Newspaper Page Text
The Home Journal,
£,0 CAIj.
commissioners' court.
Connty Commissioners’ Confc of
Houston comity met iu chambers this
February 3d, 1879.
Present—J. M. Davis, Z. W. Wimberly,
W. M. Gordon and Z. G Brown presi-
fjjE ROME JOURNAL FOR 1879. ding.
Minutes of last meeting read and
We again make a special offer to all
u ew subscribers or old ones who will
,, a y in advance for 1879 a present of a
copy oi our 130011 of Le S al Forms
and information,—prico 50 cents. The
book alone is worth five times the price
of the paper, and has already saved
many a purchaser fifty times its cost,—
This year The Home Journal will
make a specialty of choice miscellany,
local news, scientific and general infor
mation, domestic economy, farm matters
»nd trne politics.
The Home Journal is now enter
ing its ninth volume, aud has been
under its present management six years
and two months. We must thank our
patrons for past favors, aud assure them
that if they will pay in advance in the
future we will be enabled to greatly im
prove our paper. Don’t wait.for Septem
bar, kind friends, but come up and re-
uew-utonce. Price as heretofore §2 00
a year.
To the Pkess.—We have for sale
binull self-inking Pearl printing press—
a good machine—which is just the
thing for circulars, kill heads, cards,
and such work,—price §30 cash. If
tiuyofourboy readers want to start
au amateur paper and job office, we
will let them have the press aud a com
plete outfit of type for §50. We wish
to dispose of this press so as to make
room for a larger aud faster one better
suited to general job aud poster work.
Fike! Fike!—A fire broke out in the
woods aud fields near York the other
day aud destroyed much feuciug- Mr
Fredrick Sr., Mr. John King, aud Mrs
Nuuey King are the principal suffer
Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy
Jobacoo. —Dec. 4ih ljr •
Jo (A* eilioM* cf Perry and Houston
We have this week closed o'Ur store iu
Perry, and removed the balance of our
sleek hero to our Bawkinsville store
where we will iu the future unite our
every energy. During our five years
residence iu Per*y the liberal patron
age wo huve received mid tiie very
tuauy acts of kindness shown us
personally by the people have caused
«>» to cheurish feelings towards them
which w» oao never forget, and wo
hereby trudor you, one and all, our
heartfelt thanks and bent wishes U r
your future prosperity and happiness.
Wo hopo to have the pleasure of
seeiugyou all occasionally at oar store
in Hawkiusville, where we shall keep
at all times au mnprecedeuf ediy large
Muck, aud will sell at our usual low
prices. Trusting, that bv energy, cour
tesy and fair dealing we shall retain
all our old friends aud make niang new
ones, We remain
Youts most Sincerely,
J - Jacobus,
For Jacobus & Go.
Dixie plow points^ aud fixtures on
baud at
Moore & Tuttle’s.
Guano for sale L-
M ooee & Tuttle.
House Bubed.—Mr. James Barfield,
who lived ubout three miles northeast
of Perry had his house destroyed by
fire Sunday. It was burned while the
family were absent, and it is supposed
Was accidental. He lost all the furniture,
bedding, clothing, etc., of himself aud
family, which was very severe on him
as hti is in only moderate circumstances
Many of our citizens contributed a
mite to help him, aud his neighbors are
assisting him as much as possible to re-
pluce his loss.
Pasties warning Guano should cal
Moobe and Tuttle.
Pure cider and white wine vinegar
*t J. D. Martins.
Guano.—Our clever and enterprising
friend T. O. Skellie has a card in anoth
er column which will interest our plant
ing friends who are so earnestly discus
sing the fertilizer question. He offers
several popular brands of guano at last
years prices. Call aud see him at once,
as his supply is limited.
Good Eating.—We will run our res
taurant again during court, and will re
ceive fresh supplies of Fish and Oysters
every day. Come and eat with us
P. C. Smith & Co.
D. F. Gann, Hoad Commissioner of
the 771th District G. M. having re
signed It is ordered that D. H. Holleman
be appointed in his stead. Also L.
