The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, December 23, 1886, Image 1

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We 9*11 thBoakaksked DIAMOND SHIRT, ’tod fcOl mite shirts to R&r.-gcaimtee- 'iagap&rfeet ±£. Onr stock of Bats e~- |mnB the newest styles. CaS chi ns. ’Wefcoov’TO cassaiyos. FATHER RYAN, are converted into nutritive prop erties. and so parched pinders are not only wholesome when partak en or in moderation, bat they are said to be equivalent to fish as S&3&&S Am PLAKTATIGS SUPPLIES, 91 Cherry Street, MACON, GEORGIA. We ree*a3y ^nrrehs.*tei in tfc* northern_ jsad testers taeriefe the lAr^rest stock c-£ 'fectaiag erw brought to this city, and. tborawmad idtosS at living' prices. 'A JZntHSmltadai-as SaS, AH Wcol, «s. Wftsa sail the hoys and. children ex- -acHy. aadonretoekof Getthf Firnifeiireo ClttSLES TOET PRIEST OF TFTR SOUTH! An Era «f Prosperity Ahead. The Fatufe of the Peanut. The Pecan Tree. ^3 41 1 Samuel Benner, an Ohia farmer, j If®*®®* ot laoor to capital, The stsoancemsi is made that ■ As the culture of this ires is he- pabiished shook on prices in 1875. j a f“ Iahon ®g^ !eir em_ I the humble, but not always unob- coming quite a successful industry; in which he predicted : trasba, jxanut ijd-(ihihe gHd^maiaproStable ose, it f l p paniofau otize ; portant article is th& future than! may fee iaterestmg io Sieiesd® Oi - these are strained and < ® storfe< i' j* has ever been in the past. Its 1 the Cultivator to know that the pe- . , , - . . JUt daKns 316 apt fo ^influence on eivilzation has long: can tree is found iis wild state in tne lowest poun or depression]insisted.upon by both interest,j been -nd its euectsj ^ 0 £ the various sections of Twouid be in 3377, and that the arid in fee controversies which re-! _ w makers ef file . country: the South and West. teaoSt beneficial cut not ' be s very large size It grows to size and bears tern of the tide would begin with ' salt the welfare of all and the ' hflg |^ n - OI . * T °^ 1 ^ - 5 prosperity the ‘country are jeop-f RT ,jj] recentlv lias III been made I Yearly many bushels of fine fis- bBt -™ ae si market ^ardized. Any intervention of the ^ ft passes valuable S Wed nuts. * Thoughlittle or no quotations would culminate in lbbL | Federal government within its med - c - ?aal pities. lismedidnal attention has been paid to these .Mr. Benner danned to have Js- j constitutional authority, to avert j jyggg ^ not of ^ caie ^n : valuable trees, cultivation greatly' covered s law or periodicity. For such a condition should ce willing- giiriW to Umpires them, the nut growing a certain number of years pnces • iy accorded.1 In a special message ^ by fee^^r much larger and improving in fia- ^ W aa i^ MS -^ g j jtransontmd^to^e Congr^sfat iisj bat not the less useful on tot. The Recall tree lives to a. ^en^pt a decfcnp mprmy, and tfosfc sessron, I ^n-ested the en- = ^ ^ aW J breakage and continues long in; { y e the wor,d were : lament oi our present bureau, j ^ ffiatter g ^ ffie metllVma] bearing. It is well adapted te ai- , depr^ed. Tne pnce of iron w^, , and adding to its present functions j q£ ^ ^erfed! ^ any hind of soil, doing wed according to this_ authority^the ; the power or arbitration m cases .. ^ ^ ^. n even on rocky bills and w.vsie -I trad i= %eze£s i Tbs iis t I<-5r. OzSy TJxse wio :Lis f&eaoe is iU vest fcsa £t5rf ra swfirc s SotsTs "SiTsasai2». 