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About The Bulloch County banner. (Statesboro, GA.) 1891-1894 | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1893)
0ARJMN8 IlOUSR P I Can corner, accommodate Walnut .and few Clierjy a reg ir Boarders, and will set. public noon all gal haring days. Board, per moirth if 10.00 “ i Wide, .f.'i.AO “ r day. if 1.00 •“ r ill ell 25/ I f Lodging, 25'-' MRS. E. E. TILLMAN, Static who no. Ga. STATE" oVfiKdnGI A-lieiibb!, <'.mu (y : Whereas, J. A. Brannon, ailmiiiis (rator ol' biicirtia anil (.'eyreiiia Braa nea represents to tlie court in hispeti fion, duly tiled and enror’eil.on record, that lie lias fully administered Imere tiasapdCyrenia is tilercfoi-(> cite lirrnneu’s estate. This k^aajd, to persons- eon heirs and creditors, to show ny they can, why said admin Hni- not he diwetiar^ed I'roin H-sion Ira ’tii and receive leu. re Hilt. on the first Ji. Laxiku, Monday in A. Ordinary ■V—Bna.ocn County : ■k. RVb '1'. F. Branncn adminis D. Jlrnnnen represents to I in liis petition, duly tiled led on record, that he has ful Isterei! on \V. I >. lirannen’s ■■his is \ iierefore to cite all loncerned, kindred and credi iow cause, if any they ean, | l‘d Administrator from his administration, should not l;e five Monday letters in of Maivh dismission laths- on [ A. H. Lamkr, Ordinary. L«t Hiindc'rsigiied will sell to !he Bt Kidder, in Statiwhoro, Ga., first Monday in April next, ■oliuwing pn ].erty, to-v, it;. W\ (lie household and kitchen liture belonging to the Lester Id j such as Feather Pillows I Beds, Bedsteads and Srprings, pmplete line of dimng room faiijes, Bbdroom good milch ami parlor suits, Ah ! so, one cow. lints less than five dollars to paid cash; «seceding that amount payable on the fir:-t of .October with approved tenuity. Respect fully, Mrs. J. T. BIRD. A Piose Po m m Spring. On I his pellucid day, when the sky is so beautifully blue and the sun so warm and cheerful, , , JU . , <U C . Un 11!S . > ! 01a > ‘ ; l>1 * ‘ i0 '' h fllc C3 ''k )g ■■ nierrily ° m m •' the ,1 ^aao^aivl ^ , W-’ , U 'l. 1 ^® cac n.. hing, i secnib i«i u,u\ • S' LI] ■Kw>i«iirce al C' i ft&jZ aiwl ■Ms, • ,* ' life again md in a ‘How few day^j 'bo rebed in'.,green. de lightful it -wid be to sit under the "wide spreading branches of the dear, old oak, “the king of.the forest,” and listen to the little feathered they sing their sweet songs of joy, V>'ho is fit that can’t enjoy the sweet,balmy of spring? The little violets are peeping up their ]j|irp!e heads all over tlie woods and the little yellow jessamines aro tvving their tender postrals ar- .und every bush and twig in in roach. While. 1 write I can look out of the window and see such a beau¬ tiful picture. A largo ylum tree, rolled in blossoms of spotless white, twined around with yellow jessamines. A few days ago, as I was rambling in the woods in search of flowers, I was enchanted by the beautiful scene that sur¬ rounded me. In the trees above me I could hear the twittering of so many beautiful little birds as they wore singing their good night songs; and far in the dis fence I could hear the tingling of tiie cow bells as they caine H^dv through the meadows on ||||ih*ro the barn, where the B^'or ■irr wails to feed and the night. While ^^surrounded I am sud doir irrupted by a splashing in tho stream near by, and taking a few steps in that direction brings mo to the banks of its sparkling waters. Several beauti¬ ful geese are swimming and play¬ ing in the waters beneath me. As I look farther down (lie stream 1 can sec the beautiful waters stop¬ ping only a moment to play in the last rays of the setting sun, then making such sweet music as it was dancing merrily over the stony pebble on its way to the sea. And as slowly wind my way Jjkucward, 1 think back day. to Dear see how T have spent tho reader.