The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, January 02, 1879, Image 4

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ST A JS’JJA lib 11 EIO H TS. An Act to fix by law the standard ,tmght.of a bushel of the articles and commodities hereinafter mentioned, Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Gene ral Assembly of the State of Georgia, ,that the legal weight of the follow ing.articles and commodities per bushel shall be os follows: -meat CO lbs. .Shelled corn - 56 ,Gorn in ear 70 -Peas... CO Bye 56 ( Oats - • * 82 Burley. 47 -Irish potatoes 60 Sweet potatoes 55 {White beans 60 (Glover seed GO .Timothy seed 56 d?laX seed . 56 .Hemp Seed.. 44 Buckwh eat 52 Bine glass seed II Dried peaches (unpeeled) .33 Dried peaches (peeled) .38 Dried apples 24 Onions 57 Stone coal 80 Uuslaked lime • • 80 Turnips 55 Com meal .' 48 Wheat bran.. 20 Cotton seed 30 Ground peas 25 Plastering hair 8 Sec. 2. Bepeals all conflicting laws Approved Febrnrary 20th, 1875. A LIBERAL PROPOSITION. MlHl® ini®®* JONES & G03K, NEW HARNESS SHOP j MENS’ SUITS. M Y XURSERY STOCK is wry large and fine thi .son, and i f you wish lo plant jes and such varieties as are best ad; d market uses, yon can proenr. riue ettraordu-ary low prices: PE5.ICB ZjIST: Single Trees l'er Hundred Tttt- Southern Planter and Grange, off Atlanta,’that large and excellent eight-page agricultural and famity newspaper,.proposes, for 75 cents and two letter stamps for posfage, to for ward to any address the Weekly Plan ter and Grange for three months, to gether with a book containing the old and new constitutions the old and new constitutions of the State of Georgia, •with supplemental matter—of value to every citizen of the State—and one of Scribner's log books, containing meas urements of all kinds of timber, calcu lations of interest and wages, for any 'length of time, at any given price— all made out the perfect form, so that it is only necessary to refer to the index and page. - .The.last named book will prove an .invaluable aid to those having any kind of ^calculation to make. The offer is bona fide, and presents an excellent op portunity of securing a’first class paper 'and two valuable preuriiiins for a mere pittance. Address (enclosing 75 cents and two ,letter postage stamps), Frank Gordon, Publisher, Atlanta, Ga. Single Trees. Per Hundred General Commission UTerccants J. F. HUMPHREYS, YOUT1U SUITS, $ -n 10.0 . pie Groceries. ! Cor. Cotton Avenue and Cherry Street. Standard Two years old '• One “ Dwarf Two Years Old “ One “ .50 cents each. , .30 cents each. .40 gents each. .25 cents each. Recount or Chinese Sand Pear. Pomegranates and Grapes Flams, Quinces, Mulberries and 1 Strawberries.—Per Hundred...... *■ . “ .Theusand ....SI 00 each. . ... 25 cents b 25 cents S 1,00 8.08 Special Bates Given for Large Order ■ Descriptive Catalogue sent free on application. SAMUEL H. HUMPH, (^Willow Lake Nmsery, Marshallvilie, Ga. Or T. O. SKELLIE, Fort Yalley, Ga. if Three Valuable Plantations. One located near Perry, Ga., the other two lying on Kog Crawl creek, in the lower 14th district of Hcijetou county, and adjoining the lands of S. P. Salter and Warren Harris. Said plantations WELL WATERED, SPLENDIDLY IMPROVED* MACON, GA. n^HANKFUL for the patronage heretofore exten- JL ded to ns by the people of Houston and sur roundingconn tbs, we respectfully solicit a contin uance of the same, and hope for increased favors. Wa keep constantly on hand at the lowest market rates CORN, OATS, HAY,. BACON and BULK MEATS, LABD, SUGAR and COFFEE, OijALASSES,FLOUK all grades, BUTTER and CHEESE BICE, TOBACCO, SNUFF, CRACKERS of all popular kinds. particular attention paid to CHEWACLA ALABAMA LIME, PLASTER, CEMENT, LATHES