Newspaper Page Text
qqd Goqi\ty
! '"feay First-Assistant Post
s ’*Geueral Maxwell is making
Thtml axe fly is causing weep
^gnashing of. teeth among
and third party po«t
J Ripest lot of fancy candy
—kinds of confectionary can
’<t ' b» found at M T Hardee s.
- e gret to chronicle the illness
J. A. Brannen, who is now
. hope
ued to his bed, but we
,ee him out again *qon.
If you wear shoes, you will
make "a mistake if you miss me
and the bargains I am prepared to
pilfer you. - R. k. Donaldson.
Ths street committee are having
some' good work done >on West
main st. grading the hill and mak
L.g a new crossway at the branch.
New lot of ladies hats and
trimmings in the latest styles at
If. 8 A Davis. <k Co.
In another will be fount the ad.
of the New Home sewing machine
Co. accepting the challenge of the
Davis sewing machine Co. for a
grand competition display of fan
toy work-
1 Before you buy your spring suit
get my prices .and examine my
stock. R F Denaldeon,
Mr. J. C. Jones is preparing to
build a new residence soon.
} Iry jn& for Spring suit. I
4 a
i iavw w a nide lot now on hand with
nore to follow. "
T. Hardee.
Bulloch county now has free
coinage of silver; in the way of a
boui.terfeitjhg gang,’judging from
the number of bogus silver dollars
Ind halves npw in circulation.
: For Dry Goods and ladies dress
goods, consult me before buying
elsewhere. I can save you money
'and give you better goods.
R F Donaldson.
Work has been commenced on
II. S. Blitch’s new residence.
-c Jclothmg 1 said ever of
saw”, h what stock. a good judge
bur cleft lung Art the la¬
test styles irodi. anci'a to'’your $500)000 stock interest 10
select It‘is
to giye us a call! before you buy
Vour spring suit ,J. W. Olliff* Co
Or. J. C. White taken a flying
trip to Savannah on,Saturday last.
Our 50/ unlaundried ehirt is
jhe talk c)f th© country, and if you
Want the best shirt on earth for
the money buy no other.
.J W Olliff & Co.
Rev. W. D. McGregor if con¬
|,lie ducting a protracted church meeting week. a*
Methodist this
For your spring fiats you should
px^mine eur stock before buy, we
pave some beauties. S A Davis
A Co.
A move is on foot to form a stock
company to build a telegraph line
from hers to ij^over. We learn
that most of Hie stock has been
Ammonia only 10/ per bottle at
J W Olliff & Co’s.
Messrs. W. J. Strickland, Jas. F
Olliff and E. L. Trapnell were vis¬
itors to Statesboro this week.
Call at J W Olliff & Co’s, and
inspect the finest display of em
broidery evpr Shown in the county
R. F. Donaldson is making
thiugs shin* ovor at his pretty
new cottage with a fresh coat of
paint. lot
We have just received a new
wool an$ hair mattresses made in
the best ticking.
B. B. Mercer & Co.
M. T. Hardee has bought out the
millinery stock of Mrs. Harris.
This department will however re¬
main under the personal supervis¬ Harris.
ion and care of Miss Edna
Just received a new tot of hair
and wool pillows for sale cheap by
B. B. Mercer A Co.
Superior court is now less than
a month off.
School books, of every kind at
J W Olliff & Co’a.
For all kind of job work trv
,i*. inspect bargain
Drop in and our
lot of window shades, We have
some new styles which we^are pre¬
pared to bell at a bargain. &
B B Merger Co.
Statefiboro is on a solid boom.
We know of several new building*
iliac wiilbe erected during the
Whan you want a good bed
spring cheap try our noiseless, they
lead all others. B BpMercer & Co.
The Times extends "thanks to
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Sharpe for
that nice cake sent by the hand of
Hey. >V r -. D. McGregor. alwajrsJ May their
1 athway through life be
one of joy and prosperity.
New lot ef broomsfat B BJ cheaper Mer¬
cer & Co’s., they are going
than ever before.
H W Lee keeps the' best cheese
\u town) if yon doubt this try it.
Fancy candies^aro made a spe¬
cialty at H. W. Lee’s.
John F. Alderman, formerly of
this place, Vh i cr mow of Savannah,
visited friejVi a n town bn Satur
ait. d 1 ' i
dav 1
I have just received the finest
line of oigars and tobacco in town.
