The Statesboro eagle. (Statesboro, GA.) 1884-1891, February 20, 1890, Image 2

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L * i - y.jjjw m _ /ft & * *«• i sss? m * tv i te.- I. .. V Tib.® lEZa.g'le. STATESBORO, GA. Offxciat. Organ of Bulloch Co J. A. BRANNEN Pub LtsUKit iSUBSCRli-TION RATES: <One year, in fulvrwcc,... ..* 1.00 Six months, in advance,. , .50 cts Advertising rates made known on Application. The rates of legal advertis¬ ing are regulated by law. The News from different parts of the "•minty will Vie published, and eommtt lieations on live topics are solicited. Vetters from our correspondents an* Table to be “cut down,” as the lack of space sometimes requires it. When a communication arrives too late it wil. be published in the next issue. The Eagle wi(i be sent to responsihl* subscribers until ordered discontinued by them. communication inserted unless N® accompanied by the name ®f the writer, Dot good for publication, faith. but as an evidence of Address all communications relating to the business of this paper to Tin-: Eagle, Statesboro, Ga. =■ TnuRSDAY ......February 20,1830 The Candidates are bobing up in some of the comities. Quenn Victoria has been ruler of En¬ gland for 53 years. The State agricultural convention naet last week in Hawkinsville. Gen. Philip Cock now holds the of¬ fice of Secretary of State. The Catholics compose about one sev¬ enth of the U* S' population. Railroad builfing goes right on in Ga. After awhile a fellow can go to mill on a R. R. I«t Judge Crisp stay in Congress to fight the Radicals. There arc plenty of candidates tor Governor. Many a fellow will find out this year when he runs for an how popu¬ lar ho is. Re might find ©nt that he is unpopular. The Sylvauia Telephone was not dead, as represented, and showed its life, by kick¬ ing. The Telephone is a true friend, of Screven, and Wm. L. Mathews, its Editor, is a valuable citizen. As to who will be the next Judge of this (Middle) circuit, will soon be a burning question with the lawyers. Judge Junes Iv. Hines has filled the position with greas ability for three years, and should lie conclude to be a candidate again, be will be elected. In the event be is not a candidate, we think the wire grass end of the cir¬ cuit should be recognized, and probably will be. We will see. LOST. Somewhere between the hours of sunrise anil sunset, two golden hours each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever. Dont’s foe boys and yoi ag men. Don’t smoke or chew tobacco; it is a filthy habit. Don’t drink intoxicating liquors; it is •i degrading habit, and it leads to vice, crime and eternal death. Don’t cur»cor use profane language. Don’t keep bad company, A man is judged by the company he keeps. Don’t rely on luck. An ounce of X>luck is worth :t ton ot luck. Don’t waste the golden hours of youth. ’’Lost wealth may bo replaced by industry, lost health by temperance and medicine, but lost time is gone for¬ ever.’’—B eulah, Any body can write for a newspaper. Sit down and try how easy it Is, and you will conclude probably that you wove not made for an Editor. ooxuKnoncj i%rx CATiOIS’S. 0 FROM J{«LA)AS. Mr. Editor: I will say there is a bablist ■ preacher who lives near inr, cue | I the pioneers of this county. lie is ;84 years old. And while he has been true to hrs post in advocating the cause of Christ, 1;e also been a great tiller of the soil. I do not think that he ever bought a pound of bacon or a bushel of corn, and lie began away back in 21. We