Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, December 12, 1878, Image 3

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RT leoinpenied will be pnbtUta^Ma by the Tm ft !.t...c«r»>n»o< ho writer. These * po B B^Hter09t:!iems, Bir eoicra m< n;' Mate how much Kuiont'us Huuritud tor what time. Any tliitur arc payable id^ulva.o i:t advatue; Hie payabk (itarierty e. 1 mo, 2 mo. 3 mo. «» mo. 12 mo Bare *2 00 $3 00 ft 00 An 00 f 12 01 marc 1 00 f> 00 8 00 It 00 iiffcO |5f«0 „ 5 00 8 00 11 00 13 00 ua 8 00 10 co ia 00 is t*y wf 00 TCdUi^ l 10 00 15 00 IS 00 25 0 35 i 0 column 18 00 28 00 35 00 45 00 70 00 Local Brevities y New candidates, r \ Election 1st Wednesday (Watch as well as pray. )Bar just opened over the wav. Any body drink for ten cents. Read our new advertisements. On with your subscriptions and get the News 13 months. Now is the time to subscribe for Excelsior News. See ad. We have just furnished our office wifft ^. stove. Now we’ll warm and work wlhen we please. SomA body says we w-re drunk last we< fk aud printed our paper up side dovlrn. It was not so for we’re not able; to buy it. 1879 icomts in on Wednesday and goc4 out on Wednesday. The Excelsior News is a neat lit¬ tle paper and comes to us full of interesting matter every week. The merchants have their winter goods up, why uot advertise? Some *\four exchanges have com rnenced in behalf of their towns of having the P. G. in G. Wont do brothren. We hear of some more of our friends going to ThomasviHe. How is that ? Our “devil” has quit us and tak¬ en a berth in the Bar Room. Rev. H. P. Myers left on Tuesday last to attend conference. Mr. N. J. Allen made four bales of cotton this year on four acres of land. ) To day (Thursday) ’*» what yon might call a day of “tree delivery.” Syruji is selling iu town at 25 els per gallon. The Rail Road warehouse is re ceiving a new' coat of paint which adds much to its appearance. Aikni Brown is a candidate for Count v Treasurer [Communicated.] Mr.Editor;- • Havingfinished the survey south tliB Sjdtillii ^ T }i4Y6 concliidfdl to writo you a letter of my adventures, and oth * subjects that might . interest . er your nu tnerous readei-s. vnn lnovioiidv * * » - uotified me to beware of the blue bear, the , fet-t , , assured , . on way, you may in finning the county lii;es I was on the nkrt nil the time, and particularly*,, after having heard there were three black ones killed in the cow house re centiy (which lisd been doing much depndation on the swine) by that keen hunter. D Dowling; a little anecdote pertaining to the largest is worthy cf Yfheu the dogs treed the largest one the hunters all rushvd up with guns at “carry anus, when D cri out “let usa.i fire at ence." to whidi proposition thev all cousented. Now 1 r * when I three . says he, sav one, two, bl ., zcawav The worda were said one, two, when Ds gun went oft* ami down c.une old biuio. You may imagine their raovtiSoation when they ® dow 11 ;heir elevated pieces. Another little joke on myself. Wifi* tracing the line on the v heard , , nu uimmal , in.