The Bulloch herald. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1899-1901, February 09, 1900, Image 5

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All Over the County. Local Iter-u Condensed for The Herald Headers. READ ’EM IF YOU CARE TO. If You Don't §ee it Here, Chances are ’Tisn’t True. Virgil Moore is delighted with a new boy at his house. Mr. R. Simmons is off on a bus¬ iness trip to Augusta for a few days. Mr. Bussey, of the Sylvania Telephoae was a pleasant visitor at oil” office. Mrs. H. C. Cone returned yes¬ terday from a few days' visit with relatives in Savannah. ©r. R. L. Sample left yesterday for Philadelphia to take his regu¬ lar annual course in medicine. Messrs. J. 0. and S. H. Frank¬ lin, of Parrish, were visitors to Statesboro Tuesday on business. Get your garden seeds from E. D. Holland & Co. This season’s record for high prices in Sea Island cotton seems not yet to have been made, it hav¬ ing climbed to eighteen and a half cents in Statesboro t >day. Tire mem be ib of the Primitive Baptist congregation are taking steps to paint their church build¬ ing, which will add very much to its already neat appearance. The still property of R. M. Wil¬ liams & Co. sotld at public outcry before the court house Tuesday, and was bought in by Mr. R. M. Williams, the price paid being $18,500. The Eden field property adver¬ tiser! for sale here Tuesday, was not disposed of for want of a suf¬ ficiently high bid. It will be re advertised and sold on the first Tuesday in March. Deputy Sheriff DeLoach has been engaged throughout the county for the past two weeks in levying tax executions. The num¬ ber issued this year is about the same as iu former years. Full line freslf garden seeds at E. D. Holland & Co.’s. Rev. McMillan, of "South Caro¬ lina, preached at the Baptist church hero Thursday, and will occupy 1 lie pulpit again Sunday. The church will probably extend him a call in (he pastorate. The Statesboro market is being well supplied far the past few days with splendid shad from the Sa¬ vannah river. It, is reported that they are being caught in large numbers from the Ogeechee also. Mrs. Nancy DeLoach died at her home in the lower part of the c.umty last Saturday, and was ■Buried at DeLoach’s church Sun¬ day. She was the mother of J. Morgan DeLoach, the turpentine operator at Pembroke. Mr. J. G. Blitch has the mate¬ rial on the ground for the eleva¬ tion of his store building to two stories. His is already one of the prettiest stores in town, and the proposed improvements will add much to its beauty and con¬ venience. Attend the Closing Out Sale at the Savannah Bargain Store. Messrs. Adams and sons, who have been conducting a black¬ smith and repair shop at Wood burn for the past several years, have recently moved their busi ness to the thriving town of Brooklet, ten miles below town on the S. & S. Arrangements have been made whereby there will be preaching at tine presbyterian church twice a month after this—on the first and third Sundays. Rev. McMeen : 1 audav. "v<> ; ,! i .* for i l.i* pro Mr. J. F. Leo, i ... Oioko hi si \\ et'.iii! 'tiay «jr.or ro illness ot only b*\v '..)!>jw vvitli some affection ♦> -r. ii,o iHi'.vi'i -ul [>,. «f#9 <m« of t Ilf- !; voijiti' 1 , , lu>\ing , ° 1,1 C!ll! ‘ |l >j lii-MMi a candidate twice for tn, jx^it ion of tax collector. T1 ihe ,m u! eiecti <.i tor ? ■. a e :Lin;v-e.KHi . C< >imm . , . , ; " “ M ‘ i P!! -'iiu (»nn „ four will ot vours ■ H hold by l he boa rd of education m morrow. Capt. Hagin and Mnj Otmo have announced m can.iidnleo ,.,,,1 if understood that the friends of Prof, Brannon are insisting on his inak mg a race for the office. The entire stock of the Savnn nah Bairgain Store must be closed out during this month, as the store must be vacated <>n .March 1. Quite a little political gossip among the lai-gu here last Monday, and it will not be surprising if some announce¬ ments are made before many dav s. Forthe present prospective ean didaies are “feeling around.” but it will not be long before they make up their minds what to do. Mr. S. J. Couch has bought the lot from J. \Y. 