The Bulloch herald. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1899-1901, May 25, 1899, Image 7

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The Royal Academy of Science, of Amsterdam, has paid a delicate compli meut to the English-speaking -world by ordering that its transactions shall in future be printed in English, instead of the native Dutch, in order that they may be more available to the scienti¬ fic world at large. Are You Using Allen’s Foot-East? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Tired, Aching, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot Ease. a powder to be shaken into the shoes. Sold by a ii Druggists, Grocers and Shoe Allen Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE- Address S. Olmsted, LeEov, N. Y. It is wonderful how near conceit is to vanity. No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents, men Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak strong, blood pure. 50c, 81. All druggist! A new trolley wheel and replacer has just recently tomatically been invented which claims to au¬ grooves. reilace the by spiral Try “Tix-a-Kure” for Dyspepsia. This is a grand new remedy for all stomach troubles. Many people suffer all the time, when they can easily be relieved and cured. This remedy Is in tablet form tn a small box easily carried in the vest pocket, ready at a mo¬ ment's notice to be taken when distress is felt. If your druggist does not have it send 25c, or if you prefer to try it first, send for free sample. Tizakure Co.. Tarpon Springs, Fla. THE REASON WHY For man or beast i LINIMENT Eicels—is that it Penetrates to the seat of the trouble im¬ mediately tirg and without irrita rubbing—and kills the pain. Family and Stsbla Slraa Sold by Dealers generally. Or. Ear! S. Sloan, Boaton, Mama. Prices Paid for Manuscripts. Thelighest price ever paid for apiece of manuscript was $8,000 for Homer's Iliad, vritten on vellum, probably In the eiffith century. It is now in the British Museum. A manuscript bible which was presented to the Emperor Charlenagne upon the occasion of his coronaion in the year 800 was sold at auctioi some years ago for $7,500. That b also in the British Museum, The original manuscript of Scott’s “Lady <jf the Lake” brought $0,450 at auction.i The autobiogi’apby of Lord Nelson to his own handwriting, as pre¬ pared for the press, brought $5,250. The manvScript of Keats’ “Endymion” was once sold for $3,475, and tbe manu¬ script of Scott’s “Old Mortality” for $3,- 100. Sir John Thorrell paid $3,900 for a manuscript bible of the seventh cen¬ tury, and Lord Crawford paid $2,800 for a hsndsomely illuminated manu¬ script. of the New Testament. H OME health. No duties matter to many how ill women they feel, seem they more drag important themselves than through the daily tasks and pile up trouble. This is heroic but a penalty has to be paid. WOMAN'S A woman in New Matamoras, Ohio, Mrs. Isabell Bradfield, tells in the DEVOTION following letter how she fought with disease of the feminine organs until TO HOME finally forced to take to her bed. She says: “Dear Mrs. Pinkham— I feel it my duty to write to you to tell you that I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com¬ pound and think there is no medicine in the world like it. I suffered for nine years, and sometimes for twelve weeks at a time I could not stand on my feet. I had female troubles of wmmmm 1 all kinds; backache, and headache all the time, V-c . Seven different doctors treated me. Some said I would have to go to the hospital and J have an operation performed. But oh! bow thankful I am that I did not, that [ M I tried your Vegetable Com¬ s, pound instead. I cannot say too much in its praise, nor 1 m thank you enough for ‘what it has done for me. I want you H. tr n> for the P* o ►v* other sufferers." The wives and wi mothers of America are given to over¬ work. Let them be wise in time and at the first indication of female trouble write to Mrs. Pink ham at Lynn, Mass., forheradvice. This advice is promptly given without charge. The present Mrs. Pinkham’s experience in treating female ills is unparalleled; for years she worked side by side with Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, and for sometime past has had sole charge of the correspondence department of her great busi ness, advising and helping by letter as many as a hundred thousand ailing women during a single year. Plantation Chill Cure is Guaranteed ■y . t, „ To cure, or money refunded by your merchant, so why not try it ? Price 50c. SOMMER COMFORT. comfortTbte Wh . l\ iPflTTFI 3.., . . .8 Ic takes very home? little yS giHLUi! firSKSS ^.WtfSnnm "‘‘-UVifUIMI catalogue »hootPor- No. 52 Prttc nabyCarria-c^Stoves^UeddTnl; fl.75. tors, Pictures, Mat Mirrors, Upholstery Goods,Clocks, Crockery, Tin No. 56 .ho„, wonderful t„. gains in Pianos, Organs, Bicycles and Bewmg Machines. *r°Hw l 6 - 001 ®*' Lithographed Catalogue I.ace Curtains in hand-painted colors. Jrcp P atu eweJand linea free ’ ttnd f rei oM We manufacture Clothing ($5.50 to Mmf? 'reNhi measure? 