The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, December 18, 1879, Image 3

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    Yhe Home
j{ow is the time to sal3scril,e for the
Houston Home Journal
w« have paVfected arrangements to
rive alt our subscribers, old as well as
f e w ones, who pay. strictly in advance, ^
■ yM r»-«ubscripti«n to a splendid agri-^
jj.Hartl and household paper. ., . This
will be giving tlieiii two good papers at
t k. price of one. The premium paper
jly a good one,but a high toned,
- f-. -
Notwithstanding the miserable weath
er, the late session
of the South Geor- H|KjP£ %
, _i» clirpeMv c
dy shirt. Several have
;ed the good people''of| lam before yon again with that re-
Tbey thould.go slowly in j liable Fertilizer, known as Black’s,
but especially to the citizens of our ^nch cases. Now t||ffhe
i - W* ’ ‘ ^ ea thoroughly mvesligaled by some certificates from the
late grand jury, the fact 1ms been .de-! l)est >- rmors tlmt used it this year, 1879.
veloped that no citizen of thafc^town or They all speak well cf it and advise you
vicinity knew anything about the affair, ~ ’
gia Conference wa9 a most pleasant one,
not only to the members and visitors,
town. It was a splendid body of men,
meu of lear’uiug, men of distinction
aiul'men devoting their lives wholly to
the service of their God
ehurob. Our people without referen ce
to sector creed were proud to have tbc-m
with them, and to extend to its mem -
and their “““* \ “7 W“ ’
^ and the circa mstanceu strongly indicate
tbatftbe deed was done by .persons not
bers their hoapitallity ' according to
mast ao
ie, kne
their ability,
lieve the</enfen nee has: had a good ef.
feet on oar town in every respect.
' )It.was a mast hanaoniqns Mission.
Not a ripple of unpleasantess disturbed
the proceedings, .and every aetive mem-
eitizens of this connty, This .makes
the presumption more than reasonable
that it was done by his confe^rates,
eei 8 against whom.(qne a ■'
We e ’ adjoining county,,we
one. consisting of eightTpages, bar of tha Confereac e w * a present ex-
» B (1 they will receive it twice a month
jt ii also published in the South, and ia
more largely read than any farm piper
in the South. This offer begins at
oDC e, and will end the. first d«v of Jan-
nary nest. In addition to the above
we will present all who subscribe by,
or before the loth of December with a
copy of “Legal Facts and Forms,” an
invaluable little hand book for farmers
nnd business men. We ore making
these gr«ot inducements to cash sub-
ecibers oul. r , and hereafter nouame will
bo entered on our books unless the sub
scription is paid strictly in advance. Col
lecting subscription accounts in many,
instances, is too slow, troublesome and
expensive a business to be renumera-
tiro, and we are determined to do a cash
business if we don’t get more than lour
htindred subscribers.
Yve Lope all of our old subscribers
ou l many new ones will come up at
ouca, pjy old scores, if any,and renew.?
&&f~ Don’t forget this, and be 6ure to
toll nil your neighbors about it.
On the first of December we will take
out a lot of advertisements nud very
Lively increase the reading matter in
Tub LLumje Joubkal,
Edwin Martin.
Seed Oats. —I have for sale two or
tLrre bundled btislicls of Rust Proof
iSi-ed Oats at my place six miles noith-
eust of Perry. P. N. Guay.
Co tv and Oxen fob rale.—I have for
rale cheap one good milch cow, and a
pood joke of oxen. Apply to me at
ilout-ton Factory. M. B. CocrEii.
Cows end Oze na for Sale-
Fl«r sal® cheap for cash three good
milch cows and two fine yokes of young
oxen. S. L. Nor;wood.
1 am in my office in Perry 1st to 15ta
of each month ready and noxious (o Jo
nay and all kinds of Dental work, and
Hint in the very best manner, and at
living rates.
Wifi those who are owing fora please
call and pay before the let of January.
I h'vo few aocouu'8 that I will place in
the hands of an officer for coLectiuii if
not paid then.
In my absence my brother, F. A.
Jobson will receive and receipt for me.
“And don’t yon forget it.”
2t M. S. Jobson.
We bate to see -Southern Newspapers j
; L0l;KT0:
SB. C. M<
Celebrated American
Those whom it will suit better
to have their Dental work done in
Hawkinsville than Perry, will find me iu
the former place in January - and there
after from 16th to last day of each
inrmth. The present month I will be
there only One week—16 to 23.
