Bulloch times. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1893-1917, November 02, 1893, Image 1

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THE TIMES gives tlie news, and IS DLL! ABLE. ScnsciUi* i ion, - $1 • Vo?. * . Bulloch County Directory. i Ordinary—< S. Martin. Statesboro. Clerk C'rt—Harrison Olliff, Statesboro. Sheriff—W. Tl. Waters, Statesboro. Tax Receiver—W. R. Akins, Excelsior. Tax Collector—J. C. DeLoach, Harville. Treas'r—Josiah Zettrower, Statesboro. Surveyor—H. J. Proctor, jr., Proctor. Coroner—T. A. Waters, Statesboro. Board of Education — W. X. Hall, V\. P. Donaldson, 4. V. Cromley, R. P. -Miller and Algarene I rapueU. School Com.—J. S. Ua-gin, Belknap. JtV/rtTEH A.v I> XOTAUJES. 41th. J. it. Rnshicig; Justice, Green. It. R. McEorkeW, Jstc. AX.jt’y,Green. 45th. Geo. Tmpnell, .Justice,Parrish. 46th. R. F. Stringer, Justice. Hardy M. Lanier, Notary. 47th. F. M. Davis. Justice, Ivanhoe. \V. J. Riehardson, Notary, Harville. 48th. J. R. McLean, Williams, Notary. Justice, Brag. Zoar. W. H. 1209th. J - At'. Rountree. -Jslw , SFsboro. J. B. I - Notary, Statesboro. 1230th. A. G. Clifton. Justice, Bloys. E. W. Cowart, Notary. Bloys. 1310th. J .W.Donaldson,Justice. Harville. Saimae! Harville, Notary, Enal. HOTELS. 1 ,< •< • Hotel, St ;ti estovo, Georgia, Mrs. Margaret Lea, Proprietress. Tables'supplied with the best the market affords. Good board by Cue month at friends mi sonahJe rams. Respectfully invite me from the country, and the public generally to stop with me when in town. X DumM. A Hotel, ‘ Statesboro, Ga., Opposite Coyrt House Square. Having leased this Hotel l propose to operate it in first-class style. 1 is* rooms are large and well ventilated. Tabic Supplied with the Very Best. Proprietress. ----------------•------ . -HOTELBRANAN, Statesboro, Ga. Table supplied with the best the market af¬ fords. Rooms nicely furnished. Comfort of our guests our greatest aim. Come and make yourself at home at the Bramm Hole’., near the depot. * MRS. S. E. BRANAN, Propriel ress. GREAT REDUCTION II RATES Prices to Suit All of tire [1 IK: V-A Sava n naif., (leorgia. $1 TO $2 PER DAY. 6Sa p ffl L v Peter Brown, SH0EMAX1NG AND REPAIRING, feg“All work done in first-class style, and .satisfaction guaranteed. tin* Timms office. - Shop on lot in rear of FREE IN VITATION... o )—:—(© Kvejyboil.v is invited to come and ex¬ amine our work. Raving employed experienced workmen,. I mil nov aide to offer the follow ing prices: 2 -horse Wagons. $-sl) (ft $•*;*. 1-horse Wagons, 2N (a .'SO. Road Carts, 10 @ 14. * Horse Cart*. 20 @ 22 . Small job* and repair work prompt}.* done, at prices to suit these hard times. Shop at alliance store stand. -tfnurs, A.V). Turner, 11-3 m I.ASTON, (i.V. D. P. AVERI1T, STATESBORO, GA. Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer of —and dealer in— Mow Pine Limber When you want a bill of lumber get my figures. Both, quality and price guar¬ anteed. ) i r r lA-J gc Statesboro, ]»nl»oH; < ; v. Hcovl'hl I h H V8 <fi, X. v. l.T.1'5. THE TOWN AND COUNTY. What Our Reporters oee, hear and Think Pcopis Who Como, Go Jind Stay—A Little of Everything. Cotton is still piling into the States boro market. (To to the Times tor your ‘ Legal Blaiike . Gloves of a 11 k i n ds. from a kn ; t to the finest kid, at C. \Y. Lnnois ■& Co’s. Court is announced to adjourn tomor¬ row (Friday) evening. Envelopes 5 cents a package at the Times office. A great attraction in Crockery, Glassware, etc., at the World's Fair Store. Mr. P. TL Emmett, one of our Stilimore subscribers, has been appointed post¬ master at Dekle. Go to Dr McLean & Cods for your‘drugs and extracts. If you want a good Overcoat, go to C. W. Enneis & Co’s: they have got the “dandies.” Mrs. TV. It. McConnell and son, who have been visiting at the residence of G. S. Johnston, have returned to their home . J oolor. J« Now line of fashionable Cloaks just received at the World’s Fair Store. Elder Stubbs returned fixuu South Car¬ olina. the early part of this week, and has an appointment to preach in the Fields hall next Sunday. ** Florida Omnpoe, fresh from the , grove, send your orders to the Times office. The weather has been cool this week, and everybody that arose early enough Tuesday morning saw plenty of frost: though the ground was not white. The prettiest clothing in States¬ boro is at C. W. Enneis <fc Co s. This makes the second order this season. The most stylishly trimmed Hats South to be found at th * World’s Fair Store, at prices astonishingly j low.. A day or so ago it was reported that Mrs. J.T. Mikell was threatened a