and PLASTERING HAIR. Orders soiicited and satisfaction guaranteed. JGMxS & COOK. ST. NICHOLAS, Seribnprs’j Illustrate J Magazine. and imer a £ nc state of cultivation, There arc* also on the p’aces a hue lot of mules, farming utensils of every kind, anc a good st >ck of cattle and hogs; all of which will be sold upon REASONABLE TERMS. Fartio3 wishing to sec the above plantations, or desiring any information about them, will please call on or address J. G DAVIS- sept 27 3m. Perry, Georgia- SCRIBNER’S MONTHLY. CONDUCTED BY J. C. HOLLAND. The Handsomest Illustrated Magazine in the World. The American edition of this periodical is now MORE THAN 70,000 MONHLY. And it has a larger circulation in England than any cither American Magazine. Every number contains about one hundred aud fifty pages, and from'fifty o seventy-five original wood-out illus trations. Announcements for 1818-9 Land for Rent. The subscriber offers. for rent his laud and premises known as the Gilmer place,cohtaining two hundred aud fifty acres cleared land, with dwelling house and other buildings on it, and a good well of water; also the larger port on of his plantation on the west side of the road from Henderson to Haw- •kinsville, cohtaining one hundred and fifty a*cres .cleared land, all of which iau d is about two miles tfrom Henderson, Hons ion county. Will rent to .one or more parties. B. W. JOHNSTON, November 2Gtth, 1878. BIG SALE. Grand Bargains! Come! T > close up the parthert-hip recently existing be tween Hugh & S. B. Lawson, and dissolved by the -death of Hugh Lawson, wiU be told at the res deuce of the late Hugh Lawson, in Houston county. Oeor- 18th c -gia, on the 18th day of December, 1878, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 o’clock, p. m„ at public outcry, to the highest bidder,, for cash, the follow ing partnership property: . Five head of horses and mules, 22 head of hogs. 11 head of cattle, 350 bushels corn, 130 bushels po tatoes, 600 bushels cotton seed, 7,000 lbs fodder, carriage and harness, buggy aud harness, 2 fuur- -horse.wagons, cart, syrup kettles, cane-mill, lot sugar bane, 20 bushels peas, iron safe, lot of bookB, walnut desk, chairs,settees, carpets, rugs, nurrors, clock, tables, and other household furniture; set -kitchen furniture, 60 saw cotton gin, BriiBiley, Dixie and other plonglis, hoes, cotton planters, grain cradles, spades forks, blacksmith tools, and such other tools as are usually fonna oh a well reg ulated farm. S. B. LAWSONt Nov. 30th, 187S. as Surviving Partner. 1 and Sale, Buy a Home. Good To close a partnership business lately existing be tween Hugh & S. B. Lawson, and dissolved by the Heath of Hugh Lawson, -will be sold before the Court House door in the town of Perry, Houston county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January, J87S, between the hours of 10 o’olock, a. at. ‘land 4 o'clock p. M., at public outcry, to the highest bid der for cash, the following partnership property: The Xawsou place in Houston county, whereon said Hugh Lawson residedat the time of his death, auOTcon tabling SoD acres more dr less. This place is well improved, with-ilegant residence aud com modious outbuildings; llie laud is fertile and in a high state of cultivation, and is iiremarkably. Well arranged and Adopted to renting off small farms to .tenants. No better investment could be made than onying this gilt-e dge property.' _ 2 - 8. B. LAW SOM, Nov. 30th, 1878. as Surviving Partner. ATTENTION FARMERS i Save Your Money! Make your Cuano at Home. I)uy uo more tlrietT swamp Hind at 560 per ton. Black’s Improved Patent Fertilizer C-an be made at a cost of $3 PER TON. Afi who have used it pronounce it y * The Cheapest and Best, Scud for circular