The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, December 04, 1879, Image 3

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    Che Home Jol t hi^al 5
jfow is <b e lime to at, l> s cribe for the
Houston Home journal.
$y e have perfected arrangements to
gite all our sabscribers, old as well as
j, eff ones, who pay strictly iu advance,
, rears subscription to a splendid agri-
rnltaral and household paper. This
*ill be giving them two good papers at
(he price of one. The premium pappr
ji not only a good one,but a high toned,
reliable one, consisting of eight.pages,
»n<l they will reee'iye it twice a month.
H if also published in the South, and is-
pore largely read than any fern paper
jn the South, this offer 'begins at
jmee, and will and the first day of Jan-
uary next. In addition to the above
we will present all who subscribe by
or before the 15th of December with a
copy of “Legal Facts and Forms,” an
invaluable little hand book for farmers
and bnsiness men. We - ace making
these great inducements to cash sab-
pcibers only, and hereafter no name will
be entered on our books unless the sub-
icription is paid strictly in acfvan^. Col-
lecting subscription accounts in many
instances, is too slow, troublesome and
expensive a business to be rehiimera-
tivc, and we are determined to do a cash
business if we don’t get more than Jour
hundred subscribers.
” We hope all of our old subscribers
agd many new ones will come qp at.
once, pay old scores, if any,and renew. \
Don’t forget this, and be sure to
fell all your neighbors about ip.
On the first of December we will take
out a lot of advertisements and very
largely increase the reading matie? in
Tse Eome Joubnal,.
Edwin Mabtin.
FiffiUo Lib vary Fair.
Third Annual Fair of the Fort Valley
library association on Wednesday ana
Thursday Dec lj-18. 3?he city’will be
hnudsomely decorated on both days.
jBrilliant Illumination of the .City on
fhe nights of tjio 17-18. Official invi
tations have beep sent by by the Honor
able Mayor and board of Alderman of
Fort Yalley to the lionerabh Mayors and
Alderman of Perry, Byron Bnllsr and
to the officials of Houston, Crawford,
and Taylor Counjfciea to be present at re
union of the Beauregard Volun teers,Got
eraors Guards and Fort Valley Infan
try. The old Battle flag will be un
folded and a dress parade and mil call
ed of the “old veterans? at 1$ noon the
loth, by May J. M. Culpepper officer
of the riny.
A special brass band will furnisli mus
ic for the occasion. A special train will
ran from Perry. Tbe schedule of tbe
regular trains make it unnecessary to
run from other points.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
to bo present.
For Rent-
Th.e place of Ghas. Poland, with
seres Reared land one rrjile froip
Perry. For .particulars apply to
2t v ‘ Edwin Martin.
A Nelson—Bevs. H S Andrews and
J B Hayes.'
PC Smith-—Beys. D Q Abbott,
S W Key, K M Whiting, G J'Griffith:
B M Davis Isaac Hardeman' 1 and
BB^teppard. * ' V
£ Ir W W Stewart
and W E Williams.
T S j RUej Rem I P Pitcbford,
J M Potter, L A Snow, E H Harmon.
MrsM Extagin—-Bevs. SW Stubbs,
and H C Fentress.
DG Jones Revs. PH Crnmpler
and L A p^-aay. "
J GDavii'—Bevs. W D Monlcastle,
Paul Conaily, Joseph Oarr, and L. S.
Di J B Smith Revs. W Knox, C
W Smith, B L Honiker, R
f J Smith-
Ward law.
Hey. B F Tharpe D D—-Bevn. J
W .Hinton, and JOA Cook, J A Fra
zier,* Geo' Kilpatrick.
Mrs. C J*philips—-Revs. J T Ains
worth and ^ H Weayer.'
Mrs. M 0 Hook-
anil W F Lloyd.
J B Cofield -Revs W W Griffin and
JasWare " ''*'>■ “
Mrs Bayfield fteys S G Childs and
F B C Ellis,
J J Marshbnrne Roy JE SentelL
H M Holtzclaw Bevs W C Bass
and D S. f Douglass,
J W Mann——'Bevs B B Lester, L B
Payne, C G Hints', J RMecJeskey, I) R
MpWilljams, R W Lovett; and i" P
Dickinson,' P A Beil.
p H Moore- Bevs G W Mathews
and B W McDonell.
