The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, August 16, 1888, Image 4

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The evidence is accumulating •hat General Harrison is not pop- alar with the labor element of his ..;wn state. The Central Labor Jnion of Indianapolis recently idopted resolutions hostile to hint, .nd strong speeches were made against him by laboring men. Th9 most remarkable thing in Minection with the adoption of he resolutions was that they had >een previously adopted by all the abor unions of the city, and there ras not a voice raised against hem in the Central union. The itatement was made, that in pre vious campaigns the labor vote of Indianapolis was about evenly di vided between the two great par ties. The present indications are that the whole of it will be against the Harrison ticket. If General Harrison is not pop ular in his own state, can he hope for much popularity in other states? If he cannot dra.w strength from his opponent at his own home, where he is known, there is not much probability>that he can get the full support of his party fahere he’is not known. It will be almost impossible to make laboring men in any part of £fympatkizingly assented. feir the country believe that General Harrison is their friend, or that he has cny sympathy with them. He may be an honest man, and a just one from his standpoint, but he-looks at questions which affect their interests with eyes that do not see as their’s do. He may never have said that a dollar and two meals a day are enough for a laboring man, but his entire rec ord shows that he has never been the friend of the laboring masses. In all the contests between labor tod capital in his own city he has been agains!; labor, and the fact has not escaped the attention of the men who work in the field, the factory and the shop. They trere against his nomination, and they are against his election. Without a part of the labor vote General Harrison cannot carry Indiana. The republicans have always controlled at least half of that vote, but unless all signs fail they are not goigg to control it, this year. The sentiment among the labor element is against their candidate, and there is no pros pect that it will undergo any change. — A remarkable freak of nature, a mare known as the* “Oregon Betoty,” was recently on exhibi tion at Louisville. Her color is sorrel, and that of the mane, tail and forelock a creamy tint. The mane is ten feet in length, the forelock four feet, while the tail sweeps the ground. Although the mare is eight years of age, the - mane and tail nre of only four years’ growth, having grown an average of two feet a year during that timer They handle wheat with won derful celerity at Duluth, Minne- s sota. The other day the steamer Montana Eagle made fast to the dork there, adjusted the six re ceiving spouts, took on 52,000 bushels of wheat, and was off with her load in forty-niho minutes. This is claimed to be the fastest job of loading iviieat on record. -ooo- r<JB PISJNTItVG. Have your,, commercial station ery and other job printing for the fall business done now, when it ean be done at short notice. The Home Journal Job Office is fully prepared to meet the demands of the trade. Call and see speci mens of work, and get our prices. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prof. G. E. Morrow, of Yale, thinks that a larger per cent, of young men can make a fair success at farming than of those who en gage in professional, commercial, manufacturing or speculative lines of work. Out of SCO recen t boiler explo sions in New England States, all but thirteen were traced directly to the engineer’s carelessness. iWoiaau's Bisesvery. “Another wonderful discovery lias been made and that too by a lady In this country. Disease fa'stehed. its clutches upon her •and! for several years she withstood its severest tests, but her vita! or gans were undermined and death seemed imminent. For throe months she coughed incessantly and could not-sleep. -She bought of US' Sr hot. 