Newspaper Page Text
UBiurt- Mats
Houston comity met in chambers this j the safe return of Messrs. J. K. Maxwell
j January 6th, 1879. ; and Win. Minor, two of onr citizens
Present—J. M. Davis, J. W. Witaber who accompanied Go!. Robinson and
! ly, W. M. Gordon and J. <}. Brown, i crew down to Albany, on tho preiiini-
prtsidiug. ' ■ nary survey of Flint river. These
Minutes of last meeting read and ‘gentlemen gives very flattering account
confirmed. i of the- trip, and report- that the survey -
The bond of M. J. Nelson, Superin- j or, Col. Bobinsoa, expressed great as-
tendeut of Poor for the present i tonishmenfc that thariver had not been
year, approved and ordered filed in of- j made tan agnbie,for steamers long since:
fice. I There are bat three bad places ” in
W. L. Rainey Laving paid two poll; the river between this point and
tases for 187S, ordered that the Tax {'Albany. The first is at a place called
Collector pay back to him $i 00. j Hell Gate, where the liver has lately
Ordered that the gates in the lower f changed its channel by breaking
of the leading articles of mer
chandise. Nearly e-.viv line of goods
! are cheaper now than ever, even before
| the war.
t Domestics, 7 to 12 cents per yard.
; Calico, 5 to 7 cents per yard.
Bacon, 7 to 7 j cents per pound.
Breakfast strips, 8 cents per pound.
Flour, S3 to §4 per hunared.
Coffee, IS to 25 cents per pound.
Sugar,-10 to 121 cents per pound.
Rice. 71 to 9 cents per pound.
Meal 80 to 90 cents per bushel.
Cheese, 15 to 18 ceuts per pound.
Tobacco, 50 to 80 ceuts per pound.
- The following prices are being paid
Cotton, middling, 7i—market quiet.
Com 59 to 75 cents per bushel—de
mand light.
Potatoes. 40 to 50 cents per bushel—
demand moderate.
Cotton seed, 12* cents per busbel—
demand good.
Chickens, 15 to 25 cents each—in
ood request.
Eggs, 15 to 20 cents per dozen—find
ready sale..
Oats 40 to 59 cents per busbel.
Country butter, 2-5 cents per pound
—good butter can bs sold without
I We again make a special offer to all
I new subscribers or old ones who willj
I pay in advance for 1879 a present of a
[copy of our little book of Legal Forms
laud information,—price 50cents. The
[book alone is worth five times the price
[of the paper, and has already saved
E many a purchase fifty tiroes its - cost,—
[Next year The Home Jocknad will
[ make a specialty of choice miscellany,
[local news, scientific and general infor-
I ronfioD, domestic economy, farm matters
and true politics.
The Home Joubnal is now about to
enter its ninth volume, arid has been
under its present management six years
and two months. We must thank our
patrons for past favors, and assure them
that if they"will pay ii: advance iri the
future he will be enabled to greatly im
prove Onv paper. Don't wait for Janu
ary, kind friends, but come up and re
new at once. Price as heretofore, $2.00
CARPETS, Body and Tapestry, Brussels,
Jlso will be sold at exceedingly low pi
CoiHiis and Casket
j was the rale before fire war. In com
pliance with this law Judge Grice ap
pointed a commission consisting of
JndeeA.^.:. 1 Giles, Ordinary, Mr. T. M.
Killen, Clerk Superior Court, Mr. Ed
ward Jackson, Clerk Commissioners’
I Court, Judge S. D. Eiilen, and Col.
Jno. F. Troutman, which met at the
Court House on the 1st instant aud re
vised the jury boxes. They also drew
new Grand and Traverse jurors to serve
at fLo adjourned term of the Superior
Court, a list of whom Mr. T. M. Kiilen,
tl e Clerk, Las been kind enough to fur-
li'sh us, and which appears below. The
old jurors, ordered to appear and serve
in Febi'iiary, are discharged for the
The jury law requires that upright,
competent and experienced persons
shall be put on the Grand Jury lists,
and upright and competent men on the
Traverse Jury lists. It is thought llmt
this will secare more efficiency in the
grand juries, and the hw is generally
regarded.with favor. The new juries
for the February Court are as fol
Willis B Harris D \V Holland
B F Bridges B F Murray
Win J Mathews D M Siocomb
Jas L Causey L P Warren
Stephen Patishail Bonnet Bar Hell
Jno D Marshalll J W Barfield
Juo W Gurr llobt M Gii:r
W light on II Jones Frank C Houser
A J Todd II L Williams
Of every description and p
Tig"* Call and examine my goods and
Kext to Lanier House, Macon, Georgia,
* H. M A Y & c o
08, cherry street, Macon Ga.