Try nio for bargains. H W Lee
Messrs. M. M. Brown and D. R.
Woods, two old Bulloch county
boys, came up from Savannah this
Large lot of oatmeal and buck¬
wheat fer sale by H W Leo.
Dr. W. D. Kennedy has removed
to Vidslia. We wish for him
abundant success in his new home
I give more rioo for the round
dollar than anybody else in town.
II W Lee.
Miss Lillie Wilson has been
spending several days in town,
the gustt of Miss Piety Lee.
Arbuckles coffee for eale by
ft W Lee.
Chas. Mikell has contracted to
build a new addition to the res i¬
dence cf S. F. Olliff.
NeW lot of enuff, the best in the
market at H W .Leari.
I have a large lot of wheat bran,
cotten seed meal and rice flour jn
barrels for sale cheap.
E L Smith,
On© of th© most novel sights
seen on our streats lately was is a
third party drummer, who
said to be the ’only one who be¬
longs to that party in the State,
If you want a good shave or
shingle drop in'and I can fix you
up in short order.
Pete, the Barber.
Car load of crockery just receiv¬
ed by M T Hardee
Try one of our new Wool and
Hair Mattresse.". They are the
beet ever brought to thisgmarket, & Co.
Ij B Mercsr
Samuel Harville, oi' Enal, was
in town this week. His napio now
appears in bright letter* on our
Finest stock of spring clothing
in the city at M T Hardee,s
Mr. D P Averitt, request us to
to inform the public that he will
furnish good building lumber iajd
down anywhers in Statesboro fotU
8 to 10 dollars per thousand.
for run of log, and $10 for picked
lumber. Terms strictly Cash.
Fcmr ply linen Dollars and cuffs
10/! Beautiful four-in-hand ties
10 and 15 cents at
JW Olliff A Co’s.
Car load of chairs just received
by B B Mercer A Co.
Another bargain lot of shoes at
* J W Olliff & Co’s.
Bheep shears at
J W Olliff & Co’s.
We would reepectfujly call the
attention the fact that of the it post isthsir masters duty to to
notify publishers remain of in their newspapers offi
wbeu paper
uncalled for. there has been say
eral instances when we have mail¬
ed the Times to parties for several
months after they have moved a
way,not having any knowledge of
the fact, which shows that somebo
dy has 1 iied to do his duty.
After this wpek of beautiful E;ie
ter hats, great variety of chil drees
hats and caps ribb ns and flowers
veils and ornaments at Mrs Lang¬
Bovs suits $1.25 at
J W Olliff & Co’e.
W.T Smith has torn flown bis
large livery stables and is build¬
ing on Vino at.
W. C. Parker, to whom we gave
local mention last week, returned
to Baxley on Friday last after
having made several large invest¬
ment* in Statesboro dirt,he bought Jones.
vhe residence of Mr. J. C.
on Zetterowsr Ave., which he will
_ May. He also
ocupy the first of
bought another lot adjoining thebr
ick block on South Main St., upon
which h© proposes to bui:d at an
early date another brick store.
The boys are telling a good
on one of our yonng doctors, who
doesn’t live a thousand miles
from this plac^, to the tffect that
he went out to see his best girl
and taken her out for a fide, the
young lady asked the privilege of
handling the lines, which ho grant
ed, and got out of the buggy to cut
a w hip, when the young lady sud¬
denly gave the horse a slap with
the lines and drove off and left
him alone in the wood*. After
driving home she ungeared and
hitched the horse to the fence to
await the timely arrival of the doc
tor, which taken place a half hour
later, when he came up with his
coat off and tongue hanging out.
The doctor is now recorded as be¬
ing eternally opposed to petticoat
government in all shaper.
If you want good table l oard
stop at the Hall House, wl.cre you
can get the beet the mr.rket,affordi=
for 35/ a meal.
Bill Ellis, gays somebody stole
his heart yesterday, it is supposed
to hare been carried off by a pret¬
ty little girl from Zoar P. O.
Messrs. J B Groover, from En
al and I V Simmons, from Mill
Ray, were in the city this week.
Miss Rebecca Moore, an accom¬
plished young lady of tbi* coun¬
ty, visited her brother, S' L Moore
osq. this wee .
Jas. H. Ellis, went up to Macon
this week to biiy go^ds.
