Newspaper Page Text
lAu every X I* ir*d<*y 4
Blackshear, Georgia.
E. Z. BY HD,
fxrweet rates for contract advertisements
in "eudinir adrorrintnaentA, elate bow much
ace you want nud for what time. Any thing
under three months are payable In advance;
%ir longer tint** |wyhl'* quarterly in advan**e.
I liio. | it tut*. X III**- | X in**, 1 mo.
i - , HI J f.; no *« 00 ; **; .v* #la «Ni
s ^wanc. 4 00 rt **• » "i l« ** '
£ «*qu*r>* • *•** l * ,! U | 11 00 IS no i »> oo
i colnmii. s **o 10 CO IX 00 j »•** eo ■J- oo
4 column It? 00 1 O'! i D» 00 ! T- (I :»» n
1 «■' l> on 2 * (H. I :;:i on \ 4 :> no on
Meets on the second Tuesday iu each mouth
nt in o’clock, a. m W. F. PARKER,
D. P. I'ATTEHBMN, High Prifat
.See rrhtry.
THl'USDAY JAN. .10, 1M7I*.
A meeting of the Democratic party
of the County of Pierce, w ill Ik* held
at the Court House in Blackshear, on
Saturday the 1st day of February at
11 o'clock a. m., to elect delegates to
a Convention to be* held in Savannah
on the Dh day of February, to nomi¬
nate a candidate for Congress, to fill
the viieniioy caused by the dead) of the
Hon. Julian 11 art ridge.
Jan. 24. 1879. A. N. SMITH,
Cliar’n Dent. Com., P. C
We are worry lo hear of our esteein
td citizen aud enterprising nurchiUit,
Mr. John Lee, at Schlatterville, of be¬
ing very ill of pneumonia. We hope
soon to hear of his. recovery, and hack
The Sand Slough bridge is reported
in bad condition, on account of the
barer* beneath the stringers falling out
which will certainly cause the bridge
to swag, if not float away.
Owing to baste and more particularly
out’ limited space for reading matter,
thb.iie .4 was neglected last week.
A few weeks ago Mrs John Strick¬
land, near Schlatterville, while attempt
ting to cross a bridge on Mr. Win. II
Bailey's train road, was run over by
the loaded trucks and seriously injured.
She being placed in an awkward posi¬
tion rendered it impossible for her to
escape the accident. One of her feet
was so badly crushed that amputation
was at once executed; and is seriously
injured ot how iso, so much so, that her
recovery is extremely doubtful.
Last Monday, the 26th instant, the
Day Train was put on the A. <fc G. R.
R., and will run from Savannah to
Jacksonville, Fla., in eleven hours and
fifty tive minutes. Lcavs Savannah at
8:20 a. nt., ariiAesat Jacksonville, Fla ,
at 8:15 p. tit Leaves Jacksonville, at
8:50 a m., and arrives in Savannah at
9:20 p. in. The schedule will .appear
in the Nkws corrected next week.
We understand there is a pa
started . at ... \\ the , first
|M*r aycross mini
bet* to be issued the first of March, and
called the Waycross Observer, I’romk-lon _Rev J
Albert Smith, editor and K l !
.. Now . have grt'at .* faith • . the «’ Mmtl.s • » j
we in
and believe that they are generally
successful, but this is one of the family
that has surely been taking of bad a*l
vice (T). though we hope su»nh*<«» will
<% rc»wn his efforts.
Comity Office: s.
The following officers have taken up
their commissi'ins mid given the bonds
required by the lawn of Georgia.
A. M MOORE, Cb rk.
E Z. BYRD, Sheriff
J. M PUUDOM, Receiver and Col
lector of State and County Taxes.
B. D. BRANTLEY, Treasurer.
LEWIS THOM AS, Sr., Surveyor.
B. C. MILTON, Coroner.
Thi> is Mm* time a Coroner has
taken up his emu in Pierce
comity since the war.
Titer is ceitaiu'y ;in end to every
thing, (we menu the end o( Mine) and
sooner or later the time will cease with
some of those chicken thieves, that’s
molesting the fowls in the coops at ihc
hour of mid-night when the owners
are wrapped in the sweet embraces ot
Morpheus. Only preventative that we
can suggest, is to prepare youraelvg*
with a gun loaded , not with sulphur
aud wind, but powder and shot. Not
many nights ago some of the thieves
taken the last old settler that some of
the townsmen had.