'e of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption and was so much relieved on raking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured Her name is lint,her Lutz:” ' Thus .write """ mrick * Co., of Shelby, et a free trial bottle at any drug store. Brunswick AMS-crdae?-Appeal. He sauntered into our office and flung himself iafco our most luxu rious chair. “Oh, I’m sick.” We glanced at the dejected countenance tod tenderly asked “What’s the matter?” “Well,” I don’t know, but I feel bad—and I’m low-spirited, and I’ve been so ever since my wife went away for her summer trip, and if she don’t come back pretty soon I’m going to her.” “Why,” we asked, “why does your Wife being away make yon feel badly?” Oh because nothing goes right. The bouse doesn’t look natural; every thing is topsy-turvy, and so am L You see, I'm used to hav ing everything in nice shape, and I can’t stand the change. Always at night when I go to bed I find my night-shirt laid out for me, bnt now it ain*t there and I can’t remember where I put it. And next morning there is always clean shirt laid out, with the but tons and cuffs all adjusted, but now no shirt do I find.” /‘Well,” that's terrible,” “But that aint the worst of it. I went home the other night and told the cook to put the supper on the table. “Supper,” she said, “Why dere aint’ no supper; you nebber gib out a ting for supper.” I tell you Mr. Editor, that made me feel bad.” He relapsed iuto another fit of sullen despondency, bat we stirred him up again and he resumed: “The house ain’t sweptj the air smells musty, the cat Jeff home, my dog is getting poor, the cow won’t give any milk, the vegeta bles in the garden are all going to seed, and what I do get cooked don’t taste right; I can’t find my clothes, and to crown it all the rats have gnawed up my new silk beaver that I was saving for next winter.” He paused, walked the office floor nervously a few moments, and then blurted out: And the sheets on the bed have been getting dirty ever since my wife’ went off. I do not know what to-do about it; they have been on three weeks now. I knew some thing must be done, so I met my married daughter just now, on the streets, and I asked her what to do about it. ‘Why, father/ she said, ‘mother always keeps the. sheets in the washstand drawer.’ Why, bless you, I did’t know the wash-stand had a drawer, I’m going home to hunt for it, but I think the best thing I can do is to go after the old lady.” He went off to look for it, and we heaved a sigh of sympathy, for we have been in his fix exactly. Th9 cotton crop is worth about 8300,000,000, the wheat crop is worth as much, but the corn crop is worth a round billion, and this year it promises to exceed 2,000,- 000,000 bushels, the most prolific ever produced in America.. Arthur T. Lyman, the treasurer of the Lowell manufacturing com pany, and of the Hadley thread company, says: “I very much regret that the republican party, with whom I have acted from its beginning, has, for political suc cess, taken a position which I consider hostile in its practical effects to the protected industries of Massachusetts.” A wonderful story comes from Mecklenburg county, Virginia, of a woman, sick unto death, whose hair was cut short during her ill ness, and when it grew again was almost white, so the hair ent off rno:-t obligingly turned white, too,4/ and as a switch still ornaments its owner’s head. . The Czer of Russia is fisherman. General Harrison is five inches in stature. Ex-Q.neSn Isabella, of Spain, is an accomplished instrumental ist. MlsS Anna Dickinron