The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, December 09, 1886, Image 4

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Coffee and Tea* 'OtfluAbt* Enq«ir»-8ufc. •Jealousy and Envy. Human nature is prone to jeal- and yet the pronunciations is m- most the same in all tunso lau- g«ages. There must be a r&fel for a stimulant of some kind, ‘tocher wise tonic beverages, <xM&e- f tea and cocoa would not be M fesSver- Bally used Coffee and. te’S, 'tfcet/Hal- 4y stimulate and do not phiatyso, nor do they dethrone reason. Drugs that act in a paiM$4'ic way rob us of onr senses even, ?-a not immoderate quantities, Alcohol stands at the head of this paralytic group, and then follows ©hlefo form, ether-, opium, bashliisdh, tend a long line. Leaving out tiie aro ma, coffee and tea are identical. Old Dr. Johnson used to sit by quart j)ot of tea at night and do hia writing. It was thus equipped that he so lucidly unraveled for his dictionary the meaning of the word net-work; a reticulation and decussation at equal distances. He said tea Was ft Cheering aad thought inspiring beverage. “This drink comforteth the brain and heart and helpeth digestion.”—Bacon. It ia easief to grasp facts when they.are grouped by some one characteristic common to them all. So it is with plants. Hundreds of plants fall into one family, tlieir medicinal action being identical. We can. divide all mankind into dozen, classes. There are four plants found in different parts of the globe which are all used as a stimulating beverage -^-ceffe i& Af rica, tea in Asia, guarana in South America, chocolate in North Amer ica, The reason these plants are used is to produce an effect, just as is the case with alcohol and tobac co. The efficient property con tained in the four plants is tlie same. It is a substance called tiieine. This acts on the nerves and heart, producing increased heart action and elevation in tem jperature. Quinine is diametrical ly antagonistic to coffee and its congenors. Theine, the active principle of coffee, tea, gusi'ana and oocoa, is found in each of these plants in about equal proportion, Tea differs from the other in that it contains tannin, an estringent, that in no way effects the nervous system. Coffee and tea represent in the strictest sense of the word a most powerful tonic, for they stimulate nutrition, the nervous system and the circulation, The Turks make a decoction of green coffee and drink it without cream or sugar. The Chinese drink tea la a similar manner. These sub- stvaces, coffee and tea, are not in themselves nutritiqus, but Are waste-restraiuersjthey retard elim ination and change of tissue, and thus they are in a sense food-pro ducers: They are, too, labor-sav ing: Cream and sugar add nutri* tion to coffee and tea, and in no way do they deteriorate them. It is largely due to coffee, which has become an article of daily con sumption with the farmers, sol diers and working people general ly, that we see these people are able to endure great toil, long marches in the heat of summer, and all manlier of deprivation. In the Eastcoffee is never drank in infusion as with us, but in decoc tion,and there it is held that the decoction, while preserving the tonic and alimentary effect, is en tirely devoid of the exciting prop erties which characterize -the in fusion. Like all substances that affect the human organism, coffee and tea must be known in modera tion to all men. It is pleasing to fofiOW a word | ousy and envy. There is no per- •8 it twists itself thresg'h Ian; 1 eon living utterly devoid of either, gnagos. In Arabic