Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, December 05, 1878, Image 2

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I.»wc«i rate* for contract »<lvcni*cmcnt« lu MsoditiK advertiDtaHDtt, riAte how much *p«<e you want and for what time, toy tiling under three months are payable ta advance; tor longer time payable quarterly in advance, 1 mo, 2 mo. 8 mo. <1 mo. t2 mo One aquarc 12 OOfd 00 $*00 P‘> 00 $12 00 Two square 4 ©€* Hit* SHI lt<ti then Three 5 00 8 00 II «HI 13 00 *.'-'«*(» ,, oo I0C0 t.i 00 •* y 2? 00 | i column column, H! « 00 15 00 IS (SI 2^0 t 3.VU 1 column 18 00 86 00 85 0u 4 *. O0 70 IS I ANNOUNCEMENTS, Wo lake the liberty In announce Ike natn of A. M. Moore on a candidate for re-enSriion to ike otDce of eh i k .ii ;ln-l UMitng January <•: < • tlou, and solicit* a (support In bi« cite lion, oci ll, Ihds. Maxi Voteiss We take thin racitiod »*f aimuiicliig Ihe name of K. Z. Byrd it* a candidate tor rv-i letton to the office of SlierltTut ihf < in*iii»tf January elec lion. UUd solicit# a liberal BUpj ort ill I)Ik alee ion. (K t y, l*7s. Cit.zkm. The timlctdgiicd respectfully utiiioimcc* him nell » cun lidale for re election to tile office of Tux Receiver aud Collector of Pierce comity, and solicit*- the support of hi* T ll tit i/.eio» at the cusuing Jhu. election. * S« n iz s- • . I’r - „ Tltc undesigned respect i fully inform* the vo¬ ters of Pieicc County, tint lie i«* u candidate for the office of Tax Receiver and Collector tit iho ei.wuing January election, and earnestly solicits the support of many voters. Sept, -j.y 'y.s li^neknliear, (in. J- J. Smith. 1 cm poet) fully numi.eicemy »cH' a cm li dulu lot the office of lax Receiver and Collce* tor for the county i f Pierce »t the ensuing Jutt utiry election and solicits the support of my fellow citizens- Oct. 28, l s 7s. Jan. McVkhoi Tiff tuidcruivncil respectfully inf rni* Hie voter* of Pierce that he is a candidate it (he ensuing elec'Ion for clcik of the c< art and so¬ licits a support In kb election Nov 2, is?s. Joseph A il.vurkit. ’“The HMiUiraiSTr icspciMfully, the voter# ofl’ii rci*'ituilic is a cuhiiltiaie for ty Treasurer at tic ensuing election and re¬ spectfully solicits the support of Itis Icllow Citizens, Mo, a. B D Brantly. 18U. * • Wc respectful!v , Mihmlt , . tin* .. name ot ... A. 1,. Jittuvcrgu** t«> tin- 1 i ot s ot lMcree a> u cnmli hU t#lluw ciiizciic. Nuv. 7ih is's Many Fuiknd*. — Wc, th« citlxen« of 1’iorco r«***|*«ctfully an¬ nounce the name of Lewis Thomas, 8r , as u candid.lie tor Uoutity Sui •’tyor at the eii.-ning election, *uii us n Mippoi t in lib elect ion. ( iti/.etiN, LOCAL NEWS. The Savannah Penny Local came to us on Saturday last phiiu full of spicy and good news,—app* arently, more so than usual. Christmas is not far oft aud wont il to amusing to see the little folks, and bear them tell of Santa Claus about 4 lieu? ... ....... « *» — - w [‘leastd to know that tin * Hon. .John L 1 Loris has again been appointed to the Judgeship of the Brunswick Circle*. We feel safe iu venturing to sav that his appointment will unaa’mously meet the approbation of the citizens of Fie’ ee county, who have a warm feeling tows «.s the Judge for the able and imparti. 