Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, December 12, 1878, Image 2

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BLACKSHEAR NEWS, I > ubli*h«d every Thuraday, —AT— Blackshear, Georgia. —BY E. Z. BYRD, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. THURSDAY DEC. 12, 1878. ANNOUNCEMENTS, We take the liberty to announce the natue or A. M. Moore as a candidate for re-election to the offlac of clerk at the ensuing January elec¬ tion, and solicits a libeiul support in his elec¬ tion. oct V, 1878. Many Votehsj We take this method of annunclng the name of E. Z. Byrd as,a candidate for re-clotion to the office of Sheriff at the ensuing January elec lion, and solicits u liberal support In his alec ion. oct 0, ib“H. Citizens. The undesigned respectfully announces him¬ self a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax Ucvelvor and Collector of Pierce county, and solicits the support of his fellow citizens at the ensuing Jan. election. September 25, 't>. J. M. PCKDOM. The undesigned rcspeeilfully lnlorms candidate the vo¬ ters of Pierce County, that he Is a for the office of Tax Receiver and Collector at the eusuing Juiiuai y election, and t amest ly solicits the support of many voters. Sep*. 25, ’78 B|aeksheur, (la. J. J. Smith. I rn4puclilutly aunouoce my selfas a candi¬ date for the office of Tax Receiver and Collec¬ tor for lhe county of Pierce at the ensuing Jan¬ uary election and solicits the support of my fellow citizens- Oct. 23, 1878. ,us. McVkioh The undersigned respectfully iulorms the voters of Pin cm that he Is a v*ad<dafe at the ensuing electihn for clerk of the "Court and so¬ licits a support 4u hi* election. Nov 2, l»7S. Joski-h A. IlAKrkn. * , r The undersigned respectfully lufortna the voters of Pierce "hat be Is a candidate for comi¬ ty Treasurer at tLc ensuing election aud re citizens, speci fully •ollclU the support of Ids iellovf Nov 2, 1818. B. 1). Bkanti.y. We respectlully submit the name of A. L. Dauvcrgmi to the voters of Pierce as a candi¬ date for thl office of County Treasurer at the euaulng f«Betr#tbiens. om-tlon aud solicits the support Nov. 7th 187* » Many Fuiicnds. We, the citizens of Pierce respectfully an' tiouuco the name of Lewis Thomas, Sr., as a candidate for Comity Surveyor at the election. ensuing election, and solicits a support in his Citizens, 1 respectfully inform the voters of Pierce that I am a candidate for Tux Receiver and Col lector at ihe ensuing election and solicits a liberal support. Alfred Davis. election and respectfully solicits a support my fellow cltiKuna. J. Rob. Tuten. LOCAL NEWS. We direct attention to the advertise¬ ment of Mess. Dickson & Byrd , in to¬ day s paper. Tliis Ann has been estab lished only a few years , and lifts won for itself a widespread reputation * and wo predict for it a prosperous future. The entertainment given at Strick¬ land's Hall last Thursday evening by the library Association w*r quite a success. Owing to the limited time the affair was gotten up- mh k, ©ould have not been beat any where, and reflects much credit upon the members ot the association who so*gracetully acted the parts consigned to them for the occa¬ sion. The net proceeds at the door was $18,40 and the refreshments were as much or more, after paying expenses. Mr. G. B. Wilson oi Waycross was* iu our town on the first of this week offering for sale recipes for making- a solution, called "scouring fluid," by which the floor of a large house cau be cleansed with but little labor and leas expense than ihe old method ot iug. It will abstract grease, inker stains out of wood, leather or ' withoat injury to :h« trtide. Col. M. L. Mftraoon wms ia- town • last Tuesday on his way to Savannah. ; THE EXCEL T° R NEWS. The Excelsior news i A published every Fri¬ day at Excelsior, Bulloob County, Ga., in the interest of ibe “Piney woods,” by Rev. W. L. Geliier. The paper U filled with good religions, educational, temperance and general new* ar¬ ticles, prepared expressly for Its columns. In additou to ila usual Interesting original matter, the publicatiMii of a valuable Serial Prize Story, Dnrwoori Belmont r r' Or the Influence of Religion BY MARIE DUVAL, a pious and gifud! young ludv of the **Pmey Woods," will be commenced in its columns on