2t. H. S. Jobson.
Now is the time to renew your sub
scriptions to The Home Joubkal. Re
member it is only a little over a week
until the first of JanuaTy, and if you.
wish-the benefit of onr unparalleled
premium offers, bring in the cash at
once, or yon may be too late. Fair no
.Religious—Rev. J. B MeGebco wil^
fill the Methodist pulpit llie 4th Bun-
day, 11 A. M.
cept four and they were absent" from
good cause, eickriess^or in ability.
Our guests left us speaking in.the
highest praise of onr town and its peo
ple, and we believe nearly everybody
present will long! remember the meet,
iug of the South Georgia Conference
at Perry as one of the most delightful
episodes in their lives.
Outside the regular sessions of Con
ference religions services have been held
during the week as follows,:"
Tuesday night the iutsoductory ser
mon was preached at the M E Cbruch,
by.Rev A 1 Menu, D D, Presiding El
der of Savannah District,
Wednesdaynfternbou at the Baptist'
-cbnrcli, Rev Wm MKayes. preached an
excellent sermon from Psalms 57; 7—
“J/y heart is fixed, oh, God; my heiut
is fixed; I will sing and give praise.”
Wednesday evening at the .Methodist
chnrcb, RevJ O Branch .preached an
eloquent seru.on, after which the Lord’s
upper was celebrated.
Thursday evening Rev J O A Clark,
D D, addressed the congregation iu
boluilf of Wesleyan Monumental Church
at Savannah, The lecture was an able
FYi'day afternoon Rev Jas Dun woody
by the unanimous roqnest of the Confer
ence preae hed at the Methodist church.
His text was Isa 9; Chap and 6th verse.
Although iu his 9otk year almost blind
and with a feeble body tottering on
the bounds of time, this venerable sol
dier of the cross preached one of the
best sermons o his life. His mind is
clear and logiCjcal, his spiritual vision
nudiuimed, and after a very long blame
less and faithful life, his words seemed
almost like a revelation from above. W
Friday evening at the JWethodist"
church, Dr-J B J/eF’errin preached a
sermon that was greatly felt and admir
ed by the congregation.
/Saturday evening Dr. Wilson deliver
ed an address on Missions which crea
ted and brought in some liberal sub
scriptions to the cause, Rev James
Duuwoody subscribing §10, and others
/Sunday morning at 9 o’clock a large
and most enjoyable love feast was held.
* At the JF'thodistchurch 11 a M/Sunday
j?ey Dr Wilson of Nashville preached to
an imuieuse congregation. His text was
4th Chap of /Second Corinthians, 1st
and 2nd verses. Ilia sermon was de
cidedly the ablest and most powerful
we have heard.for a long time. It was
a model of eloquence and elegant dic
After the morning service -the minis
ters elected to that order were ordained
os Deacons,
Dr J W F/intos preached a very able
sermon in the Jfethodist church /Sun
day afternoon, and the preachers elected
to Elders orders were ordained by the
Dr J 0 A Clark preachrdat the Bap
tist church at 11 am, a magnificent
Stricken by Paralysis.
- Labt Sunday night Mr. M. E. Rylnn-
der, of Plains of Dura, Sumter county,
n delegate to the South Georgia Confer
ence, was stricken with paralysis at the
residence of Mr. T. J. Cater, where he
was stopping. He retired as usual, and
a gentleman who was rooming with him
asked him a question. He did not an
swer, and it being repeated two or
three times suspicion was aroused, and
he was found speechless and unable to
move. He has been attended by Dr.
M. W. Havis, and although be is not
yet able to speak or eat, we leara some
alight hopes are autertained of his re-
eovery. His daughter ie with him. He . YICB
iu one of the wealthiest and most influ- Thomnsvil e.
ential citizens of his connty.
Rev. J, E. Godfrey, a local preaoher,
preached the last sermon of the Confer
ence Monday night.
Visitors in Perry.
During Conference onr town was full
of visitors. Hundreds of people were
here/ and even on the. wettest and most
disagreeable days the churches were
literally packed. The congregations
were always fine aven on the very worst
Woman’s Aid Society
The ladies attending the Conference
met at the Presbyterian church Monday,
last, and after calling Rev. J, B. McGe-
hee to the chair, orcanized-by electing
the following officers:
President—Mrs,'J. B. Cobb, of Macon.