1 gutu-au- s anteed to at, and JELmT ■/ P Cata1og Z r€ a ue No D7 m shows samples ott^, bargains^n H Mackintosh- Shoes', ats, nis“f d f ents ’ Fur ' Price $3.50. n g In m Whv pay retail prices when you buy cheaper than your local dealer? All catalogues are free. Address this way: JULIUS HINES & SON, Dept. 301. Baltimore, Hid. A Steamship Brake. Collisions at sea, from the awful ca¬ tastrophe of H. M. S. Victoria down¬ ward, might have been averted and valuable lives saved, says a Croatian engineer named Czevetkovitch, if tbe colliding steamers had been fitted with his patent marine brake. Tbe idea of the thing is simplicity it self. The brake consists of a large curved plate of steel attached to the stern of the steamer, which can be low¬ ered at will into tbe water. The screw of a steamship, it should be explained, when working ahead, causes a stream of water of terrific force to flow back in tbe direction from which the ship has come, and by lowering the plate of steel into this stream the power is ob¬ tained necessary to check the ship’s way and bring it to a standstill inde¬ pendently of the engines. Since the stream caused by tbe screw is of greater force when the ship is steaming fast, the brake would work equally well whether the speed were twenty knots or ten knots. The Clotilde, a steamer of 1,000 tons, when steaming at a speed of ten knots, was brought to an absolute standstill within thirty seconds, during which she traveled so slowly that only twenty feet were traversed after the brake was applied. This result was obtained in spite of the fact that the engines were working full speed ahead tbe whole time. Another Sort. “Were there no extenuating circum¬ stances connected with the case?” “No, nothing but attenuated cir¬ cumstances.” “What do you mean by that?” The defendant’s circumstances were so reduced that he could not afford to engage a competent attorney.” A Dress of Spider’s Web, One of the promised wonders of the Paris exposition of 1000 is to be a dress ma<ie of s P lder ’ s ^ eb - The idea is by no means novel, for Reaumur and other men .1 science long ago thought that the delicate threads spun by the Mmmon or s#rteB splder mlgM utilized for industrial purposes, and so far back as 5n 1709 some sma11 articles—such as socks and mittens— f Academy ‘“ 8 m “ des terl ?‘ Sciences. , WerC S0 ^ But m |«f there t0 was ,h « an unsurmountable difficulty in domes tieating the varieties of the insect found or in collecting their product in a wild state. Father Cambone, how ever, a Catholic missionary In Mada gascar, has discovered a big spider, Known to the Ilovas as a halabe, which can be induced, under the influence of chloroform, to yield some 4,000 yards of thread per month, and this thread is 80 Btron S as to bear a wei S bt of over half a pound, and so elastic as to stretch more than twelve per cent, of **'***&• Ia the school of military ballooning cords made from the new material have been used with much success for the netting of balloons, combining, as they do, the maximum of strength and elasticity with the minimum of weight. The Power of Storm. The Cayman Islands in the West Indies were nearly overwhelmed by the recent storm Even apparently secure things are not safe. Even if you have health be on your guard. Disease works stealthily—It undermines and trouble occurs where it is least expected. Au occasional <los> of Ilostetter’s Stomach Bit¬ ters will keep tho bowels regular, the stomach sweet and disease at bay. If you have indi¬ gestion alid constipation try it. It cures. Discretion is the salt, and fancy the sugar of life; it. the one preserves, tho other sweet¬ ens Beauty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a dean skin. No beauty tic dean without blood it. Casearets, and keep Candy it clean, Cathar¬ by stirring your tbe lazy liver and driving all im¬ purities up *rom the body. Begin to-day banish blotches, to and that pimples, boils, blackheads, Casearets, sickly —beauty bilious for complexion by All taking drug¬ ten cents. gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c* Inconsistency be but with past views or conduct may a mark of increasing knowledge. A Wonderful General Remedy. Dr. Sloan’s Liniment is known by horsemen the world over. The fact that It can be used in any way that any liniment can be used makes it invaluable for strains, sprains, soreness In muscles and similar purposes. The fact, fur¬ thermore, that this remedy Is remarkable in its penetrating qualities is greatly in its favor. Where Sloan’s Liniment is used the necessity of excessive rubbing is done away with, as it penetrates quickly to the scat of the trouble and thus relieves pain without the necessity of undue friction, which is liable to make swollen or inflamed Joints, tender muscles and tendons still worse. Dr. Sloan’s Liniment can be given with great advantage internally in cases of colic, cramp, etc. This famous remedy will also be found as valuable for the use of man, either internally or externally. A copy of his Treatise on the Horse, which replete with much useful and valuable tion in regard to the care of this noble animal, will be sent to any person writing Dr. Sloan, Boston, Mass., for it. He that does not esteem any of the virtues can best assume the appearance of them all. Educate Your Bowels With Casearets. 