Friday, January the >d 187V. This story will run through several months, after which other serial stories of interest will follow. Every family Excelsior in the “Pluey Woods,” should read the News. Now is the time to subscribe in order to com rnence with new year. Terms to subscribers 11,00 per nuntirti; to Ministers, 50 cents. Address W. L. (Jeiubk, Editor aud Proprietor, Co.j./. iji. Red Branch, Bulloch Closing Out Sq$. /' ' 4. W. WTiticM^oru, JltACRSlIKAli I A. I would respectfully inform customers, and friends that my i FALL to WINTER UT0CK, will be closed , out at greatly reduced prices; consisting of every thing usually kept In a first ,h “ U ' y O#0 * “* 0roc,, > i com P r,s - lug Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots A Shoes, Funcy Groceries Bacon, Flour, i Urd,^. .., . , Butder, Tobacco, Cigars, Hardware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, Cutlery, Trunks, Valises, Garden seeds, Cauucd Fruits, Drugs A Medicines, Ac., &a., Ac., Ac. Thankful to friends for a liberal share of patronttgO for many years, aud (ffemislug to examine my stock before purchasing. I can suit you In prices aud quality of goods, and you will find at my stora everything needed at homo in bed room, parlor, dlniugrootn, kitch J eu, upon the farm or iu the shop. My paet suc¬ cess is my guarautce for the future, J. W. 3tirickhia4, Dec 4, Eiu- Blackshear, Ga. GOOD GOODS AT low Prices, AT Dickson A Bran’s DICKSON’S MILL, Pierce Co, Ga. The attention of the public Is invited to our extremely low prices. Our stock will be fdtind complete ami consists of Dry Good*, Notiors, Clothing, Rats, Boots dfr Shoes, Paucy Groceries, Bacon A Floor, Tobacco A Cigars, Herdware aDd Tinware, Glassware,- Crockery,' CtilJery, Furniture, Sutiocery, - Perfumery, l>fu « 8 aod Medicines, ^ moWo {(| .. Sma! , proflt< Knd qu!ck 8alea ., Thanks for past fovor* and by fair dealing we hope to merit a continuance oftLe same. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods at lair prices Call aud cx.<uuuc our stock and be convinced Doc ltHf A. & G. RAIL ROAD, General Superintendent’s Of flea, ATLANTIC A Nil GULF RAIL ROAD, Savannah, Nov. 30, 1878. On and after Sunday, Nov. the 80, Passenger Trams on will run as follows: iPadj EXPRESS. Leaves Savar S*i ly at 4:45 p m Arrival Je^mp’^ daily at 7:15 p m at Blackshear, 9:0^ p m „ TkonuuvUle 6:50 in at „ „ a „ Bainbridge 9:45 „ at „ at a m at Albany „ r 10:15 am „ Oak 2*5 „ at Live „ F ^ a m at Tallahassee „ r 8:1X> a m „ Jaoksouville 8:00 m at „ „ a „ 6:30 Leave Tallahassee „ p in Jacksonville „ „ 6:50 p m „ 1*80 M Live Oak s „ • a m „ Albany - 4:45 p m „ Baiubaidgc = „ 4:30 pm „ IVmasville „ 8:i0pm ,, k»ack»bear, b:5< a tn ' „ Aesup „ „ 7:45 a in Arrivy- at savauuah „ ,. 10:15 a m Ntfchafigeof ears detwoon Savannah and Jat-Usouviliu, and Savnuali and Albany. S/leyping cars run through to and from Sa¬ vannah and Albany. Passengers from Savannah for Fcrnandiua and Cedar Keys, takej-bis train. Passengers leavi/'.fMaeon ™eet at Jer^> 7jL# a m (daily) except dnuday) cl at with this t™ 1 11 for Farida. V* Florida by 'tfeda * train Passengers , from train arriving in Macon con¬ nect at Jesup with at 6:2 5 p nr daily except Sunday. for Brunswick Passengers from Savauuah and Darien take this tain, arriving at Bruns¬ wick 7:00 a m Pasitn ft* fl" from Brunswick arrive at Savan hah 10: IS No ebu of cars betweeu Montgomery and Jacksonville. Pullman Palace sleeping cars run through to and from Savannah aud Jacksonville; also through sleepers lroiu Atlanta, Ga., aud Mon¬ tgomery, Ala., to Jacksonville, Fla. Couueet at Albany with Passenger trains both ways on southwestern Railrdad to and from Macon, Eufaula, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans etc. A mail steamer leaves Balnbrldge for Apalac baoola every Monday at 9:00 tv m. For Uolum b cio« Xnue«^7.