Bulloch times. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1893-1917, August 26, 1898, Image 2

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------ • LLOCH TIMES PUBL 18 HED EVERY FRIDAY. Official Organ of Bulloch County and Town of Statosboro. T. A, McGrezar, Eiiter and Proprietor , HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year (by mail),.................. fl.00. »JlOuW18j»Os*s»»SS»S*ASSSS»»SS#«s*SS*t ion laree months,.......................... •25. Sample copy free on application. first Foreign advertisements become due insertion. Wk- Obituaries will be published two cents a line, payable in advance. Entered in the Postoffice at Statesboro, Georgia, as second-class mail matter. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. For Governor: ALLEN,D. CHANDLER, ifor Secretary of State:' PHILIP D. COOK. For Comptroller-General: WM. A. WRIGHT. For Commissioner of O. B. STEVENS. For School Commissioner: G. R, GLENN. ► For Attorney General: J. M. TERRELL. For Prison Commissioner: J. S. TURNER. For Treasurer: [DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. For Senator, 17th District: J. A. BRANNEN. For Representative: HIRAM FRANKLIN. For Clerk Superior Court: S. C. GROOVER. For Sheriff: J. H. DONALDSON. For Tax Collector: ; P. R. McELVEEN. For Tax Receiver.: A. J. ILER. For Treasurer: ALLEN LEE. For Surveyor: H. J. PROCTOR, Jr. For Coroner: D. Q. STANFORD. do nn* — Fort—,«rr H. J. PROCTOR, Jb. care very much abouf’paying subscrip¬ tion. When the markets and hogs and chickens and children were all glutted with peaches and they would not'sell on the streets at all, we offered to take them on subscription and yet not a kernel did we get to crack. We congratulate the Sylvania Telephone on the way she “wound up” the Press aud her correspon¬ dents in the matter of populist extravagence in Screven county. That the populists have managed the affairs of that county for the past two years iu an ignorant and extravagant manner goes without saying, and some of their own people have admitted that it is true. The negroes in Screven county are leaving the populist party in droves. Leading colored men over there say that the pops claimed to be the reform party and they voted with them as such, but now they have fouud that the popu¬ list party is anything else but a reform movement, and they are organizing now to vote with the ' democrats in the October election. And Screven county is bound to go democratic. The populisis are getting into deaperate straights. Their last move is to bring out a negro can¬ didate for senator from this dis¬ trict. While we have no positive evidence that he was brought out by the populists, yet it is so much like their tactics to draw off the negro votes that we are constrain¬ ed to believe they should have credit for the same. At any rate they are like the old man that prayed for rain aud waked up to find his house washed away. “There, by thunder,” said he, “I have overdone the thing.” .They will feel the loss of whatever votes this fellow may carry far more than the democrats. A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to One Min¬ ute Cough Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot. Reliable aod just what i* wanted. It acts at once. W» M. Caldwell., Leaving 1 the Party. When the Populist, state execu¬ tive committee met in Nashville, Tcnn., last Thursday two of the committee resigned and give the following reason for so doing: “Realizing the impossibility of bringing about the returns for which we have heretofore labored, with the in its present disintegrated and disaffect¬ ed condition and having deter mined to support Hon. Benton McMillin for governor of Tennes¬ see, we feel that the honorable course to pursue is first to resign, and we hereby tender to you our resignations.” “The populist party has abso¬ lutely no hope, because of the disintegration of its state and national organisation. The dem¬ ocrats have nominated a man for governor in whom we have confidence. Both his moral and political charactor are above reproach. Just what be says we believe he will do. We believe his pledges of reform will be carried out, and have the utmost confidence in his ability and integrity. While always vigerously opposiug the populist, he had treated us courteously, and never abused us. I do not think