Bulloch times. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1893-1917, April 05, 1894, Image 1

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THE TIMES gives the news, and ! IS RELIABLE. Subscription, - $1. Vol. 11. THE TOWN AND COUNTY. What Our Reporters See, Hear and Think—People Who Come, Go and Stay—A Little of Everything. Wanted —A pair of pea-fowls. I. Jacobson. Ladies’ Undervests at C. En neis’; all prices. Notice the time-table of the Still more Air Line in todays pa¬ per. Will give a good price for several young pigs. J. F. Fields. Choice confectionery for children and grown people at Lanier’s. Dr. J. B. Cone and Mr. W. C. Parker are in attendance upon the Baptist Convention, at Macon this week. The R. & G. Corset at the World’s Fair Store. The prettiest Slippers in town at C. W. Enneis’. Mr. Alex Richardson has again returned to Statesboro after sever¬ al months spent in Emanuel coun¬ ty, near Larrett, where he has been engaged at his trade—carpenter¬ ing. Big assortment of the finest con fectionery received at Lanier’s this week. A fine lot of fresh Snow Flake Soda Crackers just received at H. W. Lee’s. The best in town. , Rev. A. M. Johnson a.id Mr. Geo. Davis have formed a partner¬ ship, and will open up a machine office in the Fields building short ly, to dispense New Homes to the people. Go to C. W. Enneis’ for Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Ginghams, 5, 8 and 10c per yard at the World’s Fair Store. Herb. Lee has prepared for sump mer weather by placing a soda fountain in his establishment. He will especially caper to the trade of the young Indies and fine look¬ ing young gentlemen of the town. It will pay vou to become a member of the Knights of Colum¬ bus. Drop in at S. Waxelbaum & Son’s and inspect their new stock ot spring Clothing. Notice the card of Geo. Reese, insurance agent, in the paper to¬ day. Mr. Reese represents a good company, and he says those who want life or accident insurance had better call early, before all the policies are taken. Go to C. W. Enneis’ for Pants. A nice line always on hand. Ladies trimmed Hats from 25c up at the World’s Fair Store. Miss Eliza Martin entertained a goodly number of her young friends at her home last Friday evening. The young people pro¬ the nounced it, as they always do, best one yet; as was also the one at Hotel Branan Tuesday evening. Best bleaching, Fruit ’— the Loom, at 8A cents at the World’s Fair Store.” . , - rM „. • ^ x , evv spring stPC . ” > x ( b _ just . received at the stole o . • elbaum & Son. News came to town Tuesday that a young man named Short, a guard of the gang at Foy’s still at Rocky Ford, accidentally shot himself on the night before. He was leaning upon his gun when it was by some means discharged, killing him in stantly. The prettiest line of straw Hats in town at C. W. Enneis’ Give him a call. Read the great inducements and bargains offered at the \Y orki s Fair Store, Mr. and Mrs II. C. Parker, of Johnston Station, spent several days of last week visiting their daughter, Mrs. D. L. Lanier, near Clito. Before returning to their home Friday they came into town and spent a day visiting their son, W. C. Parker, and his family. BULLOCH TIMES. Katesboro, Bulloch County, Georgia, Thursday, April 5,1894. A. Rosolio with M. Bono, the New York Bargain House, has just received a complete line * f cloth ing. Filling in orders are being 60 iit in every day. No such bar gains in clothing ever seen here before. Call at once and inspect before buying. Ladies’ Dress Goods at C. W. Enneis’. Lawns white and colored. The best Calicoes, Simpson’s and all, at 5 to 6ic, at the World’s Fair Store. Our readers will notice the ads, of Mrs. Wimberly and Levy Bros, in this issue. Mrs. Wimberly has got in a one „ new stock , , ot f goods, and all she asks is a Levy Bros, are big men and do a big business, and it they have halt a chance will please you. The newest and neatest styles of spring Clothing can be found at S. VVaxelbaum & Sen’s. A most attractive assortment of spring wool dress goods from 10c upwards at the World’s Fair Store. We hear some complaint about the prank of some of our boys call¬ ing “fire” near the hour of mid¬ night Saturday night. Of course no harm was done, but people do not like to be called to the win¬ dows in their night