young farmers would do well to model at ter his example. There is a colored farmer in this neighborhood, who a few years ago bought a small piece of land, and by the sweat of Ids brow paid for it and now lives at home and lias money to lend. Mr. J. W. 1 lodges, the carpenter, is at w»rk on his place. He is also the father of a bright eyed little boy. 1 have a line field of oats. Mr. J. 1 S.Franklin has sown a large qnonli j , , ho a good ! arm . or and a j clever gentleman. Iam going to work for the Eagle. I wish it could ilv in every home in this ware grass belt. Cornc on Eagle, wo will feed you, or help to hold up your wings. F unscai exit WOKIt FOR TIIE GRAND JURY. It is sate to say that hundreds of pistols and dirks are carried by the turpentine darkeys of this coun¬ ty'. The riot at Hodges’ still, shows that the tarhccl fieedmen go heeled. It is also safe to say, that gambling is carried on at a lively rate at the stills and mills in t,he county. And the idea that these parties get plenty of rot gut. pop-skull and ether sam pies of bad liquor, will no", be dis¬ puted by any man. With these three instruments of vice, liquor, cards and pistols, crime runs riot. A large amount of this is never heard of, but it exists all the same. Regular gamblers follow up stills and saw mills and do nothing else. Here is work for the Grand Jury, which at ••oiirt, will call for earnest and examination. Enforce the laws against every If a rich man. a poor man, somebody’s farm hand or some¬ body’s still or mill hand, violate the law, let him be indicted and tried. It will not do for any citizen to shield crime in hi* neighbor or his Let the law' take its course. That is the only salvation to the country. The Dover and Statesboro R. R. is doing a big freight business, and will do a great deal more as soon as they lo¬ cate a warehouse at Rev. Jas¬ per Wilson’s, the Gail place, and Deal’s place. The pas senger business will also in crease greatly, as the sched¬ ules ‘H’e now getting in order, and if proper attention is given to the rights of passen¬ gers, and the Jim Crow cai is dispensed with—and in this connectiqn, we have been informed that the nice coach will be used regularly, as early as the the turn tabic is put in. Let it be done, as passengers demand seperate and equal accommodations for the races. NOTICE. I request every citizen in town who favors good order, to report all violations ot the town ordinances to me, or the Marshal. Unless citizens lend their assistance to the enforce¬ ment of the law, they will only be half enforced, and no one will be to blame, except the party that knows of viola¬ tions, and refuses, to report it. J. A. Brannon, Mayor. Dr. J.C.White, STATESBORO, GA., fiST 'All calls promptly attended to FOR ALE. A limited quantity of Sea Itdsnd cotton seed, from cot¬ ton grown on St. Helena in¬ land, S. C. Undoubthdly Lie I best in the world. Price $ 1,25 per bushed., Decker & Fawcett, Savannah, (ia. EXCELSIOR’S Dili STORE I Dow offer to my many friends, and the public gener¬ ally, a full and complete stock of the best and purest Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Per¬ fumes, Toilet Soaps, Combs, Brushes, and flic most popu¬ lar Patent Medicines, and a full and complete line of .Sta¬ tionary &c. Also a complete line of Fine Cigars, Tobaccos, and stnoksr’s goods generally. I guarantee my prices as cheap as the cheapest. ■— W W J. 1 K, L J. ^ v SpCC Ia.lt3T, J. L. 11 IFRS, M. D. WHEI YOU need anything like SAUSAGES, FRESII MEATS, VEGETABLES, FISK, OYSTERS, and all kinds of GROCERIES, don’t fail call on E.B. HAMRICK 7 STATESBORO,-----GA. MY prices are the LOW¬ EST, and my goods FIRST-CLASS. Give me a call, and you will bcplcascd. 