The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, June 26, 1879, Image 4

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A BOOK A&ENf MEETS MATCH. HER A very prc] ostcstiug young lady, can vassing for a popular book stepped into the office of a broke r, and finding him apparently at 1< Ljiitc,- asked him to look at her book, TLe gentleman iufoiined her that it would only be a waste of time, as he could not purchase it.—’,Oh, never mind that!' 1 ejaculated the viva cious young woman: ‘‘It won’t cost anything to look at it, even if you don’t buy, I should like to Lave you read some portions of it and see what it ife. The accomodating broker took the volume and glanced at the titlt-page, ctmmenjed a peiusal of the introduc tion. This finished he began at the first chapter, and read carefully and leisurely along. It was about nine o’clock when he commenced, and an hour passed silently away, when the agent began to show signs of nervous ness which were apparently unnoticed by the broker, for he never took his eyes from the volume, but read steadily on. Eleven o’clock came and the lady began to walk smartly around the room, glancing occasionally out of Hie windi we. At noon the broker was still reading, find the agent were a decidedly troub led countenance. A few moments be fore one o’clock tbe broker laid the the book down, leisurely donned bis hat and coat and remarked;—‘'That is very good book. I am sorry I cannot read more of it bnt I am obliged to go to dinner. If yon will call this after noon} I will continue reading it.” The Way Out Of Debt. Earners must bear in miud there is ho way but a hard one out of debt. Bighing and wishing id be out of debt Will never get ouc out. If a man is in a mire he will stay there till he dies, unless he struggles to get on hard soil. To get out of debt one must sell, more than he buys. He mast make his income greater than his outgoes. He must corn more money than he spends. He must receive more than ho pays out. fie must so manage to lessen his indebt edness somewl at every year. He must be economical, not jex’xavngant. He must certainly know at the end of the year what his receipts and expenses have been. He can tell what the fu ture prospects will be of becoming a free man. A man who is in debt is not a free man. He belongs to his creditors, and the deeper his indebtedness the worse his slavery. He is not a happy man. His mind ishanassed to meet h:s obliga tions. If he fails to do it he suffers in describable misery. So farmers be on the safe side. Manage to get out of debt, Keep out: save. Economize. Market everything you can when it is in the best stale for market. Sell this year more than you buy. Women Eyeing Woman. The eyeing of Women by women is one of the most offensive manifestations of superciliousness now to be met with STANDARD WEIGHTS. An Act to. fix. by law the standard weight of a bushel of the articles and in society. Few observant persjns can- commodities hereinafter mentioned, not have failed to notice the manner in which one woman, who is not perfect* ly well bred or perfectly kind hearted, will eye another woman whom she thinks is not ifi such good society, and all, not at tbe time in so costly a dress as she herself is in. It is done everywhere; at parties, at church, in the street. It is done by women in nil conditions of life. The very servant gills leara it of their mistresses. It is done in an instant. Who cannot recall hundreds of instances of that sweep of the eye which takes in at a glance the whol? woman, and what she has cd, from top-knot to shoe-tie? Men are never guilty of it, or, with such ex treme rarity, and then in such feeble and small-sonled specimens of their sex, (hat it may be set down as a sin not masculine, or at least epicene. But women of sense, of some breeding, and even of some kindliness of nature, will