Bulloch times. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1893-1917, December 28, 1893, Image 1

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► TIMES to nows, and 'RELIABLE. iScBSCKlFfioN, * $1. Yol. II. Bulloch County Directory. Clerk Ordinary—C. S. Martin, Statesboro. Grt—Harrison OHiff, Statesboro. Sheriff—W. H. Waters, Statesboro. • Tax Receiver—IV. B. Akins, Excelsior. Tax Collector— J. C. DeLoach,Harville. Treas’r—Josiah Zettroiver, Statesboro. Surveyor—H. J. Proctor, jr., Proctor. Coroner—T. A. Waters, Statesboro. Board of Education—W. N. Hall, W. P. Donaldson, J. C. Cromley, It. P. Miller and Algarene Trapnell. School Com.—J. S. Iiagin, Belknap. JUSTICES AM) NOTARIES. 44th. J. B. Rushing, Justice, Green. R. R. McCorkell, Jstc. &. N ofc’y, Green. 45th. Geo. Trapnell, Justice, Parrish. 46th. R. F. Stringer, Justice. Hardy M, Lanier, Notary, 47th. U. M. Davis, Justice, Ivanhoe. W. J. Richardson, Notary, Harville. 48th. J. R. Williams, Justice, Zoar. W. II. McLean, Notary, Brag. 1209th. J. W. Rountree, Jstee., St’sboro. J. B. Lee, Notary, Statesboro. 1230th. A. 0. Clifton, Justice, Bloys. r E. W, Cowart, Notary. Bloys. 1340th. .f.W.Donaidson, Justice, Harville. Samuel Harville, Notary, Enal. HOTELS. THE ROOT HOUSE. W. E. RDSTII, ProBrietor, Statesboro, Ga. House newly furnished throughout. Tables furnished direct from Savannah market. Nov. 23-ly. ®Lee Hotel,® StatesDoi-o, Georgia, Mrs. MARGARET LEE, Proprietress. Tables supplied Good board with by the the best mouth the market affords. at rea¬ sonable rates. Respectfully invite my friends from thc country, and the public generally to stop with me when in towa. Tills pom Statesboro, S Ga-, Oppofte thiNHotel Court House Square. to o^mte «o V imrlea«ftd hf I propose it first-clask vejjfcateJ- style. The rooms are large and well Table Supplied with the Very Be*- V Tnf = HOTEL BRAN AN, 4 St:it esbonL Ga. Table supplied with the best the market af Eoomf; nicely furnished. Comfort of fords. . greatest Come and , make <aur guests our aim. yourself at home at the Bran an Hote',, uear the depot. MRS. S. E. BRANAN, IN RATES : GREAT REDUCTION t Prices to Suit All at five 7 j TT tiff TT TT Tilt 0 QPB®Tl AH VI H ft II r H ll ri I Bill I i 1 SI II Oil, V 11 U1 llM ll JLI.U I till Uj Savannah, Georgia. $1 TO $2 PER DAY. B. L. HURHETT. FREE INVITATION • • • o)—(o Kvervboflw fa invited to come to off-rtte following prices: HoirStt. : aol k ^ Small jobs a.d repair work pruai** ^Shop at prices to these bard tunes. at alliance«t<we stand. Yours, i * It Turner, 14-3 in d. p. AVERirr 1 QTATFSR0R0 S1 A 1 GA * WhnlPSalB mmm dill! Retail MEmiMUTGr Of AND DEALER IN Mow Pine Lute . lumber get When you want a bill of my figures. Both, quality and P«ce guar i.- Y„ P J o TIMES. •Statesboro. Bulloch <bounty, (h-opiTa, Thursday, Dec. Oft rm “ * 1#H8. THE TOWN AND COUNTY. What Oup Repopters See, Heap and Think—People Who Come, Go and Stay—A Little of Everything’. COMPARISON RHYME. BY JOHN F. MYERS. Wild as a hawk, meek as a lamb; Gentle as a dove, happy as a clam. Brave as a lion, strong as an ox; Fierce as a tiger, cunning as a fox. Nimble as 11 sq niiTel. spry as a cat: Proud as a peacock, gray as a rat. Red Ihttuh us an oyster, ripe as a cherry; as a lobster, brown ns a berry. Wise as an owl. black as a crow; Bright as a button, dull