The Bulloch County banner. (Statesboro, GA.) 1891-1894, March 30, 1893, Image 2

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UILOCIr * BANKER. * WPL OKI; AN- Bt’bbdcH COUNTY a«9 first /mom hsiokatt' DtSTKICT ALU AM K. Geo. K. Oj.aukk, Poitou. Banner Pvni.tsKuto Co., PltOl'S. ‘Statesboro, Ga.. March, 30,1893. srnsemmox. One Year, $ 1.00 Six Months, $.50. All subscriptions in advance. Advertising rates made known on application Hymeniah Rem Mill Ray, this county. _at tlm r<-• i<h*nce of the bride’s father, Mr. Joseph Dutton, on the evening of.March 23, Mr. W. II. Sharpe led to the hymonirl altar the beautiful Miss Ida Dutton, whore the ceremony was performed by Rev. IV. I). McGregor in (lie pres - - ot the family and , kw - once a. guests. After the ceremony and ' the usual congratulations . all were led to the dining room where a table beautifully decora ted table groaned beneath its load of good t kings for the innerman. 1 1 is useless testate that all present did ample justice to the rich re },ast. At the conclusion of all repaired to the parlor, several hours were passed in so c>al chit-chat, interspersed 'with music and singing led bv the fair brido. The prau-hm ...... -adaporfio,, of EVriptura, e„„ ducted them to the throne of di vino grace, praying tho blessings of heaven to descend upon all present, after which tho guests left for their homes, trusting that their prayers might be answered in the future happiness of the bride and groom. The $ 1 ,C 00 ( haUengc Accepted. To lhe^Devis Sewing Machine Co., cr Daniels, Sons it Palmt/r. their agents: (lentlemcn— k If your advertisement of $1,000 Jrr^^/which, by the wav, reads fcaf-k-r can SSI r.i a I —w % f re as ac¬ ^^H* ■Uta e , ], m ■e m. 0 0 : ., ■ do ;■ | ■ TM • .is Sre” ^^hereby nann the Sewi-.ig Machine as ^Fm extant, Now, gentlemon, and the--winning quit ibv G'.'n ’ you mean business,raid put up or dnit up. ■t J A M E S II A li K X ESS, Bales man for New Ilemo Sewing Maelih;*; Co. In the younger days of the c-di tor of the Baxweb we considered a person who 'advocated the tion of the liquor traffic a crank, Wo have changed our mind our mind. V/o hare seen, not only by observation but by experience, t . • diabolical effects of alcohol, “that sum of all villianies, that father of all crimes, that mother of al 1 a bom 'nations’ ’—a 11 d wo Know a is prohibitionist on -the right side. Tho writer of this is now ‘free born run 21,” and wherever his lot may bo cast, bis vote will count one the prohibition side. There is no good i.ii liquor, and every man who has any influence should use it for the suppression of this hell¬ ish traffic. Letter from Aunt Zatj, Mr. Editor; When I wrote you Last from Mill Ray, I told you would beat Uricker the next week and rite you tha hews fro at thar, but it lias been so cole mv ole fingers has bin too man tiil no\\>. Well, I haint got much nuse to rite, only everything is gittin on all rite ’bout here, * nlv Frank Porter is sink, but Ivy Miller is docterin him and I think he will soon be up again. They are harm lively times round here these times. They have good meetins and debates and sich like. And they have got one of the best schools in this part of the world. Mr. Jim ltustin is the mane teacher and his wife is helpin' him. They have lots of skollers. from 25-vear old boys down to G-vour old gals. Miss Alice Burke is hero teacli- bow to play on fno planer an/ orgin. And she is -ieaniiiv sotnq of ’em how to sing, t<*o: ;o:d 1 * I! you she gits that*. 