with certificates f-orn tne best practical farmers m Geor hi i ! SETH H.ATES, Macon G2« Am on* the attractions for the coming year are the following: • “HAWORTHS,” a serial novel, oy Mrs. Frances Hodgson liurnett, author of “That Lass o’ Low- rie’s.” The scene of Mrs. Burnett’s new novel is laid in'; the hero is a yonng inventor of American biith. “Hawcrth’s” is the longest story Mrs. Barnett has y« t written. It will run through twelve nunibtv s of the Monthly, beginning with November, 1878, and will be profusely illustrated: FALCON BERG, a serial novel, by H. H. Bnyesen. author of “Giumar,” “The Man who Lost his Name,” etc. In this romance the author graplii- ctlly describes the peculiarities of Norse immigrant life in a Western settlement. A STORY OB NEW ORLEANS, by George W. Ca ble, to be begun on the conclusion of “Falcon- berg.” This story will exhibit the state of society in Creole Louisiana about the years 18»*3-4-5, the time of the Cession, and a period bearing a remark- ; ,ble likeness to the p:esent Reconstruction period. . PORTRAITS OF AMERICAN POETS. This se nes (begun m August with the portrait of Bryant) will becontinued, that of LongfSlow appearing in November, 'ihese portraits are drawn from life by Wyatt Eaton aud engraved by T. Cole. They will be printed sepa-ately on tinted paper, as frontis pieces of four, differonrtiumbere. Illustrated sketch es of the lives of the. poets will accompany these portraits. STUDEFS OF TEE SIERRAS,—J. series of,papers (mostly illustrated) by John Mnir, the California naturalist. The uiostgraphic and picturesque and, at the same time, exact and trustworthy studies of the “California Alps” that have ret been made.— The series will sketch the California Paeses, Lakes, Wind Storms.and Forests. ANEW VIEW OF BRAZIL.—Mr. Herbert H. Smith, of Cornell University, a companion of the late Prof. Harrt, is now in Brazil, Mr. J. Wells Champney, (the artist who accompanied Mr. Ed- wari King in his tour through “The Great South" preparing for Scribner’s a series of papers on the present condition,—the cities, rivers, and resources of the great Empire of South America. THE “JOHNNY BEB” PAPERS,” by an “ex- Confederate" soldier, will be among the raciest conil ibutions to Scribner daring the comjig year. They are written and illustrated by Mr. Allen O. Redwood, of Baltimore. The first of the ’series, “Johnny Beh at Play,” appears in the November number. THE LEADING EUROPE. N UNIVERSITIES.— We are new having prepared, for Scribuei, articles on the leading Universities of Europe- They will be written by ah American College Professor, Air. H. H. Boycsen, or Cornell, (author of “Falconberg ’ etc.) and willihcludo sketches of the leading men in each of the most important Universities of Great Britain and the Continent, Among the additional series of papers to appear may be mentioned those on How Shall we Spell (two papers by Prof. Lounsbury), The New South, Lawn Plant' ~ ~ — For Boys and' Girls Perry, tuj srifi- TJAVING located in Perry next door to the store JnL of Moore .t Bro., I respectfully solicit a liberal share of the public patronage. I keep on hand SADDLES, BRIDLES, AND HARNESS, or make them to order. TET» ATFITKrf^-. Neatly and promptly done. PRICES LOW- D. RHODES. DEALER IN All kinds of Fancy and Family Groceries- Have at ail Times on Hand BACON, LARD, FLOUR, TOBACCO, SUGAR, COFFEF. Messrs. Scribner & Co., in 1373 began the publi cation of St. Nicholas, au lliusirated Magazine for l eys and Girls, with Ai»?y Alapes Dodge as editor i ive years Have passed since the first number was issued, and the magazine Las won the highest po sition, It has a in oi:tlily circulation of OVER 50,000 COPIES. It is published simultaneously in