gowns only to fffid a gang of boys yelling for the f uu 0 f it. The benefits of the Knights of Columbus will assist you in times of health as well as in sickness. Go to C. W. Enneis’ if you want a nice suit of Clothes cheap. He will guarantee you a tailor-fit in every suit. Messrs. S. J. Golden and J. R. Ivey, of Claxton, were in town Tuesday and paid the Times a call. These gentlemen were prospecting with a view to starting up a bak¬ ery here, and seemed very well sat isfied that this is the place. Those who have tested Mr. Golden’s cook¬ ing say that he k..O'vg his busi¬ ness. C. W. Enneis’ is the place to buy Shoes. He will give you a better Shoe for the money than you can get elsewhere. Fields says, “why in the misery don’t he advertised you bring for along last those week? pj^gs” He wants them bad. Mr. Ad V. Schou, late editor and manager of the Banner, and Mr. T. A. Barnhill, of Green, have formed a partnership, and will shortly open a photograph gallery in town. Mr. Barnhill is a first class landscape photographer, while Mr. Schou understands the •indpor work, and they feel confi¬ dent of giving satisfaction, We are glad to have them. Having just put in a fine new soda fountain, I can serve you to all kinds of cool drinks these warm days. II. W. Lee. The best hand-made Shoes and Slippers for men, women and chil¬ dren at the World’s Fair Store, and at prices surprisingly low. Friend C. B. Miley, of Zoar, w r as in town Tuesday and called on the Times. Speaking of the governor- declared ship, he says he hasn’t his preference yet, but his private opinion is that Mr. Atkinson is trying to persuade the people to reward him for everything the democratic party of Georgia has accomplished during the past looks sev¬ eral years. That’s how it to “a man up a tree.” Call on the Deputy Supreme Voyager of the Knights of Colum¬ bus for all information. He will post you and assist all. Your fu¬ ture cannot be secured without a Membership in this Lodge. Commissioner Hagan spent all of last week in his office here, re¬ ceiving reports from the teachers of the county, a id making out his own quarterly report. Capt. Ha¬ gan says he believes that he has the best corps of teachers in the State, and he knows that the gen¬ tlemen will testify that the lady teacbers.are the prettiest anywhere. The teachers like Capt. Hagin and he likes them and loves their work. Our Mr. Baum, ot the World’s Fair Store, has returned from the North, and says he purchased with the purpose in view of pleasing ail, and tools satisfied a visit from each and every one will convince you that he has suc ceeded in his endeavor. He found all goods much cheaper than ever before. He proposes to give all the benefit if the gieat reduction in every class and grade of goods. The finest line of Clothing ever seen in Statesboro, to be found at the World’s Fair Store. Fit guar anteed and quality unsurpassed. Messrs. Jas. Bland, John Rustin g teve Richardson, the commit ^ appointed by the grand jury to j lJSpect t } 10 books 0 f the treasurer, or( jj nar y, and county clerk, began their services Monday and have heed busy all the week upon examination. It isn’t likely anything wrong will be found either of these offices, as the of¬ ficials are men who understand their work, and tal e pride in keep¬ straight. An exquisite line, of dress and trimming silks to be found at the World’s Fair Store. Come early and get the choice of selection. After a sweet and peaceful slum¬ ber for two weeks, the Banner is again about to be resurrected. At the meeting of those interested in its sustenance Tuesday, a hold new man was introduced, who will to it until the experience again overbalances the honor and spoils, in-the person of Mr. Jim Rushing. Mr. 01 instead will jerk th-; press, and run the choirs, and set type, and do the other little duties, while the dew man will have noth¬ ing to’do but write spring subscriptions. poetry and give receipts for No young mail* after becoming a mealier of the Knights of Co¬ lumbus, can contradict its excel¬ lent qualities as>a secret and fra ter mi 1 orge^igati ojy l Mr. Nich Foss narrowly escap¬ ed an accident last Saturday which might have proved serious. He carried his family on a fishing frolic to Roberts’s mill in the af¬ ternoon, and, in walking across the run on a foot-log