Newspaper Page Text
• •
f he Home JOURJVAI > 1 inched pok burglary.
jfowiathe time to subscribe for the
Houston ilome Journal.
hive perfected arrangements to
gin all our subscribers, old as well as
b,w ones, who pay strictly iu advance,
% tsars subscription to a splendid agri-
aaltural sad household paper. This
will begiring them two good papers at
(bi price of one. The premium paper
it not only a good one,but a high toned,
reliable one, consisting of eight pages,
w d they will receive it twice a month.
It ii also published in the South, and is
nor* largely read than any farm paper
in the South. This offer begins at
OK*, and will end the first day of Jan-
nary next. In addition to the above
wa will present all who subscribe by
or before the 15th of 'December with a
eopy of “Legal Facts and Forms,” an
inrslnable little hand book for farmers
and bneiness men. We are making
theae great inducements to cash sab-
■ethers on l”, and hereafter no name will
be entered on oar books unless the snb-
■cription is paid strictly in advance. Col
lecting subscription accounts in many
instances, is too slow,, troublesome and
expensive a business to be renamera-
tire, and we are determined to do a cash
holiness if we don’frget more thftn four
hundred subscribers.
We hope all of our old subscribers
and many new ones will come np at
once, pay old scores, if any,and a renew.
J@* Don’t forget this, and be sure to
toll all your neighbors about it.
On the first of December we will take
out a lot of advertisements and very
largely increase the reading matier in
Edwin Martin.
Fjse Tobacco, Chewing and smok-
G, W. Killen.
Something Now!
Tha Firnst L inch Biscuit Made— As
sorted Jumbles—Boston B. Crackers—
llilk Biscuit-Fresh—ilso Soda.
2t. G. W. Killex .
A drink of good whisky nnd ;i cliro-
rno for 10 cts at P. c. Smith a bo’s*
i as never vas.
2t, G. W. Killen.
Conference Flour*
Bay your flour of G. W. Killen, also
Horsefords Bread Preparation to go
with it—then yon have it. 2t
For Court and Coneerence.—Go to
P. C Smith A Co’s, for Fresh Fish,
Oysters, Hnm and Eggs .Sausages, Beef-
ateak and everything to eat, 2t.
To Arrive!!!
This week 15 New Pieces of latest
style of Dress Goods by Express. Call
aad.see them beforo they are allj selec
Cooper A Cater.
Fise Liquors at 10 cts. a drink* a P
C. Smith A Co’s, Also Best Beer, Ci
der and fine Wines. Pure Juice. 2t
Kenesaw Restaurant.—in another
column will be found the, card of
diis splendid restaurant and biff, which
is situated nearly opposite the passen
ger depot in Macon. Mr. Harris the
popular and gentlemanly manager, has
already won a high position for his
house, and no better establishment of
the kind can be fonnd anywhere, With
him will be fonnd Mr. H. J. Pettis,
who will always be glad to meet and
welcome his friends and acquaintances.
New Harness Shop.—Mr. L. s.
Tounsley has opened a hew harness
8Uod next door to P. G. Smith A Go’s,
where he is getting up some splendid
work. Wecan fully commend Mr,T, and
his work to cur readers. Bead his card
in another column and "call to see him
A nice lot of Nnw Jewelbx- just re
ceived at J. D. Martins.
Geo. W, Killen.—We call especial
attention to the notices of Mr. George
W. Killen in this paper. Mr. K, has
thoroughly replenished his stock of
6°ode, and is offering some of the
finest articles in the line of eatables
eT «r brought to this market. He is
*ell known to our readers sis a gentle*-
a an of hba strictest integrity, and all
^ goods will be fonnd as represented,
jjeafi his notices and call to see him.
, • Henry Smith will always be on
^nd to servo his friends.
J* D. Carver.—We invite attention
; the card of this gentleman in anotlx-
^ column. He will be found a most
^ ■ le merchant, and deals only in the
’ er J best family groceries and pro Vis-
Orders for Conference or
ristmas supplies will be faithfully
^ and satisfaction guaranteed.