London and New York, aud the transatlantic recognition is 31- most as general and hearty as the American Al though the progress of the Magaziue has been a steady advance, it has not reached its editor's ideas of best, because her ideal continually outruns it, and the magazine switty follows alter. To-dav St, Nicholas stands alone in THE WORLD OF BOOKS, The New York Tribune has said of it: “St. Nicho las has reached a higher platform, and command, lor its service wider resources in art and letters, han any of its predecessors or contemporarinies* The London Literary World say’s: “There is not magazine for the young that can be W to eq ua this ehoicc production of Scribners’ Press.” Good Things lor XS7S-9. Th-arrangements for hterarv and art eontribu turns for the new volume—the sixth—are complete drawing from already favorite sources as well a from promising new ones. Mr. Frank R. stock ton’s new serial story for boys “AJOLlY FELLOWSHIP,” WiU run through twelve monthly parts—beginning with the number for Novembar, If 78, the first volume,- and wiU be illustrated by James E. KeUy. The story is one. oj travel and adventure m Florida and the Bahamas. For the gi *ls, a con tinued fairy-tale, ‘‘HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS. By Katharine D. Smith, with illustrations by Fred erick Deilman, begins in the same numbojand a fresh serial by Susan Coblidga, entitle! “Eye. bright,” with plenty of pictures, wiU he commenc ed early in tne volume. There wifi also be a con- tamed fairy-tal e, called •‘RUMPTY DUDGET’S TOWER.” Written by Jmian Hawthorne, and illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. About the other ianriisr Yea- cures of St Nicholas, the editor preserves a good-* humored silence, content, perhaps, to let her five, volumes already issued, prophesy concerning the sixth, in respect to short stories, pictures, poems, humor* instructive sketches, and the hire and the lore of “Jack-in-the-Pulpit,” the “Very Little- Folks ’Department, and the “Letter Box” and the “Riddle Box.” - Termsj-SiljOO a year; 35 cents a number. Subscriptions received by the publisher of this paper, and by all booksellers and postmasters, per sons wishing to subscrib e direct with the. imhirci*. sons wishing to subscrib e direc-t with the publish ers should write name, post-office, county, and state, *n full, and send with remittance check or P. O. money order, or registered letter, SCHIBNER & CO., 743, Broadway, Hew York. » V BLACKWELL’S rw x>tj X>VJK,Ii^]VX TOBiAGGO BOCMCSSsR® SLLI0W Wedlock, A complete tituae .. ith-Chi ‘ fij anbood, lityin women, Advice to Bridegroom, and Wife, Cclcincv and aiatriinony compared, Impediments to Marriage, Congngai duties, Science , .ucuun, Law of Marriage, Law of Divorce, Legal right* of married women, etc. also on Diseases ol Women, their caute and Care. A Confidential work ot^J20 pcges,with fbll Plate Engravings, sent for 60 cents. “Tho Private Medical Adviser**’ on the results of im pure associations, &C-, also on the secret habits of youth itiug for Small Places (by Samuel Par sons of Flushing). Canada of To-day, American Art and Artists, American Archaeology, Modern In ventors; also, Papers of Travel, History, Physical Scienoe. Studies iii Literature, Political and Social Science, Stories, Poems; “Topics of the Time.” by Dr, J. C. Holland; Record, of New Inventions' and Mechani-. al Improvements; Taper* on EducalioiV, Decoi*at:oiL, ete,; Book Reviews; iresh bits of Wiit and Humor, elic., etc. Terms, $ a year in advance; 35 cents a number. and their effects on after liie, causing .Varicocele, Seminal Emissions, Nervous debility. Loss of S'xual Power, etc. —v.