as a hoe. Rich as a Jew, dirty as a pig: Dizzy as a coot, merry as a grig. Fine as a fiddle, cold as a frog; Fresh -as a daisy, tired as a dog. Still as a mouse, bright as a. spoon; Deaf as a post, crazy as a loon. Sound as a nut, cross as a bear; Mad as a batter, or a Marcli hare; Grave as a judge, wise as a seer; Gay as a lark, swift as a deer. Quick as a flash, fair as the^dawn; Mute as a fisli: timid as a fawn. Keeu as a razor, dull as the times; Old as the bills, or as t hese rhymes. Mrs. H. B. Strange went down to Guy¬ ton Tuesday, to spend a few days with her parents. Are you out of money? If so suppose you notice the little advertisement of J. L. Mathews in to-day’s Times. Canned goods of all kinds at Reaves’s. Born.—To Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Sasser, on Christmas day, a fine daughter; mak¬ ing the fourth daughter in the family. The vault in the bank building is about completed, and the fixtures are expected to be ready to open regular business with the new year. Don't let it escape your mind that Statesboro is to have a public meeting llonday In the interest of the Cuyler & There seems to Be no lec .... ~ rimonial business, seven marriage liceos ^ havSng been issued from the ordinary s .office the piesc*^ 1 *'^* . seldom that the action experience a move pleasant day tha WM CMteWfa ot tk» »». The „ weather was sinrply lovely. Prof. Hag’in made the teachers of he ,county happy for Christmas, by dwtrib siting some f8,000 among them on the Friday and Saturday preceding. Gentlemen^ Hate as well cis Ladies‘ Hate, a specialty at lhe Wori( j; g J? a j r Store, Mr Ben Turner went over to te the latter part dr last wk, for the .purpose of visiting his first wife’s parents W hmn he has not men for several years. Mr. Charlie Martin, who fe&s been fill- 4i »g the Ordinary’s dhair «o c^isfactonly the youug people during his lathers will remain auitizenthe town. SojnH body says Sam Sasser is on the to wealth. He now has four ffirlfi, Mi,i u0 K ‘ r] waH kDO ' VI !' veat 011 pants polishing barrel heads m gro ^ 8t0niS - Go to Reave6 f or your crackers. Mrs. C. A. Lamer T . , w \ s in jiavau this week, hi id d u ring absence < ,jraW il r - -iota qnaiftftCktt * aftbe Rubtin - 114s not often thatfthis section enjoys past ten sue days \ as has or none. yrniuM It has Jnn W « g _ ^ nortao^.. has ins custody a m p oi .Groover m to tfa «»»«*. oo* f B ench ^ property*»»uM do well to s. an . , Umdist, ]ipt m m «*mnn». The aiO S t8tyll8hly trimmed Hate tfi> be fouudait the St * 6 ’ at P“^ aBt0nlsk!ngly Mr. Z. Fordham, Black i-eek neighborhood, about eight inilcK » the country, ha* moved into town, and «ow occupies the house lately vacated by Mr. John Mitchell, the blacksmith. To bave seeu the hundi^a of dolls** worth of fireworks that were destioj in this town during the past week any one would have wonder w 1 much talked of hard times had fled to. Mr. James L. Fleming, General ot the D. & S., came over from An ger Wednesday business interests. gusta on Tfae TmK8 Editor Hr. regreto Fleming to called have to b^n see ab8e nt when him. Marshal Kendrick and Hen Mercer went out to u party at Mr. Steve Richardson’s Thursday night, which they complaint?) of as. being one of the most enjoyable affairs that they have been permitted to attend. Co], J. A. Brannen went