The southeast Georgian. (Kingsland, Ga.) 1894-1996, December 15, 1905, Image 2

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THE Sul — - ... -—--—------------- A WEEKLY PAPER PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY IN INTEREST OF Camden County. SUBSCRIPTIONS : $1.00 PER YEAR. JOHN A. BRITTON, Publisher. Entered Nov. 21,1902, at the postoflice in Woodbine, Ga., as second class mail matter. Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF TIIE COUNTY Advertising Rates furnished ou application. CAMDEN’S DIRECT \ REJPP.ES ENTATIVE J. J. Proctor, . Satilla mff juries SUPERIOR COUR' T A. Parker, B. xley. SOLICITOR, John W. Bennett, Way-cross CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, J. H. Rudolph, St. Marys ORDINARY, Robt. Lang. . Waverly. TREASURER, J. P Biichlott, St. Marya SHERIFF, Davl Bailey, Satilla Bluff TAX RECEIVER. J. M. Thomas, Midriver. TAX COLLECTOR. Camden Lang, Shelbine. BOARD OF EDUCATION, J. S. N. Davis, Jr., Woodbine. Marion McKendree. Klnesland. A J MIm White Oak. D. E Littlefield, Waverly. W. H. Peeples, Kingsland. SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. G. O. Floyd, White Oak. COUNTY COMMISSION sites, Dr. B. Atkinson, ch’m’n, Waverly W. B. Godley, Motts, Ga. Clias. F, Cole, Colesburg, J. O. Dya], Owens Ferry. D. C, Sterling, St. Marys. Stanley’s Business College, MACON, HA. Success is yours if you attend a good Imsinesa .age. We will quali^^a^|B you a pcsi tiOi Governor Terrell lias ap pointed Hon. S. C. Atkinson, £ Brunswik, associate justice ,f the Supreme court of Geor gia, Judge ( handler having re igned._ The Valdosta Times says: that the fanners of Lowndes county are taking advantage of the cold wave to butchei their hogs. The same paper has reports from Brooks comity to the effect that cholera is killing off the hogs. L – 51 Paint. Lead and zinc non -chalkable "ears and covers like gold. Soil by J. K. Bedell, Woodbine, Ga. Two scholarships in a- Busi ness College may be obtained by application to this office. * Petition for Charter. STATE OF GEORGIA, ] County of Camden, j To the Honorable Superior Court of said county: The petition of J. S. N. Davis, Jr., and G. W. Brandon, and J. B. Newton and A. K. Swift, all of said county, and Samuel C. Atkinson, of the county of Glynn, respectfully shows: 1. That your petitioners for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, desire to be incorporated under the cor porate Dame and style of the Satilla Telephone Company, and thereupon your petitioners specify and allege as follows: (a) The object of said corporation shall be financial gain and profit to the stockholders thereof. (b) The particular business they pro pose to carry on shall be to construct, erect, buy and otherwise acquire a sys tem of telephones and telephone lines and connections for the purpose of con versation over the same at auy and all distances, and to maintain and operate the same. Said telephone system to be used in such manner as the Board of Directors of said Company shall provide and require, and under such ruies and regulations as the said Board of Direct ors may provide and require, and among cither powers the said Company to he allowed to transmit messages for other opie over its lines for hire aud io pet' other people for hire to converse .sr its saiu hues, and in addition to the things already specitied it is desired that sa.4 Company shall he permitted to do am. aud all things which are essential in sy.ltem at i about the operation of the telephone generally'. The lines of said Company to he located any and every where in this State^co^DK^^ni^e, tim, especially in t jU, Chiriton, le m cud oi BOARD OF EDUCATION. Woodbine, Ga., Nov. 6, 1905.— Pursuant to adjournment the Board of Education met in regu lar session, J. S. N. Davis, Jr., in the chair; A. J. Liles, D. E. Lit tlefield and M. B. McKendree, were present. The itemized statement for the month ending Oct. 81st. which amounted to $734.76, was audited There appearing no further business the board adjourned to meet first Tuesday, 5th December J. S. N. Davis, Jr., Cha’n. G. O. Floyd, C.S.C. and Sec. B. E. _ Woodbine, Ga., Dee. 5, 1905.— Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of Education met this date Present, J. J3. N. Davis, Jr., in the chaii , A. J. Eiles, D. E. held, M B. McKendree and . 