Richardson, for governor, will get over 2,000 or 3,000 votes if he stays on the track.” W. F, M, Society. Editor Bulloch Times j Leaving Statesboro about 0 o’clock Friday morning, August 19th,-we arrived at the home of Mrs. Ella Groover in time tor din- ner. After beiog mo.t ho,pita bly entertained by this queen of lady farmers for several hours, we went on to Weodburn by way of Iric academy, finding the creeks and branches full to run into our buggies and frighten us no little. We arrived there about 6 o’clock and were made to feel very much at home at the resi¬ dence of Dr, Hinw. The Cuyler & Woodburn made a special trip to accommodate the delegates over that line. McDonald church proved too •mall for the crowd and thejeon ferenco wa» held in a large taber nacle. Our district secretary, Jfrfi, J. M. Mason, was ’present and had the work well in hand. Her earn¬ est zeal and sweet spirit of love was apparent to all. Mrs. Rep of Reidsville was el§fli«d~rb., of the njfllfffrsecure the best of their line for their maa^. Several of .jZ auxiliaries were not represent ed. Statesboro was in the lead, having four delegates present. Mrs. Hagan of Woodburn made the address of welcome, which was responded to by Miss Maud Bran nen. The delegates present read reports fromjjtheir respective soci¬ eties, and Mr*. Mason reported for those not represented, gome were not doing so well but as a whole the district is advancing in the good work. Brother G. N. McDouald of the Savannah district preached at 11 o’clock Saturday, exhibited a lot of curios and exhibited much in¬ terest in the missionary cause. Brother Thrower was present and held the quarterly conference of the Woodburn circuit. Brother Rast of Hagan preached a good sermon Sunday morning to a large audience. A sumptuous dinner was spread under the tabernacle both Satur¬ day and Sunday. On Sunday afternoon Brother Bounell, who has been a mission¬ ary to China ten years, interested the children for quite a while tell¬ ing of Chinese customs, songs and specimens of industry. Mrs. Mason organized a juvenile sooiety with fourteen members, when the conference adjourned after singing “God be with you ’till we meet again.” On our return we spent the night with Mr. Strickland and are under many obligations to his entire family for their great kind¬ ness to us. And we desire to make special mention of Mr. Strickland’s sons, Mr. Robertson his son for kindness on our return trip, and to the good peo¬ ple of Woodburn while iu their midst. If you want to be well fed and entertained just take a trip, Mr. Editor, down that way. f We are going sometime soon. Ed. ] Yours fraternally, F. When you call for DaWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don’t accept anything else. Don’t be talked into accepting n substitute, W. for M. piles, Caldwell. for sores, for barns. - P”EF : LAST. A liuiu more than a month ago an effort was mnde by the inmates of the jail here to secure their liberty which nearly succeeded. Sheriff DonalcfSon had gone to the jail in the night to put in a pris¬ oner and fotrid that the birds were perchcu ready for flight. They had filed two of the cell bars in two and scratched nearly through the brick wall. They were put back iuto the cells immediately and a watch put over them until Mr. W. D. Davis could fix the break. lie took two pieces of heavy sheet steel and bolted them together over the hole with large bolts. Since then the white boy Mel¬ ton Lee has died of typhoid fever and a very desperate negro added to the number already there, mak¬ ing six in all. Yesterday morn ng Jailer W. g. ffagip had more ireakfast cooked than he could find birds to'eat it. When he went to the cage the entire flock had escaped. They had filed the bolts Bfl.fped above, raised' the sheets of 9teel, crawled through same old hole and dug a hole the brick wall. The sheriff was out of towa but JajJef Jfagin left at once in pur¬ suit of the prisoners, hut up to the present writing has not found anv any trace trac of ot flipm tiiem. There were several bad charac ters iu J ail that was » pity to ? 