down to Sa¬ vannah Tuesday, to give a day or two’s attention to business in the city. He will then come up to his mother’s, in Bryan county, for a few days’ visit before return¬ ing home. Fresh Country Butter always for sale at Reaves’s. Ben Mercer looks well after his bout with a spell of the grip. Some say it was the good attention that brought the pa¬ tient out so rapidly, while others assert tha t Ben was only playing off to make a test case. Mr. B. T. (Jutland has transferred his turpentine still from near Blitcli, to a point about four miles out from States boro, and will hereafter make Ids head quarters in town, having taken rooum with Capt. Taylor’s family." Rev. Mr. Rust in delivered some vei.v forcible remarks at the 1 hursday night s prayeruieeting in Hie Baptistchurch, but, unfortunately, the audience u as small, and those who desecrated the sacred da.y just past; were very conspicuous in their absence. Now line of fashionable Cloaks just received at the World’s Fair Store. By the kind invitation of Miss Emma Griner, the “eating editor” enjoyed a suniptuous Christmas dinner at the Rus tin House last Monday. Several other guests were equally fortunate, and will bear a lasting recollection of the pleasant occasion. Miss Alice Burke, a beautiful young la dy of PenniHe, who has been teaching the grief of at least pe/of 'BbljodLs l*ut t 1 4 H sons. • ' 7 t. Steve Blackburn says the of this town have acted bouaugh towards bim that they’ve made him bad, and ^ ^ nevcr trades with an\ of them „oiv without paying: the cash. the nun ehants wouj q be glad to see alfheir cus tomers that mad. We learn that there is a Wood of an early change in the present of ,J. W. OHiff & Co. It is statedthi Mr. Gor don Blitch has some idea of Gngan m terestm the business and I >«Wy purchase the share of W. , now the property «f his estate. We are still sellings finest patent $4.50 Flour bbl. in the ifete at a per the World‘s * 'Mo barrel at re, \ V e regret to learn that f ^ n<] ^ Hall , w ho ***** with typhoi(1 fever three weeks ag'Wins a yery understand, sever e attack bo and * 8 |*® atland 81C ^ >Te ant physician Dr. ' Quatt vev ^ 4a«ysthe ’ is pr ° gPC8Sin " Jasper Hatrper, who®iau Miss Newman, daughter of Mr Jf New mian, of thisrounty.suicKiciirnson, near Pembroke, Wednesday week, ^ tun«r takinK Jd two bottles ogjnum. ..» » ^ U, fareeommltfiog then»h w Pards are out for the man Miss . ^xi Tlmrsd^r evening, at fence > parents, «iW or . to tbeftvrtunateyou Vh«young and a -m yowig, »* ^ Piety lj *** ^ 1 ?■' a b ^ r Q f presaete were a0fet5stmaf , twe . our U4«g IXdfri— absent oaffte occasions 0 £ (j roe eries, bell at t the «« W or ld‘s Fair Bt»t ^rtopurcbaL ‘ Xnrth^Sain ^ ^ > D ^,17last^nesda^ neart familv ^ in from the coantry.. Mp> Sas8er ^ success in die introduction'. J ^ that he con tern pi uance of th c business, and ateo ihdd the sale ot horses His location in calculated to place him in a nieat pofttion for reeching by Ww%onctemeii thiw (lem u , * ^ urnkr^Uhc impremhm that be was that fee was harboring be^gain the munlor*.’ P-Huggine, o has district, preliiuinary iZ hearing^^the .Satu^ ^ a ^ « ^ complete fine of Dregs jST*®’ prettiest ever seen Trimmint?^ jn latest together with new^ of e and ^J ^r &t \TorId‘s Fitir so of ae first to feave th# g Jr, t * d choice# " j Bin. M (it; Sc pleached !iis fimnwll sermon to qua.