-, wo should try improve*ev¬ ery moment of our lives, for, like the spring day, they must come to a close, and let us all tvv to be prepared. Eyks. Excelsior, Ga., March 20 th. Go to (’. \V. Ennuis * Go. for vonr dry goods and notions CITY SND COUNTY HEWS. .0 Mbs Rebecca Moere is visiting her brother, Mr. S. L. Moore. We aro pleased to learn that Col. J. A^J-'rannen, who has been quite sick, is improving. Bnlioch is a l t i!ry” county, but a Kcely cure instiiu'c* would no doubt do a rushir.gjbusiness here. It is said that every dog has his day. The nights, we presume, aro reserved tor the bad boys and cats. Wo can now ho ist of having')llie largest circulation. A cyclone struck the office last week and Mowed our papers over seven counties. \Ve hear (bat another paper is to t'O started here. Come on. brother. Obituary ’ nbcices, not exceeding 30 lines, free. On account of our inabilirv to get enough paper to print, a whole issue last week, v.v publish again several articles that appeared last week, for which wo ask the indulgence of those who read the sheet last v.’eek. I)r. J. L. llioi's, of Excelsior,was in the city Monday. The doctor is evidently enjoying life, and his friends are glad.’tis thus. Rev. W. I). McGregor, that un tiring worker for the Lord,has been conducting a protracted meeting at the Methodist church I his week. Mr. George Blackburn’s barn ami its contents was destroyed by lire last Wednesday night. Loss $750; insurance $500. Rev, J. A. Scarboro will preach „ t Koriuth church on the third . uncuiy and , r Saturdav , , , , before , m “ -vpiTi,atll , clock and at c a. m., SUicbore&m.l.vmgl.t, ° r i he charming Miss Nannie Me Glesky came up from Belleville, in company with Perry Kennedy, last i< lid ay j and remained till Monday. McCle&ky is a lady possess of many accomplishments, tmd lias <i host ot admirers P‘ JS bounty There is not a better kept post ill Georgia than the postofRco. Postmaster and his assistant, Clan Lee, run.tho office in a bu t i manner, and, wethmk, safisl'actiou to theJoo $ur M ' neighbor-refers pfaeeb H »c|^l appens so seldom be u *’ Bnr^-evident (here Is nothing * unusual or el about the Ipiiuws of the oth lide gitti i’ dnink. 7Vo infer . that it is too common an occureuce for that. Miss Fannie Jones, the brignt and clever young daughter of Mr. M. C. Jones, has taken the agency for tho Atlanta Constitution, and will canvass the county thorough¬ ly. The Constitution is an?excel¬ lent paper, and we trust that Miss Fannie will moot with great SllC cess, Mrs. Harris has sold her stock of millinery goods to Mr. M. T. Hardee, who will remove tho stock to his store in the Parker block. Mr. Hardee has employed Miss Edna Harris, one of Statesboro’s most popular young ladies, to su per in tend that department for him Mr Cleveland has decided that while h- twill reward a few friends m the puife.ssion who have been superser'lceablo, \ as a rule no edi¬ tors nee th\boys apply. lie evidently thinks follow the game with more thjv;«re Vurpose and more ener¬ gy when hungry—a theory advanced b;' many of the old rgime of fox lumi^rs AYliat the editors think will bk more fully disclosed when it. is lliown who are net among the nAnlior of friends to make the exc,lotions. Mr. A. A. Rliier, who lives near Josh post-office, had tho misfortune to lose by fire last Monday night iTs barn and lot buildings an .I their contents, also a horse and milk cow. The loss falls heavily upon Mr. Lanier* as there was no insurance. WOlfi E. On Su iday niifit last, the llbli instant, my horse escaped from me with part of lie harness on him. Description sorrell, with two or three \vh)ton>ef and a blaze face. information Wi’l bo grr- ginui. t jly obliged by any Fount's. hUutesboro, Maret ■ 1, 1893. Clip!. W. N. Halt 111 rented his hotel,to Mr. AV, tl. [arris, and lie is now occupying the liou e va cj t al by the latter. A