Newspaper Page Text
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The Bulloch Herald.
' CFFiCjXo;i{&y _.__J__ OF TjiF C?0b%fY t
_ > •
0;ic id isUnr Jfcr b T .ea >\
* ri’BLBS Hl£ T> TK V Kf»D A T S* H Y
■ rnn: IUJIJA-I.U rriR.TRf^a CO.
' Tl Dor^BsT^
■ i L'O. n. dokalpson, c. s. marii-n, .
W. si rRE3TORHJ3. _•
David r. E. TUEVLU, kditcs a::o jiawicsr.
Sliateslioro, G i, JlSurcb I§58>.
______ -
Let’s give Spain another twenty
^pillions to rue back, anyhow.
^ Covar.Ess has a jonrqed. A
PbCiai Session will not be called,
as seemed probable some time ago.
For an ..afternoon paper, the
Cress is a hustler. It is
no, id’s airead a > T the
e'p like to ask for iniorma
|ion, What’s become of Tom M’ut
eon? •W you thought of bin;
Who said Tiie Herald had no
petfiton which to print the legal
Tell him to come
see if it hasn't.
--- —.7
While T talking about war
f or president, why no n* o onsider
yitviinrrb f Itzhugh Leo t on and n,,.i n Gen. , vi \ heeler? i o
\ ?ey m both democrats.
v,'Tinnnr • • ,
Register in rhyme, whicii
wiU prove intv-c?tIng > it"idjT^-*fnt
iVfl di ITHLt LUpV lino .OUl ^«°- contlibp
tors are.
The Herald is fortunate in the
class of enemies it has. They are
few, but they do ns lots of good in
their way. Strive ever so hard,
could not please us better
i by opposing us.
Fcr the nejcfc wqek, now, the pa¬
pers will have something t» ta'k
about—there’s been another bliz¬
zard ! It was truly rough weather,
but cotqpiu'ed to the one of la@t
piontli it was a gentle zephyr,
Some of the papers ar, talking
about Grover Cleveland as a dem
cratic presidential possibility next
) T ear. Are they joking, or do limy
really think that Cleveland and
his party will ever get together?
EffOM the papers we see that our
sister town, Swainsboro, is trying
to get a cotton factory. It she
is really trying, the chancos are
she’jl gqt it, for they’ve got plenty
of ipoqey and plenty of “push” up
A copy ot the \Vifegras§ Blade,
published in Swainsboro, has been
received at this office. It’s “chock
full” of local nqws, and no doubt
will obtain a good support ip its
county. Geo. Bell, the editor and
publisher, is a hustling boy.
All that heated rivalry between
Admirals Schjey and Sampson,
over tho Santiago victory, seems
to hava bepn of small mopient af¬
ter all. Their respective admirers
niatio u great ado about where the
credit belonged, but when the sen¬
ate came to pass upon the matter
Schley was nut a couple of points
ahead of Sampson. This js as it
Tire Times was inquiring m a
very innocent way a few weeks ago
why .the Sheriff Hud Ordinary had
seen ill to withdraw their patron
ago from it. At the time iho edi
tor p<*»ued that inquiry h« was,
to i eluulit. praying for it to g wr.«n
and ho probably con
granulates himself that it has so
iar been unnoticed.
Now, so Liras the Times editor
is concerned n.e npeas no answer,
for ho • lias long ago—before lie
wrote tho inquiry reterred to—
been personally informed by the
token ei, 11 and „ , Ordinary N , of their .
reasons for . quitting him. Vhen
lie says to the contrary we are
constrained to think that bis
memory is very deficient, or else
—well—the truth is, he know their
reasons as well as they knew them
themselves when lie sought to
liainboozle his readers by pieadinc
Itmuybe, hoyevar, that
arc among his reactors some who
arc interested in knowing the truth
ftbout the matter, and The
this time to announce „
tew ot the reasons. V» hen tbs Times
man bought tho printing business
from the present editor of The
xIerald he lackr-d an eveq thon
sa nd dollars of paying ^ iu b for 1U1 1L it
When the last payment
ing to near $700) camp due in
November the Times man wanted
Y** iponoy. ‘>a.v» ouly HU in intentions which to ra wtsre 13
«oat»V P S ~n'Xn ' 1 :
could ask for. Mhen patience .
had ceased to be a virtue with
The Herald man, however, and
the mortgage had been put into
an execution, the Times man
sought legal counsel, who inform
Pjl him that he could gain time by
swearing that he didn’t owe a pent
of the amount claimed and he
went into the court and made
affidavit to such a statement.