We are now in a position to
state how many people in this
town would accept the Statesboro
post offiice, were it tendered them
by Mr. Cleveland, Friday we obtained
this information on last.
E A Richardson, was the hap¬
piest giau in town .3 \ last Sunday.
TheV »ay its a boy 1 .
Smoke the vindex cigars, the
best in the world. For sale by
m. T. Hardee.
When you want your house or
life insured, consult Wilson <fc
Sorrier they will give you a policy
in the best companies in the
world and as cheap as anybody.
To arrive to day or tomorrow
the finest line of ladies dress
silks over shown in this city.
Ellis & Outland,
M. C. 'Ajoore of Brag was in
town on vosterdaf Mr. Moore is
one of the best farmers of the 48
district and a genuine Cleve¬
land Democrat.
D.r I. 8 . L Miller of Milray and
Dr May of Rnfus came up to
the meeting of the Masonic
Lod ge Wed nesday.
Mr, Bud Mathews accompanied
by his daughter Miss Minnie vis¬
ited the familji of mi- J* W. Rob¬
inson at Dover last Sunday.
Just hold your breath until
you reaeh our store and have an
and opportunity well selected t® examine -took our l^rge
the of soring
clothing which i i finest in
town, at prices within the reach
of all. Ellis & Outland.
A w Baum, manager of the
worlds fair store this to be opened up
in Utatebbro week returned
on last^evening from an extended
trip to New York, Philadelphia
and Baltimore where he went to
buy goods. He will open up
with abonf a $ 10,000 stock.
Went to see his girl n^ar Ureka,
went to sleep in his buggy and girls his
horse learned him back to his
hous£, where he glgpt alj night %t
the front gate.
Wanted to be postmaster 04
last Friday.
Went to her pocketbook. to ^ee
what time it was.
The young lady is that went
gunning and killed a rabbit.
Sat on the fropt seat in church
Sunday and went to sleep.
Lost hie wife Sunday.
The two young men are that
board at the same hotel and both
got left the other night.
Had reserved seats in church
Tuesday nigfit.
Tcld three of ouf most accom¬
plished and “charming could young
men” that she not go with
all and would noj,'gq with one.
The young Uroka man was that
passed a “bogus” half dollar on
one of our merchants a few days
The young lady wag that s id
“God knows I love you.”
Cut his hand with his saw and
told his father it was done with a
Asked the postmaster the price
of n stamp to Millen.
Carried 13 eggs to a store that
had been under a setting haq
Was the most popular man in
town lapt Frida;.-.
Thought we had the power to
appoint a postmaster at this place.
From Dover.
Who the lady is camo very neni
falling in the river the other day.
Said VV. W. W. stood for Wild.
Wicked Williams.
The young lady lastjSunday. made us th nk
of Lot 9 wife on
Th© above amount will be paid
bvjthe undersigned for the appre¬
hension and capture of ene Jep
Daniel*, a dark ginger cake colored
negro,‘weighing about 16(1 poundu
and ab ut Bix feet high. When
last se?n was carrj ing a ;winches
ter rifle, which he stole from me ^
few days ago. J. I. Brannen,.;
Statesboro, Ga.
Another Fire.
On last Blackburn, Wednesday niffit, Mr.
Geo. 8 . of our town
had the misforb i*e to lose by fire,
his barn, gin house and •othar lo!
buildings, including eeveral hu 1 -
dred bushel* of corn about
1000 pounds of leng forage
The origin of ijhe ire is supposed
to be of p,n incendiary nature, as
there had not been anybody about
the premiaes $rith fire or matches
during tha day.
The buildings were located on
Mr. Blackburn’* farm about five
milea from town and ifere a total
loss, a* there was no inauronce on
Shall tjte Kegroes he Col
Last Saturday night this was
the subject discussed by Mesars.H
B. Strange and S. L. Moore Jr for
the affirmative and Messrs R. Lee
Moore for the negative both side*
were ably favor championed and »
dscission in of’the' negative
and reward.
Next Saturday tfiaclub will de
t bate the subject of Womans Sof¬
ia rage Messrs. H. G. Everitt R.
.Lee. More for the affinfeive and
Mesrs H, B. Strange. ^.‘L. Moore
^All • Dr. Dusenbury for the negative
the ladies are interested in
Wijl this subject and no <)oubt tlierd
'debated* be a Jarge crowd otit to here it
Court TheJdebate will take place at the
House at 7 30 o’clock.