Possum Hunt. Not so very long ago some of my comrades ancl I went out. on a big possum hunt. The night, was very dark and gloomy, so that v.e could hardly seo ten feet from us and in a short tun ■ after we h:*l wt out on our hunt I almost regretted that I had not staid at homo. We all tried to be lively as possible and we made music wherever we went. We had been hunting for nearly two hours, and were growing tired and sh*mv v, when we heard the cheerful hrk of our deg. “A possum ! a possum!” shouted the boys and we had new life and vigor about Soon wo reached the , the dog was barking, a kindled, and wo began to for the possum’s eyes. The of the little tree were very (hick renderng it almostimp«#ible to sco through them One boy pro posed climbing the tree; to it we all agreed, and soon he was asceniding in the darkness He had gone up only a short ways when one fellw said “Hold on! hold on I see his -eyes!” Tho climber stopped to see what, was going to be done. By this time the boy with the light had. a good sized knot in his hand. Now watch said lie. I am going to bring him out,” whir whiz! w?nt (he knot, striking the boy between the eyes, for he had shined the feoyss eyes instead of possums Such a noise you never heard as the boy made as lie came funding down through the limbs. When ho struck terra fniia, ho was swearng vengenec against tho scoundrel who hit him Tf it was true the ., lion-ale . ,, of , Ins face . , .ad , be,:,, , »lmo,t , , broken , , nff^t , «. tola ium t\va.3 only an ancnient and so ] 10 cooled down. Then began to look for the p. again. I see him said I. And took the musket, and ga idl would wind up his ballot' yarn pretty soon. B-a-n-g went the musket, kick me down and sitting me sitting me up in the shape of a capitol Y, and it kept on kicking me, and I believe would have been kicking mo yet if had not quit I did n’t knock a feather ontof the animal though I behove! vflhild had lie got my mid of (he gun. - Since then I have been afraid of muskets; I dont even wr.nt to sleep In a house ^®®^>reep is such a gun, for'|c»f sih-ntlv to mv Bed, hiYe)’ (^ho sweet r<*S|.r.?r or tireu be;fp lia aiid'kick' me not of Wo decided to let ’pessum alone, ftn d started home. Two boys were merry, but the other two were a little down cast and low spirited, j Boys I am glad, said one of our numl r, lliat I did not gel in a scrape like— ‘G — d—m! p Just ac lie war ending bis sentence he fell into a day hole, going down head iirst inio iho water which was about 4 feet deep. He splash¬ ed and dashed about, iiv then.'till we lent him a helping hand and drew him ad.ore. That left onlv one to do ihe talking; for, ns were crossing the last branch, s bamboo vine tripped him, so (bathe fell, and stuck in the mud nearly an kle deep, his head going down first. We did not bid each other goodnight when we parted, but each one went his way. I have not been ’possum' bunting many times since, fur spite. AY. P. E.nxkis. Do You AVaut. An Offioa? There are 180,000 offices in the gift of the new Administration, and those who want to knew how to secure one of these lucrative po¬ sitions should send 74 cents for the U. S. Blue Book, a register of ev¬ ery Government office in each Stato and Territory, at AA’ashing ton and abroad, with salaries and duties. It. gives examination quos tions and is a complete guide for office seekers. Remit by money order or red do red ]etterto.I.II. Soule, 719 Ponnsyluania Avenue, Washington, D. C. Our contemporary is keeping on the good side of tho sheriff and we are trying to “stand in” with the marshal, while the vigilance com¬ mittee is standing off awaiting de¬ velopments. All this has a ten¬ dency to make us feel mighty un¬ comfortable. lew spring Goods MRS. LANGFORD is opening it]) this week a beautiful lino of Easier Ilats and Bonnets, a great variety of Children’s Hats and