- • T*ii l told George ,. ** Crawford, who b'aziog U> hold there, not knowing whence the noise proceeded, wht n a dock of wild geese went over head. You may feel satis¬ fied 1 was anxious to exchange my Jacob Staff for a fowling piece, that I might give those piping ganders a sa¬ lute as they proceeded on their south ernly coarse. On the east line we passed over an Indian mound, and tomv left I perceiv ed one which would cover a quarter of mi acre of giottud, aboAsix feet lrtii, probably they were burred there dt^ng the seniiiiole war. I was not in it but like to have been. I made inquiry a bout digging tor treasure, having heard that the tomahawk ahd all valuables are buried with their Chiefs; my in¬ formant told me some had dug but found nothing but teeth and bones. I wonder while digging fancy did not paint some Indian Chief before them, crying, “go away pale faces , le f our bones repose in peace until the great spirit calls us hence." In crossing a jungle C cried out, look here! uncover ing a very large coon which had been killed the previous night; a tiger kill¬ ed it, said he, I could not agree with him as the track was* rer than a jjonimon sized dog. # i | There several an that claim are & earclf 8 Wayne county wh<lotta#iving west of the county line—u*i®£fvvhat act of the Legislature they^ase this claim, I know not. I have resurveyed the lines pointed out to me by the acts of 1874. Ail the places aro iud the Okefenoke where I have traveled are excellent tor hogs—many large ones I saw. The laud is loamy and produces well; I saw some large potatoes made on natural land. Before \ close this epistle allow me to speak alew words m regard Jo the kindness of the people ol Pieu-. I **y it in candor they cannot be. surpassed for hospitality, one gentlemal in par¬ ticular when I asked him the charge for our entertainment, he looked at me with a smile on his countenance saying. “I charge you. it you [kiss this way a to stay wi h in • another Mr. editor, I heaid several say they tvim going to subscribe for yon, papr, and as there is a mail route recently es llA blisliea b-jtweeu Wavcross and Tin * ders 1 Hill, they , can t vheir wph tT> * paper git.uei lainuy. I found two errors in running the line where it said u.oi»g the llail-ioud . to , me i x' r. F coinei Ot t lot . nuinbei linni i lUo, m - w . r j t ghoold be 104 as the former corner is , lait a |niie irom the 1;ai |.. oa ,,. th(J other m - road the Big 1Iu „ ica ne, theIiee , lown u> the p , V8ent , ine of |. iert ,. Ihc wordg ghorid thence u ltt , Feart „, of iiliDg vwr nlany readt .„ | wi| , cl( ,„. ,, hoat them a de seHplio., ot theeow house. Jas. McVeigh. D puty County Surveyor. Eleoiioa tickets pr.nteJ here for 99 per M : 590 for $1,75. | Onr li-iend of th e Soulh GcorgmLi raff has beeu h.ving a had time with pun ters lately. So. . v for you I>o*L, but now Bobuel, up and at ’em. Seat* no .o VV.-yneiboro aher a w », tin, Even If you have to eur*g® 1 e®d Comer, IIp ’ s uot b: ’*-G w *“» h l » h ! * K V . . Aud both of you *“ **»« an *“ ore whi#ky * bdvoi te the Moubu Belt 1’uucli, Hli*i License: No liq.*oi, 1 -# not even for tench, ml , |»ws for f toe .. wnkg .M ty.»e or pi css worker Y Ami Imiigcd be the niau that d les to u.i Corker. \ re*>poetftil(y announce mywlf a candidate lor Count v Treu>uivr t«t the enduin ' election and solieils the support of my friends and fel¬ low citizen.