BlewsterBoad Commissioner 52S dis
trict, being over age that Jacob Coou-
cr be appointed in his place, also that
Cornelius E. Brown be appointed Eoad
Commissioner of the 500 district in
place of G. M. T Feagin, resigned.
The County Treasner’s rsport for 1878.,
read and approved and the Clerk is or-
uered to file it in office.
Ordered that the Tax. FLfa. against
J, J. Jones for 1878, be declared null aud
void he being under age:— Ordered
that Jim McGeheo colored be relieved
of poll tax against him, he being over
Ordered that R. S.Woolfolk agent of
bis wife be relieved of double tax for
1878, he giving a satisfactory excuse.
J. A. Flournov came before the
Board to be relieved of state aud
county taxes for 1876, as a defaulter
his lauds were sold February 5th 1878,
On motion ordered that ho pay the
full ainonut of what the land sold for
§61, —that being tlie amount, of
double tax and expenses and 10 per
cent interest on the same §6 10 making
Ordered that Aggie Heywood and
Drnsilla Andrews colored both very
old women be allowed §2 00 per month
Pauper Funds.
Ordered that the bond of W Brun
son T. C. J. V Maun C. T. for 1879
be approved and recorded by the Ordi
William Brunson, Tax Collector, in ac
count current with state aud county
taxes for 1879. Dr.
To amt duo state, gen’l tax, §11,824 39
“ •• “ poll tax.. 3,24 4 00
“ “ tax ou wild Uud 44 64
“ gen’l tax not on digest 106 63
a poll taX " * * 79 00
§15,298 66
By Hint p<l Comtrollor Geu’l, §8,000 00
•• •• coupons.. 70 00
“ “ ileov’rscorn’s.. 376 70
“ “ School comms’r.. 198S 20
“ “ -‘ poll t’x 2521 50
“ co Ttvas wild laud 11 9S
“ errors in digest genl tax. 17 18
** “ “ . poll *• 3 00
“ insolvent list, geiil *" 289 18
poll - 798 00
*• Tax Collectors corn’s
“ balance iu hand due stato.
President W. S. Clark, of the Agri
cultural Go liege, is to leave Amherst 11-
gain for a while, to become President
of a floating college vb ich is to make
a voyage around the world. A fine iron
steamship has been bought abroad,
which will have ovary convenience nec
essary for the comfort of 230 students,
who are to pay §2,509 each for the
trip. The vessel, the Gea. Wer.ler, is
now in New York harbor, where she-
will receive her outfit, and be in readi
ness to sail ou the first of next May.
The first point touched will bo the A-
zores; thence to Ireland, England, Swe
den, Norway, Antwerp, Hamburg
aud St. Petersburg, and thence to Ha
re and other French ports, and also
Spain and Portugal; then up the Med
iterranean to Constantinople and Smyr
na. Egypt ami Nile will also be taken
in, and the party will pass throngh the
Suez canal into the Bed Sea aud on to
Ceylon, India and Calcutta. The
route will include the principal porls
and cities of China and Japan, and the
way homo is by the Sandwich I-dands to
San Francisco. The expedition will
leave the ship at San Francisco, aud
make the remaining dist auce overland,
stopping off occasionally to visit yarions
points of interest both north and south
of the lino of the railroad, and the par
ty expect to reach New York at the end
of a year and a half. The Gen. Werder
will sail under the American flag,
though a foreign built vessel, a lull
having been put throngh Congress al
lowing her to come iu free of duty, in
oonsiderutiou of the purpose fur which
she is chartered.
The projector of this enterprise is a
young man of means from Auburu, JS.
York., who, after correspondence with
President Clark ou the subject, came to
Amherst aud secured him to become
President of this floatiug college, aud
arraigned the minor details of compen
sation, which are liberal aud satisfacto
Handsome Income F01: An Exebgetic
lady oB gixtlemex.—The Ohio Scale 1 p m «* y * -m-wjijq
Works of Cincinnati have just com- L1 JHlCIaA J3I X* d
Dieted aud are now introducing to the j
public a Handsomely finished Family j
Tiie telephone has come into very
general use in Chicago through the in
troduction of the district system. Dr.