1 v. ;; &t l*o*• Darsov’s t’other nite and she pin .-ed and sang lots, and some cf her skollere wuz thar, and they made such awful good mu sick I didn’t sleep much that nite. 1 tell you she can sing and when she sings she opens her mouth. She don’t try to sing with her mouth shot like some folks does. They hain’t got the mootin' house done yit, but their preacher they’ve got this year is a good man and they like him too, and Frank Porter uas took lluMhingin hami, , and he has bought the lumber lo sole it and got it lnvuled thar and when he b gits well he wiP have it done little of time. . Lon in a no Waters is hero puttin’ ' up 1 a work shop, , md ; n .. will be . a good , help , . I reckon, for'he * can'make whol • barrows gnd sieh like for tho pec pie, and thovWt have to tote wood in their anus so much. Politicks has Idled down ’round |, erc n(lW Wence the first Saturday in {his month when the men met elected a magistrit. ami 1 tel] you I am mighty glad oi it. ljut I reckon corntdof the niggers is ,, 0 rry. for they won't get so many lug dinners and whiskey wive to’em now - You no John R. Will,am. « W and from boor moWof .hr white people is pleased. I have knowod John . ■ R. T) a ", long time and .1 t 1 i;».. like liilil mighty well. Cousin '.Luko says , lie . s all rite and i I t ji think • i- t. Ik , is. cause he don’t deal in whis kiy; tincU there is anotlier thing makes me b’leve in John : I donl bleve he will ever go to a nigger weddin aiul go in a wliite man’s house with the niggers and eat cake with 'em in the parlor. Jo'lln’lovos cake I no, but ho won’t ’sociate with a man that in¬ vites nigger? to his house to eat cake with him. When I was about 16 years ynnger than I am now, I was talk in to a nigger’bout social oquaii : i itv, and he said when \ ho seed a ! white man ax a nigger to his la r.:ark,-’. mat man mw down. Y,.-. ha vaid lie liked to i -00 a nigger lie a nir.-w mil a be a whit. man.. Ai.d •>!trays set d good niggers in ; Ncoand good white folk's in pLyk. Yours trulv Ar4 Hupdiug usYjp t ho money power ofUk wo ‘ ■'If {He Americ an congress \V.i? in posed of 120 bankers, 99 !. ; ■ : *, 14merchants 13 mamba . doctors, 4 mechanics, :a;d not :i single fern:* ,.]■ pr <| ar Jabn;-.It isja little better now, but wo' are a long ways from having representation in’ congress II.a will devote its time exclusively to legislating for the whole people. It seems to be exceedingly difiieult for a congressman Jo ,.^recognize tho rights of the people when he is part ot a combination or trust himself Travelers may 1-arn a I-s -on Mr. (•. D. Con a protore i t alttirncy p i-k v. lm say ■ : •■I re vr , ■ vit lii'iit king a !;:*?! Jo of it!'. Colic, Choi ‘i - and i»;:y w9ii 1 ..• . • -id on ILH i 11 irivi ran vt !i I 1 to the* . ti.-a : iirn v niid Jh«'. 1 iD Yi-r l:u .vii if t *ii Fur '.i■* b U J i >a\ iv it < 1 ml ;.;1 me dicin*.