with one of his children in his arms, lost his foot¬ ing and both would have gone in¬ to the water had Mr. Foss not been quick enough to catch to the log, where he held on with one hand till the child was rescued from the other. The water at the place was about fifteen feet deep, and, the current being very swift, injury might have resulted had they fallen in. Wanted —Ten good men to work in Bulloch, Screven, Burke and Jefferson counties. Good pay. Party must furnish horse and best of references. Apply to J. G. Brin¬ son, Savannah, Ga. At a meeting of the Kell Rifles, last evening, Capt. Everitt read to the members their duties and ob¬ ligations under the laws of the volunteer troupes. Friday even¬ ings were decided upon as the drill evenings, until the approved by-laws have been written and of, for which a committee of three were appointed. The members decided to hold a picnic on be or about May ?7th, which will further worked up by the com¬ pany. Honorary members are to be canvassed for, so that the funds of the Company may be increased. It was also stated that all mem¬ bers not presenting themselves for drill tomorrow evening will be fined 25/. In attendance with a proper excuse will be permissable. MONEY TO LOAN. On town or country property. Loans obtained at short notice. Interest less than 5%. H. G. Everitt, 3-22 t f Holland Block. STOCK FOR SALE. • * I have several good young well Mules and Horses for sale, all broken. Call to see m6 before you buy—will sell cheap. D. J. Newton, feb-1 tf. Halcyondale, Ga. The New Court House. Judge M irtiu and architect H. G. Everitt returned Saturday eve¬ ning from their tour ot inspection of court houses. Having visited and inspected three fine new build¬ ings, and gathered ideas from them all, they have decided upon a plan which the Judge says is sure to please—“a regular daisy.” This week Capt. Everitt is engaged in drafting the plans, to be submitted to the committee which the Judge has called to meet here next Mon¬ day. shown the work We have been of the architect, and must say we very much admire the plan of the proposed building. The rooms are all large an 1 well ventilated and lighted, and the structure, should this plan be adopted, will present a grand and imposing appearance, feel justly The whole county would proud of our public building. Meantime the fact is apparent that the opposition the proposed improvement is so great as has been claimed by some. The Times reporter spoken with several ers of the count, during the week regarding the matter, and agreement is vv« must have a court house—a good one, for They are the men who pay improvements, and they want building that can be used For long time. List of Unclaimed Letters. Arthur Burke, J. F. Colder, J. II. Denmark, VV. W. Lee, C. A. Mra shall, C. L,* Rodgers (2), Henry Thomas, Ben Talbert, A. E. Wil¬ son, James Williams, John West (col), M. Wetston (2), Mrs. Mat tie J. Dominy, Miss L. E. Wash¬ ington. II. V. Johnson, P. M. Statesboro, Ga., April 1st. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned is prepared to negotiate loans on improved farms Ml Builoeh County at ja rea.-omabk rate of interest, and in a short time after application is R. taken. Groover, Apply to D. jan!8tf Statesboro, Ga. The Kell Rifles Inspected. Under instructions f;om the Ad¬ jutant-General, Lt. T. J. Smith, of the Republican Blues,of Savannah, came up yesterday and inspected the Kell Rifles. The .boys were out in their new uniforms about 37 or 38 strong, and we eould see that Lt. Smith was pleased with their general ap¬ pearance. The only objection to dress was the style of collar some of the men wore; their shoes, caps, cuffs, gloves, etc., were all right. The officers wore coats handsomely braided back and front, with sword slit in left side. This is a new feature in dress regulations. Be¬ sides the shoulder straps, there was braided in silver on the collar, “1 Ga.” and on caps braided in gold were crossed rifles, and in silver the figure “1.” Our boys arecertainly up in dress regulations, but we are sorry we can’t say so much as to drill. The men were somewhat embarrassed at the beginning, but this was soon overcome by words of encourage¬ ment from Lt. Smith, after which the men did better. They now say that they know what is before them and intend to get down