it is kahrtmh, In atiraifced quantity neither qual- in French Caffe, in German kaffee,j% becomes unbearable, but in Turkish gahveh, English -Goffcs, some people these characteristics are so abnormally developed as to “render them obnoxious to all class es of society. Some people have bo much envy and jealousy in their composition that it cannot be amofeered, bat is shown in every act and spoken sentence. It dwarfs their good qualities and renders them cross, peevish, irritable and uncompanionable. They are con stantly deriding their contempora ries, sometime even falsifying and wilfully misrepresenting, thinking to wreak their petty vengeance in this manner. They can say no manner of good about a party en gaged in like pursuits, but seek every opportunity to say some thing calculated to injure them be fore a discriminating public. Ah, weak and foolish persons, who can not see beyond and above their own personal schemes of averice! They figuratively cut their own threats in the vaM endeavor to overthrow their neighbor. People can distinguish a' good motive from an evil one, and are ever ready to give justice in all cases. The surest way to make friends for a man is to misrepresent and abuse him. The man who will seek to pull down his fellow man to ac complish his own personal aggran disement, under the cloak of doing the community good, is as mean as a person can get to be. His rela tions infiife will always be misera ble. He is only planting the seeds of discontent-, and in the future he wil reap a bountiful harvest of merited enmity.—-Exchange. Clippings dare not Have no friends yon bring home. When you dispute With a fool, he is very certain to be similarly employed. An ©hio newspaper speaks of a How Hawks and Owls Eat. Captain Tom Langston,, who is one of Atlanta’s most enthusiastic sportsm'en, says: “Did yoil ever notice a hawk or an owl preparing to make a meal of a bird! Well, if you have nob I have, and the difference in their methods is very great. A hawk will first pick all the feathers off the bird and then tear it to pieces as it is devoured. He goes at it in a very systematic and dainty manner. Not so with an owl. After killing a bird the owl swallows it whole, feathers and all. He then sits quietly, and in an hour or so you will see the owl move his neck about as if he was trying to untangle a knot in it. Then he will sort of hump up his back, lower his head, and the next moment a ball of feathers will roll out of bis mouth. The operation shows that the owl di- Vests the bird of its feathers after swallowing it, while the .hawk plucks out every feather and quill before he takes a bite. You get an owl and I’ll agree to get a hawk, and some day we will give a performance. TT !a Invigorat- *’ ing and De man beinsr bruised bv “emphatic! nado rg*ifarvnui e ’as a Medicine for •weak and Ailing Women and CkU- ■dren. W&naCbrdial CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDiGESTlOff, ! WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVER?, MALARIA, LIVER DOMPLAINT, j - • KIDNEY TROUBLES, : 17 % NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. | TT gives N3V& ! * LIFE to the ! fields are scare*, bat tbote tvko Stinson kCo..Portland, Main*.will receive free. Tall Information afccut work which they can do, ar.d Irveal borne, that will pay them from $5 to ?S per day. Some hava earned over5^» In a day. Either sex, young cr old. Capital hot required. You are Parted free. Those who start at on« are Wt-ddfcrfclf »cro of var.ff iltik fortoccs. All is smith 1 ; gestures of a mule.” Doing gJod is the only certain