10c, Candy Cathartic, C. fall, cure druggists constipation refund forever. 25c. If C. C. money. It startles a person when he is seriously called old for the first time. Old Case of Tetter in Toes. “Ckawfordviixe, Fla.: Tqtterlne is worth more than its weight in gold to me. One appli¬ cation cured me of tetter in my toes of seven (7) years’standing. John M. Towles.” It cures all skin diseases. At druggists 50 cents box. or by mail postpaid from J.T.Shuptrine, SaVannah, Gn. Without constancy there is neither love, friendship nor virtue in the world. To Cure Constipation Forever* Take Casearets Caud.v Cathartic. lOo or 250. « C. G. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. True digulty is never gained b place and never rawn. I have found Piso's Cure for Consumption unfailing Covington, medicine.—F. Ky., Oct. R. Lotz, 1305Scott 1,189i. We trill give $100 reward for anycase of ca¬ that can not be cured with Hall’s Catarrh Taken internally. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething.softens tion.allays the gums, reduces inflamma¬ pain.cures wind colic. 26c. a bottle. Man generally proposes, but God always Rich Baronet Who Died in an Old Garrel Sir Henry Delves Broughton has just died, in England, ninety-one years old. He was one of the most eccentric members of the baronetage. For years lie never crossed the threshold of the house in which he elected to live the life of a recluse. He passed his time exclusively in the room in which eventually he was found dead. cause of his death was senile de¬ There was no one with him when he died. One of the things which seemed to him especial delight was to pa¬ per the walls of his garret over and again with pictures cut from the various illustrated papers. A dressing was his chief article of attire. meals were placed outside his at stated intervals. He had a aversion to medical men, and business had to be transacted with baronet on one side and his interro¬ on the other side of the partly door. The rent roll of this eccentric baronet to $150,000 a year, and ho left personality to the amount of York Press. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the Medicine of Auld Lang. Syne 'm ■T TF. L % m— 4 ...... v . X f l / \ Old friends , old vine, and the old doctor are the trusty kinds. For half a century Ayers has been the Sarsaparilla which the people have bought when they were sick and wanted to be cured. If the best is none too good for you , you will get Ayer's. One bottle of Ayers Sarsaparilla contains the strength of three o x the ordinary kind. BOYS Spalding’s boy Athletic who Library should be read by every wants to become an athle’e. No.4. Boxing. [letedNo.86. Official Foot Ball No.P. How to bean Ath- Guide, [hall Guide. No.26. Howto play Foot! No. 86. Official Basket Ball, by Walter Camp J No. 67. Ath’etic Primer. No. 27. College Athletics No. 8*. Official A. A.U. No.32. How to play Base Rules. Ball. [leticfl. No.93. Athletic Records No. 87. All Around Ath- No.95. Official Base Ball No. 42. How to Pnnch Guide. the Bag. No. 100. How to be a Bi No. 8S. How to Train. I cyoe Champion. PRICE, 10 CENTS PER COPY. fend for catalogue of all sport*. A. C. SPALDING & BROS •* Cl Wil M SAWS, RIBS, BRISTLE TWINE, BABBIT, FOR any make of gin. ENGINES. BOILERS’AND Belting, And Repairs for Pipes, same. Valves Shafting, Injectors, and IRON MM & SUPPLY AUGUSTA, GA. MENTION THIS PAPER In writing tlsers. ANC v eethinA d m ett* GO ■ Aids Digestion, I I . Regulates Testhing the Bowels, Easy. Makes rSA TEETHINA Relieves Bowel Troubles of |%4 Children of Any Age. L* TEETHING POWDERS «■■■ Ask Costa Tour Only Druggist 98 Cent*. for In Germany new houses are being supplied with floors to step on, and having no cracks of any kind harbor no dust. Don’t Tobacco Spit and Smoko Your Life Awty, To quit tobacco easily and lorever, be mag¬ netic, full ot life, nerve and vigor, take No-To Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 60c or tl. Cure guaran¬ teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Ilemedy Co., Chicago or New York; Put no trust In him that hath once broken faith. Columbia Hartford and Vedette Bicyelts. NEW MODELS FOR (899. Columbia Bevei-Qear Qbainlats, 875 Columbia Chain Wheels, . . 50 Hartfords, . Vedettes, . . . $25, 29 Auk any Columbia dealer for Catalogue, Booklets, Folders, etc., or write to us, enclosing 2-cent stamp. POFEMFG.CO., HARTFORD, CONN. 'ELF' REFRIGERANT IS ■ ” over used a « perfect erfect in 20 refrigerators degrees substitute Hiiustlt colder for just than like ICE SEND FOB CIRCULARS. AG&NTS WANTED. I7NTVKUS4AL REFRIGERATING CO., 202 Flushing Avenue, BROOKLYN, N. HPnPQY^ I I quick relief DISCOVERY; and Book cure* cases. of testiraoniatsand IO drive’ Free. Or. H. B. QUEEN'B SONS. Box D. Atlanta, WANTED-Cose V* of bad health that B IFA will not benefit. Send 6 eta. to Ripens Co, NewYork, for 10 samples and low If afflicted with i Thompson’s Eye sore eyes, use CTS -v U) o Cn o C DC m u. P 25 In time . Sold by druggists. [Cf O O Z (fl c 2 "0 H USE CERTAIN CORN