to drill in earnest. The command found Lt. Smith to be a clever gentleman, a strict disciplinarian, and a well-drilled officer, and expressed a hope that he would return during the summer and spend some time with them; and we can assure him that he will find no better place or people in Georgia than here. The Lieutenant was verv unwell V while here, but not too much so to give the boys a good shaking-up. StatesbQro and Bulloch county should be, and no doubt are, proud of the Kelis, and with the set de¬ termination of men and officers, our people need not be alarmed the future of this command. The inspector did not say what his report would be, but we take that it will not be long before onets are bristling on the streets of Statesboro. NEVER send out of town for JOB PRINTING. COME TO THE TIMES. No. 45. THE FOOLS “Since the first serpent Eve eajooled So that the world was curst, Of all the fools that ever fooled The April fool’s the worst.” # * * Even the insurance man siezed his grip and rushed down the street Sunday morning when some one told him t)iere was a man who wanted his life insured. There may be, but McDonald didn’t find him in when he called. * * Some young ladies on South Main sent a note to one of their chums, asking the privilege to call, and signed a young man s receiv- name; Avery nice little note was ed favorable to the request. The best of it was, though, the young, man “got wind” of it, somehow, # and took advantage of the perm is* sion to call, * * A young man wrote a note to hia aunt, a young widow, ask it g if he (assuming a young bachelor’s name) might accompany her to church. She was mt certain tliafc she would feel like attending church that morning, but he might call for her, and if site had not too severe a head-ache she would bo delighted to have his company, *** The “banner class” in the Sun¬ day-school thought they played a good one on their rival class, when, after a great deal of show and blus¬ ter in taking up the collection, “six cents” was reported their as rival th0 amount collected, while had nearly a half dollar. (The secret is the “banner class” *va9 financially embarrassed Sunday.) *** in” But the most complete “take was the marriage at the Harris hotel Sunday night. Saturday the report was started that Steve Blackburn was to be married Su - day evening; but nobody believed it. First, because it was not thought and, that second, Steve because wanied^to tt'o m,» ■» j ry, > >n would marry h*m if he did want to. Sunday, however, he wag shaved up a little different fr 1 usual and appeared a little' sheep¬ ish” when one spoke to him; a d later the name of the girl was g - en, and it was explained that which the match was to be a run-away, accounted for all slyness on ln^ part. The Ordinary would not is sue the license, but friends of the groom prevailed upon Just ee Rountree to perform the ceremony upon a sufficient fee being deposit¬ ed with him to purchase the d (> 0 — ument next day. Those interest¬ ed in the plot took pains to assure every body they met that the an* preaching marriage was bonafide, and by dark there were a hundred people at the Harris house anxious to see the bride. Teams went from the stable to convey the bridal party from their place of hiding. If it had been an “April fool” of course the party never would have come, but they came oir tim *, and soon the innocent Justice had pro¬ nounced the couple “man and wife;” ladies had figure,” pronuuced and the bride a “perfect showered, but con¬ gratulations were bride—or no one had kissed trie groom either 1 Here the curtain as the floor of the parlor did beneath the mass of humanity, but let ue follow them to their chamber whither they go tc prepare for the wedding supper now ready, and aB they return hand in hand, don’t try to imagine the words of the Justice and the thought of the crowd as it dawns upon them that the bride is Lonnie Mercer, a boy! The words used can be found in the kible, however, we wont repeat them. Fop Sale at a Bargain. I have a first-class organ aluiost new, which I will sell at a bargiin. If you need a good instrument call on me. J. H. Ellis. SASH, DOORS, 'BLINDS B » ETC * Anyone who needs anything in this line will do well to get aiv prices before ordering, as I can save you money, G. S. Blackburn, 3-221 f. Statesboro, Ga.