Newspaper Page Text
rHE Bulloch Herald
Vol. II.
Pointed and
Superior court will convene ten
ivs from today.
Col. S. L. Moore has been laid
p this week with the grip.
Col. J. A. Brannen has been at
tnding court in Tattnall county
lis week.
Miss Daisy Martin, who has
Jen quite sick for the past week,
now improving
Miss Leila Wilson is assisting
iss Lottie Cone in the millinery
jsiuess of Mr. A. Rosolio.
Mr. J. W, Holland has been
mfined to his bed for several
ty 3 with a severe attack of the
Mrs. R. L. Park and children, of
avannah, arrived yesterday on a
sit to the former’s father, Rev.
r J. Flanders.
Mr. H. A. Proctor, of Scarboro,
as a visitor to Statesboro this
eek, in attendance upon the Ma¬
mie exercises.
Mr. H. C. Hughes, who recently
rved as engineer on the D. & S.
.ilroad, has accepted a similar
jsition at Still more.
Mr. E. M. Boliler, at Clito, is
Ivertising in this issue for 400
?ad of geese. If you have any to
sposd of, call on faim.„
Mrs. Rosa Young, of Reading,
i., is spending several weeks vis¬
ing the family of her father,
i,pt. J. H. Roberts, at Clito.
After a week’s absence visiting
Augusta, Engineer Peganhard
rived here Tuesday, and has re¬
ined work on the D. & S. engine.
Joe Fletcher, the accommodat
l assistant postmaster, is laid
at the home of his father this
ek with a severe attack of the
Section Master Roberts was eli¬
ded the first of the week in put
g in a new platform at the D.
S. depot, and cleaning up gen
vf rs. J, A. Dexter, wife of the
at magic healer, Prof. Dexter
Savannah, was up Monday on
risit to her sister, Mrs. H. I.
dessrs. R. A. Goethe <fc Co.’s
rmill, neat* Portal, was entirely
isumed by fire last Monday,
j origin of the fire was not
lr. Kicklighter, at Pembroke,
t a valuable mule by a peculiar
ident this week. Playing about
lot, the aniitfal fell and broke
lommissioner Cone will hold a
-ial examination of several
.liennis for license to teach at
office in the court house next
t the adjourned session of the
n council last night, the bills
In-last year’s ouuncilmeu for
each for services rendered, was
jsed payment.
ae summer weather of the past
days has been greeted with a
e on the countenances of our
aers who have growing patches
<rn and cotton.
[i. Jeff Williams has recently
cised from Mr. II. I. Olliff an
* lot, adjoining the home place
Mr. C. M. Martin, in East
tesboro. The consideration
Statesboro, r il 13.18CQ.
There will he no services at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday,
the pastor being in attendance
upon the session of Presbytery in
Col. B. A. Denmark, president
of the Citizens’ Bank of Savan¬
nah was up last Saturday and
Sunday visiting his kinsman, Ctl.
D. R. Groover.
Solicitor Rawlings was circulat¬
ing among the voters of Bulloch
county last Friday, reminding
them that be is still in the race
for re-election.
Last Monday was regular justice
court day in Statesboro, but court
was only slimly attended, and
only a few cases were up for trial.
A sign of prosperity!
Cards are out for the marriage
of Dr. M. Y Allen, of Valdosta,
and Miss Nettie Grimes, of this
place, at the home of the bride’s
mother on the 25th inst.
Last Sunday was a big day in
Statesboro for the colored popu a
tion, a big meeting in town at¬
tracting a large number of visiting
darkies from nearby stil s.
Mr. W. W. McDougald, of Nell
wood, attended the Masonic exer¬
cises Tuesday, and incidentally
made arrangements for The Her¬
ald to visit him for twelve months.
The barn of Mr. F. P. Register,
at Register station, with all its
contents, consisting of a carload
of and feed stuff, was
consumed by fire last Friday
morning about 10 o’clock.
Adjt. Obear, of Atlanta, will
inspect the Kell Rifles Monday
afternoon, lfith inst. All mem¬
bers of the company are expected
to be present, as no excuses for
absence will be accepted on this
Messrs. Outland & McDougald
lost last Wednesday one of the
fine horses purchased recently at
the auction sale. Theanimal con¬
tracted a cold which developed
into pneumonia and lived only a
few hours.
Don’t let it escape your atten¬
tion that you must register before
the 5;h of May m order to partic¬
ipate in the primary on the 15th
Look after that matter during
superior court, if you have no op¬
to do so before.
A couple of new announcements
will probably adorn our columns
next week, one being that of IS. C.
Groover for clerk, and the other
•S. C. Allen for sheriff. Messrs.
F. D. Olliff and L. 0. Akins may
also be m the race for the latter
The announcement of Mr. J. Z.
Kendrick for sheriff will be ob¬
served in another column. Mr.
Kendrick was for years the town
marshal of Statesboro and made
an efficient officer, and will be a
hard man to boat in the race for
Mr. R. Simmons this week clos¬
ed a contract with Mr. A. J.
Franklin for the completion of
his big store building, which has
been under course of construction
for several weeks. The house will
cost completed in the neighbor¬
hood of $10,000.
A Dublin correspondent an¬
nounces the marriage of Dr. A. T.
