rirnlc J?-. P Uha r T ^ omen > and 3 four drops m a considered . o a dose. Dr. W,. N. Shoemaker, a prominent young physician of Birmingham, Ala., was sent to the state lunatic asylum, having become suddi-ply insane from the his use pockets of morphine with nod cocaine. He filled going the pistols and knives, and - he met on in doors streets, until chased he tvery one j | was overpow ered. While alone iu his room one night lenn., ^ -'C ~suu 3 , every si&te and ter ntory in which the order exists being represented except Montana—Supreme President Coleman, of New Orleans, presiding. The auditing day was spent in re ceivmg and ^ reports of olheers and in general discussion of matters to come before the council The rennrt of the supreme treasurer showed i receipts • , of the general purpose fund of the order fiom April 23, 1887, to and including April 25, 1889, including the balance on hand a Anril A l. r ' 23 7.. 1«S7 1 *'• t0 to he *42 131 1 he membership now numbers , 17,872, and there have been during the time 452 deaths. The northern part of. Tu?kaloosa coun ty, Ala., has for some time been over run with illicit distillers. It is a wild, rough country, along the Warrior river, and with their stuls concealed in the caves, the moonshiners have defied the law, and it has been a long time since a revenue officer ventured in that locality. Made bolder by their success, the moon shiners have recently become a terror to the law-abiding citizens of the comma njty. Thnrsdav f “ursday about about fifty fiftv of of the the best best ntizens of that locality held amass meeting and adopted resolutions, and then a vigilance committee was drga the stills ‘?. a ^‘ and h capturing n e o , 0 ® C f, r8 the moonshiners, break , in 8 “l’ The largest crowd that ever gathered m Mount Olivet cemetery, Nashville, J enn., was attracted there Thursday by the ceremonies incident to the unveilhng of the beautiful monument erected over the ronffid Contedcrate „ rftt „ dead, (1pild Thp lbe f Confcdeiatc . nnfpHpra t P Monumental association was organized about two yrars ago for the avowed pur pose of erecting this monument, and it was unveiled in the presence of about thousand people Hon. William G. P. Breckcn-idge, of Kentucky, made J® ” j 18 of ‘ be **y tCt The SI } U ’ base ir( '’ and of the 18 composed 1 h of >f f four die, blocks ofdifferent f s zes. cu comes a, on which the shaft rests. Ihe shaft, is surmounted by the figure fS of a Confederate soldier of white rar „ ln ., r i,i ( , Tb :_ w im ..„ p „ r ., p ,j : n j“». ™ d —u po„nd., The statue is nine feet high, and stands on a granite } pedestal j and with overcoat .... , br v nil gun is grounded. The soldier wears a soft felt hat, well thrown back, and tbe countenance and general apipearance of around =»«tue the is that, of a typical soldier. erate flag, snaui» showing ilie - pt p'‘rj thirteen the Confed s..., - The whole monument stands forty-five feet - BEGGED IN VAIN. Lee „ C arson, alias Charue Armstrong, , colored, was hanged at Shelby, N. C.,on Monday for burglary. Sometime AwCV”. S everything she had. In November the twouneu were arrested for the murder of James I hilbeek, and the goods stolen 1f ®£J n th " ir * ( aunay confessed . to the “^rder , and was takerifrom the county J HI1 on ' h0 “’g ht of December 1st and Armstrong remained in jail " BU1 February ~3d, when he escaped, re-arrested April 12, uuring the 6I “ing of llu; court, tried, convicted and sentenced to be hanged for burglary, Ihe piDoner slept remarkably well and » w ° k e early Monday, ate heartily a break i» 9t °t heetsteak, eggs and Biscuits, and drank two cups of coffee. As soon as br cakfast was over, he was given a bath 1118 Ritual spiritual ^vTs^w^ adviser was admitted and sta - Vtl1 ov ' r **“ h « ! ‘ r - Kev. J. E. Harbe S0I \ conducted religious exercises, nfter th * for nearly an hour. He said , lie had be gun in crime by stealing