thus endeavor to assert a superiority upon the mernest of all pretenses and iufli'ct a wound in a manner the most cowardly, because it cannot be resent ed, and admits of no retort. If they bnt only knew how unlovely, how pos itively offensive they make themselves in so doing, Dot only to their silent vic tims, but to every generous-hearted man who observes their maneuvers, they wonld give up a triumph at once so mean and so cruel, a*>d which is ob tained at such a sacrifice on their part. No other evidence but this eyeiDg is needed Ibat a woman, whatever her b>rth or breeding, has a small and vul gar soul.—Exchange. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Gene ral Assembly of tbe State of Georgia, that the legal weight of tbe follow ing articles and commodities per bushel shall be as follows: A Greenback orator in Newago, Mich., began his speech as follows: “Man is apt to indulge ir. the illusions of hope and lislen to the voice of that siren which transforms men into beasts.” At thia point some one hit him in the stomach with a large parsnip, and free dom shrieked as Kosciusko fell. He was permitted to havehis.remaiks print ed. Five children of John Aldrich, of Island Pond Vermont, have died from the effects of drinking water from a stream into which the carcases of dead animals were thrown. They com posed his entire family. Mrs. Aldrich has become insane. SCIENTIFIC. Too Late, Tlie following incident took place iu Washington, Texas. Tie jury of a cir cuit court, befoie whom a miserable wretch had been tried, returned a ver dict of “guilty,” and suggested the “whipping-post,” The court then ad journed for dinner. Immediately af ter dinner the defendant’s consel, viih- ent consulting liis unfortunate client, moved for a new trial and cemmenced reading the motion. “Hold on!” whispered the client pul ling at the counsel’s coat tails. “Don’t read that!” “Let me alone,’’muttered the lawyer, irritably; “I’ll attend to you when I’ve read the motion.” “But I don’t want yon to read the motion,” whined the agitated culprit. “Don’t want me to read? Why not? What’s the matter? I’m going to get yon a new trial.” “Bnt I don’t want a new trial!” ex claimed the wretch. “Don’t want one ? Why not ?’’ return ed the other heated, frowning from un der his eye glasses. “Cause it’s two late,” urged the cli ent. “While yon were all out to din ner the Sheriff took me out and whip ped the very hide off me.” The motion was summarily with drawn. Scientists show us that they can trace a period when the North Sea did not exist, and, at the same time, that England and the southern part of Scandinavia were joined to the continent of Europe. This was long before American enterprise un earthed Carboline, the Wonderful Hair Re storer, Nature’s remedy, made from petrol eum, thoroughly deodorized and delight fully perfumed. It will perform all that is claimed for it. Absolutely restores Hair on Bald Heads; cleanses the scalp from dandruff and all impurities; invigorates weak and sickly hair; tones the hair bulbs into a natural and healthy action. Itis so penetrating that it reaches the seat of dis ease, the hair bulbs, and the benefit is al most instantaneous. It is cooling and cleanly, and too much praise can not be bestowed upon it Sold by all dealers in drugs and medicines. Wheat 60 lbs. Shelled corn 56 Corn in tar 70 Peas GO Kye 56 Oats .32 Barley 47 Irish potatoes 60 Sweet potatoes 55 White beans 60 Clover seed 60 Timothy seed 56 Flax seed 5fi Hemp Seed 44 Buckwheat .52 Blue glass seed 14 Dried peaches (unpeeled) 33 Dried peaches (peeled) 38 Dried apples 24 OnioDs 57 Stone coni go TJnslaked lime go Tnruius Corn meal 43 Wheat bran 20 CottoD seed 39 Gronnd peas 25 Plastering hair g Sec. 2. Repeals all conflicting law Approved Febrnrary 20th, 1875. VSU&Wku, THE GREAT DEMOCRATIC PAPER SO OTJbl-J! A ST. THE