Blackshear news. (Blackshear, GA.) 1878-18??, December 19, 1878, Image 2

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BLACKSHEAfi NEWS,. Publi»h«d evefjr Tit urndaf, —art— * Blaekshear, Georgia. —By— E. Z. BYRD EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. THUHSDAY DEU 19; 1*78. JM AaXNUUNCEMENTS, We take the lilicrty to announce the damn of A. M. Moore as a candidate for rc cuxlion t * the iifhcc of clerk at the ensuing Jajiudry ehe- elec¬ tion, and solicits a liberal sitppoit in bit tio i. • or t 9, 187*. ’. • Mant Voters We take this method of aittmnring the name of K. 'A. Byrd as n candidate lor re-^nnou lo the office of Sheriff at the ensuing Jntffi'try elec lion, and solicits a lib nil sup, on' in Ms alec* Ion. octU, MH. ClT ZXNtj. The undesigned respectfully nutioutlces hint* self a cnndidaie fur re-ejoctiou to thc ulHcu ol Tax and Hoilcil* Receiver llttt aud support Collector of hts of J^ieret;, fellow citizens county, at the ensiling Juu. election. Scpu mber. 2\ . J. M. Pc nix m. Tltc tttulcslgncif rvs|M*ctiAtHy infomi* tin* vo¬ ters of Pictet* County, that In* is a candidate for the oflice of Tax Receiver and Collector at the ct,suing January election, and earnestly solicits the *up]xn t of many voters. Sep'. *J. r >, ’7S Itpu'ksln ar, Go. J. J. SMITH. l respeetifully nnnoimee tny sol fas a can 11 dale lot the idlice of Tux ltceciver and Collet* tor for the county cf Plcivc at the cr.saing Jan¬ uary election aud “"dlclts the support of tuy fellow cltlxcns* Oct. !t$, 1 j*7S. •Iah. McyKtmi M-~Z ______________ — The undprslcred respectfully infocttis the vo ers of Pinna* that he b .t candidate at the ensuing election lor clerk of the court and so¬ licits a support in hi?election. Nov a, 187s. d os Kelt A llAitckrt. Tin*. uuderslgitUil respectlully it iuforiha the void.- of Pierce Ii it he a candidate tin- coun¬ ty Treasurer at the ensuing election and rtf BniiciluUy solicits tno support of liis-lellow citizens, B. Buantj.y. Nov 3, 1«1«. I), We respect Jully Hibmit the' mime of A. L. Dattvei’jrin* to the voters ot Pierce as % cundl duU* for Die oflice ol County Treasurer nt the ensuing tdocUou aud solieus the jKugnoHl 6T .. t' e r r, —N«v. 7th IWt*. Maxy Fttmuos. We, the citizens of l’im*A Thomas, resf^eiftiliy ii- an* uounee Ihn uiuno of Lewis t*f., 1 n candidate for County Surveyor ul tin* eii?uing election, and holiults a suppoi t in his eleetivn. Citizens, 1 respectfully inform the voters of Pierce that 1 mu ft candidate lor Tax lit eulver and Cot lector at the ensuing elect 1 »n ami loliells a liberal Hifpport. •Alfred Davi ?. 1 take tbi.? method of announcing tnyself vissuiug ft candidate for County Treasurer at the election and respectfully ^olieits a support of fellow cluxens. J. Hob. Tu**m. I rc?p6ctfiil|y nniioiltK'e myself a candidate for County Troasuter at the ensuing election and solicits the support of my friends and fel¬ low citizen* At. UK** BttowN. South Georgia Conference. The following appointments have been made to till the respective circuits iu the Brunswick District the ensuing yetT, to wit: Brunswick District—J. M. Marshall. ! P E. Brunswick—K L lloniker. Camden—Thos J Jrmstead. • St, Marys—VV 11 Tigner, si I v Charlton—W Fj Conally. Darien—E II llartuon. « Jonesville Mission—To he supplied. Ilinesville—P B Sims. Bryan Mis.ion—To be supplied; Jesup—A A Ellenwood. Blaekshear and Waycruss—*S. w D Moorhouse. * . Nashville—J F Carey. Brooktield Mission—To be supplied. Moultrie Mission—.To bt 1 supplied. South Coffee Mission-1 o he supplied W or tit Mission—8 G Childs. Hornerv i 1 le—C T Bickley. W a res boro—II l* Myers The J^gisl anire haii adjourned tuttil the tisbt Wed us day itt July next Th* .Savwn \mny LkjI com¬ ments of! an «dit^al taken from one of our columns la^t week in the follow iniz manner: “Hyrd, wluit. do yoo mean ! Do you think we are going take this continually.'’ Well bro., we mean just what we say, and don't think that we would be saying itiore than is due to you it we were U< repeat if. an l tin mid advise Mr Ot)to «it ddwn if' i.e can't st ind it, Uf-* til he cools off. - Mr J itneK McVeigh deserves much credit for the ueat mannor in which he has gotten tip ;t of Pierce county, showing distinctly the county lines, trict lities, Kivern, Knilraods & c, in.a much neater style *han has ever been dotte before. We were hottoretl with an invitation a few evenings since to attend or sweet occasion, (candy pulling)/ out of town, and took pleasuj/ vailing ourselves <»t tho « i and hereby tender r thanks to the host and h/7^d for their kiudness, not only but to till who pnrlieipated. i*t m . We heard cl dent long j a noti-rt not since, remark that he t stopping o standing tel ver in a short one tiifie cvemn<r wilh in a rdilrty 1 t% i t ut and five ot a while ho- j company men, one taken from his j *rson ;i revolver j and said that he was ;oing to shoot a a candidate, arid out d 3o, tht're were 81 dodged around ♦heporner. ■*— We understand fiat one* of our got ofl\mded Jthe location of his anmuiCeuicnc Lst week, and we assure him that it »yas unavoida bid and not intentionalv. The reason ot it appearing where it. ’id, was this, we did not reeoivd it until ve were go¬ ing to press, and then, t< give our friend as much time as possi»le, we un locked our tbrin and removed a lacal Svhere it was most convenient fod plac edit in itstead. The announcement will appear lltift week in its proper | Wee. Our ellieient Tax Collector infirm* ua that he will h:\vc to chise his b >>ka last of this week, and will Vie eompeLed to issue ti las against det-mlteis. He lias already indulged you longer than the law prescribes ; and should not you settle at once ami save him the un¬ pleasantness of having to run you to unnecessary cost. We were in Savannah last Monday and ealled in at several of the most prominent business houses aiuoug which was the great -crockery v * . , . , » ,, ., - establishment ot 1. ti. Bolshaw , , , s on St. Julian street. f i v nost* in search tirtt class goods in his line would tind it to their interest to examine his stock belore going “ n further. We were pleased to form the ac¬ quaintance oi‘3Ir. G .M. Mills of Lib¬ erty county, in town this week. He is among us for the purpose of charge of the Blaekshear Academy the oomeing year, which will be opened on t j ie g^cqml Monday in January. He al rejwfy'has the promise of atiout titty students'to commence with We that he will meet the proper ageqieiit and build up a gt»od school our midst. Now is your time to advertise. GOOpV T — A >/““** LOW P ^ aM Cottoi Ore **ox •ZlY/'I ” ^ 4 - DIC “I. ..» «• «ke Him. “Mpool C»Ho 0 *»r 2 525 -t r"~" I. 0W« It - an -ory The a Ucmmr*. J. & p. 0 , eMgciuem „ tnu *• ■ I 1 'Hh. were decreed at Paris r .Dry Good »> s, Clothiug, opl Cotton. ,Jus, AShoes^~ _ * ^ Hosiery, Boots F'au' y Groeerrv B.uoti ite Fl*»> I- Tobacco A J 1 ™, djlUuH I Ileidware ii (*^/ Til W, / r ;).jit^ ir * * Crockery, ^ fiery, #35kiniitare, Ts^fuinery, . SUitiottcry, I Drugs and Medicines, |^ c - , Ac., :s“iiy^['" m etc., sales” etc. Our motto \ and . quick jTlmnks fur p. *air dealing we Mp the same. iduce Dt J Out Safe. j J. W.jSTRICKLTVP , diacksheau, ga. I would nfpectfully inform my customers, mid friends pat my FAL. & NTER STOCK ) t Jii 1 he cP*ed out at^ at'y reduced prices*. L ofeicy thitn w k ally kept in a first D-y Good?mid Gr i <*/ ; eomprls WR Ubl«\ Notions, " ^SJC’s ( ck ^ ln ^ »cr isa *, Hats, 'i/oots A Shoes, Oan L I Groce ties Bacon, Wj Lard, ■ Bu Tobacco, Cigars, Har lware, Tinware, Glassware, jCiockery, Cutlery, ij)lnks, Valises, Fruits, Garden seeds, Canned Drugs & Medicines, &c. % &c., &e , &c. ‘ - Thankful to my friends for a liberal share of patronage for many year -, and promisiug to do all in iuy power to please in the future. I solicit a continuation of the same. Come and exaurnc. my stock belore purchasing* I can sllU you prices and quality of goods, and you will find at iuy stora every thing needed »»»«d room, f.arlor, dining room, kitch *i., upon the f irm or in the shop. My past sue 2 css is ray guarantee fi»r the future, J. W. Strickland, Dec 4, £m- blaekshear, Ga * THE.EXCELSIOR NEWS. Ttc JJxcelsior New* is published every Fn tided wSodiTiy with goo: itov! rehgiou?, w/t Seiner The paptr i* educational, u*»penuieo