Manufacturers and Dealers ia
To the Pbess. — We have for sale a
mall self-inking Pearl priuriog press—
a good machine—which is just the
thing for circulars, bill, heads, cards,
and such work,—price $30 cash. If
any of our boy- readers want to start
an amateur paper and job office, wv
will let them have the press and a com
plete outfit of type for $50. We wish
to dispose of this press so as to make
room for a larger and faster one better
suited to general job and poster work.
L pplication fob ADMINISTRATION.
Georgia Houston' County:
E. D. Brown lias applied for administration on
Trunks, Travelling Bags, fdldr.eii’s Carriages,
and Leather.
commissioners for 1879 and 1880, to
528th district, G W Maddox, W E
Collier, L Blewste'r.
887Ui district, W W Waguou, jr., W
S Bintfergood, J F Lowe.
771st district, J 8 Thomson, D F
Gunn, M McCoy.
769th district, L J Thomas, II W
Johnson, CB Wellborn.
527ih, district, Richard Causey, J D
Tharp, I T Woouard.
928th district, \Y E Baler, T J Ad
kins, A J Todd.
619th district, Jno H Houser, F M
King, T D Gurr.
500th district, G M T F'-sgin, J T
Walker, J H Davis.
570t.b district, J 8 Bryan, A H Tharp,
Hardy Cross.
542U district, Thos II Rcniz, J Q El
lis B W Brown.
541st district, John Lnidier, Wil
burn Means, John J Grace,
926-h district- John W Hodge. D B
Wimberly; Green FiszgEiald.
765;h district, || S HstsiumJ John !M
Mai tin, J 8 C Marshall.
492d district, -JuoE Tucker, M A Ed-
Witnclz my official signature this Bee. 26, ISIS.
i\v. A. S. GILES, Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Houston County:—
Creed Hasser lias aypSed foradministraiiou ou
tlie estate of Everett sasser late cf said comity de
T his is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned
to appear at the Febuary term 1S70 of the Court of
Ordinary of said comity, to show cause, if any tbey
have, why said application should not be granted.
Witness my official signature this Dec, 2(3, 1S7S.
S3- Call aud ex-unine oar stock before purchasing. Bopositorios—93 Chorry Street, ilaeoo,
2S8 Broad otreet, Augusta. tep (—
Congress adjourned without a single
Republican having called for an in
vestigation of the ciphir dispatch; s, and
the Republican organs are likewise
derelict. It is a very suspicious cir
cumstance when the prosecution makes
so sudden and unexplainable a halt ia its
case. Another very significant circum
stance that the Tribune, although daily
attempting to make Republican capital
out of tho ciphers, has not yet pro
duced a single Louisiana tele grata.
Messrs. B. F. and \Y. J. Boon have
leased the Scarbrough House, in
Hawkinsviiie, and propose to make it a
t popular hole!, for tue iraveliiig- pub
lic. Tiie senior of the partners had
charge of this house a year, or two ago,
aud his patrons say die fed* like a
< ru;ce■.»—Dispatch.
Texas expects to gain fifteen repr -
sunburn's in congress after the next
census, but S-n.ifor Ma.xey says that
99 voters'out of every 100 are opposed
to a division of the slate, their aspira
tion being to make of Texas a great
commonwealth, bearing the same rela
tion to the s»uih that New Fork does
to the east.
Let Ale the Peoi»ee Know -That I
have resumed business at my old Stand,
anil am prepared to do ail kinds of
blacksmith and wood work at short ho
lice,and cheap for cash. All amounts
due when the work is done. Parties
wishing to run accounts must make
special arrangements to do so. Gome
and see me, and I will please you if you
can be ffltatfedp ;
Jan 9—3t. W. L. Rainey.
