Newspaper Page Text
His Prisoner T is liu
Hilt Wa
Constable John Ellis, of the
Club-House district, brought a
negro man Hosie Watkins, to jail
here last Thursday, charged with
“shooting at another not in his
♦own defense.” He had had a row
with a colored brother, and, in a
fit of passion, put a pistol ball
into his thigh us lie ran off. But
that is of no unusual occurrence,
and is not the story which interests
the public.
The more important feature of
Hosiers conduct is that he resisted
the officer who went to arrest him,
«nd came near shooting him with
’his own gun. Mr, John Ellis is
the constable for 45th district,
and he had an exciting experience
in making the arrest, Watkins
had a small pistol on his person
'Which he readily surrendered when
Ellis brought his breech-loader to
bear. Things wont smoothly for
some time, and the oflmer and
prisoner were walking along peace
ably together when the negro sud¬
denly grabbed hold of the gun
(Carried by the constable and a
fight for its possession ensued.
The two men had it rough-and
tumble for some minutes, It was
a desperatejstruggle in which one
man was fighting for bis life and
1 for his liberty; but the
the other
white man held his grip on the
shooting iron with one hand and
pounded the negro in the face
with the other, until they both
lost their hold on the gun and it
was dropped to the ground, Still
they'continued to scuffle until Mr.
Ellis remembered the negro’s pis¬
tol which-he had in his pocket,
and,-drawing it, the negro surren
derod. ,
Mr. Ellis’ friends congratulate
him on his victory, for if the
negro had seciired control of the
shotgun he would certainly ha\c
used it on the officer.
Given to Williams to Mail and Was
e Cashed When Heard From.
Two weeks ago G, W. M. Wil
liams, jr., was over from Bam
berg, S. C., making arrangements
to raise the $150-fine imposed upon
Ins father in Screven county for
cheating and swindling. The
' senior Williams had appealed the
case and had given bond. The
' bond had been forfeited and his
bondsman had gone to Bamberg
to bring him back to Screven.
Failure of the officer to bring Wil¬
liams has already been mentioned
in these columns.
As. stated, however, G. W. M.
Williams, jr., followedthe.officurs
over here and spent nearly a week
i. m an effort to raise the money to
pay his father’s fine. On the
morning of h’s departure Rev.
D. F. Riley was sending a check
to his wife, who is iu Atlanta.
His son, who reached the post
office after the north-bound mail
had closed, met Williams at the
depot and asked him to mail the
letter at Dover, explaining that it
contained money of which his
mother was in need, Williams
kindly agreed to mail the letter.
After a few days Rev. Riley re¬
ceived a letter from his wife in¬
quiring why he had not sent her
money. He wrote her that he
had mailed her a check on a cer¬
tain date. Again she wrote him
that it had never been received.
Then he suspected something was
wrong and he telegraphed his
commission house in Oincinnati,
from whom he had received the
check, asking that they stop the
payment of the check until he
could investigate. Two days later
which was last Sunday, he receiv
letter from them to the effect
1 i kS h rs *>fi
It u\
berg, S. C., and apparently bore
the endorement of “Mrs. J). F.
Rilev,” followed by that of “G. W.
The check was for $44.50, which
will be refunded by the Bamberg
bank upon evidence that Mrs,
Riley’s signature was forged,
Organized Here Last nonday About
One Hundred Strong,
Statesboro was in the possession
of Bulloch's old soldiers last Mon¬
day, the occasion being the organ¬
ization of a camp United Con¬
federate Veterans for the county.
They turned out in large numbers
and a camp of about a hundred
members was established, The
meeting was held in the court
room at 2 o’clock in tha afteiv
noon. Capt. S. H. Kennedy was
called to the chair and Capt. W.
