Newspaper Page Text
WALTpp „ Wyatt, r j i Editor anil
i* r opriewr.
County Directory.
Ordinary, Robert Lang, Waverly.
Clerk Sup. Ct. J. II. Rudulph, St.
Treasurer, Sheriff, J. li. Bachlott, Owens St. Marys.
J. H. Brown, Ferry.
Tax Rec’r., D. E. Littlefled, Waverly.
Tax Collector, b. j. Gowarh Sheffield.
C. S. Com., W. N. Casey, Jr., Scotchville.
Surveyor, A. D. Harrell, Tarboro.
Coroner, Richard Lang, Waverley.
County Commissioners:
J. A. Foster, Chairman, Satilla Bluff.
Thomas Miller, St. Marys.
D. J. Long, St. Marys,
J. P. Mizell, Silco.
L. T. McKinnon, AVhite Oak.
Board of Education:
George Mizell, Chairman, Satilla Bluff.
a. B. Brown, Kingsianci.
George w. Fleming, Waverly,
Thomas Casey, Kingsiand.
Court Calendar:
0rdi C tT rt ~ FirSt Ml>nday
Superior Court—Tuesday after the
1 cSr
---- -
Woodbine Lodge, f– a. m , No, 32
—Regular communications on the fourth
AVednesday in each month. All quali
fied visiting brethren cordially welcom
ed. g.o. Fyovu, Sect’y.
D. P- Rose, W. M.
Local r Railvoatl Schedule. „ , , ,
aoixo noi'sth.
No. 34. No. 38.
Lv. .Tncksonvillc f
Seals Kingsiand 0:20 aiu >;05 p m
0:21 P m
Woodbine 0 : 38 am rn 33
White Oak 9:44 a m 0:4(1 p m
Waverly 7:00 p m
Everett City 10:33 am 7:50 pm
Ar. Savannah 12:27 p ra 11:50 p 111
No. 37. No. 33
Lv. Savannah 3:07 p m
Everett City 0:4G a m 5:10 p in
Waverly 7:16 a m 5:50 p m
White Oak 7:23 a in 5:oS p m
Woodbine 7 : f0 a m 6 :07 p m
Coloaburg 7:34 a m 0:14 p m
Seals 7:40 a m 0:21 p m
Ar. Kingsiand 7:48 a m 0:30 p m
Jacksonville 9:10 a m 7:40 p m
FolSUffr 1 . artSSSU
the Woodbine Circuit, M, E. Church,
^Woodbine, 1st Sunday, a, m. and p.m.
Antioch, 1 st Sunday, 3:30 p. m.
Piovidence, 2nd Sunday, a. m,
White Oak, 2nd Sunday, 3:30^ m,
-TLvv^- • X ” ■ U-H -V 1 ||
* Burnt ^ ppanii w
Fort, 4thSund;iy, a. m.
I. F. O.uiv, Pastor.
§rof'cAmoiuil §<wls.
Room 5, Mcrch mts Naliomtl Bank
Will practice in the Brunswick and Uastevn
Cireuils. 4-tim
J. L. T1PP1N3
St. M lys, C.
Will practice in all courts of Camden county
and in otlier counties by special contract.
Brunswick, Ga.
Will practice in State, Federal and Supreme
Rf^Practiae BRUNSWICK, GA.
in all courts in the Brunswick
and adjacent judicial circuits, and U. S. courts
Gy special contract.
1 huroughly Refurnished,
New Management
One day, $2.00; Two days, $3.00;
Ono week, $7-00; One month, $25.00.
GEO. T. BAILEY, Inapr.
St., Mary's, Ga.
Agents for Instruments at factory prices.
Mall orders will receive rroinpt attention.
IB To THE PATENT our may PATENT aid. be secured Baltimore. Address, Good RECORD, by Ideas
puincrlpLlons to The ratent Record ti.uupcramiwns Md.
