Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, December 05, 1878, Image 4

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Doagla* Jorrold’* Wit Jerrold would perceive the germ of a retort before you bad well begu u to form your sentence, and would bring it forth in full bbwaom the inatant you had done Hpeakiog. He had a way of looking straight in the face of one to whom he dealt a repartee, and with an expression of eve that seemed to aak ap¬ preciation of the point of the thing he was going to aay, thus deriving it of he personality called upon or its ill-nature. object to enjoy It watt it as with if him, rather than resent its sharpn Tnere was a peculiar compression with a sudden curve or lift up of the lip tliat showed his own sense of the fun of the thing he was uttering, while his glance met his interlocutor’s with a firm un¬ flinching roguery, and an unfaltering drollery of tone, that bad none of the Sidelong furtive look and irritating tone of usual utterers of rosr© rough retorts. When an acquaintance came up to him and said, “Why, Jerrold, I hear you said my note was like the ace of dabs,” Jerrold returned, “No, I didn’t; but now I look at it, I see it is very like." The question of the actual tesemblance was far less present to his mind than the neatness of his own turn upon the complainant. Ho with a repartee which he repeated to ns himself as having been made on a particular oooasion, evidently relishing the comic multeity, aud with¬ out intending a spark of insolence. When the publisher of Bentley't 1 Minoel - lany Raid to Jerrold, “I had some doubts aliont the name I should give the magazine ; I thought at one time of call i a g it the “ Witt' Mitcellany." * - Well," was the rejoinder, “but you needn’t have gone to the other extremi¬ ty." Knowing Jerrold, we feel that, had the speaker been the most brilliant genius that ever lived, the retort would have been the same, the patnees having once entered hia brain. He wonld drop hia witticisms like strewed flowers as he went possessed on talking, countless lavishly, as one always who store; yet with that glance of enjoyment in them himself, aud of challenging your sym¬ pathetic relish for them in return, whioh acknowledges the truth of the Hhakspeariau axiom, “ A jest’s hears prosperi¬ it." ty lies in the ear of him who He illustrates his conversation, as it were, by these wit-blossoms cast by the ic, way. Jerrold Speaking said, of “ Oh, a savage, he’ll biting review crit¬ yes, the book os an east wind reviews an apple tree.’’ Of an aotress who thought inordinately well whitlow of herself, vanity;" he said, “She’s a perfect of and of a young writer who brought out Jerrold his first raw specimen like of authorship said, “ IJe is a man taking down his shop-shutters before he has any goods to sell."— Recollections oj Writers. A foroe of five thousand street sweep¬ ers Paris. is employed constantly in the city of A Hadden Death. There i* something friend* terrible in the thought of hsviug our striokea down at oar side, without a porting word of endearment or con¬ solation — one moment at our side in tho flush of vigorous life, cheering our hearts with their loving sympathy ; the next at onr feet, pale with death, deaf to our crie* and hoed lean of our tear*. Every exoeasively fat person is in instant danger of *ueh a death. Seven-tenths of the victims Allau’a of obesity die of heart disease or apoplexy. for obesity, reduces Anti the weight Fat, the hv only remedy aud asaiuilatum of the reguHtiug od. tile digestion ft It is perftctly harmless, ami its use will insi re in every instance, a reduction of weight from two to five ponuds a week.