N. Hall made temporary secretary ?
af,ter which members were called
for and the following enrolled:
S Wilson, D 7 Reg Ga Cav Pri
P C Harper Reed’s Bat Cable Bat Alt prl
H Franklin D 61 Ga lteg lieut
T Brannen E 7 Ga Cav pri
W DeLoacb E 5 Ga Cay pri
T DeLoach E 5 Ga Cav prl
nee! Alderman E 6 (?a Cay pri
Waters I 54 Ga I nit pri
F Rawls T 54 Ga Inft lieut
J Wilson E 5 Ga Cav . *corp
A Nevilp F 5 Gat’av corp
M Williams F 5 Ga Cav corp
D Holland D 6 Bat S C Reserves corp
A Waters C 47 Ga Reg sergt
W Stewart E 5 Ga Cav sergt
s Thompson i 9 Ga Inft pri
D Ford 5 Ga Cav
J Green 61 Ga InR pri
A Hodges 5 Ga Cav corp
J McElveen 5 Ga Cav pri
H Mathews 25 Ga Inft pn
N Hall 5 Ga Cav capt
C Perkins 5 Ga Cav pri
Kennedy 7Ga Cav lieut
Gould 47 Ga Inft pri
Isaiah Parrish 9 Ga Inft prl
Bowen 9 Ga Inft
Henry Dugger 1 Ga ltegt prl
Thomas J Morris 3 South Carolina Cav prl
C Gay 5 Ga Cav pri
M B Wilson 5 Ga Cav P ri
G R Beasley 5 Ga Cav pri
LW Lee 7 Ga Cav pri
J M Martin 7 Ga Cav pd
Madison Warren 61 Ga Inft pri
F M Warren 61 Ga Inft p r i
O Dutton 54 Ga Inft prl
E W Nance 20 North Car’na Inft pri
James Hogan 37 Ga Inft sergt
R M Fordhara 2 Ga state line pri
C S Martin I 9 Ga Inft sergt
A W Ratterson 54 G a Inft pri
B T Outland 10 South Ca Reg Inft pri
A J Smith 5 Ga Cav prl
J K Deal 47 Ga Inft prl
James Riggs 47 Ga Inft prl
P C Hagln 1 Ga Reserves pri
A J Her 7 Ga Cav sergt
G W Proctor 57 Ga Iuft prl
R F Lester 8 Texas Cav prl
James Bland 47 Ga Inft prl
LEM Williams 2 Reg state troops lt-col
W W Dekle 2 Reg Ga state line pri
J M Nichols 22 Bat siege artil pri
S H Kennedy 61 Ga Reg Inft capt
W S Lee 2 Ga Reg Inft pri
H I Waters 47 Ga Itcg Inft corp
I V Simmons D 2 Ga Reg Inft pri
B T Beasley C Simmons Batt pri
B L Robertson C 18 Virginia Reg pri
Jason Franklin D 22 Ga Batt prl
M Alderman G '47 Ga Inft prl
J R Hall E 5th Ga Cav
Sol Akins I 9 Ga Inft lieut
Allen Lee H 7 Ga Cav
W J Richardson F 5t,h Ga Cav
D C Proctor C 47 Ga Inft lieut
J A Fulcher p 22 Ga Batt A i til
S Oglesby C 54 Ga Inft sergt
1 Dickerson - 9 Ga Inft
L R Miller w 49 Gain
M C Jones Gurards Batt Art(l
W Sanders B 14 Ga Reg Inft
H H Baily D 57 Ga Reg Inft
Wm Davis K 47 Ga Reg Inft
M Miller E 5 Ua Cavalry
C H Shockley E 8 Ga Cav
A Braffnen C 47 Ga Inft
D C Anderson A 7 Ga Cav
W H Roberts C 1 Ga Militia
W P Bobbitt L 6 Alabama Inft
J M Rountree H 48 Ga Inft
Mai Akins C 47 Ga Inft
J L Clark 6Ga Reserves
J Anderson 20 Ga Batt
J Zettcmwer 5 Ga Cav
B Matthews 1 South Carolina
J Ilagins 37 Ga Reg
E Kennedy 5 Ga Cav
E W Hodges 6 Ga Cav
W N Lee 47 Ga Inft
J S Hagius 47 Ga Inft
J C Crumley 7 south Carolina Vol
D J Brinson 5 Ga Cav
M Williams 5 Ga Cav
J S Cone 47 Ga Inft
After the completion of the list
of members an election of officers
was held,which resulted as follows:
Captain—Sol Akins.
Lieutenants—J. S. Ilagins, Hi¬
ram Franklin, J. F. Rawls, E. W.
Hodges. Adjutant—A, W. Stewart.
Quartermaster—D. C. Proctor.
J. A. Nevils.
\ > If
Sgt.-Major—J. C. Crumley.
Officer of the day—J. S Cone.
Color Sargeant—J. R. Hall.
Vidette-;- G. R. Beasley.
Color Guards—Jas. Bland and
M. J. Green.
The selection of a name for
camp was next in order, and it
was decided to cull it “The .T. S.
Cone Cauip,” in honor of
Cone* who is now ranking
of the Confederate Army in
loch county, holding a commis¬
sion as Lieutenant-Colonel, Major
Cone is still an unreconstructed
“Reb,” and is proud of the name;
and the honor sought to be con¬
ferred in naming the camp for
him is worthily bestowed.
The purpose of the organization
is to got in shape to attend the
reunion to be held in Savannah
next November, and the camp
will be continued after, holding
meetings at least once a year.