* :— v giving many valu- cure of private diseases; same size, over all three $1. Subscriptions received by the publisher of this paper/and by all booksellers and postmasters.— Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the pub- liaKpSk Rlmuhl -write Pnirf- Office- fimintv. nnr? Ushers’, should write name; Post Office, County, and State, in lull, and with remittance in check, P. O. money order, or registered letter to SCRIBNER & CO., 743and 745 Broadway. N. Y. SCIENTIFIC AMERCiAN. THIRTY-THIRD TSAR. MOST POPULAR SCIENTIFIC PAPES IN THE WOULD. Only iro-50 a Year, including Postage, Weekly, 52 Numbers a Tear. 4,000 Book Pages. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is a large firet-ciass weekly newspaper, cf sixteen pages, pridted in tlie most beautiful style, profuse ly illustrated with splendid engravings, represent ing the newest indentions and the most recent ad vances in the arts and sciences,' including new and interesting facts in agriculture, horticulture, the home, health, medical progress, social science, nat ural history, geology, astronomy. The most valu able practical papers by eminent writers in all de partments of science, will be found in the Scientific American^ S3.20 a year by mail, including postage. Biscounito clubs. Special circulars, giving club rates, sent free, Single copies mailed on receipt of 10 cents.— May be had cf all news dealers. T) A T' C' JVT r |''Q In connection with the 1 JTi. X JUii.4 X O* ScmsTinc Aateuic-lk. IEUICAN, Messrs, & Co. are solicitors of American and Foreign patents, and have the largest establishment, in the world. More than fifty thousand applications have been made through their agency. Patents are obtained on ihj best terms, models cf new inventions and sketches examined, and 541- vice free. A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all inventions patented through this agency, with the name and residence of the pat entee. Patents are aften sold in part or whole? to persons attracu-d to the invention by such notice. outaineug fulluirtetions for obtai.u-jg Manhood and* Womanood, 10 cents; , They contain 800 pages and over lOO lhustrations, em bracing cveirthing on the generative system that is worth inowingjandmuch that is not published in any.Gthcr work. Stamps, Silver oi .Currency.^ (The author invites consulta tion, and letter* are promptly answered without charge.) Address: Dr. Butts’ Dispensary. No’. 12 Nonh Stk Address: Dr. Butts’ Dispensary• 1 SI. Louis, Mo. (Established 1847.; ( I earnestly ask persons suffering from BUPTtlRT! to send me their names and address. They will learn something to their advantage.:—Not a Truss. Peei© !Utqy:Q;P a O ct 25. D- RHODES, Hawkiusville, Ga. NOTICE. Sealer! proposals for Superintendent of tlie Foor I Conse for 1879. will be re ceived tintS the 1st Monday in Decem ber next. All bidds to be left with the undersigned who will explain the dn- ties required. The County Commis sioners reserve the right to reject or ap prove any of the bid3. No person need apply who don’t intend to live on the place. E. Jackson, Ulerk County Commissioners iioust county. — FURNITURE. FREIGHT FREE J^NT ENTIRELY NEW AND ELEGANT STOCK 01- E c TJ^i.3Xr2: a X B XJX^.23 fust received aud for sale at Fo prices. SHY AT HOME. COFFI Kr^5„ A Hearse can be furnished to order at any time on short notice. I can be found in the day time ut my store, nest to the hotel; at night at my residence adjoining Dr. If a vis. Furniture Made to Ordei and repaired at short notice. Bnrial Clotlies, read.' made, for ladies, gentlemen aud children. BARRETS UNRIVALLED SPRING BEDS. GEORGE PATTLi, PERRY. GRORGLY. warded tlie Highest Medal at Vienna and Phila delphia. BOYS’ SUITS, hMLARSE VARIETY Can ba bought Twenty-five per cent. Cheaper than anywhere else in the State, of Y.:H. HERTZ, Clothier 90 Cherry St, Macon, Ca. ALSO; HATS, TRUNKS, YA- LXSES, aiul Gents Furnishing Goods of Every Description- Made of Wamsutta Muslin and best Irish Linen. AT 75 CENTS, J. II. HERTZ, Clothier, 90 (’herry street. 