Mrs M M Ragin Revs A £ Wright
and W W Tidwell. 1 " :
G W Killen
-Revs, GC Clarke and
-Revs, ^ Ansley,
•Rev S S Sweet,
Gen Eli Warren Bevs J W ‘Bnrke,
W M 3/iyes, A M WiHiajj*s ’»pd'B 'll
Sasuettj " and j S Parks, W D Wil
liams. ' 1 ' ,K ' “ -
Revs T T pbristian
J-> w
- The special jury in the case Nathan
Bats, {rnstee, Vs. D. F- Gunn rendered
a verdict in favor of the defendant.
The case of W. M, Kersii vs, Plan
ties Bank, of Fort Valley was hied and
a verdict rendered against the defend
ants’fpr §383,§5 and interest, '
In the case of John Coleman, col.,
vs. J. F. Harper, a verdict was render
ed in favor of plaintiff for $2,50.
On Monday of this week Judge Sim
mons took np the criminal docket.
Julia Halibnrton,was convicted of as
sisting her husband, Mose Halibnrton,
in an attempt to break jail.
. t
Moses Halibnrton, was found guilty
of burglary’at pight.
Joe'Bhrgessj charged with burglary,
plead guilty of larceny fyom jhe bouse.
Jene W at t s > charged with burglary,
plead guilty of larceny from the boT^--e
of goods oyer §pp.
John itilliams afid Joe Williams? ali
as Joe Spencer plead guijty of simple
larceny, alias hojj stealing.
Jack Cater, charged with rape was
found guilty of attempt.
Messrs Samnel N, Keiffer. of Bibb
County and B. M. Hodge, of Hender
son, after thorough and most creditable
examinations in open court, were licened
to plead and practice law in the
counts of Jbis state, except the Su
preme Court,
Abonjt forty true bi|{s have beep re
turned by the grand ]'ury, which has
been hard at work,
Til esday was spent in examining very
many witnesses By “the grand jury
in investigating t}ie lynching case in
Fort VaJ}ey. ' Up to the hour pit going
to press no bill hgs beeen found, and
^re presume there was no evidence to
implicate any person. Tbe wholo affair
is yet a mystery to the people of Fort-
Valley and the whole county,
County Commissioners’ Court
DRS. J.P- & W. R. HOLMES. |
S Dentists, No. SI, ■ Mulberry Street, j
of! Macon, Georgia. 1 " J
Teeth extracted witliont 'pain. Bean- i
tifnl sets of tefetli inserted, - ’Abscessed j
Teeth and Diseased Oniiis cnri'ft. ’ ’
Dealers in all kinds of Dental Mate- j
rials and Instruments. Constantly on
hand a large and xnll assortment of
Te. th of all hinds, Gold of ail hinds*
Amalgams of all hinds, Rubbers of all
kinds. — Sep 18—tf. 1
' i • i—— :**' 3
Mr. Bryant W. Brown, of Houston
county while op his way honie from
HawkinsvxUe last Thursday week, lost
his pocket hook,containing about §500.
and valuable papers. When ho arrived
home and discovered las loss he pro
cured a lot of torches and made thor
ough sea: ell along the road without sne-
Houston county met pursuant to ad
journment this November 3rd. 1879.
Present—J. iL Davis, J. M, Wimber
ly, J. M. Walden. W. M. Gordon anu
J. G. Brown presiding.
Minutes of last meeting read and
coii firm vd.
Mr W. M. Gordon reported that he
has ipsHred the'bnijdings, | 2 3, Cook)s
range, lately bought by the Coiinty and
has obtained polices on the same at 3J
Ordered by tbe court that J. M.Da
vis, J. M. Walden 'and W, M. Gordon 1 e
appointed to investigate tlie Work done
on the jail by Mr. Johson, and report
at the next meeting,.- ,
Ordered that Mr. Martin and Mrs ces3 -. The book was, says the Hawk-
noo Notes
W J Stallings,
r, Brooks.' ‘ ‘
A drink of good whisky and a ebro-
nio for 10 cts at P. c. Smith a bo’s*
For Court and Cgneerenge.—Go to
F. C Smith & Co’s, for Fresh Fish,
^Oysters, Ram and Eggs,Sausages, Beef-
Ateak and everything to eat. 2t.
