The Statesboro eagle. (Statesboro, GA.) 1884-1891, August 22, 1889, Image 3

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Thursday ........August 22,1S89. Give us your job work. Cotton it* cracking open now. Cool weather is beginning to approach. The branches are on a boom in this section. Sol Akins has recently had his house painted. Mr. Charlton Gay has six¬ ty acres in black seed. Mr F. M. Hendrix is going to Oklahoma this fall. Henry Dukes is now a ty¬ po in the Eagle office. Mr. J. L. Brown is on a visit to Iric. Dr. J. B. Cone has begun Work on his new residence. The potato crop will be a good oiie from present pros¬ pects. Megs Smith & Turner have begun to enlarge their tetore. Mr. Wayne Parish, of Nell Wood, gave us a pleasant call last Tuesday. Mr. Harmon Davis from Worth county is visiting in the county. There was a big yesterday at Mr. Jim bn Black creek. Prospectors still to come to our borders in Search of homes, Mr. James Bennett, Harville, has the biggisi horse ih the cotinty. Sdn Fletcher has nine of sea island, that good ^ay. will make six bales. Some ot our subscribers oc¬ casionally to give us feed the Eagle on. Mr. James G. Branfien has one of the prettiest places in the 1209tb district. , Rev. J. A. Scarboro, of the Central Georgia Baptist, vis¬ ited the county Capital last week. > Mess C. R. Davis and W. H. McLean, attended the Al¬ liance convention at Ma n on on Tuesday. , The Weather is a little more favorable for fodder pulling, .and,otif farmers are taking advantage of it. « W. B. Brannen, Savannah, Ga. will sell your produce at the best prices obtainable, and solicits your shipments. Dr. J.JU Hiers, of Excel¬ in sior, his has a full line ofdrugs&c, store, and our readers in that community, will do well to give him their trade. , There are several confed¬ erate soldiers in .this county, •who receive a pension from fhe state, by reason of having been permanantly disabled in the war. \ Mr. M. F. Hagms, Cone and Tlios. Thorne tended the Agricultural vention at Cedartovvn last week.andexpress ed. highly 1 The public roads have been badly washed by the recent heavy rains. , A new systerfi of road working is demanded, or travel will be almost irnpos sible. , kan’ rr w i M tj il, i,_ f dU -mi &c e, ' P a,Hl a , . Kk!.l under the direction v.^^ffiwd, Mi'*' on Ut eon ni of ‘ ■kl‘1 his. practice re ' ■' JBG ..twl jinontion Jlunt oil, - x ,. close out Lis MASONIC NOTICE. All members of Ogeeehee Lodge F. A. M. are especially requested and summoned to be at the communication of this Lodge on Saturday Sept. 7th, at ten o'clock—Business of great importance is to be attended to on that day. T. H. Potter, W. M. D. R. Groover, Sec’ty pro tern Miss Annie Sanders of Syl vania who has been visiting friends and relatives in this county, spent last Saturday night in our village with Mis 3 Maggie Lee, and we learn, was much pleased with our lit¬ tle town. •J. G. Jones, Esq., of Ex eeisior attended a meeting the State Alliance Exchange, at Macon on Monday. The Alliance will soon bay heavy goods by.the ear load, and will be a Mr. Henry Hodges has purchased the stock of Drugs &c. from Dr. Holland, and will devote his time to the business. Mr. Hodges is a clever gentleman, and will make a good druggist. Rev. G. W. Smith, who has been the pastor of the Baptist church in this place for the past two years, ed his farewell sermon to a L’g e congregation last Sun¬ day, and there was an aneet ing parting between the pas¬ tor and members of his Mess. Mock & have an advertisement in Eaglc. They prepare stimes, and monuments, in best designs, and good work¬ manship. They are home men, good workmen and serve the support of our ple. Mr. Aueii Alderman Laston, is now 45 years old, and never sued any one, or been sued by any one, and never bought a pound of ba¬ con, or a bushel of corn, but has sold lots of it. Pity that more of oiir farmers could not say thi?