The southeast Georgian. (Kingsland, Ga.) 1894-1996, September 08, 1899, Image 2

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THE SOUTHEAST GEORGIAN. ' Walter Wyatt, Editor and Proprietor, - A weekly Paper Devoted to the Interest of Camden County. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT WOODBINE, GEORG!A. Subscription Price: One year : : 8 Six months : g Three. months SJ Advertising Rates: *1.03 per inch Crst insertion; 50 cents each subsequent insertion Column rates made knO'vn on application L...... —.................... jar*A<ldress all comuiupicaimns to Tg« Southeast Georgian. Entered at the postoffice in Woodbine ns s qond class matter. WOODBINE, GA„ SEPT. £, 1800. A GREAT OFFER, By special arrangement made with the publishers of the Farm Journal we are enabled to offer that paper for the rest of 1899 and until December 1QQ8, nearly five years, absolutely free to every one. pf our subscribers who pays up for tiro Geokgian one year in advance. The Farm Journal is an old established paper, enjoying great popularity, one of the best and most useful farm papers pub lished. This offer should be accepted without delay, as our arrangement with the Farm Journal folks stip ulates that subscriptions to their paper are to be sent in during June and the first part of July. The date o.f the county fair is Only five weeks off. Are you get ting ready for it? The Darien Gazette says: “The legislature should not hesitate for a single moment to make a big appropriation for the military of Georgia. We can all see (lie need of it now.” “It is more than half in planning comic “ much in as farming as in any other business. Some, of the saddest failures have been hard manual workers,” says Farm Journal. The Houston Home Journal hits the nail squarely when it says: UThe legislator must be extremely facetious who sees anything funny in the demand for a dog law in Georgia. Such a law would be just, it is needed, it will be asked for, and it will be enacted. ent legislators will be wise to act upon this suggestion next tober.” ---------------r four weeks , from „ Court meets, Tuesday and the misdemeanor of fenders, are laying low and hoping ing to escape the attention of the grand to say t jurors. hat crime Ye IS are at t Jhankfu V1 ho usual lf j low ebb in the county, but there are some flagrant infractions of the criminal code that should, and doubtless will, receive atten tion. The. grand jury drawn for the October term is composed of some of our best and most promi nent citizens, and they owe it to their intelligence and patriotism to consistently and conscienciously perform thoroughly the duties of a good grand juror “without fear The Savannah Morning News tgdls of an Irwin county farmer who made a net profit of $294 on two and a half acres of land planted in onions the past season, find is now making a good prop of late corn on the same land, which he planted between the rows of onions just before time to dig the latter, early in June. The land \yas ordinary pine or wiregrass land, which would not have, made a, half hnfe of cotton on the two acres and a half. The onions were ■yyorked at less cost than it takes to make cotton, too,. Here is a pointer for the people of this po.unfcy. There could be thousands pf dollars worth of onions raised here in a year and a market readily found for them, but as it is, pur merchants have to import them, READ THE Bl i L ? " TIMES - Bejr»u From Curiosity mid Contln u«d Through Interest, A stout, elderly man was noticed gazing earnestly at a display of “Bibles in all languages'’ in a show window. A stroller passing halted to see what this man was gazing at and remarked that there was a line