The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, December 04, 1879, Image 2
Thf Home Jocspi, Price: ?2 00 P-er Anjiitni. ir, Advance. EDWIN MARTIN, tailor Proprietor. GENERAL PRESENTMENTS Houston Superior Court—November- Term, 1879* THIS PAPE3} fS BEAD EVKBT WEEK BT PKZ THOUSAND FAMINES fK fgpr p&fZ SECTIOK OF GTOBOIA. THURSDAY EVENING, DEC EMBER 4. Couifc .trill doubtless adjourn to-moi- row, and an adjourned term be held on >he first Monday in January. Foe ginning wet cotton ponr a little ierosinc cn the roll wLile ginning and repeat whenever the eaws gujn np. M?——— Me. Hollis Belt, of Marion county, lias made this season tliii ty-cine barrels bi wine, wbicfiis woitn in the market •two dollars a gallon. They are going to erect a monument to at Palmyra N. Y. He was a distant relative of oprs; and we are glad that justice, thought tardy is to be done him. * jGuui cirg is being gathered on the mountains in Clinton county, Pn., and Fold at from 90 cents to SI 25 per pound The root is shipped to China and made ipip jin article for (he women of that country to smpke. The opera was “Fnust,” and as he and his adored gazed ppon flieapo- ibeosis as the angels carried Margari ta into beaven, he muttered; “Beiuti •fill, beautiful! Here the soul clothed in all its purity is wafted to eternity to eweet strains of angelic muric,’’ “Yes One,” she replied dreamily, phut I think if that grappling was to give way and dump her on the stage, if would kind of churn her up sotne.,’ $T. B. Riou, Jr., of Paris, Kentucky, was hunting on Red river a few-days Ego. He had nround his chest a car tridge belt with thirty nine loaded charges in it. When he fill from his - canoe, which he accidentally did, the 'weight of the cartridges held him headforemost down. His boots stuck up above tbe surface; for the water was about five feet in depth. -Parties in the vicinit" saw the boots and hurried to the rescue; Rion was apparently "'dead when taken out., baying been un der water for fully three minutes, but lie was restored by the wss of proper remedies. CONGRESSIONAL Washington,December 1st.—-Tbe Sen ate was called to order by Vice Presi dent W T keeler at 12 o’clock,-'and‘prayer was offered by the chaplain. Messrs. Anthony and Bayard wore appointed to join a similar committee on the pa^rt of,: the House to wait, npon-’the President and inform him tlap t both Houses of : Congress were organized- nndrea.d.v to 'receive any communication ' Ire might! choose to m ikei Pending the report of the committee business was suspend ed. • At 12 30 p. in. the commit,tee on the] President not having reported, on mo tion of Mr. Thurman a r6 cess of three .quarters of an hour was taken, The Senate reconvened af2 p. m, Mr, Burnside gave notice that be ; woh!d, to-morrow, ask leave to call up- joa the joint resolution offered by him last session with regard to - the proponed interoceanie canal;' • - • The "Vice President laid before tbe Senate the annual report of theSecreta- tary of fbe Treasury, which was order ed printed. Just before 2 o’clock the president’s mes sage Was received and read by the clerk. At its conclusion Mr. Ferry rose to an nounce tbe death of his colleague, Zacb- ariali Chandler, and moved tfiat ,the; Senate, as a .mark of respqct to the iut ter’s memory, adjourn, which was agreed, .to, and .the Senate adjourned at 3:15. The J’resident sent to the Senate to day the name of George-W McCrary, of Ohio, to be Judge of tlie Eight Cir- 'cnit. At precisely ' 12 o’clock tfie speaker .