Campbell.—This gentleman is
6 °f the most enterprising, liberal and
Cj 1 - r business men oi Macon. He
|cth ln ^ Q9 J'fliors for medical and
I P lr poses at wholesale, and no
11. toned honorable man can be
' With him is our handsome and
Icoi^ * oraier townsman Mr. Chas. T.
I™ Whose frienls are numbered by
|d>j ~“°“flds. Bead Mr. Campbell’s
I m another colamn,
The people of Fort Valley were star
tled Tuesday morning by finding a man
hanging to a china tree near the guard
house. On examination he was fonnd
to be a negro charged with some dozen
or more villianons burglaries. He had
been arrested a few days previously in
Bibb county by Mr. Moffat, and brougth
to Fort Valley for preliminary examina
tion. He made most impudent xonfes-
8ions, acknowledging having been the
principal actor in the* recent breaking
of Mrs. W, B. Brown’s house, Mr. F. C.
Houser’s, Mr. J. W. Hardison’s, Dr.
Baskin’s at Byron, and many others.
He had many of the stolen articles in
his possession, some of which led to his
detection and arrest.
The lynching is enveloped in the deep
est mystery, and there seems not to be
the slightest cine to the parties who did
The case was brought to the attention
of the grand jury by Judge Simmons
Tuesduy before ,noon ; He charged
them to leave no means untried to
find out who were implicated in the
lynching, and to present them without
fear, favor or affection.^ He character
ized it as an inexcusable murder that
should not go unpunished.
We regret very much to record snch a
case, and at the same time, we mast say
that the punishment was richly deserv
ed, and will have a tendency to break
np that class of crimes. Yet it was
without lawful authority, and will injure
us abroad, has ere this been heralded by
radicals agepts all over the north. Then
it is a terrible thing to cultivate the
disposition many people have of over
riding law, and administering their own
notions of justice. The tendency of such
things i» to develop anarchy, when
lynching becomes common in a coun
try, bad men will soon resort to mob
law to redress purely private grievances,
and for purposes of revenge against en-
emiesjandull the horrors oi the late Ken
tucky and Indiana fneds be upon it.
The prisoner had implicated several
parties as accomplices in his crimes,
two of whom have been arrested and
are in Perry jail. There is a strong im
pression in Fort Valley that some of his
gaLg took him ont an i hanged him to
keep him from making farther confes
Coroner Schilling went over to Fort
Valley about noon and empnnheled a
jury consisting of the following citi
S, B. Burr, Foreman
J W Colyar W W Simmons
H C Brown T‘ V Fagan
Jno H Claxton O L Green
Joseph Barnes G W Slurges
J. M. Culpepper J it Goodwin
Geo. W. Maddox
The following evidence was adduc
Drs. W B. Mathews and B H Baskin
after examining the body of deceased
said that he came to his deutn by stran
gulation, from a rope around his neck,
and suspended from - the,limb of a tree,
hir. • feet swinging clear from the
Cain Bobinson, sworn, said the
body is that of a person having more
than one name,-Henry Walker, Ed
Hill, alias Ed Scrutebias. He was ta
ken ont of the guard house, I don’t
know what time. I don’t knew who
took him out, I don’t think the moon
was down. 1 don’t know whether they
were-white or black, men or women,
but think they had on pants. They
asked me if this was Cain? touching
me. I answered yes. I thought they
were his friends come to get him loose.
They made com i lerablenoise in breaking
in. Don’t h»«ve any idea how many there
were. There was nothing said. I think he
was asleep. He never spoke a word.
B. F, Avera, sworn, said I saw this
body now before me hanging to a tree
near the guard house about day-light.
My attention was called to him by one
of my hands, Jack Dove. I went to the
guard house. The ontsido lock was
broken. The inside door was bolted.
W. J. Mathews, sworn, said I forgot
the name I Lave heard him called by.
Think it was Henry Walker. I was
acting deputy marshal lost night. The
regular marshal was absent and gave
me the keys about three o’clock. I saw
the body this a. m. about seven o’clock,
hanging to a limb of a tree. He
looked like he was dead. I didn’t ex
amine the door at the time, but did
about 8 o’clock and fonnd the lock bro
ken The last time I saw him previous,
wasabont 7 or 8 o’clock last p. m,.in
the guard house. I had the keys to the
guard house in my possession all night
There had been two keys to the door
before. Nobody said anything tc me
abont the keys.