a quarter A from hi a mother. Fiom .u- this i he descended , , in . deeper , i crime, hut lie had never committed lnm d , r . H e had stolen from a number two f b ? freight 4 ", ” trams d on the fi«t Charlotte, Col- i»,o umbia & Augusta R. It.,and had set fire to several buildings. He did not think he ought to be huflir for what he did ntp and not to drinking whiskey. He knelt In prayer and prayed for five minutes. As the sheriff began pinioning bis arms he fainted, caused by. great excitement nnd intense r,:So“°ssajssrt heat lli> miii-k-lr a his life, and after the props had been removed he called the sheriff to him again and begged him to- release him. The sheriff told him he nothing, and Armstrong asked time,to repeat the J ,,nl? j0 . r d’ bed. 8 Prayer. he said, When “Lord* the Jesus, prayer have was m8rc y,” a, id at 11:81 the platform was wit hdrir x *i and his body fell four feet " H * lU:k ----—— & 18 QUIT ED. - ..A. * number , of prairie achooner# the Oklahoma country returned to gettlera. Judging by reports that siderable exodus ^ from f thn^Obi h a b Con 00uht nr ’’’ _ __: ____ CLEVELAND’*? <-.ut.vtt.ANU S wdmp HOME. Ex-Prcsideut Cleveland has lease.) wS the house of Hcmy G. jrarnuaml Vlic known banker, 816 MaJi-on avenue New York, for tw o years, with theprv- ^ime ilege of purchasing H at any prior to the expiration of tho lease. Tho P r >cc of the property is said to be $100. 000. —*--— . QUEER WEATHER. ---- Specials and from Dakota various gives points in Minne iota accounts of a heavy rsin and snowfall Wednesday. Iu many plates the ground was parched, and the streets and roads are like ashes, aud crops h ive suffered, but the recent rainfall will aid in saving the crops. but ThekvmptoJ advancmTOo -t frOVenJihent 4 \|/ an in different individui ,£>3} *%» 4 vf , , tienfc pi ce nts a fl bby, tilou ..W L, faJEf ryingin degree from slight uf faoe to distend to an accumulation the who body and the to fltjly oai, , r e respiration^*^? rious embarrasimcut to 'j common aecompaniimnt. 'iheurneij r in color, quantity, exhibits is often of dark, chemical smoky“C ®?#s and to albnmdp, r< P^nce of a largo amount of while under the microscope blood corpuscles imd casts fire found. Very often dimnsss of vsi;n, due to a morbid condition of the re:ina of the eye, and a so hypertrophy of the hea t, leaning to JJJJJ apoplexy, a.e accompaniments of the dis T hero ai;e several forms of the ma’a ly, but their common prominent characteristic is the presence of albuti.en in the urine, and Bo¬ < I uf ‘ nt ^ 8 1 lso the co-exwtence of drop* ..These Disease, liichard were til'st tie.cribed physician, in 1827 l>y first I)r. investigated Bright, an English there is who de them. Som.times a f h Timpau?ng ^ sufficiently gan so that the urea is not *epa rated from the blood. The flow of the hood, * hcn charged wiih ibis urea, is retarded through the minute vessels, congestion ensues, and exudation of albumen and fibrin is the ic- 8U t. The disease is often accompanied by fluently eruptions associate on the skin, with as boils, enlargement ete., and <>f is fie- the i '‘t^ causes of th s tenible ma'ady are, indui frencs in too much ice-wa er as a beverage, strong drink, high living, indigestion, expo ° ment3> diseases, like a erysipelas, , a complicaifon diphtheria, of certain and acme daily scarlet fever (of which it At eiflK. is one .he most frequent and serious after atheist, d.s eases of bones and other scrofulous affections, The kidneys being th j most importuno $xore tory organs of the body, their derangement-may speedily desiroy life removal J of the XSltontc^Mflyinvolves rectification of other seeretionsaud causes, the bffiod increase in number of is itTo^reTuf^b vanced stages, when the Wood secret.