David Taylor has committed the of
fcense ot forgery by tovging orders front
James Taylor, to some of our merch¬
ants and traded them off and has left
lbr parts unknown, The fbublie will
guard against such a character and not
be deceived by an impostor He is a
hout five feet and ten inches high, and
light complected, dark moustache,
quick spoken middle aged and profes¬
ses to be a school teacher.
We were pleased to form the acquai
tttamsrtrHDt 4 .—
asville, to day on the way freigl*ifl The
Doctor had been down to see a patieut
at Mr. Martin Sweat’s, near Patterson,
A. & G. R. R., who has been chronic
ley aftlioted some time.
A darkey came near getting burned
out last Monday, at Tebaauville, Ga.
His corn crib together with all his corn
was reduced to ashes, narrowly escap¬
ing further damage.
We past down the B. & A. R. II.,
Inst Tuesday evening, as far as Shaw’s
Mills, stopping with Mr. Shaw till the
next morning, we returned to Way
Cross, here we awaited the arrival
of the day train (“Shoo Fly” best known
by) to return to Blackshear. The saw
mills, beside other new impiovements,
seemed to be in aprosperous condition.
Mexico & United States.
Owing to their warm and delightful
climates, their inhabitants grow sallow
from torpid Livers, Indigestion and all
diseases arising irom disordered Stom¬
ach and Bowels. They should ot course
at all times keep the liver active, and
to our readers we recommend Tablet ’s
Portaline, or Vegetable Liver Powder.
Taken in time, will often save mouev
and much sutferinir. Price 50 cents.
For sale bj* Dr. 11. J. Smith.
Bottled n , T Lighting . ... . !
When used for Rheumatism, Sore
Throat, Lame Back, Neuralgia, Sprains
Bruises, Font ranted Muscles Nifl Joints
aml on htnuai. bemgs,
l * ,ul R»ng Bone, (x t Is, Scrawii
^ e tc., on animals. Co issen s Light
ning Liniment is une-pmle-1, and its »*i
fin** simpiy c!e«* As its liailie
SilgireMs. it is quirk to lei.eVe, anti
thou a h!s 5*car\vi! neS' t > its asu.i.din*;
i’tUfN S ri**> 5>. For Sale bv
D r 11. J. Smith
Closing Out Sale.
<1, w. Btrickland ,
blacksiiear, ga.
I would respectfully inform my m-tomer*.
and friend" that my
will be closed ou* at great'y reduced pric s;
consisting of every thing usuall) kept in a tir*t
cliiiir. U*-y Guo i iu'l Oruci-ry Uj'Hc ; eoiupm
Dry Goods, Notion^,
Clothing, i:
B*KKi Shoe**, Fair y Gioccrics
Bacon, Flour,
Lari, Butler,
Tobacco, I i^ars,
liar I ware,
Tin w ire. Glass wo v,
Clock r,-, Cutlery,
Trunks, Valises,
Garden seeds, Canned Fruits,
Drugs & Mediciuos, etc., & •., &c , Aic.
Thankful to my f^nds for a liffral share of
patronage for many year*, and jn-oitfising io
do all in my power to please in the future,
solicit a continuation of the same. Come and
examine my stock before purchasing. I can
suit you in prices and quality of goods, and
you will find at my storo everything needed at
home in bed room, parlor, dining room, kitcb
er:, upon the farm or in the shop. My past sue
cess is my guarantee for the future,
J. W. Strickland.
Dec 4, 2tn* Blackshear, Ga.
WANTED- A who u young good understands character lady of
house keeping lo take charge of my domestic
flairs, for which librral wages will be paid or
lukee as one of the fanily.
Address Mrs. It. STRICKLAND,
47 at. Tchlaltcrvi le. Ga.
Is heruby given forwaruiug all persons ot tres
passihg Disiriel, on lot of land number VO in the t»th
original Appling now. Pierce County,
Ga , asAbe law will certainly be enforced against
trespriSsers. 47 Hiufckshear, Ga., Jan! HT, 1 * 7 *. ? %
4 w. Pkux Robkrtson.
(4EORGIA.—Pierce County.