31 AGO3, - - GEORGIA Sep 13—2m. L. W. SMITH & CO., DEALEDri IN Artists’ iud Wax Flower Materials of all Kinds. L&n. J. ANtHHY & 00„ 591 Broadway, Sew York. (Opp. Metropolitan Motel.) Manufacturers, Imix>rters and Dealers in Velvet Framer, Albums. Graphoscopes, STEREOSCOPES and VIEWS, ENGRAVINGS, C’HROMOS, PHOTO- oraphs: And kindred goods— Celebrities Actresses, etc. Photographic Materials. We are headquarters for everything in the way o STEHEOPTICONS AND MAGIC LANTERNS, - Being manufacturers of the MICHO-SCTEKTIFIC DAN CE2N> STiBEO-PANOPTICON^ UNIVZESIir STZSEOPTICON, AD VEHTIS Ell’S SEXEEOPTICON, 3J CiSSIlIte, LOliViLLS, KY.j ABT OPTIC AN, SCHOOL DANTEKN F$MILI IiANTEBN, PEOPJ^E’S JuANTEHN. Each style lieing the best of its class In the market. Beautiful photographic transparencies of statua ry and eiig.avings for the window. Ctmvex Glass. Manufacturers of velvet frames for miniatures and convex glass pictures- . Catalogues of Lantern and Slides, with direc tions for using sent on receipt of ten cents. Cut this advertisement out for reference.~S3 J«»lv 19 Cm. ©KKHIlA, Gleet, 8&ictnre,' r*ta cissues quickly cure«l. Ysdcots treated by zaeil orex- prass. free -and-invited, ^targes* rsLSC&sU* azki ccaT2sj)Gndenc« etriedv cccbdonriali A PRIVATE COUNSELOR GfSOO p&g9S. seat to any address, securely sealed, tor thirty (SS) cents. Should tc read by ail. Address as shore. QflflOhaigiXroaO A. K. W7 F. AT. Bmriaja, 2 to4P.lfc in an 4 Horpnica hsbttenred. cose. Opium Efiticg. ta W. E. Squire, WGrtiins^n, Grc-eso Co« lad. mmmmQW freii For the speedy Cure ofSeminal Weakness, Lost Manhood and all disorders brought on by indis cretion cr excess. Any Druggist has the ingre dients. Address. Dr. W. JAQUSS & CO., ISO West bixtb cJtrtrC-:, riacinnail, O. Notice to Debtors and Creditors- Gzoegia—Houston County: All pessons indebted to the estate of Bryan Bate man Lae of said f linty deceased, will ihael ] ay- meut to ns, and persons having claims against said estate will present them to ns properly verified for payment. KfNCHEN TAYLOR, Admr. MSS. C. A. BATEMAN. Admx. Sept. 271373—Gvv of Bryan Bateman, dec’d. GEORGIA—Hocstox CorxxY: i Scientific Amt-rican P< olam- bound in e'otli and eiit with l gia *42 S'ile Manager for L’ibb ami Hcnston ouu’k'8. 1 ‘ Nov. 15. l" i*teciu.ix i cal moven:ci.t?-. Pri6e 5 cents. Address for the paper, or concerning MUNN & CO.-, 37 Fatk Row, N.-v Y.-ik- L.-auca office. Cor. F A: 7th sU, Waslijjglou, D. C Mrs. S. C. Mars’ir. !, her husband, Hujuphrey YIoishsH. of said g.mntyrefusing, Las for exemption of ] t.-airy and setting apart and vni- tir.tioi- of homestead, an i I trill pass upon the same at II.o’clock a. m., on the .5th cay cf December, te78 at my office. A. S-GILES, Ordinary. Nov. 8, 1373.—2t FOE CLOTHING AND HATS, GO TO WiNSHIP & GALLAWAY, MACON, GA. Sep 13 2ui. PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, STATiOKERY, SHFET IWiUSiC, f ViCL!N AND CUITAR STRIMCS, PIANOS AND OEGANS. 