0 4 GUANO! GUANO!! I oiler for sale the follow¬ ing Standard brands of guano. Patapsco (Old reliable) Cumberland bone. Eddystone. CiiEsaPEAKB Amoniated Dis¬ solved Bone. Mascott. AND Patapsco Acid. These Guanos arc stored in good warehouses at GEM, G A. on the D. & S. R. R.; STATESBORO, GA.; E. E. FOY * CO’S still; NEW¬ TON’S place on FOY & CO’S ROAD, and BLITCII, GA. 1 will sell at as reasonable prices as can be sold for these grades of goods. A deduction will be mads on (JAR LOAD LOTS. I will deliver jiL GEM on ever}' Friday and Saturday, and atFoys still every Thurs¬ day, Friday, and Saturdays, at the Newton Place, Tues¬ days and Thursdays. At Statesboro and Blitch daily. I return thanks to the people Bulloch for their liberal in the past, and solicit a continu¬ ance of the same. X3C* MONEY TO LEND. The iiiulersigned is prepar¬ ed to negotiate, and renew loans on real estate at more reasonable rates than hereto¬ fore. A[>; lj to I). R. Groover, Statesboro, Ga. 4 » SCHEDULE NO. 1 DOVER & STATES¬ BORO Railroad, NOVEMBER 18, 1880. LEAVE STATESBORO DAILY 7,40 A. M. AND 2.40P.M., CON¬ NECTING WITH EEGUJ.AU UP AND DOWN PASSENGER ON C. E. IL AT DOVEE-RETURNS TO STATESBORO AT 10,20 A. M. AND (5,00 P M. (Will wait indellinatcdy on connecting trains) One loud blast of AV histle at Statesboro 10 minutes be¬ fore departure of train. J. II. BURCK1 IALTER, Scot. LIQUORS! FINEST AND PUREST AT LOWEST PRfCES. SEND ON POSTAL OR LETTER FOR OUR PRICE LIST, semi your orders to IIENR.Y SOLOMON & SON 1 i o o & 175 15AY Sr., Savannah, Ga. jW inceUitn {■■» as. ::: ALLLiM/h.,.EG A LI LANCE. .Mel t- every Saturdiy bid’nro 3rl. Sunday in eiieliiiHuith at 2 o’clock p. in ALSO e.’icli Friday before 1st, day at 10 a. m. JOSEPH TILLM AN Pres. t ,?. lb DAVIS Scc’ty, ALLIANCE MILL CREEK ALLIANCE Meets the 4Hi, Saturday in each month at 2 (/clock i\ M. V. II. McLean, Pres. C. E. Lee, Seely. -A L LI AN CE.--— E N T EEP LUS E ALU A NCK Will meet on Saturday before the second Sunday in each month at 10 o’clock A. M. W, P. Donaldson, Pres. J. It. Covington, Scc’ty. CJCUliCU 1)111 ECTOli r. I’KI.MITIVK BAPTIHT. Ffrst Sun<lti} r and sgtunlay bof«ire—Upper Mill Creek, il. Temples pastor; Lower Mill Ci*cek, Jasper Wilson pastor; Lane’s, J. L. hmilh i*ast<n; i idoils , ii . Ii . \\ iikinson petstor iRtko, M h\ Stubbs pastor. Second Sunday andSainntay before—Httihle hem, ,1. Ii. Smith pastor; Ash iiraneb, J. il. Smith pastor; Deljacli’s, A. i*. Wilkinson pas¬ tor. TJiird Sunday and Saturday beb»rp--Upf>»?f BUIc.k Creek, J* L. Siunlt pasun; Fedowshln, M. F, Stubbs pastor; ikphesu*, W. M. Willmnm l#asii»r. LAmitli Snmlay and Saturday beforc-Upper Lou's Creek, J. L* Sniiih pastor; Lower Lott’s Creek, J, Ji. Smith pastor; NeviPs, D. Ii. 3!o Elvcon pastor. MKT1IODI8T. First I.. I’a.lricls castor; lliirvill'.. U". T. Ilea pastor, llarmoi.y, J p. ni.i «■. T. i(. a. nisioi. sn:") J S ;ml;ty--Ci)ioi>, at 11 a ra, and Tarver, I r in, i- X. I'ailuck |iii.,tiir; llarmony, W. T. Ilea I’iistiir. Si’iomi s.ituniav luvt Sunday, rain’s ciiapei W. T. Utu,PitMor mm Ihnd , SuFttlay—Lurcka, c L r I.. Padrudi i> , • i pastor; Pleasant ilill. II O’cluck, Fay lie’s fhnpei, 4 oY.loCk, W. T. Kea pastor. Fonr'.li Sunilay—New Uo;>e,K I I’ailiick pastor; Trimly, \V. T. Kea pa«t'»r. t Uth Sunilay—Fajuu’h Chapel, W. T. Rae pastor. 