___ The season has arrived when everybody who ders. Thev ail need to be braced up for win I,r (),t 8btari,w.. Tb, i^r» p«k. Worthless. A gentleman ._-' afflicted with the V - chrome 7~ , rhen- . matism says: •* No description of my case can oonvey the vast amount ot benefit t have re oeived from the use of Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment. I believe it is the best article in the world for rhe umatism. "_ ’ A neglected <x>ugh. «x,ld throat or sore which might be checked by a simple remed like “'Bfosto’i Bronchial Trochee," if allowed to progress, may terminate seriously, 25 cts. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—Karat ere, Pom I oalii partying eaeh ttoule) and externallv for _____ Chrome Rheum * 1 1 —, Head ache, Tootheohe, Sere Throat, Cota, Bums, hwwlhdg*. Bruisea, Mo»au>to VENKTIAN Bite*. (Jld liena.l’si#* UNtMENl in Limb*. Hack aadOheat. The wa* tutroduoed in 1847, and W> on* who ha* nsad tt bat oonUane* to d* so. many statute tf it waa Ten Dollars a Route they would wet he without It. Thoo*ands of Oerttttoate* ean be at the Depot. Sold by ■ peaking Drnggiau ef ite wonderful curative pro petite* the at 40 eta. Depot 42 Murray 8 l, New York. It hri V \ b-ro wldp|« Bdvcrii*#* »*Ser l hr imp! Ilf “Arnctta Ahead in Spool Cotton." «**»’« ry t oil mi teatlle*. r»r*» and • tT Ibr Karls KbiHMiltM. decreed a «>ulil tlrd .1 nml ttrnud Pfiae to me W1111 niMBlIr l.ilirn t lOtiMtliT for “SPMI (•U»« D-orrUlly mth. L ird for war on Hewing .»fn rblara,” over ik« a rent thread menu fee iHtra of the woVd, »e owe tl a* n duly to the imbllc end 'limmrm. J. dr P. Cent* to untltrr that , No Grand Prizes w ce decreed at Paris for Spool Cotton We ere advhed by cable of tbe following awards i J. & P. COATS, GOLD MEDAL Villimaiitic Linen Co., Silver Medal. __.__... . . _____ - Fr , M that, oath., have ratabll.bedl.Ki .de i»iaa*i the largwt np#«i Oettoa mil e m the I’tlitdHtatet, where tbelr Spool Cotton le manufactured throaxh every y eeen free* tbe raw eettea te tbe flnlaheP spool, AMERICA, me represented by Meef, *. J. Sc r. COATS, le atlll AHEAD IN HPOUL COTTON. ft' \ Bole Agenti In a York for jf. A F. C OATS. THE SMITHIRGIH CO. Flrgt Kttablf!7j,,idI Mont Successful! TnF.IR INkxnUMUXTB huvea standard value iu all the 1 * LEADINC MARKETS OF ’HE WORLD! IN Everywhere TONE. JSKJfcniied P ns the FINEST OVE 80,000 Made and In nan. New Design* constantly. Best work and lowest price*. «»- Bend for a Catalogue. fanout St, app. WiUkn SI., Mm, b WASHES BBO'S COSSETS r#r*lv«M| the HlfChrwt Altho rrrru t PAttlS EXPOSITION, ever *11 Aui-<it-au roiiipstllurs. Thplr KI.KXIIU.K HIP OORflET (120 Umiee) fit* with perfeet rue, and I, wab bamtib not to brook down ov-r the lit p« Thvlr HKAI.TH CORSET with It* Im¬ proved Boat, I* DOW * xroatrrfavorite than ever. Their N UtUUNU U0K8KT le the delight of every mother. For •* le by all leading merchant*. WARNER BROS., S&l Broadway, N.T. mil wonwt m v* 0 i A poeitiv.v retnedv Dr I)ropey er<l nil <i’-.nv t of ;he Kldnryv. SJlju.rlor a:«l i! r'.ntvry Or¬ gana. preptn'd Unnt'ii ti'roi.-ly ICeravtly f fio tibov* i-> purely d^ca.m. vegetable 1; and ha* «- .r cured l!u»u»smlv. iiterr fiutt.e warranted, tend to V.'. E. Clarke, t mvirlcn.f, K I., 1 >.- ,,lu*tnitr.l pamphlet. If your tlriK£>*t iloti't have It, he will order it t«r you. a »v iwa e n t e . wau i wi iTl CURED FREE! ■ i 1 1 1 An infallible and unexcelled remedy for Kite. Kpllepny orCtFalllnx Mrknr** n warranted to ^jSrfeir-o.