* • •ulcrs V t: 072 g!?Se> p-* p -snrjy’n ACri , £ Lj ^ pr a r\ 4 -vesm \S2SS3 a NORTH WESTERN MASONIC AID ASSOCIATION, Insurance in force, over $ 156.000,0C0 Paid Beneficiaries over $11,004,000 Surplus, % 800,000 Non-iorfeitable after 5 years. Policy incontestable after three years. Cash eurredder value after five Death-claims paixl proaiptlyyand in full. GuJirantyTutKl used to maintain tho policy. Levs than two-thirds tho cost of old lino companies, lust as good, safe ami reliable. Write for plan and cost. Wanted —Good, live hnstLng Agents. L. I too Cr* I !f Manager foi Georgia, !01 Kis'-r buiidiug. Allaatu. Ga. Money! Money!! Money loaned.on fanning lands. Corbin Banking Co. loans renewed. Fhort mitioc. Terras reasonable. 1 R. Lee Moore, St -.teshoro, Cn. \ <iitrD Record. *•? h tv:* sold Cham¬ berlain's Curel! Remedy for ten years.” says drugg-is! K. B. Cork' of V^ib la., -•and have always warranto;! it ami never hid a bott!-.* returned.’ Dunns' the past tf) days l have sold twelve doz en ai't! it ha-» given perfeel satisfaction in every instance.” It does not dry up a cough’ but loosens and relieves it. If will core a severe cold in less time than any other treatment. '25 cent, 50 cqjnt anii $1 bottles for saie by L. it. Davis & Go,, and ajl medicine dealers. Efficiency and S muony. aml Kl>tfaoniy are tw0 tf „ l0il striking ebarnct eristics of the Fleet ropoise. Its etHoicncy is conclusively proven by lw ml mis ot testimonials from prominent and trustworthy timers ot the treatment. Its economy is demonstrated when you remember that one instrument, wliea used at diflorent times can be suec^sstully employed to cire the it!:* ( >r a ll members of the family, tn the meet the Electropoise tnere are no doctors’ bills to pay, no cpnggist s change of scene or climate, no costly appliance or ex pensive die! is nee 's, ary. I lie loi towing letter i! l u.-t'-a.tes the above ^'^^ Navy S:cre* and General Merchandise, p^Sira— using n u > Kleetropoise were wonder J»}« "udS'a^dail ISn'ml of'dia j botes }£“£ h left KveiSTt me. 1 am severeHimesfff now in better fever in members of my family with ^Xeu'our tKH-ti-.r’and d'alf Gere since it came into the house. Mv ' V ‘V ' v “ ;' va W'. ifiliSt '"'-feStJVdG'bUAlS;; taJmJ SJYYVd -v tropoise now, and consider it a truly wonderful instrument. Yours truly iirfy Bkx R. Hah:,xy. Otir boek of pages on be rr ci for tin* asking. A'i'i.AXTlG Vi. iG ■ tropoise CO n W.-.v’.mgUm. lh (•. \ f F\ g jrssKi I j, | A A ...-j e j-, \j L-ia OF ffi n r 1 r n iJU SA’AZ.-Jl c C m He He * ■Jd C.A.2 Cltf I ■BRnaun m ra OtiBVkVSi/ kuUyq? I THE LADIES That Has Ho Equal In Tills COUNT BY * Lanier I Mar ■ y ««* m M FfJ T a J, R. LITTELL At?ohn ev and Cor.vsfiu.oji in Patent, Thade-Makk, and C oi’Yiitc.HT Casks. Opposite Patent Office. WAV. 1 ! [N'iTON, I), c. Over twelve years experience, rite for information. American and Foreion Patents, Caveats, and all business arising under Ihe patent laws, promptly mid careful¬ ly prosecuted. Rejected Casks accorded special attention. of Upon receipt of model or sketch invention, I advise as to patent¬ ability WITHOUT U1IAUOK. (’.iionti A this paper) Tho C. l,!' 1 ■d Publishing Co., of Chicago, Illinois, has defer raided the COl.PK^j to secud H^XX) H, before new January subscribers to their family story paper or<]l iPr 1st, ’93. In the way this would require a lifetime, but “tinto'is money" subscribe and itj 1 ’dor to save of time wo are willing to pay those who now urge sum realizing that v. 