SAVANNAH MORNING NEWS l DAILY MORNING NEWS to tbe patronage of the public, features f ' " Tbef that have rendered the Moaning News so popular win be maintained, and the am ple facilities os the establishment devoted to m Mk king it, if possible, -still more worthy of the conff- dencc and patronage of the peoole of Georgia and Florida. ’ The editorial deparment will be conducted, as heretofore, with dignified moderation, bnt, at tbe same time, with rigorous and earnest devotion to the interests of onr section, anc ths principles of the Natio tal Democratic Party. Its State. General and Telegraphic news departments, and its T ocal and Commercial columns will be kept up to their old standard of completeness and reliablility, and improvements made whenever they may suggest themselves. In a word, the M»ming News will comprise every feature that renders the newspaper of to-day attractive, and its patrons may confident ly look to its columns for the latest information in regard to current events. Yielding to no riva.ry in its own proper Held, it will ollow no competitor to outstrip it in Journalistic enterprise. Besides the well known DAILY MORNING NEWS wc publish a mammoth eight-page, THE WEEKLY NEWS, the largest paper in the Southern States. This pa per contains a careful compilotion of the general news from the daily issues of the week. Telegraph ic Dispatches and Market Reports, caretnlly edited Agricultural and Military Departments, with choice Literary and Mifcellaneous reading, and as a dis tinctive feature OEIGtNAB SERIAL STORIES, written expressly for its pages by popular authors; thus constituting it a comprehensive, entertaining and instructive fan*ily newspaper. We also issue a lively Snnd&y paper, THE SUNDAY TELEGRAM, MOOSE & TUTTLE, ARE RECEIVING THEIR SPRING STOCK FOR 1879. Central and S(itiUhvm c ,.. BaiJroads 1er " O X and after | „ S-IVAXXIH, Gl. 1^ . Sunday, June 9th, 18t?*** , *H he Central and South** che* w ill run aa foT J rl. ' tn > 2? trains on the roads and branches win run as foCn» V TitAIN SO. 1.—GOING SOUTH Iv,, Leave Savannah BEING THE LARGEST AND BEST THEY HAVE EVER HAD. INCLUDING Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes Crockery, Glass-Ware, etc., etc, ALSO WILL KEEP A COMPLETE STOCK OF PROVISIONS, ETC. PLANTATION SUPPLIES, MOORE & TUTTLE, PERRY, GEORGIA Marc, 27 ; Iyr. NOW OPENING AT Cures Consumption vvli n other Oils Fail. WILLSON’S CASS ISOLATED (Norwegian) Cod Liver Oil Immediately Arrest. Decay and Halids Up the System. WILLSON’S CARBONATED (Norwegian) Cod Liver Oil Is retained Ly ihe Wonk^fit Stomach. ’* I* P;co from Vapleastint Ta* f e. To Readily Digested. Never gets Rancid* WILLSON’S CARBOLATED (Norwegian) Cod Liver Oil Cures Consumption, Scrofula, Eiuatiailon, Coughs, Colds, All Lung and Cosstitctioxai. Complaints and ii a remarkably efficient Blood Punwira and check> the Bavages of Disease. WILLSON S CARBOLATED (Norwegian)Cod Liver Oil is sold onl v in large wedge-shaped bottles. WillsoD i spelled with a doable 4 * L.” Remember the word “Cabbolated” inorloring from your Druggist, and insist on having the ri. lit kind, fiend for Circulars to tho Proprietors, GUEMP MANUFACTURING CO., 12 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK. which contains the Local and Telegraphic news of Saturday night. Subscmpthmc, (Pbepaid.) Daily, sir months. $500; twelve months, $1 00. Tri-weekly, sixmonths, $3 oO; twelve months, $600. The Weekly, six months, $100; twelve montha, $2 00. Sunday Telegram, six months, $150; twelve months, $2 50. Money can be sent to my address by registered letter, cr P. O. order at my risk. J. H. ESTHL, No. 3 Whitaker street, Savannah, Ga. ST. NICHOLAS, Scribuers’s Illustrated Magazine. For Boys and Girls. Messrs. Scribner & Co., in 1873 began the publi- cation of St. Nicholas, an Illustrated Magazine for I oys and Girls, with