Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, December 05, 1878, Image 3

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BLACKSHEAR NEWS, Published every Thursday, -AT Blackshear, Georgia.. —BY— E. Z. BYRD, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. THURSDAY DEO 5 1878. Local Brevities. ^Entertainment. Thursday night.. Admission 25 cents. Come out and tuake it interest mg. Our merchants says hard times. Another new candidate a ided to our fist. A. J. Dickson has withdrawn from the field. Slight improvements going on in town. Why not the Legislature pass an act, taxing eveiy pistol §5,00 in the slate [of Georgia and let the money so appropriated be added to the educational funds? Some body is going to open an¬ other pop-sknli shop near the Kuoles House. Mr. J. T Colcord seems to be do¬ ing a good business at saw milling. We have a few individuals that while standing th'-y bring their right foot upon their left knee, and their left elbow resting on some cues shoulder, their head as blowzy as a brush pile, places their eyes upon some young lady and drops their under lip as though they never saw one of the fair sex. We have not received an order for tickets yet. A. N. Smith informs us that he is going to move to Thomasville. Will that brick kiln ever prove a succe?s? Maj. Geo. Robertson Jr., has ar¬ rived into our little town again af¬ ter a long absence. We Welcome his , return. We hear of some one else to be led up to the hymeneal altar before long. Perhaps some of our mill men will find a home market for iumber, by some of the recent land buyers. We direct attention to the advertise ment of j. W. Strickland in this issue Tliis old reliable house has been too long establised, aud too widely koown to need any commendation from us. Administrators sale took place last Tuesday according to previous an¬ nouncement. There were several lots disposed of and at low prices, one half cash and the balance on time—bond lor title. Next week we will issue a suppli ment, and send out to our regular sub¬ scribers: and will continue to do so at least once a month. Those desirin" » tiie worth Ol $1,00 in news paper re«d in<r will do well to subscribe lor the News. Those that subscribe now will receive the News from now until] the 1st of January 1S80, with the suppli jment for $1,00—making J3 months. STATE OF GEORGIA; Comptroller General’s Office, Atlanta, Ga., Nov. SO, 1875. To SheritR of Georgia : By resolution of the Gen ral Assembly, now in session, which has this day been approved by hi* Excellency the Governor, you are here¬ by notified aud directed to -u-pend all further solo cl \Yi! J 1 and* on fi fas. issued from this Office, uutil I rlher orders. Very respectfully, W. L. GOLDSMITH, Comptroller General. We took a trip cult on Mess. Pike, Johnson A Co’s tramroad last Tuesday on official business. They run to the old “Log Ilall Church,” but have begin to take up the traok, and will soon commence to run out in a western di¬ rection, leaving the church several miles to the right. ———I^ 4P—— ■ - ' " Turn out! We took au< evenings ride on the first of the week with our worthy townsman, and enterprising merchant, Mr. Allen N. Smith in his line turn out. Allen keeps up the old fashion of carrying a whip bud he has no use for it whatever, a check of the reins are sufficient for his horse. We saw on our ride around several corners that there are new improvements go¬ ing on that we had not noticed. Hope such will continue. r, L ome out . „ to the entertainment to . night (Thursday) and bring out your friends. Tilts _ is going to besomething _ ^ superior to anything gotten .. . ever up in Blackshear. Refreshments s will ha served by the ladies at fair prices - This entertainment is gotten np under the auspices of the Library Association and for a benevolent purpose, and we hope , that , none will fail to attend , on the occasion. Admission