E. M. Hale, of that city, told a Ohica
go Tribune reporter how ho diagnosed
a case where he was called (through
the telephone of the District Telegraph
Company) liy a distant patieut whose
baby was ill — presuineably with croup.
He asked the temperature of its body,
symptoms, breathing aud eougliiug, got
them to hold ilie child near the Instru
ment till he heard the cough and cry
which indicated croup, prescribed the
simplc temporary remedies, had the
telegraph office place him iu cominuni-
oatiou with the druggist’s, who was in
structed to prepare a prescription, and
in a few run utes the druggist had eall-
ltim with the
426 34
796 58 ed a messenger aud seut
§15,298 66
To amt due co. Taxi s IS18,.
- cullec’d not iu digest..
§9,054 86
85 32
§9,140 18
§S,0()0 00
By amt paid Conuty Treas.
• • •• “ wild lauds, 11 9S
“ errors iu digest, genl tax, 1(5 i5
“ Tax Collectoi s salary 200 00
“ insolvent list, geul tax . . 23136
*» uwi iu hand to balance.. 6S3 09
§9,140 18
Respectfully submitted.
W. Biiunson. T. C. H. C.
It is gratifying to this board to re
ceive the above report, as it shows ener
gy and vigilance ou the part of Mr.
Brunson as a faithful aud energetic offi
cer since lie has held the office of lax
Collector, of this county, as uot only
this report but every one be has made
before'us has been correct iu every par
ticular and satisfactory. He has also
collected ou old executions for 1S77,—
still in his hands §428 GO, and expects
to collect moie.
On motion adjourned to 1st Monday
^n March next.
Edwabd Jackson, Clerk.
Headquabt ebs.—for Horse Collars
W. Bbunsons.
Headquaktes for nice country Hams
W. Bbunsons.
Headqu ab TEBs
for Seed Oats
W. Bbunsons.
Headquarters for all kinds of Groeer-
ies and Provisions at W. Bbunsons.
Notice.—I will pay the full whole
sale price for Pork, Beef, Mutton, Kid,
Butter and Eggs. Persons having the
above named Provisions for sale, can
find a ready market for tlirni by ap
plying to
J. "W Many.
Teeth extracted without pain. Benn-
tiful artificial teeth inserted. Abscessed
teeth and diseased gums cured by Drs.
Holmes, Macon, G*.—Dealers iu all
kinds of Dental Goods.
A large stock of Seeing Cassimebes
Headquabtebs for Corn and Bacon
medicine, and the doctor aud druggist
had returned to their beds.
New Advertisements.
Tax Collectors Sales.
Will be sold before the court- house
door in Perry ou the fir t Tuesday iu
March, next, between the legal hours of
sale, the following property, to-wit;
One lot of land in the lower eleventh
district of Houstou county known as
the lot ou which the dwelling is situated
formerly owned by C. S. Winu. Le\ -
ied on aud sold as the property of Mrs.
Mary Wat»on for state and county taxes
for the year 1S78.
Also, at the same time and place, one
lot of land in the lower eleventh district
of Houston county known as the lot on
which the dwelling is situated of the
Nisbet place. Levied on aud sold as
the property of J. T. Nisbet for state
and county taxes for the year 1878.
Also, at the same time and place, one
loo of land in the upper eleventh dis
trict of Houston connty and known as
the lot on which the dwelling is situated
of the Cliurckweil place. Levied ou
and sold as the property of O. P.
Church well for state and county taxes
for the year 1878.
Also, at 1he same lime and place, one
lot of laud in the lower eleveiub district
of Houston county known as the lot ou
which the residence is situated of the
Howard place. Levied ou and sold as
the propelty of J. W. T. Howard for
state and county taxes for the year
1878. W. BRUNSON,
Tax Collector Houston Couuty.