8 8 ^ e °f ** badConfe8Sed kWWfiJJ Beveral bavin houses g “ Statesboro and made ft winder, threat " of what he wa3 to 6 '' h ‘ g * out of J al ' Aa °ther negro ^^dwith eaat tbree °* ber ne having groes killed and had at “ 0t beeu in J ail more than te “ aa Y s - i^ince the first effort was made ; got out the si)Q?i$ ai)4 Wle? bave beeu Mr Hagin made a habit of going down to the jail about midnight nearly night but didn’t go Wednes day night, and that was the night I. he WOiiitf i .t ft i. .... if . he , had , ft, ye £°ne only known.” The fono-iug Liter w„ found North Mam street yesterday: Statesboro, ’ Ga Aug 6 23th 1898 and „ , if you all ,, want to , know i am gone i am dft gone to Mr an 4 i thout it was sc,is, OiDble and I hope l will notr 8 ive any more and the Charge you all Had got agiqgg Me is rong and i duz know aod God he dua knoiy and i fele i have suffer a nuf and ef i be lucky a nuf to make my J$scape and den rite and tell you Get m? no* }.ett£r and i will leve this few lines in eare ►St^te^prq jail and will close by telliu you goodby From your truly Sid Oliver Kill Ray Matters. Matters in general seem to be pursuing the even tenor of their way. Miss Carrie Coopar of Dover visited at the home of Dr. Miller last week. Mr. Marion F. Miller of Savan¬ nah is visiting his mother, Mrs. Martha Miller. He has beeu sick and seeks health where he knows it will be found. Mr. B. S. Mooney, Co. K., First Ga. Reg., U. S. V., is home on a thirty days’ furlough. Ben k ft s been very sick with fever and says there is a great deal of sickness in camp- Mr. Harry Miller of the same company is expected home this week on a furlough, Miss Byrnina Hook of Bloom ingdale is the guest of Miss Ada Miller. Mr. Charles B. Miller of Savan¬ nah was up on a visit to his moth¬ er last week. jSore eyes are epidemic around here now. Rev. W. Q. D»rsey is home for a while. Incessant rains are damaging the cotton through this section. NOTICE, GEORGIA— Bulloch County. Notice is hereby given to all concerned tbe that I have filed with tfie Clerk of Superior court of said county my peti¬ tion addressed to said conrt, returnable to the next term thereof, to be held op the fourth Monday the in October next, for the removal of disabilities imposed upon me by my intermarriage with America Williams, which application will be beard at the court house in said county at said term. This 12th day of July, 1898. Jamss M. Williams, By his Attorneys Brannen A Moore. Dissolution Notice. The firm of G. M. Shearouse A Co. has this day dissolved by J, N. Shearouse himofiSe withdrawing will continue by mutual consent. The as before under the firm-name tA Q. M. Shearouse A Vo. and will collect ah debt* djje paid business and will assume and pay all debts' due by said business. G. M. Shearouse, J. N. Shearouse. Sherwood, G»-, July 29th, 1898, .. ! ■ T SHERIFF SALE. GEORGIA— Bulloch County. Will be sold before the court house door of said county on the flretTueeday in September next, within the legal hoot j of eale to the highest bidder for cash, the following de¬ scribed property to wit: One medium size daik bay horse mule about-years old. Levied on as the Superior property of James A. Smith to satisfy a Court fl. fa. issueing from the nishee Superior Court of said county on a gar¬ in favor of Missouri Barnes against the said James A. Smith. This 4th day of August, 1898. J. H. Donaldson, Sheriff. GEORGIA— Bulloch County. Will be sold beforethecourt house door of said county on the first Tuesday in September of sale next, within the legal hours to the highest bidder, for cash, the following that described property, towit: All tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in said county and state afore said, and in the 47th District, G. M., thereof, containing two hundred acres.’ On more the or less, and bounded as follows: north by lands of H. I. Simmons on the east b.v lands of B. J. Simmons’ on the andBen Cone, and on the west by lands of W>J. Strickland, Said land being in estate possassipn of A. of D. J. Cone Ji. Done, and being administrator levied as the property'of J, B. on trator estate A. D. Cone, Cone, adminis county court fl. fa. issueing to from satisfy a county court of said the w. J. Strickland county in favor of f^ne administrator against the said J. B. Vfritten estate A. D. Cone, notice giyen defendant as re qulred by law. Levy made bv R. F. Donaideon, sr., bailiff of thecoun’ty court turned oyer to me for advertisement sale. This 11th day of August,1898 J. H. Donaldson, Sheriff. GEORGIA —Bulloch County. w in “old on the first Tuesday in a (September t next, at the house d court in sa county, within the legal hours of f the highest bidder for cash, the „ rerfain'tract'or para^f that land lying Xd'Sffa ‘fcjeVDlsWcWlT jj’jg™ thereof, containing one hundred and Wwgdl, Jth* hvT* “lands on the aa8t by of of the estate of O. D. Mallard. Said land o! W. 8. Finch against the said Jane £2T gSS ISdant in possession as required by law. Levy “Uy'Iourt advertisement kn^turnTover Se to! »nd sale. This nth day o> August,.