Being able to secure no evidence as
to the persons who committed the
deed the jury returned the following ver
“We the jnrors (aforenamed) “be
ing sworn and oh arge to inquire on
the part of the State of Georgia, when,
where, how and after what macner the
said Hemy Walker, alias Ed Walker,
alias Ed Hill* alias Ed Scfntchins,
came to his death, upon their oaths do
say that said deceased come to his death
fromstrmgnlation, last night, caused by
a rope tied around his neck and tied to
a limb of a tree, near the guardhouse
in the town of Fort Valley; and that
the person or persons who committed
the-deed axe to ns unknown. That we
have used all diligence in our power
to ascertain the perpetrators without
any effect, and that aftar he or they
had committed the said fejony and mur
der in manner and form aforesaid, did
escape,—against the peaae - and dignity
to this state.’’
Cain Bobinson was *» supposed ac
complice of the deceased, and was con
fined with him in the gnard house.. He
was evidently too badly scared to know
Coroner Schilling lias the rope, g®2»
and fourteen Llact cambric masks that
were found. He was unable to hire a
single negro to help take the
down and bury him.
Ckemical Fir* Engine,
The Town Council of Hawkinsvilie
has pnichased a Chemical Fire Engine,
price two thousand dollars, to be de
livered in Hawkinsvilie Detweefi the 15th
of December and the 1st of January,
Many advantages are claimed for this
engine in the extinguishment of fire.
The agent has agreed that the conn-
cil may fill a wooden building with
combustible material (broken kerosene
barrels, for instance,) end k theu pour
upon the same five gallons of turpen
tine, fire the whole mass, and whenever
it may please the Council to give the
word, the agent pledges himself to ex
tinguish the fire and save the building,
or pay all damages ai d freight both
ways on Ills machine.—Dispatch.
Col. W. B. Seals of the Sunny South,
was in Perry lost week. His paper is
the literary paper of the South, and is
equal to any of its class in America, We
wish it snccess.
Col. W. T. Christopher, of the Phon
ograph, was in town this week. He did
quite a thriving business for bis excel
lent paper, and we are glad to note his
—Some of oar readers are now ha nk
ering after turkey staffed with oysters
We prefer editor staffed with oysters,
so far we aie concerned.
Having received premiums at the
Georgia State Fair upon the best made
Boots and Shoes, best Brogans and for
the finest display of ladies’ and children’s
Shoes, I take great pleasure in asking
my friends and the public generally to
call at my store and examine my stock
of goods, and as the Boots and Shoes
that carried off the premiums ore
fair sample of my stock, I am satisfied
that I can please both as to quality and
I am now prepaired to offer .great in
ducements in the Boot and Shoes line
as I am’daily receiving additions to may
already extensive stock. I would espe
cially call attention to my line of Gen
tleman’s hand-made Boots and Shoes,
and to the following Brogan 'Shoes,
the Old Virginia Stitch Down and the
"Old Beliable,” both of these Brogans
are guaranted to give entire satisfac
My stock of ladies’ Shoes is now
complete, embracing all the grades
that are kept by a first class shoe store.
I would especial call attention to my line
of Button and Lace Boots. French
Kid, Pebble Gdat, Serge and Kid Foxed.
Also a beautiful line Dancing and Toi
let Slippers.
I have also a good stock of boy’s and
children’s Boots and Shoes, which I of
fer to the trade at the very lowest rock
bottom price.
Don’t forget th*at I am sole agent for
Massey’s Revolving Shoe-Heel Protec-
ters and remember that I run in con
nection with my Boot and Shoe busi
ness a manufacturing department where
I hike orders for custom work and do
repairing at short notice and in the
the very best style.
Call and see-me when you need any
thing in the Boot and Shoe line.
94 Cherry Street under the Tele-
gaaph and Messenger Office. Macon
Ga.—Nov. 20—tf.
Plain and Fancy Candies at
2t G. W. Ktllek’s.
I respectfully call on all indebted to
me for the present year to make imme-
diete payment as all notes and accounts
are now past due and I am needing
money to meet my paper.