lapse,'(but we are glad to learn from her husband that she is today considerably better. Deeds. I,eases, Notes, Binds, Meal Estate m d Chattel Mortgages, for sale at the Times office. Maimujo—A t ......rmidenwoftlwlmdi-, Kn.it v«»u«r, a , on W,, lm ,lu y , Nov. NiooyA. Ilna'mtoM,-. *-V .......................... othcmtuig. Gentlemen's Hats as well as Ladies' Huts, a specialty at 1 he World’s Fair Store. Senator Johnson will take private con¬ veyance to Ogeechee station early Sun day morning, to catch the train for Ian ta. and will bein his seat in the lego’s lature Monday next. If vow want a good hat for a tle money go toC. W. Enneis A Go’s They will give you the best and the latest st yles. o(.i . iinfoi . a , , an ' ( ’ t a i,i|ip\ pay ii > u in i k i.mi.m \( i °° Hl '* < \i'. ;,rU ."'j V >na.( on, 1 11 on . S| |l v Ml 100 Note Heads and 100 Envoi- ^ opes, with your card neatly print r*d, only $1 at the Times office. Mr. J us. Harkness now has entire trol of the New Home Sewing company's business for Statesboro and Bulloch county, Rev. A. M. Johnson having giv¬ en up the position of local agent to go into a broader field. Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, and all kinds of Groceries, best quality, at the World's Fair Store. Miss Edith Taylor and Mrs. J. C. Wil¬ liams, after an absence of two months at Asheville, X. C., returned to our town last week. The latter will spend a few days with relatives here before going to her home in Savannah. Go to C. H\ Enneis & Co’s, for your Shoes; they will give you the best in town. Children’s school shoes always on hand. No rain has visited this immediate vi¬ cinity for some time past, and the many vehicles and horses driven over our struts during the last, few days have left them ^ lei . ri i^ e t . 0 miition. A good shower would now l>o £*Tc»iii f y The. best character ot Job \\ ork dona at the Times office. The World’s Fair Store guaran¬ tees to save you money and give }>r»sfc bar f, a in sever had in shoes. Come and see for yourself, The hotels and boarding houses wrre crowded to their uttermost rapacity dur¬ ing the entire term of court, a nd some of the young ladies have been heard tore nmrk that they had experienced enough courting to make a vacation very desira bit*. C. W. Enneis & Cl have the best ladies’ glove-grained button Cali Shoes for 75 cents <• n earth, in and examine them. Clothing to'Luii the most fastid¬ ious. at The 'World's Fair Store, remarkaMy low, and the very iiiu est and best quality. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. A. E. Richardson, which occurred last Sunday after a prolonged illness. Mrs. Richardson’s death seems peculiarly sad, from the fact that she is tin* third person to ha ve died in the same house during tin* last four months, Mrs. Addi¬ son and her son being the other t wo. Note Books w ith 50 blanks, only 10 cents at the Times office. We are Still selling the finest patent Flour in the markets at $4.50 per bid. Come and get a barrel at the World’s Fair Store. Our Editor acknowledges his lions to Mrs. Maggie Fletcher for a very choice cane, sent in by her husband. These small tokens of friendship are alwtf^V predated bv the newspaperman, because they express better than, words the good will of the donor. He is pleased to know that lie is held in kind remembrance. Gents’ Furnishing Goods, tqe prettiest that have ever been offii' od to the people; shirts of all kinds, neckwear, and anything you want, at 0. W. Enneis & Co’s. We ha ve heard quite a number of tax paying citizens of the county, and those not interested in the town except as a matter of general welfare, express the i, ope that the Ordinary will take the nec K sary steps to build a Court House such as public necessity demands. It is gener- j ally regarded as very unfortunate that j the grand jury failed to see the matter as i Judge Gamble saiv it. I Draft, books containing 50 blanks only 15 cents at the Times office. r , ll!( Mmlduv living , llM „rh.nn..f j hi „ lillK „ loss 01 «.mb. «».«.«;.