<£,or has poisoned the ner fluids ve<enires, and .es.oriug the healthy speedily ihe congestion of the brain. It arrests the in flammatory action, whicU “ The marked by an increased -.mount of untie. album, n disappears, the ssressai tssxir^s^ssi those who are afflicted with it are eitinr con stamlv growing better or worse. How import ant, therefore, ihat this trrribledisease be taken Si“*—“* —*«*«• * k ““» The Co-operative Era. [From the Hamilton, Ga., Journal.] Co-operation is the business watch „ £ ij, ’ J'J'fe n/ live in. The news- ^ ,1 Upncfii-.d i P ««~ "£n .’'Tiltation l e8i8 > ai * .“Jlr l ' .. XLt1 n e -, ,t,„ . ‘ ^ a J,Com FI'. f ‘ ' U- Tt . 3 a * ™ U 1 i!Jii*t'v ^iiiou **tD■ klr° V ^ a ofm]u7ccas?ix 1 up A7,,U. 11,S ei.^S BtephcuBon ini i.lcd revolution in the world’s traffic and travel. The magic wand of co-operation is the golden ciown of all. What thenews associations hav edone for the daily press, the various ready print concerns have done for the ke.'kly press. Where twenty yenrs agd were two score sickly newspapers in the cm pire state of the south, there are now nearly two hundred and fifty thrifty local newspapers. The Jottknal to day presents a sheet fresh with telegraphic news not two days older than its latest local mention, together with a mass of other miscellaneous matter, the cost of which, if gotten up solely for its own use, would take its revenues for a half IT' file. The Co-ope«tion excellent sheets only makes used it by posd- the JoCRNAl. are furnished by the AtlanU Newspaper Union. They have the latest neW9 ^ to ‘? C h ™ ot *5 press and for excellence of punt and general P char seter of contents are not to be excelled. „ , Growth u or the Postal Service ”• T “ . * ■ 8 esUmated .. . . at . the .. Post , Offioe __ De- ^ P^tment that the deficiency m the rev enues ot the postal service of the fiscal d^d will bo about 84,000, Jtsl '^ S ^“ e 0w,n %% was «. ^ ' so “ * he e ' \hl oos/nf 7 T increased increased at at suoli suon a a ra*e la.e that that the the cost of % quantity 7 of matter that instaVs dailv comes The pouring in. In some newspapers are not sent to the post office at all, but are weighed and stamp ed at the office of publication by some one authorized to do the work, and the bags arc sent directly to the railroad depots. If this were not done, it is stated that some of tho largo post offices would be overwhelmed, and that it would be impossible to handle the mat tf r "with any dispatch or accuracy, It is *} t* lou le statistics ? h / h J tbe for the year otSo ° just otBaiala ended that will ? how a in the number of ^he annual ratio of increase in the present rate continues, in a few vears the United States will stand ut tho head as writing more letters per capita than any otjior nation. The bulk of mail matter, or the number of pieces handled by the United States Postal ^tvice is nmv greater than any other country, but this is mainly due to the < j lrc '’ 1 ' lt,on of tbo ™**P*per»- Colors From Coal-Tar. Coal-tar, formerly a troublesome waste of tbe gas industry, affords us ab .ut sixteen distinct yellow co^ra, about twelve oranges, more than thirty reds, about sixteen blues, seven greens, nine violets, and a nymber of browns and blacks, besides mixtures of several c. in¬ pound?,, rumber producing shades nod an almost color, infinite of topes of J B. B. B. P, Sn j 1 all M - Leeman, rapid erne May body. or 7,1888, oabbunolu. Less writes: than “I had tnlt >, over my one Mb -of B. B. B. caused them all to disappear, - have not been both, red since.” Jp. aSTSSSS,™” “In April would n. and writer. burn, the morning .robbed my eyes <: and if would inflame »fire.” *yll np. Two bottles of B. B. B. made a * a quick hkslth beneweb. ffttliam R Talley, Neals’ Landing, Fla., fcfChb .> ea: “Four bottles of B. B. B. healed up feme ne^waa^.^ aTl meJ' & is good and eat agrees wit h AM*™ , HEA , T „ msEEWa. ,. Hrst nYF ,, . Shepherd, Norfolk, Va., August 10, . o»s: “I depend on B. B. B. for the Jma of my health. I have had it in my SWe .JJto.'newly- iyt had to two have years, doctor.” and in all that tune a . Vie became bald. T tit.nunnRiilinrait soii™ Mica . < B ad J d ' bod ( wa , c , n ,Jd J & ^T 8 ‘Zd my came ou but B bealed me quickly. 