* a large audience last Sun¬ day night, and Tuesday took his depart¬ ure for his new work at Huxley. The new pastor will be on his work during the next few days,/and will meet his first ap¬ pointment in the town on Sunday, the 14th. Mr. I). <). Stanford held the lucky tick¬ et, No. 450, which took the handsome sewing machine presented to his custom¬ ers by Mr. C. IV. Enneis. Mr. Stanford's name appeared but one time on the list, but it happened to appear in the right place. Msssrs. L. K. Fuller and O. E. Kearns, who represented the Guilford Nurseries, of Yandalia, N. C*, last year, are spend ing their holidays in our town. They will be engaged in this section during the ap¬ proaching season also, having trans¬ ferred their services to'the Jamestown Nurseries. 100 boxes herrings Going* just received at KenWs. at 2o cents p er j u)X _ Miss Snelsoti, who has been the guest G j } K . r aunt, Mrs. McGregor, for*some mon t) ls [> as t, left for her home in Gwiu IK y(y county Wednesday morning, on the 5 o'clock train. The young gentleman who overslept himself that morning is object ot much sympathy from Ids numerous friends. We regret to learn of the death of Char lie Simmons, the son of Mr. Tony Sim mans, which occurred last Sunday night after an illness of some six or seven weeks with typhoid fever. Charlie was a prom ising young man of some 17years of age, and his lather is reported as being deep ly afflicted upon the sad occasion, \ great attraction in Crockery, Glassware, etc,, at the World‘s Fair Store, Our foreman, Davy, returned from his Florida visit today,-Friday,-and a Master Fred whofeglatives intheeonntry I'V'** bottle waMn#^ F'* pretty well wrecked ’ was vorv glad 1 to them arrive. * see A ,, *-"^Gnner . and his sister, Miss came down from Melledgeville last and Mends^'in^ Rtofab,™ VV,t ' 1 . reIa r tiv '' 8 took the return ZXZe train Tuesdn foZ^°Z to anw to at ludnstrial School '° while her Wednesday 1,10^ brother remains oveirthe balance of the week, for the purpose of some business matters arranging h U The World’s Fair Store irnarun tees to save you wdmdt the best bargains Slve Coine eV ” 8 i 10eS and see for yourself * AttmrU)n • . / holders* , Vh , 0 f the stock ll n f ^^7° Ac-adeniy. to held next not night, authoritatively The Times unlcrstandH Sinned thouS T object of the meeting ”* is to make som > rangement between the which t he property may be offered to the £ J, 0 "b ( ? ( ^ d " d d atld The movement hope harm<)nv j}} • p prevail. . ., > we that ‘ r , lv -V’L. Dekle, ' -_ for the past three ,u Texa s, is again with his friends lv ,„ re „ M'-IMiMi tathwhin ' ^bl' 1 health, and Ivy feels it his d du ty to return home and assist the old J £ ^ j lSihH offl m w H « for w »» a few * f^ minutes a «ont caUcr ?£*£?!$ SzZjs™ Tues per changed from ifefeSe 't b i S -»■ R a * Tev h f *° r 8ttIe ® , t'"'v 6 > r L Cure ^ McLeau Mo «th Co. 0 _ - & D. A. Huggins, who was undw J bond , hi8*tpp,. toSZZSSZfj?*? aran( p M ‘ for . KOWl The pugd^fe exhib • j» XT r^iwtnms f 3,1 the public morning, came to a fM>ufc 10 o’clock. A large crowd h , V witnesa ° ^e spamug w“! boys, when a match bomTU Woi P ^ ^ tween fSr8fcpae Mae Scarboro and Bob ^ » Wa terstook8ear- ^7 bl0W ««■ ^ and lay ' "? lt/?prawWn f?°n ««PPo^ his bock mnt ? — °netoolr hold and it £ J u,]pre8en fcly some *> hi * feet, when P u » hi m he ^ uuJZ only unahJ h tQ / }8ccrer ^ nd ^t ^ that Stored ^,77^ IVii S®* 8Bp PLv Water erf which 8 °«u Vut^ ^° condition. ^ *** oorni al topojpsue**-— Q ^ 8eea «d incJin^ NEVER 'send out of town for *# JoBmmmo. COME' TO THE TIMES. No. 30. POBLlStfKk’i NOTICE. The T im Ks iuiH to apologize to its friends this week 10V its somewhat late appearance. The usual force, with th» exception .of the Editor, has been taking a •holiday' vacation for the past week, atul tins issue has been gotten out with the aid of but one compositor, who also persisleJJn “taking* Christinas,” with the interference of several orders for job work, which were obliged to receive at¬ tention. in addition to these hindran¬ ces, contractor Alderman las had a force of hands at work inside our office, mak¬ ing some improvements very necessAry to our future comfort, and cases and galleys, etc., etc., have been in a rather mixed state for the past several days; iu fact, they are not exactly untangled yet. • - BIDS VOR CROSSTIES. For Dover & Statesboro R. R. will be, received until 20th Jan'y. 1894. Appl for specifications to J. L. Mathews, Agt, Statesboro. Ga., Dec. 28. -it. A CARD OF THANKS. Many thanks to tlw> Baptist Sunday School for the Christinas present present¬ ed to me on the evening of the 23rd inat, God bless the Sunday-school! Aon; s Wilkinson. Statesboro,-Ga., Dec. 25th 1893. ' Our Jury List. By an oversight of the compositor, tho names of John G. Bowen and Geo. R. Hagin were left out of the list of grand jurors as published by the Times. Wo are glad to have had our attention called, to the omission, which has been corrected. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. L The stockholders of the Statesboro/ Academy arc requested to meet at the Academy next Wednesday night Jan. 3rd at 7 o’clock. The meeting is important, and a full attendance is earnestly de sired’ J. B. Conk, President. Statesboro, Ga., D ec, 27t h, 1898. -tn 1 JCEAfiH eSffhmnac, ERS’ EX AMIN ATI0Jf._ to a ,. -»«-applfeant* for li cense teach in the common schools will lie arid at Statesboro, Bulloch tv Saturday, roan «« Jan. Gth 1894 from 8 o'clock a. m., to 8 p. m S ’ 1} - B»adwell, S. S. G H ’ U ' riis > C * S c De 1 - - sr ^ n ^ - Miist Be Settled, Vil^mbrtgages A11 U ° f the fir,n of Ellis & Outl^nd have been transferred to S. Waxelbaun. * f°r 1<m *"* placed Please settle in my at hands and * once save Respectfully, R. Lee Moore. Dac * 3Ist Kell villc High School, ofZlm Bell villi! S \ fa Th« springtenn H arV r tion. Opeo » fl.50, «*** 2nd f2.00, Monday sS a . Dim T u ? |2 a»d ,L n,ontb > according to in^ifege. grade Pupils .Mu.lie I^vd for any class les S ° nS ?2r>0 R er wouth. Board in good taiai lies from 8 to 10 dollars 1JOT month J. S. Davw, A. B. Prim , Doc. 28, 4t. -------- cail attention to 1 he udvmisemeut of tl„. WhrIU. A«d,.„.v. m ^rl Dg ia «*»■ »«» of «... Toco, Th«prhmpal. Pv ° L ’ • 8 ' Davit, ncmtly completed » r P. nvate twin iu this town, and as a n «» d ^tand that some of the pr . We yarded him as a rather strict .pl.Vx' re S sho r ’ CO diecTpiiaae l i f, parents as send mmend . their children od. The T.mk, b of being educat hopes »liberal patfonag^, ,u ,IS tor r, “' v ^ held, ami to see the »' ceertul institnE Je,JvjJ!a . Academy a sue-