(At ADAMS & BAZEMORE'S Old Stand.)
Notice to Debtors and
All persons indebted to Hugh Law-
sou, deceased, late of Houston eouaty,
are notified, to make immediate pay
ment, and ali persons having claims
against said Hugh Lawson, are notified
to present.the same within the tune re
quired by law. Payment may be made
to and demands handed to John H.
Marlin, attorney for the state of Hugh
Lawson, Hawkiusville, Ga.
claulia lawson.
Administrator and Administratrix on
estate of Hugh Lawsou, —3w.
Dec. 27. 1678.
Give an American girl her choice
between going to heaven and inarryi-ug
into the nobility, and see how few
charms Leuven has for her
Fot sollingaad first mouth storage; kwenty-five ceuts par mouth for eoohaJdltieaul mouth tfci
tor. Call ou mo, Planters of Houston.
J. O. Watson G. L. D Rice
0. \V. H.-lit man Juo. M. Mar'in
Jno. WYsiev Tayior Jos. J. Dasher
Josi h Hi J edges C. II. Mtiore
J. II ,Cl irk Jus. D. Tiiarpe
J. D. Marl'iu A. J. Martin
G.irrott Smith O. 11. Milter
Jacob Cooner John II. ‘Adams
L 1 '. S. (Auer J W Wool fork
1. )•'. Morph Juo. W. Gliiyk
A. J. Skippir Brya.u Vv. Rrotv
Rbvt and S VLiE -
farm for rout, an 1
sale >ju tirau or for
J.ili 9—3t.
Waste No Money
GEORGIA—Houston County: —
T. A. Teotaer, Executor of Henry
Toom- r, ,of said eounty deceased, has
applied for leave to sell two shares of
Southwestern Railroad stock belonging
to said estate:
This is fbereforo to cite, all persons
conccrnep to appear at the February
Term, 1879, of the Court of Ordinary
of said c.’uufy ami show cause if any
plication should
:tiger Manuikctnriag- Co.
Singer Sewing MadHnet
being 20,ISC iroitH
Thau' any previous Ydar.
Notwithetanding the grts
depression it busiuesu.
they have why said
not be granted.
Witness my oUi
Jan. 2, 1879.
A serious conflagration destroyed a
portion of Columbus pn last Friday
night. Tho fife commenced iu the
np; er portion of the .Rankin House, it
huge hotel. This building, with others
forming the block, were burned
to the ground. While this fire was ia-
giug another otio broke out a short dis
tance off, which was evidently the work
of an incendiary. .The fire engines
broke and it was necessary to staid- to
Montgomery r.ud Macon for aid, Which
wa* promptly furnished. B.v three
o’clock at night tin: fire was under con
trol. ThS losses comprise fourteen
stores. The sharing rink and City
Guards armory, Rankin House, iu the
fi;st fire, aud four stores in the other,
were loudly consumed. Three fuurtlis
of the slocks were saved. There was
much stealage afterward. Thu general
losses are about .5150,000. The insu
rance is about 8120,000. E. W. John
son. Adolph Sanders and J. A. Kirven
were badly burned, and a colored man
seriously hurt.
No “Siager’* Machine ia genuine without the above Trademark on !he Ann of the Machine.
£3T~ BETTKIt STILL! During the mouths of January, Fcbruar;, March and April 1876, the nWi
of our Genuine linger Seeing Machinca were sixty per cent larger than during the correapantlaf
months of last year. Could there be stronger evidence of the hob three unequalled m&Jhlsaa
have taken upon the public esteem? Waste ao money ou Inferior Counterfeits. Send To* i Imu-
There is a rumor printed iu a Brii-
isii newspaper that Queen Victoria has
decided to relinquish the reins of
power iu favor of the Prince of Wales
as Prince Regent.
The Fr
Le§AL BLANK .—We have
o-ived a nev lot of Waiuaiuoi
Distress Wuiumiiis, etc., which
sell cheap for cash. Also u lot
ceUaueons blanks.