1-^saa ** sdrsile, Tia &e afaation. Whenj^j^ difierenees arise between land. There is no nut or fruit for I hat useful metal • employer sad employed. SS Si I Etowed it dearly due to ] these differences reach such a stage siren, X.T. I ' ’ “ * ’ ' * w , : ty, and hence it is not likely that . . . ; it will be put up in seductive pack- i tree more valuable and rcyai^ing . i - . - -r i, -ot flifejifinn. In ulsni-M: Tools were ; gg io j^git jjj yj e iaterrapti^^if l ^ and covered by \ tte r 6nlT object to ob- Theu, when gleomnterc^^ii thethe ; ^ de “f, Jie tree IL_ caj «b jC e^ * I nn -Riin-nT!^ r-TAT> Qlvonr a revival of industry. being needed. Theu, commerce between tiie States, tne. . V~\ - i a i n onn.1 fra=h r. c « sad o? a •-^ocd demand faG off, or the maAete; UcaSio not this remedy by the . *•?«»» <«>P were glutted, the tam iod^f g^eroomnt might be ^ ihTSei SSh T ‘ , »as the first to she* sigoe of de- i D!ied ^ mtirdy w ithm ife eonsti- «*. aMfc <* Ite coonm-. 'bxo to gr. J>e 'R«sssstS5ssarasB;j«- i “ *»jtnt^^g im******--’* «» S “fiSS - geo.p. aawgLi.Aeo.. u aerate .^rest. s.T. j affirm feat the great panics occur-1 reasorablv hope tnst such arbitra-1 cia^ed a=> a luxury peemiariy rd-. ^ . e? SHI g^^g|redintlfi3 eountiyin periods va- ror^_ if carefully selected, and if children and people from 011 " °‘ ^ g m JvV*^ «rying ftoii eighteen to twenty ^ea^ied to the confidence of though fiie bulk of | 111 R Iri <> jy O, Tears. Thng TO ha^ ano in 1S3T 1. i- 1 _ 1J I.. 5 fits pwn b mn^jnnFll in Sfii 5 ?!® Et Sut-Besring Trees. Agonizing itch and Pain .$33ff*as-isjfita? I aiKiuaj t»£sa Sa eiess. Kt Kccd 5frs to '« y :r- ccr^y psriSe-i so sy sesnj teaza & je^It t-iSiSTEti.'- LxSiir Alies, Srraw fescivsscl so led itit ttey ^3 esffi <^a erd Hsei H-: ficofi Str- szraSs .•a-i is aSiej’ tas4' : J. B. Sns- T35.aTer.vy <2i?. From fCS to !S5 C I Tris sj-rl -_-;r Err&d-aiiii sgt ihecm r^cdcai ir^a.^r I d.sileJ to 5y Eood"s Saryarairir'jceredofsdt xii-ax: LTC- i: : - .-rrcse-l tresaICS3s. tors." S*!C2SsriiSisdori,Gass. Eycwsafifer Irr^a saU i!:cts2, or say Used jCsssse.IrvEc'.'d'sS^rscpirSa. EAsczied —fibers, aa.l ■sffi psl Hood’s Sarsaparilla jtfrjyrilctft;ssS^^& Treprr&SoeZy IOO Doses One Dollar m m±me* St RT ART. !ms we had one in 1S37. Ipeopls to be effected, would be ’ & e i 5 consumed in secret by ^ S57, while the last com-lyoluuteriiy called to the settle- ^ssstbetic inhabitants of our' Mr. J. T. Tovetc, or , 1S73 cnrl pnimiTiur^ Its : , _f i A'.. _* 1- SpfHpe Fortunately, however. th~ rpr. X. J_ the. Dnblls S.te.H. Ia&;piaa]s!cittS.vIdi E^ssrof life: j again in 3.S5i. IhdSteasolSeea=x5,lit C»-alw..T. I . - ,r-—n , ...... . . --- Only l ! itistrat«d Edition ^ mencea in lb<o ana cuiminrticd in men t of eontroveisies of less ex- : cities. I ver, Iv. X. Eittle Sil- the publisher of Or- ij sBOTesssg «| j ISil. According to Mr. Benner, ’ leii f_ anf j no j neoessariiv within j medicinal qualities of the peanut j ehard and Garden, recent :x lr - A.- 1 another hnancial crisis should be: the dominion of Federal regula- are d&stroved by heat, or rather; most timely sn-.i practical ■enilv read a ? is.-a-=ar=*! =*1^*zp> DAVIS & BALKCuMj COTTibiT •Acfbss IVB BE11EU5 u : seem as if the good times ant pated this forecast, for the news f ji^ a situation foH of solie&ude, I braia ^9^ pisasure S from aU parte of the world is feat ] mnnU more Iemshl5 to ^ aceom . j While there is a large and con- ply of fruits must fe eons: lsre^ things are getting better, the immediate future hope for, all industries abroad. The Ohio prophet thought Jthe light of {pscially for fee lesiighly prized | that I83t> BS Well aS 16bi would be;- - -l , ,. ■ — t— ircnoT^ilr nyaVclnplriv? ; dull years; but it looks as if for i once, he would be mistaken. The price of iron and its Goa- ? that a hearty co-operation on Kcs:. i. Ssra bynrsua. 5. £<t»s 25b annsn v-^. s. CTOUStS 7. 