'A • n soon recover this great expenditure from tho increased revenue from our advertisers; For correct answers to tho following ten word-riddles. Tho Golden Itod Publishing Go., will pay the following CASH REWARDS; F or the correct answer to any One Word, $ 20.00 For the correct answer to any Two words, 50.00 For the correct answer to any Three words, 75.00 For the correct answer to any For Four the words, correct to 100.00 j | answer any Five words, 125.00 As Special Grand Prizes Ws Will Pay in Cash; To every one sending in tbeeorree.t answers to A1,L of the T VX words during JA N OAKY, $ 1,000 To every one sending in the correct answers to A 1.1, of the TEN words during FEBRUARY, 500 Here are the word-riddles, can you solve them? Remember any one of the ton words correctly solved wins for you $20.00 hi cash, 1 A--LE Tree fruit. bearing round C —IX— A lofty tree. 2 V E-- Tree, fruit larger at PAX---- Flowers, handsome, of lower end Tropical purple or other colors fruit 3 TUI.-- Plants, with Hewers S BAN-- A tree,with of bright eiders in bundles 4 —R—XG—, Tropical tree, with 9 EOS--- Flowering bushes round yellow fruit. r, —RAP— The fruit is to eat. 10 —T E— T'p’l fruit bearing trees VVl’I.AXATlON Each dnah in.licatoB II,e al™ of a certain letter, | S^£5T5feSSSf n't ted letters i and ^S^r8SST^ 1,and when properly Inserted , ^^ the complete r 3^ ,, ^?5i is bi are word ' ' r'C'Sf -jOn Are paid in cash the very day any answer is found to be correct, Rt-'.Ir.JUO v tin* original To prevent even any appearance' of irregularity in or collusion, a . copy of ten words lias been deposited a safety vault under seal to bo opened March itist, in t lie presence of witnesses, whose sworn state¬ ment as to the correct words together with the list of prize winners, will be published.! i* A pril number of the Golden-Rod. REMEMBER EVERY CORRECT ANSWER WINS A PRIZE. 15 I *nSiP!TJft^Q subscribers The object at of once, this and extraordinary in iarge ntinibert*. offer is AVe of course therefore to require secure ! : : bat BO cent? for a years subscription for our great paper Tho Golden-Rod, be sent with each answer. Tims if two words are answered $1.00 must be sent, • : hree w:;rds $1.50. U ve words $2.50, and so on, and as many copies of the paper I wdl be mailed to addresses given. Designate the words you answer you by their numbers. Send at once and l v. ir. one of the grand prizes. Address all letters and make all remittances pay ! able to : ho ftj S3. Publishlngln C St, Chicago. i wl'.l J UFA fable i-s nr v OAM’L. B. PALMER, Prest. II. A. PALMER, Vice Prest II. W. PAIMER, Trcas. P/ LMER HARDWARE COMPANY. 148 Sc 150 Congress St. 149 and 151 St. Julian St. —Idealers in— fiA/jDWAifE, CUTLERY.. £ Eli BlfLES. AHpUHITIOJI, RAILROAD & MILL siake, RQps, fifty a RE) nsftiR 0 AC AS -- f New York Office; 100 Chrmlws St. SAVANNAH. Gf\. ! pq T/TTT? REAL ESTATE It a r\ITor l Two very desirable building lots containing lg acres each. Finest in the market. One II tut so and Lot on North Main Street. Very pretty resi¬ dence. House now and well built. Possession atonco Possession at once. Terms easy, by installment, or for cash. A Fine Plantation about five miles Ronth of Statesboro in Good Condition, containing about, fifty acres; 12 acres cleared and fenced. •Good, water, plenty timber for fences, never been boxed, Posses¬ sion at once. Terms reasonable. Price cheap as dirt. 1/. v£Vf v State b! joro 9 rffi^™K~eDBRESP 0KD£yC B Ml 1 I I il LJ.BiSL FOB i). VOW 23. Willi,un li. Bennett. 