assortment of Bi hies. “Yes,” said the man, “but I have one at home older and bigger than any of theifn** There did not seem to he any connection between the age and size of a Bible, so fo.r lack of anything further to say the stroller asked the mau if he had ever read ids big Bible through. "Yes,” was the reply. “1 have read it through 11 times.” “Holy Moses!” ejaculated the stroller. “What do you think of the Bible after reading it through so many times?” “Well, the Bible is all right. I will tell you how 1 came to read it through the first time. An old circuit rider wlio used to visit my father’s house when I was a boy one Sunday preach ed a sermon from Uie text, 'For a man shall be judged according to the deeds done in the body.’ 1 asked him if that text was to be found in the Bible, and he said. ‘Of course it is.’ I said i did not think it was, and he proposed that we both read the Bible through to find it. We did not find it, but I found so many kept tlfiugs which interested me that I on reading the Bible till I have gone through it 11 times.”—Port land Oregonian. A CmripiiH Lookins’ Es'g 1 . A shark’s egg is one of the most odd looking things imaginable and iias no more resemblance to an egg, strictly speaking, than it has to a paving stone. In one variety it is pillow shaped aud has a long “horn,” or “feeler,” at each corner. It is about two inches long apd the color almost pure black. It is unprovided with shell, as we understand that word, but the contents are protected by a thick, leathery cov ering, which has almost as much elas ticity about it as a covering of rubber would have. The “feelers” mentioned catch hold of and wind themselves around pieces of seaweed and other floating objects aud hang until the egg is hatched. One variety of the shark lays 18 eggs during the month of April. These float about uulil early In December, when the little sharks emerge. Katins I,ike a Bird. It isn’t as polite as it is intended to be to say that a person has the appe tite of a bird. If a human being ate as much proportionately as does the av erage bird, the sight would be disgust ing. Iu one shrike there have been found the remains of 79 caterpillars, 24 bugs, one field mouse and one leech. A field hawk that was observed for a month is credited with a record of '17000 time in that time. A tame owl ate seven! mice, one after the other, feet of SPorms daily. Tiie End. “What have you been writing, my dear?” asked Mrs. Beech wood of her daughter. “These are the last sad writes, main Ilia,” replied the girl. “This note tells Mr. Homewood that 1 have ceased to love him."—Pittsburg Chronicle-Tele graph. Mothers of children affected witli croup or a severe cold need hesitate to berlaie s Cough hemedy. 11 contains no opiate nor narcotic any form and may be as confidently to the babe as l( > an adult, 'i lie great success that has attended its use in the treatment of colds and croup has won for it the approval and praise it has received out the United States and in maMv foI . cij?n , !lU( J s . For sale . t>! „ *r ♦!. IN. rr Deueil. IVODUOim., Foster – Lang, Salilla Bluff; L. T. McKinnon, White Oak -and Tarboro, and J. R. Rachlott, St. Marys. HowT@ Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pousstS a day by taking sn ounce of SCOT VS EMUL SION. it is strange, but it often happens. the produces Somehow ounce (fog pound ; it seems to start the digestive machinery going is prop- able zr \y t $$ that the patient ( 0 digest and absorb his ordinary fo 0 rj, which lie COUSd not do be* fore, and that is the way the gain ij made. certain amount necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking %mtn mmm «so«;Kvu»Mr-*a B, ( ’«a