The Bulloch herald. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1899-1901, October 13, 1899, Image 5

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    All Over the County *
Local ItOBlS Coilu.8SS6ti forTll8
Herald Headers.
If i'tift I>dh"f See it llef-e.
Chances are ’Tisn’k True.
nbtice of bankruptcy in aii
btiiet column.
Superior court will began ten
days from today.
NeYr Sheriff saifis and Ordinary
notices ih this issue.
Miss Ora llinely, of Guyton, is
the guest of Miss Ro3a Avefitt.
The painters are putting the
finishing touches on the Simmons’
Rev. L. E. Waters, of Eden, was
visiting relatives in town last Sat¬
Marshal DeLoach has improved
his residence by the addition of a
back porch.
Work on Dr. Kennedy’s resi¬
dence on North Main is progress¬
ing rapidly.
Mr. S. C. Groover returned yes¬
terday from a visit of several days
in Savannah,
Carpenters are at work improv¬
ing the residence of Col. R. Lee
Moore, on South Main.
Mrs. Av Moore has an interesting
ad in this issue. It will be to
your advantage to reftd it.
Mr. A. J. Franklin has just com¬
pleted the erection of a large barn
at his place in East Statesboro.
When you have to buy shoes, go
*where there is a complete stock to
select from—at C. A. Lanier’s.
Mrs. Enoch Smith and Grady
returned Wednesday from a visit
to friends in Washington county.
Charlie Martin is able to attend
his store again after several days
confinement to his bed with fever.
Mr. William Foy and Miss Ada
Foy, of Egypt, were in attendance
upon the Martin*-Mathevvs mar¬
Rev. J, L. D. Hiliyer, D. D,, cf
Atlanta, will speak on “Prohibi
lion” at the court house toirght at
7:30 o’clock.
Miss Gussie Edwards ahd Mrs,
PhillipGriner, of Savannah, came
up to attend the marriage Wednes
xlay evening.
Dr. McLean, Councilman Hagin
imd The Herald man attended
the Macon carnival Wednesday
and Thursday.
Mr. If. G. Mitchell has been con¬
fined to.his bed for a few days
with a case of fever, which his
friends hope is not serious.
Messrs. Scarboro & Mitchell ate
rushing work at their sawmill on
the river> having orders ahead for
large quantities of lumber,
Mrs. J. W. Branan and the chil¬
dren joined Mr. Branan in Savan¬
nah Tuesday, from whence they
started on a trip north for several
Parker & Smith have something
to say about the Obelisk flour in
this issue. Use this flour, save
your coupons and get handsome
presents for them.
Monday was court day, and one
case each was disposed of by Jus¬
tice Lee and Judge Rountree. By
putting in a full day, five jurors
earned 25^ apiece.
Special attention is called to the
famous Zeigler shoes, of which
Lanier has just received a com*
plete stock.
Messrs. Lester & Ellison’s en¬
gine for -their tramroad, extend¬
ing from here to their mill eight
miles in the country, arrived
Tuesday afternoon. They will
now proceed to haul the
this place at a rapid rate.
Charlie Wilson is taking a few
‘lays re9t, necessitated by the ac¬
cidental splitting of his thumb
w hile operating the band saw at
Averitt’s mill last week
The literary department of tbe
Epworth League will meet Mon ¬
day evening at 8 o’clock at the
residence of Mr, J, A-. La ichor.
Subject—BidnOy Lanier.
The three-day 9 session of Miller
Baptist Association began a Co 1- *
intli today. A great many people
will take advantage of the loW
rates over the S. &. S. to attend
Mr. Dweu Mathews came up
Prom Savannah to attend the mar¬
riage Wednesday night* and is
spending a few days m the Coun¬
try with his sister, Mrs, W. L,
Dr. W. D. Woods, of Port'll, who
left a few weeks ago to attend col¬
lege in New York, lias returned
for a few days visit with his family
having been engaged in Savannah
since his departure.
Remember, if it’s a soft shoe or
a hard shoe, a -heap shoe or a good
shoe, a low shoe or a high shoe—if
it’s a shoe!—Lanier has got it.