To those who are indebted sflast year
and who have not made sat tor y ar
rangements, no longer indulgence will
be given. I expect- to leave for the west
about the 10th offnext month to arrange
for bacon and grain for the spring and
summer trade alsofor a fine lot of mnles
that I am having pnrehased for this
My stock next year will be larger
and consist of every thing in the diy-
good and grocery line except strictly
fancy dry goods, which I propose to
sell cheap for cash or on time by
special arrangement. W. Brunson.
$5000 WORTH OF BOOTS AN] > SHOES $5000.
_ In order to make room for other goods,
we will commence to close ont Five
Thousand dollars worth of Boots and
Shoes regardless„of profits. Fine hand
made Men’s Gaiters at only 5.25. 200
hundred pairs Men’s Gaiters from $2.00
np to 3.35, (a bargain.)
500 pairs heavy Women’a Plow Shoes
at only 80 cents a pair. 400 pairs Wo
rn en’s Peged Calf Shoes at only one
dollar. 1000 pairs Brogans from 90cts.
np to-1.30 a pair. Onr Stock of fine La
dies’ Shoes cant be beat. We keep fine
Baltimore and Philadelphia make,
which we will close ont very cheap.
We have 48 pairs of heavy Boots* r t on
ly L 75 a pair. 500 pairs of Boots from
2-20 np to 3.30, (a bargain). A large
stock of Chfidrcn’s Shoes from the
Cheapest to tLe Finest made. It will be
to your interest to call early and Secure
Bargains. We Mean Business.
Jacobus a Co.
Hawkinsvilie, Ga.
Kicked to death by a Mule,’
Monday evening Mr. Robert McWil
liams was kicked by a mule on Dr.
John Laidlsr’s plantatation on Big
Greek in this County and died in a few
minutes.. He was walking home in the
evening behind the mule that was rode
by a negro. Deceased had been sowing
oats, and the negro had been plowing
them in. Deceased was sifting the oats
at the mnln to scare him, when the male
kicked him in the stomach with both
hind feet. Mr. McWilliams walked
abont ten steps and fell dead. Dr.
Laidler’a son and several other witnes
ses were present and no inquest was
deemed neccessary.
J. C. Bannon A Co.—We direct espe
cial attention to the new advertisement
of this firm in another colamn. Al
though it is a new house, having
opened in September, the gentlemen
composing it have long been known
as among the most popular men in the
dry goods trade. They are in every re
spect * worthy, and are offering many
extraordinary bargains. Bead their
card and give them a call or order.
The Campaign or 1880.—We wil
send The Home Journal with the
Boston Weekly Globe, one year for
only $2.50. The Globe is the largest
and best dollar Weekly in the U. S.
and known everywhere as the stalwart
Champion of the people against tlie
fraudulent Republican President and the
monarchical Republican government;
and it is the powerful advocate of True
Democratic Principles.
J H M Cleitt B M Hodge
Sk-eep Wanted*
I want to bny 300 ew* Sheep for
which I will pay a good price; Address
me at Montezuma, Ga.
4w. S. S. Taylor,
Need it.
Please pay what
Yon owe
The.Hohb Journal.
Edwin Green
WL Carr
M A Edwards
B W Johnson
B J LeSetier
W F Killen
Ira Adkins
Jacob Sasser
D J Permenter
G W Maddox
S B Brown
Isaiah Watson
Kinchen Taylor
W B Dasher
GreeL Fitzgerald J B James
S B Burr E A Bnmph
E V Steadman
L J Thomas
John Faulk
G W Sturges
J B Duncan
J S Vinson
W D Crooms
W S Scattergood
N W H Gilbert
J J Mnrph.
J F Etheridge J N Warren
T N White A P Smoake
W H Lancaster James Smith Sen.
J N Clarke W E Green
Chapel Davidson C E Brown
L A Stubbs W H Jones
J P Pattishall J B Miller
Bright Harper Joseph Barnes
J A King E L Cater
M M Thompson F S Etheridge
T D Gnrr B J DuPree
L A Houser Jno G Holtzclaw
Miles C Green E M Gnrr
Wm Kupferman G W Parker
T J Graves A L Pitts
D F Waite F M King’
\V M Melvin J O Lillcy
EWG Sliirah J D Scarborough.
