The Home journal. (Perry, GA.) 1877-1889, August 30, 1888, Image 4

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Sonic WorkingMcn ainl the Tar- I can now procare loans on .jj of TiTATRR RATES than ?er before offered in Houston - ounty. Interest 8 per C8nt= ? ramUs ions 2 per cent., PER ANNUM. W. D. NOTTINGHAM, Mch 17—ly Perry, Ga. to Gol. Ingersoll as«“the assassin of efcernallife.” Mrs. Stowe continues to receive 81500 o year royalties on “Uncle Tom’s CabiD.” The happiness of your life de pends upon the character of your thoughts. Germany has §05 iron establish ments. Oanadjan cast iron pipe works j are very busy. The big Paris strike has been settled by arbitration. There are only three'factories in this country where cornets are made. * _ The Pittsburg glass factories have resumed work, giving em ployment to 7000 operatives. The American, Minister at Pekin says that wages in China at the j highest are two cents a day. The New York Legislature has j passed a law to establish a school j for instruction in ship build- iug. Edward C. Ellis, of Middlebmy, Vt., has just taken to Buenos Ay res, South America, 100 road wag- ous. The Sultan of Turkey lias or dered several typewriters. The Emperor of China goes to bed at five in the afternoon and get up at three in the morning. Chief Justice Fuller will carry his mustache to the Supreme Bench with him in spite of prece dent. FORT VALLEY* GA., JT. C.HOUSER, Prop’rj C. £1. HAROISON, clerk FlKST-OIiASS IX AXiL ITS AjPPOJX?- HE3IT3. AcCOMHODATIOHS AMPIB AND COMFORTABLE. both a democratic and republican Robinson.takes a sherry to give candidate. j him an appetite, while Brown, He voted for the bill, so he says, j who has a wine cellar, can’t touch because it tended to reduce the r a drop on account of his apoplectic surplus; because it freed from tax-! tendencies. ation such neeessaries of life and • The prize fighter Reforms and materials of industry as salt, lum-; becomes a preacher, while .the ber, tin and wool, and because be | theological student leaves his uni ques not believe that a nation j versity to become a professional can be made prosperous and hap- base ball pitcher, py by taxation” and “and a large accumulation of money in the treasury breeds extravagance and beedmes a factor of dem >ra!izaticn in many ways.”. He believes thorouubly in free raw materials, and as to them says: “My personal experience has taught me that cheap raw materi al never reduced wages in a facto ry, but, on the contrary, had a tendency raise them. Mr. Smith is at the head of a labor party in Wisconson which, at the last election in 1886, polled over twenty tbonsand votes in the state. United with the democrat ic vote it would have put the re publicans in a minority of. from three to ten thousand. (Also successor to A. B. Fafquhar & Co., and B. W. Wilt <fc Co., of the late “Central City lion Works.” CAMPBELL m JOYES. Manufacturer of and dealer in Steam Engines, Boilers, Saw Mills, Shaftings, jPuUeyfej Sugar Mills, SyrupJIefrtles, Horae Power 5 Mill Gearings Castings. and Machinery of every description. Steam, Gas and Water Pipe, and Fittings, Brass Goods, (for steam or water.) Steam Guages, Hancock Inspirators, Belting, Babbit Metal, etc. One rich man wears poof clothes because he is rich and can do any thing, while a poor man wears fine clothes because he is poor and wants to create the impression that he is not. One man escapes all the disease that flesh is heir to and is killed on-a railroad; another man goes through half a dozen wars without a scratch, and then dies of whoop ing cough. The laborer with ten children keeps out of debt on 81.0 a week, while many an unmarried bank of- 'ficial with $100 a week Can’t get PLANTATION FINDLAY’S RENOWNED COTTON SCREWS. SUPPLIES (for Steam, Water, Hand or Horse Power). PACKS UP OB DOWN. gg“Tou are invited to make our house headquarters when in the city. Findlay’s Celebrated I. X. L. COTTON GIN. FULLY WARRANTED. - biography of ALLEN G. THUS CvtJientic Life. Don’t bo indoead to | probably bo unauthorized Lire*, but l «anee so hinderanca, aa wo pay all tra CO ceati tale, stamps sad betas first I the golden harvest. Write for fall pai •ent freo to all. Address, WIN1 .Springfield, Maes, LUDDEti & BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. PIANOS. ORGANS. Mid-Summer Sale BUY NOW AKD PAT WHEN GOTTEN IS SOLD. m i—t» OFFER. ■p FEMALE By plviagtOECtorn-S etreMjtheate? tbe.Uter- Ine jysU’ir. and bufldiuz a;> tiefreneral teal til, corrects eJI IrrcgelsritJesand annoylm? troubles from which so many ladies enffer. It gives tho weak, debilitated weraan bealtb a-.iu strencth.snd makes cheerful the despondent, depressed la spirits. In change of life noladyshonfd he with out INDIAN WEED. ZtisSqfcandUnfrmag, Ask your DrQgsist. ja»K.