4 pplicatio’-: to sill ms estate. •
TL.. Georgia—Houston County:
John W. Turner, extern or, of J. I. B. Turner,
deceased, has applied for leave to sell a part of
he real estate of said deceased:
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned
to appear at the February term 1870 of the Court
of Ordinary'of said county, and show 'cause, if any
they have, u by said application should not be
Witness my official signature iliis Dec. 2Gfch. 1878.
ivr. A.GLU-ia, Ordinary.
‘ucli Seii itonal election, took
placo. Saturday, respited in a givafc
B- jiubiican. tiiamjdi. Of forty seven
(joiiserviitive Senators wiu^e term
have expired, only thirteen havi been
General Office for Georgia, SoatU Carolina, Florida and Alabama, 42 Marietta St., Atlanta. Ga.
Branch Offices,—Augusta, Ga,, Gainesville, Ga., Columbus, Ga., • JIacon, Ga., Savannah
Tiioniasviile, Ga., ltome. Ga., Jachso-avillc, Fla,, and Charleston, h. G.
We, the comniit'ee appointed to
draft .suitable vesulutiouS on the death
of Brp. Jut), ii. Xing, beg leave to sub
mit' tiic ioiiowiug report:
Death tins again invaded our ranks.
It has it leased Almigh.y God tv) take
from our midst our worthy brother,
Jno. H. Jxtsig. who was burn iu Bumier
District, B. 0,, on May 10th, 1S25,
moved tv) Georgia in 1851, and died
suddenly near Perry, Hmsiqfi county,
Grt, on Dvp lOtls, 1878.- iyV\
Bio. King was i v.orlliy Alasou, an
iiflcetii-mitc husband and father, a good
eilix-'ii and au honest man, Whose loss
wo det'i ly dviiiore. Bo it
Rrsohed, That we tender our sincere
sympathy to tho bereaved iamily. Mur
the G >d of mercy gr.uif to them conso
lation in their severe loss, uud shield
and protect the widow and fatherless,
Resolreil, That our Lodge be draped
iu mour,_ing, and that we wear the usu
al badge of mourning thirty days.
Mjsolced, That a page iu our minute
book, inscribed, with bis name, be ded
icated to his memory.
licsoired, That a copy of these reso
lutions, with the seal of the Lodge at
tached thereto aud :ignad by the W.
Muster aud' Secret ary, be sent to the
family of the deceased.
lles-Accd, That these resolutions- be
published in The Home Joubsaii.
Ail of which, is respectfully submit-
trcl by
J. B. Stirm, )
J. H. Hose, V Committee.
Louis PlCAKD, )
P-. rry, Ga, Dec. 16, 1878.
J. If. TUTTiiE, Ageiii, Perry, Ga
We have been extremely leni -nc to
onr pat runs and we hope they will :;h>w
their friendship bv paying whiit they
owe ns. We are obliged t-i have mon
ey to carry on our business.
--2t 1*. C- SiarH & Og,
f. & mbjwws ' mm§.
Successors to F. S. Johnson S' Sons.
Dealers in
GEORG I A— Houston County :
" CaeiriiT Matlievs has applied for exemption
persoimlty, and I will pass upon tho same at
o’clock a. m. on tlic autii dxy of jamiary 1879 ut i
A. S. GILES, Ordinary.
Carry your Cotton to Hawliinsville,
the best interior cotton market in Geor
gia. Plenty of buyers and plenty of
money ; and a good place tostore your
cotton is at D. G. McConniclrs Fire
proof Warehouse, near tlie Court- House,
who will sell yi.-tir cotton free of charge,
always keeping you posted with the
market, aud having an eye single to
the interest of the^Janter. Can be
found ct mieeit-d with the warehouse a
large and free wagon yard, house and
water, and good dry shelter for stock
—all freemtid for the accommodation of
the public generally. Carry jour cot
ton to D. G. McCormick. —tf.
Closing Out at Enormous Sacltfoe
—On account of removal. The g’.eA-
est bargains of the age! Remember
that our entire stock must be closed
out- within the next FIF TEES DaY:S,
COST OR NO COST, i-.nd that the time
left is short. So call early and secure
As tho stock consists yet cl thousands
of different articles, iu the line of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Hats, B >ots and
Shoes, Notions, etc., we are unable to
quote prices, but we assure the public
that every article is offered way down
below cost.