™ effect a speedy and PER ito reuowneApeciflcUsnd a vai * _^k B *uff«rer uab leurreVtisvbsent sending to any his me ■ ■ ww Post-offloe and Express __ Db li. G. ROOT, _ _ address. 1 83 Pearl Street, New York. TO PHYSICIANS AND MOTHKRS. Bttt Food for Infante and Invalid*. ■ •* Tb. hot artificial food I kav* *v»t known.” H I". M i M />. Xnr “ More beneficial than any other lin'd I hav# ever need.’’ A. -Ve» Tori. MS' n~S»r* I>ruwr K** aud Mauufaimwd br*THE CEREALS M’F*G 0O„ is COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. _ I ■ AGENTS WANTED FOR THE I HISTORY"?™*WORLD »au _ * 1 ItoonUtm672 fin* historical ! engraving* and i860 for specimen peg** end extra term* to Agents. Addrees, NATTONAL PUBLISHING CO . * [ Philade lphia, P*. ______ _ ■■■ _ A „ a yvr U|q|| |g flPlIImn ■■ ClI LM IIIIIIU, KAflinfl DUI Hilly VI Minenl Quarrying ToSa. Sc&rSSft P^RbS’w Pbiksdeipbi*, Kl"&5£ v atob oo,, 4M06 Kba Avw. Pe—. WAHTED£®-£S=S LMUe‘(^IMren!’’ CShSffiRJK "Y|TANTED—Ten V Gardener, and Enterprising Blacksmith. You** Steady Farmer*, eork^good a v a J wage*.pleasant H H Kl.LIS. bom*. tirwmut Chance V t ' for save part.cgian mon-v Writ* . a . t 0 VKW anti Beautiful-Photograph Pkmby.Nmjiu.N. Canto with Name SaxupIo* So. picture to S. Y FRANK LESLIE’S SUNDAY MAGAZINE. CONDUCTED BY CHARLES FORCE DfcEMS, D. D., Pu at or of the 4,'burch of the Hiranxera. Tbe Sunday Magazine aims banday, to supply for pare and day bmm ltby reading, not only lor out every of tbe week. It contain* more readme matter, and ia more prof aeely illustrated, then eny other iimdar peri¬ odical published ia Europe or America; and no effort or expense eill be spared by the Editor and Publisher to render it worthy of the oordial apprv. mtion and gen¬ et out support which it bat received. The Number for January, which will be iaeued early in December, commence* the Filth Semi-Annual Volume of the Sunday Magazine This presents a favorable opportunity ’or the comm-nre*- ert of new Subscriptions; and tbe Publisher especially Subscriptions names that former Subscribers wiJl renew their promptly, so that he may be enabled to have the names duly registered. TEIIMH : Tbrrc Dollars per Annum, or Twenty-five Cents per Minnie Number. t fJldSiZ?" b .„ n TV iJKWft ArKHSR! 1 " ‘" k " FrariLeslie^ f Publishing House, 63, 66 and 67 Park Place, NEW YORK. BOSTON TUKCHPT Daily', and! Weekly, Quarto, BOSTON, Sait. I w ^C“” ript ' la° (■;> Pr,r “•• am address,) » » 8.750 pet capina to om annum in advnnos. BEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. RfSLNW.N STOVE POLISH For BenutY of Polish. Savin* Labor, Clean t ill XtYj I F v y 1 ▼ 1 SI f / A A pm Cures Dysueusia* Indigestion, Sick Headache STANLEY IN AFRICA PKOPLK’N EDITION. Stanley’s own story in one *uperb volume of over 600 Pagkb, 60 hTlLL-PAO* Engbavinob — Pbice only 82-AU. No monopoly; no gilt-edged, high-toned Motto. prioeR. Popular Book* at Popular Price*, i* our AGENTS ^ on '* ,or CIr ^ j*j r8 Oolcmbian Book Oo., Hartford, Oonn.; Ohioago, Ill. Cheapest Toy Lantern to Best Stereopticon ^ MAGIC-^IfEN 60 V IEWS^ S ® ^ O. Catalogue Fkkk! Outfits HARBACH, Wanted! Great Needham 1 f THEO. J. Musical Marvel. 809 Filbert St., Philada., Pa. THE Al-LENS GREAT !» BALSAM A«' bmii, Broneliltl*, and all FOR Throat and Lane Aflcrlion*. ludoraed bv tltc Prc»>* and Physician*. Taken by thou CURING J | HTSOLD n KVRRYWHKRK. wvuwv wh vnn _*1 a* J a KIDDER S PASTILLESab fflSSZASTHM. )y mail. Stowell&Co. Charlestown, Maas. YOUNG I MEN whilelearning. I^SnVoJfi Situation far month. AddreesR.'Valentine.Manager,JaneeviUe,win Small salary niahwd. EflFedmth CARPENTER’S our 8 A New W Ylttchine will cut smooth and true. Price J2 50. Il¬ lustrated circular free. E. Roth A Bro.,New Oxford,Pa. invested in Wall St. Stock* maker fortune* every month. Book ssot Address BAXTER AOO^t^k^rPwaifst.. N.Y OCfiOrT*0** ULUnC I WAIini liberal. for Secret Addrea*. Detective with Service. i P»v atatnp, y yyy |n*V I S Mu.