Some County Letters.
i Ull „ luesday .
| CVCIimg last a
i arge cr0 wd gathered – at the
1 home 01 Mrs. J.I1. r T _ Bl'OWU to
attend the commencement
ereises of Mr. F. E. Brock’s
school. For the benefit of those
who were unable fiT*-attend 1
will mention a few features of
Die eVCH i M°’
Cary, b i vst—Prayer 1 by Rev. to t 1. ti b.
and among the recitations
will mention lhe Wounded
Soldier,” by Miss Yirdic
Thomas; “Just Forty Years
ago,’' bv Miss Reta PaCCtty; reader:
Siege of Alamo.”
ed by Claude Brown, was line,
and I feel safe in saying he
will become the orator of the
, l>Ar . ,, , ,
”'iy. Vacation, iJV iiUtll
and “Pantomime,” by
Thomas, were both very ;
prettj. r Then r , came . , -Johns , ,
(Jrandmother, by Willie
Brown. This was the best of
all. A short address then fol
by Mr. Brock, which he
closed tllUSR'NaW let US all
adjourn to the dining room,
which wc ditl, and ice cream
cake were served by our
charming hostess. Afterwards
some went to the parlor and
some to the front gallery. Se\ -
era! nice games were engaged
in, and a sweet vocal duet “A
Gypsy Countess,” was render
ed by Miss Lydian Silverberg
w Ho],kins. Ice cold
leillOliade WUS tllCIi SCI VCd the
C1 '° Wd Jlbont ' SCVe "W T el ''
sous. Best, comes last and iii |
tlii^ ln, ‘ s inslutiee !llslall vL ill’ll Uiai W'us was tho UlC
-_tic. ni^ Ua- m HC .,.t I(
of ^Miurfvcr. J Wi
Man\^ thunks,
kind sirs.
Mrs E. C. Gaunt and Messrs
John and Jim Brown, of Flo
rida, are visiting in this vicinity.
On the clear and sunny
morning of August 30th a small
parly left here in skiffs and
rowed gaily over the
waves en route for May Bluff to
attend the picnic ol the season.
After hard pulling by the boys
we reached our destination,
where we met a small crowd
already assembled. During lhe
dinner day a shower came up, so after
we went to the hospita
ble home of Mr. J. P. Mizell
and there we had music. Miss
Mizellc entertained the crowd
by playing on the piano, and
then the Freda Baud
Our party reached home safely
at about the seventh hoar. 1
hear that one young man came
near falling overboard. What
a pity! But we were not sur
MissClarene Smith will leave
Normal next Tuesday for the Georgia
and Industrial College
at Milledgevillc.
Miss Sallie Lang will soon
return home. Another pity!
Mr. J. C. Bain is very sick
this week.
Mr. Liston R, Lang is at his
home at Burnt Fort on a visit,
Wrile up, fellow correspon
dents, and be more punctual,
So says Kitty Clyde
You assume no risk when
you buy Chamberlain’s Colie
Cholera and Diarrhoea Rcuhu’j:
J K. Bedell, Woodbine; Fos
ter – Lang, Satilla Bluff, I, T.
McKinnon, White Oak
Tarboro, or J. I|. Bachlott, St.
Marys, will refund your money
if you arc not satisfied after
using it. It is everywhere ad
mi fled to be the most success*
lul remedy in use for bowel
complaints and the only one
that never fails. It is pleas
ant, safe and reliable.
Bipans Tubules euro flatulenco. ■
Deer limiting is in full Ida:
Messrs. J. F. Cooner, J.
Peeples and Alex Peeples i'
mi nod from the Grassy I-lail
Saturday with three line decl ini
and Mr. D. T. Peeples fell
line Tuesday by killing a veil
line Miss one. Annie Langford, wlJ j
has school, been teaching left for the her home Bridgj
ton i
Atlanta on Tuesday eveuiin
Having contracted a casel|
fever she goes home to n
cope rate. Gis.-V-liJ 1
Mr. M. D. McNeil is
with a case of fever. al fl
Master Clide Whitter
his ....._ sister, ol Kings berry, ^ art
visiting Misses among Eva relatives Swift and here.-j IMi
Lang, Messrs C. M. Iluggi^
Joe r^cott, and George and Ji?
Brandon, came down fron
Woodbine last Sunday to atl
tend the baptising at OakwelB
M rs. Robert Proctor returnjB Creekl
to her home at Otter
Fla., alter spending several
weeks visiting relatives here.
Dr. A. K. Swift was her/J
Thursday on a professiona
visit to Mr. E. O’. Gillette
family of whom there are fouaj
sick with fever. 1
Ruhamah church has a right
to rejoice 'i hey have had
eleven additions in the month.1
Mr. Alexander the popular
A salesman Sons, of here S. Guckenheimey Thursday.
was ,
Mrs. II. A. Rcnfroe of Folk.^
ton, Ga., are visiting lelatr^J
The great success
merit of bowel complaints hj
made it, standard over tl
greater part of the eivilisd
world. For sale by Foster]
Lang, Satilla Bluff; L.'T. ’ n
Kinium, White Oak and
boro; J. R. Bachlott, St
aud J. K. Bedell,‘Woodbine,
The cool September breezes
are enjo(>ed very much.