ly happy action of a man’s life. Select a worthy object in life, and bend all'year efforts in that direction. The Use of bicycles And tricycles is to be regulated by law in Phila delphia. no hurtful Minerals, is com posed of carefully •elected Vegeta ble Medicine’s, combined skill- fully, making a The censure cff those that are op- j^jgjgp f ‘ IeaaanS /-VUP.E BtitSEsnsss;.S!s1c Headache In Four hours, IG) One doss relieves Neuralgia. They cure and prevent Chills^ Fever, Sour Stomach *> Bad ‘Volina,* : Breath, by leading Ufa** liciana,telling; Try them once and yon . , Price, 26 cents-per bottle. Sold b, — : Medicine Dealers generally. Sent on receipt of price In stamps, postpaid, to any address, J. 5\ SMITH 6 CO., . ! Manufacturers and Solo Props., ST. LCUtS, M. to treat dig. eases st HOMS, mailed, together with a set of han<$» some cards by new -Heliotypeproceas, ‘on receipt of wc, • win b, «ent, cisugM paid. rszwzo osxt n I TVollna Drug end Chemloal Comping •BAinao m, bd, v. b, t, , A prominent sarraer of Bowling Green, Howard county, Md., Mr, «T. T. Ridgely, said that his four children were sick with sore throats and coughi at the same time. Bed Star Cough Cure cured them ih a week.- . No opiates,. Oue morsel is ai good as anoth er when your mouth is out of taste. A flow of words is no proof- of wisdom- many remedies without benefit, uutil he began taking’ Electric- Bitters and amjoiuting bit? baiicfs and feet with Bnckleit’b Arnica Salve. This treatment afforded him greet relief,- and he strongly recommends Electric’ P : - 1T who suffer from kidney w need a blood by Mathews & Wr ley, Ga- Rheumatism Usually settles in the back or'litnbs, and often so completely overpow ers its Victims that all business and labor have to be abandoned. Bead- ers should remember that Hood’s Sarsaparilla is not recommended as a positive specific for rheuma tism; it proprietors doubt if there is, or can be, such a remedy. But many people who were most severe ly afflicted',say they have been pos itively cured by Hood’s Sarsapa rilla. The disease is often the re. suit of impure blood—hence the power of this great medicine over it, ~ Its success in many severe cages justifies the recommedation of its use to all sufferers from rheumatism. 100 doses one Dollar. In Prussia the lack of political ambition is a crime. Herr Von Courbiere; in Sanskow, having, de clined for personal reasons a mu nicipal position to which he had been appointed by The President of the province, the District Coun cil decreed that Herr Von Courbiere be deprived for three years of the right of participating in its delib erations, and that his taxes be in-, creased one-eighth. A a Old Citizen Spaa fe*. Mr. J. Norris, an old citizen of Borne, Ga.; says that he had been badly troubled with liver complaint for a great many years, and with eczema for three years* at times _ could scarcely walk, and bad tried Irons came so prominently to' the -Hie death of Mr. Hoxie, Gener al Manager of the Gould South western railway system, is an. nonnceu. Mr. Hoxie was .promi- nenl in the great Southwestern railway strike, in which Martin posite to us is the nicest commen- L dation that can be given us. ' “ h ””* — Another large ostrich farm is to be established in California, this time at Coronado beach,San Diego county. Move than one-half of the United States Senators own real estate in Washington. A smart boy’s 4cmposition on babies reads: “The mother’s heart gives 4th joy at the baby’s lit-2th.” Take up one by one the plain, practical duties that lie nearest to hand, and perform them as fast as possible. The Comptroller of the Treas ury has decided that a Congress man is not an officer of the United States. Women can stand tight shoes, tight gloves and tight waists, but they very properly draw the line at tight husbands, “Peals of giggles and ripples of snickers” are said to hav'e been evoked by a comedy recently play ed in Connecticut. Girls that are “above work” are dear” at any distance “below cost.” People that are ashamed of work are deficient in sense.