J. A. ficarboros Appolut*
Divine preach P^oTidenco and permitting
I will hold meetings as
Merea, Mch 26; Abbeville 27;
Roohelle 28; Cordeal 29; Arabia
30; Asbburn 31; Tifion April 1 ar
2, all except Tifton at night, a*
Tifion usual hours of aervicp; Cu
roilla Aprij 9 usual hour;; Quitman
Apr, 11; Waycross 12; Blachsheat
13: Savannfih 14, ai! at night,
Corinth ehuren, ! Lubocb
County Apr. in rnd Id at 11 a. m
Statesboro Ai r D ?>t ni^hr.
Popular Elam Springs Ap 19 to 23 a’
II a.ttt Apr. 28 11 a.m. fa
tber appointments later. ap^O^t
mentfl subject to controi of ob'ur
cbes and pnstork. 1 cenuot chang
toe clay but will yield very cheer
lully to jocate arrangements, moel
ings are intcodedas mission iiirss
meeting but if churches and pas¬
tors desire may bo changer! as
they direct lopote papers and pas
tdr« From pleuse .bublian spoinlmeutB.
Men 26 to April 7 address
me’at " Dawson, Ga. from Apr. to
May 1 at Rockv ford Ga. in care
df ®.E. Fpy and Co . 1 v
’ ,r > ■ J. A. Searbord
mcHoTTalki , „
Tha undersigned will sell to Hk
highest first Monday gtet^abcroj in Aprij, Ga.,
on net?
the folloWifig property to s^it: All
the household and kitchen furni
fcnrebelpifkiag tp the Letter Hotel.
Such da as feather pillows, beds, bad
b iine tea bf and' dining spying*. fixture*, A complete bed
> ooHV afifl parlor suites. Also one
good' All miloh cpw..
amoonts bo p*id less cash. than fiv^ All cjol
lars to over
that amount payable on the first
of October, with soproved seouri
'J; Kespecifuily, T. Bfpi;.
Mp. 8 . J.
' « 4 BUTTEPR%*
Light Rohnihg
\l/ y.z
■w £
WOODWORK, 4j durable
•end TCN cents to 28 “Blind Union tuck,” Y-,
for our prlio gams, and
win a Nsw Homo Cowing MaoMno.
The ineCo.
**M*rran sale bt
Statesboro, Ga
; until, nrrl Tnn!»-M*rk« -MtinH. and ei! i »t
: «nt business conducted for Moot:* ate V**®-
1 remote {tom Washington. photo., with heseno
> seci aodtl, drawiatf il p«t«nubl« or or not, Iree at
tk>*. W« ndrkMA Sua till patent is*a««r#€i.
.t.rp £»mp*irr, OsrlM not Patanu. *i th
•oSl A "How to Obtain
ot KUB. is tha V. S. «W4 fcraif» aonainw
Mnt ©raa. Addraaa,
O**. puTttrr omci, Wa*hi*i6to»’ u. G-J
We ate now having some ^cold
weather; which, no doudt has in
jnred fruit.
S. Krouskoffs,
Mammoth !* ’ I * l» Spouse
We supply milliners anr me'chants in millinery goojs, Ribbous
Velvets and Trimmed Hats at New York prices.
Krouskoff ’g Millinery House.
n aemeasMbw —WI j weawa * u b m wanoBMFuiKSv
When you visit Savannah you will find it to your interest to drop ic
at our store and inspect our stock of dry goods and notions, hats aaa
shoes, and get our prices. We are conveniently located aiid will take
pleasure of in showing trial you if our goods can't whether you buy or don not. t ask ^11 w^
ask you is a and we save you money we yom
206 003STC3-S/SSS STREET 1
Between Warnock Williams and J W M-keli.
J. m 8 JL<•
183 Congress St., Savannah, Ga.
I am with the well-known firm
u£ M. Dryfus, corner Congress ^nd
Jefferson streets, where I will
pleased tq see any of my friends'
Aij v^e carry a full and complete
line-of clothing, hats, shoes and
furnishing goods stylqHand of the best mate¬
rial and latest very low¬
est'prices of any firm ;u city.
Call and see rue,and j be-gqn
rinCqd. 8 L LftE.
