The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, February 06, 1879, Image 4
The Home Journal, SJLIBSCR£PTIO W PRICE, Oac CVniv One T'-ar , ?2.(X) . •• fa • vb. Months l.oo •• Three Months 50 cjulif of Ten One Tear 15.00 »» «• •• Six •• - .... 1C.OO So Extra Charge for Postage, STANDARD WNIGHTS. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. An Act to fix by las- the standard weight of a bushel of the articles and commodities hereinafter mentioned, Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Gene ral Assembly of the State of Georgia, that the legal weight of the follow ing articles and commodities per bushel shall be as follows: ADVERTISING RATES. Wheat GO lbs. I.ocal Notions It) cents per line each insertion. Shelled corn 56 Remoter trasiqelsf a U’ertis-jmenti first insortio i . $1.»0 ver inch.—each subsequent insertion aJceut* Com IB ear - - ..70 -perinea. iPeiis. GO jKye 56 Outs 82 Barley. 47 Irish potatoes CO S tree! potatoes 65 White beans 60 CioTer seed 60 Tirnotlij seed 56 Flux seed .56 Hemp Seed 44 Buckwheat 52 Blue glass seed 14 Dried peaches (impeded) 33 Dried peaches (peeled) 38 Dried apples i 24 OnioDg 57 Stone coal 80 Unslaked lime 80 TurniDs 55 Corn meal 48 Wheat bran 20 Cotton seed.... 30 Gronnd peas ■ 25 Plastering hair 8 Sec. 2. Repeals all conflicting laws Approved Febrnrary 20tli, 1875. 8pa-4e- , - 1 ino. | 3 uu. 0 uni. 12 mo. OnoInch 230 5.00 S.OC 12.00 Two Inches 4.03 a.(Hi 12.00 18.00 Four inches n.oo 18.00 27.00 Quae. Cel. 7. GO 15.00 23.00 44I.OU Half- Col. 12.1'0 21.00 40.00 60.00 One Col. 18.00 40.IKI 00.0(1 UiO.oO All euberiftiou .mil advertising bills arc payable in ad runcc, unless by speeial contract. HUMBUGGING FARMERS. If a every, farmer read;, «u<| profit by, in the American the land coaid the accounts given Agriculturist daring the past year only, of the various spe cial frauds upon farmers, it would, in the aggregate, being a saving of hun dreds of thousands of dollars to the far ming community. There is claass of swindlers whose operations are ESPECIALLY DIRECTED TOWARDS FABM- EK3. It is no reflection upon the intelli gence of farmers that this ia so. These rascals know that ali kinds of fish are not to be caught with one bait; hence they operate upon clergymen, doctors, merchants, and farmers, each in a dif- ferent manner. It is sate to predict thafTEere isfa hew set of traps ready to catch farmers, Of late years the “agency” dodge has been played suc cessfully, and it lias already been started thus early in the season. These swin dlers are all after one pattern. A glib- tongned chap. No. 1. wishes to estab lish an “agency” for . some criuknm. It mny'bh -astump-puller, » machine for grinding the knives of mowing ma chines, it may lie.a ehnrn power, or a spring bed. Whatever ii is,'chap. 2fo. 1, somehow, or in some way, contrives have cautioned, and reiterated the oah- tion^ ,- . “FARMERS EE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SIGN,” but this does not seem to be enough, no matter how much care is exercised, thc8ni<ioth-tongued chap, No. 1, is usu ally too'much for the farmer. So we say ttrfnrmers—don't act as agents for anything, but lf you",trill not heed this, and the temptation as to profit is too great to resist, and yon ttill disregard •warnings, we beg of yon FAHMER8, DOW’Y SI ON AWYTHINS. To.u ^nay^be asked to agree to become an agent, yon may be asked to give your address, so that the sam ple machine, to be sent free, will pome all right, may be asked for merely your post-office address. Take our advice— which is the same ns Funeh’s advice to young people about to marry—don’t! dom’t ! Donlt,. do not—pray refrain from signing your naine(to anything whatev er. Observe this and you are snfe. Sign your name on any pretense to any thing Whatever, and you open the way for visit ot ehap No. 2. He is not smooth t.ongued or pursnasive. He has come to collect his bill. You have 'ordered so and so. The goods are at depot, here is the bill, and he wants the money, as he must take next train. ’You can’t say you never ordered the goods 1 ,' for - there i6 your signature! You cant., deny it, but yon signed it as ah aggreement to act as agent, ,or‘ higned it as your .ad- dress-^No; 2. knows nothing of all this—caries nothing about it, but wants liis money.. Here we again say don’t. Don’t be bullied into paying it, but let him do ins worst. Show him the door, and let,;him appeal to the courts if he dares. The game has already begun, and hundreds of farmers, to avoid trou ble, will throw away thousands of dol- iom’i; S€B1BSEES MONTHLY. CONDUCTED BY J. C. HOLLAND. The Handsomest Illustrated Magazine in the World. The American edition of this periodical in now MOKE THAN 70,000 MONHLY. And it lias a larger circulation in England than any other American Magazine. Every number contains about one bandied and fifty pages, and from fifty 10 seventy-five original wood-cut filns- trutious. Announcements for 187S-9 friATIB OHEiT CE^OGBHIO PAPER OF TTT5 ^ A LIBERAL PROPOSITION. The Southern Plaster and Gbamge, off Atlanta, that large and excellent eight-page agricultural and family newspaper,' proposes, for 75 cents and two letter stamps for postage, to for ward to any address the Weekly Flam- tee and Geange lor three months, to gether with a book containing the old and new constitutions the old and new constitutions of the State of Georgia, with supplemental matter—of valne to every citizen of the State—and oue of Scribner's log books, containing meas urements of all kinds of timber, calcu lations into*** and wages, for any • - it LsajJ—L ilA. - '■ . » tt&ds out tits pezfeet teesa, >3 that it ie only ascoeawj to refer to the index and page. The Inst named book will prove an invaluable aid to those haviDg any kind oficalenlation to make. The offer is bona fide, and presents an excellent op portunity of st curing a 1 first class paper aud two valuable premia rnsjfur a mere pittance. Address (enclosing 75 cents and two latter postage stomps), Frank Gordon, Pob&iktac, Atlanta, Ga. c. 0. A8D8ASOH, Anossax at Law, Hawkinsvillo, Gfl. SO- Will practice ia the courts of Pijlasla, Hous ton aud adjoining counties. A. JOBSOM, Jars-the homing season. DOM ’T EE BULLIED into paying a dollar on any such claim. At the most, it call .only go to a jury of jour neighbhrs to decide, but not one case ia-w hundred will ever c me to that One correspouileat writing from Massachusetts:, says that some of his neighbors think, that an agricultu ral paper can teach them nothing, yet oue of these very conceited farmers had to pay fc30, which he would have ta\ed, had he read our humbug articles, as the very swindle was exposed here. —From American. Agriculturist. F. Abtisan, Perry, Georgia. Sewing Machines, Jewelry, Guns, Locks, and ev erything in his line repaired and fitted up in the most substantial manner. All work not caUed for in ten days after being finished will be sold to pay charges. ,8S3-Ali work done promptly and at the lowes rices for cash, Amour the attractions for the coming year are the following: “HAWORTHS,” a serial novel, by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett, author or “That Lasa o’ Low- rie’s.” The scene of Mrs. Burnett's new novel is laid in Lancashire; the hero in a young inventor of American birth. “Haworth's” is the longest story Mrs. Barnett has yet written. It will run through twelve numbers of the Monthly, beginning with Kovembor, 1878, and will be profusely illustrated. FALCOMBEEG, a serial novel, by H. H. Bnye6en. author of “Gunnar,” “The Man who Lost his Name,” etc. In this romance the author graphi- ctily describes the peculiarities of Morse immigrant life in a Western settlement. A STOBY OF MEW OBLEAX3, by George W. Ca ble, to be begun on the conclusion of “Falcon- berg.” This story wiU exhibit the state of society in Creole Louisiana about the years 18u3-4-5, the time of the Cession, and a period bearing a remark able likeness to the present Reconstruction period. PORTRAITS OF AMEKICAN POETS. This se nes (begun in August with tbe portrait of Bryant) will be continued, that of Longfellow appearing in November. These portraits arc drawn from life by Wyatt Eaton and engraved by T. Cole. They will be printed separately on tinted paper, as frontis pieces of four different numbers. Illustrated sketch es of tho lives of the poets will accompany these portraits. STUDIES OF THE SIERRAS,—* series of papers (mostly illustrated) by John Muir, the California naturalist. Tho mostgraphie aud picturesque and, at the same time, exact aud trustworthy studies of the “Californio Alps” that have yet been made.— The scries will sketch the California Passes, Lakes, Wind Storms and rOrests. A MEW VIEW OF BRAZIL.—Mr. Herbert E. Smith, of Cornell University, a companion of the late Prof, liarrt, is now in Brasil, Mr. J. Wells Clnmipney, (the artist who accompanied Mr. Ed- war< King in his tour through “The Great South" preparing for Scribner’s a scries of papers on the nresent condition,—the cities, rivers, and resources of the great Empire of South America. THE “JOHNNY EEL” PAPERS,” by an “ex- Couiccierate” soldier, will be among the raciest contributions to Scribner during the connug year. They are written and illustrated by Mr. Allen C. Redwood, of Baltimore. 'Hie first of the ■’series, •JohnnyPoo at-Play,” appears in the November number. TEE LEADING EUROPE. N UNIVERSITIES.— We are new having prepared for Scribnerarticles on the leading Universities of Europe. They wilt be written by an American CoUege Professor, Mr. H. H. Boyesen, of Cornell, (author of “Falconberg ’ etc.) ,and will include sketches of the leading men in each of the most important Universities of Great Britain and the Continent. THE SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS! W ITH THE OPENING of another political cam- p.fign and business season, we desire to pre sent the claims of the DAILY MOJELSsMG SEWS to the patronage of the public. The features that have rendered the Moaning News so popular will be maintained, and the am ple facilities os the esiablisbme> t devoted to ma king it, if possible, still more worthy of the confi dence and patronage of the people of Georgia and Florida. The editorial depar ment will be conducted, as heretofore, with dignified moderation, but, at the same time, with vigorous and earn-st devotion to the interests of our section, auc tho principles of the Natio lal Democratic Party. Its State. General and Tele graphic, news departments, and its I ocal and Commercial columns wifi be kept up to their old s*andard of completeness and reiiablilii>, aud improvements made whenever they may suggest themselves. In a word, the '•ruing News will comprise every feature that renders the newspaper of to-day attractive, and its patrons may confident ly look to its columns for the latent information in regard to current cveuts. Yielding to no riva-ry in its own proper Held, it- will oliow .no competitor to outstrip it in journalistic enterprise. Besides the well known DAILY MORNING NEWS we publish a-mammotli eight-nage, THE WEEKLY NEWS, the largest paper in the Southern Ststes. This pa per contains a careful compaction oi the general news from the daily issues oi the week, Xelcgraoli- ic Dispatches anil Market Reports, carefully edited Agricultural and MBiiary Departments, with choice Literary and Mifceilaneous reading, and as a dis tinctive feature ORIGIXAB SERIAL STORIES, written expressly for its pages by popular authors; thus constituting it a comprehensive, entertainin'*' and instructive faa iiy newspaper. We also issue a lively Snnda v pacer, THE SUNDAY TELEGRAM, which contains the Local and Telegraphic news of Saturday night. Among tho additional series of papers to appear may be mentioned those on How shall we Spell (two'papers by Prof. Lounsbury), The New South, Lawn Planting for Smail Places (by Samnel Par sons of Flushing). Canada of To-day. American Art and Artists, American Archaeology, Modern In ventors; oieo. Papers of Travel, History, Physical Science. Studies in Literature. Political aud Social Science, Stories, Poems; “Topics of the Time.” by Dr, J. C. Holland; Record of New Inventions sad Mechanical Improvements; Papers on Education, Decoration, etc,; Book Reviews; fresh bits of Wit and Humor, etc., etc. Terms, $L(0 a year in advance; 35cents a number. Subscriptions received by the publisher of this paper, and by all booksellers and postmasters Persons wishing to subscribe direct with the pub lishers, should write name, Post Uffice, County, aud State, in full, and with remittance in check, P. O. money order, or registered letter to SCRIBNER & CO., 743 and 745 Broadway. H. Y. SCIENTIFIC ASV1EROIAN. sHrarr-THiaa ysas. most pornuB ecimmnc paps* is zsb wobxd. Only $3-20 a Year, including- Postage, Weekly, 52 Numbers a Year. 4,000 Book I’ages. Sen.-cmpTioN, (ITtsPAiD.) Daily, six moat):?, J5 00; twelve months, $1 00 Tn-weekly, six mouths, $3 ijp; twelve months, $6 00. "^Weekly, six months, $100; twelve montha, Sunday Telegram, six months, g so; tw months, 32 50. Money can be sent to my address by registered letter, cr P. O. order at my risk. ° J. ii. E3TILL, No. 3 Whitaker street. Savannah, Ga. . TE2 SCIE5JTIFIC AMSK.ICAK ia a large first-class weekly iiew’3i ai:cr, cl sixteen pages, pridtedin the most beautiful style, profuse ly illustrated with splendid engravings, represent ing tho newest mxeutions and the most recent ad vances in the arts and sciences, including new and interesting facts in agriculture, hoi ticulture, the home, health, medical progress, social science, nat ural history, geology, astronomy. The most valu able practical papers by eminent writers in ail de partments of science, will be found in the Scientific American. $3.20 a year by mail, including postage. Discount to clubs. Special circulars, giving club rates, sent free, Single copies mailed on receipt of 20 cents.— May be had of ail news dealers. T) A r P L 1 i\T r l 1 4J In connection with the ‘ JL JCjXv A. O* SciksriFic Amkhicax, Messrs, Mums & Co. are solicitors of American and Foreign patents, and have the largest establisliment in the world. Mors than fifty thousand application have been made through the;r agency. Patents are obtained on thn beat terms, models of new inventions and sketches examined, and ad vice free. A special notice ia made in the Scientific American of all inventions patented through this _ -- -- - _ T> fTvxx agency, with the name and residence of the pat- O PI U M useofOpiifmand Mor^h ? ntee ' A atolits nften Bold in pvrt or whole, to ST. NICHOLAS, Serifeaers’s JJliis&r^iefi Magsaiue, For Boys and Girls. Messrs. Scribner ft Co., in 1373 Iwgan th.i imbli- cation of St. Nicholas, an lUustrated Mag:,2iue for loysand Girls, will, M«ry Maix-s Dbtlue os editor Kto years have lassed since ta« first number was issued, ami the magaxme has won th- higkest lw- sition # It has a mondilv circulation ef 1 OYER 50,000 COPIES. Iti*suwished siimatsneotody in London a:,d New I ork, and the triHisatiaiitie mnn-i itinri is si moat as general and hearty an the Amerwan, Al- thongh the progress of the Magszii.e has ben. a bteady advance, it ha-- not reached iUwiR'.r'. ofoest, because her ideal co-iiumdly o,:ti-. ln Y it. and toe magaxme swttiy i uiowa afteri To-d»/ ot, ASicnolaA stands alone in / TSZ WORLD Q7. BOOKS, Tho Mew York Tribune bar said of it: “St. Mi, lftt! lias re&ched a higher platform for its service wider resources in ban any of its predece-ssors The London Literary World magazine fur the young that c-u: this choice production of Scribners’Press; Good Tgiiigs icho- :uid command, in a.t ahd iettar/'. r coj : {- liiiK'rai’init-- There in not vq ua A CHEAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS!! We will during the Holidays dispose of 100 Pianos ( and Organs at Extraordinary low prices for C<Mh. Splendid Organs 1,4. and 5 sets of reeds $S5, 3 sets with sub bass aud coupler 3S0, 2 sets $50,1 set $40,1 set $35. 7 octave ail Rosewood Pianos $130. 7Ji $140, warranted for six years. Agents Wantod. Illustrated catalogue mailed. Music at half price. HORACE WATERS * SONS, Manufacturers and Dealers. iSS E. 14 Btreot, Mew York. ine can be cured. Thou sands of our f rateful patients will testify to this fact The desire for tho drug is entirely removed, and the patients restored to their original health.— AU connaunica lions treated with strictest confi dence , radieilly cured! Write In I £rKi£n«S'lW£ for information to the HOWARD HEALTH ASSOCIATION, P. O. Box 310, Cincinnati, O. Pb- JaiNes Formula Fob Compos- TJtNG.- Where theipijredieuts have been ferserveJ from thti weather; Stable Manure. 750 lbs. boUoa Seed (green) 750 lbs. Acid PhospLate or Dissolved Boue500 lbs ait Ivlakiag a ton of ,.2,000lbs. Where t|ie ingredients have been ex posed atd J hsDs'i.o5t an j of their prop- - Jjot MtamiuVfW 1 . ..v.- 600 lbs. CottOn Betid (srsuu). 600IU- AflidPhbsphate or Ifistdycq Doae 600 Ibe Sulphate ot Aauaooi*. 60 Ibe. S»inU--- 140 Ibe. Making a ton of 2,000 lbs. Where the compost is to be applied to worn or sandy land: Stable Mm»SPv:-r..: 700 lbs. Cotton Seed (gn enj 700 lbs. fenper-Phiisphate .500 lbs. Si’-iuit--. 100 lbs. . ,—____ Am ent^rpr^ug; Yankee from Ohio, named Thoju .s D. Loveti, is about’ to Imilil a rsihoAd fioui Jaresal^m to Jaf fa, iu the H-dy Land. It is to be a ft arrow-gauge aud will be forty wiles long, “ ' '*• GEO. C. WARE, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in Wmm €mmm* —ANT)— CIDER VINEGAR. Sole Proproieto i of E. B. CONDUIT’S TABLE SAUCE. 287 to 295 W. Third St., Cincinnati, O. persons attracted to the invention by such notice a pamphlet contaiiicng full din-eiions for obtaining patents sent free. The Scientific American Defer ence Look, a volume bourn! in cloth and gilt, with the patent laws, census of tho U. S., and' U2 en gravings of mechanical movements. Price 25 cents. Address for the paper, or concerning patents. S5TUNN & CO.'* 37 Bitk Row, New York— brand: Office, Cor. F & 7th sfcs, Washing Ion, £). C sum 1879 NEW YORK 1879 As the time approaches for the renewal of sub scriptions, ThkSux would remiud its friends and wellwishers everywhere, that it is again a candidate for consideration aud support. Upon its record ferthe past ten years it relies for a continuance of the hearty sympathy and gener< us co operation which have hitheito been exteiided tol: from every quarter of the Union. , The Daily Sds is a four-page sheet of 23coi-( umus, price by inaii, post paid, 55 cents a month, or $ 6.50 per year. The Sunday edition of The Sirs ie an eight-page sheet of 56 columns. While giving i he news oflhe day, it also contain.- a large amount oi literary and miscellaneous matter specially prepared for it.— The Susuxt Scu has met with great success. Rost paid $l.fi0ayeai. The Weekly Sau- Who does not know The Weekly Sus? It circu lates throughout the United Slates, the Uanauas, and b-.-yond. Ninety thousand families greet its welcome pages weekly, and I egard it iu the light of guide, counsellor and friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural, and literary departments make it cs sentially a journal for the family aud fireside — Terms: Oxe Doll.ui a year, post paid. This price, djfy A Day to agents canvassing for the Fireside quality considered, makes it the cheapest uewspa- tj? S' Visitor. Terms and outfit free, Address P. per published. For einbsof ten, with $10 ersh, we O. VICKERY, Augus'a, Maine. j will send an extra copy free. Address ; | PUBLISHER OF THE SUN. New Kori City. Bbromo cards, Cupida Mottoes, Flowers. No two alihs.wlih name 10c. Nassau Card Co. Nas sau, New York. Dr IS/S , Thi. arrangement- for bieisry tions for tbe new volume—ibe sii*ji--;ir;• ~*ih*‘t■ drawing from nlrcady favoriit; sonVces as *v -ll \ lromproini^ug new uue;;. Air. irauii K. * jet ton’s new serial story for boys, ^ “AJ0LLY YsrJLOWSEI?,” Will run ihrough twelve m-.raihiy parts- -h->ini-in with tbe number for kovembor, It 78. the first llustratea by Jimes E. <5 .i tiiiv.:! ami adventure iDitri. Fvt the gi.'is, a con- yoiume,- and will Kelly. Tbe story is in Florida and tbe J tinned fairy-tale, ‘‘HALF A 5?02L’S HOlgFKEEPERS. By Katharine I) Smitl-. with iiinrtratious by Fred- enek Deilmaii, e-_r.ns m the same nnmbe; and a liesl 1 serial by ;iiisan Coolidge, entitled “Eye- bngnt, with plenty of pictures, wili be commenc ed earkj m thevomme. There will also be a con tinued lairy-tal e, called •T.UMPTY DUDGET’S TOWER/’ JlI . iian Hawthorne, and iUnstrated by Alfred Fredericks. Abont the other familiar fea tures of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good-’* humored silence, content, perhans, to M her five volumes already issued, prophesy con x-rniog the sixth, m respect to short stories, pictures, i<o» ms humor; instructive sketches, and the jure and the lore of “Jack-iu-the-PuIpit,” !he “Very I.itt i- Folks” Department, and the “Letter Box” anu ilie “Biddle Box.” ■terms, r 3,00 a year: 35 cents a number Subscriptions received by the publisher, of this paper, and by all booksellers and postmasters, per- sons wislnug to subscrib e direct with the publish ers should write name, post-office, ccmitv, and sta-e, ia full, aud scud with remittance check or I' O. money order, or registered loiter, SCRIBNER & CO., 743, Broadway, New York. A,« cfeict-irr q -ifchl aa-i ezce3sjz.ce ozd luiUttg cam-- txc&tr of s's-xlcuing end favoring. Tha be*l tobacco ever in id 2. As oar blue strip trada-mark is closely lcritcicd c i inferior psads. roe that J iekson's Bo*t is oa.cre’y rria*:- Sold by nil dealers. Send for sample. f*oe» to C. A. Jacssox & Co* Hfrs^ Petersburg, Yu TOBACCO L W«tehesJ31057^^ a irauUxL So.SupplyCoJiaahriIle.Tean. SfMILLIOW n 3"5 Mixed cards,snowfiake.damask, etc. No 3 alike, with nsme 10c. J. Minkler ,fc Co.. Nassau, N.Y FOR CLOTHING AND HATS. GO TO WINSHIP & O^iUWAY. STAC ON. G A. bostom wmm olobe, jThe Best Family Newspaper in the IT. S. For eign and Home News, Agriculture, Checkers aud Pozzies. Fashions and Fancy Work for the Lafiie.- DEAIOCRATJC IN POLITICS. Address BOSTON WEEKLY GLOBE. Boston, Mass. Agents wanted ia every city and town in the So nth. ■ ~ June 7 tf. - Each number contains Tliirty-two Pa ges of reading, many fine Wood Cut Eugravings, and one Colored Plate. A beautiful Garden Slagazine, printed ou elegant paper, and full of information. In English and German. Price, §1.25 a year; Five eoyies -S5.- Yick’.s FioMer r-nd Vegetable Garden, 50 cents in paper covers; iu elegant cloth cuvers o L. Vick’s Catalogue—300 Illustrations— only 2 cents. Address JAMES VICK Rochester N, Y- BOOKS A complete GiaOe lo Wedlock, with Ciiapterfi on, A competent V. om- tniiood. i.videi:ces ot Viarimtv. Stcrl- WOMAN __ anil ood. lby in women. Husband, an T Itctrimony compaivd, luipeUinientx to Msracgc, Coogags; diuics. Scenes or Keprcducisun, Lav ofhlarriege, Xgi»r of Divorce, rights of merriixl women, etc. also on Diseases ot Women, their cime end Cure. A Confidential ^rerk ot 320 rag**.with foil Plate En-rarirgs, sent for 50 cents. “The Pnvats Medical Adviser, 59 on the results of iS5 pure asfow.ation*,also on the secret habits of youth Metiioal Advice,” a lecraic ou stul Womancod, 10 cents; cr all three SI. TTtvy coulaia 500 pem aud over lirj XliuntrutiSS.rat: 3 JotagbfShea 111 suy other work, tent m single 'olui.ies, or complete ra one. for Price in ?‘ anjps ’/, ilTcr or Currency. (The cut5or lurites concultc. 1 a*h &l,di ^f ler L are Pro«nptly answered without char"?) AddreasiDr. Butts’Dispensary. SLL»mt,Ho. (EstabLiahed 1847-) w a ^ earnestly ssk p?r?oia suiferlu^ from BTJPTTIRE'V \s to sens, me their names and nddress. they wIMm™ 8 ^something io their advsutsgo.—g issiaffisegiSK-rsi’Tsr. at IH aknitia uiaailfiiitas Svflzaister- rkea. and Imjsoteacy. Woeor itanle mtk, mftfwlf w=tn—r raze, cr«±et . Foe-, Xvershiato Sodesc ct Lose of Sexral Fairer, fie. A PBX^TATS €Gu?SSBLQB, OfJGO pi5«^ sent to any rAirfya, secare^- cealed, for thirty (30) cents. Should- to read by s2L Address a3 atcre, OSooicursfrGHiO A. U. to7 P. 1L 2 to dP.2fi> as 4 uTesijlila^ xiahitcHreCL Tl '' Jcnj&clyatas’nta »?>-»*• ■ fs. bcot co GpInalKxtlag. to W.3. Sqcirc, Grccao Ce-Lad. For tbe ft peed y c Manhooa ai:d ail disorders brought on by indis cretion or excess. Any I’rurrist has the ingre dients. ArttSrc**, Ur. W- T4QIES A CO., 533 ffost .*5ixtb. Street, (Iscinuaii. O. 3 6 H 0 FI i L3’8 1 HOM MdCOA’, GFORGM. manufacturers of gs al jm: cs- s r^r f ^ (FROM 4 TO 40 HORSE AOWER.) A!so Wheat Threshing Engines, Prepared to Moun On any Ordinary Farm Wasson. GRIST MILLvS, COTTON PBESSES, CANE MILLS. SYilUP BOILERS, SHAFTINGS, PULLEYS, AND ATEKINDS OF CASTENG^ Prompt attention paid to repairing Mills aud Machinery. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. 