'Franklin near Blitch’s store, and will shortly commence the erection of a store building and residence thereon. T.he price pc id for t lie lot. which i-« 25^x100 feet, vas $300, which shows something of the value of Statesboro mil estate. The Herald regrets to have to lpologize to its readers for the lack of reading matter in this issue, but a couple of days spent in moving in type and printing machinery, have detained our entire force until there was no time to write local news nor put it in type. We’ll do better next week. When you buy pickles, get, the best; Heinz’s are known to be the best. One keg of sour and one of sweet pickles of Heinz’s make just opened at W. B. Martin’s. Rev. J. A. Searboro this week sold his handsome residence in East Statesboro to Mr. W. T. Daniels, of Savannah, who will occupy it as a summer home for his family. Rev. Searboro ex¬ pects build at some point on the D. & S. railroad beyond Clito, in order to be convenient to his saw¬ mill business at Dover. Col. D. R. Groover and Messrs. J. W. Oil iff and J. G. Blitch vis¬ ited Augusta last week in the in¬ terest of the cotton factory and spent, a day inspecting the big mills of that city. They may be expected to have something of in¬ terest to report, therefore, at the factory meet ing to be held here on the first Monday in March. Mr. Jas. Denmark, ar Harville, had the misfortune to lose his gin house last Wednesday with all its contents, consisting of a saw¬ mill, set of mill rocks, 700 bushels cotton seed and some lint, besides three bales of cotton belonging to other parties. The total loss is about $1,200, uninsured. The fire originated from a match in some cotton being ginned. R. Simmons’ force of clerks have been busy this week opening up their stock in the Blitch build¬ ing, preparatory to beginning the work of rebuilding Simmon’s store on the corner. A change has re¬ cently been made in that thriving business, Messrs. Brooks and Ho¬ mer Simmcns going in as partners. The style of the firm will proba¬ bly be ‘ trr he Simmons Mercantile Co.” Mrs, A, Moore wishes it under¬ stood that she pays highest prices for country produce—chickens, lard, tallow—in eggs hides, wax, goods lowest exchange for best at prices.. COTTON FACTORY MEET1NC. .Si irafatrv Wilson Calls a fleeting for First Monday In flarch. *'’** vvi-h to cave a meeting of all 4,1 f teens of Bulloch county on the first : ‘ :oiu!,: v in > f arch. The purpose of (he j 1 '' rr"!'* building isdi of a cotton “ u “ factory e«»* for in fttatcjsboro U'e desire the presence of each citizen who feels an interest in the upbuilding of the county, regiyd less vi what t heir religious or poiiti- * cal . views - . be; wish . , to may we come rogvitier on equal grounds and work for the betterment of all. Come one, comt J - alt, and (rtfgryou* opinions freely 5,1 Ml ° m *‘ rtil, S- J. W. Wilson, <>rre 3 p,.„ (1 in g Se<Tetnry. Mr. J. \\\ Cannady died Tues day evening at his home near Josh after an illness of about ten days with pefetonvtis. “Judge” Cannady, as he was cowuuonlv called, for he held the position of justice of the peace for the 49th district of Emanuel county, was a ludloitilMm , , lld hi , (I «lh is lamented l,v a host of friends, Tillman George, a sixteen-year old negro boy who figured in the town courts a few months ago on a charge of vagrancy, was fatally burned at Williams’ still last Fri¬ day night. He went to sleep upon a bed of straw in one of the shan¬ ties, when the straw caught lire and burned the house down. He barely escaped from the building before it fell in, his clothing being burned entirely off'. CLIPPINGS FROM CALLIE. We are having some pleasant days after the extreme cold snap of last week, Mr. L. P. Moore spent last day in Savannah visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Simmons visited the home folks last Satur¬ day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Grooms, of Miliray, have moved in the Gallic neighborhood. We regret to learn of the serious illness of George, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee. Miss Laurie Hughes spent a few days with friends in Statesboro last week. The school at Brag Academy is in a flourishing, under the able management of Miss Inez Wil¬ liams. Guano agents are beginning their New Year’ work. Violet. To Guano Buyers. Having arranged for the sale of J, W. Wilson’s well-known brands of Guano—“Our Own,” “Wilson’s Fertilizer” and “Chilian Stan¬ dard”—we make the announce¬ ment that we will have the exclu¬ sive sale of these goods this year. In addition to these we will sell “Cumberland Bone Phosphate,” of which have been tried and found well adapted to the soil of Bulloch county. See us for prices before buying elsewhere. J. W. Olliff & Co. Jimmy and the Bnl>y. Jimmy’s mother Jfept^ow? and (fold milk. Jimmy himself nad nothing to do with the cows, though sometimes he used to carry the milk pail to his mother’s customers. The customers all liked Jimmy, with his round, frec¬ kled face jatfd bashful grin, and they used to ask him how business was, for, although Jlmjny was only 13 years old, he had a business. lie made coffins— baby coffins—and sold tliem to the un¬ dertaker. They were nice pine coffins, with all the edges carefully joined. Jimmy received 50 cents for each one. One day Jimmy stopped at the house of one of his mother’s customers to leave some milk. A little boy met him at the door. “We’ve got a new baby!