11 U’TIST. First suniljiy mol satuntav before ,Poplar tee’s solioui bouse, 4 o’clock p. in. o. w. Smith pastor. or. smith, nVeiv valor ii,n’s school houscVo’c'oiik’p' m. !i,w, Thin! sunilay an4 Sntui'lay before, stalcsboro O. w. Smith, vaslor. i, Pourlh sunflay mi l sa itnlav before, Salon., cliffry beifi-e drove fonrih fourth wimhiy, smiilnv cherry 4 oVtoek. fi-ldnv G. orove, w. smith, vaslor. Ptislors « ;li please notify na ot changes in ap pciftmunts. . *liBi™-^P^I A "'iS 7 : \\ Y° . -->” I AS !::, h l « FKOM NEW YOl’i: CITY. Mr. A. K. Hawkes—Dear Sir: , Your patent eye-gin,-sc,s received i some time since, and am very much i gratified at the wonderful change that has coma over my eyesight since I have discaaded my old glass cs and am now wearing yours, Ai kxauku Aoau, Fce’ty Stationers’ Board of Trade All eyes fitted at the store of BLITCH JONES & CO., Statksisouo, Ga, And Neuralgic Perilous ttnv«e troublfrl with nervousness rf-miHli), tioiuearuor overwork will bu relieved by tukiua ltrown's Iron Hitter s. (aiminc m nude u.ui k uud er-jssed red liuv- ou wiappar SMI ’ST-SES Y U Awyy ^ StaM^ Hk pilf i : -- H mm HOUSES AND Mules FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES. Teams -will "be HIRED AT LOW RATES' I will also board stock. JOHN A SMITH STATESBORO, GEO* sO Wmm (■ s i j t fe-/;; • g mf,m kMk LETTERS DISMISSION. GEORGIA—Bulioeli County. T<> ull whom it mav concern. J* T ,,, Mallard, -xi ii •, executor ofestute of Seaborn Woodcock flced., lias filed his application for Letters of dismission. And this is to admon¬ ish all persons interested, to show cause before me on or before t he 1 st Monday in April next, why said let¬ ters should not be granted. Witness my band aild of oR’icc This Jan. (itli, 1830. A. II. Lanior, Ordinal'v. GEO RGI A—Bn! loch County. To all whom it may concern: W. R. Sills Administrator of the estate of James Ilcndrix deed. ,has filed hi: petition for letters of dis raission fr ® m s:lid C 8 t ate. and this istOadrn0nisha!1 1,ersons interes - ted to file their objections if any, otherwise said letters will he grant cd on tiie first Monday in April next. Witness my hand and oflici al signature. This Jan. (5th, 1890. A. R. Lfinic, Ordinary. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. T!ie firm of Smith <!fc Turner, of Statesboro, Ga., 1ms this day by mu¬ tual consent dissolved. All parties indebted to said firm, are hereby requested to settle their accounts at once. The business will be coil tinned by W. T. Smith, ol the late firm. Jan. 15 1300. B E. Turner. W. T. Smith. Mr. Smith is thankful to the peo¬ ple for their liberal patronage in the past, and solicits a continuance of the same in the lulu re. B. E. Turner. 9 ® m After ten years DruggbU exclusive saw, can newbe obUuued of all and Dealers ia AWi- HCieu cturs. If CMKS-uu notioe-not siicpljr D frt CURBS I.IVJER COMPUUX¥, Hitleusnfes until Bysiiepaia. CURB Isa strictly vetjctable preparation and wU* Malaria, ID and all Malarial Boston, tronbku. Dr. 8. Wise, of Ky. bkvs : ,c Save practiced onedWtw 1* years, and SnJ ud equal to Ububuck oa a Diver ffeeuinior." “A Dr. bottla W. of A. UEuiitKic Baker, of AtndinonV won't Fla., sa SCui 1* n»r» $8.00 worth of Quinine In or,? family ” Acting oo the IJvor in adittetant vny from any other medicine; It Is a peeftlrs cere mr Chronic Constipatlob and 5s tSetpor than Fill*. Its peculiar ooftipufltlon miy Is snch, Uut we tmurantee to cure case of Chills and ffever or Bilious Fevsr With one bottie. 