*. EXCURSION. Incre wil! be a big excursicn to T v bee island on Sept. 1st. Cars furnished by the Central R. R., will k ;ve Foy’s slid at 7 o’clock on that •Joy No charge over toy's road, an i round trip from Rocky Ford will be $ 1,50 F. M. Hendrix. Will our friends in different sections of the couuty send us the names and ages of all persons, who are over seventy years ol age. We want to publish their names if they be obtained. One of our subscribers says he not only takes the Eagle fur the g-ood, sound reading matter there is in it, but also to least his eyes upon the pretty pictures presented upon its pages. You are right rny brother. Look! Read! and reflect upon the wise counch contained therein and be ben efitted them. DEATH OF MR. REMER BARNES. Mr. Remer Barnes died o a I’uesday evening, after cs ! ( >ng and patient suffering. For two or three years he has been afflicted with cancer, and every thing possible, ! vvas done to ch t' ck its course, of tio avail. He gradually nl itil death came to his rolie f- He expressed himself vvii fl»g to die, that he might !) u free from pain and suffer needs and comforted hm in W ? W«e hour. He leav, e a i Th ^ °‘ father and husband, soifi: ica es; soifi: ivus': 'Vhy tl.» you MUln with them when "" vi; " - Eye (,ii|iii.l prl.-e milt j:, , „,;i . Ill, ;i u)i,,;. Lai-liiy For 7 Bliteh »alc, Jones at whoJwale mul retail, by & Go., Statesboro. Dr. J.C.Whit STATESBORO, GA., Jpff"*AU calls promptly attends BRAG DOTS. To the Fklitor of the Ehgle: I Farmers are now buisv pulling f saving fodder throughout i neighborhood, The next big I the will gins be cotton and paying picking, off hauling] debts,] should be. j ly Mr. thrown Geo. from M. Drew, from who log accide] a few days ago and badly hurt hauling logs, is now fast Mess Win. Lee, Mint Waters, M. McElveen, Jack Waters and oth¬ ers, killed five foxes, one and a polecat a few days ago, they said it was not a very day for hunting either. Mrs. C. D. Lee and her moter has been up on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. James Lee, have returned their home, in Savannah. Mr. James E Rodgers has nicj; improvments on his house August 16th, 1889. HOME INDULTIES. Why will our people pal ronize outside, rather thal home industries? 80 long a and we do so, we wil remain poo] can never advance 1 wealth. We should make j a point to always assist honj enterprise, and when we bui \ let it be from a home concer The shrewd yankee, and th jew, have almost gobbled q all the money, in this countrj and it is simply because 01 people giye them their monel instead of spending it at honi If we can buy an article 1 cheap and as good at horn doit. as elsewhere, When it is our help duty yoj j you yoursej neighbor you help and when we buy, let us bl a home article. ECHOES FROM HAR VfLLE. Fodder pulling is about over, and the white locks in the field admonish us, that ift -thft next thing in order. The crops are very good, down here, and I think the Bay district is solid for another year. We had a rousing court here last Saturday; Judges Hughes and Donaldson pre¬ siding. Several cases were tried, and several lawyers were on hand to show their smartness, and all made speeches,to-wit: Cols. Shock ley, Groover, Brannen, and Samuel Harville, and in ad¬ dition Lt. Colonel Samp Lee. Samp was a brilliant cross questioner, and I expected to see him laid out in Sullivan style. Mr Steve Akins’ has a smart boy, mule, and dog. His son can monnt the mule, and the dog jumps on behind. The Eagle is getting more down this way all time. NOTTOF v I will be at my office in Statesboro the first two weeks' in each month. J. B. Cone, D. 1). S. Bliteh, Jones & (Jo, keep on hard a full! line ui’ coffins, of t very size, at low prices. Also other burial fixtures. J THE SNUFF HABIT. Twcniv-fi vc years ago the use of snuff was unknown in this see:ion of Georgia. At that time, the oiu lad’eg who used tobacco at all, only smoked, and joung ladies knew nothing, of tobacco. Snuff was only Used to make pouhiees, in c;im> ot spider bites and such like. T.iere ladies was no such th’.ng its young with besmearing her mouth the stuff', Even ten ago, but very little was used in the wire The metchunts who] it in stock, sold it on pis; it was dead stock, it is a staple article of lid every store keeper [hand a snpply of it. any other useless hab p on the increase. In anection, we ebserved, pn informed that the i of north *»nd middle k are more ad'T <d to ►it than those \>i •..