Will be sold before the Court House door
in the town of Blackshear, on the first Tuesday
iu March, next, between the legal hours of
sale all the following lots of land or so much
th<*reol us will be sufficient, settle the claim, to
wit: No 43 iu the 4tli Disirict, as the proper*.
ty ofC. 8 , You mans and I OH, ill, IU), 120 and
106 , iu the ftlh Difttiiet, original Appling now
Pierce county, as the property of A, P. Wade,
10 catisfy an execution issued from Picrec Su¬
perior Court in favor of Mexiuder Douglass
vs. C. S. You mane, principal, A. P. Wade and
J. B. 8 'ricklnnd securities. Principal debt
I’> 00 , 0 , 1 , interest #2So,2.7 to date of judgement.
Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney.
Terms of srle'cash, pusehaser paying for iitlt‘ 6 .
TLis Jan- 28,1&70.
At the same time and place, one turpentine
still, one sieam engine grist mill and two cot¬
ton gins, oue sugar boiler, one c* tton screw,
levied on as the properly of A. J. Miller, under
aud by virtue of >u execution from the superior
court of said couuty, in favor of Simou W.
Hitch vs. A. J. Miller. Property pointed out
by phiiulitf, this Jau. 30, 18,0.
47 tds. Shcnfi, P. C.
HM st. - SMI. (I.
A. B. LUCE. Propritor.
Boa'd aud ? <,fH) per day, accord¬
ing to location.
1 take this method to inform you and the
public in gensraI, that I am m*w cnnoected
wi'h the above house, so well and favorably
known io the traveling public os a firt class
Hotel. 1 mi pr^rx-d to offer you special in
ducemeuts, and would b,; pleased to have you
call when visiting Savannah.
M. L. HARNETT, Clerk.
44 tf, (Lale of the Plau ers Hotel.)
will NOTICE—On and-after this date we
have tu .-cii Lcmbkh made at our mill
siiietty for eish or iu equivalent in Country
Fro luce. This Jau 1 st 1874.
Fixe. Johnson Co.,
4 ; ;t Blackshtar , Ga
Dry Goods & Groceries
Hardware, Queensware,
General assortment of Goods usually
kept in a first-class country store.
iuar29tf. BLACKSHEAR, Ga,
That is your orders for cook stoves, and they
will be filled to your, complete satisfaction.
Call and see sample of the -‘Southern Baker,”
by i*r ilc best cooking stove, more in use, no
ewance to compete with it either tn price or
quality. For sale by
D. H. Burney,
nor ?, tf. Blackshear, Ga.
Attorneys at Law.
Brunswick, Georgia.
Practice regularly in the counties ol Glynn,
Ware, Wayne, Camden, Coth e, Appling and
Pierce of the Brunswick Circuit aud Telfair of
the Ocouec ctrvtuw 9 4 Ij.
Attorney at Law i
Baxley, Appling Co., Ga.
Wil practice In the Brunswick Circuit, and
Telsair county of the Oconee Circuit. .;nr.3y ly
A. Attorney E. COCHRAN,
at Law,
Blackshear, Georgia.
Practice regularly iu the*counties composiug and
the Brunswick Circuit, and in the District
Circuit courts of the Uuited States at Savannah
or the Southern District of Geo rgia. may? 16
(Near the Knoles House, ?, door north.)
Blackshear, - - Georgia.
Hair cutting, shaving, dying and shampooing
done in * 0 od 6 tyle, at low prices and satisfac¬
tion guaranteed -t>U and try him. 46 tf.
Oici^on & Byrd’s
DICKSON’S MILL, Pierce Co., #
The attention of ihe public is invited to our'
extremely low prices. Our stock will be found
complete and consists of
Dry Goods, Notions,
Clothing, Huts,
Boots & Shoes, Hosiery,
Fancy Groceries,
Bacon & Flour,
Tobacco & Cigars,
Herd ware and
yv T tnware.
Glass ware. Crockery
Cutlery, Furniture,
Stationery, Perfumery,
Drugs and Medicines,
&c.-, &c.. etc., etc.
Our motto is “Sma’l profits aud quick sales’’
Thauks for past fovors and by fair dealing we
hope to merit a continuance ot the same.
Country Produce
taken in exchange for goods at fair prices
Call aud examine our stock and be convinced
Doc lOtt
Practicing Physician 5
Blackshear, — Georgia.
Offers his professional services to the people
of Pierce and adjoiuiug couutfes. A share of
ptarouage solicited, Charges reasonable.
uov 7 12m.
iu*. rted iu the News at 10c a line