— Sparta Ishmaelite. There is only now and then an opportunity of displaying great courage, or eVen great wisdom; but every hour in the day offers us a chance to show our good nature. \ A large Missouri pumpkin, re cently cut open, was found to be filled with thrifty vines and leaves. The seeds had sprouted and sent out vines-, though there were no signs of decay, the meat being sound and sweet The editor of an exchange says: The longer we run a newspaper and write about people and events, the more we realize how utterly impossible it is to scratch every man on the Bpot where he itches the most. Florida is 1‘epUtect to receive at ieast $7,200,000 every year from Northern tourists who stay there an average of only twelve days, and to reap a larger sum still from those who make it a place of resi dence during the cold weather; Most happily meets the demand of the age for woman’s peculiar afflictions. It is a remedy for Womas only and for one special class of her diseases. . It is a specific -for certain diseased conditions x>f the womb, and so controls the menstrual organs as to regulate all derangements ana irregularities of her monthly sick ness, The proprietoi s claim for this rem edy no other medical property. It is strictly a vegetable Compound, the stud ied prescription ol a . learned physician whose specialty was Female Diseases, and whose reputation became enviable because of his success in the treatment and ‘CUfe or female complaints. Suffer ing Woman, it will relieve you of nearly all Complaints peculiar to.yoUr sex. Fot sale by druggists. Write for book, “Message to Woman,” mailed free. Beadpiel'd Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga mmmmmm PA RTS of the HII MAN BO j) Y1 BN L AttGED. OEVKLt OPED, STBENGTHtCN Kl>.Kjc>. 13 f\n-interes ring »d> ▼estiseinynt lorn; run in mir ymner^-111 ropiy to inqui- of humbug about this, f in the contrary, the advertisers are very •jiigiilv:indor<e»l. Interested persons may get sea led Circulars giving nil narLicnluns by ndt»r?« Kttia; MkdtcaT- CIO.; Eveniiig Heft. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. ECONOMY SS WE A tTH, All the PATTERNS yon wish to use during thfc year tor nothing (n saving of from $3.00 to $4.00) by hubscribing for She ndl elOtl^NAIi —Aka— J)emoresf ^ jlluatrated JVlorttbiV TVlaga^ine Wilh Twelve Orders for Cut Paper Patterns of your own selection and of any size. Both Publications, one Year* FOR— $3.25 (THREE TWENTY-FIVD- S: can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American papers by addressing Geo, Po Rowell & Co. y Newspaper Advertising Bureau. lO Sprueo St., New York. Send lOota. for IQO^Pago PzmphUt 0 has taken thg tst 'liVRPlir BROS., . tanet uf the oildom. A. L. SMITH. Bra da3*d.J» By MILLER & GILBER1, Fctiy Ga CE^TaTsOUTWESTERN R.R’S. [All trains of this system are run by st&udtfrd (90) meridian time, which is ds minutes slower than time kept by the city.] 8AVAr.-r.-ATT, Ga., May 23. T885. O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, May 24. 