* E.Secret Service Co.,Cincinnati.O. n^msastsss: Something NeW fOr AgentS Women Men and - 78S - - T - ATjTj . .. can do e<. and evil at that prtev. Scud fil M for Ctrcw lata. *r. F. Lathrop SatHk. Surveyor, Salt Lake, Utah Tj. npiim and* to Habit write. cured. Sc Dr.F Mklx Lowest E Merah.Quincy.btich. Dl**s*v*. Price# Doiaotfsi Xtoa - Biows’s BxoxcrnaL txoosxa. for cough* acd 00.41 E, f"*“ 1 CLARK’S CLARK’S Jo, > *1 m__ Tfcc 41 sKl-co KD SPOOL COTTON. llVt for Seine HTItONO, ELASTIC. u4 nr UNIFORM STRENGTH. It has been awarded MEDALS at tbe cretu Expaatiloao, from the drat at Parle, la llMi te tbe Cee teaelal at Philadelphia, la 1ST6. Xe eeaatrv CLARK’S O. N.T.hpoOL COTTON Is widely known In ail sections tor it* -li¬ velier Excellence In Machine and Hand Hew. lex. Their Mills at Newark, N. J., and Pale, ley, Aeetlaed, are tbe larxeet mad most cent. plate la the world. Tbe entire process nt manufacture Is conducted under tbe wins! oemplete and caretnl supervision, and ibey alalm for tbolr Amerlcaa production at least an equal merit te that produced in tbeir Paisley Mills. As Grand Frizes were awarded at Paris for Spool Cotton. they are Glad te aBaeunce te tbe American Fablle that they have beea awarded a GOLD MEDAL, betas the ht«beet award «tvea ter Mix-Card Hpoel Cettea. George i Clark & Brother,. Sole Agents, Ho. 4 00 Bro adway, N ew Y ork. For Singing Cl&Sses. ONWARD I"•ajSSTiTt’fi of JOHNSON’S MeM lbr Sinai Classes, (60 ota, or 86.00 per doeen) for Sincina School*, baa retn-rkably olear mstruetiona, end a lame quantity of pleaalns Sacred end Sac alar Muaio for practico. TBE LADKEL WEEATH (Ml, or SOperdoa) (/l By W. O. Pxxkine, i, . ,r.nd book for .i i.i fa Biota 1, Kotiool,. Normal School* and Semmarioa. Part Elemen¬ tary. Part II. Voice Cultivation. IV, Part Sacred IU, Music. Seleot Music In 8. S and 4 parte. Part GRAMMAR SCHOOL CHOI, SAW 8. TrLDEN, t* an exoeedinsly well-constructed book lor the Singins Classes in Grammar HoiiooK of High (the higher olasse*), and for the younger claase* School*. > THE WHIPPOORWILL, ool{eotk>n SVKSStY. genial and very bright ot School Song*. Any Book mailed post-free, for retail price. OLIVES. DITSOIT & CO., Boston. C. H. DITSON Sc CO., 843 Broadway, New York. 082 (IkMtnet Mt.. Pblla. IYNU 46 Established 1833 . M 3 HOHANTTS Gargling Oil Liniment \ el.m V. rv»ppcvfc.r Aimua! and White for Human Flesh IS GOOD rox Eurns and Scalds, Sprains and Bruises, Chilblains, Frost lines,Siringhalt, Windfalls, Scratches or Gtcase, Foot Rot in Sheep, Chapped Flesh Hands, Foundered Feet, External Wounds, Poisons, Roup in Poultry, ind Cracked Heels, S Cracks, Epizootic, G.t’ls ot all kinds, Lame Back, Sitfast, Ringbone, Hemorrhoids or Piles, Poll Evil, Toothache, g Swellings, Garget Cows, Tumors, Spavins, Rheumatism. S in .eeney, B Cracked Teats, Listiil", atange, lit Callous, Lameness, Caked Breasts, ■ I Horn Distemper, Sore Ninnies. S ( nscab, Quittor, Curb, Old Sores, ■ * iccrs, harev. Udder, Corns, Whitlows, Abcess of the Cramps, Boils, Swelled Legs, Weakness of the Joints Thrush, Contraction of Muscles. Merchant** Gararllng Oil is the standard Liniment of the United States. Large size, ^t; medium. 50c; small, 25c. Small size fer i amity use. 25c. Manufactured at Lockport, N, Y .. by Merchant’s Gargling Oil Company. JOHN HODGE, Sec*y. _ P V b i m its THU BEST. I^M>cU l RetiTlen, ”pphed bV??y Whofo^NoG^