■nth (a. Tji some <d the J vmteri) state?*, we have. formed that young la H U Ul'l! march On into u to -l ,1 Stott j 1 for it, and dipping open right] the j go to HP He ,),., miln „. . ITKll. ' T Ill n th Paction it is different; se who use it, do so on the ® «V, and never let strangers ca fcch them at it, while in some ca 'ses, wives use it for years, "Hknowu to their husbands. Ss mostly used to dip which is then stuck in Sth. This method is [be said dangerous, have died as in a is to hatn some time ag. , e accumulation of S. the stomach. We bggest to the ladies i would be better to iie weed, instead of lit with a stick. CELSIOR NEWS. lltor of the Eagle : tners have about done pul sr, and the respite till cot ig will be short, ns have been heavy and during fodder pulling har* BgtajS2»relalives ||ia 3T .Htjers has just returned front in South Carolina. Rev. Mr. Hiers, rcturn with hint, and gave nr. an inter ■^HH'tnon H last flight. arrested W. : W man was at Hp ||.: >'wlg Oftif's religious store Wednesday, services E for RHPHRapel. at t in Tattnall count}', brought jast Sunday. May all subtil, be to justice. Mess R. Franklin and J. G. Jones a ve visiting Savannah this weeft. The idle time intervening between mdder pulling and cotton picking S l ves a good Opportunity for work ■% the roads, which need it very Htlly since Ute heavy rains. It the wmwt's would manage well in this Batter of road working, and carry 0 (it the laws now in our statute books, we would ha”e good roads, and thus work at le sure times; no one would miss the time ted for the public good. But we have been negligent, and on account theieof, islalure certain parties in our leg are em!ea\ otiring to have an immense burden of road tax ad 'led to the immense weight <1 tax that is now, more than we can pay. Now cannot our people do their prorata of work necessary to give us good roads, to pay out in JHisb, three dollai-s, besides an ad¬ ditional advalorini? And is it not foolishness to enact new laws, just because efficient old bnes Are not enforced ? What assurance have w-t that the new law, if enacted wi'l be enforced, and give us bettet roads?. We know we will have to pay tax or have our property sold, but who will get the money; the man who makes good public roads for us and thus merits it, cr he who promises to repair the road 3 and keep them in order, and does,not do it? Our law provides that the pub¬ lic bridges shall be built and kept in good order at the public expense. We are forced, to pay the money] but necessaiy still, to defray this expense, in many instances we risk 011 r ^ res ' n driving across the bridges that we have thus paid to one to build and keep i a good er Ulease speak out against this new law in behalf bf Bulloch • 16th, 1889. Cok k. STORE. I now offer to my friends, and tho public ally, a full and complete of the best and purest Di ngs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Per fumes, Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, and the most papu Patent Medicines, and a and complete line of Sta &c. Also a complete line of Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, and smoksr’s goods generally. I guarantee my prices as as the cheapest. ^rescrlptlorLs, -A. Speciality. J. L. HIERS, M D. G EORGIA—Bulloch County. H. 1. Waters, vs. Mitoliel Williams Relics&c. H. Frisbee and William H. Rogers It appearing to the court that the defendant, William Rog¬ er# is not a resdent of this state, it is ordered that the said defendant do ap¬ pear and answer the plaintiff’s deelera lL° in n m ’i ; i tauit U n , of ’e Xtt SllCn T nOSthlS lippOtirHUiOCj 0Onrt * till ,° r 1 court will I ' ti'eed as to justice shall appertain. is Anther ordered that tins r-dc , u Wished in the States »on«. ivt; twice a month for two DmWre «»id next term of this court. - 2, " K .