rouui 'i »i n f You will find it just as useful in as bt winter, and if you are thriving upon it don’t stop because the weather is warm. 50c. and $1.00, all druggists. SCOTT – BOWNE, Chemists, New York. U/ * r / a £ O p MW for a Mona, Tombstone or n t/ V THINK OF IT! Iii Fencing hi a> Cheap as J rp, « ,> , r '* r . i I / Get t „ °»>‘ iv ]! FoilCC Oil Earth. ) awl Pri MIGHT SAVE YOU SOi Why Not Try Brunswick Mar Brunswick. Ga. Fresh Mr store : nrnv'no', ......V"- ’Zji v but mv Goods are A1 wa’T ladies’, Oents’as O alicoes, 0rj Also a, full supply of tlie <i A Complete Stock of Choice{ ifoceriesa I Buy and Sell Counj \ ■ ■ H lU–'LJ f ■\a rs N0T"iCfir - 'OUNTvl_ — STATE OF GEOKGIA, CAMDEM < There will He sold on »lie 9tli day of Scptemb^* hid'!civ IgO'J, at t lie »Id homestead, to i he highest; for cash, one steam •-rits Mill, mav.imicry, ftc.: ifiMieiiehhaeceaselii of 1 ''” August, 1899.^^ This the 28tli day ^ ^ Administrator of Fa id Esiafev^ ci(! , lion f0l . Guardimsliip. STATE 0F GK0R( . a v, camokn coixiy. au^.VTiUmimid] o: J; °TioV: l ri'rT. ! x® tll:S ’ordinary i- : v . “ 0 eawden to ca. ——- 1—7 TV ' CITATION. G KOKGJ A, C A M DEN COXIX TV. To All Whom Ic May Concern: me on the first Monday ’i„ October. 1800. Given under mv hand and official signature, "da^ i.axg. or.iin»r y r.-.m.;enco.,o>._ B. LEVISON > The Largest Liquor House in Brunswick. Special attention paid to Country Orders, dugs and packing Free Satisfaction Guaranteed. B. LEVISON, liOMdrcetBransiisliJa. its Morphine treated and without Whiskey pain hab- ot^ confinement. Cure guaran teed or no pay. B. H. VttAh, •, Man’gr Litlna Springs San itarium, Box 3, Austell, Ga. ► A A A A THE INVENTORS 4 i Ml m pimm fili Mil K PATEN" i if- V/ashinjjtan, D. C. ife i jtgp ? r cy> . tagos, of made Affords thin Handbook tHroueh paper Xn<iuiries superior if the desired may advan- editor! be ' rvv\ ‘ ■' and Nc*d Patent Laws FREH Ripaus Tubules cure flatulence. I 1 f m r J'W r 4 I I i I i V/ I I I 3YM W mi p M m m m Granite Works E tri l r Prop. I II •. urge as some oilier stores I hive now a Fine Line of hildran’s Shoes, Goods, Be I !M warden Seed, 'provisions l Produce of all Kinds. ■dp,™ 11 J xj =53 .OUTHERN RAILWAY.'* Schedule In Effect Juno 11th, 1S99. Northbound. No. (No. |ao. So. 21 15 . i 23 . - 13 v. Brunswick s' :l 4 OJli S OO p r. Everett G 80; :o :.4hs 5 Don aaip 11 «5a,.....:lUSJu Surn-ney.. iiffip ..... . Tuer Jehurst. City :::: .... 2 1 ST:: ( 8p!. IS Missier...... ......' -'U,. :: ToSi Eastman...... ..... S45p: 3 Up 1 • .... B awkinsviHc ...... 2 iop .__ ‘ Cochran..... Macon........ No 8 O'hi'- - S) ll20p>'‘’-' 1 Hip- a 133a 54a I 4 45p Flovilla...... iiOoii. a) 5 lip 8 I'.p 3 43a McDonough.. P 41 0 22 p j Soup ..... 6 05a 10 40a 7 gQp BSSp Cliatlanooga...... Atlanta............i'4K^|jl00p | 4i;p 8 45u- 11 60Ca M)p! 630a 0 50a s t jlcmpbis Louisville.......... ...... 7 7 55a nut Ysg ; lOp f33p ; lOp OS 7 40a fgit. E Onr.riHrQ. unis, Air –C.. Line, j ~7 (l fca TBOp 704 a j 7 7 U4aj Sup TW 704a ~! p . i Atiama.......... 4 topi 10p!......j Ti ’ ’. 5 80a 2tta Birmingham ...... ]0 45a]...,. f.lH j Meniphis......... Kansas City... 7 10a' I* * | 9 5 30p 35p 7 . .. W- Atla nta'. .T......... IiaiKhn! __ i foOp . ..... i v. Wasbin%\on........|’6 K<dv York 1248p i2a I . T "Tfo5p .,,...... . 1 .....^ (j Southbound. j IN <». j .N C>. I ! .Ml > o. JO 18 S I S NewWork.. ______ 1 ..J2l5n , \\ ashmgt<m. .. 10 80]» 4op!...... ... ; jl .15a ...... l ^ Atlanta...T...... t ~3 55p ...... 5 l f, a LKansas piemphis.........10 City.......j OiOpi 00p . .. 110 40a | 00,-v 1 Birmingham....... Atlanta ;il3tej 6 OOn •. 1 10 1 4 .