5 ' . ~ One Still Unaccounted For. Warde tells a good story. It is, I suppose, a chestnut. I never heard a theatrical story that was not. What proves it to lie nn old one is that Warde names the place at which it occured. He w»s playing will Virginius in some small place. Claudius’ You client, remember does that Appius who the dirty work, comes on in the last act, has a few words with Appius Claudius in prison, and then goes off. That is the last that is seen of him in the play. When the curtain fell on this performance of “Virginius” in this small place Warde retired to his dressing room and pro¬ ceeded to become the Frederick Warde of every-day life. The manager camo in. “Mr. Warde, the audience has not gone.” “Well, r The play I can’t help that. is done. There isn’t any more of it in the book.” “But they don’t go.” “Turn down the footlights.” “No use. They won’t stir. Won’t you go and speak to them ?” “What! Go and tell them the play’s over? Egad—I will! That will be a funny Warde experience.” stepped in front of the curtain; tlipro the audience sat quite still. “Ladies and gentlemen, the play is over. Virginia is dead; Dentatus is dead.” dead; I am dead; Appius Claudius is Just then a voice Bang out from the gallery: “What did do with that other ?” you son of a gun She Loved Him. - A Newport clergyman tells this of s receut marriage whioli he performed: “The parties well were foreigners, both good looking and dressed and appearing. The groom presented his license, and this being correct in all particulars the clergyman began to read the service. occasion, The groom but was Wittingly the face solemn of for bride the on the Kfore-the a Bn ? ile which broke into laughter ceremony was half completed, W. ttrt neeessaiy. Ho looked at Ins bride help ^^nd’not a woiS‘ Forturru^ o“ iSish nr what you sain ’ She feme. 1 But I tiaksholuv meall tho The ceremonv * was completed”_ 1 Worcester W Sp ^ ----- A bogTOcorpse is used to deceive the char --I___ Instead of feeling tired and worn out, in miserable and good-for-nothing you have only yourself to blame, for Brown s Iron Bitters ripUpsiaf kidney, lung Indigeiuri! and heart affections. malari^'weiknesa Try it if ties. experianc^ q active The anarchists distribut of inflammaiory « hlc^DL. are placards. very ng ---- ' bI p^ re fo '? pUept, ° _ . named disease which I warrant to cure the worst cases. I wUl Bo send stronsismyfalth flee sample bottle iji ttsvir- and tucs tliat a valuable treatise to any sufferer who will give me his P 0 and Express address, Resp’y, * H ' U ‘ R00T> M ‘ C ’ 1SJ Pearl St " New ork ’ «.«... „ ployed is gencraily happy. If you are not persons Main St., to Richmond, write to B. F. Johnson M Co., 1009 Va., and they can show » can be hap P l,y and p ------- A Posert paTffin Wl ffl'toSw few’cents UvS^antlfcf-heXhe enough when a relievo will distress buy Hamburg, Fim to your at once and ef ©*aa,i!«s«ev* the Nothing pain and so completely suffering robs confinement of ot i lie Mother’s Friend. attending it as the use Sold by druggists. Best, easiest to use, and cheapest, Piso’s Remedy fori atarrh. By Dr gRists, 50c. If afflicted wtlli sore eyes use Dr. Tsaac Tliomf soli'* Kve-water. Druggists soil at 25c.pcrhot,i|e U l V1^ f*i | The Chief Reason for the marvellous »uc eats ot Hood’s Sarsaparilla is found in the fact that this medicine actually accomplishes all that is claimed for it. Its real jperit has: won Merit Winsr^7V'‘."