The Times editor was thereupon
infurmed that unless he settled
his honest debts tho Sh^vitT and
Ordinary would withdraw then
advertising and give it to a rival
paper. He called upon both if
these gentlemen before The
Herald was ever started up, to
ascertain if this was true; and
both plainly informed him that
they could not stand by him
unless he settled his just obliga
tions at a hundred cents on the
del {ar instead cf doiu" aa ho had
done—attempting off sixteen month's to after swear they then;
As we said, he knew all of these
reasons before The Herald was
started—a month before he un¬
furled to ihe world that -innocent
little inquiry! And if he tad
been honest with his readers he
would have spared The Herald
lie. Hie easy There job of making other things them pub- that
can be said on this subject when
occasion demands it.
Little Jog Bailpy, of Texas, is
mad. He openly vqws that he
will never lend the democratic side
- ;
of congress any more. IIow rash
and how vexatious! The trouble
with the little fellow is that he
wanted to refuse to seat Gen.
Wheeler in congress, and the
majority of the democrats there
begged to differ with him. It is
barely possible, however, that
Bailey’s rash vow is superfluous—
the democrats seem to have quit
following oven a little while before 1
he decided to stop leading.
•Statesboro, Ga.. March 6th, 1899.
TtfStC Saprotl IIuvj).
Oup good old friend and neigh
bor, Mathew Miller, has in his
possession a copy of the “Sacred
Harp” note book. Forty or fifty
y&a’S ago it was a very popular
bo-dc. What makes it-seem odd
. the . . , ,
now is caaracier iipnes— ? Oi,
la, me—four r notes representing ..
seven sounds. W e used to think
it was all right—and it nag then,
but it woutdn , , t do now. In look
ing through this hook, I see the
first song. I ever learned—
“There is a bappv land,
t.p, iur,.|r r away, -lwir eie tu..
T I i learned , tn.s in>ai ly iirty r n years _ _
a t?°* I attended a singing sdiool
at Hebron church, in' Lmanuel
county, near Garfield—tho’ there
WRS l V> Garfield there then. I sup*
P°* e those pioneer leople called
iho church Hebron in honor of the
ancient city of that name over in
Canaan, where David was crowned
k**'g over Wl, and where 4hra :, Isaac and a woo o were ouried.
This Hebron in Emanuel is unlike
^he ancient city oi that name. In?
stead foitile of va.rey being of in the Canaan, beautiful as that .jud
city wa§, it is situated on a hill-top
with a soil anything but fertile,
Mr. Charles Aarons taught tho
school menliqned. and I remember
^ ^ always , , broke , up school , . on
Saturday evenings with a dr<z$l, as
was called. He would form his
9 ss ... a crclo and them a
soun-I, s^iich they would
: hold while bs took the middle of
«.a .ingin* (tho scho.ara
marching , • round)— , \
Ye children of Zion who are hound
‘-come tune^V to sjng.” your voices and help
I attended divine service at Ho
hr on on Christmas day a little
oyer seven years ago, but the old
] u g house was gone and a more
comfortabIo ho „ so had bcen built .
The same old rocks scattered
aromu1 ’ weighing probably there a quar
toi N were as of yore.
<:l,1,0 * : ,^ r) <,I1Un ^ 1! ” blanch to
Wok for tne spring—where I had
drank waier fifty years ago—but
. , W[ tho
S»f*« I love to think ot the hallowed same
spot ; my parents use to worship
there; it is sad but sweet. I re
iDt-inboi sitting 11 p w 11 h an old
idrh cn his death-bqd some thirty
VRars ai:c H ) '' v l e tou m ”
that an old person’s , mind was all
the time going back oyer the past,
ami I beliave it is so. Now if I
should write a few letters to The
Herald on the reminiscences of
the past, I hope my old friends
J. S. H. and D. C. P. will come to
my aid, if I should misrepresent
the old Sacred Harp and her asso¬
ciations when we were young.
C. S. M.
“OI«l flicks 1 ’ Turned Loose.