Vice “ —Mrs. Hardwick, of Ameri-
Vice President—Mrs; Reppard of Sa
Vice President—Mrs. Dasher, of Fort
Vice President—Mrs, Brandon, of
Cantata—Santa Clans*
To-morrow, Friday, evening Mrs.
Prof. Johnson with her ninsic class, and
some of the pupils of Houston Female
College, will give an entertainment at
tne college to its patrons and the citi-
zwdb generally. She has selected the
cantata, Santa Claus, which is peculiarly
appropriate at this time. Mrs. J. is an
accomplished lady, arid the entertain
ment will be well worth seeing and
boiling. No charcre will be made for
The College.—The exercises of
Houston Female College will close with
this week for the present term; The
session lias been s promising one and
we believe Prof. Johnson has given
universal satisfaction. We trust the
school will be much better patronized
in the futufe. * . • • ’’ v > •
-of Colnmbns.
Uor. Sec.—Miss K V. Cater, of Perry:
Treasurer. —‘* Rogers, of Macou,
Over 90 per cent of the people in
Sweden can read'and write, and aU the
children go to school.
B, P. Sibley, of Augusta^ Ga., has
leased the Round Mountain Furnace,
and will be in full blast, making iron,
by the first of Febuary next. W. H.
Stocks: manager. Mr. Sibley will move
on the place at once, preparatory to go
ing to work.
'MRS. jj?. & W. B. HOBBIES.
Dentists, No. 84, Mulberry Street,
Macon, Georgia;
Teeth extracted without pain. Beau
tiful sets of teeth inserted, Abscessed
Teeth and Diseased Gnms cured.
Dealers in all kinds" of. Dental Mate
rials and Instruments. Constantly .on
hand a large and full assortment of
Teeth of all kinds, Gold of all kinds,
Amalgams of all kinds, Rubbers of all
kinds. —Sep 18—tf. •
Si—p Wanted.
want -to buy 300 ewe Sheep,for
wbicfeJwili pay a good price. Address
me a f montezunifl. Ga.
4w m- N E S Tx YX.6B.
about to T tura’ state’i
now almost certain that there were only
and the fourteen masks were left on tha
8 P°t ...
by the grand jury: trad, their decision
must be accepted. -
—■——'-■■■- ■■■ ■■ - ♦
On Wednesday evening of last week,
in Vienna,- some- trouble, oyigins^'u^"
from a trifling matter, twofe between
Cobb Melton , a young white man, and
James; Ford, an Irishman. Ford was con
siderably under the influen ce of liquor,
and,we have been told, used violent and
bausive limguage.tow.'inl Meltou. who
quietly warned Ford to go away.
Ford was taken a way,'l vat afterward re
turned and with liis.kmTo attacked Mel
ton. The men came to close quarters,
and Melton fired .two or three times on
the Irishman,’lntting him with* two
bails. Both men fell together, Melton
ou top. They were pulled apart, and
it was’diseovered that Ford was mor
tally wounded. He w within about
Hfadqu aeteks’ for Dry Goods/ Boot
and Shoes, Mens and Youth’s Clothing.
M .SteiVn, HawKiusv ille,.Gn.
Oub Stock.of above mentioned Goods
are larger and better assorted than can
be found in this or any other ktownj of
the same size south of Baltimore.
Everything’ a Lady, Miss, or Child
may need in the way of Fancy Dress
Goods, Hosiery,.Notions of every name
and conceivable shape
Otrn Gents Glotliibg Stock is said to
be the largest ever brought to this
Town. ...
We keep all .the popular brands cf
Hand 1 made Mens and Ladies’ Shoes be
sides a large Stock of cheap and course
grades, Brogans &c.
Cloaks, Shawls, Carpets,-. .Rugs and
“a informs ns-that the geue ? 4 pinion'. ^. gveat mauy diffi j reil t complete lines
of H,« we are compelled to omit on account of
the want of space, but which, if you.
v. iil onlv favor us with a csll our sales
men will be glad to show you. Call and
see us eveu if you do not buy.
at the tithe.
SahfleS of all Goodsmailed on appli-
cotiou and Express paid on packages
over §10.