“;‘ greater than that ot any other blood porlfiar. It cores Scrofula, all Humors, Dyspepsia, etc. Prepared only by C. I. Hood * Ce., LowsU, Mesa Ve I \ h) i «fj 3 \W“ - ■ •* .J '.T8 m i 41 iF^ f* 3 $ ■W. c zr ; 0 > 1 it ,/f u tv >. l.i. & V \ Vs r=5s * v I ASLEEP ON THE RAILROAD TRACK. A little child, tired of play, had pillowed his head on a rail and fallen asleep. and saved The him traiu was almost upon him when a passing stranger rushed forward from a horrible death. Perhaps you are asleep on the track, too. You are, if you are neglecting the hacking cough, the hectic Hush, the loss of appetite and growing weakness aud lassitude, which have iinconspioii?ly crept upon you. Wake up, or the train b ill be upon you ! Consumption, which thus inslduously fastens its hold upon its victims while they are unconscious of Its approach, must be taken in time, if it is to be overcome. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery has cured thousands of cases of this most fatal of maladies. If taken in time, and given a fair trial, it will cure, OF all money paid for it Trill be promptly refunded. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asth ffia, Severe Coughs, and kindred ?flections, it is an efficient remedy. Copyright, 1888. by Woiu.o’8 DiSpehsarv MkdIcai. Association, Proprietors.. M , gT f°r an incurable case ^ of Wa I: proprieS’IjfDR. SAGE’S CATARRH REMEDvf My / JMBeitr RISC* SimmirperuSSt • or OATASSB.—Headache, b8ff°m^ w “ t ^ obstruct^fe y and ac H< of nose, others, discharges thick; tenacious, falling W 1 M^ctbratoJ^’olpmsiVe^nwftor^bH^S d ’ difficulty offensive; of smell clearing throat, ## these, nnd taste impaired, and general:debility. Only a few of “ ■ - in consumption, symptoms android likely to in bo the present at once. Thousands of cases result in ^ ! grave. «. CUTM^thfl worst ccBcs. ?)n?y wnte. ° Sold by The Co-operative Era. (From .. the Hamilton, Ga., Journal.] Co-operation h the businesi watch word of the age wo live in. The news paper, the pioneer of all progress, ’ - a i been benefited no less by co-operation than other institutions of iho age. Com pare tbe weekly paper of to-day with the isas^m*h paper of tea or twenty years ago. It an improvement ipdn its forc runner as the mighty mogul that draws its train of palace cars sixty miles an hour, is upon t.he little engine with which i»i h"dIIS rcvoluti.u h HKSSSi#ttef fcLauu ,. „,o golden crown of all. What the news associations have done for the daily press, the various readv print-concerns Where have done fqr. the we kly P retB sepresickly - twenty years ago were two newspapers in the cm pire state of the south, there are now nearly tw0 hundred and fifty thrifty local newspapers. The Journal to-day presents a sheet fresh with telegraphic news mention, not two days older than its latest local together with a mass of other miscellaneous matter, ths cost o! which, would if gotten up solely for its own use, take its revenues for a half y ble. tar ' The Co-operation only makes it possi excellent sheets used bv the Jouiikal arefurnished by the Atlanta Newspaper Union. They have tho late st news by wire up to toe hour of going to press aud for excellence of pi int and general character of content, are not to be excelled. Kates of the Pnlse-Beat. 150 >».* —>« minute; at «• old, m. .110; m a one year «t two 75; from seven to fourteen, 85; in tlie adult, man 72; and in a woman, «o Frcbufcncv of the Zt mils'-be w^r it c"t", is in diminishing by drinking these cold. Adding 'be a warm covering to the clothing body increases the pulse by about ten beats a minute. Metal activity dimin iahps it in,-re or less mill E Sold by all druggists. Information furnlsbed. (Limlled), YOJtlk. E»S6ir.:-a«*srtft IASTHSV 3 A CURED! i: iGcrman \mtdia.!* T.MeJ'in Asthma the worst Clnre c#Be«,ii>«ure« never/ai5rto(nve comfort- .iv-0 jf able sleep; cIfoctacnren where u.l o-.bere 50c. fall a”'1SL A & 4 I trial ennvina th» most slerptieal. Price I s» 1 .GO,of Prugjrlettior Dn.Tl. 8C111FFMAN. by maU. Sampio Paul. FREE B Ifonump, 8L Mhin . w n f TH Blo,„g«l. ■ ■form.tion. Aeeomp.nywith MOHAWK DETSOTIVK sUmp for fuh EH- in Address, WicbKa, S9 JKBAV, Heslquirioi. Iaoiiooh, UfCCFi WECnLI Y f Renresciitaticos WANTED. sight. Household ■ GOODS neoesslry. NEW and sell on Elite No canvass! itg. Mfe:. Co„ Pullman Bldg., Chicago, yf-----—’e ( elirgr. 