1 y Libel for divov vs t o e in Bulloc ii Elizabeth Bennett. ) Superior court, it appearing to the court by tilt* re¬ turn oft he Sheriff, in t!*e above stated case that t he defend;!nt does not reside in raid county; and it father appear¬ ing that she (toes net reside in said State. It is therefore ordered by the emirt that service be perfected by pub¬ lication of this order twice a month for two months before the next term of tin's court in the Bur.i.ocit Bai-nkr or sonirt other newspaper publirh'id in Bulloch county <• •••irsria. ii'. In: 1 . Moore. Petitioners A. ft’y. Granted B, L. Gamble ,n-., Judge B. C. M.O. G KORG f A —Brer or;i Coi nty : I, J. K. G. TiJJmnn, clerk ot tin: Super¬ ior court in and for ss*d eonnty do cer¬ tify the above is a true and correct ev traet from the minutes of said .Super¬ ior court. V,'it,less my hand and seal of oflico lhis iiiih day *f Jan. 1893. .J. .‘S. C. Til, UMAX, Clerk S. < . B. C. A gcntlcamti in Union County, M wjw i? mentioned too tnodesl a in man flic to Imve bis name newspaper?, \vai< c* "ml of rbc.iiimt i* m by t iiamb.*r lain’- I'.iin Balm, after Iryina (tliu tiled ji nms and treat meotn for I iurt en 50 cent bel t !c ; foi- sale by I . L lt.vvj.-i v!v ( o.,aiid .:!! int'Uichio deab-r For the connect answer to any Six words $150.00 For the correct answer to any Seven words, 175.00 For tlu* correct answi r to any Eight word?, 200.00 For the correct answer to arty Nine* words, 225.00 For the correct answer to all of the'Ten words. 800.00 LOMBARD IRON WORKS —AND— &TJ X J JE*X^Y CO. A UG-USTA GEORGIA. We carry the largest stock south of— l Saw Mills. $100 to$900. Engines, 4 to 75 Horse-power. Grist Boilers, (< to 150 Horse-power. Mills, $16 to $4S. Feed Mills, $50 to $100. Saw Gins, Roller Gins, Furnace Grates Cane mills, Kettles, Evapoaators, Stacks, Fronts, Building Castes Grates, Stacks, etc., Bpits, Shafting, Belting, Pulleys, Hangers, Jet Pumps, Packing, Piping. Injectors, Fittings, Valves, Saws, Bar Iron, ail sizes All kinds of Machinery Work, new. and repairs yromptly attended to. Write us before you buy and get our prices. Prices reduced on Gins and Presses. GEORGIA—Bum.och (’ouutv : of Whereas,C.W. fji*:iti*r administrator J. B. Lester, represents to t lie court in ills petition duly tiled and entered on record,that lie lias fully adminis¬ tered ,T. B. Lester’s gstat'e. Tliis is therefore to cite all persons concerned,' kinnred and creditors, to show- cause, if any they can, why said administra¬ tor siioul I not be diselmrehed from bis administration and receive letters of i dismission on tin* first Monday in March KS:);!. A. B. Lax in;, Sm Ordinary, B. C. Sale Stair CD Having recently purchased a lot of good horses, I am prepared to furnish Teams at short notice and at reasonable rates—Mules and horses always for sale. Will board stock by the month, week or day. W- T SMITH. STATESBORO. Mi (o) I have a new and complete stock of Hats, Trimmings, Feathers, Ribbons and LsdiQs Fancy Goods, which \ will sell cheap. MRS. J. V- LAKGFGPO, Statesboro, Ga There is n new arrival nt our house lie is liltli* bul haul, and cost $80 and proi-criptions. Thr* Lord ;hol)) i;-: all The Mutual life Insurance Comp iO