1 1 'cp es. Minutes of the last two the month of November, which amounted to $554.31, was audited. The board will have an exam ination for the election of a Coun ty School Commissioner on the 16th December, at Woodbine, (da. The board adjourned Woodbine. to meet on 19th December, at J. S. N. Davis, Jr., Cha’n. G. O. Floyd, C.S.C. and Sec. B. E. Don't pay $1.50 a gallt.n for oil because la beled mixed paint. « il Paint only costs and 60 cts a gal ion. Buy L and 51 add oil It makes paint cost $1.20 a gallon. Sold by J, K. Bedell, Woodbine, Ga. SAND HILLS. Mr. and Mrs. V eb Hismith visited at A. J. Southwell's Sunday morning, on route to Dave Langs, where t ey will visit relatives. Miss Bessie Sweat was on the sick list quite recently. Mrs. Gussie Sweat spent the day with Mrs. A. J. Southwell last week. Little Eve ret Southwell got his hand mashed very badly rec ntly. Leitie Southwell was the guest of h r cousins, Gussie and Mary Brantley, recently Mr and Mrs. AM South well visited Peter Drury a recent Sunday evening. Violet. ,lu | WOMAN’S FOREIGNMISSIONARY SOCIETY. M. E. Church South. “The interpretation of Christ jA others is the greatest work of * lie ‘ “The need of the social group to which you belong is that you sha11 „ d ,. L s f 0V f’ appreciate . , and , . m terpret Christ to those about, you. ’ ’ The spreading fire in Korea. The religious awakening in North Korea continues and many marked conversions are recorded. In p Yang f a sorceress, who h r art of deception for ’ years has been converted and given , M[ { occupation. An y— f *** the recognized head of the fusious in that part of the eoun try, had a son who has long been a Christian and a church leader, The oid gentleman had lv refused to accept the gospel now rejoices that he has. Truly we should send the gospel to the people of little Korea. Campbell says they are so eager for it and ask questions as little. children do. Mrs. Campbell reached Seoul, Korea, in August In a recent letter she says she had a safe trip, and closes with these words: “Don’t forget us in prayer.” Perhaps know it will interest friends to there are fifty-eight Pro tesant societies now working in China sustaining about twenty eisht hundred missionaries. Dear wo men of the Church ,did you know that there are two hundred Christ less women dependent upon each Christian woman for salvation? What are you doing for your two hundred? The returned missionaries from Brazil, China and Mexico are at home. Miss Glenn in Sharpsburg, Ga., Miss Davis in Warren Point, N. C .; Miss Eierding in Chicago; Miss Maidee Smith, La-Grange, Ga. From China are Miss Waters and Miss Tarrant—the former in Murray, Ky., the latter in St. Louis. The Moravians give over two hundred dollars per inember to foreign missions. If lli e Mora vian standard were ra >y the t'l n l~ ■ ■ihev j* You will never get well and strong, bright, hap py, hearty and free from pain, until you build up your constitution with a nerve refreshing, blood-making tonic, like -.5 * TOne°4 m t ¥ L It Makes Pale Cheeks Pink It is a pure, harmless, medicinal tonic, made from vegetable ingredients, which relieve female pain and distress, such as headache, backache, bowel ache, dizziness, chills, scanty or profuse menstru ation, dragging down pains, etc. It is a building, strength-making medicine for women, the only medicine that is certain to do you good. Try it. Sold »y every druggest in $1.00 bottles. WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, in strictest conftd ence, telling us all your symptoms and troubles. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope), how to cure them. Address: Ladies’ Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. . Headquarters for O f\ T I i Z 0 * T? from I)RED $1.50 to $4 50 a HUN A *--B- J r $1.00 WEIGHT; 25c, 65c and a peck THE KH ER UP—Double Width R!an ! e{« a pair 75c See our Xpress Wagons, Groves Shoes for tender feet at * 25 a pair. A line of W. L. Douglas $2.00 Shoes See our price on general stock of Shoes. A full and well , stock of Dry Goods. See our prices before buying. iPfSiSSp**. Mtimt fc rntrnm 3 v b.:- A-,-. w-' P * 5,, ^liic ^ w gV"; “YOU ARE FRIENDS of mine,” writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, of Gallatin, Tenn.: “For since taking Cardui I have gained 35 lbs., and am in better health than for the past 9 years. 1 tell my husband that Cardui is worth its weight in gold to all suffering ladies.”