To Arrive I J.{
This week 15 New Pieces of latest
style of .Dress G oods .by Express. Call
and see them beforo they are all selec
Cooper & Cater.
2t. "
H I. Dennard—
and A M WyAn“
W H Norwood Revs J M Mar
sh ill, J D Anthony, B L Wiggins, E J
Rent*. V’
Pr M W Ha^is——Bevs A W TFilson
D D., J O branch and H R Myers; and
W A Graham. | ’
T J 0uter' ; 7—Bishop fi $ poggett,
Revs S Anthony, J S Key, T K Leonard
and N B Owsley; and'M p 'pylander,
Dr. Wimberly, A M Brannon ‘
Mr§ Mary Hodges-—Revs J Dun-
woody and Y F Tigner; and if p talk
Geo Paul Revs
T I Nease, J R Carter,
A L Miller—-Revs P C Harris and
RF Williamson.
J D Martin Bevs J J Giles and
TB Lanier.
CC Duncan Bevs A G Hnygood
DD.JOA Clarke,P if Corley, HEFe|-
der and J W Simmons, ahi} f J Jones,
S B Weston, E M Butt.
F S tjater-2—-Bevs A T Mann, GGN
McDonell, F A Branch, W Lewis,
C'F‘Cooper ——Revs J & Littlejohn
and j D liauldto. ‘ *
F A JoDson—
B McPherson, L
A S Giles Bevs J B McFerrin
, ,V S — l r i
D p, G S Johusto'i, J M Austin, and
J W Cheatham; and T J Williamson.
W Knpferman Revs G T Embry,
W J Flanders, D G Pope, D Blalock,
T M Butner——Bevs J T Lowe, D
Crenshaw, J E Godfrey.
J E Barrett Revs J B McGehee,
E H McGehee.
W D Day——Revs S D Clepients
>V C Lovett ' f *
Bovs E J Birch, J S
^orjason; and f T
Bev. A. T. Mann, D. D., Presiding
Elder of Savannah District, will preach
the introductory sermon at the M, E.
Church Tuesday night
There will also be the regular sacra
mental service at the Methodist C'linrch
Wednesday nigjit.
Bishop D. S. poggett, of Richmond
Y&-, will preside over the ponference.
Bev. A. G. Haygood, D. D., Presi
dent of Emory College, and Editor of
jhe Wesleyai Christian Advocate, will be
present. Also Revs. J. B McFerriii,
p. D., p.ooji agent, and A. W. Wilson,
D*. D., Missionary gecrejary
Nashrifle, Tenn.
ffiary Co.rder bo relievod of paying
double tax ihe^present year, they giving
srtisfactory excuses..
' The bids for Superintindent of the
Poor House for 188% was epened and
balloted far this day, and Mr. M. J.
Nerson was re-elected at a salary of
SlCit}. *
On Motion adjourned until 1st Mon
day in January 1880. .
E. Jackson, Clerk.
AJ the residence of Mr Sam Low, the
bride’s grandtatlier, near Byron, on the
13th ulfc., by Rev. J. J. Clilpepper, Mr.
Jno Hamlin, of Monroe pounty; to Miss
Mollie McDonald.
At the residence of Dr. J C.Johnson,
the bride’s brolher-iu-law, Bibb county,
on the 27th ult., by Rev. C. W. Smith,
Mr, Adolphus M. Jackson, of near By
ron, id Miss'Sallio'Q. Allen.
At the. residence, of the bride’s father,
Mr. Isaiah Jpilton, * near" • Byjon', by
Rev. Mr, Gordon, of Bibb county, Mr.