M»ry Mapes Dodge as editor Five years have passed since the first number was issued, and the magazine has won the highest po- Ritirvn It has a monthly circulation of OVER 50,000 COPIES. It is published simultaneously in London and New York, and the transatlantic recognition is al most as general and hearty as the American, Al though the progress of the Magazine has been a steady advance, it has not reached its editor's ideas of best, because her ideal e© itimially outruns it, and the magazine switty follows after. To-day St, Nicholas stands .alone in * BUCHAN’S CARBOLIC BALM OINTMENT IS TUB Best Salve in the World. $1. SOMETHING for the MASSES. A LOW-PRICE DAILY AT LAST. He Wanted Her Insured- A good-nalnred looking young man of 25 accompanied by a modest-appear ing yonng woman of about Ihe same age, evidently bis wife, and jnst made so, recently called n pou a Grisw.ild in surance agent to see about insuring her life. After seme preliminary conver sation the agent inquired wbat snm they bad in mind, “ I want ber insured for at least a million dollars!” prompily replied tbe bnsbaud, as be reached over and pat ted ber on tbe bead. Tbe agent figured np the premium and sfcxted the amount. Tbe wife turn ed pale as death,, and tbe bus-band lost a pound of flesh a minute. “But take a sm: Her sum, say five or ten thousand dvllurs,” snggested tne agent. “Not a cent- loss’n a million,’* exclaim ed tbe husband. .“If she ain’t worth that, she ain’t worth nothing, and as I can’t chalk np for a million wcTl go.” And go they did, stopping neither for argument or good wishes, Tho Legislature. So many newspapers have died in At lanta, that when tbe Daily Post was announced, tbe general opinion was that in n few months it would go like be rest; bnt not so. Very soon in will be “Why, pappn,” said a girl to ber father, away long in tbe night when she and ber Adolphus were in coni ers ;- tion upon tbe ethics of dust and kin dred topics, “Why, papa, what are you looking for?" “Ob, Eotbirp;I just thorpl r I’d jr< { up to st e f e sot rise.” Tin tloek strm-k, nndsr.n and vanished, and the old mauiKii’j "back to'bed. ONE YEABOLD. It was announced as a low-priced pa per for the m- s es, at only S4 per an num. It lias succeed beyond all expec tation, and is to-duy greatlv improved and still improving. It is jnst moving into a large and HANDSOME NEW ( FFICE, and propose to serve tbe people better th'in ever before. Last year the Post published tbe proceedings of the Legis lature in full, and the reference is un hesitatingly made to the members of ilie Legislature in each county for proof of tbe assertion that the Legislative reports in the Post were THE BEsT AT THE CAPITAL. During the coming session in July we shall aerniu have the best and veter an 1 gislative Reporter of the State, Mr. W. G. Whidby, in the House, and a competent reporter in the Senate. That the people may have full proceed ings of this important session, we offer ■ o mail tbe Daily Post th’-ee (3) months fur one do'lar; or one (1) month, begin ning with the session, for 40 cents on ly. Clnbs at reduced rales. Stamps re ceived for single subscriptions. Address Post Publishing Company, Drawer 31, Atlanta, Ga. Respectfully, E. Y. Clahke, lm. Gen. Manager. Trade Sark. Quick and Startling Cares. It Heals Without a Sear. Allays Fain & Stops Bleeding. Soothes a Barn or Scald. Heals a Cut Like Magic. Draws Poison out ofaWonnd. BUCHANS’ CARBOLIC BALM OINTMENT THE WORLD OF BOOKS, The New York Tribune has said of it: “St. Nicho las lias reached a higher platform, and command, for its service wider resources in ait and letters, torn any of its predecessors or contemporariuics the London Literary World says: “There is not magazine for the young that can be said to en ua this choice production of Scribners’ Press.” WIN8HIF AN EXTENSIVE STOCK OF CLOTHING and HATS, For