Caps, Ribbons, Flowers. A'eilsand Ornaments, at the wry lowest prices, Call and inspect her ?lock. AH EXHIBiliUH. During the 4th week in April (court week) the New Home Sew ing Machine Co. will give a high pFZ iTLTtGGi:: Each lady who attends will re ceive a nice souvenir of tin sion, if there is enousrh to 10 around. All are invited. . Sabbath Breaking. It is with pain and shame man' ling my cheek for the good order and Sabbath quietness that ought to be in Statesboro on the Lord’s day, t'lat I offer these few ]j^ ^J^rnoon publication. On last Sunday tliofehghborhood of th<* & S. railrc^l was made hidi Wis the whom* nd veils of a crowd of boys, whoso parents did not know where they were, who were violating tire fourth command, “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,” etc. I know not who they were, but their pres ence at that place was loudly manifest, A stranger coming into town at that time would have gotten a very poor impression how our children are being raised• they certainly would have thought that wo are a crowd of heathen. A heartfelt desire for the wel fare of our beautiful town and a desiro that people may tracted here promoted this communication,and suet; carolessnes on the part of the parents of Statesboro will not go. far toward the desired end. Hoping there will be no more of it, I am Statesboro’s hearty Well Wisher. j. lST OF IBBOHS. i il<> fo!iOWlr « is R list of J^ors for the April‘term of Bull, oeh Superior Conri. Grand Jurors f’bas B Arons James F Olliii, Eon era 1 W Burnsed Jos E Brown j James E Brown D A Brannon Geo E W ilson W S Lee David C Brad ’«y B A Davis Berry G I,aider T J Morrii; William Ain-arn Enpueti M Anderson CD Miljry fm#, Ma lone Solomon Akins WjJfttijn P liti Donaldson Jno M Mallard James Mi>.n C |*MaV 'v 0 Mobley J -T Miller James M NJo'iolsIM J^Mo hiv MM^ hn U JphY.AyT -Martin Simon 1 %ev<i: JohhD Mr -•< \ Y, T R Newton^, ir., U T Blattd. J am es W I’roc tic. M C.-Bmith.. William Warren. Ji.mph II Ik r-' kins, Augustus b South,? A Trap- ; noil, John S Nesmith, Eiish Campbell, Solomon Parrirh, .\Vm B Luo. A J Proctor, W II Waters, James R Newsome, Virgil A S Moore, Benj F Morris, Lewis AY Brown, Eiish S Woods, Horace N Wilson, J T Nowssme, John A La¬ nier, J F Akins, Wm 1> Hart, J M Bishop, John F Woodcock, Cluis Vv \Villiams, John G Mitchell, Jno : G McEIveeu, w illiam A liagm, h Hogan, J J Groover, Da vul Nesmith, A J Lee, John G Brown, Francis N Akins Go to C. AY. Ennuis & Co. for your hats; they have just rec’d a large stock of straw hats of all kinds. CD Y&Y i Spring - Goods! ---AT ELLIS & OUTLAND S Come in and examine our New Stock of Spring Goods ; they have to be seen to be appreciated. DRESS GOODS. Ladies Dress Goods in endless variety on exhibit in our store now every day at prices to suit the times. CLOTHING ! As for Clothing our stock and prices will eclipse anything in the line ever shown to the people to this section. SHOES. If you wear shoos we are the folks to buy them from, Can save you from 50c. to 73c on any purchase and give y«u»lettor goods, too. AVo respectfully solicit a coutinuauco of your appreciated patronage ' \ *1 t v. IMS midi OUTLAID.-* - GEORGIA—Bulloch Covnry : J. J. Sikes Administrator of Hamp ton Sikes having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said county fw * discharge from bis admime: \ S'” lmssed from his administrate n lhl " > !Sr,ai |( f'-rs dicmissiou on the tirst Monday in April next. Given under hand and seal of office, Tins nary 3rd 1893. A. It. 7/ *25 C2 _ i Mill creek alliance No. 754. mce ts Saturday before 4th Sunday in each month 2 o'clock p. ni. C. E. Lee -Secty., Brag Ga. Claxton Academy, Claxt n Ga. Tins school is now in session "i!- 1 ;I c,, ! >ri ” u, \ ’‘V y 'll A who nlaee h r Jtlr.-n in air institution v,l! n ' >‘‘ey will receive a tbor P ra, ' ; ^' Rat- : ^ s edueafion of tuition at PO/g a L10, and ,1.0 * per month per cholar. ( b od I card at from *8 $10 p.