Chas. Lane, the famous Georgia
Humorist, has been engaged by
the Methodist church to deliver
one of his lectures during court
week at Fields’ opera house, on
Wednesday night, 25th inst.
Messrs. Harrison Olliff and John
Franklin are having a store build¬
ing erected on the street at the
southern limit of the incorpora*
tioiq and will shortly open up a
stock of groceries, it is understood.
An exchange in another part of
the state announces that Robt.
Taylor, Tennessee’s famous led
turer, will be at Statesboro short¬
ly. We have heard nothing of it
here, but hope the report is true.
Capt. Akins, of the Bulloch
County Camp TJ. C. V., wishes it
understood that a meeting of the
camp will be held in Statesboro
on the first Monday in November
to arrange for tlu encampment in
Prof. Davis, who will be remem¬
bered by the old-timers as having
taught school ill the Dr. Charlie
Roach settlement twenty-five years
ago, is again in Bulloch tor a few
daj T s, He is an expert carriage
painter, and is plying his trade at
Mitchell’s shop.
We hear of several of our enter¬
prising farmers who are going to
plant broom corn the coming year.
It is reported that Section Master
Roberts, of Clito, will plant ten
acres-. If enough could be planted
to warrant the coming of a buyer
from the mills, much better prices
would doubtless be realized.
Miss Jincy Nevils has returned
to Statesboro, and will be pleased
to see her friends and patrons at
her rooms at the residence of Mrs.
D. B, Turner on East Main street.
Sheriff Donaldson has received
news of the supposed arrest of
Andrew Watson at Plaque Mine,
La., again. He was arrested for
robbery, but after conversing with
him the officer found that the man
was from this county, and feels
sure that he is the man who mur
dered A. J. Kennedy last year.
Constable Akins had a rushing
day last Monday, being called
upon to sell at public outcry the
fixtures of a negro boarding house
—•consisting of a hat rack, two
dishpaiiB, a cook stove, bedstead
aud two quilts, and a
Money was flush with the crowd,
and the “whole shubang”
three dollars or more.
It is remarked that these asso¬
ciations and other public
ings which are of frequent
rence these days, are highly
ducive to prosperity among
tain classes. The lady
Jury List for October Term. •
Tbe following jurors hare been drawn to serve at
tiro fall term ol Superior court, convening on tint
fourth Monday in October:
Ahern, Wm Lester, R F
Branuen, W J Martin, J Bli
Bird. D E Marsh, M B
Brown, Morgan Morris, Trios J
t one. Linton Mock, G U
Cobh, Nichols, J M
Donaldson, R F, Jr omir, J L
DeLoach, i Morgan Ollift, S F
Dickerson, Da Parker, W C
Daughter}’ B A Proctor, H J, jr
Everhtt, Bedford Seatboro, L A
Grimes; M E Slrombus. XT H
Hagin. P 0 Rushing. Jas B
Kennedy, M J Waters, A J
Lee, A J, sr Eetterower, C W
Anderson, Jas H Donaldson, W P
Anderson, W if Fh Ichor, J A
Anderson, W ft Grier, John W
Alderman, W H Uendrii} F M
A.l!en, s C Hagin; A J
Akins, John A Jhbnsou; A M
Akins. Harrison Lee; Oliver F
Brinucn, H U Lanier, O H P
Brannon, W S - Mikell, J T-, sr
Brown, Jas E Oglesby, S
Brown. Jos E Parrish, Madison
Bland, Asbury Simmons, E B
Buace, J A Smith, W T
Cone, W H Trapnell, J T
Crumley, John Woodcock, M V
Davis, G J Wilson, Geo E
DeLoocn. Z T Wilson, W P
Deal, J K Williams. S J
of , our town have been rushed ,,, for
ing big money, while our buggy
dealers are kept biiay rolling out
the high-priced vehicles. Let the
e t::" s lZoni ™ »„*
into the 44th district this week to
ko,d an inquest over the body of
a-negro man who was found dead
in the woods near W. B. Akins’
The man was VVm. Edgeton, an
verdict Was that he died from
h - rtfaiUi19 -
Two houses and lots in desira¬
ble part of Statesboro. Always
rent for good interest on the
money invested. Terms reasona¬
ble. Apply to *
W. H. Ellis,
Ai -
tax Books open.;
Town taxes for the year 1899 are
now due, and the books for the
collection of same will close Nov.