only 25 ets. BUY YOUR Poap at A. N. SMITH’S and save y»ur blu pig . His entire stock is for sale at cost for CASH. He anticipates moving to Thmnasville and will positively sell goods at just. It. Closing Out °wile. «f . W. iTRicklAnn, BLACKSHEAR,Mm. I would respectfully inform my c jmers • and friends that my FALL & WINTER STOCi?? will be closed out at great’y reduced prices: consisting of every thing usually kept in a first class Dry Goods and Grocery h J ise ; compris¬ ing Dry Goods, Notions, Cloibing, Hats, Boots & Shoes, Fancy Groceries Bacofi, Flour, Lard, Butter, Tobacco, Cigars, Hardware, Tinware, Glassware, Ciockery, Cutlery, Trunks, Valises, Garden seeds, Canned Mutts, Drugs & Medicines, Ac., , Ac. AT< Thankful to my friend* for y j* 1 eral share of P atro,ia £ c U)T ,uau !/ year;, premising to do all in my power to pleai in in the tue future inturt. 1 I solicit a couunuitiou of the same. Come and examine my stock before j ureLasiug. i tan suit you in prices and^Jualiiy of goods, aud y^u Will find at ruy paTp, everyttiiug neeued at home in bed room, diningroom, kite!. ec, Upon the farm ut in the *h-jp. My past sue cc*a ii my guarantee for the future, J. . Stiickland, Dec 4, Zm- i Black;hear, Ga. A. & G. KAIL HOAD, General S«»p-rint^r?dent's Office, ATLANTIC AND GULF HAIL ROAl>. Savannah, July 19, 187#. On aud after Sunday, Jrtly the IS, I’assenger Trams on this Road will run as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS. Leaves Savannah daily at 4:45 p m 'T.tfil..'” 1 ’ ** „ at Thoiua-vitie „ „ 0 :'*o u m ; i’Sr “ SVi,: , „ at Live uak „ „ *-:35 a in * ..*t at Tallahassee Jacksouvillc „ „ h:Ut| 8:00 u a tu iu „ „ „ tO Leave Tallahassee „ 0: p tu „ Jacksonville „ „ 0:40 p m „ Live Oak „ - „ Albany „ ; 4:45 P 111 KaiubuiJue „ - 4:40 p to „ »:U) „ Tbcmasville • - 8:5 p m Blackshear, • a in „ 7:45 am „ Jesup „ „ 10:1» tu Arrive at savannah „ ,• a No chaugu ot ear» detwuou Savannah and Jacksonville, aud cavnu til aud Albany. Sleeping ears run through to aud from Sa¬ vannah and Aibauy. Passengers from Savannah for Foruaudiua .Gainesville and Cedar Keys, take this train. Passengers leaving Macon at 7:45 a m ,daily) ‘except Sunday) Florida. connect at Jesup with this train for Passengers from Florida by this train con m et at Jasup with traiu arriving lu, Mucou at d:25 p m daily except Sunday. for Bruuswiek Posseuger* from Savannah ’and Darieu take Inis tain, arriving at Bruns wick 7:00 a m Passengers from Brunswick arrive at Savan NoV'h mg" 1 ef between Montgomery and Jacksonville. Pullman Palace .sleeping cm s run through to and from Savannah and Jacksonville; also through sleepers lrooi Atlanta, Ga., and Mon¬ tgomery, Ala., to lacksonvllle, Fla. CouncoL at Albany with Passenger trains both ways »<n southwestern Railroad to and from Macon, Eufuuln, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans etc. A mail steutuer leaves llaiobrldgo for Apalec hacola every Monday at V:ou a m. For Cotuiu bu*, every Wednesday at VhOO a m Close connection at Jacksonville daily, ex cept Sundays, for Green Cove springs, St. A 11 - gustinc, Fatal ka, Enterprise, and all landings ou St, John's River. R, leave lunctj Traius on B. and A R. go* ing west Monday, Wednesday and Faw 6/ at 11 :i4 a, in, jy fo For Brunswick Tuesday, Tbura' . Sat urduy ai 4.40 p, m, P™;. Thefsios. 