M. Stebk, Ha wkinsville, Ga.
an hour afterward;
Jurors were summoned, and au in
quest was held by coroner Thomas A
Ammons. Tile verdict was “justifiable
homicide,” and a gentleman from Yien-
of the citizens is that . the verdict
is right, and that Mel*ou was jus
tified inlshootiug Ford.
Melton was engaged to be married
this week to a young lady of Vieuun,
The u nf or t n n :d e.o £ a ir '.is very much
,egretted lij' the people pi Vienna.—
jjawlcinsviile Dispatch.
Gratitude as-a Source of Happines*
ThnukgiviDg day now recurs regular
ly every year as-an establhliedpnatioual
institution. If isun occasion on which
sermons are preached, inculating the
giving of tlmnks as a religious duty.. It
is nudoubledly our duty to be thankful,
and we presume such sermons exercise
a wholesome moral .and religious influ
But, aput’from any sense of duty-
tuai-kfullness’ is.a source jof . liappi.
ness. It is not to be rekindled once a
year only, but should perpetually glow
in the human heart. We| i should feel
grateful, not only to our Maker, the
sonree from which all blessings in any
way to onr happiness; ihahkful/to|’our
clergymen whenever he preaches a ser
mon at once'intercatuig,and*instrnctivo
—a ssrraau tbst'keeps us awake; thank
ful to the editor who makes bis paper
readable aud his articles ■ short; thank
ful to the cook who has the turkey (tone
just enough and not too much; .thank
ful to the jCftiriage - maker, who
bis vehicles . both light and strong;
thankfnheveirito our enemies, for in au
indirect way they often do us more good
than soino of our friends:
There is no limit to the 'sources and
the occasions for thankfulness. They
begin with the beginning of the year
and last until the end. To he thank
ful is to be appreciative, to b« glad—io
be happy.—Neio^Tork Ledger,
Last Spring sfiit Summer a good many
friends were begging me*to creditStnem
for drugs. ' I did so against my rules-
Now 1. need, and um begging
those c’ome'.iniacd pav me;
* jf. R. Mann.
• AlL^who’are owingmefer Den’nl work
will’please cull and.Efcttte at once, or I
will have to place my ■ accounts in the
hands of an, officer for/collection.
I am in my office in Perry from Is t
to the 15h of each mouth.
ST, B. Jobson,
.§5600 WOET1I Or B'JOTS Aip^8HCES §5000.
In order to make room forother goods,
we will commence to elose out Five
Thousand dcfllars worth of Boots and
Shoes regardless of profits. |Fiue‘liand
made Men’s Gaiters[nt/ouly 5,25.
to use it. I guarantee it when put up
aud used according to Formula,
fwHT lK G S.;H. GATES-
Nov. 20—1879-tf.GAin
ile Of Unelaim^Preigiit
Office SI W.*R. R. Go.'
Pebby, Ga,. Deo 17 1879.
| •a'mi-s.'IiriasapA-^Lcf lo r/di-Bthts oa :
p/ill be sold before the ; court house
door in thoitovn of Perry,between the
nrdav, Juni-
rpHE countenance k pule and leader
A colored, with occasional flashes, at
A circumscribed spot on one or both
cheeks; the eyes become dull; the pu
pils dilate; an azure semicircle runs
along die lower eye-lidj the nose is ir
ritated, swells/and sometimes bleeds:
a Ewelling of die upper lip; occasional
headache, with humming or throbbinf
Of the ears; an unusual secretion oI
tite variable, sometimes voracioi
a gnawing sensation of the stom-
at others, entirely gone* fleqfing v £
Avenue and
mr* WO*» •IqeSWl , . ■ -
ilifrabburn' & «lark, 1 waterwheel; pains m the stomach; c
1 piece of casting. / nausea and yomfiipg, yiob
F. E Block, 1 box craekars,. ljhalf
box potash. .*• »„
Ed\rin,-Mattin,;l jrsn feafe.
Sait. D. Rogers, Agent.
Read Jacobus & Co’s Closing out no
tice of Boots and Shoes.
The place cf Chas. Poland, with 40
acres of cleared land one mile from
Perry. For particulars apply to
2t Edwin Martin.