Messrs. Charlie and
Walters, of Brunswick,
up here last week 0:1 a
hunt. 1 don’t think they
eeeded in getting many birds.
Miss Minnie Ogden is ex
pected home tliis week from
Jacksonville, where site has
been speiidingjhe summer with
her sisters. >Ve will all be
much pleased to have her back
with us
Miss Bertie Ogden will leave
Saturday for Jesup, where she
goes to visit, relatives. Her
triends say she will be missed
very much.
Master Harland Carter is.
(piite ;i fisherman. He recent
ly ! i one tl tty caught no less
than twelve large drum weigh
ing from 30 to 50 pounds.
Last week Captain Moran’s
svhoonc-r sank about half a mile
from here. She was loaded
wuh rosin and spirits of lurpen
tine. Captain Register came
to her relief ^ith the schooner
Metre and took the cargo lo
Brunswick. The loss was not
Ne G ,L |( 'at.
* watermelons around here
are very scarce except at Cap
,a111 ^. u ' aes - tl,cre they Paradise. are very
lady cured of her Deafness and
Noises in (lie Head by Dr. Nich
olson’s Artificial Far Drums,
deal' = lute, so
uv t poop i uua !e to pro
cure the Far Drums may have
them free. Address No. 1239
t he Institute, 780 Eighth Ave
nue, New York.
f Feop’e You Know.
luterestlDg Bits of News Taken From
Join Oar Exchanges.
tlic Charlton County Herald
Mrs Calvin Peepl es
ttdi ,, counU, \v , Iio lecenll} .
braced the cm
Mormon religion
■u) Br!,' il(‘I l " f rami ° agl I ,‘. \ Ilerc Cll l‘ S ll(c " ml to / V
t Lake t’ily, I'tuU.
, son liad gone some time |
lehler L Wltll a \ lew ol becoming
in the
ie Brunswick Times.
ts. „ E T TWrio
0 Did 110, of Or (\ m
rill pun tv is spending several
■ Ri-iihuurif].' "
■ n anti _.i Mrs. \ r ItObeit r>,,
k .
■title 1 daughter npL. Miss Ro
fc II ■i Fn i O.'-tSl-, ^c.,. w aliCi seveial Cl , 11 I
Utime in Nebraska, aud a
in Asheville Iiave
riled to Darien, where they
make their future home. "
■ the Kassau county .-Ur. Richardson expecls to
»lete the Oriel in
Mreeks aud have her ready
■peelion ■ and work. Site
quite a nice boat.
A mow and Bunkley
ve bought Mr. A. C. Wright’s
tre property in this place.
Mr. Wm. Proctor of Proc
Jville, kly Fla, has moved his
to this place for the
■mer. Mr. Proctor is now
Ling Camden county beef
■e and will batcher and
■ to Fefnaudina.
Right to Ugliness,
■jpl WHO is lio-iu in
!, M H l
|^P?ne Inend?, hut
rTTm k. sickly anu Wt, ail run 5 down , lb
El«.‘ ,Uo C ™»iii!, affok
|r kidney trouble, her impure
lood will cause pimples,
Blotches, skin eruptions and a
L-ic wretched complexion. Etec
Bitters is the best medi-
world to regulnt
■e stomach, liver and
■ys R arid to purify the blood.
gives strong nerves, bright
pyes smooth, velvety skin,
Nch complexion It will make
l good-looking charming wo
man of a run-down invalid.
July 60 cents at all drug
Jaid to Have Keen l sod In South Da
I A kota In the Sixties.
well known book of reference
u», cnicago A„v-,,, e , »„
originator of the word “blizzard
Irs ■rtiie sth of January, 1880 old tim
in .
i* South Dakota take exception to
a »««“
ilii, iditor of the Hutchinson County Her
who commenced his newspaper
fermillion, york on the Dakota Republican, at
it, August, 1SG7.
, Swiss bell ringers,
k’illiani rrived In Vermillion by stage, and
Deake, manager of the bell
ingers, said to a party of friends, “1
f oulil like to see one of your blizzards
have heard so much about.” Mr. True
nswered: “All right. We will order
ne for your special benefit aud have
; here when you come back through
ere from Yankton.”