*’ said the little boy. “Would you Ilk* to see It?” Jimmy nodded. The little boy’s aunt laughingly led Jimmy to the cradle where the new baby was. Jimmy gazed at the Infant for some time, speechless with admiration or some such emotion. “Wbat do you think of it, Jimmy?” asked the aunt. Jimmy grinned. "1 guess I'll have to make a nice lit¬ tle* coffin when 1 go home/* be said.— New York Commercial Advertiser. Y0U WART sH©es 5 go to a Shoe Store to buy them, where you can pick from a full Stock. Such is Lanier’s. He calls especial attei tion to his famous Zeigle 1 Shoe for Ladies and Ban¬ ister for Gentlemen. The best for the price! In addition. Mr. W. W. Ward, the expert shoe maker and repairer, is now with me prepared to do all work in that line. Remember, then, that I make, sell, repair and guarantee shoes, and will serve you gladly. C. A. LANIER. Savannah & Statesboro Railway TIME TABLE IN EFFECT DEC. 24,1309. So 3. No. 1 (Train* run by Central J . No, m.! 2 i No. 4 p. m. a. m. StanrtwrU Time.) u. p. tn. wine* 600 Leave Statesboro Arriv** 943 ow 13 C12 Pretoria “ 9 33 8 20 “ Nellvvomi 9 17 x a 6 33 •* Sbearwocd “ 3 11 a li C 40 Iric 905 x ce,smc>ttc>aat 712 727 H 7 7 7 050 705 20 38 *48 40 1 Arrive Oiney Stilson Eld Cnyler Ivanhoe Blitch Woodbum Savannah ora ton Leave “ “ “ “ “ 8 3 8 8 8 820 8 7 32 58 88 26 44 09 25 a a x -»a os Ail trains make close connection at Cuyler with G. A A. trains to and from Savannah. W. F. WRIGHT. Gen’l Supt. Free tuition. We give one or more free schol¬ arships in every county in the U. S. Write us. 4J0L Will accept notes for tuition *sOStiians»»t or can deposit money in bauk cruarciniesa O ______j___i fare until paid. position is vacation. secured. Car No Ku Under reasonable ter at any time. Openforboth conditions . . . . sexes. Cheap board. £endfer free illustrated catalogue. Address J. F. Dradohon, Pres’t, at either place. Draughon’s Practical Business .... Nashville, Tenn. $ Galvesto?, Tex., Savannah, Ga., Texarkana, Tex. The Bookkeeping:, most thorough Shorthand, practical Typew and ritlng , etc. schools of tne kind , in the world, and progressive the bed patronized ones in ministers the South. and Indo rsed by bank¬ Four ers, merchants, with others. weaks in bookkaeping us are equal to twelve President, weeks author by the of olpf Draughon’s plan. J. F. Draughon, is New System of Bookkeeping, “Double Entry Made Easy.” Home study. We have prepared, for home study, shorthand. books Write on bookkeeping', for list penmanship “Home Study.” and Extract. price learned book¬ “Prof. Draughon— 1 keeping position at home night from telegraph your books, operator.”—C. while holding K. a as Lefm*HGWeli-, Bookkeeper for Gerber & Fickf ' Wholesale tMention Grocers, this 6outh Chicago, when un-iUttg.) Ill. paper GUANO FOR SALE. THE OLD RELIABLE BRANDS MANUFACTURED BY THE PATAPSCO GUANO COMPANY— Patapsco High Grade, Ammoniated Dissolved Bone, Maryland A. D Bone, High Grade Acid Phosphate (4 Perct.Potash.) These goods have been sold in Bulloch County for the last 28 years, and have always given entire satisfaction. They are made of the very best material, and are the cheapest goods on the market considering their quality. 'Will produce more corn and cotton per acre than any other goods, which can be proyen if given the proper test. Parties will do well to see me before buying. Can deliver Road, at any Savannah points & on Statesboro, Foy’s Road, Doyer & Statesboro at Statesboro, and at Blitch, Ga. Thanking the people for their kind patronage, I am very respectfully, W. H. BLITCH, Blitch, Ga. Lover £ Statesboro J3. L. Schedule In effect September 11th, IKK). Qoltlg North. I N o 5 | No l | No a No 7 L’ve Statesboro 16 15 item | » Stem - ’ o»cce* iSpm # 15nta “ Clito Ram 10 0f,*m 30pm 7 30pm Ar rive Dov er_[5 45am 110 25>m 50pm 7 50pm ' i Trains No. and 3 daily. Nos. 5 and 7 Tuoadym Thursdays and (or Saturdays ontv. Passengers Savannah take Trains 3 ami 5. For Macon, Augusta, Atlanta and all Western potato toku Trains 1 and 7. Going South f No 6 I No2 I No 4~ | No 8 Leave Dover 7 C item | li (Warn j 4 20pm7¥ item Arrive Clito 16 6 25am It 15am 4 35pm I 8 S5p1n StatcaVro 45am 11 30«n I 4 50pm 8 40pm Trains No. 2 and 4 dally. Nos. 6 and 8 Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Take Trains 2, 4, 8 and 8 at Dover (or Statesboro. Blast of whistle M minutes before departure of trains at 8tate*oro. J. L. MATHEWS, Supt. Shoe and Harness Repairing. Iain prepared to do first del ss Shoe and Harness Repairing at reasonable rates and on short notice. Bree ching straps, tie reins and other parts of harness kept on hand for sale. Respectfully, T. I. Wilson-