1885, i*E»- rtauger Triins on the Central and Southwest ern ItailVoadB'and branches will rnn'as follows: D ESSa-REST’S 4 THE-BES; Of sali tile Magazines. Contaimno Stories, Poems-, anj> other Literary ATTRACTIONS, COMBINING) ARTISTIC, SCIEN TIFIC, and Household matters. illustrated with Original Steel Engrav ings, Photogravnves, Oil Pictures ana fine Woddeuts, making it the Model Maga zine of America. Each Magazine contains a coupon order entitlinj the holder to the.selection of buy pattern illustrates in the fashion department in that number, and id any of the sizes manufactured, making patterns during the year of tho value of over three dollars. DEMOREST’S MONTHLY is justly .entitled the ngestT Bucklon”* Arnica Salve The best Salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores) Ulcers, ^alt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money ref ended.- Frice, 25 cents per box. For sale by Mathews & Wrightj FoTt Ga. A Naugatuck saloon keeper has just bought a church. His appli cation for license was objected to on the ground that his saloon would bee too near the church. He did aWay With that objection by pur chasing the church; Vulgarity and Coarse language should always be avoided. It never benefits, but sorely, injures. *& fr s front last spring This would be a comparatively happy world if everybody knew the virtues of SMITH'S- BiL3C DEANS as a-family medicine, s»ni wd-ed upon that- know- Iedge. One ludf tUe saAeiv of the world comes from-ailSe-nts WhichtiSrise from Chiefest Dosor, This medicine' combines Imn witS pure t fonica, and is invaluable for Xtiseases peculiar to Wcraen, and all who lead, sedentar* lives: It En riches and Purifies the Bloocfc Stimulate* the Appetite? Strengthens the dlescles and , dause headache, off ^ Iron medicines do. - Mes.- EijzabetH Baird, 74 Farwell AvO^ Milwau- Nerves—in i Clears the ci . It, does not blacken the 1 produce - - w under date of Dec. i more than a doctof to' me* havhig etiretf ile of the weakneea ladies have in life. Also cuxedifae of I«iv- WTiQ Louisa C. Bbaqdon, East Lockport. N. Y„ s»is: “Ihare auffered mJtofd misOT from Femala Compiainta, .n8 could cbtaiu relief from nothing except Brown’a Iron Bitters.” Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red line* us wrapper. *1. Cher. Made only by BROW* ; HIM CO., £ HUM t* : third year of its publication. It is continually iiui proved and so extensively as to place it at the head Of Family Periodicals. " —' ' — nnarto, 8tfxiljd inches, illustrated. Publi: Ne ilished ew York, AND BY SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED WITH THE HOME JOUBHAL at $3,25 Per Tel. - CASH IN ADYANO E. ’ A reliable and energetic sales- _ _ a than in , every county in the Sbnth and West. Work liglit and pleasant. Sala ry or commission first-class. Address ns at orice, stating age, present and past occupation. 3. A. WILLMORE, Richmond, VS: ASS tOUE &B0C1E M Vt ASZ lom EEU&&IST FOB fl Prevents Roup, Prevents Rapes, ?ro> vents Cholera, Prevents Egg-Eat-’ > tag, Prevents Laying Soft Egg8yHake& HensLay. tISSiFOWB, IJISIHHi It Sells for Hve Gents Per Ponndj ■ in Boxes, Chick-chick-er-re-kee (poultry iood and pre- ■^entive of disease "for poultry),' the, great egg food, produces eggs prodigiously and is. good for the health of-the fowling; It is the first article of Its kind ever Patented in the United States; Canada and England; Try; It. It costa only five cen ta pet pound. It is no powder. Chick- - tos will eat ft. That Ought to convince ydtt that it is good. If your Grocer, Druggist, Hard ware or Country Storekeeper will not get it for you, send ine on^ dollar, and I will ship - you a twenty-pound box by