The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, December 18, 1879, Image 2
Th- ii,. k i i/ me Journal aiV&j'jt tarn, 1 :■ ffg the BUf-.port of Hi: •'5-! or< <1 in-titrition of h 1 djoaru rnr ■iiiIiii m~rn lijn i ii ii.'h i.ii.i ( Afier.ti.e nan* ] ■ j C mtertuee atljo'ii It !l 'inimcnts, etc., j to tilts afternoon I ImBSjag Price: tp2 OO-Pcr At'nnin. ir» Advastce. Pi)WIN MARTI!!, caftor & Preprietor. Tins pArr.R if iuejad evkt:y/week bz ;r CWE THOUSAND FA MILLF-P IS* TUB BEST BTlCllOy OF GKOBOIA. APTCJiNOoN SESSION. O !: ffirence, after devotional c-xercises !:.V Rev Geoi go S’Johnson, was opened, Rev Dr. //snt.-irin ihe..chair. Ii-.jv. J/r. i 1 aoro, of - '-the' Lniheran I Cun rail wasintroduced, j The Dottrel of Trustees of-the Orphans ! Ho me ar Me. con made tl.eir report.— they represent a total of 52 children during the ye nr'." . J 11n^f to 'hnTe'been Di voiipnpl exercises and coDfitmaiion [of minutes-. j Kev E H ifcGrbce reported for the ‘ committee on Bible Ckusa. It ccm- meiided the supreme importance ‘of j-. the scripture a and insisted on its dis- | semiimfion and study. Urged the pat ronage of the American Bible society" TH TDtS<?«Y EVEXINU, DECEMBER! 8. rOIiTH GEORGIA COKPEKEHCE. TOUHTH DAT. Satt’ldi ay, Dec. 33. 9 o'clock a. m. After r«ltgi->ns exercises the journal of yesterday w«s read and approved. 5fH Qrr.vnc x Resumed—'Who are, provided with goootl homes, and twen ty-six nro now in chargo. These re-si lulion were pro posed and adopted. l*t. That the presiding Bishop be requested to ra-appoint' • the. 'efficient and indefatigable superintendent and agent. Iter X B Payne. 2nd That !h* members of the_ Con ference render the Agent ftU ttie' aseis- tsngq in their power. 3rd That thanks be re.turned"to Dr. readmitted?:A. Snow, of Fort [ w F//(;lt f()r relsdi . r inghw professional Yalley end Perry StaKort. 1 J Jg^ f?eo , ;f cliarpe ; be Laving re- 10th Qci-stion C/t,i.ra>.~Whai. local fnrpd all compensation. n> fritters arc elected Deacatis?- From CnTOmhns District—Joseph T. Adpm«. Ben old’s circuit, Dnll'n District—Aletc. F Fienders, Mills!! Vanl-ins, and Alex H Bedding, of - Q W! frsi-oro circuit, Taylor W Jnhn- f "li, of Dublin circuit, Joseph Langston, Jcs c c Gmlmm, M D, of Bullard circuit. (Samuel H Clark, of Smjng TTil! eircuit, v.pbdrawn by leave of Conference.) The following were- proposed and elected on the board of trustees: .Revs R Auttiony, George C Clark, A M Wvmi. J W Burke, T T Christian, and K-J Corley: Lay—Isaac Hardeman, W D Williniaf J13 Cobb. J W Cheatham, A MBrio>uon, W B/7ill. lb v B F Tbarpo, D D, of the Bap tist Church..was introduced. : Bev B J’Curley submitted the report on Temperance, which was adopted.— 14th Quriifioy.— What local preachers ' I* nrged < tic importance of abstinence ! fv<mi intoxicating liquors, and pledger, j ti e ministry, and church to use every j effort to eradicate the evil -of iutemper- | I (( jT!ic Commit fee'on Education reporfc- I . Emory Ci liege in a flourishing con- |ditior; Wcslcvan Uellege is prosper- pt rons, liaving 225 pupils on catalogue and ISO now in attendance. This noble (William \V Griffin,-j old institution is giving free tuftirii to a number of ncrmal students and six of the last"graduating class are now teaching. Andrew Female College is gaming arQ elected Riders? AiucriepK District—Beniamin Chap- V<1. and Martin Brocks, of OgiviLm-pe circuit. Brunswick District— Hartwell S An drews, of Timer-vide circuit. Macon Distriet—B n Sasnelt, of East j Macon charge, George M Fi of colt, of j Irwinton circuit, Bev. J. L. Lyon,2agent of the Bi ble Society then addressed the Confer- ence briefly and presented the abstract ort!ig'*3S^Mrfep5ffr: Address; 8 Whitaker Fhe Bishop jennorsed. the report and made someira preesire remarks thereon. The report was adopted by a rising veto. . ; , J - . Dr. Clark presented-the report of the special committee on Church. Exten sion, trhieh- wee adopted . It insisted on the importance of chnreh extension, erecHng new build- ii-gs and helping bnild np weak and new churches. This lias. Been done to some extent by the mission board. It advised the taking of initial steps in the premises. A letter from Bev James Harris, a snperannnated preacher, was read. Bey Bolun H Sasnett, of East 3/acon 3/ission, applied for rc-adinission to cl, certificate presented.) 