Free Storage of Cotton.—We pro
pose to those who desire to hold their
cotton that we will keep it for them
free of storage after the first month.
We can effect insurance on cotton at
the lowest rates.
C. D, Anderson A Son.
2t Warehousemen, Macon, Ga.
Big Cane Sirup.
2t G. W. Killen.
A pine pair of Baltimore Made La-
die’s Shoesat only $2.75. Sell in Ma
con at $3.50.
Jacobus & Co.
Prices of Dry Goods advances, but
Jacobus A Co Sell yet at old prices.
Fine Flour!
Ano her arrival of th t Extra Fancy
Flour made under new process. The
w orld can’lbeat it.
Fig Hams at
G. W, Killen.
G. W. Killer’s.
It has been given up by the majority
that we keep the Finest. Largest and
Cheapest Stock of Goods in Hawkins
Jacobus <6 Co.
Read Jacobns A Co’s Closing ont no
tice of Boots and Shoes.
Shoes! Shoes!!
Please write for Samples of nny
Goods yon may need.
Jacobus A Co.
;C: ■
Send for a pair of 50 cents Gloves.
. JAC0BU3 & Cu.
I have a large stock of Shoes that I in
tend to dispose of at Greatly reduced
2t. G. W. Killen.
W.A. JUHAit ft GO-
Iu their new mammoth retail, dry
goods store on Triangular Block, Sec
ond and Cherry Streets. Macon, .will be
pleased to show their immense and hand
some stock of
Carpets, Bags, Cretons,
Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels,
Hosiery, ‘Corsets, rTovrels,
Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves,
Percales, Silks, Calicoes,
Damasks, Spreads, Blankets,
Cassi meres.
Jeans, Shirts, Doylies,
Trimmings, Etc.
At the
Very bottom prices.
Don’t forget-the place,
tf. W- A. Juhan A Co,
The reason we are offer eg such in
ducements in Boots and Saoes is that
we have not room in our store for such
a large Stock and we are comoellrd to
close them out Merchants and Ft
mers will take notice as we will give
them Special Inducements. Call Early
and Secure Bargains.
Jacobus A Co.,
Hawkinsvilie, Ga.
Headquarters for Dry Goods, Boot
and Shoes, Mens and Youth’s Clothing.
M. Stern, HawKinsville, Ga.
Oub Stock of above mentioned Goods
are large? and better assorted than can
be found in this or any other town of
the same size south of Baltimore.
Everything a Lady, Miss, or Child
may need in the way of Fancy. Dress
Goods, Hosiery, Notions of every name
and conceivable shape
Oub Gents Clothing Stock is skid to
be the largest ever brought to this
We keep all the popular brands of
Hand made Mens'and Ladies’ Shoes be
sides a large Stock of cheap and coarse
grades, Brogans Ac.
Cloaks, Shawls, Carpets, Bngs and
a great many different complete lines
we arc compelled to omit on account of
the want of space, bat which, if yon
will onlv favor ns with a call onr sales
men will be glad to show yon. Call and
see ns even if you do not *wish
at the time.
Samples of all Goods mailed on appli
cation and Fxpres3 paid on packages
over $10.
M. Stern, Ha wkinsvillo, Ga
The best place to bny jour Grocer
ies and Provisions is at Daniel Rhodes’
Hawkinsvilie. —tf.
Fresh pure family groceries it
Hawkinsvilie, at the cheap store of
tf. Daniel Rhodes.
The best net results are obtained by
selling your cotton near borne. Take it
to A. J. Martin’s Planters Warehouse at
Fort Valley and be convinced. Plenty
of plucky buyers. tf.
— :o;
Rust Proof Seed Oats for sale, 400
bnshels. Apply to me on the Bowdrie
Place, or to Cooper A Cater,
Oct. 2—2m A. A. Smoak.
“Cotton is still King” and A. J. Mar
tin at the Planters Brick Warehouse
Fort Valley, knows to perfection how
to handle this King. Send him your
part of the king. tf‘
The best of Wises and Liquors, cold
beer, and everything nice, at Daniel
Rhodes’, Hawkinsvilie. —If.