« Other losses including 2 bags oi Sea Island cotton for Mr. b Cobb, ttor Mr. A. A. Lamer, 1 lor Mr. Rowe Griffin. and a halt bale for Mr. kmger.v. I he ae cideul resulted from a match having been dropped in Mr. Cobb s eotton, which was i » lliteiU> * v th ‘* ^ n ’ Dry Goods at. \\ . Enneis A Go’s, very cheap ’, checks from 5 to i cent8 ; vdl,)W h f e8 P“ n » b]t ' nch ’ . in «’ sheeting, , calico, jeans, and »»ything you want in the clothing !ine ’ The' cotton market has been extraordi narilv active this week, and receipts in t j [is | K1V( . rt iore than doubled those of any other like period. For tin* t j MW . nK j a half days closing at noon to day. 221 bales had been sold in this ke f t m foUoxvs: to Ellis A Ontland, «5: , () | onjff ^ (* () on- to Wilson 8or rier A Lee. 127. Prices have been about one am! a half cent off. ranging from 17 to 1 s', cents today—Thursday. Rubber Tip Pencils, three for a nickle at the Times office. Dr. Chandler has been notified to ap pear before Justice Rountree on Monday, the 13th inst., to be duly and regularly initiated intoall the rights an dprivileges of citizenship. It appears that the Doc¬ tor expressed soraedisapprovalof the style in which the Star man turned him off a small lot of job printing, when, without even having presented the bill for settle¬ ment, the account was placed in the hands of the officer for collection. The claim is for $1, and no doubt the Doctor is con¬ gratulating himself that he is to become a full-fledged citizen of the banner county of the state at so small a cost. ITBL1$HERS ! NOTICE. We have to again beg indulgence of our readers for delay in coming out, but as¬ sure our readers that next week we may be looked for on time. David, our fore¬ man and compositor in chief, is again at his post after a severe spell, but did not get there quite soon enough to enable us to recover all the lost time. Me are on 1 he home stretch, however, and next pub¬ lication day will bring us in “onthedot. SUPERIOR COURT. The mills of justice are still grinding, and have been turning out grist with great celerity and certainty for the past ten days; and still there is much to be done. The cases disposed of have largely been of an unimportant charncter, so far as the public interest is concern *d. being for such trifling as the carrying of concealed weapons and fight iug and quarrelling among negroes. Perhaps the most important civil ease was. one that w as disposed of this (Thurs¬ day) morning, consuming most of the day yesterday. It was a three-cornered fight, in which John G. Williams, David A. William* and Nicy Williams were the participants, represented respectively by Judge liiaes, Fol. Lester, and Fob J. A. Bra linen. It appears that about the middle of 1890 D. A. Williams sold toJ. G. Wil Mains a certain piece of land, and took a $5(10 note in part payment. About the same time 1). A. \Villianis and Nicy Wil¬ liams separated, and Hit* decree granting the divorce set apart this same laud as a support for the children left in charge of the wife. J. G. Williams refused then to pay the note, and D. A. Williams brought suit for the amount. The result of the depended upon whether D. A. Wil. hams was living with ins wife at the time of disposing of the land, otherwise lie not legally do so: if he was, then the land was illegally set apart for the wipport of the children, being at the time Gie Property of John G. \\ dimms. T| .e jury divided that I). A. and Nicy \\ lilianis were living together as husband end wife at the time the land was trans¬ ferred; therefore, John G. Williams’s title to the land was perfect:, and 4. G. Wil¬ liams owed David A. Williams $500, and interest on the amount. The effect of this verdict is to dispos¬ sess Mrs. Williams and herchildren of the home set apart for them. But we under¬ stand that Judge Gamble's decree in the case will provide that the money now due to David A. Williams by Joint G. M il¬ (jams shall be set aside in lieu of the land, with which a home shall be provided for the children during their minority. It seems that Mrs. Williams has been frozen <>»«•• j Latek.-TIio Judge has rendered his , a “ W** J '' 'k 11 ™’" T'TrT7,7!, , •"“4;.' "1 ‘ d n ' ' ,. , . lie . invested land tor the \ m a tract ot use i mil] h ,. w , lir n{ lh(1 ( .,,i]dren of David A. j Wj „ j|1||w ( | ni . ing f il< ‘ir miuoritv, at the { f . ira<jolI (jf whidl th( , ^ KO held i ^ ]} A Wimaliw< Among the criminal cases disposed of is that of the negro, John McLennon. who came into town the first day of court and sold a stolen horse to Dr. White for He whs given H years in the peni tentiary. Walter Brown. Tom Lawton and Heyward Burns, implicated in the ki,ling ' Wi,lia,n 1>ierce ' at Witeh,eenap ed without an indictment, the grand jury deciding it to be a ease of accidental horn icide. r riie three negroes held for assault > l *g Luac Jacobson with tladntentof rob bevy were acquitted, while “Jake" was fln«d $10 for persisting in relating hia Htory not exactly in legal form. James Jackson has been released under two bonds for his apjx'arenoe at the next term of Emanuel county court; one of $100 for