Tidwell, of Bibb, to Miss Emma
At Hartford Connecticut, at ths resi-
pence of the bride’s'fatlier.the 19th ult.,
Mr.H. J. Peavy, of Byron, to Miss Ella
insville Dispatch, .found «>n the afier-
noou in which' it was lost byf Johnnie
Pofliill, of Pulaski' county. The jittle
fellow'took it to his father with all its*
contents, and the next'day it was carc-jL..
fully returned to the owner. The lion-
eet boy was liberally, rewarded with
ten dollar gold piece.
Cotton Avenue and Third
Please Heed,
All who are owing me for Den f al work
will please cajl 'and settle at once, or
will have to place iny ‘ accounts in the
haiids of an officer for collection.
I am in my' office in Perry from 1st
to the. 15h of each! month..
M. S. Jobson,
both of
Jeys H Tigner, J
1 Green^ F W Flan •
Fine Liquors at IQ cts. a drink a £
,C. Smith & Co’s, Also Best Beer, Ci-
der and fine Wines. Pure Juice. 2t
A nice lot of New Jewelrt just re
ceived at - J. D. Maltins
Chickens and Eggs fob Sale.—I
have a fine lot of chickens and eggs for
"conference, call e/u-ly. G. & Afant.
Mt. .Caemeii.—"Mt. Carmel church,
burned by the forest fires Iasi summer
lias been rebuilt by the oongregatiQn.
Mr. D,C, *Di nbir, superintended the
work, and it is a Tery nice, building.
The church was dedicated Sunday week,
9>e sermon being preached by Bev. C,
W. Smitfi, of Wesleyan Female Col
lege. “
I respectfully call on all indebted to
.me for the present year to ihake immer
diets payment as all notes and at counts
Me now past due and I i® needing
money to meet iny paper. "
To those who are indebted for last year
a 2d who have not made satisfactory ar-
^egementa, no longer indnlgence will
^given. I expect to leave for ^he west
a bout the 10th of:next month to arrange
.for-bacon an, i grain for the* spring and
.summer trade also foyi fine lot of mules
i- * T am' having purchased Jor this
market. .'
stock next year will be larger
cen i C00s ^ 8t; evei-y thing in the dry-
’fan S r °oeryline' except strictly
v_|, cy i dr y goods, which T propose to
chenr, f or cayb ur on ti me by
Bevs B F Breedlove,
Revs TF Lane, N
F Evans, and J L
. .. - .
-Bevs S N Tnoker,
arrangement ' W. ‘BrUnson.
if Stable.—Remember that G.
• at Mastersori’s old stand Ma-
'slnv-^ ® best livery, feed and sale
*• A good lot of horses and mules
on hand.—2t,
Jordan, and D
’ TMKilleJ—
J P Wardlaw.
G W Singleton—
D Morehouse, R
F jl Houser-
G G Thompson.
L A Honser A Wiglet and
Rev. T Adams,
J R Duncan-——Revs C E Boland
and C D Adams.,
D H Culler—-—Revs J B Culpepper
and J W Domingoes.
W D Pierce -Eeva.C T Rickly and
W FBearden. " ' * | ‘
' Mrs Etheredge ^ev B B Biyan.
W Bainegf——Bevs H A Hodges
W F Roberts, WFConieK
MJ Nelson Revs B S Key
Jos. Langston.
S D RSdgers——Revs J* S Twitty and
P B Sims.
Joseph Barker——RevsWM C Con
ley irnd W TMcMichael. ' *'*
'" S '§jra|ghtr-—A A Ellenwood
and J W Folsom,
J H Houser—-Revs I F Gary and
J H Hudson.
J' Trirrentiner—^-Rev M Tnrrentine
and T i) flawkiha. r
J W Clark -Bev W S Baker and
W W Hobby. l " '* * ' ’
Edwin Martin Bevs C A Moore
T S Armstead.
0 A Thompson-!—Revs R M Booth
and J E Borie,” l '
S D Killen——peys p QDriscqll and
W H Thomasr
W G Edwards-—Rev G M Prescott
Wm. H'ngheA ’
J A Hafer Revs J C Gray, W D
McGregor, Tti Swea.t, M McRae. •
The Conference classes' ’ yriij meet
their rerpective commitiees at'ihe' fol
lowing named places Tuesday morning
9 o’clock. " ‘‘ **' '* *
Candidates meet at Mr B J Smith’s.