1 manner in which he has presided at the courts in this county. * Don’t forget the entertainment Vo night at Strickland s Hail, and be out on the occasion. It will be well worth the admission fee. Refreshments will be serves 1 by the ladies ot the associa¬ tion. Now young man, are you go ►iug to stand back and ti«^e to that [old ov) cent piece and let tlmr eflorts ml in* in vain whieh lhe\ anMuboi mg to devote to a benevolent^n ? : B. eeitaiulv you would no [K* CUt Bin li t lair sex and let tuB* labor Biltm m lie. Come :til and Ad iu a viutr ,ls. llliear Dickson * MiU, Ga., Dec. 2, 1878 Editor Blackshear News; Dear Sin My name has been sent to you by iome of my friends as a can 0 0 * dictate for Tax Receiver and Collector, l don’t think, under t ie circumstances, hat it would dj friends .... justice to 1 iny be in the way of others, that beyond a doubt n-ed the symphonies of tiie [»• o ple ;ts much so as my-svlf, and i will |t •*» « le duic t * linn* inv name used, as i am* ! iiut situau d tu a manner that I could attend t<* tin* of lice. You will withdraw inv w name and pub • li h tliih, amtobrge me. Respectfully, A .T. Dickson. Rev. .1. \V. Wehtuii* Pastor of the Methodist church this present year, preached his farewell sermon last Sun day, which was attended by many of the members and friends. Mr. Wes* ton, though a strangor to us w hen lie eainy here, has now many friends in ,|,j s community, *’ and has a hied many ’ members to the elittrcu ( which new over lie presided. Mr. Weston leaves many Iricuds behind who regiets his depart* hre. Hro. .J S. Nathans of the Seaport A’ pea! lias abandoned ns and gone over on the married ide of the qun tion by taking unto himself a conipan ion of the fair sex in bis city last week. We a*Hm« the authority of cougralu lating ° )kN. and w’ish him and lffs lair Indv^^ffiw'ht ihriHLy _ and happy future; and U..I iu mi nuvy be a.J.„ , u , ( j w m, til love and prus- According to some of our exchanges Uu»tv was lA.IHl Greenback votes cast at the last iloetiou in this static and o90 in Florida. Sec change iu the schedule of the Atlantic and Gulf Rail Load ibis week, which took affect on the 1st instant. One of our ftiemls mfo'ins us that * u> ^ ls,s a gourt-vino. on )iis place that has borne KM gourds this year, li there was any demand for gourds, we would advise him to plant mote hugely, bus as there is non© we will drop the gu bj t . t . t> We are in fa uwr of the koflett Beil l’uneh beeomi ■fa law. 9m we get a second? If so, “pull for the shore aud let us st'e w ho you ale. mm**** THOS. i. DALE _ \/ J - DRAI.Elt rx ^ SMI ■ FliiSli till!. iMaiiut'acuucr ot‘ TIN WARE SHEETIKON WARE. A FULL STOCK OF COOKING AND HEATING STOVES Ai greatly re hied price? ; also Woo ten and Willow Ware. Parties in want of a good cook stove should tmrclu-c the or “'CITHERS BARKK” the bes stove for the luouey now iu market. 1Congress street, opposite the M...rkt t, SAVANWAH. GA. l=STJ0ll P it INTI X ; NEATLY EXECUTED-ii this OFFICE KXOLES HOUSE. Meals 50c. Loih;ivgs50c. Hoard *2 00, per day; room in *lu 1 *d Mrs. D. E. KNOLE5, Proprietress, Blackshear, Georgia. W niters will take your baggage to ;m(l from the train. mar. 1:2, tf. B. I). BRANTLEY, —DEALER IN'— Dry Goods & Groceries, Hardware, Queensware BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, NOTIONS AND General assortment of Goods usually m ft kept m a first-class country store mar29tf. BLACKSHEAR, Ga. II. J. SMITH , Is selling Goods’at bottom prices, call and see him, it cost you nnthing to look through—Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods Notions, White Goods, Hosiery, Domestics, Pants Goods, Tickings, Georgia Goods in all the styles. THE DRUG and GROCERY DEPARTMENT is lull and varied. Call and see him (he needs money) and secure bargains. mav 3 3m. * \VM. AKMITAGE, —■(too Contractor, Builder &c Manufacturer of Flooring, Ceiling & Dressed Lumber. —— Shingles, Barrel Staves, Fence Pick¬ ets, Plastering Laths, Fruit and Veg¬ etable Box Stuff, Headings, Window and Door Frames, Brackets, Balusters and all kinds of work usually done in a PLANING MILL. Prices. lT.oonxo, per lOoO ft. 812 00. Ceilixo, per 1000 ft. 812 00. \V KATlIKIt liOAIMUNG, f Shingles in. wide dressed. first class, | 810 8 oo 2 50. seAid class, 8 2 00 . Baitei iiiM Snt^k, 8 4 oO. 8 7 00. . \ sr k a i n <; Hn t s, 8 1 50. stimates Building given ^plication, UL orders solicited. t’urther nation call on, or Address W^ARMITAGE, mav3lv Blackshear, Ga. Advertisements' Jf RULE si NISI. GECmilA, i County. S #t'ourt 1 f or Unary December term lS7s. John Watcrs. guardian < f the persmi properly of I homas J. Min hew Benja man J. Mindu \v, and Rachel Xiinchew, mi nor heirs of \hruham Minchcw, lute of said conuty, deceased, having having iully disclnr tied his mist, applies u* be disn i>sc.i from his guardianship as afore-aid. Ilieref. re, all per s. ns concerned arc hereby notitic.i and requir¬ ed to an; < ar at my ottt e m, on or bef.*re the tlrst Monday n January next, and slum cans . (if any they luv, j wuy the said applicant should nut be dismisson fiom Ids said ir.iar .i; nship, and rctv ve letter.- on the lir-t Monday in January officl l:7U. G.\ n under inv 1 signature, w4w. .....T LL A FED Ordinary J. S ! KICK P. LAND, C. m, inai/O ui m, Ei n". (icd lu* the uu.’er- rned at low rniecs iiom «« ib iac First at Ja.nt..iy, ooie ami u > an i > « u .lie X A (i R 15; ; !so E (Ud Cliiv kens. Aaron Dec. o. K'iS. ’ f jji.ivk'hea 1 il. LOCAL NofiCES U" ted iu tile Ni.WS I flic. • LOOK HEUE! Cheaper Than Ever AT A N. SMITH’S Cheap Cash Store, on South side of the R. R. Second door East of Depot' BLACKSHEAR, .. GA — :Q: The attention of the citizens of Tierce aud the public generally is iuvited to my extremely low prices. I buy my Goods direct from first hands in New York City, aud have consantly on hand a full and well selected stock of General Merchandise, oiisisting o of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing Boots and Shoes, Saddlery, Hardware, GROCERIES,T0BA 0 AND *» I am prepared to offer the same at such prices as will be beyond competi¬ tion ; they are all of the best quality, and when you visit town I would be glad to have you call in and examine my stock. By close attention to busi¬ ness, aud selling good Goods at low prices, I mean to merit the continuance of past patronage. Not by favor but by merit will maintain my reputation A. NASMITH. mar‘29 ty. PLANTERS’ HOTEL. SAYANNAII, GA. Comfortable Rooms and Fiist Ciass Table. RATES: $2.00 Per Day. TRIAL SOLICITED. A38 1 his ILjtel has recently undergaune thor ouglt repair, aud been Nrwlt Fukmshed aud made complete iu all its appointments. JOHN BRKaNAN, .Manager* M. L. Hailnett, Clerk. aug zo tf Professional Cards. G I. HOLTON, Attorney at Law, Baxley. Appling Co., Ga. Wil practice in the Brunswick Circuit, au i re s.iir county.of the Oconee Circuit. uiar.Sa ly (i. B. MABRY. A. J. C150VATT mm ,t CHOYITT, Attorneys at Law. Brunswick, Georgia. Practice regularly i t the counties of Glynn. Ware, Wayne.. Camden, Co flee, App!iu« aud Tieree of the Brunswick Circuit aud T-lfair of the Ocouee eireutt. y 4 ly. T M. HURT, Painter and Paper Hanger, Bi.ACKSHEA, - — Gl< GlA. Work warranted an 1 sutisfu tion truarran ced. (Jet '.S ly. Dr ALLEN BltOWN. Dentist, Blabksheak, Georgia. Is prepared to do all kind of DecUt work in (he most approved style to the art. Terms re !»ouable aud sHii-laction guanameed. apro ly