frdght, or one hundred' - pounds for five dollars* A large box will cost you no more freight-fKaii ''a small box. Attend to yefur poultry, if you want to make's profit outoftherfil, just the same as you attend to your land. Unless you manure your land it will not pay you. just so with poultry j. you roust give them sometmng besides feed.' : They nuist^have material to answer, for grinders/ and material fori the egg*. If. you feed Chick-chickier-re-kee (egg food) every dayymr will never have any sick chick ens, and y/rar hen s will hvy eggs when otherwise tiiey would not. You will never db witAptjt Jt after a -fair trial.' Do net .pay. twenty-fiyi or. fifty cents a pound for medicine to feed yonr poultry when you can get a better article from your storekeeper at five cents a pound. Ddn^t be a clam; try it. Manu&cfurcd in the Unfed States only hy S. S/Mf EBS, Fatsntee, 629 N. Front St.-, PHILAD’A, PA. Ses wha» the Secretary- of the Interstate Poultry afii Pet Stock Asscciatioir, of Gbbden, . _ ISicois/aaysr ' • - - • .... A-J^ust 3, i235. S. S. MYERS. . Dear Sir:—I have used ocmeof your Chick-' chlck-er-re-kee {Poultry Focd). lamsatisfied - (hat it increases the egg- production of mv fov.-ls. A. A. COWDERY — C. E.CAMPBELL. b. b. yesik i -AN3>— Cotton Dealers in Plantation Supplies, No. .100 POPLAR HTKEET, MACON, GEOKGIA. Best and Cheapest FlfllH ITTT IRE, OIL CLOTHS, MAUINGS, WINDOW SHADES And Musquito Netting Frames. My stock is complete in every particular, embracing f}& litesfc 8t~* x " Ir _ i p ' ' Metallic Cases and Coffins of Every Description. Prices ranging from $5 up for small sizes. Large sizes froia fl| up—all well lined. Hearse furnished free in town when coffin is fnp nished. Call at the brick store, opposite the court house on Ball street, during the day; at my residence at night. — j guarantee satisfaction in goods and prices, gmmEpmm, gMsstJe*. O - TLl. ZS J&m BYBON, - - - . - - GEORGIA -DEALER IN- STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS' HUES, PROVISION ME HS WEEI, HE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED jm BEAD DOWN. BEAD f OWN. Ko.51. From Savannah. No. 53. 9 -.10 a m Lv, Savannah...... ..Lv 8:45pm 3:15 p m Ar. 5:25 nrd Ar.. Augusta ........ Macon....... .. Ar 5:5(1 a iu ..Ar 3145 a fa 1 ;50 a m Ar . .Colubabug ...Ar 2:05 pm ii:55 p'ffiAlrV ..... Enfauti ..-.Albany; MiiledpeviHo Jiatonton ..Ar 4:17 p m ...Ar 3:I(> pm . Ar 10:li) a m ..Arl2-:80 pm j No. lB. From Augusta. No. 20. 10:00 a iu Lv. 3:31) pm Ar.- .Angiista... . ... . . . ..Savannah ..LV 9:30pm .. Ar 6:30 a in 10:10 p m Ar. 1:50 a ffi Ar-,-. ii-sSpYaAr.’ .... .Atlanta ... . ColmubiTg.. ... ...Kiifania. ... u.... . a lbaur. ...... Milledgevilife. .Eaton ton No. 54. From Maron No. 52. 12:00 am Lv 6;30 am Ar Macon P&vanhnh Angnstk.- Millcdgeviflc Eatonton Lv 8:15 a m Ar 3:30p m Ar 3 :45 ^ ft1 Ar 10:19 am Ar 12:20 pm No. i: From Vacon. No.'?; 9:45 a in Lv 4:17 p m Ar 3:10 p m Ar Macon Eufanla Albany. Lv 7 50p m Ar 11:65 p m No. 5. From Macon Fo. 19. 9:00 a ni Lv 2;05p m Macon CoImnbnB Lv 6 0i p m Ar 1:50am No. 1. From Macon No. 51. No. 53. 8.30 am Lv 12:25 p rc Ar Vannn Lv G:20 p m, 3:57 a m Atlanta Ar 10:10 p m 7:3;) am No. 23. From Fort Valley No. 21. 8:50 p m Lv 9:35 p Di Ar Fort Valley Periy Lv 11:15 am Ar 12:00a m No. 2. From Atlanta. No 54. Nc. 52. 3:49 p m Lv 7:30 p m Ar ll :55p m Br - No. 6. •Viianta Lv 8:10 p in, 3:55 a Si Macon Ar il ;45 p m, 7 ;49 a in Zhfanla Ar 4:17p. ih Albany Ai SlOphl .Columbus At - 2:65 p fa Miliedgeyille Ar 10:19 a fa Eatnr.ton f r 12:76pm AugnstaAr 3:45 pm Sovannhh Ar 6:SD a m, 3:3»pm , From Columbus No. 20. 