Wft will give one thousapd dob
©th to any brand or m^ke of under
feed sewing machine^ that will du
plioat* tbs latest lodproyed high
*rm Davis Vertical feed jSewmp
machine. We will sew any sewing
machine Co from lace to lea^btu
or sheet iron that’s in. the land up
to date. We are here and read?
at any time. Now to all, tinder
feed sowing rnaobine agts, take in.
the saying above that or quit your grumbling,
or you can when yon
know you can’t duplicate the High
Arm Davis Vertical Feed sewing
Davis Sawing Machine Co.
Dayton, Ohio.
Soldby Daniel, 80 is ’* Palmer,
Millen, Ga.
The $1090 Challenge Ac
To the Davie Sewing M a °him
Co., or Daniel, Sons A Palmer,
cheir agents. Gentleman :—If
tour advertisement of $ 1,000 re¬
ward (which, by th© way, reads
ambiguous, or evasive,) means that
you will pay $1,009 te any under¬
feed sewing machine, which can
do as large a range of work in a
perfect manner in a given time, as
the Davis Machine can do, I ac¬
cept the challenge and name the
15th day 0 / April, 1893, and
Statesboro the place. We to chooe&
each six disinterested good and
true men to act aa jory, under
Th* Davis Sewing Machine Co.,
or Messrs. Daniel, Sons <fc Palmei
of to deposit Statesboro, with a reliable citizen
(ho $1,000, with in¬
structions to pay over same to me,
if the jury decide in my favor.
Their general agent, M. L. Oliveroi,
or Mr. Womack or Mr. Williame
or Mr. Butler te operate the Davin
machine. I hereby name the
‘‘New Home” Sewing Machine at
their contestant and the winning
hoksi. Now gentlemen quit you:
blowing, if you mean business, and
put up or shut up.
James Harkness,
Salesman for
The New Home 8. M. Co
A Handsome Prise.
Wo have a $60.00 New Horn,
sewing machine to offer as apprize..
You will draw a ticket^for which even
$5 you spend with ua, wii
entitle you t® a chance on the ma
chine. Some one will gel the ma¬
chine free, besides full value in
goods for t^eir money.
500 tickets will be distributed.
CWEhnkmA Co.
Emit, Ga., March 6 , 1893—1 giv«
notice to |.he public that James J
Bowen is in possession of two prom
isory notes of tfje. samsj c:-flits, date, one,
of said notes has two and
one of said no^a bus a credit of
$ 200 , which wa§ inaclq through a
mistake, said notes will not be;
paid if they leave thq possession of
said James J. Bowen, which said
notes was given fyr csrtspij obli
M-t -s 5 j. 0 m. 11 pyone of
trading - which
for si s ites wore
given by me, -fauna 'Bland.
ET3 . IL^istic M CUMtffle; ^airj^ci?
; v and
Pa|>0£ Earn ids *
Statesboro, Ga.
AT kinds will bo ofjpaintin^ done* with bitm-oid to
me U and
dffpateh. for sh(, doors Iwill and ajgo t:v, il* ord ©n
8 t r,r th<*.
Ac^ommpilatien pf my piitro-n !
alio keep on hand h full stock*
wall paper and Wheh v <
nre.l a sign painted give mo a tria t
On*r-»lly located on lin« of
st set 0 n.
! ffe s pi HfiRi t foath ro'ine,
■ 11 « ce onboard ii.o 1 * as
pr as. S"*er geand v» C il i a
pe ec t o san tary cot -X3 iti n of
the hou ei« >f be be d.
Gurqe, Broughton and Drayton
directs, Savannah Ga.
Spring good*,
Respectfully annoutoes to the pub¬
ic that she now has a bsautiful
and select stoc k o' spring milli¬
nery of anythin.; lept in a firat
flas« niilliutr.v sr r a at the verv
lowest pricesi will be pleased to.
* every lady in Iflo coaly cal|
p.fltss"!© Hem
Wh«n*you e;o to Sfivsten ill you
will find it couveDieut, pieaiaut
aad profitable to pu* nr' a H e
J. HART, Propr 214 C *ugrees et.
03k*(94^ Bay street
lepuires Savannah, Ga,
promjrly answered.
An Exhibit on.
(court During the fourth week in April
week) the New Horae Sew
*rg Machine Conpany will kit© a
high *rt done ©xbibiiioo of the superior
work on their great machine.
Consisting Each lady of plain and fancy work!
who attends will receive
a nio© suverner of the occasion if
there is enough to go around. All
are iivited.