15th. Pay up promptly and save
the expense of an execution.
W. H. Ellis, Recorder.
All parties hunt are hereby forewarn¬
ed not to or otherwise tress¬
pass upon the lands of the Under¬
signed under penalty of the law.
R. F. Lester, E, B. Simmons.
J. W, Wilson, R. F. Branuen,
M. G. Brannen, J. S. Mikell,
J. L. Mikell, L. G. Mikell,
W. M. Mikell, II. T. Mikell.
Statesboro, Ga., Oct. 11th, 1899,
The Local Market.
The following are the market prices
to day in Statesboro market for coun¬
try produce:
Upland Cotton 6 to 6J£c
Sea Island “ 12 “ 12 >/2
Swe Q t Potatoes (limited demand) 50
Corn (in trade) - 60
New Syrup in trade 30
Eggs ------ 15
Chickens (friers) 25 to 45 per pair. pair.
“ (grown! 40 to 50 per
Turkeys, from $1.25 to $2.00 per pair.
Notice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that there will be intro¬
in the Georgia Legislature at tbe approaching
thereof, a bill to be entitled “An Act to
the Charter of the Town of Statesboro, Ga.,
Sept. 2nd, 1889, by striking out all of
2 of said Charter and inserting in lieu
the following: ‘Sec. 2. That the corporate
Units of said Town of Statesboro shall extend aud
One Mile from the centre of tbe Court
square North, East, 8outh and West, so that
area of said corporation shall be two miles
with the Court House square as the centre
” Statesboro, Ga., Oct. 13th, 1899.
GOOD I tft order to advertise our pa¬
and per, send, new subscribers i f this may coupon clip
FOR soon, taken)
and 60C. (stamps to the
40c I 1LLUSTRITEB (Sueo»wor to Toutk't xouth Advoeatt), mid age
Taylor’s lay Love Letters to the Public are of »:«•
rial Interest. 1 Sample topy free, A-eenti Wanted.
PMC I EDUCATION, etc. To any subscriber
r(\LL S who will secure enough new Subscrib¬
ers at our article regular selected, rate* to will eau&l give the free: regular bicycle, price
of the we either
gold watch, diamond ring, or a scholarship tn
of IJr.iughon's Business Colleges, Nash ville, Tenn.,
Galveston, or Texarkana, Tex., or one 1 n almost any
Business College or Literary School. Write us,
. -> PS5» Ton!
9 i c ,*
The people of States¬
boro and of Bulloch coun¬
ty are cordially invited to
call at our store and in¬
spect the lovely and styl¬
ish fall and winter goods
that we are now exhibit
Never before have
we had such, a varied and
collection of all
^ 1111(1 ta ^ .
at prices, too, that
• i ~i •
1081110 JOUI* appTOV* __
gj Qulclv W SalCS and SHiaH
lias always been
-- and - he
our motto, we
tlie people appre¬
ciate our efforts to give
honest values for
their money.
An excellent show of Colored and Black Woolen
Dress Goods. All the very newest styles, shades and
designs, If you are thinking of buying anything m
line, We are sure we can please you.
Shoe economy is in what yon get, not what you
pay* and the person who buys a pair of shoes simply
because they are cheap, often pays two prices for them-.
We have all kinds of Shoes for Men, Women, Misses,
Boys and Children, and at prices that will please you.
A full and complete stock of Staple and Fancy
Groceries always on hand, which we sell at prices that
cannot be bettered.
Fresh Fruits, Stick and Fancy Candy, Vegetables.
In the line of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, we
can offer some rare bargains in almost any kind you
want. Get our figures on caddies before buying.
We pay the highest market price for produce such
Corn, Tallow, Hides, Wax, Potatoes, Chickens, Turkeys,
Eggs, Etc. We are here to furnish you n market for
your surplus produce, and to furnish y»’U anything in
our u ne a t the lowest possible prices
®-We are sole agents for M. Born A Co , ol '/hi. ago,
the largest Tailoring establishment in the count", end
can take y° u measure for a suit of clothes or flair of
pants cheap. Fit guaranteed. Call and see samples.
\ X n
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