carrying concealed weapons, and one for $300 for resisting and shooting at an officer. Lewis Jackson is still in jail under requirements for similar bonds, as well as the sentence of The Court for the $500 fine and costs in the case dis but stated to a Times reporter that the chances Times of doing so appeared ratherslim. The will endeavor to give fuller reports of the proceedings after the work shall have been completed. A complete line of Dress Goods, the prettiest ever seen in States¬ boro. together with Trimmings, of the latest and newest design, at The World's Fair Store. Come early, so as to have , the great ad¬ vantage of first choice. NEVER semi out of town for JOB PRINTING. I COME TO THE TIMES. No. '] HE L).‘& S. SOLD. At noon yesterday the Dover A States¬ boro railroad was put up to the highest bidder, before the Court House door, and was knocked down to Mr. Fred. T. Lock¬ hart, of Augusta for "the sum of $35,000, the only bid offered. Mr. Loekhart bid on the property as the representative of Messrs. Janies L. Fleming, L. C. Hayne, J. 'I'. Newberry and Fred. T. Lockhart, a syndicate of Aagus ta capitalists. These gentlemen will be joined by others, and the new company will organize and be ready to settle for and take charge of (he road at the next sitting of the United States Court, tin# ir>tL inst. The name of the road will be chungod, p ut Lockhart was not prepared to say what it would be styled. What oth ( >r changes and improvements would be effected it, was impossible to state until the company should be organized and get its hands upon the property. NO NEW COURT HOUSE.' It is to he regretted that the grand jury failed to recommend a new Court House for this county. A report made by the Acting Superin¬ tendent of Census, in Washington, ex¬ hibits Georgia as in next to the best fi¬ nancial condition, so far as mortgage in¬ debtedness of its inhabitants is concerned, of any state >u the Union. Arkansas has a mortgage indebtedness of $13 per capita, and Georgia comes next with a debt of .$15 for every man, woman and child in the state. Of nil the counties in Georgia, the Timhn believes that Bulloch is ip about the best financial condition. Her soil is good, her people are industrious, and ihe comfortable homes all over the county show that they are prosperous. They are not taxed heavily, it being very doubtful if tbepeophiof any other county get a way from the collector so lightly as they do here. The fact that no property ever has to be exposed to public sale in this county for taxes, affords the very best evidence of the general prosperity. Bulloch could and should build a better Court House. A CORRECTION. The Timks erred last week in the state¬ ment that thesejitenceinthp ease of Lew¬ is Jacksw as “$1,000 fine or one year in the chaingang.** The fine imposed by The Court was $500. The error crept in¬ to the statement by the impression which was made upon the mind of the reporter, that the total cost to the defendant in tin* ease would amount to a thousand dollars. APPOINTMENT. The Lord willing, 1 will preach next Sunday at 11 o'clock in Fields’s hall in Stut(1Hbor0) M. F. St. mus. CAKDOF THANKS. We desire to return our thanks to our friends for the many kindnesses shown us daring tin* sickness and death of our lit tic l ain*, which occurred last week. Mu. & Mas. B. E. Tckxkk. DEAD LETTER LIST. Miss A. M. Brown, Mr. Thorne Burke, Mr. George Dreyfus, Mr. Eli & Josephine Jin-dim, Mr. Joseph Kings, Mr. John J. Lovinggood, Mr. A. C. McClain, Mrs. Lizzie Thomas, Mrs. Deilia Wilson. (2). H. V. Johnson, 1*. M. Statesboro, Ga., Nov. 1st 1893. See Here ! When in need of a good sewing machine for family use, send me your name, or drop me a postal card, and l will piace one of the light and silent running New Homes in your home for a fair trial, free of charge. Jamks Hakkncss. General Agent, Statesboro, Ga. Dr. Cohen, after visiting our town Sat urday for the purpose of arranging to meet the engagements of Wilson A Cohen, Savannah specialists, fell into the man trap at Meldrim on his return to the city that afternoon. He was traveling, as had been his custom, upon a health eertif j ca te issued by his partner, and refused 80 Gy the inspector. It took $-•> to sat isfy| the Savannah police court Monday that Dr. Wilson’s certificate was good, Reward. A reward of $50 will be paid for sufficient proof for conviction of the party or parties that ojwned the switch on the 1). & S. R. R. on the uight of October 18tb. W. S. PREETOBiusGen. Mgr. Fonud. Purse containing $1.95. Call at the Times office and get your property.