Old Hicks” has bf*en in the
custody of the county since Satur¬
day until he was released this
morning. He is not the groat
weather prophet, but i3 a colored
cit.zen whose Christian name is
Old HicllS was arrested cn a
charge of trading mortgaged pro
ptii), „ Hut ouu thnssc tuust who " rt kiil.iv tnew flip, mu
pi lwntvArf opcriy v involved in v u \ tu jiuuiuu hooted nt, in 1 L1 ]v * p y
Lino lupa i VDAb li‘i 4 tho U1 V nmnertv Loft ORU- boon
trndod_,f tiaacu t l il lfl c v y know KIU.W flint Tl J LICKS iok m
onnlrl COlllti not IK i hnvft lids foil lounu lid fi H niiivh.ospu puic abti
liaa i ,„,1 110 W \> tlI! n.,fp lUU ( 1 to tu tvnrlo UUUO pvr-r LVAl so so
v, DiUl, nf l . sim lUiu, l hnsidpa utfttut.f, there were at v no no
circumstances indicating a tr ■n
except that the property was not
visible upon the streets/
The property said to have been
traded, and on which there was a
mortgage, consisted of a mule and
wagon. i’Wfi'lv ' : voars •' nm\ ^ the
mule was in his prime, but o late
3 ears times nau l i cnanged , , with ... ,, trie
off] V follow ’ au and p us uS he no K otow re? ' oioor nbler lie h»
ldcewisogrew , . leaner. Three weeks
ago u, he was at , his , . zenith noth
a ? e aiiC * decrepitude. There was
" *'-o ‘ >tl 'd bail a long pan <n
pars, U long * ll8 ^ ti, long legs, -a long
tail—-all these — ha result of a iony
life. Hicks for many years had
»>eon 511 tire habit ot assisting
‘Jack to his feet caca morning,
but Oil Monday morning Y of the
lipeze v hen he vent out , to ,
pg r f orru pj la p i ov ing a,ct, old
“Jack” smiled not back at him as
he iiad been wont to do-—his
'W* «i{f and his
(]oa ,j j ^ oy Y t p ( , v/n
ce q e q 0 jq * ! Jack” a few days,
breaking down under its weight of
years and a big load of wood. The
p or ^gage on it, too, was quite
brok p (lmyn h) fho nl;1(J onJ ft
fpw days before the niule went.
They were about the samp age,
b«*d pen jaithful seivice together,
qq, e p nrtv } 10 j dljQff ^p iQ T j> or |„
gage missed tho property a few
days since, and thinking it had
traded, had Hick’s^arrested. It
'\ af! ai 1 ‘ i0 tr5n ’ 1 iiai ) l developed
that tbp . mule had died . during the
freQze} aiul that . tlie wagon had
broken down and had boon given
awav only a few days before.
Sheriffs A dvertisements.
Will be soknjofBR the coart bo:iso floor of sakl
county cm the
1899. within the legal hours of salo, to the liighost
bidder to-wil: for cash, the following described property
Fifteen acres of land In the 48th D!st O H g! said
county, and bounded on the north by lands of Jr*
Newsome and Henrietta Newsome-, on the cast by
lands cf Henrietta Newsome, and on the south and
west by lands of L-ivenio Newsome.
Said land levied on a3 the property of Henrietta
Newsome, tax guardian for by Lavonie Akins, Newsome, collector to satisfy of
a execution issued J N tax
Eunocli county, fpr state and Donaldson, county taxes for the
year 1898. Levy made by it F sr, bailiff
of tho county court, and turned ever to ma for
advertisement and sale. Ty'gal notice given
defendant. This March 9th, 1899.
J. H. DONALDSON, Sheriff.
Will bo sold before tho court house door of said
county on tho
1899, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder tor cASh, the following deseriled property
to wit:
Fiftee n act os of land belonging to L B Begins in
the 43th Dist G M cf said county, and bounded on
the north by lands vl T T Seine’s, on tne east by
lauds of B E and Ii L Elagins, and or. the south and
west by lands of slid L B fiagins.
Sakl land levied on to satisfy a tax execution
issued by ,1. N. Akins, tax collector of Bulloch
county, against the said L B Hagins for state
and County taxes for the year 1838. Levy made by
R. F. Donaldson, sr , bailiff of the county court, ai d
turned ever to me tor advertisement and sale.
Legal notice given defendant. This M arch Sth, 1699.
J. U. DONALDSON, Sheriff.
geo^gia-bulloch county.