30i n Question. — Where shall tin n 'Session of this Conference he her I? Ecv. J. W. Hinton, in behalf of the g^nd,' haviiig now^abont 100 pd^S Colh'n.bus churches, nominated that ’ The .report insists on the importance city. R»v. tl. R. Felder nomiunted Al bany. ai'il urged its selection. Ibn-. A. M. Williams nominated HawkinsviHe, pn’fl urged that it never Lad the C-on- Terimee and othc.ireasons. Dr. J.O. A. Clark spoke, in favor of Uawkiusville. fir. J. B. McFcrrin nominated Ferry, and stated that Hie Conference could do ho better.' (Laughter.] Bov T T .Cbris- t:uu favored Albany. P.ev J W Burke favored Hnwkinsville. Bev ,T B Aic- Gehce. fa voted HawkinsvilJe. Rev J D A ft ill i my was for Hawkinsrilie. Rev. H it fielder said the Conferenee .was now within twenly-twp miles of Ilawk- insriih'. Dr. Mcfierrin withdrew Per ry in favor of tilt weakest point nomi nated- Bev B Anthony favoiod liawk- insVPto, The vote was takeu by rtsiug: • f/ftieViibus, 33: Albany, 32; Hawkinsvide, (54. There beiug no majority, was taken again. Columbus, 44; Alba ny, 2(5; HaWkinsville, 60. Albany was "withdrawn by Key H R Felder. Third ballot, —Columbus, 58, Ha wh ir nsvi :1a. CG. • On. motion Hawkinsville was then. Jifiurii iinously selected. •The Bishop requested the Committee ^''Sunday Schools to make their re jpert. * •The Committee on Sunday Schools. 'tbfdH'igh Bev. J O Branch, Chairman, reported. '*ta6’rfpbft spoke in the highest terms of't&e-efficiency and effectiveness of the ScciietSa'y, Brv S M Lockwood, but re • gref'ted'that for want of sufficient funds to carry on liis work, that his labors Would hwVe to be dispensed with. I The committee reported statistics as follows: SuedayBishools in Conference.. 409 Increase.. 51 Scholars 15,54® Increase 1,335 Yolumes ifflibrories....: 13,198 Increase .... 575 Requisites........ :.; 12,162 Decrease ........... ; 1,568 -The committeo rob'ominended the general ad op firm-and use of the Sunday School literature of M E Church South; *.he devoting of n rl'ay at each district conference to the Sunday Sshool inter ests; the formatioii of Sunday School Missionary Societies, etc. fir. Key .moved to.adopt ihe report, and.the pio- iion was discussed by Drs, Clark, Mc- Ferain, Revs J F'Gcdfrey, j. B McGe- hee, and GGN MuDonell. Rev. R : M-Lock wood made an- explana tion of his work amd showed that it was impossible for him to visit every charge iu the limited time-given him. 4 The report was adopted as a whole. - Rev E P Bonner,‘of the Koatb Geor gia Conference, was introduced. Rev Di. A W Wilson, Missionary Secretary, addressed the Conferoucb dn the subject of missions, fits address was one of great ability and interest, nnd was Ikieiied to.riilli profouud at tention: fir. McFdfrin (hen, hy appointment, addressed the Conferencs atjength. on (she publishing interests of.the denomi nation, fiis address was replete With linmor and pathpSj and was in his own inimitable stylo, .fie. represented the pul lishing house at finshville asi being . in a flourishing condition, running to its full capacity, and was, with the libf ral subscriptions of the brelnren, in a fair way to pay the debt, raise the mortgage on it, and greatly increase its efficiency and usefulness. The ;c«jpgmtc<‘ on. books and period icals, made (1 lepiui. which "was. epo’rt of ednbatiiig young men for the min istry; and recommends. Presiding Ei ders to take up collections for their as sistance. Four are now being educa ted at Oxford. The