(-.unes K, Hines. .1. s >. <\ M, C. glorgia—B ulloch county, 1 Joint E. C. Tillman. Clerk of the Superior Court in and for >ai l county, do certify tint the a how writing is a true copy ef the-reem-es m Super lwr V&m my i.,, lin | office this >. tv 1 5th. n .t, J, K. I . , iihuHtl. Clerk s. v . B. 0. William Berrottgli vs Margaret, li. Borr.mgh lit the Superior court, of Bulloch Co. Libel for Divotce. V Livot", having been granted at the Ovt. Term ISSS to the i’laintitf in the above si a tod ease, ami the jury granting the same having failed to re¬ move her dlsahilaties; sen ‘ee is hereby given to all person* concerned that the Re fen dan t Margaret K. lie r rough has i nis jay filed her yetition in the office of the Clerk of the 8up«*rior (hun t of said county to have her disatdities removed, and that the same will be heard at the October Term 1889 of the Superior eort of said county. This Aug. 21st 1889. K. wh mi mill OF ENAL. GEORGIA, Announces to the public that they are nrtw prepared to Itirnish Toomlistener, Monuments, and anything In their line at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. WORKMANSHIP alkl DESIGNS as good as the befit. GIVE guaranteed TRIAL. to all. US A SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Solicits consignments Hides, Produce, &c. will ob¬ tain the Best figures for you. And when you need any¬ thing in the way of Liquors, Tobaccos &c. call on me, or send me your orders, and I will treat you right. Jug trade, a speciality. ----- • --------— Person# who b ad : : jjf c of exposure are and .subject to rheumailsin. ueuralgia, remedy lumbago in Dr. and J. will U. find McLean a valuable canic Oil , Vol¬ and , subdue Liniment; it will bullish pam intlauiination. SEA COTTON GINS FOE SALE Ut. W. D, PAVIS GA. The best oh the thafket. If propel’Iy run, they will $00 pounds of lint per day. GUARANTEED lo give SEN!) in your orders JT as I have only a few ha ml. •rt *. t. 1 y Tliefe uhi many necidierj mil! dl s - cases w liicli affect . (• 1 <>ek i fitl cntise serious ineonVi-uiem c and kiss to the farmer in his work which may he quickly remedied by the use of Dr. J. H McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniment. ---- **r# ^ • *. y* B02EHBBHC SPECTACLE CO. 1 ■s mi tea '4r sap All poods tit,t«d under Jnstruot.tOns ur« from .lit, KofiKNKRKd and am for Halo hv SMITH & TURNER. Statesboro, Ga, BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cures IndtRention, Biliousness, Dyspepsia. Mala. ria, Nervousness, and General Debility. Phvst dans recdaimend it. Alt dealers sell it. Genuine feastred* mark and crowed red lines oa m su mcr frsr,. to $oH. T’li* I1 n aut Piurtor Organ fit.' le In containing 5 oc¬ tal, s, 4 cel* of we its, 10 stop j, 2 kneu swell*. Stout - amt book free. For only *5:11)0 W if), rich* and loft “ a » ,1 !. ,r - "Wmiamed forfi reUirriiroa as your re -1 spuiiwWiity from any bank- j circular oay»~ tot tree trial. _ g * to *n. wn ' 9 mK ' “ d -*• ffi0ney - 80144 Mention l-ape. where thisseen. (?e elected Mayor April 0, 1888, by a large majority. IT. W. ALLEGER, Warren County, i New Jersey, unitco States or America. All persons holding demands any kind, against the estate of Dan iei Alderman, late of this county, deceased, are hereby required to present same to the undersigned, within the time required by und all persons due said estate are requested to make immediate settle merit with us. This June lOtlr, 1 389. Eli Kennedy, Admr, anti Martha