5*ni.tarEnox3. nr^ftiCZ So. A c-3se. CiliiO;r- 53. S. Piasox4Ccm>. CUU.%1 £ Io. lr- C7x *-zJ> ,07 Va il. F2UE5. EjwSIiai' ir rsaber tie Otncga as: part of ail interests is the sure; e»er since fee medicinal discovery . . jjjjl . iij. cttbto, sumption have been steadily in-}Jg£ aatioil2i greatness and the!has been made known, and that: An nnerstiiig disea^on upon creasing since the l-egtenu»g of:^ -J^e prices will hereafter he gach >.nut trees toe leadmg 0 ,sto*pv* the present vear. We shaU bmid a!ta^£S&5B ^ go^entee a ptoSt to the ptt>- ^ »; VimDemao of t -t-. «= —-« J turn year, agamst 3^)0 nmes met;,.; ; jdedem aed the “opemtots” ?ct ciUSIC. . year. Ihe do» of ttte year 8,0d0 »« «,^ ^emfion^boUheiM^h^e^midJt,^^-B^Xin-tt&ehts. - - * * *M = a very profitable crop except un-?!' , . ... . ^ m der the most favorable conditions. pajiBgodl. per cent, profit newtTOlroads. Then, feevery profiiabiecrop except saver has been going np steauily , _. ^ .. .. , ,, Mir ft® most femmMs «WKtJrm= tn '' secuon “■ JUB ! “±» =«7^x^ , . Bro te e ti on faithful allv 8 aer tne most lavoraoie conainons. j — payingo«X« per cent, prc-^t. OTI rhf> T^tndriri martyr and tbp - proteslion a-<- -^-IUXUI aU, - anUallv Upon fee COSt OC culture Baffltt MbSIT. — . - .. , ^ the JbMMfem ^n“", e |lt would teach, feso, that fee diverse These facte are apparent when £ -a_£a^la& iak& no By the * ££«**** white metal measures actual values f . , p^ip«ra insep-^ 5 ^^ 1 feat fee refail price of fee- ajflTal, ‘~ Qr-^nn — Q t °3 c=_^ - - i for better than goli The d&er-^ ^ civilization; th‘at i ^ hundred per cent ence in silver has added fully eight *-—— iL - — :J a— r_ cents a bushel to the value of East ^ ' India wheat, andhas made a tcouldparhh add peddle his own ferenee of a quarter of •» “°" f « 0 ’ r yard in the cotton I China, and file other tree. Miisicaj ; 2-Ierchaiidise. to, BT and « Malb^rrr Street, : - - MACON, GEOBGIA. , 3T»* Wmr^ixrsR irith aD zaodefe and necessary convenieuces. IrisurEsce on CVittoa. at very lowest figure*. Maie liberal aCovrsnees on Gi-tron in Store. ar xrai «a saccinc lsd ties at lowest market PRICES. . . - . IiV , Kmp eenstmay a grst-dsss stock at GBOCERm5 and COUNTEY PROHECE; countries iba£ are our customers. p romoIers the true Aynertean sjm- \ mSnenes and interests 23 1 111 oar own < ^ antr 7= atir maaufoct- _ hv ^ Idndlv feeling. ! inconsiderable quauniity. urers are all actively Employed;“ t ~ , ^s-, ! consumption is ahead of proddc-; At a recent meeting of a debat- L SUE! 3. JfcCOSAeGHKT. Ashe ton 165*00* gp. rag. Egg5t?fangg 55mK ooo, Ga. ver3 ‘ .<35 ol advance money an a when J [Materials. ; the collection was made demand- \ i ed more, which the cliest dedinedTictBres. It is not generally known that < to pay, haring found that vita Ms r iTiTn- ioas, which are abundant; will com-»The discussion was a hot due, and: park during fee month of Xdrem-«have the ^56 collected, mand better prices in the foreign lasted' an hour and a half, and then j ijgj. fielded welL One-third is di- markets. Thefe never was so:a tote was taken, and it was de- \ fid^l between the Prefect of the! There is said to be a very fair T ‘-"' much building ofhorises as at the ifided by four majority that he was: ggfge and fee Prudent of the xe-1 Pjospectof a law suit between fee impairing- ; present time in fee history of fee T ter what.” "Tientleineii. said Another third goes to the : Century Msgazlce Company and: Department. United States. It is compufed big man who looked into the room; military hospital at Yal de Grace. EETr fortheoming. feibnir’s feat five edifices are now erected {after the question was settled, "al- S and the rastls sold The orchard against three in any other period low me to congratulate you. Theies; fe the Luxembourg gardens is i ha^e nolS^foSSthS-nlme oi our history. Then, the West is a crowd of fifty of us oat here who > t e pt for grafts. The most pri^; fc a niagasUe. lie Uenfcar^, h \ settling np as iiever before. 