presidents and boards of trus tees were requested to present their re ports on the first day. of the next Con ference, Messrs. MeHwain, Clark, fielder. Godfrey, MiGehce and others mado sort** remarks and the report was adopti d. The Treasurer of the Board of Edu cation "reported §959 33 collected this year, nnd §552 72 paid out to assist the Divinity students. Report adopted. The 'President, Dr. Hinton, request ed Dr. Thnrpe to address the Confer ence on.the subject of education. .Dr. Tliavpe strongly favored education through the instrumentality of denom- national colleges, and suggested that the Methodists and Baptists unite Wesleyan Female College .and Mercer University, and organize a normal school in connection;with. them, so as to obtain the $6,000 appropriated by the last Legis ! atnre. i nd the Peabody fund devoted to a like purpose. His re marks were well received. • Dr. Key stated that the subject was not new, but was being ^considered by the Board of Trustees. Rev Mr. Xovett submitted the report of the joint board of Finance, which we recapitulate as follows: Eccvivoil from For Conference. Savannah District, Macon “ Columbus ■' Ainarieusv “ Thoniaavilld “ Bruuswich ’* Dublin w 5S61 30 S3fi a TO7 00 576 80 W. 58 :374 05 ’ 88 00 $3,850 08. Bishop, $218 65 2 8 25 181 75 175 65 136 05 53,20 . 60 So Total. $3,850 03. $1,083 80 Kail-owl Stock of T. T. Christian $55 00 From Ostare ofW. A.' Hawson, 60 00 Paid oht to. Aid Socity, J. O. A. Coot 73 00 “ ciaimacts aged preebers..........$S,924 74 “ for stationery 8 35 “ Sav. Bond to Aid Sointy 100 00 Paid Bishop Pierce... Bishop Doggett.. Enience last Confers ico ::bv $4,028 08 .. $535 10 ... 446:80 . $982 00 $100 00- 190 .60 Report adopted: ‘ . Conference then adjourned. PKECAHEEs’ AID SOCIETY, After Conference adlourned the Preachers’ Aid Society met, Rev fir. J S Key in the chair. The board of managers reported the death of] Rev R W Dixon, Presiding Elder of ThomasviUe District; on the 13th of October lqgt. Activity was nygj^d on tbe members to secure eontribiiting members among Hie laymen, In this society clerical members pay a mortuary fee of §3 eaeh on the death of each member to go to supplying a home for his widow and. i ltiidren. Lay members pay §1 each, for the widows and orphans of deceas ed ministers. Isaac Hard Oman, Es=q , Troasxircr, re ported §281 10 collected for the widow and orphans of Rev R W Dixon. Rev P S Twitty offered a resolution to appoint a committee to consider the advisability of uniting with the .Preachers’ Aid Society 'of Korin Geor gia Conference, Lost. Any one can become a member 6! the society by handing his ‘or her name to...the Secretary, Rev S & Sweet, and paying rke mortuary fee on noticed Rev Mr. Jordan introduced a. reso lution to amend €he constitution so as to graduate the' mortuary fees accord ing. to the age of beneficial members to provide a fund to be raised out of annual dues,- and to allow a -pro rata refcare So aiiy members witfcdrawing.- * After cenriderable discussion f ro and con the proposition was referred to a eommiitee. ' r ' Ihe Society Ihen adjyurned, AIEAIOKIAIi Sim VICE. ado, t -1 It-ww :ldhe snsMiniDg «»r tbe ^ a ? o5i:an ff . im P res " , - - , . . . .- ,'jwve memorial service was hrlaxn hou- Piibli- hmg u t mfs t,f iu v C'hftich j | . gonlii.- allii tin’ iu.