15 Cottou Avenue, Macon Ga. Sep 13—4m W. F. GRACE, DEALER IN GR ASS, ToBAOGO, SNUFF, AND PIPES, 70 CheiTy Si., Macon, Ga. Sep 13—3m. ITATIOISTAL HOTEL, MACON, GA. Terms,—-S2 GO Per Day. r I ’HE proprietor feeling thankful for the very lib- X end p tronr<e he has received for the last sev en months, now begs leave to say that this FiRST-CALSS HOTEL is in perfect order in all its arrangements, and the most convenient of any in the city, being only ICO yards from Uie Passenger Depot, where there are ATTENTIVE PORTERS tC. M. Bozeman, sr. F.H.Bozesian. C.C.Bozeman. C. M. BOZEMAN & SONS, Factors & Warehousemen,^ Hawkinsville, in. Liberal advances made on cotton in store. AH I Kinds of Castings, Gins, Screws. Bagging and, i furnished. aug3U3m SAWYER'S TOTAL E0LIF3E COTTON GIN, I The Greatest Invention of the Age in its Line. Su perior to All Others. This Gin is an improvement on my Eclipse Gin patented in 1373. Not one out at a hundred and SiVeuty-fivc has ever been complained of, but all are giving entire satisfaction; causing the farmer $30C to $40i) in premium over what the same cotton will bring ginned op any of the following named gins:* Massey’s Excelsior Gin; Carver's Gin; Wmship’s Gin- Pratt’s Gin, Findlay's Gin; Brown’s Gift; Taylor’s Gin; Emory’s Gin; Niblet's Gin; Wvim’a Gin; Eagle Gin; Hall’s Gin; Georgia Gin; Centennial Gin; Phoenix Gini Rowland Gin, or any othor gin— If any of the owners of tlie above mentioned gins dislike what I hav. said, my friends sav they have Five Hundred dollars to tea tit with. Iaiu making three gins, as follows Total Eclipse Gin 00 Per Saw, Cash. Eclipse Gin, $2 50 per Saw, Cash. When from one to four months'time isgiven, 15 per dent will be added to the above priecs. Old Griswold Gin, §2 00 or Equi/alent, per Saw. Or will make any other pattern of old-fashioned gin at $2 00 per saw. Total Eclipse Gin will set choke or break tlie roll—-'takes out all sand, dust, trash, etc. Ecipsc Gin will not choke or break the roll, and is like the Total Eclipse Gin. It is very fast and picks the seed c:ean. m my Gins are now made with ten inch saws and iron frames. Griswold Gin about run out. OONI'D EN SERS. After many trials and experiments I think I have the most perfect one ever ma lo. Price 7S ent 5 per saw. It has been perfected in the lart six months. Those who bar. my first or old C.ndeaue n exchange and get new one for twenty dollars difference FEEDE R S . The Feeders I make are Craven’s -Automatic, like those of F. Vanwinkle with my apron. Pnc— 81.25 c-utspersa-.v. SeJ for descriptive circular, Send in yourordere at once, as 1 shall mak-en- iy a limited amount to lid orders. 1 also sell the best agricultural engines of the best makers. July P. O- SAWYER, Macon, Ga. CROCKETT’S IRON WORKS. jMTslO'Oio., Georgia. We keep constantly on hand 01 make to order the following articles: Cotton Presses, Horse Powers, Steani Engines, Saw & Grist Mills 5 Sugar Mills, Gearing, Iron Hailing, etc All Kinds of CASTING done to order. M§“Onr facilities for repairing STEAM .ENGINES are eqntsa rior *ht, works in the state. A^.11 NR7" Seail for Circulars and 1’rlce Lists. E. CROCKETT & SONS, C. D. ANDERSON, H. L, TROUTMAN. ANDERSON & TROUTMAN, mMMXhSIBM MEBGWaMTS, Poplar Street, opposite Blake’s Block, Macon, Ga. CON SIGNNIENTS OF COTTON SOLICITED BAGGING & TIES Furbished at the Very Lowest Market Prieas. Advances made on Cotton in Store on, til m ? Favorcible leans. Jote Mann, of Perry, is connected witli ns ami res >*v5&raUr » 1 i * 11 * SOHOFSELD'S IRON WflSXS MACOft, GEORGIA. MANUFACTURERS OF BTKil MI E5 1^-C31* X DT S’S5 fFROAI 4 TO 40 HORSE AOWER.) Also Whsat Threshing Engines, Prepared to Mount On any Ordinary Farm Wap’on. , GRIST MILLS, COTTON PRESSES, CANE MILLS, SYRUP BOILERS, SHAFTINGS, PULLEYS, to receive baggage snd conduct passengers to and from the Hotel. I have added such improvements to ena >!e me to ( accommodate all who may be pleased io give me ai call. My Lae shall be as good as the fare of any j house in the State, and irv terms reasonable. Call \ and try us. » j C COIiBETY, Proprietor. AISD ATLKI1NDS OF CA^TIISG^ Prompt attention paid to repairing Mills and Machinery. JEST SEND FOR CIRCULAR. fcl - ,ir J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON.