Newspaper Page Text
.tlfli'AL' I k 4TZTI*
It seems to be an established fact!
that Major Wiley has really sold bis
| franchise in tbo Tobesofkee turnpike,
" and that the road will be made free
after the first of
f •••- _ ...janaliA heteint
\fe again mhkf.' : a.;sppcial. offer to all
DCW subscribers or pid ones, who will
,*y in advance for 1879 a preseuG of a
of our little book of Legal
nn.1 information,-7rpVi$l.50pants. The
book aloue is worth five-titftfs theprice
•this -car THB'-t-ROkw ^ViCBNAr, will
uiakcK miscellany,
local news, scientific and general iuf»r-
maiion, domestic.etbuonpiy, farm roaUere
aud true politics.
The Home Joubsaii is now enter
ing its ninth volume,, and lias been
under its present management six yeays
and two months. We must thank onr
patrons for past favors, and assure fheci
tlmtif they will pay m advance in the
future we will bp enabled to grehUy im
prove our paper; Don’t wait for Septem
l)i!r, Kind frieu Is, but conn up aud ro-
Dt -w at once. Piice as lieridofore §2 00
u year.
„^.ill selC'inkiug/EearttprinHag press
a good machine—which is; jd§t the
tiling for circulars, bill heads, cards,
and such work,—price $30 cash. It
any of oUr boy readers wap t to start
au amateur paper and. job ' office,;- we
will let them have the press ’and a com-
plole outfit of type for $50. We wish
to dispose of this pi;e^s: so iv e , to make
room for a larger and faster one better
suited to general job' and poster work
Lewis Barrow was the leading Kadical
politician in Houston County. Hew is
six feet four inches high and of gigantic
frame- There wasno .tinge of whita in
his countenance, and his influence with
Tbis is a matter in which the neonje negroes was nnbonDded. Lewis
.&■ ~ 3 7 ^Tr^ j^^J^^gg-ef{|yS[eB^ap^es3yidjQwned,a
of our county feel
the toll gate has been a grtvious rax
on them nearly ever sfoeelhis county
with the regnl-ition sorry fence. Nat
Jackson, also a son of Ham, owned
Was settled. The people of onr conn- "Atypical pine rooter species,
ty, out board of fofcds arid n-vennes, ' ^hich became quite intimate with.that
and lastlv and leastlv, Tffi Homs « ankn - About armonth ago they had
Joraorit, have, been demandiug this j ® nt * at least sow M 1 ' "
in the- hame of jtrfece and nnrestrict- lhe e a ^en, being pretty badly be
ile.for severat years, and we-con- ' r ^j “f- 1 ; 130(11 fauriiito W
Me bnrpfiople that the embargo <rrilwI) mr ” ,Le Aep-«ie. :fnd
ed trad
has at last beep ratiMi
We have beard several minors afloat
as to who the real purchasers are ana
the price paid. One of the most im-
V up
iu i . > i; L on i m tl>< run til war
was liec.ufed. Lewis was the first to
open the fight, with a genuine^ loyal
league club, but Nat was a black-
portaut is that.tbc price paid wus i s . luil ^> "ifo sinews uf steel, and stood
500, and tbe 'bentiil ^iirojrd I ^iVVOud. They went at it literally
Company famished thJgnds for Ril.w l° r wh . e “ *- he
Dninitv f'nmmicoinnoiu In m.ilrn iL.> UUitlC CiOSCU Ll'VUij S uUgt'l
ith turtle grip' iu his mouth,
buddy 'bitten on
Having been defeated in the trial
by comLttt, Lewis appealed to the
Commissioners to make .the
purchase. The:
County JB
m m 8 „« JpifpiPii? SS
to Macon’s trade as well as a burden
to onr planters. Tbe price paid was
about twiev what a new bridge and
enbankmeut could have been 1)11111 for.
Aliy. JViley claimed an exclusive, right
W-tfiesmossing nnder tlie charier', aud
when consider that Lis annual net
To tub Pi«ESS.—'Ve have for sale a -income from tbe tolls after paying all
UviHoat last years prices;
. Day & Gobdgn.
Me are. agents,for the,
eitic Guano - 1 '* Dai 1
-Ahjor-Sfoore is’Ubfo id bb ooffc*-
X dump and cold Bn ell of weather
expenses was sixteen • or seventeen
hundred dollars,!The amount paid may
bethought quite cheap. The compro
mise cu that amount was doublless
due to mutual doubts on the part of
-both seller'‘ and' purchasers as to the
validity ot the exclusive franchise.
Notwithstanding the general rejoic
ing jiOjidGsam over the prospective
ier than ever
y—as all our far-
4h— — ‘life
uiers have to' puy ' transient rates,
whereas,they have usually bought.-an-
uual tickets, and ih
d conui
,k Xf“ B Ahh6U wHibegifi the pnbhc
K U.,ol the first Aloud ay tu March iu-
attsil of April.
—Our pre-smun, Guss Russell. the bar
ber, was married Iasi night, Gus. is a
^ooil and industrious boy aud ad Wish
luui well,
—Mr. F. M. Hotter had his smoke
bouse bioseu into by a burglar bniur- night iiud a considerable quantity
i.l Bool Muicu.
—The Mi-UttZutaa f
^ ,, JH the crossing is iijjw
Very bud conUitiou, and will not
be repared very soon unless the yBibb
County officials attend to it. We liope
they will do so, even before, they get
possession,.and the people of Iiousl. /,
will clieeri ally forgive past differences
in lhe gener ’ : '~ -^-■■-tA™nssuastS r TiA^
j ))y tfagBSeWBfeaS
Oid John Brown’s soiil' Seems to be
still marching on, evc-u in tbe liule
■invesiigniiou he' was 'tiischrrged,
bililig being justifiable.
buturduy five or six li file * negroes were
cutuug wood at ific Baptist church,
wiicu they commenced leasing a ji
bing a iiliie boy ubout ten years old
wIjo was playing near by. After
awhile the iittie Jctlow resented their
tunuts. in the ; siuliTe which ensued',
hciuigest negro boy about tbirtceu
^ . J j cars uiu struck the little white boy a -'j 1 *® county was most Horribly burned,
* 11 "! i..--;i.—l.-.i, n.T .!... i i .. £X.1.- aud died in a short time. Bne was
about eight ye. rs old, mid her ciotbii'g
caught fro— tl e fire while her l'mli
m iaiclub.wiil give j
„ masque cotimou party ou Fri- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
, iaJ m g Ut, Ararcu -in. llie oonumu.-e l ^ ^ u puiul(ll dan
lm>e our Uitmhb lor an invnuUou. ami uult Zow was
llChvl. • x
—A good many of oureiiizens huve
ten to ,,UHld Ullnk",—iXpoitctt cider
InlUg the beverage.
—Ouidi B ng <>1 O' ationsute now in full
IsM. . i.u nany oi our liicnda
it tl.11.king ubout piuhting coin,
— I’m shenp cabbage .and tnruipseid
all on'. J. D. Mums—all fvyhh “ud
Last M-urVerop.
Wk will sell G UANO for 450 -ib* cf.t-
a the pniciiascr paying freight, or
00 iba and we pay fieight. .T Gi.ufioX.
Chew Jackson’s Bkst Sweet Nuvy
cliacco. —Dec;
county Court, where lie met with no
better success, and eagle out minus
the costs. So far so good, but n<.w
lhe matter took n serious turn.
Lewis’s fitijer began to inflame, a
bone felon wus formed, and he took
to his bed,—At last set in
and rapidly extended up his arm, and
Dr. Palmer was called in when even too
la.le.for amputation, to save the patient.
Sunday Lewis died, and the same eve
ning Coroner Schilling empanelled a
jury and held an inquest. Barney pre
sided in an able and dignified manner,
heav-. ..The,testimony was. substantially as a-
bove, with the addition that the imm2-
diate cause.:of his’ death was pyoemia,
or 1 hnpuss from the bone felon becom
ing absorbed in bis blood.- The ver-
,ff.»,. i
Newspaper advertising is now bn^Biggs men. shaving faith
in their own-wares, as the most effec
live means, of secut-idg. for theiir goods
a wide reeogfotioa.of rheir merits'.
Newspaper advertising impels inqui
ry, and when the article offered is of
good quality and. at a fair price-, the
natural results is iyicreasi-d sales.
Newspaper advertising is iha most
enercetic and vigilant of s;desmeu; ad
dressing thousands each day, always in
the advertiser’s interest aud ceaselessly
at work decking customers-from all
Newspaper advertising is a permanent
addition to the repnudinn of the goods
advertised, because it is a permanent
influence always at work in their inter
Newspaper advertising promotes
trade, for even in the dullest times ad-
verti-ers secure bv far the largest share
of w hat is being doue.
We are selling the following brands
of Guano, ‘"freight’paid,” at last year’s
Geobgia State Gkaxoe,
Watscn & Clark,
Ell wan.
CoorEis & Catek.
diet 61 the jury was;
l- We, tfic'jury, find that deceased,
Lewis Barrow, come to his death by a
bite inflicted en Lis finger l.y Nat
Jackson.—R.<bt. J. Smith. Foreman;
G. H. White. W.H. Opry, H. J-
Bro«h, J.-E. ifurrelt, B. E.,
John B. Parnell, J. F. Humphries,
£. L^Fehier,, G. II. Avant, Chau,
Poland, ' L. At. AvaUl.”
On Monday Nut was arrested on tiro
charge of .-murder, and arraniged before
darling, wi.o swaitn. the si reefs. . Last. Lafo 1- Noilinghamon, Tuesday. After
Last Friday evening a little daughlcr
of Etrk SiubiijS; of the fif.h distiict oi
« UA iS’OS-
Weie selling -the fuihtwitig popular
i>m1s of Giitu:6, ‘‘freight paid,” at
hM years prices:
O^Ol^jTAn .OllANdE,
Batson & Clauk,
Il .MFsTEAfi, i
Cooper & Catek.
Mcsioal Gnsi^i—Afeudelssohn’s ex-
nisitely beanlifnl duet :‘ - I would that
0' love;” Himm.-ls celebrated song
The Battle Prayer’, and Oosteu’s
Alpine Bells,” instrumental, form ‘lie
nisicul contents of the Southern Mu-
ical Journal for February, and if
lure is a tunsieal magazine published
nit furnishes iu any oue number a
la.icer selection -of music than ®b
love we baveu’.t . iet seen it. If music
O'ers’ouly' knew what 'an amount, of
mi able music was given yearly iu th«
citSAL at, the nominal eost of $1,00,
ivjoonld not heljr’snWcribing. Seuif
eu Gouts for the Febriuny number
<1 you will get iuusic that will cost
tr $1,00 at any music ntoxe. Ad-
vss Ludileu & Bates, Savauuah, Ga.,
L UGckvd au sv Li, j^Ui. Up lu go HW;i)
Btutigercd aud led.again, and was. car
ried iu.uie by. a neighbor who came
along just then. He was badly hurt,
but was so far recovered .‘is to be
Tuesday. T he -boy who s ruck the
blow was arrested, and carried before
two akUrman, who fined,him llirej dol
lars, aud rtquired That bis father
should w Lip. him. Before the Si nlence
was, carried' out, ! lu.wever, Slnjiff
But uer arrested lh_- boy under clnuge
pi assault wiili intent to murder. He
was safely lielu a under ‘hat warrent
until Tuesday morning, when the
pros.Trillion cui-Sf-nted to let his father
take him out and give him a good
whipping dll paying lhe costs. He
was quite forliinate to es-ca|>e so light
ly, and would, not have done so, but he
is a mere boy, and his father one of
llie hcst, and most orderly colored men
iu town. Iris to die hoped that these
liovs will treasure .Ibis lesson so as to
keep them frpm worse trouble in after
Notice. —I will puy tbe full whole-
le price for Pork, Beef, Mutton, Bad,
“her and Eggs.. Persons having -the-
' 0Vfc named Provisions for sale, . can
J a ready market for th-m by ap-
tfng to ® !ri S
J . W Mass’.
Teeth-extracted without pain. Beau-
Macon, Ga.—Dealers in all
of Dental
to Our Patrons! —Here after all ad
iisements must be Landed on or be-.
Wednesday of inch week, as we
np the forms on Wednesday
f° e Company.
Ever since our last- i-tsne the officials
and several others have been busy trac
ing up tbe burglars and goods stolen
from Messrs MporsJe Tuttle’s. Store,
William and Sam Fanu were airestedr.s
accomplices of Green Riley in the
breaking iu aud disposing of the stolen
goods. All three of these parties have
acknowledged their guilt and have been
committedLtoitwait trial at the next
Superior Court. William , claims to be
the one who shot Mayor Moore, though
this txleis doubted by many who be
lieve it was Green Rilev.
Stolen goods have been found i
ban a dozen places.-, and all hac
in more
than a dozen places.-, and all had been
sold by Green Riley or bis accomplices
for a mere song. Several others, are
more than suspected of being connect
ed with the receiving and disposing of
•the goods, and will have their deyr in
Court liSbte^iur next T«per' goes .to
AO v~> sd
The toad-as an insect destroyer is be
coming quite popular; in Europe.
Once a weak a ‘‘toAl market” is held
regularly in Paris, to which these little
animals are brqnght caretully assorted,
according to their strength and size-
aud packed by, the hundred in baskets
t your residence in the be3t
-a ».». . .'Ur'r
■ ■
ic’School.—The public school
Ferry Male school will begin
> M ? nda - V in March, and enntume
- ffloa hs D. Q. Abbjtx, Prtn.
find reai
ing £rui
use of
stated that
et that reaches the market.
jrreat comm
Ohio, on acconnt of T
cy from the public treasury, together
with the sums extracted. The whole:
ami motiier were out. Her Screams
bioiiglit them at once, hut their efforts
were too late to be successful, and she
was so badly burned that dcuth re-
leaved from the horrible sufferings in
a snort) time. In attempting to save,
his. chihbMr. Stubbs had boifi hands
so badly buruod, that in some places
flush entirely left the bones, aud may
result in lus being disabled for life.
’The same eveuing Mr A. Mi flit, of
Bibb County; who lives jus, 1 across t’. e
creek from Mr. Stubb's, also had a little
leu yems old eauglifer. 1 u ne 1 so bs.i 1
that she died that- night. Her si.H' r
irigs were terrible ns she was burned' all
over her body to a crisp.—Her elolli
inig caught from a sage, field which had
just beep burned over, and into .which
lhe children had gone to piny.
Anothcr.cbild was burned to dialh on
Monday at Mr. G, W. Smoaks about
five miles east of Perry. It was a ne
gro baby boy about two years old.
Its clothes canglit from ■ the fire place,
aud its little sister did all it could t>.
put out the fire, but the child was so
badly burned that it died iu a few
The numerous cases of fatal burning
these days should make puents and
children careful about fire,—Children
should' Le.taught not only not to play
with tire, but the. best manner of extin
guishing it when danger is at band.
It is not so many years ago that-
youcg American women were really
ashamed to admit that they were bles
sed with hearty appetites. They had
an idea, seemingly, that to appear pale
and ill was to be spiritual—ethereal; it
was their aim to look elegantly wretch
ed. Well, many of them hail half their
wish; they looked wretched, 1 n. not
elegant. They were eburged with
drinking vinegar, eating slate pencils,
aud ^committing other monstrons ub-
"' 'es. They may have been un
justly accused, but their theories war-
‘*apt the peculation. All such non
sense belongs to the past. American
women to-day eat as much as they, want,
audmore wholesome food than they
ate; they walk more; court the
open air; cultivate their bodies as well
minds; believe in perfect diges
tion, Unbroken sleep, the glow -and
glgiy of umblemished health.. No won-
their proportions are fuller, their
mors blooming, their eyes
!eir step more elastic. And
regarded as_a fact that as
on they will he rounder
Handsome Income For An Energetic
lady or gentlemen.—The Ohio Seale
Works of Cincinnati have just com
pleted and are now introducing to the
public a Handsomely finished Family
Scale, an article that has always been
needed in every household, & in a com
munication addressed to the publisher
of this paper the proprietors ask us to
refer them to some reliable party, to
introduce it for them to the people of
this County. It is very seldom that a
new article steps so suddenly into a
Universal favor. Housekeepers are
loud iu its praise, it is always ready,
ihire g’ug no weights to get lost or to be
hunted tip, is reliable, and will not get
out of order. The description of them
is a handsome base suvmontiied by a
column in which works a spiral spring
so Kcictilifictilly adjusted as to weigh
anything up to twelve pounds with per
fect accuracy, on ihe top of the col
umn is the platform on which the ar
ticles to be weighed aro placed, and
they bare an adjustable indicator so
that yon can take the I are of any ves
sel > on may use iu weighing, giving
yon the exact net weight. Housekeep
ers at once st e their value in .weighing
fruiis, sugars and oilier ingredients
usid in preserving, cooking etc.,
in testing the Weights of purchases
from others.
T he Seales awe made of all Braes, are
highly polished and are finished 'iu.. 11
skillfid manner. They are very utttv-c-
li ve and lake the eye of every one win
sees them.
Ij fin ii,s lo us that nearly every
fatnil.V in this county will want one,
and is certainly a rare opportunity for
some smart and em rgetic party to
pi»k ill’ quite a nice little income dur
ing the next few uv'iiili. The cornpe
iy has ligeuts in other counties win
ere easily making from i?o 00 to $G 00
pel-day sei'ing tlii'in, and ne would
recommend pai ties in need of employ
ment to drop the U'HJO SCALE
WORKS. No! 125 and 127 Central.
Avon ne. Cincinnati, O., a postal card
and all inform*ion etc., will be cheer
fully given them by mentioning our
Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint,
Symptoms of a Diseased Liver.
P AIN in the right side* nnder'. the
edge of the ribs, increases on pres
sure; sometimes the pain is m the left
side ; the .patient is rarely able to lie
on the left side j sometimes the pain is
felt under die shoulder blade,: and it
frequently extends to the top of the
shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken
for rheumatism in die arm. The
stomach is affected with - loss of appe
tite an.d sickness; the bowels in gen
eral are costive, sometimes alternative
with lax ; the head is troubled with
pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy
sensation in the back part. There is
generally a considerable loss of mem
ory, accompanied with a painful sen
sation of having left undone some
thing which ought to have been done.
A slight, dry cough is sometimes an
attendant The patient complains of
weariness and debility ; he is easily
startled, his feet are cold or burning,
and he complains of a prhkly sensa
tion of the skin; his spirits are low;
and although he is satisfied that exer
cise would be beneficial to him, yet
he can scarcely summon up fortitude
enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts
ever^ remedy. Several of die above
symptoms attend the.disease, but cases
have occurred where few of them ex
isted, yet examination of the body,
after death, has shown the liver to
have been extensively deranged.
Dr. C. McLane’s Liver Pills, in
cases of Ague and Fever, when
taken with Quinine, are productive of
the most happy results. No better
cathartic can be used, preparatory to,
or after taking Quinine. We would
advise all who are afflicted with this
disease to give them a fair trial.
For ail bilious derangements, and as
a simple purgative, they are unequaled.
la the frnitfnl sonrcc of many diseases, promi
nent among which arc
Loss of Appetite and gausea, the bowels
aro costive, bat sometimes alternate .with ■
looseness, Pain in the Head, accompanied
with a Dull sensation in the backport, Bam
in the right side and, nnder the ■ shoulder-
blade, fullness after eating, with a disin-
dinntion to exertion of body or mind, Irri
tability of temper, Low spirits, Loss ol'
memory, with a feeling of having neglected
some duty, General weariness; Dizziness,
Flattering at tho Heart. Dots before the
eyes, Yellow Sirin, Headache generally
over the right eye, Bestlessne38 at night
with fitfaldraamfl, highly colored Urine.
are especially adapted to such
cases, a single dose effects
such a change cf feeling as to
astonish the sufferer.
:0s claims that the .jetties
at the month of the Mississippi will be
iu four months -.uni is san-
a of haying a channel of thirty fat-t
of water in fifteen months after ~cr m-
jetties, according to Cap-
ain ikies, throw the mud ’from the
Mississippi' far out in the gulf, and a
west ctirreut_spreads it ont over.a large
are componndad from snbatonces that are
free from act properties that can injnro
the most delicate organization. They
Search, Cleanse, Purify, and Invigorate
the entire System. By relieving the en
gorged Liver', they cieanie tlie blood
from poisonous humors, and thus impart
health and vitality to the body, causing
the bowels- to act naturally, without
which no one can feel well.
A Noted Divine sa^s:
Dr. TUTT:—Dear Sir; For ten years I have been
a. martyr to Dyspepsia, Constipation nr.d P;:es. Lai-t
Spring roar Pills-were recommended tome; I need
them ( bat with little faith). I am now a well man,
hare *of «i appetite, digestion perfect, rewalar s
piles cone, and I hare coined tort j pounds solid
They are worth their weight m jroIcL
Rmt. bTL. SIMPSON, Louisville, £
Their first effect is to Increase the Ap.petite,
and canse the body to Talce on Flesh, thus the
system is nourished, end hy their Tonic Ac
tion ^ o:i the Digestive Organs, Regular
r “Fen disetBes exist be relieved by rs.
storing the liver lo its
this parpw!
this purpose r.o remedy kts ever been invented thst
hss is hsppy an effect ss TUTT’S PILLS.”
Office 35 yinrray Street, New York.
UT Dr. TUTFS MANUAL of Valnshle Infor
mation and Useful Receipts ” will be mailed fret
on application.
amount aggregates tfiirty ‘ tlioKsatM-area of tlie west-whilst at present the
dollars. "Many of the criinitials are i water directiy tu the mouth of the jut-
among the most prominent citizens. ‘ties is deepening:
Th$ genuine nre never sugar coated.
Every box has a red wax seal on the lid,
with the impression Dr. McLane’s Liver
The genuine AIcLane's LrvER Pills bear
the signatures of C. McLane and FlfMI.Ng
Bros, on the wrappers.
Insist upon having the genuine Dr. (7-
‘'(■'Lane’s Liver Pills, prepared by Flem
ing Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being
full of imitations of the nain.e McLane,
spelled differently but same pronunciation.
And better titan an t v Sal-
era t ns.
(foe Wsp'oonfnj of this Soda with sour
mi.k equals Four teaspoonfu s of
the best Baking Powder,
saving Twenty Times
its cost. Bee package' for val
uable. information.
If the teaspoon is loo large and does
not produce good results at
- fitsf, nse less afterworosS
Geoegi*.—Houston County;
Geoegu ,—Houston County
B. D. Brcvrii lias applied for administ.-utioii on
tli-t estate of Mrs. JLticretia Brown late of said county
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to
appear at the February term- lt<79 of tbe Court of
u* Binary of said county and show cause if any they
have why said application should not be granted:
Witness my oiheial signature this Dec. 26.1878.
4w. A. S. GILE8, Ordinary.
Geoegi a—Houston County:
John W. Turner, execn* or, of J. I. B. Turner,
deceased, lias applied for leave to sell a part of
he real estate of said deceased:
■ This is therefore to cite all y.e sous concerned
to appear at tue February term 1870 of the Court
of Ordinary of said cx»unty, and show cause, if any
they ha re, why said application should not be
Witness my official signature this Dec. 2CCi. 1878.
4w. * A.S. GJLBEs*. Ordirary.
GEORGIA—Hou-ton County:
Amos W, Murray has apjilied for administration
ou the estate of Jeremiah Mnnay, late of said coun
ty deceased.
This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to
appear at tne February term 1879 of the Court of J
ordinary of said county and show cause if any they
have, why said, application should not be granted.
Witness my official signature this December 19
1878. A. S, GILE>,
4w. Ordinary,
GJ-'OKGIA—nou-sToN County:
W. M. Mclviii, goardianor Julia Schneider, has
applied lur dismission from his fcust;
This is therefore to cite aii persons concerned to
appear it the February tend I STD, of the Court of
Ordinary of raid county and. ahow cause 1 any
r have, »ny said application should not be
Witness my official siemtors this Sec, 19th, 1S74
4(» A. ri. UiLt., Oidiusry.
GEORGIA—Houston County:
' E. H. "Wimberly, administrator, of A. H..Wim
beriy, of said county, deceased, has »i>-
phed for dismission from his anst: .s
This is tLere ore to cite airpersons concerned to
appears* the April Teim 1S79 of the Court of ordi
nary of said conaty and dhovr cause if any they
v. 1
have why said application should nut lie
Wilncss iu> official sign*
signature this Dec. ID. IS78.
A. 3. GILES, Ordinary.
vKoi i’tt.ti
Ko. 16C—Front Tiew.
Ko. 1G0—Back View.
Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools,
Chapels, etc., is proving a ,
Be sure to send for full descriptive Catalogue beforo
purebasing any other.
Illustrated Catalogue sent-free.
JR. H. MAY & CO.,
98 Cherry Street. Macon, Ga.
Manufacturers atnl Dealers in
Trunks, Traveling Bags, Children’s Carria
ges and Leather.;
X3~ Call aud oriuilno our stock before purchasing. Ecpoiitorle*—98 Chorry, Uacra. and
its Broad, street, Augusta. sap 6—Tg - r
DR. W. N. FLEET WOOD,Proprietor.
To the Pliiuters of Houston and adjoining counties I guarantee
Full Weights fhd the Top of the Market-
Promptness and Fair Dealing is mj motto. Bring jonr cotfon and try jn.
Waste Wo Money
Singer Sewing Machine
(*really Reduced.
Machines Sold in 1877.
linger Manufacturing Co.
.. being 20,ACC mobs
Than any previous Year,
Notwithstanding the great
depression it business.
No‘•Singer’* Machine is genuine without the above Trade Mark oil the Arm of the Machine.
es- BKTTEIt STILL! During the months of January, February. JIa-ch and .tlril 1878, tbe sales
of our Genuiue Singer Sewing Machines were sixty per cent larger than during the cnrre!'p.'i»^-ii^
mouths of last year. Could there be stronger evidence of the hol< liiete unequalled luacui-cs
liave taken upon tlie public esteem? Waste no money ou Inferior Counterfeits. «*»▼»«• n - 1 irrn "
Send fov \ircu-
General Office for Georgia, Sooth Carolina, Florida and Alabama, 42 Marietta St., Atlanta, «a.
‘‘•ranch Offices.—Augusta, Ga„- Gainesville, Ga., Colnmbns, Ga., Macon, Ga.,
Thomasville, Ga., Home. Ga., Jacksonville, Fla,, and Charleston, S. C.
Sep 6-78 Smo.
J. N. TUTTjuI'], Agent, Ferry, Ga.
F. 8* 'jr@mN8@W*S 8QM8* -
Successors 10 F. S - Johnson $• Sons.
Dealers in
Biiiweth Iiffhi;
Carriage and Wagon Material, Steeel.
FAIR3ANKS5^L i 3.RH3B£Rn f a c LE|.TH|RB 2 LTING,
Our large salcg of rnFEH-I.OADING GUNS,
(great experience in !-••->'(-■- «— —-
v lh great experience in handling fire-aims, ejj-
•bk-s ns to gnaraurre Iietter satisfaction .ban any
»ffo’<le<l in the maiket.
•tore or ordered as ucsirud. smith A rt ei-.on'i
aew pistols ou hand.
J^“Thankiug our inends for pa9t favors, and assnriag them of fair ana
honett dealings, we solicit contiuned fanor?.
F. tsi, JQII3V^O>’S SOAK.
Mncom. G-u.
■ 1 IP * iCJIHSl—— .—.-I.l-. ■ -Ill ■ inn
No. 3 Cotton Avenue, and 66 Third Street,
w we dirtet ctteiition. Our Stock of embrace* all the i
belter Hues mti be found. We Jarre g fnllliue of all kiutlh for Geutg, *^^"^**4*
weir, irom wkicb any can be- KH-ted. The celebrated
the 1
uj made fur heavy wear. We have sold them for two years, and we find
1 any Others. They ffre made as genteely as a fine tewed shot, y.t of hid
Iralhfr, and the genera! ext-: ienre is. they wear about a ’ ear. Try them.
V. ■ i.a-.e U.C -HOW f KB ’CALF PEGGED BOOT. which is without an (qtfal.
We tuvi g . -d bi cK o A T.S at our stand ‘.u 'Ihiru : tract.
V-Iie.: in Jh - city wc- triun x .urc.r.“er.-i will ciil ami examiue our stack, aud be convinced that w.
eaniiut i*e mirailiu.