>p .. . Gp Cincinnati, Q. – C; 8(Ki,> 83Hi 8 Clip j HilOa St. Louis Air Lin*. BlEa; 818a. p 15p^ U rip . I'Loulsvi iio. ~7T I«p.l£5iI^ i I^ [Ohattsnooga f5Jon,pU:s .. ...... HUUp 0 15a | 8 00 p j 8 UUp lAtlanta. fcAtlanta..... iMcDonough .......! ! 5 4 20pi*5 2Ppi ft aOai|«05piUOOp 15a 12 52pl...... Flovilla..... Ii03n! 7 02a 127p-1217a ■aeon....... j 710i> Il0 8 20a| 08a|...__ 2 25p 110a Coc liriin . 2 25a pau*kinsviilo~ ' :in 4-la' ~ Bjmpire ,... 10 22n..... batman..............10 ! 53a; .... 3fcto BWslcr................. Helena. .....II 11 24a-....... .'5a ttjUlnbcrCity..... ... 3 35a l:M0n. ..... 4 10a Haalcfannt..... ■cagley...............! ..... 1 pop ... 4 25a Currency......... .....i 1 182|.j...... 82p.......... 4 53a Everett i‘'«np .........:10 ..........I 86a 830n: 2 38p..... 5 lOp 350a 5 48a Brun swick II 35al 4 80p| 6051, 7 46a t os. 13 and 14.—Puiimau Sleeping between ( ars be u Brunsv.ii;k end Atlanta, Jack llJo, Fla., und Cincinnati, via Everett and mi a. b^. 15 and 10.—Pullman Sleeping Curs be en Atlanta and Cincinnati, via Chatta ru between Chattanooga and Mem rains 7 and in—Pullman ” Drawing Room ■et Sleeping Cars between Macon and evillo, N. C. 7 and 8 —Pullman Sleeping Cars bo ■en Atlanta and Chattanooga. Bdh. 0 mid 1<>—Observation Chair Cars be* ■Cn ■nuection Macon and Atlanta. at Union Depot, Atlanta, for all JftKK ■tsnorFft, GANNON, east and west. S. J. M. CULP, Third V-P. – Gen. Mgr., Tratlie Manager, pWashhigion, A. TURK, D. C. H. Washington, HAKDWICK, D, C. . S. Gon’ 1 Pa f:s. A gt. Asst. Gen’l Pass. A gt. Washington, p. C. Atlanta, Ga. Ripatu; Tubules cure (lizziucpp. $ 0 J I Owens Ferry, Ga., ; Store at 7 *: 7 J O Dyal, Prop., I J 1 shape of Dry B Who keeps everything in the 7 n Goods, Shoes, Clothing for (ho young and old, Groceries, Hardware, Farm Implements, Fie. Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, Tinware, and Willow Ware, Vaiices, Tobacco, Etc. > Now, we wish to ask you a question. Where do you 1 j town? V by, at IheS •7 buy your goods when you come to I cheapest place, of course Then in the future 1 am sure a I you will make your way right to ; s i j. o. dyal’s “M/IIN” store. PLEASE DROP IN And see me when 3-011 come to town. I am anxious to Ciow you a full, up-to-date line of tOILEl AR TICLES, SUNDRIES, DRUGS, ETC., ETC. PRESCRIPTIONS the best Drugs and In compounded, nothing but Chemicals are used in my store, and you get the best results from all Medicines 1 put up W. J. BUTTS, THE DRUGGIST, BRUNSWICK, GARDENS. GA. LANDRETTUS FRESH SEED FOR FALL SB in ilu s ai-1 fin li © mmmM iw«S * FASHONABLE CLOTHING 1 Up fo date J fS||fL|!.„ f » J? a , iu '•* vcrj ','Tf l TT h '° .Kvi-n,,! aU1 l mail., .ml Perfect fitting I Muslin Underwear, Corset Covers, Lmb nveur. Neckwear, Hosiery, etc. Agent for (he celeb.rite,i KAB) CORSET. All colors and styles, from $ 1.09 t . 1 CO. Boys and Childrens l Wyttiti Clot lung ntul FiirnisiiioKs. Ilats. Hos Xeckvveav, ITnUn wear, Sliirts, E c. . Mens SupDlies abundance. Suits, i i In usual Superior « Fine Neckwear, Underwear, Negligee 1 oU Sliii ts, etc. Stiff', Soft aud stra v Hats. ' C.O.D. Sliipmenls with privileg s-TT-W.'' V ■ of examining before pay- a MM mg K 5 GOODS niHIIT OU MONEY BACK. Si r> atw g-T g H ^ 1 1 * . Levy – Bro, S0-T7-a.r*A.inLSb Hn., ~TTjTi5ga H M. MILLER – ^ON, BRUNSWICK, 0A. Bedroom Suits from $15. “S3 I N G ?.tl y P O li S h G Cl clflCj Solid OciR ChcUfS 50C Up Table Oil Goth 20c par yard. High Back Rockers at $1.75. FULL LINE OF Sideboards, Tables, | Dinner Sets, Sewing Machines, Lamps, Rugs, Trunks, Portieres, Lace Curtains, Baby Carriages,] Toilet Sets, Etc., .At Lowest Price s. Iii ordriiig mention this, paper. New Home Sewing MachineS, Latest style and all imprftvmeiits. reduced to $3o OO