Februaiy 1st 1878.—U1.
Scale, an article that has always been
no.idcd in every household, & in a com
munication addressed to the publisher
of this paper the propriet ors ask ns to
refer them to some reliable party, to
introduce it for them to the people oi
this Conuty. It is very seldom that a
new article steps so. .suddenly into a
universal iavor. Housekeepers are
loud iu its praise, it is always ready,
there are no weights to get lost or to be
bunted an, is reliable, and will not get
out of order. The description of them
is a handsome base surmounted by a
column in which works a spiral spring
so scientifically adjusted as to weigh
anything up to twelve pounds with per
fect accuracy, on the top of the col
umn is the platform on which tLe ar
ticles to bo weighed are placed, and
they have an adjustable indicator so
that you can take the taro of any ves
sel,you may use in weighing, giving
yon the exact net weight. Housekeep
ers at once see their value in weighing
fruits, sugara and other ingredients
used in preserving, cooking etc., or
in testing the weights of purchases
from others.
The Scales are made of all Brass, are
highly polished and are finished in a
skillful manner. They are very attrac
tive and fake t le eye of every one who
sees them.
It seems to us that nearly every
family in this conuty will want one,
aud is certainly a rare opportunity for
some smart aud energetic party to
piok up quite a nice little income dur-
iug the next few month. The compa
ny has ngents in other couuties who
are easily making from §5 00 to §6 00 1
per day selling them, aud we would'
recommend parties in need of employ
ment to drop the OHIO SCALE
WORKS. No. 125 and 127 Central,
Avenue, Cincinnati, O., a postal card,
and all information etc., will be cheer
fully given them by mentioning our
Celebrated American
From exchanges we learn no injury
was caused to semi-tropical plants on
the Golf Coast south of Cedar Says, by
the cold weather in January.
Carry your cotton to Hawkiusville,
flie best interior cotton market in Geor
gia. Pientv of buyers and plenty of
money ; and a good place tostore your
cottou is at D. G. McCormick’s Fire
proof Warehouse, near the Court House,
who will sell your cotton free of charge,
always keeping you posted with the ' Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being
market, and having an eye single to. full of imitations of the name McLane,
fTlHE countenance is pale and leaden-
colored, with occasional flushes, or
a circumscribed spot on one or both
cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu
pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs
along the lower eye-lid; the nose is ir
ritated, swells, and sometimes bleeds;
a swelling of the upper lip; occasional
headache, with humming or throbbing
of the ears; an unusual secretion of
saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath
very foul, particularly in the morning;
appetite variable, sometimes voracious,
with a gnawing sensation of the stom
ach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting
pains in the stomach; occasional
nausea and vomiting; violent pains
throughout the abdomen; bowels ir
regular, at times costive; stools slimy;
not unfrequently tinged with blood;
belly swollen and hard; urine turbid;
respiration occasionally difficult, and
accompanied by hiccough; cough
sometimes dry and convulsive; uneasy
and disturbed sleep, with grinding of
the teeth; temper variable, but gener
ally irritable, &c.
Whenever the above symptoms
are found to exist,
will certainly effect a cure.
in any form; it is an innocent prepara
tion, not capable of doing the slightest
injury to the most tender infant.
The genuine Dr. McLane’s Ver
mifuge bears the signatures of C. Mc
Lane and Fleming Bros, on the
wrapper. :o:
are not recommended as a remedy “for all
the ills that flesh is heir to,” but in affections
of the liver, and in all Bilioas Complaints,
Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, or diflCMB* of
that character, they stood wdthomt a rival.
No better cathartic can be used preparatory
to, or after taking Quinine.
As a simple purgative they are unequaled.
beware: of imitations.
The genuine are never sugar coated.
Each box has a red wax seal on the lid with
the impression Dr-. McLane’s Liver Pills.
Each wrapper bears the signatures of C.