4,17 Main St., llnernlo. N. Y Blair’s Oval Box, Piils.'C^rr 04 1 round 14 Fills. PEERLESS DYES Are tho BEST. SoLDByDEieoisTA la 1SE31 contracted Blood Poison of bad typo, and was treated with mercury, raixturca.growing. potash and all sarsaparilla tho time. worse 1 took 7 small bottles S. S S. which cured me entirely, and no sign of tho dreadful disease has returned. J. e. NANCE, Jau. 10, ’89. Ilobbyvillo, lad. to 5Ty such littlebnieco had white she swelling an extent that was con¬ fined to the bed for a long time. More then SiO picces of bono camo out of her leg, and the doctors said amputation her lilc. was I refused the only tho remedy operation to save and put her on S.S.S. and slie is now u p a:, d active and in as good health as any child. Hiss Annie Gei:si.ino. Feb. 11, ’£9. Columbus, Ga. Bock on Blood Diseases sent free. Swift Specific Co. Drawer 8, Atlanta, Ga. IF TOC WTRH A n keCter pnrcbcce one of the, WlfesoK cfilct- * bra toil AM1TH k &rms. ntanufactured Tha finest fil. ail ajad aims the // l\ )] w ever first uhoic© of all experts. _ Manufactured in calibres 32, as and 44-100. Sin trie or double action. Sa fety UaramerieFS and Target models. Constructed entirely ot bent ouaU ity wroagbt and steel, carefully inspected ferwork ciansn:p durnbiliry s.ock, n«t they are unrivaled Do for t!ni-h, n aocuirev, not be deceived bv cheap often maileabte sold for enst-iron imirations which S54oorS5 ft'e U ftbl0 the genuine aiticie and are not WESSON e i’ bm d a*Urerou8, The SMITH to Revolvers are ail Htarcpcd upon the tar relB with firm s name, address and dates of patent* and are t«inrauf«pd perfect in every detail. In slat upon navin^ tho genuine article, and if tout oealer cannot supply you an order in-nt to aiidrea* heiow will receive prompt end careful attention. pUeaton. Descrptire catalogue f and prices furnished upon an S ITH & WESSON, ^-Mention this paper. Sprinefield, Mas..' MOTHERS’ FMENIi BsCHIlD BlRTHwsr IF USED BEFqR^E_CONFINEMENT. Boos to '‘JIotheiis-’ MaidedcFree. BKAIli’lELP KEGl I.ATOlt CO., ATLANTAJCIA, Bold bv all DiiLGofSis. Rood Carts! OR EVERYTHING WHEELS. 10 per cent, cheaper Buggies! than anybody. arDon-t boy bsfora g-. tting om- onecs :ud c*t* lo«uee. THE UEO. VV. r-T(M KM,L CO.. Nsme th s psper. SASUV.LLE. TEN** Sf 60 SAW FARMERS MILL. lf«; Fluiera. Also Hzge ’9 Improved • J 1 tr< iilttr rUiil ILM () d' W a t-h Universal 1 o< Deain Recti- - 63 . linear Simulta- • ►■A neons Sc-t Work lured by the Salem Iron Works, Salem, N. C. Write for circul ar. JONES Ti n g PAYS S THE FREIGHT. mu T n VViigon ."‘■coles, \ Iron Levers, fetoe! heariujrs, 1 rasa Taie litotn aud beam Lvx for - $ 'dkhwwt. Evcrv n\r*i , Scule. SCO. \ U For t ree price list »wnt;on thin pap^r and addreea JOtSEi Of RIKGHAMT0N, ^ II1NGIIAMTO >, N. V. ' pONSUiPTIOfl l Gave a poMitixo rofn> s ilv for tin.* Above bv it** me IhouAMida of cash* of Um v orst k im! and of Ion . r ftiamttiur hav* been cured. So strong i«« my faith in itx e>n> a;:y that bott ** ’wo, togothur with a valwuWe ia 1 vysreiriCV ^/AbHidGTUi! b'OJ.K tV l»HEUL|i» MOtfiAtl-Ji! I'ropi’ietore, BUKKAll, i 1 1 N. W., \Vuiibl||toii, IJ. C*. General inforraa ion furnished. Uoirot-pondrno'T EoUcdietl. j Orators rumplion for clear. say Plso-s keeping 28 cents. is Cure THE (Uo for BEST voice Con MS Lines S 8 not ’> day. nnder Haraplm horse’s ivuvt.i fee:. «•/. 1,5 |.-, cc. sl. - S .t-iv Itcin dert'...,llelly,Mich. Write ltr< w- 1 tin ' j s-CSFiiRg&la. M fl° .4 rs preseribe BlS 6 and the fully only on. /£>§&Tepeciflc & ? forthecertain »s . :PP tjl : Mrs only *y the Wo have sold Big G for 1 l&^lMClIiiaittlOfctaany years and ot It satis- hni tii^QlilKisiltl.OO. ' $*3^ O tto- Jrm 1>- DYCHE & CO.. ; Bold by Druggiata I a. N. U..... *r..... ........Twenty, ’89 •