Will be sold before tho court house door of said
county on the
1S99, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, tho following described property
Ten aches of land taWcf belonging to Henrietta Newsome
oa vvgou^. *& nwto rt br ihe'east D BKov-we C°R *xTi*T
NT on by landsof Du vis, and
Newsomo'^ westtoy lands of tise >aUX Xlextrie^a
Said laud levied on to satisfy a tax execution
S&.’Ui- «.M»5MSS
tst “i, TiSuJss.s. 1
court, and turned over to me for advertisement and
wile I ..j ,1 notice m ffivcu fl <toie~uaut. .i rl iii 11 , Tnis uiaj Siarcli Marcn
9 th u ’ m-H f '
J. H. DONALDSON, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—Bullqcji County.
Will be sold before the court house door of said
county on the
pjoo, within Ihe legal hours ot sale, to the highest
£>wr- for casl1 ’ tue foliowiag detiCI ' lbed property
All that tract cr parcel of land lying and being la
the state aforesaid and in the 1920th District, G. iM.
thereof, containing One bounded Hundred and Ninety-six
acres, mere or less, and as follows; On the
north by lands of Mrs. Arlan 'Brinson, on the east
by lamte of H. H. Moore, on the south and south
west by lands ol Mrs. Sallle Bland, and on tho west
by lands of Mra. Sallle Bland.
Said land levied on as the property of W. W.
B j alul t0 sa *i y fy iiu execution issued from the
county court of Bulloch county in favor of J. Austin
g ranuf , n B. L. Hendrix, J. C. Parrish and j
W.W.Bland. Levy made by H. F. Donaldson, sr.,
bailiff ol the county court, and turned over to tne :
l * r * ,a! "“T» t b()SuiS!‘ftr '
No. 0.
Georgia—B vixoca county.
cooutJSuS botore the coort bocse
??*• owner wwi’o fcy ofisb, the lsgn tos t&owius §o«w of sale, described to the property highest
Ten acrai of lead betangfnir to W ft Strickland,
ln the JfcthDistOM, aedbounded on thenorth ana
/' p i- by made of Mary A Strickland, u»d on tlio
a,Lifl west t7 lands of the said W ft Stricft.'. :d.
Said lto'd levtod on Jo. *fdK?y a tux execution
issued , by j n Amins, tax collector of BuRoeh county
'•ftulnfct the ®U<t W cstriekland tor stete andcounty p
tsxes for the y«r lft«. Levy m*Ue bv R
overt©mo Donalds.®,sr,b:5};aofthocoautyco.ut,nnd foradvcrgsejtept.andsnio. turned
givenctcicadact. this Marchftm. ia». Ltvaluotice
! __J. n. losalpson t, sheria,
( ‘ l '' c<u Ct '
co V;Ubi’ ^N*P said before tkacourt Rouse door cl ebI'4
■ ' ?Diy
,, .
w*Wi-rioream, the foncwias described property
u Twiraty-fiv*
ccr-.-t cf-iaad bcionsting to j m
JoulEfcs. In thoA‘.ihl»a:G K, of «.M couuty, «r.d
bout.d ^.i ta tho m>nb b f tecds of Mary stricwead,
on tne soutu nad -west by fends «f the said j m
.^^^ntLintueesutfeyhuidsblearyKictuter, jNs' Ut 1> L »Stoch
issum by pix conecior of
county’ t.N -3 for tho /car il?)s. n Levy"mad«b 7
j.h.donaldson, suemr.
Will be hoM bo’ore the court house door of said
county on tho a
1S02. w}tb!a the legal boura cf, tn tbs hlgaest
bffla<>,r for cash, t£w folio,vljaa dascrlbafl property
to- ,v it:
Fifteen acres of iaufl belougiog to S. L Rlchardsoa
lu the 47th Dwt. G. M. of suifl ecuaty, ami bouodol
as follows: On the south by lauds of 0. C. Marlin,
and ou the north, east ami west 4>y lauds of the
said S. L. Rich in:son.
teid land levied on to satisfy e, tax cxecuUm
Issued by J. N. Akins, tax collector of Bulloch
county, and against gie sakl g. L. Uicluirdsqu |or stste
K. county Lures for tho year Levy made by
F. UonuWson, sr., bailiff of tho county court, and
turned over to me foradyeitisament ann sale. Legal
notice given defendant. Thl- March Oth, ltitO. "
J. n C0XALD3O.V, Sherid.
GEOP.GIA—Bcllcch County.