. »»««=
A drink oCgood ’whisky and a ohro-
ii)0 for 10 cts at P. o. Smith a bo’s*
A nice lot of Nbw Jewelby' juat re
ceived at J. D. Martins •
The reason wo are offer’ ag such in-
(lueemeuu in Boots and Suoes Is that
we Lave not ro. -in in dur store for each
a large Stock and we are.oomoelled to
elose them out. Merchants and Fh.
mers will take, notice as we will give
them Special Indtieemsnts. Cull Early
and seuuro Bargaiua.
" Jacobus & Co.,
Hawkinsville, Ga. "...
Db. M. S. Jobson,—Dentist, will be
at his office in Perry fr )tn thejlst to the
15th, aud at Hawkinsville from the 15th
to the end of each month.— *, tf.
Chickens and Eggs for Sale.—j
buve a fine Jot of.-chickens and eggs for
conference, call early. G. H. Ayant.’
Please wrilo for Samples of any
Goods you may need.
Jacobus & Co.
Send for a pair of 50 cents Gloves.
Jacobus & Co.
- .SlWClIi Hw'*
regtilar, at'limes’coslive; stools slimy;
not unfrequently-tinged with blood;
belly swollen and hSrd; urine turbid;
respiration occasionally difficult, and
accompanied by hiccough; cough
sometimes dry and:convulsive; uneasy
and disturbed sleep, with grinding of
the teeth: temper.variable, but generf
ally irritable, &c.
Whenever the above symptoms
are found to exist,
will certainly effect a cure.
In any form fit is an innocent prepara
tion, not capable; of doing Me sighted
injury to the most tender infant.
The genuine Dr. McLane’s. Ver
mifuge bears the signatures of C. Mg-
Lane and Fleming Bros, on the
wrapper. :— - -
BRi C. McliAHS’S
are not recommended as a remedy “for aU ;
the ills that flesh is heir to,” but in affections
of the liver, and. In all Bilious Complaints,
Dyspepsia and Sick Headache/ or diseases of
that charac ter, they stand without a rival,
No better„cathartic can bo used preparatory
to, or after taking. Quinine.
As a simple purgative they are' unequaled.
The genuine are never sugar coated.
Each box hash red wax seal on the lid with
the impression Da. McLane’s Liver Pills.
Each wrapper bears the signatures of C.
McLane and Fleming Bros,-.-. ©
' Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. Mc-
Lane’s Liver Bulls, prepared by Fleming
Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being
full of imitations of the name hIcLane t
spelled differently but same pronunciation.
35 £12.
Class Weekly Newspaper ol'Sixte eu Pages, "priutsd
in tlie most beautiful, style,. P bofcssly iixdbtiia-
teb -with spi.£ki>id sgs, representing tbe
the newest Inventions and tbe most leccnt Ad
vances in ilie Arts and 3ei cnees; including New
end Interesting Facts iu Agr ieulture. Horticulture,
tbe Home, Health,- Medical •-Progress, Sobol Sci
ence, Natural History, Geology eu<P Astronomy.
Tbe most valuable practical papers, by eminent
writers in all departments of S cicncc, will be found
Iu tbe scientific Athenian:
Terms, $3,20 cents per year, fl.GO half year;
wbiohincludes postage.,. Discount to Agents. Sin
gle copied, ten cents.; Sold by all NewsdeslorB.
Remit by postal order to MUNN & CO., PubllaberB,
37 Park Bow, New York.
T) A mTPTYTnnef ffi connections with;
lO* tbo Eolentifio
A worlena. -Slessrs MUNN & Co. sro Soltcitors
of Auiericsu and Foreign. Patents, hava bad 35
years experience, and now- have tbe lafgest esiab-
meut in,the world, Patents arc obtained on the
beet terms. A special notice is made in tbe Sei-
oatifio American, of all Inventions patent
ed; turough inis Agency, with tbe name and resi
merits of tbe new patent.
t,ou often easily effected. •
Any parson who has made a new discovery or
invention, can ascertain, piiei: op CHAnon, whether
a patent can probably be obtained, by writing to
MpkS;& Ob, Wo aiso send rum; our Hajid Book
about tbe Patent Laws,- Patents, Caveats, Trade-
-iiai-ks, their costs, and how 7 procured, with bints
for procuring • advances on inventions. Address
87 Park- row, New York,'
Branch Office^ cor.' IT. & . *fth Waaliiii gton,
Diytrict Columbia, ‘ .