Alderman, Admz. estate of Daniel Alderman. (> tit (J w. FOR SALE. A plantation at BarvllU 1 Ga., known Ua the Frank P. Leo place; and containing ONE HUNDRED FIFTY acres, fifty aclva in a high state six of cultivation. Has a good or seven room framed residence! thereon; also good barli and lot houses: also a large and coimnodi otis new store house, located in 9 thickly settled Ooinmnnitv; one of the oldest and best known sites fot’ merchandising For apply in the county. ti^ma, to Mess Gar nett, tuJ j hgrsigned S(feGo.;0f Savannah Statesboro, Ga.» or G«Jli at jWkgiyeh I). R. Jtny, Groover t 1890. lLES. GEcmn^HH siHxm, I ,,r ill nflH Sj day ill September nH Lbours of sulb befare tui hi saidcounty, district G. u K m* tit M. ot sals lands itig Forty of J. Acres uiore^ fid. 3 G. Williams,' ami north by Mitch Du and east by lands of Josh ua and of the others. defendant, Levied by on Virtue as th^|HH| ______ onHBH satisfy Strange a versus Justice George court /iird ti - fa. nH9| 1 Levy notice given by,I defendant Wallace, in posesshifl nude J}. constable: returned tome. July Slat iMi. Saiffuel J. Williams, Sheriff'. GEORGIA—Bulloch Comity. I will sell before the Courthouse door in Htatesboio between the legal hours of sale q» the First Tuesday lu Septem, her next, the following lands to-wit: Two Hundred and Eighty six acres more M. of of said lefts, lying in 47th district (i! by land* comity, Jffhn- bounded on the north of Wariioek and the dower of Rachel Riehefdsoy, east hy landsof John S. Lee, spnth by lands of W. J. Strickland and J. A. Wariioek and west bv lands of VV. J. Richardson and the dover .of ..Rachel Rieherdsou, the same being subject to a deed of trust trout Stephen Kiche.rdsoiji-to- J. K. O. Sherwood, loan dated Dec, 13t,h 1,880 to se" cure a of seyfeu hundred dollars; said deed appearing on record on page. JOJ of book E. fertile record of deeds in office of the.,Clerk ot the Superior court for said County. Said land levied on by virtue of and to satisfy a Justice court fl-fa issuing from the Justice court in the 47th district, in favor of W. W . Mitchell versus Stephed Rieherdsou and Emanuel,Htewaat. Written notice given dant in Stephen Richerdaoit, the deten This July poses#ion. 3ist 1889. •Samuel J. Wiijhuns, B. O. . application FOR leave to , 4 S$LL land. GEORGIA-—puiiQclt Cp'duty. To ail whoip ij ipay concern. James W. Denmark- and Doctor A; Brannen, James adibinist'ctois of the estuLr of Aildf rimui -deceased, havin*> applied lands lying to me fui <leave,to sell certain in saidcoitnty,- and belong¬ ing tti the estate of Bald James Alder, man, for purposes of distribution viz; First—^The Home - place containing 1193 acres more <*(■ less, t-outided Nortli by West.itod lands of Ctiariys ProtorSous, North South-by J west B. by Gi .Little Doverl# Lotts creek UVfi)| , )0 ud, and East by lands of J. ,B.’Groover, J* J. Bowen aiid March Eveictt; wliich has been divided Into three lots t Second—Tlie fact kudvint as the Smith bind containihg 181 acres nidfe or less; bounded North by land# of.hick Waters' and E. Btetfkburn, East by the land# of Wayne I’airisJi, Son tin by Black creek, and West by/ the east prong of Black creek and Smith’s land ; which ha# been divided Into iwo lots-nud Third- u.t undivided twu-flfths iiiterest of 49u ttcres more br less in 47th district. t>\. M, botiuded by tho estate of A. J. WilsW Alfred Knlglu and Josenlr Knight am8 the fifths Ogeechee belonging river- tint remaining three' to estate of John U Bliteh, I , t ■ wilt 11 tins upon sajd application on Mm Monday in SfcpteUmbel next at nry office in Smte lKiro; and if no obi jectitm be filed,' leave tn sell tviii be! granted as prayed; This July 31st 18841. 8 A. li. LANIER, Ufdlitary ■tr-r — T"........ ■ Notice—*— All parsons :ti by warued not to mule tov oA dated July 24til 1889 andtifl its t,lie ionsiderat1«B| mM fd any will not be paid. •'ble to t 'lari'll, c .shellal.I J