Bulloch times. (Statesboro, Ga.) 1893-1917, October 07, 1898, Image 1

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.... . . BULLOCH jf * rr% M f * 1 TIMES VOL. VII. NO. 20 BUTCH’S PRICES DO THE WORK. » * i We want to reduce our large stock of gooods and know that nothing but-.genuine bargains will do it these hard times. This is not one of the closing out sales you so ofteii hear about. We are in business to stay and make.’ !t prices to suit the times and please our customers. Remember our prices and see that you get them when you buy. Dpy Qoods qqd Our Dry Goods and Milliuery Departments have been admired and appreciated by all who admire style and neatness, and when a Hat or Dress goes from our -store you may rest assured you have the latest and most correct style. We have about 50 fine Dress Patterns in Silk and Wood Novel¬ ties that are worth 75c per yard; our price now is 50c per yard. An elegant line of fine Dress Novelties‘in all the new and latest shades and colors worth 35c to 50c per yard; our price 25c per yard. A large-stock of double-width Wool Dress Goods at 10c per yard All the new things in Silks at big bargains. The best Calico made at 4c and 4|c per yard. Yard wide good Percale at i^c per yard. Good quality Canton Flannel at 5c per yard. A C A best feather ticking at 10c per yard. Best table Oil Cloth at 15c per yard. Yard wide Sea Island Homespun at 4c per yard. Yard wide best quality Yellow Homespun at 5c per yard, Athens best Checks at 5c per yard. 1,000 yards Good Ginghams to close out at 3c per yard. MILLINERY. In Millinery Department we have one of the best Trimmers our will find in that has ever come south, as good or better than you large cities, and we have a very complete stock of Mil i any of the please a Goods of the latest styles and will guarantee to you nery thought of. prices that our competitors never 4 of the many things we are offering. We will give you the highest market price for The above are only a fe„ where else. Try and be convinced. j j ■' v goods cheaper than you can buy them any us cotton and sell you \ t m $ J. G. BLITCH. i *££ . STATESBORO, GA., FRIDAY, OCTOBER T, 1898. We have the most complete line of Custom Much* Clothing iii Men's, Youths’ and Childrens ever shown here. Wo have them to fit everybody in a large variety of styles, .and the prices we make below will never be duplicated. We haven't space to mention price on all of the goods but we append a few of the leading offers. All the rest must go at a corresponding reduction. We will sell our $5.00 Men’s Suits for $4.00. $7.00 “ $5.00. $9.00 “ $7.00. $10.00 Men’s Suits, good value at the old price, to go at $8.00. $12.50 Men’s Suits, nice enough for anybody, at $10.00. $17.60 Men’s Suits, the ever offered in Statesboro, at $15.00. This is no odd stock or old goods, and we expect to order more ftt thege prices before the first of November. We have a very com p j ete ]j ue G f p a uts at all prices at a corresponding reduction. See ^ em before you buy is all we askr* Boys’ Suits from 50c, 75e, $1.00, $1.50. Boys’ Pauts, good quality, at 25c up. HATS. Our line of Mens and Boys Hats is the most complete we have ever shown both as to style and prices. All new goods in the latest shapes at the same sweeping reduction in prices as we have made in Shoes and other goods. A good Cape for 75c, $1.00, $150 up. Also a splendid line of Jackets at bottom prices. Ztotions anb hosiery. We have the strongest line of these goods you ever saw. Kid Gloves best quality 75c to 1.00. Fine Velvet and Jewel belts 25c up. Beautiful line of ties 10c up. Best Childs and Ladies Hosiery you ever saw for 10c. Mens half-hose 5c up. Everything else at corresponding prices in this department. Groceries and Hardware. We sell 15 pounds good green Coffee for $1.00. We sell 13 pounds good parched Coffee for $1.00 We sell everything in Groceries and as cheap as any market can sell them. We carry all kind of Hardware and and Tools, Doors and Sash, Paints and Oils, Lime, Gin Wrapping, Double Diamond Belting and everything you want in Hardware. 8Y THOMAS A. M’GREGOR SHOES. Everybody who has tried our Shoes will tell you we carry the strongest line of Ladies’, Children’s and Men’s Shoes in Statesboro. Our $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.25 Shoes are the best values offered anywhere for the money. We have plenty of higher priced goods, but these are the ones that everybody buys. Our $1.50 Men’s and Ladies’ Shoes are our boast. We can’t get them fast enough. None of our competitors can equal them for the money, yet we will make the reduction in price of these goods also. jj e i ow we give the prices at which we offer them: Our $2.60 line Mens and Ladies Shoes for $2.00. “ 2.00 *• 0 • “ 1.50 •• h-a “ 1.25 " ” 1 00 . . “ 1.00 •• • • 85. The above includes all kinds of of Shoes. In this lot we are offering Shoes that are as staple as groceries at the old price on them. Our line of $1.50 and $1.25 Brogans at $1.26 and $1.00 are the best ever offered. Our line of Children's Shoes is complete at same reduction in prices as above. Our line of Mens Fine goods is as complete as you will find anywhere and they go at the same reduction in price. We are offering 100 pair of W. L. Douglas’ $3.00 Shoes at $2.85 while they last.