McLane and Fleming Bros. £
Insist upon jjaving the genuine Dr. C. Mc
Lane’s Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming
G E O. W
R li
No. 81*Cherry Street, Macon, Gsorgia.
tin it## warn.
Roofing, PHiafibiii", GutH-riug uiul all {antis of Job Worn promptly
attended to.
Sole Agent for Charier Oak and Farmer Improved Cook Suives.
Repairs fur Charter Oak anil Farmer Sieves always on baud.
Oct 11
t a % a
ratr Acojjgr, .cl- i..
FINE BED ROOM SUITS, iu great variety,
CAliHE PS, Body and Tapestry, Brass.ds,
iHREE-PIAS, EX 1 lt.vSUl’E hs, SUPERS, and low grades.
A Iso will be sold ui exceedingly low prices.
Coffins and Caskets,
Of every des cription aud price, in wood and tnelaL
Call and examine my goods aud prices.
Nov. 8 3m,
Next to Lanier House, Macon, Georgia.
W. Bbunsons.
Headquabtebs for best Family Flour
W. Bbunsons.
Headquarters for Mules at
W. Bbunsons.
Headquabtebs pob Guano.—Two
car loads of Poppliens’ Siiicated Phos
phate—one for grain and one for cotton
—On consignment. Sold to several
planters last year and gave general
W. Bbunson.
The electrio light is to b&TO a trial in
Paris nader the supervision of the mu
nicipal authorities. Bor a year the Av
enue de 1’Opera and the Place de la
Bastile aud due of the market buildings I
are to be lit by the electric light at u}
j charge exceeding s’X cents per hour i
j for each burner, while the gas company ]
r> ° . . . I is to light the Rue du Quarue Septem-!
ana Ready made clothing to arrive in j, ,-, u , I
a few days at A. B. Schilling's, which
*ill be sold cheap for cash,
ibe interest of the planter. Can bo
found connected with the warehouse
large and free wagon yard, house aud
water, and good dry shelter for stock
—all free and for the accommodation of
ihe public generally. Carry your cot
ton to D. G. McCormick'. - —tf.
The Weekly Telegraph.
We desire to call attention of readers
t2 our weekly editiou especially. The
\Vellly Telegraph and Messekgeb is
a mammoth octavo sheet, carrying six-
ty-POUB columns of almost wholly read
ing matter. It is issued, by a conve
nient arrangement, both early and late
in each week so as to meet subscribers
haying only one mail a week, .with the
latest possible news. If his weekly
mail leaves Macon iu the early part of
the week, he gets the early edition.—
If ou Thursday, Friday, or Saturday,
lie gets the late edition—iu either case
gaining the latest uews possible in a
weekly paper.
The contents of this paper form a
complete resume of the events and gos
sip of the previous seven days, aud the
reading matter of each number would
constitute a large volume, giving valua-
able information on all subjects.
This maguificeut paper is furnished
postage paid, at only two dollabs a
The Semi-weekly Telegbaph and
Messenger is furnished at three dol
lars a year.
The Daily Telegraph and Messen
ger at ten dollars a year.
£S§“tebms cash in all cases. “@a
These are among tne oldest and best
established publications in the State of
Georgia, representing a patronage
scarcely equalled—certainly not excelled
—in extent, intelligence, and worth in
the State. We recommend them with
confidence that they will gain new
friends wherever introduced.
Advertisements in the Weekly, one
dollar per square of ten lines, each pub
spelled differently but same pronunciation.
And better than any Sal-
One teaspoon fnl of this Soda with sour
milk equals Four teaspoonfu’a of
the best BakiDg Powder,
saving Twenty Times
its cost. See package for val
uable information.
If the teaspoon is too large and does
not produce good results -at
first, use less afterwords.
A pplication eoh administration.
Geobgu ,—Houston Cooxty:
R. D. Brown has applied for administration on
the estate of Mrs. Lucretia Brown late of said county
This is therefore to cito all persons concerned to
appear at the February term 1879 of the Court of
Ordinary of said county and show cause if any they
have why said application should not be "ranted:
Witness my official signature this Dec. 26,1878.