Men, Boys and Children, for Spring and Summer, OUR GOODS ARE CHOICE, AND ALL OUR PRICES LOW. ggIN|UiP St CALLAWAY, 50 SECOND STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. April 10—lm. R. H. MAY & CO., 98 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. Manufacturers and Dealers iu WAGONS, BUGGIES, production of Scribners’ Press. Good Things |or 187S-9. The arrangements for literary and art contrihn toons for tLe new volume—the sixth—are complete drawing from already favorite sources as well a from promising new ones. Mr. Frank B. Stock ton 8 new serial story for bovs. 1 story for boys, “AJOLuY FELLOWSHIP,” Will run through twelve monthly parts—beginning with the nnmhcr for November, If 78, the first volume,- and will be illustrated by JamcB E. K JJy. The story is one oj travel and adventnre in Florida and tho Bahamas. Forthe gi -Is, a con tinued fairy-tale. CONTAINS NO GREASE AND "WASHES OFF WITHOUT SOAP It acts Instant'y and like Magic. Fob Salt Khcaui, Sure Thrum, llrers. Burns, Scalds, Cats, W'-nnds, I’ilv.. So.e * yes, Puis-moui St<ng. and Uim . Barber’s Itch, Chapped llui.ds. Scrofu lous Sores, and any and every oth -r purpose for which a Salvo or Ointment ca i ho used. Bn. chan’s Carbolic Balm Ointment is the only preparation that can always be relied upon I is a beautiful jelly-coiore-l article, sold in glas bottles with tho abova ’’ trade-mark.’’ without which hone is genuine. S e to it that your drug gist gives you Buchah’s, as abovo described, fir cu’ars sent free on application to tho Monutac turers. GUEMP MANUFACTURING CO.. ‘‘HALF A DOZEN HOUSEKEEPERS By Katharine D. Smith, with illustrations by Fred- crick Deilman, 1 r trivia in tim »»»,» ....—i— .1 _ cgin8 in tlie same nuinbe; and a fresh serial by Susan Coolidge, entitled “Eye- bright,” with plenty of pictures, will be commenc ed early in tlie volume. There will also be a con tinued fairy-tal e, called “RUMPTY DUDGET’S TOWER." "Written by Julian Hawthorne, and illustrated by Alfred Fredericks. About the other familiar fea tures of St. Nicholas, the editor preserves a good-J humored silence, content, perhaps, to let her five volumes already issued, prophesy concerning the sixth, in respect to short stories, pictures, poems, humor^ instructive sketches, and the lure and the lore of “Jack-in-the-Pnlpit,” tho “Very Little Folks*' Department, and the “Letter Box** and the “Biddle Box.** Terms, $3,00 a year; 35 cents a number. Subscriptions received by the publisher of this 22 PARK PLACE, NEW YORK. • papep » . and b y aU booksellers and postmasters, P#»r- • sons wishing to subscribe direct with the publish ers should write name, post-office, county, and state, *n foil, and send with remittance check or P. O. money order, or registered letter, BLACK AS THE RAVEN'S WINGS IS KIDDER’S Raven Indelible Ink. Never Blots I Flows Freely! Never Spreads! Always Besdy! Perfect Black 1 No fuss or trouble 1 It is used Without preparation 1 Bold by all druggists and station ers. Gni-uip fiifg. Co.. 22 Pans Place, N. Y. An Agreeable Aperient & Refrigerant. This well-known preparation is highly recommended for Sickness of the Stomach. Heart- burn, and all complaints arising from Acidity" Bilious and Malarial Fevers It cools the blood and regular cis. It is a favorite medicine forchildren, and its aridity to 6 oz/botoiesf ma * ces c,wlIn g and refreshing. Put up - Prepared bv A. ROGERS’ SONS. Chemists. K Y. SUFERMTOHIBERaL WATERS. SEIDLHZPOWDEKS. &C. The Home Journal, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. SCRIBNER & CO., 743, Broadway, New York. QMOKp ^ DURHAM dal TOBACCO BOOKSfcMILUOH b JtATiV U'B 1A 4 complete (Snide to Wedlock, | with Chapters on, A competent Worn, lanhood. Evidence* at Virrinity. Steri lity in women. Advice to Bridegroom, , Husband, and Wife, Celeoacr ani I Mctnmony compared. Impediments - I to Marriage, Congugal dutia^Scicnce . ^ . duction. Law of Marriage, Law of Divorce, Legal- ngnts of married women, etc. also on Diseases of Women, their cause and Cure. A Confidential work of 920 TiVate meuioui ^uviser*" One Copy One Year $2.00 ’■* “ Six Months 1.00 “ ’• Three Mouths. 