4lyr J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON. Central and Southwestern Railroads. O F. S. 8 BMO !E1A M. DEALER IN Tojs, Fancy Goods and Confeetioneries SOLE A3ENT FOE W. J. LIMPS CELEBRATED STo mm% tmm iaiNMH 71 CHEEET STREET, KACOK. GA. NEW STAND ! NEW GOODS S P- (J. SMITH & CO- m iifflaesa. Including FLOUR, 88EAL, f^EAT, LARD, SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP, MOLASSES, •CRACKERS, CAM DIE?. CAHMEo COODS, SOAPS, TOBACCO, SEGAHS, ETC., ETC Vie hare also BAR! Satak.sah, Ga^ Jnna 7 . ^‘er Sunday, June 9th. Una, pigj?- W trams ou the Central and Southwcstra^?? roads and branches will run as follows: pr***, ntAIN NO v 1.—GOING NORTH Ala> WEst Leave Savannah , “ Leave Augusta o'^; A51 Vrrive at iugnsta IL- A * irriveat Macon Leaves Macon for Atlanta T * irrive at Atlanta Making dose connection at AtUcta with wi? -•m and Atlantic and Atlanta and Charlotte 7^ Line for all paints North and West. “ COMING SOUTH AMD EAST Leaves Atlanta ' n -m Drives at Macon Leaves Macon e'L, 1 * Vrrivcs at Milledgeville '..Tr 4 * Arrives at Elion ton '..'.f: 4 * irrivesat Augusta * ,.T: 4 * Vrriies at Savannah s-isl* Leaves Augusta " .'R F * Making connection at Augusta for ^ the NorthL5 -ast and at bavannah with the Atlantic aaiS tailroad for all points in I’iorida. “ Gn ^ CRAIM NO. 2.—GOING NORTH AMD -ITEct .eaves Savannah -P* 1- vrrivea at Augusta wg §.7o “ ^eavss Augusta P, 4J * trrives at MUledgeviUe '£% I " 1 * vrrives at Eaiunton ' * irriTes at Macon Lea -es Maccn for Atlanta a.jA * ■ rrives at Atlanta jtH 451 -eaves Macon for Albany and Eu/naU * Vrrivcs at Eufaula trrivjs at Albany -"P 2S. Leaves Macon lor Columbus q.,, f * ’rrives at Columbns 3 15 z * Trains on this schsdule for Ifacon, Atlanta cm ambus. Eufanla and Albany daily, making cbE ijuuection at Atlanta with Wes tarn and atb.c rad Atlanta aud Cliarlotte Air Lina. \t Enfanu vith Montgomery and Eufanla Railroad- at pm* iiubns with Western aud Mobile and Girard Itiii Eufanla train connects af Fort Talley for Porr. laily except Sunday, aud at inthbeit for Fo-i iainos Mondays, Wednesday* aud Fridays and -•etnrning leave Fort oaines Tuesdays, ThnradV™ ind Saturdays at 4:47 a.m. Train ou Blakely Extension leaves A’banr ffoudays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays." 3 COMING SOUTH AND EAST. leaves Atlanta ‘>•05., vrrivcs at Macon from Atiante 5.55. ‘ xa.-es ***** .‘.liao*; weaves Lufaula S ‘U)am vrrivefc at Macou from Eufaula aud Alban v 4:47 i* v jert\~es Columbus 111 :U0 x u Vrrives at Macon from Columbus..... . .. ,2*:C5 p jJ 7:33 p ii 5:4Ua at weaves 3racon. vrrives at Augusta .eaves Augusta. 9.45» Arrives at Savannah - . . . .7:15 a m Making connection at Savannah with Atlantia md Gulf liuilruad for ali points in Florida.* Passengers for HiUcdgcville aud Eatoutos will •ake train No. 2 from Savannah and train No i Vom ifacon, which trains connect daily except Moiiitir ■or these jjointL * - ' WILLIAM ROGERS Genera! Supt. Central Railroad. Savannah. „ . „ , w - G- RAOUL, ‘ Supt, Sonthwestvrn Railroad, 3’avon. double daily Til AND PROM FLORIDA Macon & Bruttswick It. It. U with ibe br^rt Whiski&s, Brandies, Wines, Beer, Etc. Thanking tho public for Iho liberal patronage, given ua i'i tho pi at. m hope to merit its con tinuance. p. a.§MOT& e@„ St p 27 2\k. 2, Cook’s Ratigf, Pcrrv, Ga. ■•BEAT REDUCTIONS “Sto ^TU.±t tJ±li3 ^XJOCLOS*- Read--“Keep Posted 'Up. OBSERVE MY VERY LOW PRICES. AdiI tb ! largest stock ia Georgia to sele ct from 1.000 men’s latest cassimere snits at 5.000 tneu’s working suits at 2.000 men's fashionable black dives suits 500 men’s custom made imported worsted suits at 2.000 men’s chinchilla overcoats ;.t.— 5(K) men’s imported beaver overcoats at 1.000 children’s Stylish snits at 2.000 boys best wool suits at can be made up at home I always keep on baud a fall men’s, ladies’ twiys’ aud children’s wear. Prices posit boots, shoes aud bats. Galieees, JVaus, Osuulmrgs and checks at factory prices. Be sure yon cal! and see me before buying dry goods and clothing. ?