Newspaper Page Text
Sympsffigs ^ElbdrsfS
Cleanses tke System E||ect
ucilly; Dispels Colds and Head
aches due to Constipation;
Acts naturally, ( acts truly as
a Laxative.
Best |orMen\Vi omen an dCkild
ren-young and Old.
Always % get Luv its BenejicialEjjeets tke Genuine vvkiek
has ike full name o | tke Corn
Feg- Syrup Co.
by ■whom front it is manufactured, of package. printed on the
every LEADING .
one Size only, regular price 50?pci- bottle,
Act 1—The Missionary.
Act 2—Whiskey and Pale Ala.
Act 3—The Maxim Gun.
Act 4—A Newspaper.
Act 5—Cricket and Football.
Act G—Death of the Last Aborigine.
Finis—Band plays “Rule Britan
tiia.”—The Egyptian Standard.
Abbott's east Indian corn paint removes
corns, root and all, without cutting or burn
ing and leaves no soreness. It cures soft
corns between the toes, bunions or sore,
callous spots. It cures all quick and per
manent. Get. it at your druggists or send
-25c. to The Abbott Co., Savannah, Ga.
"He’s all broken out,” said the sick
man’s friend. “Do you think it’s any
thing serious?”
“Oh, no,” replied the doctor, "it’s
just a hereditary hum'or that—”
“Oh, that can't be. He’s an Eng
lishman.”—Philadelphia Press.
That’s what tettebine is; and it is more.
It i9 an absolute cure for eczema, tetter,
ringworm, erysipelas and all other itching
cutaneous diseases. In aggravated cases
of these afflictions its cures have been phe
nomenal. It gives instant relief and effects
permanent cures. 59c. at druggists or by
mail from J. T. Shcptkine, Dept. A, Sa
vannah, Ga.
The count-csg has gone on her first
shooting trip and stops at the game
keeper’s house for the night.
"I have never heard the nightin
gales sing so loud,” she remarked.
“You can easily quiet them, my
lady-, I have put a bootjack or two
by your ladyship’s bedside.”—Jugend
! Free Cure fof/ Rheu
matism, anti Eczema Bone Pain
f Boianic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures the worst
cases of Rheumatism, bone pains, swollen
muscles and joints, by purifying the blood.
Thousands of cases cured by B. B. B. after
all other treatments failed Price Si.oo per
large bottle at drug stores, with complete
directions for home treatment jLarge sample
free by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ga.
% J < 2 t fee
Rcfnsrksbifi for ifs Quality
^ R emartable for iLFiwlFiayor A
v Remarkable for its Lv| Yt
Double Strength 4
,1^ K and Most Remarkable
for ifs Moderate Price
How To Get Rich.
No new method has as yet been de
vised to accumulate wealth. Few
men get rich by chance. Those who
do invariably as quickly lose it. Every
man finds sooner or later that wealth
lias its price, not only in the getting,
but in the retaining. A young man
who says to himself, “I will be rich,”
must start out to spend less than he
receives every day in the year. Ho
must keep an account of his money.
Summer and Winter, day and night.
An eye with the keenness of a search
light must be trained to look out for
investments that shall be both safe
and profitable. Step by step wealth
comes. It requires more effort, more
watchfulness and self-denial than
most men are willing to give.—Grit.
“Yes, my son.”
“Did the stork bring that new baby
of ours?”
“Yes, my boy.”
“Guess he was mighty glad to get
rid of it, it crieu so much!”—Yonkers
After Being an Invalid With Kidney
Disorders For Many Years.
John Armstrong, Cloverport, Ky.,
says: “I was an invalid with kidney
complaints for many
years and cannot tell
|| H dured what from agony backache. I en
*• >7 My limbs swol
' len twice natural
SB . size and my sight
jps Sf was kidney weakening. The
1 secretions
Spy were had discolored and
a sediment.
When I wished to eat my wife had to
raise me up in bed. Physicians were
unable to help me and I was going
down fast when I began using Doan’s
Kidney Pills. After a short time I
felt a great improvement and am now
as strong and healthy as a man could
be. I give Doan’s Kidney Pills all
the credit for it.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Foreigners Here Do It, and So Do We
When We’re Abroad.
“Did you ever *otice,” he asked,
‘‘how foreigners always speak very
loudly when talking with other per
sons of their own country?
‘I mean that foreigners traveling
about in this country conduct their
conversations at the top of their
voices. The same is true of them in
restaurants, where they discuss the
most private matters openly and loud
ly. They have abundant confluence
that' no one else wifi know what Lhey
“I remember'lmTpneBccasion being
on the street with a young., woman
who knew Italian much m’ore than
I did. We passed several Italians
who were walking along and one of
them turning to a companion made
a remark about the young woman’s
personal appearance that wasn’t ex
actly flattering.