+Sjfc. H PQ.nalpsqn, ‘ Sheriff, ” . GEORGIA— Bulloch County. WemWnlL Wi|l be sold before .&? tbecourt house door 0 11 fl f? t Tuesday in ®®pt®jno6rnextj |Within . tbe lej?al hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to wit: 4SSSK^!lMiK!l and being in said ’ tlS ! ! the county ^OOtb and state an / P distriot thereof, containing - one hundred acres more or less, and bounded as follows r “ ^ e , ® %*£& nds . °» Willie Lee terest in said land levied on as the prop¬ erty of J. E. Hogaa to satiefy a justice court A. fa. issuing from the justice court of the 1209th district in favor of Mrs. J. H. EiHs against the said J. E. Hogan. Tbit ilth day of August, 1§09. J. H. Donaldson, Sheriff. Ordinary’s Notices. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA— Bulloch County. To whom it may concern: Cynthia A. Smith having applied to the undersigaed praise and for aside appraisers twelve month's to ap¬ set a support agt of the estate of Enoch M. Smith, her deceased husband, and ap¬ praisers havjpg having been made appointed their report, for notice that is purpose hereby given that said report will be made the judgment of this court on tbe first Mod day in September Dext, unless cause is shown to the contrary. This August 9th, 1898. C. S. Martin, Ordinary. NEW PUBLIC ROAD. GEORGIA— Bulloch County. Whereas, certain petitionershave made their application to this court, praying for an or4er granting the establishment of a public road at or leaving the public road known as Savannah road three or four hundred yards from Milenton Waters and leading in the direction of Statesboro intersecting with tbe Statesboro road at thf: Mac Lester old place, a distance of about three miles. And whereas com¬ missioners appointed ed for that purpose have review and marked out said oon templated road and publicjutility repotted to me that road will be one of and con¬ venience. Now this is to cite and admon¬ ish all persons that on and after the first Tuesday be granted in if September good next, said is shown law will no cause to the contrary. This August 2nd, 1898. C. 8. Martin, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA— Bulloch County. To all whom it may concern: Whereas, J. C. Deal, administrator of Calvin Deal, represents to the court in JiIB petition, duly filed and entered on Galvin record, Ideal’s that he has fully administered is there¬ fore to cite all esjtate. cqpppj-ned, kin¬ dred and creditors, persons to show if they why said administrator cause, should any cap, not be discharged receive from bis adroi ffstra tlon, and letters of dismission on the first Monday iu November, 1898. This August 2, 1898. 8-5-3m C. S. MARTIN, Ordinary. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA— Bulloch County, To whom it may concern: Nellie M. Strickland having applied to the undersigned for appraisers to ap¬ praise and set of aside a twelve month's support out the estate of W. G. Strick¬ land, her deceased husband, and apprais¬ ers pose, having having been made appointed their report, ior that notice pur¬ is hereby given that said report will be mad e tpe judgment of this court on the first MondayiB j* 8f?ptemJ>er the next, unless cause shown to u6>trfiry.'''Thle ' ™ August 3, 1898. ' C. 8. lUntur, Ordinary, SitaittiM Ciistiti- 1897 WHEREAS, The General Assembly amend the of Constitution passed the following towit: to of the State, An Act to amend paragraphs 2 and 3 of section 3 of article 6, and paragraph the Consti¬ 1 of section 11 of article 6, of for tution of this State, so as to provide rior the election of Solicitors-Geueral Judges of the Supe¬ Courts and by the electors of the whole State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Gener it Assembly of the State of Georgia, and is hereby enacted by authority of the same, That paragraph 2 of section 3 of article 6 of the Constitution of this State be amended so that the same shall read as follows, to wit: “The successors to the present and subsequent incumbents shall ^ elected by the electors, entitled to vote for members of the General Assem of the whole State, at the general held for snch members, next pre the expiration of their respective that the successors for ad incumbents whose terms expire on or before the first day of January, 1899, shah be elected by the General Assembly at its session for 1898, for the full teriq of four years.” Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the section 3 aforesaid, of That paragraph 3 article 0 of the Constitu of this State, be amended so that paragraph “The shall road as follows to terme elected under the Constitution (except to fill vacancies) shall begin on the firgt day of January alter their election. Every tion vacanoy other occasioned by death, resigna or causes shall be filled by first appointments of the Governor until the election day of January after the general held next after the expiration of thirty days from the time such vacancy occurs, at which election a successor for the unexpired term shall be elected.” Sec. 3. Be it further enacted by the of authority section nforesajd, Tl,&t paragraph 1 11 of artiole 0 of the Constitu¬ tion of this State, bo amended so that same There shall be a Solicitor-General for each judicial circuit, whose otficial term (except to fill a vacancy) shall be four years. The successors of present and subsequent by the incumbents shall be elected electors of the whole state quali¬ fied to vote for members of the General preceding Assembly at the general election held the expiration of (heir vespee riye termo. Every vacanoy occasioned by death, resignation or other cause snail he filled by appointment of the Governor until the first day of Janu¬ ary after the after the expiration of thirty days from the time such vacancy occurs, at which election a successor for the uaexpired term shall be elected; Provided, that the successors for all incumbents whose terms expire uary,!^, on or befqre tfo elected f,r«t day of Jan¬ shall he by the Gen eml Assembly at its session for 1898 for the full terra of four years.” Sec. 4. Be it furtherenacted byauthor, lty aforesaid, That whenever the above proposed amendments to the Constitu¬ tion shall be agreed to by two-thirds of the members elected to each of the two houses of the General Assembly toe Governor shall, and he i« he jnK a^S^itoC.toshow^jf^ to ments to be published Congressional in at least two newspapers in each dis¬ trict in this State for the period of two months next preceding the time for hold¬ ing the next general election. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the above pro¬ posed ratification amendments rejection shall be of substituted the electors for or of this state at the next general election to be held after publication, as provided for in the fourth section of this Act, in the several districts of this State: at which election every person shall be qual¬ ified to vote who is entitled to yotp fqr members of the Qenpral Assembly. All persons voting the at said election in iavor of adopting proposed amendments, or either of them, to the Constitution of this State, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: “Fsr rariflea tion of the ^amendment of paragraph 2 of section 3, article 6 of the Constitu¬ tion” (for election of Judges of Superior Courts of to the people); of paragraph “For 3 ratification section amendment of 3 of article 6 of the Constitution” (for election of Judges of the Superior Courts by the people);” “For ratification of amendment of paragraph 1 of section 11 of article 0 of the Constitution” (for election of Solicitors-General by the people). adoption And all persons opposed to of said amendments, or either of them, shall have written or printed on their ballots the words: “Against the ratification of amendment of paragraph 2 of section 3 of article 9 of the Consti¬ tution” (against election of Judges ot Superior ratification Courts of the by the amendment people); “Against of graph 3 of section 3 of article 6 para¬ the of Constitution” (against election of Judges of Superior Courts by tlip people); “Against ratification of amendment of the paragraph Constitution” 1 of section 11 of article 6 of of Solicitors-General (against the election Ssp. by the people). 