The Bulloch herald. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1899-1901, March 09, 1899, Image 5

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WHEELER UPHELD BY COLLEAGUES. Doughty Little General Will Keep His Seat In Congress. THE RESOLUTION FAILS. Vote Was a Decisive One-Scram¬ ble For Consent Bills.' A Washington special says: At Thursday’s session the'house refused, by a large majority, to consider the report of the judiciary committee, un¬ seating General Wheeler and his three colleagues. It was a striking tribute to the great little general, for it was his popularity that caused his associ¬ ates in the house to refuse to take up the case. Of course they had the best kind of excuse for declining, because of the shortue|s of time remaining; but in reality the reason they did it was be¬ cause of their friendly feeling for Wheeler. The report of the commit¬ tee, however, established as well as a report could the law in the case and it will be a precedent for the future. The political division upon the v<Pte was significant. The vote stood 77 ayes cast by 21 republicans, 43 demo¬ crats and 13 populists and 146 nays, cast by 101 republicans, 44 democrats and 1 populist. A half a million dollars each was appropriated under suspehsion of the rules for the pan-American exposition at buffalo and Ohio Centennial at Toledo. The senate bill carrying $1,000,000 for anew building for the dejiartment of justice was passed. A number of conference reports on miuor bills were adopted. There was a great scramble for un¬ animous consent legislation when the house met at ll o’clock. With the end of the congress only forty-eight hours off almost every member had some lo¬ cal measure he was trying to sesoure from death on the calendar and they stood in the area in front of the speak¬ er’s rostrum ten deep clamoring for recognition. A number of bills were passed, among them a series authorizing vari¬ ous officers of the government to ac¬ cept decorations from foreign govern ments. MUST STAY ON BOARD. Officers’ Wives Not Allowed to Land From Transport at Manila. The United States transport Morgan City arrived at Manila Thursday. The wives of the officers and other women passengers were not allowed to land, the authorities considering the condi¬ tion ashore to be too unsettled. Thursday was tfie hottest day of the season, but fortunately all was quiet inside and outside our lines investing the city, and the majority of the men were kept in the shade. The ou posts beyond San Pedro Macati were fired upon by the rebels from the walls of the Guadaloupe church. A gunboat advanced 300 yards beyond the lines and cleared away the enemy with gatlings. No casualties are reported. Goneral Miller has been ordered to quarter his troops in Iloilo in the cus¬ tom house or other public buildings and authorized tc make the necessary changes at a coBt not to exceed $40,000, the same to be met from the publio revenues collected in Iloilo. - STAMP PEOPLE SKIP. A New Tennessee Law Had Prompjt Effect In Chattanooga. The two trading stamp companies doing business in Chattanooga, Term., folded their tents and silently stole away Thursday, going nobody knows where, and about $1,000 worth of their stamps now in the hands of the people and as many more in tho hands of merchants are unre deemed. This action of the companies grows out of the law passed a few days ago by the state legislature in which these companies are heavily taxed for doing business in this state. It is stated that their books now out will not be redeemed and there seems to be no way to force their redemption. SURE OF TERMINALS. Minds of Many Savannah Citizens Are Greatly Relieved. *>Some concern has been felt in Sa¬ vannah since the Georgia and Alabama road purchased Central the and Seaboard, and the Florida projected great Peninsular, lest tjie terminals of the Georgia and Alabama be abandoned and the Seaboard’s terminals at Ports¬ mouth be used for the new system. Anxiety on this score, however, has been allayed by the letting to W. W. Hegeumn, of Pittsburg, of a $300,000 contract for dredging and piling for. the terminals across the river from Savannah. V “ I * v -.■s bad “Every morning I have a taste in my mouth; my tongue is coated; my head aches and I often feel dizzy. I have no'appetite for breakfast and what food I eat distresses me. I have a heavy feeling in my stomach. 4 am getting so weak that sometimes I tremble and my nerves are all unstrung. I am getting pale and thin. I am as tired in the morning as at What night.” does say? your doctor “You are suffering from im¬ pure blood.” _What is his remedy? Si *4 i & You have^consfi- J. must not pated bowels if you expect the Sarsaparilla But to do its best work. tion. Ayer’s Pills cure constipa¬ We have a book on Paleness and Weakness which you may have for the asking. Wrfto to our Doctors, eminent Perhaps physicians you would like to consult Write about your condi tion. us freely all the particulars In your case. You will receive a prompt reply. Address, DR. J. C. AVER, Lowell, Mas's."’' Saw Mills SI29 TO S929.00 With Improved Rope and Belt Feed. SAWS, FILES and TEETH in Stock. Engines, Boilers. and Machinery Afl Kinds and Repairs for same. Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Injectors, Pipes, Valves and Fittings. LOMBARD IRON WORKS«SUPPLY CO., AUGUSTA, GA. mmmmm 54 oy Syrup. fiERE ALL ti.8EFAILS. Use Beet Cough Tastes Good. o in time. Sold by druueists. I TXTANTED—Case of bad health that R I P-A N 8 YI will not benefit. Send b eta. to Ripana Chemical Co, NewYork, for 10 sample* and 10UU testimonials. irM [erf pi 0 i IMS 1 i? .;:0b:N!Nt- ’ / 11 -•iAR ttliS*! I TAKE y ; I 1 III !"• v; a i tel P ABLE ’i v: ■>' m m S * : ?• ■ ; This Signature is on every box of Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. Accept no substitute represented to be “ just sa good.” SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IN A CRIP CURE that DOES CURE. Druggists refund the money THE UNITED STATES If it fails to cure. AND CANADA. PRICE 25 The Police at Shanghai. fa a well ordered Britteh-Americnn quarter 'at Shanghai, China, the strong force of police is an interesting feature. Some of these are English¬ men; others are Chinese who have been trained to deal firmly with the great coolie class which throngs in all parts of Shanghai; and there are be¬ sides the Sikh police, clmsen men from the Punjauibi regiments, who patrol the city and Its lonely outskirts on horseback. In the French settle¬ ment the guardians of the peace are wholly different, being fairly faithful copies of the typical gendarmes of Paris. They are assisted by a certain number of Gallicized Chinese, but the affairs of the French quarter are not. on the whole, so well administered as those of its Anglo-Saxon neighbors. V II ill IlilBfl tils* To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it? Price 50c. Made From Sawdust. The t<mn of Deserouto, in Canada, where there are several large lumber mills, is partially lighted by gas made from sawdust. The sawdust is charged in retorts, which are heated by a wood fire, the gas from the re¬ torts passing into series of coils and thence into the purifiers, which are similar to those used for coal gas. Lime is the principal purifying agent employed. When it passes out of the retorts the gas possesses an odor much less disagreeable than that of ordinary lighting gas, and resembles somewhat that of smoke from a fire of greeu wood or leaves. The works in use are small, turning out daily 540 cubic meters of gas, for the production of which about two tons of sawdust are required. Beatify Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. Kb beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar¬ tic clean your blood lazy and and keep driving it clean, by stirring up the liver all im¬ purities banish pimples, from the boils, body. blotches, Begin blackheads, to-day to and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—beauty gists, satisfaction guaranteed, for ten cents. 10c, 25c, All drug¬ 50c. 4? ■■ __ Since Bishop I Tucker writes from Central Africa: came out six months ago I have walked more than one thousand miles and confirmed more than one thousand candi¬ dates. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. 25c. O’Brien county. la., is bragging on its high morality. has adjourned The grand jury for the second time without finding a single in¬ dictment, and the court calendar does not now contain a single criminal case. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous¬ ness after first day’s use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottlennd treatise free. Dr. R. H. Kune, Ltd., 031 Arch St., Phlla., Pa. You sorrows grow'less pungent when you cease to think about them. Educate Tour Bowels Wttb Cascarets. 10c, Candy If Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 25o. C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. The lighthouse at Corunna. Spain, is be¬ lieved to be the oldest one now in use. There ismore Catarrh In this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in¬ curable. Science has proven catarrh to bo a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .T. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure oi* the market. It Is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi¬ monials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. modern Italy exported last year 21,000 ancient and works of art, valued at $000,000. Ifo-To-Bac for Fifty Cent*. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak tnen strong, blood pure. 60c, $1. All druggists. Indifference will draw the line of love and hate and display the color as it is. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething.softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion.allays pain,cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. Piso’s Cure cured me of a Throat and Lung trouble of three years’ standing.— E. CADY, Huntington, Ind., Nov. 12. 1894. Intellectual vitality depends more on what a man is learning than what he knows. ¥o Cure Constipation Forever* Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money United Ninety-five per cent, of the toothpicks in the States arc formed from white birch. The Fair Maid of Perth. In the north part of the city of Perth, in Scotland, is a building that has long been known as the Fair Maid’s House. Tradition insists that this is the house iu “Couvrefeu, or Curfew, street,” which was formerly Inhabited by old Simon Glover and his daughter, Catherine. Sir Walter Scott made the latter his heroine in the “Fair Maid of Perth,” describing her as “universally acknowledged to be the most beautiful young woman in the city or its vicinity.” Tradition, however, has Tittle historical basis to stand on. Nevertheless, the building is an interesting relic of old Perth, and as such the Town Council will toon acquire it and purchase it from its present owner at the price it cost him. X* • •y 7* 5 v_ r . *L-.OJ Si :> • o I In YZ y \y .f\W i, \< s' >v v I iTH. St \ u i .N* cc Riding in the wind and dust roughens the face and often causes painful chapping and cracking of the skin. Those who are so affected should use a pure soap. Ivory Soap is made of vegetable oils that are soothing in their nature; it can be used freely even on tender faces, for there is nothing in it to irritate or injure. IVORY SOAP IS 99 4^100 PER CENT. PURE. A WORD OF WARNING.—There are many white soaps, each represented to be " Just as good as the ‘ Ivory they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for “ Ivory " Soap and Insist upon getting It. CopyD|;ht, 1892, by Th« Procter A Gambit Co., Cloefaaatt. $ 16.95 Cut whether ONLY this a<t. Gents’ out ONE or and Ladies’, send DOLLAR to and us we with will SI.00, send DOWN state you GENTS’ “■ 0,I11E ■ORm . n—fBSwwa ^ press, O O. D. subject to exam ■ SjSSjS ination. Ei&nlsa office it at your LADIES’ \ / / YK\ express and If yon find tt ft ganulm, 1899 isodei V kiffh grad. 840.00 ACM . JEWEL as represented, i>v, a and you the ever grandest heard of, bargain pay the express agent the balance, S 15.95, express charges. THE ACME JEWEL ia one or the bent bit-vela* made, finest steel tubing, best material through* frjr S out, tlons, dmp full forge ball cormeo two-piece hanger, bearing, hint R BARREL of HEALTH FREE! H Positively Tale EpsouSprlog Water CURES CHKH0404 T ll f Referen inancial In 10,000 cs Reference: wr.tlng, as to Water testimonials: mention R O. Col. Dun this J ft*O s Carr ol Gov r ' Roh un. paper. DO YOU WANT A Wi $25.00 Spring Suit of Clothes for 25 Cents? If so write us at once and we will tell you how you cau get it. Star Tailors, 40 N. Forsyth St., Atlanta, ^a. There’s Only One Stand¬ ard of Qualify in Athletic Goods— “ Spalding.” Accept no substitute. Handsome Catalogue Free. A. O. SPALDING & BROS., New York. Chicago. Denver. HDODCV I Jr I V* r' *9 ■ quiokreliof NE ^ DISCOVERY; and gives » cures worst cnees. Book of testimonials and 10 <lu vi*Btrcatm«ut Free. Dr. H. H. OEKEN’E BOSS, Box D, Atlanta. Ga MENTION THIS PftPER£Sn‘,?«!S Good UNCLE SAM enough FOR And good enough for you. There is moKt Of Carter’s Ink used by the U. S. Government than of all other makes put together. It costs you no more than the poorest—ask for it. Funny booklet" How to Make Ink Pictures’’free. CARTER’S INK CO., Bogton, Mass, ■ ■ M a Our Smalley find Baft. tio Crock eelf-iociS HW ffifs IOf 1 ill SLjj standard Brag Sawn of the are world. tha ** ™ ’***' Also ail sizes cf Circular _ H _____ IS I co Saws, and the celebrated D - Picket Mill npS W*. UlSa Jprj Hals? Bswf ating. Horeo Silo Powers Machinery* for op«v %aFjrll?B Feed Corn Mills, Shelters. Root Cut¬ ters, SMALLEY MFC. CO., S«U Mater., jtt suits woe, Wlfc FOR 14 CENTS new WewiehtogainthisyearSOOjOOO customers, and hence offer “ -i* 1 Pkc. 13 Day Radish, Iflc l Pkg. Karly Ripe Cabbage, luo 1 " Earliest Red Beet, 10c i l •* Long Light.;’i Cucumber Wo 1 “ Saizer’s Best Lettuce, lac 1 I " California Fig Tomato, 2eo *• Early Dinner Onion, 10c 8 ** Brilliant Flower Seeds, sl.uV ,15c Worth 41.00, for 14 e enis, Above 10 pkgs. free, worth together $1.00, w« will mail you with our great Plant and Seed Catalogue upon receipt of this notice * 14c postage.. We inrite your trade end know when you once try Salver’* tseedsyouwillneverget them. Onion Seed alungwith- 68c. and Kkiop w!;i out Rv" a lb. Potatoes Kt $ 1.20 __ a Ilbl. Catalog alone 6c. No. AC I J0II5 A. SAI./.KK SKKf) CO., LA CROSSB. W IS. % tip I 1 Id S&aR and Whiskey Habits cure 'l &t home with- 1 StfjfB out T>ain. Book of pnr h I I"1 ticularssent FREE. KKH8HBB tlautit. Office E.M.WOOLLKY, 104 N. Pryor M.D. St. ua,