Only ten cents per annum is
charged as a membership fee,
which funds will go to defay the
expenses attendant upon the re¬
Power was conferred upon Capt.
Akins for arranging the details of
the trip to Savannah this fall,
and to call a meeting of the camp
at this place about two weeks be¬
fore that time in order that those
who propose to attend will under¬
stand the program.
Among those whose names ap
pear in the above roll of member¬
ship, it is interesting to note that
seventeen are from Co. E. ath Ga.
Cav.—more than from anv other
company. These are: R. W. and
Z. T. DeLoach, W. J. and M. B.
Wilson, W. A. and E. W. Hodges,
W. N. and and J. R. Hall, Ansel
Alderman, A. W. Stewart, J. D.
Ford, C. Gay, G. R. Beasley, M.
Miller, J. Zetterower, Eli Kenne¬
dy and D. J. Brinson.
Capt. Sol. Akins’ old company
—Co. I, 9th Ga. Infantry-—is rep¬
resented by himself, C. S. Martin,
Ira Dickerson, Isaiah Parrish
John Bowen, D. C. Proctor and
E, S. Thompson—seven.
The Veterans and their friends
return thanks to Eld. Stubbs and
others who so thoughtfully pre
pared a couple of barrels of ice
cold lemonade which was lavishly
dispensed to them by the clever
Charlie Cumming after the ai
journment of the meeting.
The present outlook
that the cotton crop will soon
The picnic season is nearly past
and we regret to know that
will be no fish fries until
Mr. J. W. Graham informs us
as a matter of news that he killed
a black snake near his blacksmith
shop recently.
The Foy railroad is being built
from Egypt in this direction.
Quite a trestle it is that spands
Ogeechee and extends through the
swamp on the Bulloch side, Mr.
Foy is not sparing any effort in
pushing the road, and hopes to be
able to haul timber over it by the
first of November.
A series of tent meetings are
being held at New Hope church
under the .auspices of Revs. Phil¬
lips and Thomas,
News is scarce at present, which
fact we regret very much. No
lynching to report this time, no
scandals afloat now, no falling out
among neighbors, no mobbing of
a school teacher; no deaths, no
fights, no runaways—in short,
nothing. We would suggest to
our conservative, law-abiding citi¬
zens to take on some life and be
recognized by the world as “up to
snuff.” Little Boots.
Charles hamonston
Merchandise Broker
Solicits consignments of Country Produce—-"Wool, Prompt Hides,
Tallow, Wax, Chickens, Eggs, etc.
on arrival of goods.
Refer to any Merchant or Bark in the eity.
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Paints, Oils,
Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Builders’ Supplies, Railroad
and Mill Supplies, Packing, Fire, Steam and
Garden Hose, Felt Roofing, Eto.
Wholesale and Retail.
Get cur prices cn Deers* Sash, Blinds, Paints, Oils, before buying.
Estimates Furnished, Correspondence Solicited
Adams Paint Company,
104 Congress Street West, and 103 St. Julian Street West,
SciVannah, Georgia.
Schedule in effect March 27tb, 1899,
Going North, J_ No 5 J_No 1 I No 3 | No 7
L’ve Statesboro i 5 15am 9 55am 8:15pm 8 20pm | 7 20pm
“ < lito loSSam 1010am 7 35pm
Arrive Dover_[5 40am 10 85am ? 50pm | 7 55pm
~ Trains'Noil and 3 dally. Nos. 5 and 7 Tuesdyas
Thursdays and Saturdays only,
Passengers for Savannah take Trains 3 and 5,
For Macon, Augusta, Atlauta and all \Vestern
points take Trains I aud 7.
Goin g South_|_ No 6 J_ No 2 _J No 4 I No 3
Leave Dover i 610am i11 00am I 4 4 20pm 35pm 8 8 tOpm 25pm
Arrive Clito ! 6 25am It 15am I
c statesb’eo 6 45am .11 30am 4 50pm_ 8 4 0pm
' trains No, ‘i and 4 daily, Nos. 6 and 8 Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays only.
Take Trains 2, 4, 6 and 8 at Dover for Statesboro.
Blast of whistle 15 minutes before departure of
trains. J. L. MATHEWS, Supt.
Savannah & Statesboro Railway
~ 21 4
No 3. 1 1 No. 1 I (Trains run by Central 1 i No. No.
P- m . - a. in. j____Standard Ti me.) a. in. 1 p, m.