Chew Jackson’s Best Sweet Navy
Tobacco. —Dec. 4 th 1y
: 0 :
Carry your cotton to the Planters
Brick Fire-proof Warehouse at Fort
Valley, The very hignest price will he
obtained, tf.
Wanted to Bent.— I want to rent a
a small productive farm with improve
ments, from one to seven plows, I have
the stock and provisions. Write to B.
W. Scott, Perry, Ga., at once.
2t.— B. W. Scott.
Db, M. S. Jobson,—Dentist, will be
at his office in Perry from the 1st to the
15th, and at Hawkinsvilie from the 15th
to the end of each month.— tf.
When yon go to Hawkinsvilie be sure
to call on Daniel Rhodes. .----tf.
The Best Nickel Cigab Out at
2t. G. W. Killen’s.
Clerks Office, Co. Commissioners
Sealed proposals will be received np
to the 1st. Monday in December next,
for Snperintendant of the Poor House
for the year 1880. All bids to be left
with the underuighned who will explain
the duties.—The Co. Commissioners re
serving the right to reject or Approve
any and all bids. By Order of the
Board of Co. Commissioners.
Edward Jackson, Clerk.
Shoe Houses
Cotton Avenue and lliird Street,
m & titiwM*
Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver and Sil
ver-plated Goods,
Macon, o eorgia.
Wall Paper and. Mattings,
wa-Aii at exceeningly Low Prices.”©^
Elegantly Finished Metal Cases and Caskets*
*®,Orders’by Mail and Telegraph Promptly Attended.*©!!
Next to ''Lanier House** MACON. GA*
BenC. Smith,
Jambs S. Ivrrson.
ftettsl Ifttttf m® liftYteiosB
No. 44 Third Street. -— — —*
•= Macon, Georgia.
We have a well selected stock of Groceries and
Provisions, all Mew cmd Fresh, which we offer to
the citizens of Houston and adjoining counties at
Bottom Prices, GALL & SEL1 us*
Oct 23.
DRS. J.P* ft W. R. HOLMES.
Dentists, No. 84, Mnlbeny Street,
Macon, Georgia.
Teeth exti acted without pain. ‘ Beau
tiful sets of teeth inserted, Abscessed
Teeth and Diseased Gams cared.
Dealers in all Rinds of Dental Mate
rials and Instruments. Constantly on
hand a large and fall assortment of
Te< th of all kinds, Gold of all kinds,
Amalgams of- all kinds, Rubbers of al)
kinds. —Sep 18—tf.
Wht will yen pay one dollar “for an
article when you can buy it for 50 cents?
Db. White’s Compound Fluid Extract
of Buchu is the'best remedy kno vn for
Non-retention of Urine, Irritation of
Iuflammntion of the Kidneys and B.lad*
des, Stone in the Bladder, Gravel or
Brickdnst Deposit, etc ^and all affections
of the Bladder and Kidneys arising
from weakness, Earlj Indiscretion, Fe
male Weakness, Secret Diseases and all
affections of the Urinary Organs in male
or female. The greatest diuretic known.
The market is flooded with preparations
of Buchu, the majority of which are of
little or no value,, bring carelessly and
nnskillfnlly made, and often from ma
terial having little or no medicinal val
ue. In order, therefore, to avoid disap
pointment, ask for Dr. White’s Com
pound Extract of Buchu, and insist on
having no other, as besides being half
the price of otLers, it is made from ex
actly what it is claimed to be, xiz; Bu-
chn Leaves, XJva Ursi Cnbebs, Juniper
Berries, is compounded scientifically
and guaranteed foil strenctb, . The best
diuretic known.
Compare the article, the size cf the
bottle and tbe price, with any other
Bueliu in the market. The trade snp-
pned by Roland B. Hall, Drnggist,
Macon. Ga. For sale in Pen by Dr
zm*' r —tL
Free Wagon Yard and Sleeping Rooms.
Grateful for past favors, Liberal Patronage again So
licited. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
f. N, TUTrLR.
situ * turns
Have received their
Fall Stock loo 187%
G©rtsfetJcig of
We elso kpep constantly on hand a fine stock-of
^ nr, ft
’ frp 1
V. V
Best Sewiqg Machine oil for sale.