•slled the House to order, and after grayer by. the chaplain ,the roll was called, and showed an attendance of 232 members, there being fifty-six ab- s entees. The newly c’ieried members from Cal ifornia, Iowa and New York have quali fied for office, taking the ironclad oath, and the House lias taken a recess to en able the ccmrumiltee to wait upon the •President and inform him that the Honse is ready to receive any communi cation ficm him. ■ The leaders of the House of Repre. nentatives intend to procure tbe ad journment of the body imnrcdiately af- . ter the reading of the President’s phes- ssge, without proceeding to the usual Monday -call of States for the -introduc tion of bills or affording, any opportuni ty for the i ffairg of motions to sns ' -pCnd the rules, etc. It is also onder- stood that the Senate .w ill tiansact no bnsinesslbis afternoon after receiving the- President’s message. ■f At :250 the President’s message was received and reacl by the clei k. It was • listened to at first .with attention, but - after a time the members fell into con versation and the reading was conclud ed without any manifestations of ap- .proval or disapproval on either side of the House, On motion of Mr, Wood, of New York, the message and ncco.mpa ujing documents were referred to a committee of the whole and ordered pr nt 3d. The House adjourned. We, the Grand Jurors, sworn, chosen and selected for tfie first \\'eek of the November Tei-nj, 1879, of Houston Superior Court, make the following general presentments; By appropriate committees, we .have examined the books and ac counts of our county ojficers and find them all kept with neatness and correctness, with the fallowing exceptions: Oat of the number of Militia Districts of tbe county, only seven Magistrates’ Dockets Tiave been presented to us for onr in spection, while the law requires each official to present his Book at each session of the Superior Court, ypop pxamigatjog of §flch as has been presented, we find that soma are correctly kept while others are deficient in itemizing their bills of costs, paid and unpaid, as the law directs. We find in some portions of the county tfiat land has been returned to our Ta$ Eecgiyep bejqwr itsyalue in quite a number of ipstanpeq and we WPPhi most respectfully eqjopj upon him a more close septfimy in the future, in order fo ajaJje tjjegi more uniform. We find that the Judge of the County Court has disposed of 97 criminal cases; ^265 common law; 23 motions and 29 claim cases from Jan. 1st to this date. Our County Treasurer has on hand a balance of $2,442.84 in the Tfeaspry, as per report submitted to us. We call the attention of . Trustees of the Public Schools in the differ ent Districts of the County to their duty in assisting the School Com < missioner in every way poggible, which we are Sony to say has not been done in tbe pac t. The cogyaitlee on Public Build ings gjafi Roads and Bridges, not being able to fully discharge their djity for jyant of time, that duty was leff; £° til® next Grand Jury. We call the attention of our conn ty Commissioners to the dangerous condition of Clark’s Bridge, also a bridge or causeway across' a ditch running tbrojigh ' Mrs. Harper’s plantation on road from Byron to Fort Valley. We recommend ralings be placed on tbe bridge over the mill race at Thurmond's $fill. a 3 it is unsafe without them, apd the road on the South Bank of the creek at the same plac.e is sadly in need of re pairs. In regard to the recent unlawful execution of the confessed burglar apd thief in the town of Fort Valley, while it is impossible for us in our limited time to investigate the mat* top, yet we do feel called on fqpr an egression of our opinion. upon. Although there a^e said to be> and undoubt edly were many aggra vating and outrageous features com nectedwith the of the deceas ed, yet