will take an active part in the presidential campaign. Frank James, the reformed ban dit, bas a pointed chin, and a long,- aquiline nose. Cardinal Manning is eighty years old, but rises at five o’clock every morning. Hamilton Dission, the Phila delphia saw maker, has his life in sured for 8600,000. Rose Elizabeth Cleveland will go to Europe next year to pursue her literary studies. Senator Tom Palmer, of Michi gan, has the proud satisfaction of raising his own butter. Califern a has 5,000,000 sheep. Gold is discovered at Ishpem- ing,,Mich. Cholera is epidemic at Hong Kong, China. Sis Kentucky counties are with out churches. Buenos Ayres is shipping wheat to the north of Scotland. There oro 800 men engaged in hunting for diamonds in Australia. The annual consumption of cof fee is 650,000 tons throughout the world. The Egyptian Government ex pended 8750,000 boring for oil and got none. Delaware has this year the largest peach crop ever grown in its history. The estate of the late Hiram Sibley, of Rochester, N. Y, is es timated to be 810,000,000. Ex-Congressman Berry, of New Hampshire, is ninety-three years old. He is almost as active as er. Calvin S. Brice, the new chair man of the Democratic National Executive Committee is forty-two years old. The Rev. Warren A. Candler, who has just been chosen president of the Emory College, Ga., is only thirty-two years old. Mr. Carl Schurz has been col lecting material in the Berlin ar chives bearing on the history of the American'Civil War. Preston H. Leslie, who was ap pointed from Kentucky to be Gov ernor of Montana, bas a Bible-class in the Baptist Sunday school at Helena. New York City real estate is in creasing at the rate of 81,000,000 a week. The Florida orange crop is ex pected to reach 3,000,000 boxes this season. The latest Jersey swindle is that .of a man who advertised for “two young men to pose for an artist,” and required each applicant for the position to send 25 cents for “seven photographs of the posi tions he must practice.” It is al most needless to say th.-iiHrfie pic tures never came, and that two or three hundred young men have had a rule shock to their confi dence in mankind. EackJca’s Arjhva The Best Salve is the world for Cuts, Bruises,. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever. Sores,-Tet-tei-; Chap- pect-Handk, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruption®, aacl’ positively er.ros Piles, or no pay required. -It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, For.Sale By all drug gists. mmm Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholea-.nneness. 31 ere • economics than the ordinary kinds, sad cannot he sold iis competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum and phosphate powders. Sold onl? in cans. SoyalBakxsg .Fownitn i o , KG'W.ilnuf street. N. Y. *» . BOOO Book Agents wanted to sell ^ IHB LEPE Atno gtTBXJC SERVICES OS/ MIDDLE GEORGIA Military and Agricultural COLLEGE, MILLEDGEYILLE, GEORGIA; Gen’e. D. H. HILL, President. Twelve Teachers in the Faculty. Four Hundred and Fifty-One Students. TUTFIOjf FREE. Hoard very reasonable. Course of In struction full, including Classical, Scien tific, Commercial, Musical. In thorough ness of Scholarship and Discipline this College has no superior. Next term opens September 5th, 1888. For cata logues, etc. apply to J. N. MOORE, Secretary Trustees. July 26th, 1888. Cheap Money! I can now procure Ioaiis on lands at LOWER RATES than ever before offered in Houston County. Interest 8cent., ommbi ions 2 per cent.) PER ANNUM. W. D. NOTTINGHAM, Meh 17—ly Perry, Ga. ’ LUDDEN & BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. ,'gpjp.. 11 i J-tw* ■ ■— — — PIANOS. ORGANS. Mid-Summer Sale BUY NOW AND PAY WHEN COTTON IS SOLD. MID-SUMMER OFFER. 