Will be sold before tho court house door of said
county ou the
1803, witfain tho legal hours of sale, to iho hlgbc-sj,
W ider for cash, the foitowiuir described proem?
Fifteon peres of land belonging to I. C. Simmons,
in tnc 47tlil)i»t ’G- M.’ of'giid count v, and bouadett
as follows: On the south by landS ot W. J. Strickland,
and ori the north, east and west by land* of tho
said I. G. Simmons, known as the H. BRamona’
place. .
Bald f#o.l levied on to satisfy a tax execution.
Issued by J. N. Akins, to;: collector of RiiUoch
county, against tho said I. c. SimuAms for state miide and
county taxes for the year 1*3. Levy by
R. F. Doaeidrton, sr., lnuilfl of the county court,
and turned over to mo for adverLser.ioEt nnd sale.
Legal notice given defendant. This Murch fith, 1893.
J. H. DONALD30X, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—BoLLocn County.
Will luj sold before the court bouse door of said
ccjmty en Rip /-■
1399, with the legal hours of sale, to the high as
bidder tor cash, the following described property
Forty-are acres of land belonging to p. ft.
Richardson, in the 47th G. M. of said county,
and bonuded as follows: On the south by lauds ot
G. J. McEivaeti, and on tin noiili. east and west by
lands of tho said P. G. Rk-hardnoa.
Said land levied on to satisfy a tax execution
issued by J. N. Akins, tax collector of Bui’ccls
and county, against taxes'for the said P. ft.'Richardson 1899. tor statu
conuty the year Levy made by
R. F. Donaldson, sr , bailiff of the county court,
and turned over to ms for r.drertldomeui and raie.
Legal notice given defendant. This .March Sth, to'u.!.
J. H- DON ALIA. ON, Sberilf.
GEORGIA—Bulloch County.
Will be sold before the court house door of said
county on the ;
3S9.9, wUbiin^lio for CiGl','tl'3'folio.vtng legal Uours of sale to tho highest
bid,] r deseribsd property
Richardson Twenty-five acres Nth of ’:>,nd belonging to G. W.
in too Dist. G. M. of said comity,
bounded as follows: Ou the north by lands cf Toot
Thorn, on the east by lands of p. c. Richardson,
and ou tho south and west by lands cf said Q. w.
Said laud levied on to satisfy a tax execution
incited by J. N. Akins, tax collector of Bulloch
county, county against taxes the for said the G. W. 1833. Richardson Levy for state
and year made by
It. F. Donaldson, sr., bailiff of the county court, and
over to me for advertisement and sale. Legal
notice given defendant. This March Sth, 1699.
J. II. DONALDSON, Sheriff.
GEORGIA—Bulloch County.
Will be sold before the coart hou3e door of said
county on the
1 ' W4der 1!i93 > wlCffn lor cash, tho tho legal following hours of described sale, to the highest
t0 ^l“
ty . Cve CC res of land belonging to T. W.
Lanier, la the Itito Dist. G. M. of sa:d county, ard
5«SS£“"' ffr 5
I f 8U ®^ f ^• A^tas, tax co lector a of BuHolIi
county, against ,f slid T. V/. Lanier for state an l
c((UIltv ta l;S ror toe ,\ear 1898 . Levy made by R. F.
Donaldson, sr., bailiff of the county court, and
turned over to me for advertisement and sale. Legal
notice given defendant. This March Oth, 1899.
J. H. DONALDSON, Sheriff.
GEORGIA.—Bulloch Corarr.
Will be sold before the Court Hou39 door of said
county, on too
first Tuesday in April,
1839, within the legal hours bf sale, to the highest
bidder for cash, the following described property
to-wit: land lying and being In ,
All that tract Cotfnty or parcel aforosaid, of and in thei 1820 th
the state and
District, G. H., thereof, containing Two Hundred
and Twenty-four acres, more or less, and bounded
us follows: On the north and west by lands of
William Jones, on tho east by lands cf Merida
Hendrix, and on toe south by lands of Mrs. Jane
Carteo. Said land levied ou as tlm property of
H. s. Jones to satisfy a city court fl. la. issueing
from toe eity court of-Atlanta. Ga , in tavor of
J. A. Jones against tho said H. S. Jones. Thill
a. kkiuw, e>*.