50 Clubs of Ten One Year 15.00 “ “ Six “ •« 1C.C0 No Extra Charge for Postage. ADVERTISING RATES. Local Notices 10 cents per line each insertion. Regular business advertisements first insertio 51.00 per inch.—each subsequent insertion 50 cents per inch. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. : Space. J 1 mo. 1 3 mo. 6 mo. } 12 mo. One Inch | 2.50 1 5.00 8.00 i 1° CO Two Inches 4.M p.rn 1° 00 TS.00 Fom-iu.-lies 6.00 -f.OC- IS.OO 27.00 Qmr. t* L I 7.60 l-.-x’ *25. K) 1 40.00 Half-Col. i 12.1’U 27 DO 4U-IW 60.00 Onn Col. is.oo 4G.IJ0 COM lOO.mi All snbirift on pad advertising bills are i-avablti * t. ad .ance. unless by stjeciEls.-utoct. “After all, no remedy is so certain to cure Consumption as pore Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Carbolated bp Willson’s excellent process.”—Hr. Watt. All consumptive patients are earnestly invited to give Willson's Carbolated Cod Liver Oil a fair trial. It is easily and readily digested where all similar preparations are refused by the stomach, and im mediately eaters into the circulation, acting sp - cifically upon the decaying lungs. The nutritious properties of the oil sustain and build np the sys tem, while the active curative properties cf the preparation complete the work of healing. jWBlson’s Carbolated (Norwegian) Ccd Liver OQ never gets rancid, is free from unpleasant taste, is retained easily by the weakest -stomach and la sold at the price of the ordinary Oils. It cnr-3 Consumption, Scrofula, Asthma. Bron chitis. Emaciation. Coughs. Colds, Hemorrhages and ail lung and constitutional complaints. As a Blood Purifier the'Carbolated OH is remark ably effineni. Its use in Scrof-lons Affections. THi-M-T.-tl.Twt, Bickots, Ac. is strongly rccommeid- ed. I spuri ying power is wonderful in Consump tion—depending. a3 it freqne -tly does. npc-n Scrof- u ous taint. It aits upon the rational theory of Imvizpiaxxt.t .’.mtvsnro Ducat WHH.T: rr Builds to the System. enabling it to throw off the disease. Sold only in wedge-shaped bottles. • Willson” is spelled with a double ‘ L.” Remember the word - C-fb elated ” in ordering from your druggist, and ; r-«i' ijKp n having the right kind. Uusm? MYg Co., 22 Fsrit Place, 2L X. *nd_their effects on’after life, cau»ing Vcricoccic. Scrnlnal Emissions, Nervous debility. Loss of Socual Power, etc. They contain 600 pages and over 100 Uloatrations, era- CARRIAGES, 11 V-r M M a ab^s _ _ ..... _ * HARNESS, SADDLES, WHIPS, BRIDLES, COLLARS AND HAMES, TRUNKS, TRAVELLING BAGS, LEATHER, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. ffS" Call and examine cur stock before purchasing. 2C8 Broad otreet, Augusta. Depositories—98 Cherry Street, Macon, and sep 6—78 Arrive at Atlanta Making close connection st'iiw s *2il ern and Atlantic and Atlanta and lane for all points North MdWwk COMING SOUTH AND Fact Loaves Atlanta.. -^ST. Arrives at Macon Leaves Macon J Arrives at Milledgevillc Arrives at Arriies at Savannah... Leaves Augusta 3as,J Making connection at Augiiu^'.Y v^A; an and at Savannah with tb« ‘ “ ** Atlantic Bailroad for all points in Florida* TRAIN NO. 2.—GOING NORTH AXn — Leaves Savannah.... ASD Nbv Arrives at Augusta Leaves Augusta Arrives at MUledgcville.. Arrives at Eatonton.... Arrives at Macon Learns Macon for Atlanta* **t,2 Arrives at Atlanta.. Leaves Macon for AlwV Arrives at Enfaula * Lsraula— .jj, ■ Arrivjs at Albany.. Leaves Macon for Columbus ift,, J rrives at Columbns Mil, Ihsins on this schedule for" Macon "in ’*=** ’ * TUnbn ®hEuf»nla and Albany drily’ t* connection at Atlanta with and Atlanta and Charintt* Atlns withMonto umbus wil road. ito°Wcstern d an? , M^Se"^S' Enfaula train connects at Fort v,tt— , daily except Sunday, and at L-xi nil, ouuuay, ana at Jnthh*.