“ck"olivme tetth ex cept Sundays, for Green CovB springs, landings St. Au¬ gustine, PalAtka, Enterprise; and all on 8t, John’s River. junctitth Traius on B. and A R. R, leave go¬ ing west Monday, Wednesdayaand. ^ w day at 11:14 a, m, * 111 Fot BnmsWick Tuesda, 4* id Sat urday at 4:10 p; m, ( T > x kj»m: j| - ACCOMMODATION TRAIN — mi SION. Leave Savnuah, 8undays exc-,-^ . a b Arrive at Mcltosh „ n a tn ii at Jesup it m „ at Blaekshear „ 8 :' m „ atDuPotlt 11 .1 7:<’i m Leave Du Pout „ •» 4:J5 \m „ Blackshear 11 8:35 a cc „ Jesup 11 11 11:30 it m „ McIntosh „ >» 1:47 p in Arrive at Savauneh „ „ 4:30 p m WESTER DIVISlUN. DAILT, SUNDVY EXOBI’TED. Leave Du Pout at 5:40 a m Vuldosta at 8:45 a m „ Quitman at 10:J5 a w Arrive at Thomasvllle at 1:>5 p m Leave Thomasviie ait 2:00 p in „ Camilla at 4:40 p in Arrive at Albany at 6:00 p m Leave Albany at 5:10 a m ,, Camilla at 7:40 a tn Arriveat Thomasville at 10:''5 a m Leave Thomasville at 11:20 p m „ Quitman at 1:35 p m „ Valdosta at 8:10 p m Arrive at DuPont at 5:45 p in J. S. Tison, Master of Transportation. H. S. Haines, novSO-tf General Superintendent. B. & A. Railroad. CtTA'NGE of SCHEDULE. Superintendent s Office, ) Bruns wide’tfc Albany Rail Road) Bninswick, Ga., Dec. 7 1875 On and after Tuesday Jan. the 1-1 iKJ5, pas seeger trains on this Hoad will run as follnws* WVdnejBa&ys Ptt-scnger Train leaves runswick M endays Arrives T’ebeauville and Fridays at........ 7.-00 a m at A. A G. R. R. 10:59 am Leaves Tebeauville A & G. K. R. at 11:14 a m Arrive at Albauy RETURNING 7:00 p m Leave Albany Tuesdays. Thursdays and.Sat urdays at r 809 a m Arrives at Tebeauville.... ...... ...4:08 pm ^h'es It Snlwfck 1 .‘.‘.'“.Vf.'*; *.*.'.8r20 p m at Tel^eauvlle wiitcA. ^G.^^ie^" r*trSS leW ho,irs de W for Florida. «,'E^®Sj'^2S^ R. R., whiih leave* Tebeauville k ^S?u21'*?! for Florid* at .l:35 p m. ................... t Charles L. Schuavter, General Superintendent. CASH STORE rsfc y Opposite the Rail Roadjroasi^ ^ WATCR098, GA. COME & SEE B. S^fEAT He is constantly receiving Dry Corn, Flour and Bacon, floods, Groceries and Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Hats, eta, whicbhe is selling cheap for Cash or Barter. 9 26 3m THOS. J~)ALEY DEALER IN • Manufacturer of TIN WARE, SHEETIRON WARE. A FULL STOCK OF COOKING AND HEATING STOVES At greatly reduced prices ; also Wooden and Willow Ware. Parties in want of a good cook stove should purchase the “TIMES" or “SOUTHERN BARER" the best stove for the money now in market. > 177 Congress street, opposite the Market, SAVANNAH, GA. Dk. 13. H. PATTERSON. ilaaaac* Surgeon Dentist i Ga. * Baxley, Offers' his professional services to the citizens of Appling aud adjoining counties. Gold Fillings .... 12,50 to $',00. Amalgam Fillings $1,50 to $2,50. mg'Extra charge for treating nervet.££ Artificial teeth inserted at reasonable prices. Work warranted, and satisfaction guaranteed 12m. in all cases. oct 9 DRJ.T.LATIMER,,. . . Practicing Physician, Bi.Acksukar > Georgia. Offers his professional services to the people of of Pierce and a^oiuing counties. A share ptaronage solicited. Charges reasonable, nov 7 13iti. BRING THEM IN.» That is your orders for cook stoves, and they will be filled to your, complete satisfaction. Cali find see, bc^, G^tp.ple of the -‘Southern Baker,” chance by far the lo pompe^e gookjhg iyith stove, it either more In price use, do tn or quality. For sale by D H. Burney, uov IS, tf. Blackshear, Ga. A. E. COCHRAN. 1 Attorney at Law,' . Blackshear, Georgia o Practice reguhrly in the counties composing the Brunswick Circuit, 4nd in the District and Circuit courts of the United States at 8avannah for the Soutbeit District of Georgia, may? 16 For Sale. A Printing ofice has been placed In our of¬ fice (at owners risk.) for sale at low figures. The outfit con ist of A novelty “Excelsior” press, 54 x 74 in inside of chase, (work by foot (Or hand) 3 uovel;y job cases, 1 composing stick 1 lb. of.leads, 3 feet brass rule, (different assor tment aud lengths) 4 feet wood rule, (cut up) 2 brass dashes, 9 mettle dashes, l cut “Bought of," dittoOffice of,” ditto “Morter A pessel,” ditto “187” ditto “M” o Lbs combination bor¬ der’ 14 small fotts job Type snitable to do any kind of card, label, tickets, hand bills, envel-. opes, Sold papa* low bags or any thing dr of the like kind. Apply at figures, in part whole. at onee to E. Z. Btro. i Blackshear, Ga. T M. HURT, Painter and Paper Hanger, Blackbhea,-- Geogla. Work warranted and satisfaction guarran eed. Oct 18 ly. Da. ALLEN BBOWN. Dentist, iiLABK. SHEAR,. G so no LA. Is prepared tc do all kind of Dental work in - the most approved style to the art. Terms re-, so nabie and satisfaction guarran teed. apr5 ly