6. Bp it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the Governor be, and he is, hereby authorised and directed to provide for the submission of ehe foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitution of this State in para¬ graph by 1 of section 1 of article 13, and this Act; aud if either be ratified, the Governor shall, when he ascertains such ratification from the Secretary of State, to whom the returns shall be referred in the same manner as in case of elections for members of the General Assembly, to count and ascertain the result, issue his proclamation, for one insertion, in one of the daily papers of this State, an¬ nouncing amendment such result and declaring the ’or amendments ratified. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted’ by the authority aforesaid, That all laws add parts of laws in conflict with the Act be, apd Approvpd'December the same fire, hereby 21,18fi7! repeal. ted. 1 Now, therefore, I, William T, Atkinson, Governor of said State, do issue tnis ray proclamation declaring that the fore¬ going proposed amendment tb the Con¬ stitution Is hereby submitted ior ratifi¬ cation or rejection to the legal voters of the State at the general election to be held on Wednesday, October 5,1898. W. Y. ATKINSON, Governor. By the Governor: F. 0|Callaway, Private Secretary. Cut Rates.—U ntil further no tice all messages over this tele phone system Tbh D. 4-. will Tyson cost only 15 befits. Tele so hone Company, *" ‘ ' + REAL + ESTATE + AND RENTING AGENCY: s & If you have houses to rent or land to Bell, place your pro with us and we guarantee to give satisfaction, 1 IS, If you want to buy or rent a house, or buy or rent a plantiJK or land, call and see us and see what we have to offer. THE TIMES’ REAL ESTATE AND RENTING AGENCY. Offices: Rooms 1 and 8, upstairs in Holland Building. ♦ Has had no effect upon my business, I am now located in m new building on North Main street, and have a full stock of ) The best on the market. Will sell for cash or installments and nothing you can give your wife will please her more than a good Sewing Machine. o navmg n,,, ■ made , additions ..... to my repair department, f Gby and all Pianos, Organs, Bicycles, Guns and Pistols qau resair Machines and 3verythiug else in this ’ Sewin'* S ^ ° line ifuitw Iff# #t|I8W V I a in manager of Luddon & Bates’ branch music house in Stuap ,iu “ of cash installment. arc very reasoniple 1 or G, J. DAVIS. j I i STRONGEST --‘JI" T AND BES1 -m hk- 'iU« Life ilssquqqce Goir|pqi|y v OFCHICAGO.: TIie Dnlij Enmpanif nn Earth Ttat P*. Mort** Losses from B; from Mortuary Funds, Expense Funds instead ef paying exp® m‘'i as most other companies do. I! rt^WB gr As set i lK^L proportion to liabilities than any oi the great Ji) V Stipulated Over $21,000,000 eath Claims ompanies Paid. of America. WL: Sefl'* e fnP Premium P nr tm best and safest plan ever devised. TH0S. A. YBANEZ, General Agent, Statesboro, Ga. HARDY H. MOORE, Special Agent, Laston, Gf J. A. FULCHEB ■DEALER IN (Scttcral 21fcrcfyanMsc. r" •' On our “Bargain Counter” will be fouud a handsome line h U • of Shoes, which are going way below their actual worth. % WAGON FACTOR) jVj . We are now building the lightest running aud best one andvo orse wagons ever used iu Bulloch county, and are prepared to bid anything from a baby carriage to an omnibus. ? d0 a general repair business, making a specialty of rejir • and overhauling mg „ wagons, buggies, etc. V> e .can do anything and everything that be done ii a black sm ith and wood-working can OuTnricl nl aDd establishment perf,“rs P ti'ro"«; 0 m0derat ? r 1 Ul ' “ atb)ntion Ud W6 « u S “ ive raute<i “ to horseshoeing. *0* # to pe John G. Mitchell. StT Corner of Railrpad and Hill Streets, north of D. & S. dept. SAVE YOUR SOLES Don’t throw away your shoes because they have :: r«r.:x2!sr *“ a hole in -U th-m d 1 me ...... The price will please you. good aud wear if id. m Wi\ 4 t _ South Maji) ♦ Street, pear tlje postnffiep. Xee, Cool Drinks, Etc. Leave your orders aud your Ice will be delivered Sunday not excepted. every morning, Send in your orders for first-cl Soda from : ass my bottling works now in operation. Stop in for a cool drink at my soda fountain. Fresh bread, cakes aud pies. All fruits iu season. P, MAU]LL ?