1st Year meet at Methodist Church.
2d “ “* “ Judge'A ^ Giie’s-
3d *• “ “ jfr. F s'Eate^s.
4 th“ ** *• Methodist Cfinich.
—Cod W. S. Wallace, of Butler, fi» li
es successfully in Big Indian during
hie ofi duty honra while attending Su
perior enurt.
—Mr. Jno. S. Pool djed gnddeuly
week liefore laat at his home near Hen
derson, fie had been in bad health for
several ysais.
II. Y ;f" v
—Mr.' .Thopias J. Marr died ap liis
home in Dooly County, not'far from
Montezuma lust week.
-—Everybody nearly is busy in sow
ing oa.ts. This is a step in the right
direction, fo r corn is going to be scarce
next year.
—Bev. Geo. W. Persons, ope of the
oldest and pesp citizens in (Fort Yalley,
died last Thursday. He war in bis70Ui
year, ana was buried with Mason.ic hon
ors Friday.
—The Masons are going to be cele
brated St.. John ' the Evnngelisfs Day
December, 27, with an oyster snpper
at Byingtoit’s Hotel.
Conference Paper-
Next week we will give a full report
of the proceedings of the Sonth Geor
gia Confererce, and the publication of
our paper may .be delayed a day or two
on that account. If we can not get
put on .time we will print a half sheet
Thursday and d'eier.thjeyegpjar edition
until t^i.e following Monday- Extra
eopies can be had at the office al. 5
cents each. Tbe proceedings will be
complete, and include the appointments
for 1880. -
* . " ,
^Wp have ^iad the pleasure of calls
this week'from Brothers S. B. Burr, of
the Fort Yalley Mirror, and E. T. By-
ington of the Advertiser.
' Wtr. Johii Hodges, of ±ba Irwinton
Southerner and Appeal, is in town
again. .We are glad,to learn he has taken
a fine local editor into his em pioymenl.
£.geten days, weight ten pounds,
In order to mi^e roomier other goods,
we will commence" to' dose ’ out Five
" dollars wort/i of Boats and
Shoes regardless.of profits. Fine hand
made Men’s Gaiters at only 0.25. r 200
hundred pain Men’s Gaiters fron §2.00
up to.3.35, (a bargain J 1
500’ paira heavy Women’s Plow Shoea
at’ only 80-cents a pair. AJO" pair's Wo
rn en’s PrgcdfiCalf Shcrs et only one
dollar. 1000 pairs .Brogans from jlOcta.
up to L30 a pair. Onr^Stock of fine La
dies’ Shoes beat. We keep fine
Baltimore and' PliiLide;]]; Lia jnake,
which we will close out very cheap.
Wfi llflve 4S pairs of heavy Boots Vt on
ly 1.75 a pair. 5fl0 paira of Boots from
2.20 up to 3.30", ft bargair). A large
stock of Children's "Shoes from tlie
Cheapest to the Finest made. It will be
Ta wrinw vniowicf in POtIy i
Married at the residence of the
bride’s mother, near Henderson, on
Tuesday of last week, by Rev. Dr.
Tharpe, Dr. A. A. Smith, of Hawkins Alias Elizabeth Hodge, of Hiwk-
iiisyille Seminary....
Married at the Stubblefield House,
Macoii, the residence of the bride’s
aunt, on last Sunday morning week,
Miss Liza J. Whlteharst, (if Perry,
to Mr. R. H, Cunningham, of "Edge-
field, S, C. ‘
1 \
Building up.—We are glad to learn
that the bnrnt district of Hawkiosville
is rd'pidly bnilding up and will soon be
better than ever. MessisJ. F. Lewis
S Co., are putting up one of the finest
brick buildings- in* the city and will
soon move into it. They are, however,
already at work both in the store and
bunk in temporary quarters.
Messrs C. M. Bozeman & Sods, will
soon l’e in their' warehouse again
They have beeD temporarily keepin;
their office at Mr. D.' G. McCormick’s
warehouse. .