Afler showing three nights in
in the troupe started homeward
loux City, Mr. Peake being oil the
utsiilo of the stage with tbe driver,
he morning was warm and balmy,
ir. Peake was astonished at the
of the driver, ac
who suddenly whip
up. aud asked what tho matter
T. C. Williams, who was driv
answered that he was afraid Mr.
Tie's order was going to be a little
of time. “Look to the north
stiid he. There was the blizzard
ion eh i ng In all its fury. In almost
the blinding snow was being
through the air. aud Mr.
withdrew to the Inner part of
stage. It was one of the most
hicli to the territory,
Is saying considerable. The
troupe was compelled to wait
Vs days at Vermillion until Mr.
blizzard had blown itself out.—
ix Falls Argus.
[Dus Tabu lee: gentle catha'tlc.
A Charming Soc'al Event.
, The hospitable home of Sen
atof and Mrs. Ling of
Bluff was the scene of a tie
levelling, ! ligiltful lawn par tv on Monday
ircoi given ill honor of
ie ls i 1 , s ,Mr3.J U leDun J
() ( Savannah, and Mr. Louis
Lung of the ••Klondike "
TUe lawn was brilltowly
laminated by numerous and
s l>ec0!llil)if „„dry devices, wliicli cast
g |„ w over the fai, :
faces and prettv costumes
ladies. It was
0 that the l ....
ess and her Stately y gueSt of
honor i made i charming
a pair
* °Pli°8ues, ,, lae p ,
one in
! orgaud t,i valid the Other ill black
, with lilac rl •
silk. And , n as
f ° r the ,, S entlemau , fr e ° m the ,
‘ Klondike, ’ he was as
“.“LTlil? kucclvels . ... tliut iuinoi “ 'A , sa\s „ g jf^ .. he
lius atuassed a ^ rtain
important aud not tar distant
ail ideal night for
out-door , , entertainment; . . .
, audit , ■
would be difficult to say
enjoyed , the , J
occasion most: ,
those who spent the hours
dancing those and card-playing,
few who, with some con
genial spirit at hand, seemed
content mocks and to.swing lazily in
gaze on the silvery
bosom of the placid Satilla as
she winds her noisless way
D, c sca
In fact, everybody had a
good time, notwithstanding the
“gay and festive saudtly,”
who was very much in
deuce. ‘
nost amt hostess Were
element, for all Camden knows
I h »'
happier "s charming wife are never
than when
i,,:? ,l ‘ eir -f' cra ble irie " d3 ’
A Prominent Virginia Editor Had
Almost Given Up, but Was Brought
Back to’Perfect Health bv Chamber
lain’s Colic, hoiera and Piirrbeea
From the Times. Hills till e, Ya.
I suffered with diarrhoea
a Ion- time and thought I
inucli .ml Wing lime cared. I had
cud money aad
Cored so much misei v that i
had almost decided to give up
all hones of recovery and awaii
the result, bul noticing thead-|
vertisement of Chamberiaiu's
Colic. Cholera and Diamhoea !
valid also some testi
I lllOUials Staling llOW SOIUC WOU
')« , , ,I , cn.cs v,.i had 101 ’ ..-rmirriii " :
by this emed} '
j '. \ , 1 deClUCU 10
ti v j t After taking a few doses
. . ,
file, find e ?' 1 '-!L Wish to s;)\ I, ,• .1 fill L . ...... lilt. Zl 1
(nv ‘ ■ ponders C aud fellow SUl
ieVCVS that I . ,11 A I dfe and
hearty mall tt'daV and ted US ,
’ 1 .^g '' { ever did ill mV life.—
. , , t rn
JleKilHlOll, W ^ llitO Oak and
m , j Bedell, Wood
; jd ’ ’
blUC; UoslCl i., r ^ o .:n
;l pd J. R. Bachlott. Si.
M irvs
a, io ike Contrariety or n«rber«.
“Every barber on earth.” said the
observant man. "lias one habit that
drives me to driuk. lie gets you nice
iy lathered up. strops a razor careful
iy and then makes one sweep with
uie blade across your face. Then he
looks at you inquiringly and suspends
operations while lie asks. ‘Razor suit
| you. sir';' K you answer yes, tie nl-
got- two three strops the ra
or times, or else he
.promptly ehauges the blade. Why lie
should do either when you say you
are satisfied 1 uunot fathom. Lately
l have always said that the did
not suit, and in razor
barber kept nearly every ease the
sereuely at work with
same razor. i might add that that's
the reason that 1 am now shaving
seif. ’-New York sun. my-
Subscribe (or the Georgian,
SI.00 a year in advance.