1,000 First-Class Pianos and Orsrans to fee said in Jane,jaiy, Angnst and Septeaber at Spot Cash Prices, Payahie, PIANOS, $25 CASES DOWHs ORGAKS, $5® CASS BOWS, and the balance nest November sst, wKSoat Znterest or advance, in Price. - - ’ ***“ — jh Price. AU oar Pianos and Or.‘ scans inclnded in this sale, our Cheapest and our Best. No ex ceptions. Ybnv choice from ten leading: makers and over 360 styles and Prices. -S«ER BARGAINS 1888- New Makers, New Instruments, New Styles, New Prices, Great Improvements in our Lower Priced Instruments. Large purchases enable us to offer Re duced Prices. Here are samples. I 7J4 Octave, Uj>- i EHa'isA. right, Large Siss, SStrings, Beautiful Rosewood i um Case, Full. Rich Tone. Gttar- l perfect and durable. Maker’s Price, Rosewood Case; First-class every way. Equals Pianos usually sold at SSGO and 835V. Maker's Price, 8700. -With Pianos a Plush Top Stool, Handsome Cover, Instructor, Music Book and all Freight Paid. Four Full Sets Reeds, 10 Genuine Stops, JichTCase, Beautiful Parlor Or- _ gsn. Thousands sold. All pur- delighted. Maker’s Price, 8200. With Each ©rsrau a Fine Stool, an Instructor, Knsic Book and All Freight Paid. IS PAYS TRIAL. Order and test in your own Home. No money required until Instrument is satisfactory. We pay Freight both ways if no sale. The fairest way to deal. Our Instruments are good and cheap, and a trial always gives a satisfied purchaser. Send for SBd-Saamer Sale Cir cular-. REMEMBER. — Eowesl Prices; Easiest Terms■ Best Instruments: Pine Stools and Cov ers- Alt Freight Paid; 15 Bags’ Trial; Sir Tears’ Guarantee; Square Dealing; One Price Only; Money Saved; All! LUDDEN & BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. SAVANNAH, BA. LOANS NEGOTIATED OK FARMS AM) TOWS IN BIBB AND ADJOINING COUNTIES ELLIOTT ESTES 563 Cherry St., Macon, Ga. M&MMF ON FARMS, At 7 per cent Interest CHEAPEST OF THEM ALL. Applw to BAYIS & EELSEE, June 14—1| PERRY, GA. 2D ssi authentic Ufa. Don’t bo induced to get any other. There jrtu £ob*bly bonnanthoriied Live., but &b * the right one, taoee no hinderance, as we pay all tr»nsportaUon churge*. SO cents In le. stamps and be the first in the field- and th* •Springfield, Mass. Zi Bi-Mb, rr>-r; pr?=1 W PERRY, GEORGIA. JSf" GiSceover Paul's Furniinre- Store ederate, Pat- apl28 ly First-niass work, trices ronag-i solicited. FORT VALLEY, GA., 3P. CL HO’USIQB. ProiPi's O. Y2. olex-le First-class in Aim its APPOINT MENTS. ACfJOHfiO’DATlCKS AJtEPIiE AND CCIQ-OKTAELE. MAOOKT, <3:febltG-IA, G, 0, FINDLAY, Proprietor. ’(Also successor to A. B. Farquhar & Co., and R. W. Wilt & Go., of the late “Central tMty Iron Works.” Manufacturer of and dealer in Steam Engines, Boilers; Saw Mills, Shaftings, Pulleys, Sugar Mills, Syrup Kettles, Horse Power, Mill Gearing, Castings tod Machinery of every description. Steam, Gas and Water Pipe, and Fittings, Brass Goods, (for steam or water,) Steam Gnages, Hancock Inspirators, Beltmg, Babbit Metal, etc. FINDLAY'S RENOWNED COTTON SCREWS; (for Steam, Water, Hand of Horse Power); PACKS UP OR DOWN. Findlay^ Celebrated I. X. L. COTTON GUST. FULLY WARRANTED. 2££palxs a, Specialty- steam Engines of all makes, Boilers, Separators, and all kinds of Machinery Re paired. Old. X33.splsa.tox XvXa.d.#JXTc-w. BRICK KlAKERS’ MACHINERY: The different parts of “SWORD” Machines made and kept in Stock at Manu- • facturers’ prices. TIME AND FREIGHT SAVED BY ORDERING FROM ME. Barrow, Truck and CHr Wheels especially designed fur Brick Makers, constantly . bn hand. All the patterns of the late “Centtal City Iron Works,” (including the pat terns of the “FARQUHAR” Engines), are used and owned solely by me.. Correspond with or call on mo when yUtl wish ANYTHING in the way of castings. Machinery or repairs: m. wmwhAVs FINDLAY IKON WOItfcS, Macon, Ga. ESpSend for Circular andBrieo Lists. HENDR11JWILLINGHAM & CO,, MANUPACTULEliS OF A1TD DEAXSBS IN SASH DOORS, BUNDS, PAINTS, OILS, Oerrxerxt, 23uLild-ex£f hardware. OFFICE and STORE: 302 Third Street, MACON, FACTORY: Foot of Cherry Street, - GEORGIA* MACON CHINA ST0EE, 363 SECOND STREET. 164 COTTON AVENUE; Mmm* mmmm* We have the best variety of goods belonging to onr line f6 be -seen south of Baltimore-,-- You will find in our store a splendid line of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CHINA, TEST WARE, WOODEY WARE, ETC., DECORATED DENVER SETS, TEA SETS AKD CHAMBER SETS, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Cooking Stoves and Oil Stoves. The largest stock of LAMPS and CHANDELIERS ever carried in Georgia. Come in to see us when you visit Macon. MACON CHINA STORE, J. W. Domingos, Manager; PERRY HOTEL, . Feme r s T jhT- SFxopxIetdx* o POLITE ATTENTION GIVEN ALL GUESTS. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS.- KATES: $2-(»PEli I)AY- Liberal reduction by the week, or by the month. -:L\ WsJr-'iJBSi-czisStTi fVniwsas of Cartas, bnt . a re vt-j-assod by-tbs pf iayii-tli ;n.‘ Tboso yrlib are in r.-'-ru of lybii' bble vroc* .Uuit can be dune liv- iugnt home siii-.aM at ojicest-cd their adores* to lallett & Uo.. i-errihrra, Li-ti i:-, and receive fuiliii- ormatioo how either sei, oi ah ages, can earn $5 to «25a day and upwards w;;er< ver they live. You arc-started free. Capit-.i a.t? t .i.-t-d. Nome have made over $50 in a single day at this woi-lc. Ail succeed. S. S. HARMELBHI^ Clierry Street, - - Macon Georgia! DEALER IN CARRIAGES, BUCCIES, WAGONS, ROAD CARTS) BABY CARRIAGES, HARNESS, LEATHER, SHOE FINDINGS, Etc; Dec. 15—lyr Inventions^yr& half century. Not least among the wonders of inventive progress is a meth od and system of wort that can be performed a'i over the conntay without separating the workers from their homes, Pay liberal; any one can do the ,work; either sex, yonng or old; no special ability required. Capital not needed; you are started free. Cnttbis out and return to us and we will send y#u free somethin-of great value ar.d importance tw you, that will start yon in buslness.-which vti bring you more money-right away than anything else in the World, firand Outfit Free. Adddress TBUE A CO., Augusta, Maine. PERKS RAILBOih SCBEDCLEI Daily, Except. Sunday. Leave Perry at 7:45 A. M. Arrive at Fort Valley 8:25 A. m; Leave Fort Valley at 11:40 p. Mi Arrive at Perry at 12:25 p. M. Leave Perry al 2:15 p. m. Arrive at Fort Valley 3:00 P. Mi Leave Fort Valley at 9:45 p. Mi Arrive at Perry at l0:30 p. m: FEMALE MEDICINE 1 By giving tone to and strengthening the.Uter- ine System and building up tne general health, , mj>iAN w^^D’ corrects all irregularities and annoying troubles from which so many ladies sutler. It gives the weak, debilitated woman health and strength,and bewlth- Itis Safe and Unftlixnxf, Ask your Druggist. HOI/IZCUTT & GILBERT. . IWfOLAgREAM L THIS preparation,without i -*- injury,removes Freck- '•'tcu ies, Liver-Moles, Pim ples, Black-Heads, Sunburn and Tan. A few applications will render the. most stubbornly red skin soft, smooth and white. Viola Cream is not a paint or powder to cover defects, bnt a remedy to cure: It is superior to all other preparations, and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. At drug-' gists or mailed for 50 cents. Prepared by €3-. C. BITTNER & CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. For Sale by Holtzcxaw & Gilbert, Perry, Ga: GEHIEAL HAH Savannah, July 1- 1S8S. On and after tliis passenger trains will rriii dailyunlesd marked *, which arc daily except Sunday. The standard time by which these trains art\ run is the same as 3>iac<,u city time. Ly Macoi* 3 10 r.m J C !0 am J 2 05 pm | 5 25 puf Ar At-anta 6 JO am | 9 5S am J 5 40 pm J 9 00 pm Passengers for Thomaston and Carrollton take traiu Jea/ingat 6:0*1 a. m. Leave Macon.... | 2 55 a in | 2 i-D pm { Leave L’olfimbns | 6 55 am [ 5 55 pm | Af Montgomery, j Z0 40£m « 9 40 pm j ...... Paesengers for Talbottou should take cither the 2:55 zm or 2 60 i> m traiu. Leave Macon Leave Ci dumb us Arrive Birmingham 2 55am 8 25 a m 3 3^ pm' Leave Mucon | 6 50 pm | ........ | 10 :S Arrive Aluany... .. J II 05pni| | 2 55 roesengers for Perry icke either 10 15 a m cr 5 50 p m train. Leave Macon j 10 15 am | 6 5 «pm | LvSmith'vil e i 1 :>S jim | 243am j Ar Montgomery., j 7 00 pm ’ 7 30ain | Passengers for Fort Gaines, Buena Vista, Blakely, and Clay ten should take U 15a m train. Leave Macon * 10 35 am | Vrrive Millen... [ 2 08 pm | Arrive Augusta.. | 4 30 pin | Arrive ?a\ annah | 5 00 pai | Passengers for Sylvania, Wrightsvillo, Sanders- ville, take t!ie :0 35 am train 11 00inn | ...... 3 00am I ...... 11 50 am j .... 6 15 am | Leave Macon J Ar 31 ili edge ville.. | Ar Eaton ton I 10 35 am I ■2 25 pm I 4 00 pm J try Atlanta G50am | Ar Macon 10 25 am | 9 10 am | 2 15 pm | 7 15 ] 1 00 pm | 6 30 pm j 1050] Lv Montgomery Leave Columbus. Arrive Macon 3 00 pm | 2 05 am | G 45 pm J 600 m i .... 10 43 am J 6 00 am | ... Leave Birmingham Leave Columbus Arrive Macon 11 45 am C 45 pin 10 45 pm 2 10 am | , 5 40 am | , Leave Montgomery. Leave Smithviile.... Arrive Macon 7 40 am | 10 05 pm j * 1 48 am j 5 21 am j 5 15 am I 9 00 am *. Leave Millen Leave Augusta... Leave Savaunah . Arrive Macon 9 45 am | 7 30 am { 12 00 7 10 am | 8 20 1 40 pm | 2 50 Leave Eaton ton. Ar Miiledgevi lie. Ar Macon....... 20 am J 1 . 9 40 am j j . 1 40 pm I j . *Daily except Sunday. Sleeping cars on ali night trains between Macon and Savannah, Savannah and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Macon end Columbus. ‘Tickets for all points and sleeping cp.r berths on . »ale at city oh»ce Hotel Bsnier, and Depot tickei office. J. T. HOGE, E. T. CHARLTON, T. Agent. G. P. Agent; A - " KNAPP, Agent, Macon, Ga. X£ Saved xny Child's tat*. “■When my child was bom, -the doctor ordered one of the other Fcoda. She ate that un til Bhe nearly died. I had three doctors, who said the trouble Indigestion, and ordered the food changed to L acta ted Food. It saved my child’s life, and I owe ydn many thanyg for it I regard your Food as invaluable, and superior to all oiher artificial food for babies. Mbs. A. J. Bzhueld, Boston, Mass, FOR INFANTS and INVALIDS THE PHYSICIAN'S FAVORITE. BABIES CRY FOR IT. INVALIDS RELISH IT. Perfectly Nourishes a Baby with or without the addition of mBki Three Sizes. 25c. 50c. 31.00. It Biss No Equal. “We are wring jq our n®. eery (containing forty Infants) your Lactated Food, and find it fax superior to all other food’ which lias been used during the past ten years that I hays been visiting physician. The Sisters of Charity, who tone charge of the institution, say it bon no equal. 7 * ' W. E. De Corner, M. D.. St Joseph’s Foundling Asylum. Cincinnati, Ohio. W6kLS,RICHARDSON & CO., BURLINGTON, VT* fa 5:- H O »V w t« v* •s-'-i U" B ji cii ^5 5* W* % lag [ill I s . y typ vi’ £ A y n 1 ! v/lion I s ir Cnisliloeri ! to. stop the::- for nti-on, and : iic-n ,:i re turn npni’i. X k\ A jfAJJiCAh CCUK. I have t!.;i &sease cf AlifO Ir.T---- - r j’-i-yr :: -7 to ‘Vi: CON SUM PTIVE A rare luedicinafccmpoimJtBat cures when all else L— B ai? cured the worst cases of Cough,Weak Lungs, Asthma.: Indigestion, Inward Pains, Brhinwtion. Invaluable for. Rheumatism, Female 'WraVnr^g. and all p»inH and dis orders of the Stomach and Bowels. 50c. at Druggists. HBI^DSRCORNSe to cure. 15 Cents at Druggists. Hrecn-r Of Interest t# Wewillsf-r.d .1 F7l'd£ G. W'Pl ; epecifi'! /or cotup:its r/. to I.-U.r - foS'S1 o.'il.-v ;q. a>..« . . . G at/BSCSIBS A15 VI EE E 1 TOBr. 1ST 'rIT ^ II03IE JOUEN AL 1 for Houston news, ing medium i