Mr. D. niel Rhodes will also be in
line before long, and in a, few months
the late terrible fife will be consigned
to the eternal past.
Wpadu.ire the pluck and vim of
these iSawklnsviile people, ' Th.ey are
wise. Push’ business, advertise, keep
insured ar.d never ray' die.
Siiaep Wanted.
I want to buy 300 ewe Sheep for
which I will pay a good price. Address
me at Montezuma, Ga.
4w. S. S. Taylor
Please write for Samples of. any
Goods yon may need-
Jacorus & Co.
Send for a pair of 50 cents Gloves.
Jacobus & Co.
Gin House Burned.—The gin house
o f Mr, Jesse A. Walton, near Byron
was burned Wednesday night of last
week. It was a water power gin, and
the fire was doubtlessly of incendiary
origin. With it were burned about
four bales of cotton ' belonging to Mr.
Kinchen Taylor, of Byron.
Free Storage of' Cotton.—We pro
pose to those who desire to hold their
cotton that we will ■ kfeep ji for them !
free of storage after the first mouth.
We can effect insurance on cotton at
the lowest"’rates. C " ,
(j. D, Anderson & Son.
2t Warehousemen, Macon, Ga.
A fine pair of Baltimore Made La-
die’s Shoes at only §2.75. Sell in Ma
con at §3.50.
Jacobus & Co. j
of Dry Goods advances, but-
Jacobus & Co Sell yet at old prices.
It has been given np by the majority
that we keep the Finest; Largest and
Cheapest Stock of Goods in Hawkins-
ville. r :
Jacobus £ Co.
Read Jacob Go’s Ok sing out no-,
tice of Boots and Shoes.
w. A. JUHAJH & no.,
T~ '•
their new mammoth retail dry
goods store rn Triangular Block, Sec
ond and .Cherry Streets! 'MaeoO, will be
pleased to show their immense and hand
some stock of ' ! " ‘ ’ .
Carpets, Rags, Cret.OPP,
Dress Goods, Domestics, Flannels.-
Hosiery, ’ Corsets, Towels,
Qloaks, Shawls, Gloves,
Percales, "Silks, Calicoes,
Damasks, Spreads, Blankets,
Cassimeres. ' ' ' : '
Jeans, Shirts, Doylies,
Trimmings, Etel
At 'the " ' '
Yery potiom prices. ■
Dou’t- lorget the place,
if. W. A. Juha.n _& Co,
Headquarters for Dry Goods, Boot
and Shoes; Mens and Youth’s Clothing.
M. Stern, HawKiusviHe, Ga.
Qur Stock of above mentioned Good
are larger and better assorted than can
be found in this of aDy other town of
the same size south of Baltimore.
Everything a La ly, Miss, or Child
may ne- d in th> way of Fancy Dress
Goods, Ho iery. Notions of every name
and conceivable shape
Our Gents Clothing Stock is said to
be the largest ever brought to this
Wp keep all tlie popular brands of
Hand made Mens and Lndies’ Shoes be
sides a large Stock of cheap and course
grades, Brogans' Ac.
Cloaks,- Shawls, Carpets, Rugs and
a great many different complete line:
we are compelled to omit on account of
the 'want of space, but which, if yon
wiil obi v favor ns with a call our sales
men wiil be’glad to show yon. Call and
see ns even if you do not _wislt to buy
at the time.
Samples of all Goods mailed on appli
cotion'and Fxpress paid ou packages
over §10.
M. Stern, H . whinsville, Ga.
The best place to buy your Grocer
ies and Provisions is at Daniel Rhodes
H awkinsville. —ti".
Fresh pure family groceries i
Hawkinsyille, at the cheap store of
tf. * Daniel Rhodes.-
The best net results are obtained bv
selling your cotion near home. Take it
to A. J. Martin’s Planters Warehouse at
Fort Yalley and be convinced. Plenty
of plucky buyers. ^ tf.
Rust Proof Seed Oats for sale, 400
brisbels. Apply tome on the Buwdrie
Place, or to Cooper & Cater,
Oct. 2—2m A. A. Smoak.