• or c: tbe dead preachers .of tue yeai — i-F fUdi; id Adcoc/r’e, which of this m Arminius yAVright 31 \V i'.v.::i. 7b.e com mittee on mtmenaismads their report, and eulogies were pronounced by Bish op Doggett, Revs T T Christian, A M Wynn; J S Key and others.. We re gret our space-will not allow us to the Conference. He was re-admitted. Rev W- S fiaker was conlinuod on the snperarin oated list. The report of the ecmmittqe on de-. censed pfeaehers reported the death of Robert W Dixon, Arminius Wriglit, and Loviek Fierce, during' this year, and presented the memorials—adopted. , A committee of seven was appointed to take steps to ei’eot a suitable monu ment to the memory of Rov Br, Pieroe. Rev Mr. Smith, of the Mississippi Conferenee was introduced. The report was, received and appro priately recognized by the Conference. Bev.R M-Lockwood offered a resolu tion—devoting the first Friday in April next to a day of fasting and prayor,— adopted! Also, That the Lord’s Knpper be celebrated the 1st night of the next Conference,—adopted. Also, that the 1st day of May next be fixed as peculiarly the cbifi drens, and that it be devoted' to them, —adopted- Mm regreting deeply the affliction of brother M. E Bylin der, a day delegate, who was stricken with paralysis last night;, and who is now perhaps passing his last litiur on earth. Rev S Anthony by request lead in special prayer for him;—adopted. Thanhs were returned for the bequest of §50 a year from the estate of W A Rnwson. of Atlanta. The Statistical report was read. THE SOUTHERN I? A BARGE QUARTO of 33 pages, handsomely print ed, filled with choice read ing of Interest to the far mer, with an illcatrated fashion department ib? t&8 ladies. . year. Sample Repaired, Refurnished, Reju venated. For Convenience to Business and Fxcollonce of Fare, Superior to any other House. pi# WSjz IlR DEPOT THE mminmm. SUMMARY OF STATISTICS. Members .Increase. Local preachers Increase Hifants bapiized Increase...... Adults baptized v Increase Additions Increase Church©* Increase........! Value.V...H;.i : ./.> - Increase..... .. Sittings Increase Parsonages.^ Other property...... *.. 31,738 1,513 5521 During the eomipg rrar—a year that will witness the progress and culmination of the moat lnter- entmg political contest that ha* erer takeu place in this country—every citizen aud every thoughtful person, c'unpelled to rely upon the newspa pers -for information. Why not get the beat?— Abroad The Coxsirrunox is recognized, referred to and quoted from as the leading Southern jour nal—as the organ and vehicle of the best Southern thought and opinion—and at home its columns are consulted for' the latest news, the freshest com ment, and for all matters of special and current interest. The Cksstitution contains more and la ter t^’egraghic news tiisn any other Georgia paper, and this particular feature will be a^ree-ibly ©tided to during the coming year. All.its facilities for gathering the latest news from all parts cf the country will be enla rged and supplemented The CoHstiTUTion is both chronicler and commentator. Its editorial opinions, contributions to the drift of current discussion, its humorous and satirical par- graphs, are copied from one end of the country tp the oth'r. It aims always to be the brightest and / -the host—newsy, original and piquaut. It aims pari ticuiarly to give the nows impartially and fully, and to keep its readers informed of the drift of. cur rent discussion by liberal but caustic quotations from all its contemporaries. It aims, in short, to more than ever deserve to-be known as 4 *thc lead ing Southern newspaper.” Bill Arp will continue to contribute his unique.J.ottors. which grow in sa vory humor week by week. “Old Si” will add his , quaint fun to the collection of good things, and ‘•Uncle Ilemua” has in preparation a series of ne gro iu} Hi legends., illustrating the folk-loro of tho old plantation. In every respect The C6nstitu- tios for 1SSO wiil be better than ever. , ( The Vv eekLy Constitution is a carefully edited compendium of tho news of the week and contains the best and freshest matter to be found in any other weekly from a daily office. Its news and miscellaneous contents are the freshest and its market reports the latest. THE SOUTHERN CULTIVATOR This is tho best, tho most reliable avd most pop ular of Southern agricultural journals, is issued from thepriutins; establishment of The Cosstith- tiox. It is still oditod by Mr. W. Joses, and is devoted to the best interests or the farmers of the South It is sent at redbeed rates with the Weekly edition of The Cosstitutiox. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Constitution $10 00 a yoar. “ “ : : 5 00.six months. “ “ ,? 2 50 three months Weekly Constfution....... 150 a year. ** “ ... 1 00 sbe months. 'ft.- Clubs of ten 12 50 a yeari “ “ Clubs of twenty 20 0l> “ Southern Cultivator 1 50 ■' " “ Clubs of ten 12 50 “ “ *' Clubs of twenty 20 fi& •* Weekly Constitn tion and Cultiti- vator to same address........ 2 50 for one year. Address THE CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Ga. Open Bay and Sight. RESTAURANT a SALOON Fourti Streets between Brewn House and Sationat Hotel, ISiCOH. Heals Served in Private Beemi- CHEAPEST & BEST. g@=.AH the Substantials acd Delicacies of-the season always ou baud. T. H. HARRIS, Agent. new mm$ shop. L, S; TOUNHLEY, PS T, GA, J F Huhphreys with L S Tounslbt, Upholstering of nil kinds. Due satisf»ction guaranteed. Will make and repair’'IL: rnpfs and everything in that line in the best style. Also make Mattresses. Exchange New Harness for old, or for Hides, Tallow, Beeswax &e. “Cheapest'and Be st” my mot D a M. DAVIS, Successor to Chapman & Davia and 0, Mastebson . 3,563 361 436 $419,439 15,609 . ... 108,610 4,833 44 $52,075 Raised for Pastors $47,579 73 «. «* Presiding Elders 7,550 68 " “ Bishops 1,087 72 “ “ CoufereDCri clatmants 8,851 83 " Domestic klissionsv 4,092 64 “ “ Foreign . “ 2,463 24 •* “ F-uuday Schools of Church... 8,484 12 *• “* Woiuefu’8 Missiouary Society 133'10' *•. ** Sunday School Caupe......... 583 12 * * *• Building, etc 1...... ... 28,238 00 “ *.-• American Bible Society....... 17 00 “ “ 0n>han8 f Home......... 2,638 76 “ “ Education of young preachors 26160 ** *,Poer.... 3,677 05 “ “ Other purposes.. 1,353 22 Adopted. DEG AD CONFERENCE; The President, Dr- J S Key, took tho chair. Rev G G N McDonell, from the com mittee on special relief, made his report, and a collection from the Conference and audience was taken up, amounting to a handsome sum. ...Bev J B JdoGehec stated that Rev B Anthony was elected President of the Board of Special Relief, and N B Ous- ley a member of the Board. After several other reports of a finan cial nature, the Ecclesiastical Confer ence was resumed, Bishop Doggett in the chair. rssoluttons were adopted-with a rising vote thank ing. the citizens of Perry and vicinity for their hospitality, nnd the various railroads, the Columbus Enquirer-Sun, Times, Wesleyan Christian Advocate and Home Journar for courtesies, Rev G G N McDonell, Treasurer of Board of Missions, resigned, and was granted time to perfect bis report, and nominated Rev P S Twitty in his stead. Adopted. Rev F AtRranch made his financial report in behalf of the Domestic Mis sion Board, showing a total receipt of §4,135.69, or 881 per cent,, of the amount assessed; and ihe disbursement of all said amount c-xeept §14.9-4. A liberal collection was taken np for the sexton, who had attended the ses- sion of Conference. The following committee was appoint ed on the Dr. -Loviek Pierce monument resolution; J S Key, J B McGebee, G G N' MeDoucll, George T Crawley, J The.' following boards of visitors were-' appointed: - . Wesleyan Eemnle Collegr — j O Branch,-H P Myenj, D Q Abbott, Jas. Park, Win. Park. Andrew Female College—Walker Lew is; J P Wardlaw, W P Low, William Allen, jW Domiagoes- Emory College—R J Cerley, A M Wilier, J W Simmons, A resolution was adopted requesting Rev James Dunwoody-to lead in the last prayer of tha Gouference, After singing a most impressive hymn, liued by the Bishop, he offered one of the most impressive prayers we ever heard. The Bishop then made some appropri ate remarks, when he proceeded to read out the appointments for next year. « It was a most impressive scene, ana the anxiety of the preachers and eon- gregaiio'n was wrought up to the high est