> J. BA Eli, Corner Third and Cherry S tier is, d4acou, Ga. S10, worth 515 5, worth 10 20 worth 30 25 worth 40 G worth 10 worth 5 •a ort ii 6 wort h uper thitu Lhoy of goods for the lowest for GEXXKXI, SerKMXTHMUKST’S OfFICV. ) Macon. Ga., May 23, 1*73. J O N and art :? Sunday, tho 20th instant, passenger trains on this road will ran as follows: CUMEEKLAND KOUUit fia BRUNSWICK NIGHT PASSENGER MO. 1. SOUTH, daily. Leave Macon 7:30 rti Arrive r.t CocLrxii j. K Arrive at 1®:61 r m Arrive at V. ..Z:Ll a u Arrive m Brummick . a u, Loavi* Bruiitiwick per »teainHr 7:«0 a x Arrive Fernandina 11 :*)/. m Arrive Jacksonville J :4c r x NIGHT PASSENGER MO. 2. NORTH—DAILY Lervo Jacksonville 10:8* a k i.e4V* Fernandina per steautnr .2:45 r u Arrive Bmmrwfik 6:45 pv Leave li?uu»»wi4;k 7 ;v o r u Leave Jesuj> r u Leav' Latctman X:o*2 a u Leave Cochran 4:65 « * Arrive at Alacou u Cloric couiirction at Alacoi* for all points Xozth, I'n-tand West via Atlanta and Augusta. DAY AOC« MMOUATION No. 3. BoUIH, ViaJesnpand Lire Oak—Daily, except Si mUj. Leave Macon 7;20 a m Arrive Cochran 1«#:28ah Arrive £a»tuian 11:57 a u \rnve Jcfc»ii>. g:3» r m Arrive Jacksonville 9:25 a u no. 4. nokth—dttily except Suiulay. Leave Ja tksonvillo Leave Jcsup C:00 a m Leave Eastman 12:4Z r u Leave Cuciiran f:f-8 y u at 2'fcDU 5:10 i x HAHHlNSVtLLIfi ACCOMMODATION. Daily except Sunday. Leave Macon 3:45 p x Arrive Hawkincvillo 7:10 ax i*ei ve Kj.v.’kinavillc <5:20 a x Arrive Macon : :45 a x GLO. Vi, ADAMS, General Superintendent. W. J. JAKVIS, Master Trani»portation. Atlantic and Gull’ Ii. R. .Gznkbai. upzsistendkut's office AXJxAMTC AND tiCLF iUU.BO VD, SAVAN'NAU, May 5ih, IhfS. dkJHS.F. o ; DEALEBS IN Furniture f CARPTUSTG-8, OIL CLOTHS, ALL NEW STYLES. Meta lie and Wood Burial Gases, Cotton Avenue, near Che rry St., (VIACOM, G A / \N AND AFTER THIS DATE, P»«eug«r Trams on tnfs iioad will rna as follows. NIGHT EXP5KS8. Leave Savannah aaily al Arrive Jesscp 7:: 0 t. x Arrive «t Bainbridge 8:10 A. K .irrive at Albany i?:5i' a. X Arrive at Live Oak 3:30 a. X Arrive at Tallahassee 3:30 a, n Arrive at Jacksonville 9:25 a. X L» ave 'iai!uhassee 1:00 r, x Leave Ja -ksonviile 3:45 r. K Leav» Live Vtik 9:40 F. H Leave Albany Leave Bainbiidge Leave Jesup W. W. COLLINS, Manufacturer and Dealer in CARRIAGES BUGGIES, AND WAG HARNESS, BABY FACTORY 027 POPLA Nos. 70 and 72 Second Street, Macon, . s- FACTORY ON POPLAR STREET. Georgia Arrive at havannah 8:4t a. m No change of cars between Savannah and Jack- riuuviile or Albany. Passengers from Savannah to Fernand ma. Gaines ville and Cedar Keys take this tram. Passengers leaving Macon at 8:30 a. m., daily (ercc*x>t Sunday) connect at Jesup with this train tor fc’iorida. Pas-scmgcrs from Florida by this train connect at Je.-nip with traio arriving in Macon at 5:1U p. x., tUily cxccjjt Sunday, I’asiicijg* r.s from avannab for Brunswick and take this train, arriving at Brunswick at 6:45 a. in. Passengers from Brnnswick arrive at Savannah it 8:40 a. m. No change of cars between Montgomery and -Jackson viit*:. - Pullman sleeping cars ran through to and from savannah and i-akc City and MunlgoiiiXiry and Jack w.mville on thi?* train. Connect ot Albany daily with Passenger trains both ways on Southwertern Bailriiad to and from Macon, Enfnla, Montgimery, New Orleans, etc. Hail steamer leives Baiubndge for ipalaehicola every Sunday afternoon; for Columbus every Wed nesday morning. Close connection at Jacksonville daily (Sundays excepted) for St. Aug jgt»ne, Palatka and Enterprise. Green Cove springs, aud all landings on the St John's Biver. Trains on B. and A. K. B. leave junction, goixj vest, Monday. Wednesday and Friday at UJ4 a. zi For Brimswick, Tuasday, Thursday and 6atur day at 4^0 r. x. ACCOMMODATION TBAIXti—JEEST**X _ DIYISIOM. lAaxo Savannah, Sundays accepted, at 7:05 A. H Arrive ai McIntosh Arrive at Jeaap Arrive »t Btockshear Arrive at Dnpunt Leave Dupont Leave Biaekshear Leave Jesup Leave McIntosh “rrire at Savannah .'“HPSOt*. ‘ ‘ 12:15 r. ti “ 3:15 T.K * “ 7:10 V. 31 1 “ 5:15 A. a 1 “ 9:32 A- ti ■ “ 1:10 r. sr ‘ “ 3*8 r.w “ SJiSBX *jIondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leave Dnpout, Sundays exepted at 5:00 a. v- \frive at Valdosta “ “ 7aV» a. R Arrive at Quitinan Arrive at Thomas vide Vrrive at Albany Leave Albany ^*&vine “ - g-- Leave Qaitnran “ “ 3g4 P. 3f Leave Valdosta irrive at Dm out J. S. T1SL-M, • G.-ne General .Superiati