“From her face I knew that she
understood. I turned about angrily,
but she put her hand on my arm and
asked me not to do anything. So
we let it go at that.”
"Yes,” said the other man, “and
if you ever have been abroad you
will remember that Americans and
English there are quite as free in
their way of expressing loudly all
sorts of opinions. It lotoks like a
standoff to me.”—New York Sun.
Good Humor and Cheerfulness from
Right Food.
o THE" , mn
■iir ANICi
. gltCKMAN*
# In Washing Animals.
To protect them from parasites,
which either bite or annoy them,
wash them with borax water, when
the dirt and disagreeable odor are
not only removed, but the animals 1 ’
skins are rendered much healthier,
the hair will be soft and glossy, and
they will be practically free from
further annoyance by insects.
Acetylene Waste.
What is the value of refuse from
mi acetylene gas machine as a fer
tilizer, how best apply it, and to what
land? C. L. M. The lime from ace
tylene plants is simply lime. It may
be poisonous if applied in too large
quantities, but is as useful as any
other lime if applied in reasonable
quantities. The worst trouble is that
it is soft and sticky, and therefore
hard to apply.—Country Gentleman.
Ripening Cream.
It is very essential in cream ripen
ing to agitate the cream frequently
to insure uniform ripening. When
cream remains undisturbed for some
time the fat rises in the same way
that it does in milk, though in a less
marked degree. The result is that
the upper layers are richer than the
lower and will sour less rapidly,
since the action of the lactic acid
germs is greater in thin than in rich
cream. This uneven ripening leads
to a poor bodied cream. Instead of
being smooth and glossy, it will ap
pear coarse and curdy when poured
from a dipper. The importance of
stirring frequently during ripening
should therefore not be underestimat
ed.—Professor John Michels.
/ ...
TH BflKS-g -rfORSE’ S*Sn–R , TO
Some one ffiAj^ed for three horse evener
is one. There must be offset iron madAgn the for
The ends may be bent down so as to hold against the _s
The one bolt in each end will be enourfjz to hold it®
be made of iron two inches wide and one-half inch thick, There should
he twelve inche rojn the centre of the tongue to the draw holes in the
may be found by placing a single
will be about fifty-four
, | iafajaqg the draw hole eighteen the
:rx 7v>.„
more and vigorous space for specimens the remaining bealdHj aSf
to grow
de’velop to advantage. Whenever®
is necessary to fell a large, healtlS
tree the’ stump should be left hi®
enough to insure a growth of vffl
orous sprouts. Chestnut, oak a®
hickory are examples of this class ■
trees. Cutting out the*under brufl
and letting the stronger and moS
promising stand growths develop of young into futurl foreaj
trees to
timber material is always profitable’
Any attention that may be given to
the wood at this time will be certain
to bring in good returns a little later
on.—A. G. R., in the Indiana Farmer.
Farm Notes.
One who has tested the matter.,
compiles the paying factors in the
following paragraphs, in a very con
cise way:
It takes less fertility out of
soil than any other form of
ture, and hence it is useful in follovH
ing a well-regulated system of rot^B ti
It can be combined readily wi'
other forms of agriculture or hort
The dairy provides in winter •
quantity of stable manure in why
the straw from the barn is profita* ^
The by-products from the
skim-milk, whey and buttermilk®
a source of income in raisins®
and calves.
The demand world’s for good maidjH bu^^^H
cheese on the
limited, maintained, and, so long all-arou^f as tj^H
'low gu
the r uY
the weight per foot of a soTfi^k yUtTfli -
cal rod, both tapes are drawn
gether until the figures representing
the diameter of the rod appear on
the upper tape, when the weight per
foot can be read on the lower tape.
A third tape can be added having
markings indicating the cubical con
tents. A measure of this character
can be readily carried in the pocket
and can be quickly referred to for as
certaining the desired data wfanmt
employing formulae. — Washington
School For Russian Policemen.
The Russian Governmen. has es
tablished a police academy jn St. Pe
tersburg, where the policeman is
carefully drilled in the ways of burg
lars, coiners, bank note forgers, bomb
makers illustrated and the like, tly practical lessons by be
ing more a
personal handling of the appurten
ances of crime contained in the mu
seum attached to the academy. Duly
qualified inspectors—specialists in
iaarticular branches of crime—pre
Bfeaver ea;h lesson—The Header.
■Kids ®®L£shes? expensive, be
do wom
HW ^r-'e ex
. $ Ill
y 1 m ;
mm mt VI -y
in m
V-,, y. Amm 5
■ w
.u I
Executioner of the Ben-Messour
Tribe, Which Sheltered Raisuli.
—George E. Holt, Morocco, in Leslie’s
Rice paper, with which cigarettes
are made, has nothing to do with
rice, but is made from the inner lin
ing of the bark of the bread-fruit