pitch. Comparatively few changes were made, and general satisfaction ex 1 pressed. The Doxology was sung, the bene diction pronounced by the Bishop, and the Conference of ISTO ndjoiirned. Houston Sheriffs Salas. * Will bo Hold, before the Court House doer m the town of Perry. Houston county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January next, within tbo legal hours of sale, the following' property, to-wit: 1 COT tract of laud lying in tho original tkir- ’ gA l teenth district of said count>, consisting of lot of 1 532 tw0 hnndre ^ and sixty-six (263) and twenty * acres off the northeast corner of lot Ho. two hun tired and stxfcy-four (254 r ) and containing two hundred and teUv(210y acres, more or less, and also the east half of lot of laud No, two hundred aud sixty-five (265.) in said district. Levied oa and sold as tho property of James N. Smith, now deceased to sat isfy a Fi-fa from Houston Superior Court in favor of John I. McWilliams and Grace McWilliams vs. said James N. Smith. Also, at the same time and place, for cash, that town let in the town of Perry, said com ty, known as lot No. 1,.Block H, bounded on the north by Commerce Street, east by Washington Street, south by Carroll Street, west by Mrs. S. E. Harold’s .lot, containing onodialf acre, more or lesa. Levied on and sold as tho property of John H. Kagin, deccas- mmmmm t)y ii. C. HANNON & CO’S,, fast? ^laafes, mi Sig thh dawn fa ®t*a§s iaadi. Our 20 cant Twills, marked down to Iff cents. Onr Broc adrd klarjlls lo 20 cents. Our Momie Pokins from down to 2o cents. Every thine T* 1 ^ sume proportion. The Table Inner. Napkins, Towels and Blankets—onft i ' S to be shown. They sell themselves, Jeans, Linen and Woo len retailed »tpki Te sale prices. Remember our expenses are light and we call therefore be cont '7 .with .small nrolits^ 9a * Come and see ns and we wiiL sell you what yon want; "JAMES M CAMPBELL, TdH Jk C33>X\T, Sole agent for the following special brands of whiskies i OLD VALLEY, LEX^GTON CLUB, Snaperial Oateixtot- PEERLESS WilSrinson co- Corn Dealer ia Toys, Fancy goods and confectioneries At Wholesale and Reteil, ageiii, for W. J. Lomp’s Celebrated Sob st* yarn's IMm imu s fa WOOD qp giA;§§, 71 CHERRY ST., MACON, GA. & Solid. @aiT7-es3?- m to w^rnm n *§ Boarding;, Livery, Feed And Sale" Stable, Street, between Waluut and Hulbery Third M accn*Ga. ed, now in the hands aud possession of Mrs. M. >\ Ba*»in, tho admx. of said deceossd, to satisfy a Fi-fa issued from Houston Superior Court, returnable to tho February Term, 1868, in favor of Hall, MeCami & Co., use of, etc., vs. Mary E. Itagin, admx. of said deceased. Also, at the same time and place, one hundred and twenty(120) acres of land, beifig part of lot .No. one hundred and eightj’-two (182) out of the north east comer of said lot, bounded north by lands of Aleck Smith and James M. Davis, being the land sold by Joseph Tooke to SidweU Eehy, con veyed by deed Nov. 3d, 1374, recorded in the Clerk's office Superior Court Houston county. Also three hundred (300) acres of land, more or less, n the tenth district of Houston, county, being lots rnd parts of lots Nos. ISO, 181,182.171, 172, known aa the'C. C. Anderson place, bounded by the lands of Sid well Kelly, Houston Factory property, and oth ers; the same being tbs land conveyed v y Joseph Tooke to Laura Anbprson. Levied on and sold "as tho property of Joseph Tooke, by virtue of a Fi-fa in favor of M. H. Mean9. guardian, vs. Tooke, Coo per !s Co., returnable to December Term, 1873, Houston Superior Court, T. M. BUTNER, Sheriff. T- T. MARTIN MAXU5ACTURES AND DEADER IN yfaj> PQR) PERRY, - - GEORGIA. Bhmt TIN WARE OFiALLKI&DS. over before offorod in Perry. At Wholesale, Macon Prices Tfill he Duplicated. jeS-Ror.fhig, Guticring. 