‘Cotton is still King” and A. J. Mar
tin at the Pjapters Brick Warehouse
Fort Yalley," knows to perfection how
to handle this King. Send him your
part of the king. tf •_
The best of Wines and Liquors, cold
beer, and 1 every tiling nice at Daniel
Rhodes', Hawkinsville. - * —If.
Chew Jackson’s. Best Sweet Navy
Tobacco. —Dec. 4th ly
Cabby your eottoti to the Plan ten
Brick Fire-pfoof ■ Warehouse at Fori.
Yalley, The very .hignest- price will be:
obtained, ' tf.
Dr. M. S. Jobson,—Dentist, will be
at his officoin Perry frbmttbe lst to the
15tli, and at'Hawkinsville from ilie 15th
to the'end of Rath month.— •’tf.
Table and Pocket jCutlery, Silver and Sib
ver-plated Goed^f,
M^pou, o eprgl^.
Wall Paper and. Matting#,
• - B@»Ail at excceuiugl^ -Low Prices. 136 r
FLe^aiiUy Finished Mated Cases and Casket^
• B^-Orders by Mail and Telegraph Promptly Attended.
Next to? '‘Lrnior House” ja^CDN, GA
BenC. Smith,
JamesS. Iverson.
M ereHants,
No. 41 Third Sheet-.
Macon, Georgia.
We have a well selected stack of Groceiies and
Provisions, all Xcw and Fresh, which ire offer 'to
the citizens of Houston and adjoining counties cub
Bottom Fiiees, CALL & 'SE^ TT£.
Oct 23.
Free W-igoii Yurd anti Sleeping Kooms,
Grateliil lor past favors, Liberal Fatronagc again So-
V *' *. * ' : • i - ‘ - ; ' ■ ' . ’ ‘ *
licited. Satislaction Guaianteed.
V i - r ;; *.= >
J. ii, xcrrLE.
When yon go Haw kinsville be sure
to call on DaSiel Rhodes. —tf.
Why wili yen pay one dollar for an
article when you can buy it for 50 sents?
Dr. Whyte’s Compound Fluid Extract
of BucSfi is the best remedy buo An for
Non-retention of Urine. Irritation or
Inflammation of the Kidneys and Blad-
dJs, Stone in iTie Bladder, Gravel or
Brickdnst Deposit, etc., and all affections,
of the’Bladder a^H Erdnays arising!
from weakness, Early Indiscretion, Ft-'
male Weakness, Secret Diseased and all"
affecticps of tbelirinary Organs iu male
or female. The greatest diuretic known.
The-market iufiooded with preparations
of Buchn, the'"majority of which sire of
little or do value,- bring care’es-ly aud-
nnskillfnllY-made, and efteu from am
terial having litile or no^mediciual val
ue. Iii order, therefore, to avoid diaap-
poiutaient, ask for Dk. White’s Com
pound Extract of Bccnu, and insist o'i |
having no oiher. as besides being half
j tbe price of ot hers, it is made from t'x-
actlv what it is claimed to be. -ziz: Bu-
The reason we are* offering such in- UhnLeaves, Uva Urai Cnbebe, Jnhir
documents in Bools and Sudes 1,2 _ __ —h j —:—.w.'
.- ?s ls tha_£ I Berries, i# eomp'omuMd. scienliiically
we havFnot room in onr store for such l^j guaranteed full stremrtb. The befit
a large Stock ami we are comoelled to ; (jinjetic known. - - ..
x ■ . close them out. Merchants and Fa. i Compare the article, the size of the
to yo'nr interest-to c^l early and Secure mers wiH take notice as we: wjll giie j bottle Ld the price, with -any otber
■them Special Inducements. C-aR .Early ; B uebn in the market. The trade sirp- ' •
and Secure Bargmus. • * ■ piied bj Roland B. Haul, Druggie-,. st Se
-Jacobus & Co., j Macon, Ga. For sale in-Perry, by Dr- 1
; We Mesn Business.
Jacobus a Co.
Hawfeutsullc, Gu. i
Ha-wtinsviUe, Ga. C. R. Mann,