Tins is no numb tig, but solid Facts!
Jacobus & Co, Pony Ga.
GEORGIA—Houston County:
Amos W, Murray Las* applied for aclmimfitraticn
on tlie estate of Jeremiah TLtunay, late of sold coun
ty dc evaded.
This is therefore to cite ail persons concerned to
appear ac tae February term 187i> of tho Court of
Ordinary of said Co-jjity and show cause if any they
have. Y.*hy said application should not be granted.
Witness any oiiiciai signature this December l‘J
1878. A. 8, (iILE>>,
i\v. Ordinary,
ip^ar m w <sa y'^ $ jws : <s&p :
Carriage and Wagon Material, Steeel.
Gold Dollabs Unimfulah. -A
V/ashingtoii special says: “Gold dol
lars have, come into general circulation
here, but arc not popular. Many deal
ers refuse to take them if their ensto-
jaers have other money, as it is alleged
that their small size makes them a nui
sance. It is thought this wiil help
along the standard silver dollar, which
has the merit of size. For this or
some other reason the demand for stan
dards is larger at the Treasury Depart
ment than ever before.
Our lerge .-JilcB cf VKKEK-I.OAEING QUXr.,
vUh great cspcitence iti lyco-mur, cr.-
rjble* as to pv^ronrcc better satl.-fat-tloa '.Lau an,-
fJoMted is: tht- market.
GJ’ORGIA—Houston County:
■yvVM. Melvin, guardian of Julia Schneider, lias
applied for dismission from his tm\st;
This is therefore to cite ail persons ecu-:crneu to
apjiear at tiic rebniary term 1673, 6t ti.c ixtai of
Ordinary of said county shd show cause i ahy j
they have, why said application should not ue
Witness niy cUicial signature this Dec, 19lh, IS73
7 If .AH orejrdcred as uesirtd. fcmitlf i: Wesson's
-ieTT pictols on hand.
SfgP’Tlianking onr friends for past favors, and assuring them of fair and
honest dealings, we solicit continued failure.
2k<Z£t0032.. C3ra,
A 9 8. iiiLlh-5, Oxdixtary.
CitEMATioN.—The facts of the case of
the burning of $1000. woith of garden
seed by us this evening, are these, but
We are determined that none
fresh and reliable seed shali go from our
house in the future. Customers can
rely on ns to give them goods which
are warranted to be fresh and true to
name as will not under any cirenm-
stauces handle commission seed as we
i know them to be worthless in nearly
every case. >
Hunt, Rankin A Lamau.
Siren Cbematk™ — a , — owu
gathe.rea anuut nightfall last night, m
front of the store of Messrs, Hunt
Rankin & Lamar, where an immense
bonfire of old garden seed illuminated
the gloom and darknes of the dripping
evening. Many of these would donbt-
less have germinated, but the proprie
tors were resolved that their seed de
partment should be above suspicion,
and henqe their wholesale cremation.
Now, Hereafter, farmers ana gardener
may rest assured when they come pi
quest of good sound “garden eass’’
seed ia Macbn they trill get the Sim
mon-pure .by calling upon Messrs.
Hunt, Rankin ArLamar.
Too often housekeepers lose aa entire
season by depending upon spurious
seeds for their early vegetables. And
nothing is certainly more provoking.
The boys enjoyed the bonfire, and it
was astonishing how brightly and
fiercely ttie seeds burned.
Garden Seed Fuse,—Yesterday after
noon and evening t Cherry street near
Second, and in fact the neighborhoood
was pet fumed with an an aroma, not
Arabic, of burning seeds fired by Mes
srs. Hunt. Rankin &, Lamar. Tiir-y
barxed a large lot of seeds worth near
ly a thousand dollars, which were left
over -from last season:—Telegraph k
GEORGIA—Houston County:
E. H. Wimtely, adraieiwratar. of A. H. Wim
bet'iy, <if said coonty, dtceated, has a t-
pliitl for dismission from kis trust:
Tiiis is tiiftre* ore to cite all persons concerned to
appear at the April Term 2879 of the Court of Ordi
nary of said county and show cause if any they
have why said application should not be granted.