Summerlin and Miss Callie Prince
at that place yesterday, The
young couple have gone on an
extended bridal tour north. Dr.
Summerlin is referred to as one of
the leading capitalists and den¬
tists of that section. He was
formerly from Bulloch county.
At a meeting of the congregation
of the Presbyterian church, held
this week, a call was extended to
the Rev. Mr McMeen to fill their
pulpit for the coming church year.
N ,° wil1 received until
after the . of Presbytery,
but it is hoped by all that the call
will be accepted.
The many friends of Dr. J. D.
Patterson, formerly of this county
but now of Emanuel, will be in¬
terested to learn that that young
man is now undergoing a course
of treatment for the whiskey
habit in an Atlanta medical in¬
stitute, with bright prospects for
successful treatment.
~n this issue will be found the
ad of Mrs A. Moore. She is clos¬
ing out her business here prepara¬
tory to moving to Baxley the first
of July, and is offering rare bar¬
gains Her stock of groceries, dry
goods, notions, siioes,„ete., is com¬
plete, and your wants can be sup¬
plied at reduced prices.
An adjourned session of the
town council was held last night,
the most important business being
the devising of a plan to raise the
extra $1,000 a year taxes made
necessary by the recent election
in favor of school bonds. A large
part of this revenue will be raised
by special occupation and business
Bennie rnul Noil Tnvpnell, of
ter, and Eli Kennedv, of Excel
tSfiTS »
the last three young men on their
while life Doctor
will at tend the Polyclinic in New
York City.
It is a new departure to ship
seed cane from this county to
other states, but that was done
last week when Mr. D. E.
shipped two hundred and fifty
stalks to parties at Hartsall, Ala.
No cane is raised in that section,
and the few stalks shipped by Mr.
Bird will be planted as an experi¬
A little runaway escapade which
resulted in no damage, occurred
in the northern suburbs of town
lust Sunday morning when Mr.
Joe Pelote’s horse, attached to a
buggy, became frightened and ran
off. After running a couple of
miles the animal stopped of its own
volition, having kept the road the
entire distance.
A big legal document was filed
in the office of the clerk of the
court Wednesday, being the lease
granted by the B. <t P. railroad to
the Central railroad on all its
track, road-bed, right-of-way, roll¬
ing stock, etc. The lease was
given in 1897, and by its terms
the Central was to pay the B. &
P. f’o. $9,000 per month for forty
Tax Receiver Her, accompanied
by Collector McElveen, passed
through Statesboro yesterday en
route to the Donaldson district,
where they expected to put in the
day receiving lax returns and reg¬
istering voters for the democratic
primary next month. They are
at the Easton courtground today,
and will be at the Sinkhole to¬
Among the sojourners in States¬
boro at present are Mr. and Mrs.
S. A. Ward and littie Sarah, of
Winnsboro, S. C. They have been
stopping at the Enneis Hotel for
the past few weeks, and are so
favorably impressed with the town
that Mr. Ward is thinking To of locat¬
ing here permanently. all such
good people Statesboro extends a
cordial welcome.
] Closing out Sale!
A big closing-out sale is
now going on at Mrs. A.
Moore’s, including every¬
thing in lier big stock of
Gents’ Furnishings, Spring Dress
Goods, Notions, Dry Goods,
Full Stock Shoes, etc.,
at greatly reduced, prices.
Mrs. Moore intends to
leaVe StxltCSl )()1“0 abOUt tl 10
1st of July, and wishes to
ClOSC OUt befOYB leaVillff.
Call /'""N ~i on -i her when -1
come to town court
CAPITAL $ 50 , 000 . 00 .
Accounts of Finns and Individuals Solicited.
H. S. BUTCH, d. R. groover,
J. K. BRANNEN, J. W. Ol-LlfF,
J. A. Fulcher, B. T. OUTLAND.
W. C. Parker.
* fonYoi,
—That the superior methods of the
Georgia Steam Laundry
are the triumph of fine laundry work In its exquisite
color and finish. Contrast one of the Shirts, Collars,
or Cuffs done up by them with those you have been
wearing, and observe difference.
Shirts, Collars and Cuff—in fact, any tbiug that
will wash—can be laundered there in a manner
equal to your expectations at the lowest prices.
B. P. MAULL, Agent.
Basket leaves Statesboro Tuesday evening
every second week, returning Friday.
Note to Farmers:
I am prepared to furnish my patrons and
the public generally with guano again this
season. I handle only first-class goods, at
reasonable prices, and respectfully request
you to call on me before making your pur¬
chases in this line.
Messrs. S. C. Allen and L. H. Kingery are
associated with me, and will take pleasure
in serving you.
W. 8. PREETORIUS, Stetetboro, (hi.
No. 11
The Johnson House,
Permanent and transient
Boarders can get good ac
commodations at reasona¬
ble rates at the Johnson
House, on the Court House
fty the month , $10 and $i3.
Single 23 Cents.
A share of tKS public pat¬
ronage is solicited.
4*4 Mrs. A. M. JOHNSON $ 4 4 ♦
4 ♦ . Proprietress*
Brannen & Moore, States
boro, Ga., negotiate loans at
the lowest rates.