4w. A. S. GILES, Ordinary.
‘ska Foam Baking Powder can be had
of us. We are the sole agents for Per-
Try it. - p. o. Smith & Co.
j bre, the -Place du Chateau d’Eau and
another market building in an improved j The society for the Suppression of
fashion at an extra, charge of not more j Vice held its fifth anniversary meeting
yesterday in New York. It is alleged
• that a wide-spread conspiracy exists
your residence in the best
than one cent per cubic metre.
. - — — a tour of inspec'ion. Atlanta very prop- ihaving. captured '300.000 names
Home Company. Call ou Edwin Mar- J erlv received him with becoming coul- i dresses to obscene circulars, and de-
tm > agent, for porlioulars and n^ss on account of his once having • stroved nearly twelve tons of obscene! fr,. m
fates. . ' ' *
I made it too warm for its people.
printed matter.
Cremation.—The facts of the case of
the burning of §1000, woith of garden
seed by us this evening, are these, but
We are determined that none
fresh and reliable seed shall go from our
house in the future. Customers can
reiy on ns to give them goods which
are warranted to be fresh and true to
name as will not tinder &Dy circum
stances handle commission seed as we
know them to be worthless in nearly
every case.
Hunt, Raskin & Lamas.
Seed Cremation.—A large crowd
gathered about nightfall last night, in
front of the store of Messrs, Hunt
Rankin & Lamar, where an immense
bonfire oi old garden seed illuminated
the gloom and darknes of the drippmg
evening. Many of these would doubt
less have germinated, but the proprie
tors were resolved that their seed de
partment should be above snepicion-
and hence their wholesale cremation.
Now, Hereafter, farmer* and gardener-
may rest assured when they eoine in
quest of good sound “garden suss”
seed in Macon they will^get the Sim-
rrnn-pnre by calling upon Messrs.
Hunt, Rankin & Lamar.
Too often housekeepers lose an entire
season by depending upon spnrions
seeds for their car’y vegetables. And
onthiug is certainly more provoking.
The boys enjoyed the bonfire, and it
was astonishing how brightly and
fieicely the seeds burned.
Garden Seed Fire,—Yesterday after
noon and evening Cherry s*reet near
Second, and in fact the neighborhoood
was peifumed with an an aroma, not
Arabic, of burning seeds fired by Mes-
a< j’ sis Hunt, Rankin & Lamar. They
burned a large lot of seeds worth near
ly a thousand dollars, which were left
over last season.—Teleyrtr,dt k
A pplication to sell seal estate.
Gegegia—Houston Countx:
John W. Turner, executor, of J. I. B. Turner,
deceased, has applied for leave to sell a part of
he real estate of said deceased:
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned
to appear at the February term 1870 of the Court
of Ordinary of eaid county, and show cause, if any
they have, why said application should uot he
Witness my oihdal signature this Dec. 20th. 1878.
Aw. A. S. GILES. Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Houston County:
Amos W, Murray has applied for administration
on the estate of Jeremiah Murray, late of &&id coun
ty deceased.
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to
appear at the February term 1879 of the Court of
Ordinary of said county and show cause if any they
have, why said application should not be granted.
Witness my official signature this December 19
1878. A. S, GILKb,
4w. Ordinary,
GEORGIA—Houston County:
W. M. Melvin, guardian of Julia Schneider, has
applied lor dismission from his trust;
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to
appear at the February term 1879, of the Court of
Ordinary of said county and ahoir oause i’ any
they have, why sold application should met ba
(Him mreMel^wrtaiw this Dee. H«
tv k. *. aiL**, Ovdlaavy.
R. e. MAY & CO.,
98 Cherry Street. .Maccn, Ga.
Mhiiiifacinrera ami Dealers iu
Trunks, Traveling Bags, Children's Carria
ges and Leather.;
XHr Call and exmiine our stock bo fore purchasing
208 Broad otreot, Augusta.
Repositories—93 Cherry Street, Macon, and.