Term*, terms. f (A(lvanse 011 P® r A linillU.
NO. 16.
0)1 l,yre ‘‘ est
j„ lasy cha'ir” 1 ^’
i My thoughts my
And revert to Bailey's Mills
the scenes and people there.
1 *.“*^KX3";.m.
A, familiar catching catfish
' e scenes,
Awl although my stay was very short
T, '|,^Sd.»A»L R ^
IB’ W soon will he arrive at Pays-indu?
u aque8lion Can you guc*?
Frank Bliley, the ladies and children,
With faces so bright and fair;
Oh! how I wish I couid see them;
Oh’, how 1 wish I was
But one there is in particular
That i should nice to see,
Hi* name I will not mention,
lie is known as eight thirty-throe,
a 1 ’
He prides . himse if on his figure;
The By that I do not mean
When figurfe lie puts on the lumber
it is perfectly L. green.
*r oodays «. as™,e«*.
when it u fair,
FroBl S® ?t,° f Ms hcad t0 tbe 80168
f e °
An “Adonis” everywhere.
But my pipe li :s gone out at hist,
A n l I m « sleepy as I can be;
, , the
grant shadow may never grow
i ess .
of eight hundred and thirty-three.
B.iltimore, Dkv Pitch Pi.vb.
Md., June 14 , 1897.
Vulcanic Eraptions
Arc c: , but skin o
| I0 ; 1S Arnica r0 °. °* j‘ ,v - tX
s .-al\e cures them;
1 ;ds0 °^ d ’ i' uli »ing and fever
• - ' 01 e> ’ u ‘ sei ' f * J< !“'• leions,
,,lll> ’ v ' a 1 ,^’ cu ^’ Bruises.
burns, scalds, , chapped , hands,
be?t pi.e cure on
c ‘ w l ) c 'l. 0lli l )U ‘ ns aU( ^
acbcs - Only 2o cents a box
U!C Btiaranteed. feo.d b\ all
L Oli? oTWiMHremoTSSTS
n( i cnooossfnl sivAl
m-cn-s of
season was the ‘ Tackv Party”
at the residence of Mm. M A
of this Wcdcesday cvcc'
j At the usual hour the guests
began to arrive, and it was a
motley looking crowd. There
1" belles IrOlll PoSSUill
j tj - ot and “prominent young
I men” from Waybaek among
•*» S' ,csts ’ 10 “T »»«'««. » f
B "®! 10 11 L '> f ,aiia l, > =’
> U ‘ e 4°
V t’f
Little -
Boj Bine - •
and others too
numerous lo
Mueu merriment was caused
b T the incongruous assemblage
o! web known characters and
promiuent people ' in the first
^ aaces °* tb e evening
to tackiest
VOllllg , hilly .
Was awarded , . to
'Mis/Unln Lang, ® and li,o |,ri/m
10 l l( aC , . 1
awarded ; ' ,lau uas
to Mr. J. U . Lrawfonl,
s >mc of lhe charades re,,
FCSOllOspCCUul} . .. . r 1
w AL Vlll
Ilia Diana, ’ ' bv Ml'S. R. S.
ll, =" j y „ y
1 ‘ were leiliai
al )'v good; a
but in the awarding
o! the prizes they could not.
O VOlirse, be COlisltlered US tli‘‘
suizes were offered for the
bit-w ,-t auj .1 d t 1 ,i tl
r . .
to all. past mo.-tp.cas
Full rciglietl Sti-
1 K !1U ,:|t ' U ® a i.
‘ , ’ ,.,.., ’
Ulltl llid ‘ ItlCKV l fifty will be
J pleasantly “ rOlUt'inbei'etl Ibr U
a, *'g tittle
Bismarck’s Iron Jicrve
Was the result of his splen
did health. Indomitable wiil
and tremendous energy ate
found where stomach, bv
, LltlliONS . ,
W III Hi , , UOWIMS , a re
out of order. If
these tjualities and the success
they , bring, . tat*-
New use Dr. Kings
Life Pills. TllOV deveb
powerof bra in and
Only 25c at all thug
stt> es.