* * swt *J Gaines Mondays, Wednesdays anl u.-^ —v,—. J -au r - returning leave Fort jaineg Tneslavf ai d Saturdays at 4:47 a. m. 6<u *Ts, Train on Blakely Extension leave. ■*... Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and FridayT” 111 COMING SOUTH AND East. Leaves Atlanta * Arrives at Macon from AtlantV.".*."." 7*i| Leaves Albany Leaves Enfaula Arrives at Macon from Eufaula aid MbS^iTT? ** Leaves Columbus -’■**’* -Arrives at Macon from Columbus' Leaves Macon Arrives at Augusta., ' 'Sir* Leaves Augusta. Arrives at Savannah —j 5 ** Making connection at Savannah with’««_l* anil Gulf Railroad for all points in Florida U * W ‘* Passengers for Milledgcville and Eatont™ „ take train No. 2 from Savannah and train \o -V 0 Macon, which trains connect daily extent for these pointt. 1 Moadtj. WILLIAM ROGERS General Supt. Central Railroad - Supt, Southwestern Railroa'd) double daily TO AND FROM FLORIDA Macon & Brunswick R. R. GEXra.lL SUPEIUXTEXDEXT’. OJTTCI. 1 Macon, Ga., Maj M, 187J.J O N and after Sunday, the 26th instant, pm, trains on this road will run as followa: CUMBERLAND BOUBE via BRUNSWICK NIGHT PASSENGER NO. 1. SOUTH, dailj. Leave Macon......... T^Ora Arrive at Cochran Llija rl Arrive at Eastman ...1031 n Arrive at Jcsnp i.JMis Arrive at Brunswick Leave Brunswick per steamer 730 as Arrive Fcrnandina il30as Arrive -Jacksonville 2:45 r a NIGHT PASSENGER NO. 2. NORTH—DAILY ‘T'ESIES New England CABINET ORGANS. Pronounced *by the PRESS, DEALERS, MUSICAL PROFESSORS, and the Public Generally PARAGOIVS OF PERFECTION, and the CHAMPION CABINET ORGAN for 1879. Oreans Equal them in Melody of Tones. Organs Equal them in Variety of Combinations. No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Organs Equal them Eqnal them Equal them Equal- them Equal them Eqnal them Eqnal them Equal tnem Eqnal them Equal them Excel them Equal them Equal them Equal them Equal them Equal them Original Inventions, in Musical Mechanism, in Singing Qualifies, as Companions to the Voice, iu Snblime Volume, in Concord and Sweetness, in Sympathetic Expression, in Splendid Beauty, in Convenience of Cases, in Durability, in Quality ■ of Materials, in Rapidity of Sales, in Present Celebrity, in Recent Triumphs, for Church and Home Use. —. — - -* rijS in any Particular.. JSo Organs ever before won two gold medals at one exhibition over all compet itors. No Organs are subjected to such rigid tests. No First-Class Organs are at such moderate rates._ “None but themselves can be their parallel;” They are the most charming in all respects, and.they give ti e most lasting satisfaction, ihe interesting and instructive illustrated and descriptive catalogues prove these facts, and are sent free to all who apply for them. THE NEW ENGLAND ORGAN COMPANY, 1299 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. April 17—6m. J. ESTIY t COMPANY Sentra single volume*, or complete in one. for Price in fcoimp*. Silver or Currency. (The author invites consults* tion. and letters are promptly answered without charge.) ^tomuhinsf to their advantage. Mot a Truaa. DR. RICE, 31 Cwfi Eats, LOUISVILLE, KY, |P^—, —— l allfcros cf private, chronic and sexsa.1 diseases, SriQinaqfmy rhea and Impoiency. u'oeitnunieii abase in ycath, sexual cxsessc3 in metureryears, or other canses. and prodcring some oitbe XcIVrsing effects: Notqo> ness. SeminalBmiaaous, Dimness of Sight, Defective Hem- “-**■*• f re deringataniase inf , Gleet, Stricture/pilesand other pet 7 cured. Patients treated by Efcil or ex- «Tr*. u-r j 1 t t ee charges irungabiQ A PRIVATE COSHSELOR <k8jMpjga^fleatteny.td3»^«arCIy«eded,Ae01r^ (30) cents. Should be md tv all. Address as tiers, encotoursfro=ta A. }L taT ?. JL SncdxyJ, l Morphine BaMtcnrriL i CURE ~Send Mama be©Jc on ISffiaSSfbSiSiSST’ PEiESCHIPTIOlT FREE! For tlie speedy Cure oruminal Weakness, I>ost 3rnnliood and all disorders brought on by indis- ~ * c has tbe injrre- cretion or excess. AnyJ ^ diems. Address, »r. W- JA<|UJE5S A CO., 130 Wot Sixth Street, Cinriinaall, O. Lervc JacksonAflle lOAIi x Leave Fernaudiua per steamer 2:45 w Vrrive Brunswick CziSr* Leave Brunswick 7;00m Leave Jesup 9^0 r a l*eave Eastman ZUlki Leave Cochran 4.