we do onqualifiedly condemn ’t he violent and unlawful seizure and execution of the same, and think- that for the good of our common country the matter should be inves tigated and the whole machinery of the law made use of, to suppress such deeds. . m We fix the per diem pay of grand and traverse jurors and bailiff’s at $2 for the year-1880. W e fccomraend tfie re-appoint- 3TtT rtf Tit* Trt’T 1/\«* f A-*. meat of Dr. Join Laidler for the office of Notary Public and Ex- officio J. P., of the 541st Pisfijet, G M., his term of office having es,- We return onr acknowledgements to His Honor, Judge Sfinjnqos. -fofr Hie courteous and aignified manner by which ins intercourse with our body has been marked, and for the fidelity with wjhiefi fie discharges his duties. Also to Solictor General C. L. Bartlett, for proraptness m fenders- ing assistancs to tins body, audios zeal and energy manifested in prosecuting offenders of the criminal law. We request that thesg present ments be published in the Home Journal and Fobi Valley Mibbob. A PHOCLAMATION. GEORGIA A. H. COLQTJir, Gotebxob of faip State. WHEREA3. Official info.rpin|iqn has been Received at this Departqiept that on the night of the 24 tli pf FoTepber 1879 iff tjip ppppty pf gopston unknown parties took ont pf the Guard-House at Fort Valley and bnng 8ml lynched a prisoner nomt d Henry Walker. I have thought proper, therefore to issne this my Proclamation, hereby of fering a reward of Three hundred dol lars for the apprehension and delivery pt said unknown parties with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said connty gnd St^te Prepare for Conference and Christmas. LADIES. SUPPLY YOUR TAB1E WITH THE §ES(T I(| THE rflftRgET/ J. D. CARVER. And I do moreover charge and re- Lis Stat qnire all Officers in this State. Civil and Military, to be vigilent in endeav- ering to apprehend the said unknown parties in order that they may fip brought to trial for the offence with which they stand charged. Given under my hspd and tbe grea ejat.the Capitol in Atlan fioel T Walker—Foreman. I Ii Murray, Elbqrt JPagm, Wiley Leverett, Efl Wimberly, T W Smith, ,C G Gray, M MqCoy, G B Plant, H S-Feagin, H A IfiatHewsj J H^thSorJ, ,C M Lester, ^O’Pearce' Ordered jhy the.,Gonrt that ; tlie ,ed as requested E>y the Grand Jury. By the Court, € -L Bartlett, Solicito r jGqii. A irne extract frcin Minutes Homtpt Sn eriqr Court. D. H. Ci:xi,er, Clerk. Seal of the Statelat ta, this the first day of December in the do ries the one hundred and fourth. Gov Ax feed H. Colquitt, Governor N. C.-Barnett, Secretary of State, umi! m\&m, Mkewr* - G>EQKsm s B. DUB A A ULLJIAN, PBOPBIETOBS. Repajre^, Refurnished^ Reju venated, For Conyffiienpe fo Bjisinfes and Excellence of Fare, Snpprior tp any other Honse. TO Feme QMm@m AND FROM TEE DEPOT TIMBERLAKE & CHAPMAN. MACON, GEORGfA, Stewart’s old Stand, near Campbell & Jones’. mm m§) iiY We guarantee the best attention to stock, anc will be glad to see onr friends and the public generally. - W. C. TIMBERLAKE, W. B. CHAPMAN, OHN P. LEWIS. D. B. LEONARD. LEWIS, LEONARD f CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, . HAWKIXSVTLLE, GEOBGfA Bny and SeU Exchange, Bonds Stock, Etc. CoLec tions promptly attended to. ALSO MAKE LOANS ON GOOD SECCKITY- Ad ranees made on Cotton in store at lowest rates . Open Day an# Niglit. KENNESAW RESTAURANT & SALOON Fourth Street, between Brown Houge and National Hotel, MACON. jlfeals Served In Privatp R^<s- CHEAFEST & SEST. 8®=AlI ihe Substantiate and Delicacies of the season always on hand, T. H. HARRIS, Agent. NEW HARNESS SHOP. L, S, TOUNKLEY. PERRY, GA, w# make and repair Hainess anfi eyerytlfinginthat li^e^n ,ffie best