aud geueral news ar Hole?, preparvdjexpnss'.y for m? column?. In ad iiton toll* usual imcresting ouginal aualter,kbi | ublic.rti-*n of a valuable * Serial Prise Story, Durward Belmont; 5 - Or tike Influence of Hsligion BA r MkRIE DUVAL, a pious Jiud. gifted young ladv ot the “Fiitey Woods,’ wilt be ct inii euced in its columns ou Friday,, auuarvthe-d lb7v. This story will ran thrr tigh several mouth?, alter which sen U st mes of interest will follow. I ver] family m the “Piuey Woods,” n*ad th* Excelsior News. Now s the time to subscribe in order to meuee vlth new >car. Terms to ♦1,00 p ir auuum ; to Miui lers, •‘iy cents. Ad dress W. L. Geigkh. Editor aud Proprietor, Ui. Kei Branch, Bulloch Co., Ga. i TvtJBT * FlCilA ll v b liniS" tnj {?*£. GOO “ $*»»«•• *°* and Bruy*, I >7 o ®Hli p t o JJj. j i » SgJgnsSZZ f. hait . Wir.dtfah* ■ „ §35 Epizootic, ss? Lea L»nv Hack Henjorrte# . I Rfijj IP a tn f ' Th,| ***« Spavi^T **j> 1 *. ^ K;iU p m f. 5 k 'W <>:5s a m ~ " Jeaop i-rr ’ * ** „ * * 10 7:45.a 1 m „ savannah 1 * > a J m *“ \rrive a! dctwnon ,« v eavanuah , and JacksonVi5?i«, No ehau-o of t* <r? and Albany. aiul ©avuuah aud liorn Sa Sleeping cars run through to vauuah ant! A baity. Feruandiua , Pawon^tf fc.m Cedar Savannah Keys, take for ihis train. Gainesville and 7 44 m (daily) Passengers leavmg Macon at ; a except Sunday) connect at -Jesup with this Florida by OU .«i« con met at Jesup with tram arriving in Macon at b:25 p nv daily except Sunday. for .. h.c.i»v,. . . K Paaseugers from Savannah Bruns¬ and Darien take this tain, arriving at wick 7:0i' a in Passengers from Brunswick arrive at Savan D Nii^’hung^of cars between Montgomery and 1 Puliman'lVaee through to sleeping and Jacksonville, ears run » lfcC aud from Savannah Ga., and Mou through sleepers from Atlanta, tgomery, Ala., to laeksonvilie, Fla. trains . Connect nc Albany with Passenger both ways on southwestern Railroad to aud from Macou, Eufoula, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans etc. Bainbrtdge . . for „ Apalae . , A mail steamer leaves Coiuiu barola every Monday at vnoO a ru. ror bits, every Wednesday at 9:09 ft m Close conuectiou at Jacksonville daily, ex¬ cept Sundays, for Green Cove springs, St. Au¬ gustine, Palatka, Enterprise, and all landings ou John’s,River. Trains on B. and A R. R, leave v iug west Monday, Wednesday aud Fte¬ ll :14a, Biunswigk m, Tuesday, Thursday , V. For ant uiduy at 4 &U [5, »««, ACCOMM NATION TRAIN — SA3TEHX DIVISION Leave Savnnah, Sundays excepted at 7.00 a n Arrive at Meitosh „ at V:lo a m „ U-:»0 m n at Jesup „ = *f:Uo p in at Blaekshear j = °pi at Du Pont , : 7:' u „ DuPont a ni Leave „ s “J Blaekshear 11 TC „ : lUSbjt „ Jesup .v s L47 „ Mcin'osh - ■kfy Arm e at Savanneh „ „ DIVISION. DAILY, SUNDAY EXCEPTED. Leave DuPont at r.:40 *i ^ b:j.> a „ 10:35-s A ;^ v ^. TUuinasviUc at 1: Leave Tiiomasviie at .. Camilla at 7-, u „ Albany at p* Arrive at L ^ ve ^2* l Ll 73 S t 7:*t0 3 Arriveat Thouia?viUe at 1U:>5 c3 n Lcav«» < JJj^' “ le ut J 1:2*. 1 N a 1:85 ” Valdosta i „ at sCw Arrive at DuPont at J. S. Tjsujs, Master of Transportation. II. S. Haines, nov-iO-tf General Superintended B. & A. Railroad. CHANGE of SCHEDULE. Sui’ F.HI NTKNDENT S OkUCE, ) i Brunswick & Albany Rail Road) *r»^K~ Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 7 187 r i )u and after Tuesday Juu. the 1-1 M senger (rains oil this Road wi’/.fdu - J*.i N?eug»*r Train leaves raa 3wiek M OQ(* Wednesdays and Fridays at........ 7KX) . Arrives at *Tebeauv:l!e A. A »■>’. it. R Ub59 Leaves auvilie A & ti. R. R. at 1!:I4 Arriveaf Albany....................7:00 >j * RETURNING. Leave Albany Tuesdays. Thursdays and urdays at.................... 8:00 Arrives at Tebeauville....... .....4:0b j Leaves Tebcauville at....... ......4:26 , Arrives at Brunswick........ 8:20 Trains from Albany make close eonnec at Tebcauvlle with A. & G. passengt*r t from Savannah, aud with bat tew hours d* at Tcbeauville, with A. & G. passenger t for Florida. - J Trains from Brunswick eonuect at T^f viile with dav dassenger train off the R. R., whluh leaves Tebcauville for at t * Cha-rles L. Schlatt G eneral SuperW JOB ORK