-r mouth. Desirable lots of T'“ c?r Cv :i free to thus-, : I mm lands ' 1 '. l \. " ’ l ,r iC . 1 ft. }'. ;p .,j/ i'r "-PPM , ; s. bioard of i i: j - or to J. L. L ••••'- p ’-b - pete si; i to: -J T O N S O R J A L ■ A RLO ST.i . . O • . GA., r . • - 11 4 ‘ J. 3 DUUMY, M. D, STATES LORO, !. ' c. . L, KJr.RS, M. D. I. A ' OR, GA. . L. J. Ale LEAN, s D E U TI S T., ; . _ tbero''r of Dr. M. M. -TO. r* V 0. sWlSSK, Spuiit-i gv.I, LAP.. Y'.lE and THROAT. ---- ■r..' Eye.-. ('.y araef. I 'r. , • ; t.y • i I'D MY .! -.v'. h y bissos. : Lity. t : • 1 i i s ANN7AII- Ga. iV- 1OHE __ U 0G _ f ' TL JEWELRY. _ IYN E CRIMES, i ■ npiety Clocks a •Hi t: . . id b v your „ . . i. - i • '. 'd or ; I ...K. grimes, S "A7>;.-nc ::o, GuoimiA. / SFft ft a . V f W X* § U $ Ft L* $ 3L, fF£) ij a® w j SuCCCSSOrtO A.R. Atmaycr *> &Otj ^Y* , S.W.W.NAH,e.V. ** n,am > lbBJto3Ws ^ ** *• 1)0 w »m»« 1 wm\ r : mm, why not ? • WE ARE LIR £ M \ i GST PROGRESSIVE HOUS 5 iStxa " M THE • I s 0 ■xnm wmm H s ■». >< '- C-U3 OHO FIELD’S IRON r Fif r * IVrf --> IA N U F A C T U R E R S 0 F_ •M STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS SAW MILLS. CANE MILLS TU^ENTl AND bS STEAM PUMPING M A CHINEE FOR Fc heel’d's Pr; r .Tbif Tacking m i:u. ttic leal Ik tech years an? f | Y IIM- 'AXD | -m ms of 1 • mm 1 Iron I'mms^yB Cb4^ m ■ :GAli . . *. *■ P. 'C, . ■ A-.- -T: w . amt * tea Hai infpir wiR. ^DDRE-SING C7YS « UT” i id's Sons I Oo. P MACON, CNii W. 0 L®. 3 § rrs go. XIAVK j Inaugurated the greatest clearance Sale ever heard of n A r i i i sirEe/r i ox TT 1 IS Y This For Low ? NICE LINE Dress Goods, of Henrietta cloth, worth 35<* to ho sacrificed at 2‘-*« v . Beautiful lot of Cashmeres in nil the latest shades worth 50;' to b • closed out at Mr. HERE’S A STUNNER ALL WOOL Dross Flannel, 11 inches wide, worth 75c for only 59/. FUP.NiTURS. TJJI8 portion of our slock is. by far the mo :.-1 complete over brought !o t!:i i l owl. and we can save you from 10 to l ;]ier cent, on am tiling in Furniture, Carpets, Mat¬ ting, Window Shades. Etc. NOTICE :—These Goods will be sold for throe weeks ONLY at the prices quoted. J. W. OiI_vJG,IiN!G tV CO, STATESBORO, GA. TT DRYI GIS & RICH lMPOirn-UiS AM) 1JEALEUS IN FINE WlflES, Liquors ft CIGARS, SPECIAL AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN j O J XT C3? 'V 1€ Si fi> iC . --^ 151 CONGRESS STREET, SAVANNAH U—:-~U ('BORGIA Vie ito the Biggest Business hTr • Savannah Carry a Larger, More \ aried Stock than anyothe House in the South. Remember in adrti tion to DRY GOODS We keep nearly Everything MAN AND V> OMEN REQUIRE for them 1 selves or for home. The combination of such widely different stocks (there aro 40 Dia a »: r “ and ( Mtailil,s conservative migement makes LOWEST PRICES Possible. - i y Housewife of Savannah ' it 11 you about (he prices that a-t m ide.our Hsw y Tjkery any Hous8?pis^in| DEPARTMENT Such an Enormous Success. Our Mad Order Dep’t. isperfgft—piitp us a postal and we will send you list of prices or s&bples that wil' make you ojjpp yoijr^ eyes. With a will, the iways a way. WB WANT Y ; t TRAE: Will em ploy every ■ hy agency and give you at all ti -tC Lowest Possible prices—to ni’-ri't 'our'patronage.. LEOPOLD /?DLER, NOTIONS.—20 Doz. Handker¬ chiefs. white or colored border, for 05r each. OUR LOT beautifully finished Corsets, good value for 7 of, wil be sold for 54 OUR LOT of a No. 1 Corsets nicely trimmed, worth $1.10 to gt for 89;'. The olimax! ONE LOT Good Corsets, sold for GO/-' to be sold for 33/. SHOES! SHOES!! SHOES!!! $3000 worth of Gent s, Bailies, Boys and Girl's Shoes to be sold for at exactly HALF PRICE. W« can sell you a good pair of shoes for 25/ and up. CLOT pipG ! CLGJHIf/S ! f STOCKS of Clothing to be sold at less than cost. They must be sold, and now is your tima to buy CHEAP! "