-05sM Arrive at Macuo «d5s« Close conne ction at Macon for all pointt North Fast and West via Atlanta and Augusta. DAY ACCOMMODATION NO. 3. SOUTH, Via Jesup and Live Oak—Daily, 8: uiij. Leave Macon Arrive Cochran Arrive Eastman .rrive Jesup Arrive Jacksonville 7^0 as lOfiSas 11:171 s 631 rs 939.S no. 4. north—daily except Sunday. Leave Jacksonville..... Leave Jesnp tM*U Leave Eastman 17:43r a Leave Cncbrau tM r* Arrive at Macon...'. SUOrx HAWETNSVILLE ACCOMMODATIOX. Daily except Sunday. Leave Macon 335rs Arrive Hawkinsville.... 7d*i* Lave Hawkinsville 6.-20aM Arrive Macon J:4Sa* GEO. W. ADAMS, General SsperintoiuUlt W. J. JARVIS, Master Transportation. Atlantic and Gulf B. B. Gram a r. upraixTraDEMT's Omei Atlantic aso Gulf Bailxoad, ■Satannah, May 5th, 1878- QN AND AFT IB TIHS DATE, Trains o. tbl Road will rnn as followa. NIGHT Leave Savannah Arrive Jessup Arrive at Bainbridge Arrive at Albany Arrive at Live Oak Arrive at Tallahassee Arrive at Jacksonville Leave Tallahassee Leave Jacksonville Leave Live Oak Leave Albany Leave Bainbridge Leave Jesnp Arrive at Savannah daily at -130 7Jtr.» 8:18 A/* 830 a. K 330 A, a 935 a.* 1:00 ».* 3:45 r.* 9:4S T. * 236 A* .....3J5V. * 5:45 A. * .8;4C A. * No change of cars between Savannah and ftA sonville or Albany. Passengers from Savannah'to Fenian dins, Gaisc* ville and Cedar Keys take this train. Passengers leaving Macon at 830 A. M., mtf except Sunday) connect at Jesnp with this bain M Passengers from Florida by this train connect B Jesnp with to Ho. 160—Front View. BRATTLEBGRO, VT. Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Schools, Chapels, etc., is proving a SUCCESS. Be sure to send for fell descriptive Catalogue before purchasing any other. a IHE LBT WORKS (OF THE 10) ON THE GLOBE. . J Illustrated Catalogue sent free. • train arriving in Macon atSJO r. *-, daily except Sunday, • Passengers from : avannah for Brunswick asa Dar.en take this train, arriving at Brnn.wick Ai 6:45 a.m. . Passengers from Brunswick arrive at Savanna! £t 8:40 a.m. . No change of cars between Montgomery an* Jacksonviite. Pullman sleeping car* ran through to and fx* Savannah, and lake City and Montgomery and Jaa sonville on this train. Connect at Albany daily with Passenger hate* both way* on Southwertern Railroad to and fr^ Macon, Enfnla, Montgomery, New Orleans, 8^ . Mail st -amer leaves Bainbridge for Apahehkfq very Sunday afternoon; for Columbia every tesdsy morning. _ Close connection at Jacksonville daily (SimdaJ 1 xcepted) for St. AogJstine, Palatka and Enterpn**. Green CoTe Springs, auu all landings on tt* John’s River. Trains on B. and A. R. B. leave Junction. g«**» rest, Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 1134 a. * For Brunswick. Tuesday, Thursday and oaWa lay at 430 r. AC. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS—EESTDOf DIVISION. Lave Savannah. Sundays excepted, at 7: vrriveat McIntosh Arrive at \rrive at \rrive at L-ave Dnpc-iit Leave Jes ip Leave McIntosh t.rrive at Savannah - •• ... *13d5r.* ..." 335 r.* .« 730 r-* s 535a-* " 9:31a.* ~ 130 r.* ~ "<• 338 r.* •• 535 r* ....... WESTERN DIVISION. -Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays- «. 6:40 T.* :: 5S7.5 « I'M** •* 4:42 r-* TYSO^ilasier of Transportation. 7 ' r^ave .rrive at Vrrrve at .Arrive at Tbontasville rr a --e An,^ 3 ' Lf-a v 6 Aloanj Leave ~ f^ave Quitman Leave Valdosta irrivo