style. Algo make Mattresses. Exchange New Harness for old, .Arfipr jBKdes, T^low, Beeswax &c. “Cheapest and -Best” -isjny mefito. I can furnish yon wiih eboice new sugar cured Hams. Suow White Flour- Very Finest Teas and Coffees. No. 1 and Mess Mackerel in Kits. Dried Bftef and Beef Tongues, Bnck-wbeat, Rice, Grits, Qat-meal. Cream-Cheese, Gislien and Tennessee Butter, Northern Apples, Cabbage, Beans, Potatoes, New Syrups and Molasles, Canned Frnits, Meats, Vegetables, Salmon, Sardines, Preserves, Jellies, Jams* Pickles, Sausages, Minqe Meat.Frnits, Cqnfeptionarjes, etc. etc. Fresh Oysters eveyr day. ’ In fact any and everything to be found in a First Class (grocery and Confec tionary Store, All Fresh, New agd Fine, aqd as Low ep §ny House in the Sate. Goods Packed and delivered' on cars Free of Charge. Satisfactory orders will receive prompt attention. _____ ff.B.GAJRVKR- 104 CHEERY STREET J MACON GEORGIA, ’ Nov 27 1869—■ i - ' 'M J, W, RICB & C0„ pEALEBS EK DRY GQ0DS, MOTIONS, CARPPS, P*. THEY ARE THE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES- ns They keep one of the best and largest stocks in the State—thereby giving their patrons the advan- AU tage of the largest and handsomest assortment to selectfroin. Thoy have established a big reputation for FAIB and LIBERAL DEALING and their patrons tage of the largest and Thoy have estahlishe have no fear of being swindled. 4 til several departments are kept fnlly up to the requirements of their trade. |jj|, Thev have an efficient, experienced and polite corps of salesmen, who delight to show . If yon want anything usually kepi in jt vmxMtoim' in mmm OK CARPET ESTABLISHMENT, “v* 1 ? tvi * * ”" r °' Itil SMi «ai litM by 0Q TO J. § ; flA^NON & CO’S., Our 2Q gent Twills- marked dawj to 15 oents. Qnr Brocaded Llarills down * 20 cents. (}nr Momie Pekins from 371 down to 25 cents. Everything els!!- 0 same prqportfQp- Tfie Table linen Napkins, Towels and BTankets—only],. 1 ? to be shown. They sell themselves, Jeans, Linen and Woolen retailed at whol T * sale prices. Remember our expenses aje light an# we cap therefore be < 8 ' with small profit?. Come and see us and ^6 v?ill seR you *vhat you want. JAMES Hr CAMPBELL, MAOOKT, Gru Sole agent for tlie following special bpands pf wjuskies; OLD VALLEY. I^EJCINCYpN ©LUR, BEERLES$ Imperial Cabinet. WlllKixxwog. co Corn. ! t 4i mwrnmm® Dealer jn Toys, Faney aooiis and coisbepti oauries At Wholesale and Reteil, Sole agent for W. J. Lemp’s Ceiebratci @T. tfuts iiKet, in mom ews§,. 71 CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. FALL AND JWINTER GOODS, WE ARF RECEIVING DAILY OUR piMENSR STOCK, C.QNSISTfNG Of DpyGop3s ? PJpthing, Trunks, Hats, Caps, M&b&w&be* WB@mMBrl Tmw&Wi* AND GROCERIES OF EyERy DESCRIPTION. We also carry a good and well assorted stock of Mmgr WmrmmM. fYE ARg AGRNTS.FQR Cotton Presses, Cane Mills, Ke^tje§ gn4 all kinds of G-in Gearing* ALSO AGRNT FQR THE CELEBRATED WJbtXTB SI3WIKTC4 MA.O 3"IHTE. We would be plep^efi to have you call and examine our stock before pnrchasipg elsewhere, ", ’ Yours truly, * JOHJ^ F. LEWIS & CO. HawkinsviHe, Ga., gept. 25,1879. MO&MW MW# MB M&JVMF M&MMt Headquarters for Low Prices. B. MANNHEIM ftgwisiMsvm&B, §m sia, Has jjnst received frogn New Joric and Baltimore a large and select stock II DAVIS SncqKBBOB TO CKAPlIAS i DA^IB A3D C, SlAS^EBEOS Boarding, I^«^, Feed And Sale Stable, Third Street, between Walnut and Mulbery Streets. Macon Ca. T. .MARyijj- 3C£np JVCIUBES AND -TW Yw t PERRY, - - GEORGIA H as now cn hand j j^ew and complete Stock of TJN\WARE OFALLKINUS. IIJBCH HE W] OtT" ever Jbef^ra oj WILL STTT.T. CHEAPER THAN offered in Perry. At ^hojesale, M^cqn Prices will