-- Al . l.KN BHoWN . ■ .......... —- -— ----- INTERS’ hotel. saV ANNA II, GA Comfort Rooms and Firsit s Tabic. RATES: S r\oo S\tJCI Per Day. Iter .1 TRIAL ' Th'I>, v* This Uotki. has reeek t undeigaune thor¬ ough repair, and been N k ax Kukkisubd aud made complete in ail its up; incuts. j, Harnett, JOHN Clerk. LIKE: j |LN, Manager- tf j \ nug KNOIKS 1MUSE. Meals 50c. TPidlNCs’oOC. 14 Hoard $2 00, per day; Tom included Mrs. D. E. KJTOLES, Proprietress, Blackshear, Georgia. Waiters will take your baggage to and from the train. uiar. 12, tf. b. 1). BRANTLEY J —DEALER IN— Dry Goods & • > ce vies 3 Hardware, Queensware, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS* DRUGS, MEDICINES, NOTIONS AND General assortment of Goods usually kept in a first-class country store mar29tf. BLACKSHEAR, Ga. 11 . J. SMITH, Is selling Goods at bottom prices, call and see him, it cost you nothing to look through—Boots,.Shoes, Hats, Goods, Notions, W liite Goods, tW^ 1< Go«ds‘"iM nlT'ito styles, THE DRUG and GROCERY DEPARTMENT is full and varied. Call and see him 0 ,e nee ^ v} money) and secure bargains. mav 3 3m. m RULE NISI GEORGIA, ? lw ) Court of ordinary December term 1S7.*'. wli fcreiM ' Vu 2.V r '’ . Ihomub *!. Min hew Bcuju* 1,1 * man J. Mi^bew, anil R dicl M i iew, mi uorhdra »f Abnhum Mim-acw, late of said c-ouniy, dcceaaed ’ having luily tlibclrir *ii» trust, applies to be diaipiseeJ ironi DG guardianship an afore-nid. I bereft re, all per hoU# eoueeruui are b* re.liy nodded and reouir «-i«« appear at my oiHce iu Blackshear, on or belore the lirst Monday ill .Jaiimuy nexi, and S‘j‘SdSp,' caUrt, ‘- ( if * n V ‘hry hav, why the said 1 'Srf' on c , in., i,». A. 4. SraiCKLAND, Ordinary P. (J. G I. HOLTON, Attorney at Law, Baxley, Appling Co., Ga. Wil pr .f-tiee i„ Ihe Brunswick Circuit, aud TeiB.iu couuty <if the Octmee Circuit. iu,ir.3<f ly — - LOCAL NOTICES in.-?*- rted in th* News at Kkra line. LOOK KERB 2 Cheaper Than Ever -at A N. SMITH’S Cheap Cash Store, on South side of the R. R. Sue* >nd d< tor East of 1 )epot‘ BLACKSHEAR, G A. :<): The attention of the citizens of Piero aud the public generally is invited t* my extremely low iirunni I buy my Goods direct from lirs hands in New York Pity, and hav eonsautiy on hand a lull aud wel selected stock of General Merchandise onsisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Chthinj Hoots and Shoes, Saddlery, Hardwar 0 , GROCERIES,TO BA 0 AND I am prepared to offer the same at such prices as will be beyond compel quality tion; they are all of the best and when you visit town 1 would 1 glad to have you call in and examim my stock. By close attention to bu ness, and selling good Goods at low prices, i mean to merit the continuance of past patroilkgc. but by merit will Not bv favor maintain my reputation A. N. SMITH. mar2!) ly. i_______ WM. AliMITAGE, ~(:0:) Contractor, Builder & Manufacturer oi Flooring, Ceiling & Dressed Lumber. ■ --' Shingles, Barrel Staves, Fence » .ck ets, Plastering Laths, Fruit and 'eg etaiile Box Stuff, Headings, Window and Door Frames, Brackets, Baiun* ,\s and all kinds of work usually done in a FLAKING MILL. f’UICES. Fi.oorivo, per lOoOft. $12 00., per 1000 ft. $12 00 . Weather Boarding, ) 5^ in. wide dressed, ( $10 0 Shingles first Gass, $ 2 50 „ second class, $ 90 lUrria Sravus, $ 11KA DS, $ Plastering Laths, $ t* K Estimates on Building on application, and orders soli' For further information cu ■ *? »r Address Wm. ARMITAC , may3ly Blacks! ft... G. B. MAURY. A. J. < UoVAi'r. 41 V 11 H V A: CROr n\ Attorneys at .aw. Brunswick, Glou lv. Ware, Practice Wttyue, regularly in the eoout -i. I Caindrii, Coff-o Pierce of the Brunswick Circuit a> 11 the Oconee circuit. y a STALL t’E'> HI. mi. H i: rK Fumbucd by the undersign, 1 at i iW pi from Dow till the F rst of .Jauu try here a..a up aud down the A it G R it; vs:S also F'g» au Cliick,-ms. AAlX)N k For. Dee. 3, ISIS. Bu< k«ueJ-, Ga. Now is yout time to advertise.