5 45 v* Leave Statesboro Arrive 0 15 1 0 21
5 57 c* “ Pretoria “ 9 88 015
6 11 cv 4 % Nellwood • » 917 10 00
619 ut Sbearwood it 9 11 9 51
6 25 14 Iric 4 . 9 05 9 44
6 47 or e Stilson St 8 56 9 38
6 52 o: it Woodbvrn t« 8 44 9 25
6 59 cr. it Ivanhoo it 838 918
7 09 cs it Oiney tt 8 32 9 10
7 1C c: 4, Eld ora ‘i 8 26 9 05
7 24 -c: 44 Blitchton 44 8 20 8 59
7 80 cs 44 Cuyler 4 V 8 09 8 47
Ail trains make close connection at Cuyler with
G. & A. trains to and from Savannah.
W, F. W BIGHT, Gen'l Supt.
Church Directory.
Rev. J. W. Quarterman, Pastor; Marlow. Ga.
Services every 3rd Sunday at 11 a m and 7:30 p m.
Sunday school 10 a m. C. A. Lanier, Supt.
Prayer meeting every Tuesday evening at 7,30.
Rev. Guyton Fisher, Pastor,
Preaching each Sunday at 11 a in and 7,30 pm.
Class meeting each Sunday at 10 a m.
Sunday school each Sunday at 3 p in.
Prayer meeting each Wednesday at ":30 p m.
Rev, J. A. Scarboro, Pastor.
Preaching on the 2nd and 4th Sundays In each
month at 11 a m and 7:30 p m.
Prayer and Praise service every Thursday evening
at 7:30 o’clock.
Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a m. W. C.
Parker, Supt.
Baptist Young People’s Union every Sunday after¬
noon at 3 o’clock. R, J, H. Deloach, President.
Eld. M. F. Stubbs, Pastor,
Preaching every 2nd Sunday and Saturday in
month at 10 a m.
Official Organ of Bulloch County,
‘ I
eight full pages of news matter pertaining to
Local, State and National affairs.
Subscription, $1 per year.
•: t
Tice Job (Department
in connection is stocked with the prettiest type
faces, and being in the hands of experienced
ers, guarantees the best work in every respect.
Call on or Address
Editor and Proprietor.
County Directory.
Sheriff-John H. Donaldson, Statesboro, Ga.
Tax Collector—P. R. McEJveen, Areola, Ga,
Tax Receiver—A. J. Iler, Harvillp, Ga.
Treasurer—Alien Lee, Areola, Gft.
County Surveyor H. J. Proctor, jiy, Proctor, Ga,
(•Superior Court— 4th Mondays in April and Octo-.
her, B. I), Evans, Judge, SandereviUe, Ga.; B. T,
Rawlings. Solicitor General, SandersvllK Ga.; s. C,
Groover, Clerk, Statesboro, Ga.
Ordinary’s Court— 1st Monday? in each month,
C, s. Martin, Ordinary, Statesboro, Ga.
County Court— Monthly sessions on Wednesdays*
after first Mondays in each month. Qarterly session?
Wednesdays after first Month in each three months*
beginning in January. J. F. Brannen, Judge;
R. F. Donaldson, sr.. Bailiff, Statesboro, Ga.
44th District—Shep Rushing, J, P., Green. Ga,
R. R. McCorkle, N. P., Green, Ga, Court day, first.
Saturday in each month.
45th District-G, R. Trupttell, J, P. s Metter, Ga,
J. Everltt, N. P., Excelsior, Ga, Second Saturday,
46th District—R, F. Stringer, J. P u Echo, Ga.
R. G. Lanier, N. P., Endicott, Ga, Second Friday,
47th District—U. M. Davis, J. P., Ivanboe. Ga
P. H. Brannen, N. P. and J. p., iric, Ga. Fourt.
48th District-A, W. Stewart, J. P., Mill Ray, Ga,
C. Davis, J. P., Zoar, Ga. Second Saturday.
1320th District—T. C. Pennington, J. P., Portal
Ga. E. W. Cowart, Portal, Ga. First Friday. * '■
1340th District—J, C. Denmark, N v P. ajwJ. P ,
Enal, Ga, Fourth Saturday.
1523rd District—Z. A. Rawls, J. P., Rufus, Ga,
W. Parrish, N. P., Nellwood, Ga. Friday "before
second Saturday.
1547th District—W, J, Richardson, J. R. and N. P.,
Harville, Ga, Third Friday,
12011th District-.^, W. Rountree, J, P„ Statesboro,
Ga. J. B. Lee, J. P, and N, P„ Statesboro, Ga.
Second Monday.
Minp l Repaiiing
Satisfaction guaranteed ’on
all work entrusted to me.
Prices—The very lowest!
Shop at the moat Market, K. of P, building