O V 1 By
Table and Pocket Cutlery, Silver and 8il-
ver-pfated .Goodd,
: i®3M r #doi>r r ".
-l!@>Ail at exceeniogly Low r.1tvs.“'CU
Finished Metal Cases and Fash
aud Telegvajili Pronij-ty At oml* fl." ZSX
Noat. lo ‘‘I«aYiier .House” M"
Ben C. Smith,
S M ITH- & I ¥Eif
ggBcrasaa 1
JAnISS uii I\ /illiON,’
3M: ez*ol3. Asxtfs
No, 44 Third Street,
ulacoh, Georgia.
Free Storage of Cotton.—Wo pro
pose to those who desire to hold their
cotton that we will keep it for them
free,.of storage after the first
Wo ean 'effect : iiishrhues on cottoii at
tbe lowest rates.
C. D, Anderson & Son.
2t Warehousemen, Macon, Ga.
A fixe pair of Baltimore Ma’de La-
die’s Shoes at only §2.75. Sell in Ma
con at §3.50. j.
Jacobus & Oo.
Pkices of Dry Goods advances, hat
Jacobus & Go Sell yet at old prices.
Tx has been giveu-np by the majority
that we keep the.Finest-. Lirgost and
Cheauest Stock of Goods ic Hawkins-
Jaoobub (S Co.
Why will yen pay one dollar for an
article when you can buy it for 50 cents?
Db. White’s Compound Fluid Extract
, , . , r , , olm of Buchu is the best remedy knovn for
hundred piars Men s Gaiters from §2,00 . Noa . re tention of Urine. Irritation or
Ipflamxnation of the Sidneys and Blad-
Jes, Stone iu tlie Bladder, Gravel- or
Brickdast Deposit, etc,and all affections
of the Bladder and Kidneys arising
Iroirt weakness, Eiiriy Indiscretion, Fc-
m»le Weakness, Secret Diseases and all
affections of the Urinary Organs in mals
or female. The grrafestdraretie known.
Tbe market is flooded with preparations
up To 3.35, (a bargain,i . •
^500 pairs heavy Women’s Plow Shoes
at only. 80 cents a pair. tpAOO.pairs Wzh
mi en’s Peged?Cs8f SiioCB at only ons
dollar. lOOB pairs Brogiinr- from SOots.
up to 1.30 a pair. Onr Stock of fine La
dies’Shoes cani-be-best.-”* We keep fine .
■ * ‘' X - , , unsfeiilfpliv made, and often from ma-
Baltimore . and Philadelphia isaka. fijrial having HtSla or no medieimt! val-
which ws will close oat very cheap. ae " In order, therefore, to avoid disap-
r .T / .• . ' - : poiotment, ask for Db. White’s Coiri
We have 48 pairs of heavy Boots r t on- pound Extract of Buchu, and insist on
ly 1.75 s pair. 500 pairs o: Boots from
2.20 up .to. 3:39; (a bai^aic). A large actly what it is daiined to lie, t
stock of Children’s Shoes from. - the
- '
qhespc«t *o the Finest mftffe. It will be
fo vonr iai croft £ j call early and Secure
Barg-dus: . We hlean Business.
Ox conus a Co.
IlawkfnDVille, Gc
chu Leaves, Uva Ursi Cnbebs, ,
Berries, is compounded scientifically
and gnar.vnteedfall strencih. The best
dinietic known.
Ccmpara the article, the size of the
bottle and the price, vi.k any other
Bnchu in the market. The trade sup
plied by Roland B. Uat.l. Druggist,
r-I.tcjn. G.i.- For sale in Psriy.byDg pL’-'-’e. A good
C. S. Mann. —if. algaya oh hand.—2t-
To Him that Enjoys
Greeting and' Congenial Salatatloas
from Tbe Detroit Free Press.
From tbe unlimited words of praise that hove
been bestowed upOn^t, tbe conclusion fixed that tbe
Detroit Free Fress is the most popular journal in
exibtenee. Not that it has tbe greatest eireuiation—
tnougb for tint matter few papers have a more ex
tended one—but that tbo most profound affection
for it exists among those who read and know its
Certain is it that no journal contains so many at
tractive and original features.
Enjoyable in the highest degifee,, ife tone is the
purest, its literary standard the most 'excellent.
It combines to a surprising extent in its weli-fill-
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