RICHARD A. McCURDY, President. Assets J $ i 7 5,0 0 0 ,0 o o. • Thedargest financial institution in the World. Purely MUTUAL —Every dollar of the Money belongs exclusively to the Policy Hold¬ ers. The ASSETTS INCREASED 17,500,000 IN 1892. Sec the new Policies Written by this great Company Before taking Insurance Elsewhere. It will be to Your Ad¬ vantage. Gitl Ledsing J tf €§&peei£tl NEW SIP If 1 New Baling. We have just opened our now and commodious WORK SHOP in Statesbojo with anew outfit of MACHINERY, MATERIAL, ETC. We are prepared to do all kinds of Fancy Wood Work in the way of Balusters, Pickets, Brackets, croll work, Mantels, Window frames and Stairs, Balustrades, Newels, Counters and Shelving. Dross and Match Burn- * her, make Moulding, Hand Rails and Col¬ umns. Wo are agents for Waltci A. Wood’s Mowing and Reaping Machines. i ve us your orders, wo will give you satisfaction. & f f* J I DAVIS £ tf‘ ■ Srff S3 ■ STATesboRO, GA. . 111 A .3 B. E. W A KNOCK. F. R. WILLIAMS. WAieNOCK Sc WII^lviAMS, 0---DEALERS IN--0 Groceries, wises, liqaros, cigars, tehseo &co. 210 CONGRESS ST., SAVANNAH, GA. il o ts I? h I l 3 1 < fl Wester Old tBtfritsicl. m ( >< ’ft; T 7 |y|ij if ;■% a- bl. CD \ CS2I if»b ap II S3 Under the Weight of NEW GOODS. FANCY ARESS PATTERNS Notion« l TTotiCn® ! » Hats, Slices, and Ready-Made Clothing. A full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Am Sells GO. n ■ s!j Lm. >.ii. Joan il. Donaluson (clietip John) will assist me in v. rating on you, No Waiting, No Delay A Share of your custom is Respect¬ fully Solicited. R* F. DONALDSON. STATESBORO, GA w I ^2 <r>-2 AY ee> rf3S5i-L'U|. ce> Eg?tfsiiivgs ctigS!aBBa» Owe much to too Houses that supply thorn. Wo like to see people well and becomingly dressed, and no house can better aid them then we can. We are THE LARGEST AND LEAD¬ ING DEALERS in FINE CLOTHING for MEN BOYS’ and CHILDREN in GEORGIA and our prices are always the lowest. Wo ship C. O. I). to any express office with privilege of examining before paying. Suits for Clergymen, Railroad men and all others requiring special styles or designs, Sizes for tall, thin, short or stout men always on hand, Write for rules for self-measurement and Catalogue. Spring and Summer styles. (or~». . 159 CONGRESS ST, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. mu' ncr’ucrmu+iz. .-i.*_^i».~ ii I 9 rseouaa Hcasgjgl W2> s ?A $ SOLID Tl1ne 01(1 MUSICAL Le nnox.___ SOUTH IN GRAND IlaUrUiJnh CHORUSTl Metro. , 0 , * J Tho CLEVELAND COTTON year of Ju JUMPING • bl* ELECTED. leo is come,The UP. yew of Ja • bi • lee i« CONFIDENCE CORN come,Rc-turn CRIES yo Kanaomed FULL. RESTO«ED. Peo-ple Homo. \ 0 PIANOS FORCE BILL only DEAD. $225. ORGANS PROSPERITY IN 9IQKT. $27. 0 > only 0 \ ,A ^filobrjilc time to buy. this Piices cront never *1 nhilcc lower. Yoar Terms with never tho Pinna wiBler. or Oi'tziiii Newatyle-s. no lonn New wnntodT prims. Never Kew u bettor SPECIAL terma. > JUBILEE HOLIDAY OFFER—PIANO LAMP FREE. V I'rcr lo ll,ilii!i'iy lingers. \\ Hh every new l'leno orderwl before .Tun. 15. *fl:i, we (five n unler. A dill sis 1'lnuo lelini', complete. Wend forcn mlur. Mention this r. Don't delny. ^ > — vytv ▼. ——— & - BATLS, _ . _ Clirlstmns nioeiduo. W ' The Lenduiir Piano nn*i Qrgan Southern House Music of the South. House, Established Savannah, G A 1870.