6te., doi* u> mt4tr In le cr.rut appevved styla. Apl 3 ljr- Prepafe tor Conference and Christmas. LADIES. SUPPLY YOUS TABiE WST84THH SHST THE rtSARXET. J. D. CARVER. I can famish yon wilh. choice new sugar cured Hams. Snow Win"to Flour. Very Finest Teas anil Coffees. Ho. 1 and Mess Mackerel in Kits. Dried Beef and Beef Tongues, Buck-wheat, Rice, Grits, Oat-meal. Cream : Oheese, G sben Rnd Tennessee Butter, Northern Apples, Cabbage, Beans, Potatoes, New Syrups and Molasles, Canned Fruits, Meats, Vegetables, Salmon, Sardines, Preserves, Jellies, Jams’ Pickles, Sausages, Mince Meat, Fruits, Confectionaries, et<X etc. Fresh Oysters eyeyir'fiay. In fact any and everything to be found in a First Glass Grocery aDd Confec tionary Store, All Fresh, New and Fine, and as Low as any House in the /State. Goods Packed and delivered on cars Free of Charge. Satisfactory orders will receive prompt attention. iT.Xt CAnVEK- 104 HERRY STREET, MACON GEORGIA, Nov 27 ; 1869—1m. ? “si Sj-xi No. 20 Second Streer, ° - - - - For F iiie Watches and Lt; Macon, Georgia. Jewelry 18 kt Pin in Bin gs a SyoclaJty, FLATEU WAR. E. Oct 23. IjOW Prices. fl largo assortment cf CLOCKS an l W. T. JO Ha.St )N. H.H. BOYNTON. o. 1. ROND. j. t. soar :is t s mmm % WHOLESALE AND RETAIL roeers and Commission Merchants, @11 fttr IEKISTXA 2SJ‘ , S 03Le2U ST' ^3KTX>« Wh ere wo will keep constantly on hand a well selected stock of Ye’TES.rSSEC e-a.OOBYt.ZEiS, We Guarantee Satisfaction both in Quality aud Price of Goods. Best and Cheapest MOJf Sr mvsff IS M&AtMr MABEf Headquarters for' JUow Prices, • B. MANNHEIM M^wmmsrmMeMa \ &:EQgm 9 • Has jnrif received from New York and Baltimore a large and select stock onsisiing of Ladies’ Dress Goods. Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notrons, Hosiery, Jeans, Domestics, Gents’ Fnrnbbing Goods, Trunks, Valises, Umbrel las, Blankets. Saddles, Bridles, Hardware, rockery, Glassware, Wood and Wil low Ware, Etc., Ete. Mfiiiir mm* In my Grocery Department will be found Bacon. Flour, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Cheese, Mackerel, Soap Starch, Etc. Also a lull line of as good Liquors as can, te found in this market. *1, . £ My stock of both Dry Goods and Groceries will be-found to be' full and com-' plefce in every particular, and I guarantee my prices to be as low as can be afford ed by any house this side of SaTsnnah. When you come fo town be sure to give me a cull, and I will convince you that my store is indeed Headquarters for Low Prices. V ery xespsctfnlly, HawkinmUe,. September 25.1S79. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Rags, Window Shades, Wall Paper, Matresses and Burial Cases, £S3 ' COTTON AVENUE. MACON, GA: DOWMm MAKE. WAY FOR BTJINESS MEN! Bead niy Advcrtisciacnt. I don’t propose to Bow You, but! Mean Business! jpoii tbe pant eeren yfsrsl ItaTebcen' amonp yen. my besmess at present aloso will tha* ’‘- 1 * success I Lave met. I have vrorkel to m^ke my s^ore. KSADQUAKTGROCERY ABfi it is nnneceseary to s»y I hare smoc^eded. And tfioagli Inavebafl ctany LINE, enennes. r -{ t y r * him of whom all rrelir ’) vrho have trieS to ffijure my busiurria,and have bank rap tod “P toying to undersell me, I have persevered, with an ambitif/u, said acv to-day able v Such a Stock of Goods, and at Bach Fearless Figure TBst tboycannot to anplicaSedLy any liorfsic -fi-.c city oS Ha-jfSinsr/He. I hxre ^“died j, of rcy patrons, and Snowing them w-Ti, Es-Ve purchaimd sr/-h poods as tcey and will oe bny at the astonishingly low figures at -which I hare placed them, Hy stoex consists or BACON, FLOUR, TOBACCO, WHISKIES, DHY COOD^ BOOTS, SHOES, EARTHEN AND WfkLOW-WARE/ BAQGIHG AUD Ti^S A SPECIALTY, ' ' - - r ble manner has re ndt red hi] friends visit him st his nr vr A carelnl osMnination of niy stoch and jfikees will: it ants convince yen of , THE OF DEALUNG^ 111 . ,. „.. T past I*" 11 And acclieiaminatjonyon are earncsUy requasted to make. TT' ! m' fe?TI <r TOT i. for the and tructhigyuu will ■ ; . riiafiiOVSA' Consider Aid visit my establishment, I remain j.