1 ' costs but 75 cent# and each bottlo con¬ tains over 48 aveTtura doses, maMnc the cost less than two cents a dost). Would yea aak tor cheaper mediesoe V It is not a cnro-all. But win cure any I.lV«-r, JBiKons or flaU, rial r«mi|ilr.l[it. Aiaanfaclured fcy TiXO TouIoTT* lOTTfiO Co., (Surcessurs to Wfti.Coodell.) St, fconis, Ilo, NOTICE OF SALE. Agrcable to an order of the Court Ordinary of Bull«ch aoUnty will sold at auction at the courthouse of said county, on tlic first Tuesday in March next, within the legal hours of sale, the following properly to u it . Twenty-five acred land in 47th, (list, of Bulloch Co. hounded on t he North by lands of on the East by lands of Minty, on the South by land Charles Millen, anti on the South by lands of Draper, sold as the property tif Shun Reid, Late of county deed. Terms Cash. This (Lit day of January 1890. W. S. Lee, A dim', NOTICE OF SALE. Agreable to an order of Court of ...... will be V, doop ot ‘ said county on the fiisb Tuesday in March nvXt Within tl) c legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit: 3(52 :u-iT« of land mure or less in 47th (list. G. M. of Bulloch Co., Ga. bounded North by estate ot'Wm, nod Geo. Lester, East bv estate of Mikeli, Sout h by binds <>f P. C. Harper, and West by lands of J. S. Wilson. Tkkms CasW. This Jan 0th, 1890. Joseph S Cone, Guardian. SHERIFF'S SALE. tVili he sold at Stutexhoi'o on flic 1st Tuesday in March next, b..t>* i ■«* u tl»<\ 1 Viral lioui-. ot isalo, Tw» ami Seventy Five acres of land lying and living in the 17th, G. Al. District of aanl eoiinfv, bounded tm the North by lands of R. U. Waters. East by lands of Jf, hn ». Wilson, West by lands of Berry Davis, South by lands of .lames S. wj*. tors, Levied on as the property of A* E. Eielumlson, by virtue of, and to sat* isly a li-fa from the Sitpe.ior Court of Ndd ctnmry iii fayor of John Elimery & Co. v.k. A. FJ.Rieiutrdson, tind a ,li tiee court li-la in favor of J. F, Brown V. s. A. K. Rinlmrd soil. S-'id land* 'Ojd subject to a mortgage f,.r # IhO, in f.’tvoiir of Obarles L. Flint of Mass. Legal notice given tenant in posses-* slon. Jnny. 27th. ISPO. S. J, Williams, Sherifi', CITATION. To all whout it nitty ennerm : ii. F. Hagiiis, A dm!', on the estate of E. II, Martin, late of said comity deed. A polies to me for letters of dismission from raid mlministralio!!, >md t will pass upon bis appiieat on on the first Monday in June 1800 at my olliee in Statesboro. Given under my band and official signature this Ilnl, day of Febvy. 1800. A. R. Lanier, Ordinary. y EAR’S SUP FOR!'. (> EORG! A — Bulloch County. Court, of Ordinary, February T» 'rm, Annie Barnes, widow of Remer foirnes, liavii g applied for year’s -sti j* t'°ft ouf of the estate ot Hat nor Barnes late of said count* deed., and apprais era having made, their etmms; tliis i to notify all kinilrod mid ereditor” time on and after tin* first Monday in March said returns i\ ill be recorded, if no good cause be shown to the contrary. This Febry, ;ird, 1800, A. L. Lanier, Ordinary* CITATION. GEORGIA—Bulloch comity, To all whom if may concern: Jefferson D. Jowers ha-, i„ due applied to the undersigned lor p« r „ m . nent, letters of administratiou on thees t.deof Lemuel .towers, late of said county deed., anil 1 will pass upon the >md application on the first Monday in Man’ll next. Given under my bond mid official si-. nature this dm, day of Febry. 1890. ” A. R. Lanier, Ordinary. Wtcdlagatonic,orciui.Jrcn daiviks nnows^tuoii^iTTEHs tliat wanth i.nsi^