1 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN —It ASfi* ^eave Savmuth, Sundays except# 11 0 |00 a m Arrive at Mcltosh „ ,, :45 a m „ ,, at Jesup ,1 ,, 12:10 m „ at Blackshear „ „ 8:05 p in „ at Du Pont 14 n 7:t 0 p in Leave Dui'ont »1 II 4 : ib a m „ Blackshear •1 ti 8:85 a a „ Jesup 11 11:80 a m „ McIntosh 3 ,, 1:47 p m Arrive at Bavatmek „ »• 4:80 p m WF.STER DIVISION. DAILY, SDNDVY EXCKl’TED. Leave DuPont at 5:40 a il „ Vuldoslaat 8:45 a m „ Quitman at 10:J6 a m Arrive at ThonnisviUc at l:'5pm Leave Thoinusvlie at 2:00 p m „ Camilla at 4:40 p iu Arrive at Albany at »': r .O p m Leave \Ib iny at 6: IU a m „ Camilla at 7:40 a m Thomasville at 10: >5 a m Leave Thomasville at 11:30 p m •• 3 uiimau at 1:35 p m 11 T aidosta at 8:10 p ni Arrive at DuPont at 5:45 p 111 J. 8. Tison, Master of Transportation. H 8 . Haines, novi»0-tf t ft ^jencral Superintendent S - - . & A. Railroad. airAN T <GE of SCHEIMJGK. ^Superintendent s Office, f I Brunswick & Alo.tny Rail Roml Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 7 1875 On and after Tuet-day Jan. the 1-1 i*75, pas sengir trains cn thin Hoad wi ! run a* follnws' Pa^seng'T Train ieivcs runtwiek Mondays Wrdnesdu)» aud Fridays at........ 7^K)a m Anives at Tebeauvillc A. A •*. R. K »C:5v4 a in Leaves Telwauville A & (». K R. at 1T:14 a n> Amvcai Alba*ty 7:00 p 111 RETURN IN (4. Leave Albany Tuesdays. Thursdays and Sat urduy* at . 8:'Ai a tu Arrive* at Tefie-.iuv ill-......... ...4-0 8 pm L< ‘ ave * Teboauville at..............4:20 p iu Arrive- ^ Brou&wick ................8r20 p m at Teb" tu rtie*wiih A . 1 pa**fu^ retrain Irnui fa attnah, «Dd with hut lew boars dejay ^!>»:-• t;v111^:, with A & <4. passenger traiu ’ "from Train Kmn-wick eonuect at rebeau vilfe with da. da*.?e.iger traiu *.|f the A AG. K. K, »biJi buive* Ti-beauvUie for Flondv at ....................1:85 p tu. (' L. StHMTTZK, General ^uneriu ten dent. CASH STORE, Opposite the Rail Road crossing WAYCROS», ga. COME A SEE B. SWEAT JJ e ^ constantly j'lour receiving anJ Bacon, Dry Corn, Good*, Groceries and Hardware, BooUf, Shoen, Hntn, eto., whichh‘3 is selling cheap tor Gash t) 26 3m or Daiw - TO THE FRONT! Ve Lovers of Pleasure. On Thursday Night, the 5th of December, an entertainment % * Will be jfivcu by the members of Library Association , Wch ’ will be worth attending, fhejr pec t to mAk( . jt MH ,> er j„ r to any thing of the kind evvr had before in Blackshear. AS THE PROCEEDS Arc for a Beuevolent purpose, a full house la desired, 21. Du. 13. II. PATTERSON. Surgeon Dentist, Baxley, Ga. Offers hU professional net-vice* to the citizen* of Appling and adjoining counties. Gold Killing" .... f to Amalgam Fillings 81,50 to *2,Ml. Qg"Extra charyi for treating nerves. Artificial teeth inserted at reasonable price*. Work warranted, aud satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. out 0 12m. OR. C.T. LATIMER, Practicing Physician, BlJkCKSHUAR J Georgia. Offer* his professional services to the people of of Pierce aua adjoining counties. A share ptarouage solicited. Charges rcwouRble, nov 7 12m. BRING THEM IN. Thut is your orders for cook stove*, and they will be tilled to your, complete satisfaction. Call dud *ee sample of the •‘Bouthcrn Baker,'* by far the beot cooking stove, more In use, no cnance to compete wiih it either in price or quality. For sale by D H. Burney, ucv 1“, tf. Blimkabenr, Ga. A. E. COCHRAN, Attorney at Law, Blackshear, - Georgia. Practice regularly lu the conntics cotnposlug the Brunswick CircuB, and in the District Savannah ana Circuit courts of the L rilled Slates at for the Southern District of Georgia, may? 15 For Sale. A Printing office hvs been placed in our of¬ fice The (at owners risk.) for salt; at low figures. outfit consist of A novelty •‘Excelsior” press, 5t x 7| In. inside of cha««, (work by foot or hand) A novelty job coses, 1 composiug stick i lb. of *cads, 3 feet bra-a rule, (ailb-rent assor tment and lengths) 4 feet wood rule, (cut up) i bras* dashes, k mett e da»hes, l cut “Bought of,” ditto «»lBce of,” ditto “Morter A pesscl,” ditto “187” ditto “M” ‘o lbs combination bor¬ der’ 14 small fonts job Type saiutble to do auv kin J of card, label, ticket*, hand bills, envel¬ opes, papor bag* or usiy thing of ihv like kind. Sold at low figures, in part or wuoie. Apply at once to E. Z. By d. Blackshean G&. W Pain^f if and to. Paper HURT, Hanger, BlaC. JllEA,-- GeOGIA. Work orai^mcd and satisfacliou guarn Oct 8 » f E 3 TJ 0 B KINTIXU NEi EXKGUT