Willie-s in j ofiiciiil signature tiii3 Dec. 19. 1878.
3m A. S. GILES, Ordm.ry.
J>v edt i^UD(T> aiid .bn^HieRS man
slioukl have a copy of our L-gal Form
Book this fall aud winter. A few more
loft at 50 cents each—worth five dollars
to any one.
. It is authoritatively stated tint fifteen
tbousaud Russian Mennouites will leave
Russia this winter, and that the majori
ty of these wilisettle in colonies in Min
nesota, Iowa, isebrasKa, amt iLre^f...
These people, as a class,are iudustrio us
honest, and peacefully inclined. They
leave Russia not because of persecu
tion, but because, like the Quakers,
they are war, and because in
Russia snch scruples are not-respected,
but ali men are alike subjected to con
Our. Bopts aud Shoes in iff be closed
out at cost, and no mistake.
Jacobus & Co,
^OMMi 1*03401 (T] 11 4, rjp c
Warehouse Gor. Popiar and Second Sts.
Make advances on oiton ia Store at hank
ing rates.
Also agents for tlio “Ltuaraaa Cotton Gin." Pirtiss wsatng a fir-t t::13 Gin -rtil find tt U tkm
iataeutto see us before tmpag. Wo guarautes tho gin and price shali no; prave.t a trrnd..
M. S. Jobson, Df.nyist, Pkkt.y, Ga.
—I do die - best dcn/al abor.t of any kind
at low prices, and incite the vafroiioge
ofalL Sep 29—tf.
We team that a lodge of this new and
most excellent order wil soon be organ
ized in Ferry. The objects are charity,
and mutual aid. au*l the provitions for
the widows aud orphans of members.—
Besides tbe usual lodge benefits, care
iu sickness aud misfortune, etc., each
member’s family is eutitled to §2,000
out of funds of the grand lodge on his
death. There are three degrees,—In
fancy, Manhood, and Old Age. The
order lias how over Forty ikons <nd mem
bers iu the Union, aud is growing in
popularity. Its rales require strict
morality aud iutegrity, aud it is the on
ly lodge, with pirhaps the exception of
the Bnai Brilb, that is popular with the
ImpobtaNt Notice.—AH persons in
debted to the old firm of.F, S. Johnson
& Sons'; ‘Macon, are requested to call
and settle, as these claims must be
closed at once.
4t F. S. Johnson's Sons.
GEORGIA—Houston County:
George II. Whiit has spj-Iicdfor ti.e C’ca.rdian-
slip of the isiid-of Elizabeth White, a uoa-ieaideat
This is therefore to cite ali persons concerned to
appear at the Januar? term 1S79 of the Court of
Ordinary of said connty, and shoiv cause, if any
they have, why eaid apDHcation shoula. sot be grant
Witness my official signature this Dec. 5, 1878.
ft- Ordinary.
CcEBEcnoN.—We wrote lost week
that Prof, Saunders was assisted by
.Miss Bowen, but the printer .inade/ us
vay 3&5 Beaver, and we did hot notice
the error until the whole edition had
been printed off.
An Undeniable Tmtii-
Yoa deserve to suffer, aud if you
lead a miserable, nusafisfautory life in
this beautiful world, it is enirivly your
owu fault and there is only one t sense
for you,—your unreasouabie pr.- .u lie«‘
aud skepticism, which has killed thon-
snuds. Personal kuVnvledge aud eotn-
mou sense reasoning, wiil soon show
you that Green's August Flower will
cure you of liver creuals-.ut, i:v dyspep
sia, with all its miserable effect--, snets
us sick headache palpitation of the
heart, sour stomach, habitual e tivc-
ness, dizziness of the head, nervous
prostration, low spirits, etc. Its sales
now reach; every town on the Western
Continent, aud not a druggist but will
toll you of its wonderful euros. You •
can bvv a sample bottle for 10 ceuts.
'iiiree doses wiil relieve you. —tf ■
We ass now getting our work-straight-
out, and hereafter hope to get out
paper promptly Thursday eren-