he Duplicated. jW Boofing. GcUcring, etc., done to order in • -he moat approved style. - - •> • Apl31vr- Do^sistfiig of Jiadies’ DreSsjGfeHS, Oothing, Roots, Hhoes. JHats,. Notions, Hosiery, Jeans, Domestics, Gente’eFnrpishing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Umbrel las, Rlankets. Saddles, Bridles, Hardware, Crockery, Glassware,’ Wood and Wil low “Ware, Etc., jEte. Watches. Jewelry. spiiia silver. m r& wafsTE® T. IQHESQX’s Btw it«»% No. 20 Second Streer, - - - - - Macon, Georgja, Tpy Fine patches an4 Jewelry At Yery Low Prices. Sp@c:>By, A larjgo as|ortme_nt of CLOCKS an 4 Oct 23. W. T. JOHNSON. ^V. BQN$. S.H. BOYNTON. S. 3. BOND. .T.T. BONJj warn* liiitti m WHOLESALE ANp RETAIL Grocers and Commission Mercjirnt^ Third! Street* Gmrgte; 1CHRISTL4 N’S OLD ST AND. yyji ere vre will ^keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of PRTISH GHOCEHIES, Wjb pnarantee Satisfaction both in Quality and Price of Good?. Pest end Cheapest PLACE TO BUY FURNITURE, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Window BUBAIRffltttlgiaL JgW©- -In my Grocoiy Department will be found Bacon, Flonr, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Cheese". Mackerel/ Soap Sfifichi, Etc. Ako a fpll line of as goofi liquors as can, be found in this market. j " " ^ My stock of both DryGoods an d (Grrqeqfi^ tfill fie .foufid to-be plete in every particular, and I guarantee my prices to he .as low ai full and com- . BBBBBjPjBBPM ascanbeafford- ed by any house this side of Savannah. When you come to town be sure to ^ve me a call, and I will convince yon fiiat my storeys indeed Headquarters for Low Prices. M "’ " " Very r^p^ctfi^ly, ‘ Hawkinsville, September 25, 1879. P. F. RROWN & SON, DEALERS IN B<wm f smoeSs Ears &jm goes, Jackson .Street, Hawkmsyiile, - . HAVE JUST OPENED A * Store, I^TTH EYERYTBI G PERFECTLY NEW. (OLD stoc: We bnyfifi^ct very ... _ 4 . ranted. If we. sell paper bottom or shoddy shoe we 'will retorn the monhVor give another pair in^ha pkce. Call and examine beforeWying elsewhere" J JEu'wkiusvillr, ., September 25, 1879. pv SH-9 WAT <t3 SON. Sh&des ? Wall 1^, and Burial Cases, is at 3 W.cfc S.I?.-TAYLOR’S, JBOTTON AVENUE, MACON, CA: SOWN IN FRONT! WAY F§ R BtHNBSS MEN! Beaii jny Advertisement. I don’t propose to Bore Jqu, Jipatl |Tean Bpjness-! XT'OB.the paet seven years I haTe been among yon, my Jjnsineaa at present alono will «hov JD snccSsa t‘have met 1 Have-ororkdaioipike my store. *‘ L '- ‘ - ' An£ it. him "of .trying to yon anemics.—(“*■(>« nn . ( ? HEADQUARTERS IN THE GROCERY LINE Ihaxesncc^A. And though I have had - "bnsicess.a! s ambition, Such a Stock of Goods, and at Sncli Fearless Figures, ‘hny at the astonishing&- lowjngnreSat which’I hare placed them, 3Iy stock consists of tBACON, pLOUR, TOBAACO, WHISKIES, DRY GOOD.? jBOOTS, SHOES,BARTHEN AND WILLOW-WARP, -BAGGING AND TIES A SPECIALTY, . And m-Hions of other goods, embracing all kinds ussually kept by first class grocery o' -sv-hich'I propose to sell for less than'diey'-Kere ever soldin this or any qiher ^ty;- Isayto toe Houston and Pulaski co'nntics tbtUUtese secured thf"serTic<fs of Mr-J. E. MAKJf. ,hte InanU-tf has rendered him JaSppolar ip onr city), ajid .that he is “™tu to haTe m, friends visit'him at hisaci# pinfeoCSm-iness,' and is eTtr -irilling fit of the low figures sj ok— [f. 1 • • i A careful examination l anxious to _ ingand waiting to give them all THE PF DEALINjG WITH And s^ch examination jon are eamesilf reanested to ir axe. Thanking you for the many pvt faT#r * and trusting yjjujjijt - ’ - ' - - ? - ' Consider Your Interests, Aid vislt iay eitablishment, I remain, Truly yonrs, m. J. EPSTEIN, Ua wlilMsyillCj <?:«•