2\ext were waiting for the verdict, and ductive of fee State orchards is at; will be remembered, wes original-. ; year the emigration to fee north-J if it had been .philanthropist 5 ev-: Tersailles. :ly known as Sermeris. Probably rlsIT^S izi 2; ---1" . jr. s western counter, specially, wiH^ exv blamed one of you. would have; — .: £; |feu isain purpose of fee suit ifltj be phenomenaL The whole face!b^ncarried home on fi^utierrI Paducah, Ky„ is exmted over j 53 J }S g a te be to get \of the country is changing everyf ffall Sheet Xcti (fee discovery in itsj a efree advertising. few vears: due h> the opening of- ——— ivitanitv. AS amfitaer geologist of | ‘ ..... . _ - . [new forms; and fee inoease of fee] . Wife regard to fim ora^p erop ^ew Tort visited the place, col-1 T ? S ^ Spnn- a^tea-Bss ^ y . ,1 -.- ti -» . . in or,.\ slvint Wo1rtfv : I'inpiAs' IJfd ' i , t 1 , - - Eir aflfT,l--aIu5 iO the L GIOB ‘-‘3 SiVSHXiH, GSCBdi. •' - ipzr^SL Best CottiM Press; . Bust Gin Geai*; Best Best Llofsfe Powra-.- Bftst Eettle. B«S Evaporator; B«t Sugar Mill—2 to § roll- selL asi MAKE EVERY 1 THING MADE rx IRON on BRASS* AT HIS WORKS, **£foei, Pipes, Cocks, Etc. MACON. | DIII<IOII| M*U jirtm, copper, tin, add lead have all j mQ °ths ^ t^t feere WOT^ be|Pghn^lyania, wfoj pronounces^Bepublicans who wS 1 ^^ r b Qtl^^ s • Fesscxae Meucies i. „ AfTI ' ! g° ne n P5 Mso thoee of silk, India-: 00 psnsBptibte dimination in the • feem similar to the depositefouEd ■ itepubtican ierritories admiteed.1 ; - isest WISE Min. j rubber; and wieafe of all kinds. f arange erop in this section for this jijj {Jj e diamond fields ofAus^ • Congre^man Spn nger, h owe ver,! G—ROBERT E c jssason. It is now evident that fee j fejja and Afrtea. UEe ^do^notmake a?v.spedM mteresilBg Scpddeuce?. crop is above the average, and the; that he has discovered microscopic “ ' Republicans. | It isinlr ECV: te a that aee^ ■ | SenatprMfi^on, who is in iSSllSSlS^rJ PmpgfrShafinig Pnllpwale^ ColnmbiK, Gfo, tells his ex- f fc%er ° efoTe ~ The _eoid snap of last |Xhe Smithsonian Institute has such favor wife fee adm : nistratic-r ; l&£ee Yi^ccsise to uiate ;n -• ia , ts best of iron used. Best Saw IBll-rifrom $175 to $800. .int r..i -t... ^ -7 Til . T r“ ago and ran with a fire machine ^ iafonnaite mafe^ for sttmiach and kuteev sho^ fear the trees are enjoying; Honsion, Tex., is to give the Thrift and imsfeess w r ^ yntre, Steam and ~Wa-istfere Took a^iwtwidanother pesfea td^HOBU made Mai s millionaire,~ acdt ter Past and best of all. blood purifier in fee world.' . ' Mater A. B. Seed, ofWesr Lteer- sa -l : ■ .. Send to&e best man Ity-Ey.. nse-3 EI-; ric Bteeis fotrfbest metfemie fee has even e. caoc^- -JMy % _ ;everdonej me s-i much good as Electric- Bit ters.” self, at Site ceils a bote: - has I’^se. ro rain te teres by jyfofe The inventors are S. JL_ Barrett sbrew-Jness and tact a? a pdlli XT. Vt. Xeeass- It does- not use ticinn have made him a Seitetor. ev and has stoodi _. . v _ of a distenee or 830 stiles. Certmcsacs ^ te uftheM-^ierW Frisad. for. , , . . , Mr. Jacob' Ernglich, a it^lL remarked bv a dteirngntei^l j-^ In some places in Arizona feere iknown tailor of Cincinnati, (fe ^ 1-- -- m&f : -as carer _e 3 te. -/ “I 4 jt'— =-:e:ye.x new. use te te-_ -terte-s •*-, ; = Q - - "* 7 - - - - «• are * este& et *s3i in a cm