1:2<> p m Lv 6:00 p m Ar 10:10 p m Ar 11:65 p mAr 6:30 am Ar Coinmbna MScon Atlanth Eu/snia | Albany. MJlledsfvlll'a Eatonton AngnstEt Savannah Vo. 9. From Enfaula No. 4. 11:20 a m Lv 3:1(1 pm Ar 5:40 pm Ar 1:50 a m Ar i0:10pm Ai: At Epfanla Albany Macou (loiiimbna . Atfanta Milled gevilte Eatonton - Augusta Savannah . . No. 26. From Albany No. 38. - No. 4 - 12:25p m Lv 4:17 p m An 5:40 pair Albany Eufanla Mscpn Coinmbna . Atlanta., Miiifdgpville Fafontpn Augusta Savannah Lv 4:10am ' Ar.flilfts tn Ar2if5pm Arllli25pm Ar 10:19 am Ar 12:20p m Ar 3:45 pm Ar 3:30 p fa No. 26. Frofc Faibnton abd MilledgeVillb- 1:30 p hi Lv - 2:52 p in LV 5:25p in Af 1;50 a m Ar 11:55 pm Xr ■>0:10 p iiffiii 6:30 a hi Ar , .Eatonton., Millcdpevillb Macon Colnrabita Eufanla Albany Atlanta Augusta Savannah N). 24. - From Perry Ko. 22. —:L- 1 meutsndWBroMrtonHitolNWlth bfMil »%• SEMIHAL P*STIliHj ^dttjMiOarefarNerTsnsDebiUtF.Ozsanio jrifmB GROUSE ESEIH % wvyxa mo mponaoa oi tavtezOstt nsa dte ffcrtaese troBbI«*,*nd all >SUktj Tlrwvzjrr rvign hted)m Kincrureaitncc in *w W*nbfl*.ttedioa prlM^SaxB kasrsarntm- mous*udaue*Uin absolutely r«storti premnturaly aged ana broken down men to the fall eniovment ox p<H*ey and full IRmli Strength *nd Vl«or»u« H^SL _ ^ 'TBEftTH£aT?-Oa»Katt,t3.gtroaa.tRnwfcg •namewith statement of j i HARRIS REMEDY CO., Era datam '■blllgaVdPampblat^B. I SOfly BRYANT ANS STRATTON BOOK-KEEPING, TIIJKg LOUISVILLE Oolleg*©/ C.r- Third *nd -c^srsoS Ntreats, LoulhrUft, t.j. BANKING, PENMANSHIP, SEOKT-HAND, WIITING, AKITEME1I, ET. TIPI No Text Boofai or MnnbfefcriptS copied esd recopied bretn'dcBtB. H*c,’iJ:ej*rg*l honest indorsement as to true merit. Graduates have no troubls ifa obfsinieg til nations. HOME STUOV f Instruction piVen by mail. Improve your spar* hours and ©Ms* practical eduOatiDfe. ADDRESS OLLEGi AS ABOVE THE HOME JOURNAL IS UEAD^trARTtES FOR Pay now what you Home -Joufo ?315 a ia XiV Pexcv, Lv p xn 8;l0amAr Fort Valley Ar 3:45 p m Local Steeping/'ara on all night trains between Savannah and Ariertata,, Savannah and Macon,and Savannah'and Atlanta, CONKFCTI02TB . Tne-Ea'on fpp and Mflledpreville trains ran dally (eicept-Mondayl between Gordon ard.Fstonton, and daily (except Sunday) between Eafonton i . Trfa 5f°- feavin g Savannah at 8:45 p. m.,vrlll not atop (er&pt on Snh’day«)to pnt olf raaaengera at stations between Savannah and \n. 4%.. Fitfanla train v dhpne^gl at Cuthbert for Fort GaineS daily (Except Spnday). The Perry Accommodation Train between Fort Valley and Perry run? daily (eXcent Sunday) y- , The Albany and . Blakely^accoriiTnodaH/in train rnns daily (except Sunday) between Albanyand Li Savannah with Savannah. Florida and West er ir Railway: at Anpnsta with all lines tn Fbrthand Fast: at Atlanta with Air-Tiije and Kenaeraw Routes to all nninra.'Xofth Fast and West. Tickets for .all points and aleeoing car berths on sale at city office. Yo. 20 3nll etaeet. - G. A. Whitehead,. Gen. Pass. Agent. J. C.Shaw, Gen Tr« v Agent . WILLIA ?.r. E OGKRS, Gen. Rnpt.. Savannah. W/F, S^EXXMAS Taaffir Manager, “arsnnah. Ga SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISI FORi IN TlfE HOME JOURNAL owe TlrE -Headquarters for Houston news. i jrdvertisiriff fiedims fa this seitios. HOUSTON COUNTY NEWS, Ss#ks£ to SferVe tho Be&t IhtereslS Of Our Peo|>ii -Ot- Pt/SUSHED EVEftV THURSDAf# AT PERRY; HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGli- StTBBOEIPTIOir PRICE,- A YEAS Rest Advertising Medium in this Sfefetioh; Aates Moderate JOB woitx TASTILY XXECUTZD AT CITY PRICES. -r' r" • il. HODGES, MfeS '