Ktrp •—m
: / .
DR. W. N. FLEETWOOD,Proprietor.
To the Planters of Houstou ami art joining counties I guarantee
Full Weights and the Top of the Market-
Promptness ami Fair Dealing is im motto. Bring jour cntL.n ami trjr m
Waste No Money
Singer Sewing Machine
Gretly deduce
Machines Sold in 1877.
finger Manufacturing Co.
being 20.49C morb
Than any previous Year,
Notwithstanding the great
depression iu business.
No‘-Singer" Machine i* genuine without the above Trade Mari on the Arm of the Machine.
BETTER STILL! Duriug the months of January, February, March and April 1878, tbo .ate.
of our Genuine Singer Scwiug Machines were sixty per cent larger than during the corrcgp'>ndiDg'
months of last year. Could there be stronger evidence of the hoii these unequalled machi-e*,
have taken upon the public iBteeiu? Waste no money on Inferior Counterfeits, bend fo.- . ircu-
General Office for Georgia, South Carolina. Florida and Alabama, 42 Marietta SL, Atlanta, m.
Branch Offices,—Augusta. "Ga.. Gainesville, Ga., Colnmlms. Ga., Macon, Go., Savannah
Thoinaaville, Ga., Borne. Ga., Jjcksonville, Fla., aud Charleston, S. C.
Sep 6-78 6mo.
J. N. TUTTjliE, Agent, Perry, Ga.
GEORGIA—Houston County:
E. H. Wimberly, administrator, of A. II. WIm
bcrly, of said county, dreeared, has ap
plied for dismission from his trust:
This is there ore to cite all persons concerned to
appear at the April Term 3879 of the Court of Ordi
nary of said county and show cause if any they
have why said application should not be granted-
Witnessing official signature this Dec. 19. 1878.
3m A. S. GILES, Ordinary.
Compact, substantial, econom-
jed. Grar-
and giTe
f* 8 S mm*
Successors to F. S. Johnson S' Sons.
Dealers in
Miml f law«% &«ij>
Carriage and .Wagon Material, Steeel.
FAIRBA N KS i C«g 5l RUBB|H„ lc T.rATH|a mm S .
Our large sales of P JJFEB-LOADING GUX?,
v lb great experience in handling fire-a:ms, en<
n» to guaranree better satisfaction .han any
.fib’ded in the market.
tor. or ordcicd as desirtd. smith A Wesson'll
;»w pistols on hand.
.SSf-Thnnking onr fnriul.< for past favors, and assuring them of fair
bonest daaliofiS, wo solicit oontinaod faaurs.
F. M. jOHNHia>*rt HOUR
ical and easily managed. Gnar-
auteed to work well and
full power claimed. Iha engine
and boiler complete, including
governor r.nmp, etc. (and box
ing) »t the low price of
: Horse Power, - r?‘2 f
•*£ “ -‘ - :83%
6»i “ - 2.3 50
MIX & K1RTL5.N0,
No. 3 Cotton Avenue, and 66 Third
"\X7E HAVE a complete assortment of Boots and Shoea for the Fall anil Winter trade, to whirl*
T » vre direct attention, onr Stock of Lauirs’ Shoe* embraces all the latest style*—no prettier or
better lines ran be found. We have afnlllinc r.f all kinds fdt Gents, Boya, Ladies and I'h-Mres’ ."
wear, from which anr can be suited. The celebrated
is the best shoe that can be made for heavy wear. We have sold them for two years, and ir* find .
them much superior to any others. They arc made as genteely as a fine sewed shoe, y#t of .
leather, and the general experience is. they wear about a rear. Try them.
We have a ho the * HOWAKD"CAir PEGGED BOOT, which is without an equai.
na v ca good stock HATS at our stand on lima . treet. *
en in the city we trusi poxtasaac*^» Trill call
mx &
ouy:need that wa