-i’2CwAW & OILBGKX. Mr. Smith will probably b8 the joint candi date for congress this year of the democratic and labor parties in Milwaukee, and, should the two parties unite throughout the state, the result of the November, elec tion will be exceedingly doubtful. If all the labor men in- Wisconsin agree with their sole representa tive in congress, tliej are certain ly good enough democrats for any of us this year. Almost as striking is the result of a canvass among the Knights of Labor in Michigan. The sta tistician of the state assembly re ported to that body, which recent ly met in Jackson, that of forty- three local assemblies, all are Btrongfor tariff reform, twenty- four have no tariffites in their ranks and only nine have twenty protectionists each. When we consider that the dem ocrats and greenbackers, no tv- united upon a single ticket, have 3 carried Michigan in three out of the last six elections, it is' evident that the state, with her working men, so stirred up over the tariff, is very doublf ul politically. Republicans who rely upon the wage earners to help them out on their free whiskey and high tariff platform are off their reckoning by several degrees. §30081 Wcrpai* R KEORA’s imQWiommu •’FI1IS preparation,without i".i !: ;y,removes Frecfe- u '^cu les, X/iver-Molss, Pim ples, Blsck^-Hssds, Sunburn and. Tan. A fsw applications will render the most stubbornly rod skin soft, -smooth and white. Viola Cream is r.ot a paint or powder to cover defects, but a remedy to cure. It is superior to all other preparations, and is guaranteed to give satisfaction. At drng- gists or mailed for 50 cents. Prepared by 5G-. Co <Ss CO., ' SC3EEDO, OHIO. The different parts of ‘-'SWORD'’ Maeliinos made -aud kept, ill Stock St Manu facturers* prices. TIME AND FREIGHT SAVED BY ORDERING FROM ME. Barrow, Truck and Car Wheols especially designed ter Erick Makere, constantly on hand. ISP All the pal torus of the late “Cauttal City Iron Works,” (including the pat terns of the “FAEQUHAH” Engines), are used and owned solely by mo. Jgf) Correspond with Or call on me when you wish ANYTHING in the way of Colors used- in sealing-wax are said to express a certain signifi cance. "White is used for wed dings; black, drab and purple for mourning; lavender is condolence; dinner invitations are sealed with chocolate color; blue denotes con stancy; green expresses hatred; vermilion signifies business; ruby or cardinal denotes the most ar dent love; light ruby or rose is af fectionate remembrance;- pale green is innocence; yellow denotes •jealousy; yellowish green* signifies grief and disappointment; dark brown, melancholy and reserve; New Makers, New Instruments, New Styles, New Prices, Great Improvements in our Lower Priced Instruments. Large purchases enable us to offer Re duced Prices. Here are samples. COOK & sk ff ff S 8 Strings. Beautiful Rosewood eSafe* is?, Full Rich Tone. Guar anteed perfect and durable. Maker’s Price, 8350. 1210 , y Frame, Ivory Keys, Ric'.i Rosewood Case. First-class every way. Equals Pianos usually sold at SCCO and 8350. Maker's Price, 8700. With PlanosaFlsish Top Stool, Handsome Cover, XsssSrtacior, music Book ar.d an Freight Paid. S sa <es, PS 53 P S Five Octaves. 2 sets g>t5g OssSShP, olZy: Octave Reeds, *5 88 5 Stops, Solid Walnut Case. High ^ Top,Lamp Stands, Music Pocket, Fnti Sweet Tono. Maker's Price, 8160. a as CtQPill Four Full Sets Reeds, Rf fe. UflhAft, 10 Genuine Stops, jvX ft “a Rion Case, Beautiful Parlor Or- W3 gan. Thousands sold. All pur chasers delighted. Matter's Price, 8200. With Each Organ a Fine Stool, aa instructor, Huslc Book and All FreightPald. FINDLAY IRON WORKS, Macon, G< • Havamjtah, July 1,18S8. Or and after tin's date passenger trains will rnn d*ily unless marked *, which are daily except Sunday. Tlt« stand aril lime by which these trains aro rnn is the sa:ne ns Tdeeun <ity time. 83?“Send for Circular and Brico Lisia, WiLLiNGIIAM & GO The following story comes from Norih Vassalboro, Me.: On Tues day, July 24, a man died and left a sorrowing widow to mourn his loss. On Wednesday, the 25th, she had filed her intenticn of mar riage in the town clerk’s office. On Thurday she followed the re mains of her deceased husband to the grave. On the succeeding Monday she was living happily Absolutely Pure, FACTORY: Foot of Cherry Street, Leave Macon... Lv.Smitlivil e.. Ar Montgomery i’* i-> am | 15 fi-'pm j I 8$ pm J 2 43 am] 7 OR pm ' 7 3f/r»m J »rt Gaines, Buena Vista, liould tJ»!«o i.l 15 a m train. MACOK GEOSOIA, When Mr. S. U. Douglass, of Roohestoi- attempted to organize an “American” party in Syracuse, New York,'the other night, there was a lively time. An Irishman protested against the speakers talk, but Mr. Douglass went ahead and recited a poem. Then the audience requested him to set up the beer. This made Mr. Douglass mad, and he said that he would stigmatize Syracuse as • a city of sots and sins. This was greeted with the wildest applause, and the orator seizedjhis hat and started for the door. The crowd followed him out on the sidewalk and .ex ploded a bunch of fire-crackers under his feet. It is not thought that the new party will materialize in Syracuse. Leave Macon { 10 35 am | 11 CO pm | — ArriveHilScn... ] 2< : 8pm-j 3 00am ! ...... Arriv6 ATlyiibia.. { 4 30 pm I 11 5(’am j .... Arrive Sa* annsli J 5 GO pm | 015 am] Passengers for Sylvania, Wrightsville, Sanders- ville, take tlic 10 35 am train. Drs. STARKY & PALENRS TREATMENT SY INHALATION. tTKADE THHUPev^j-REBlSTEHESB \ |£ I 15 DAYS TRIAL Order and test in yftur own Home. No money required until Instrument is satisfactory. We pay Freight both 363 SECOND STREET. 164 COTTON AVENUE, ■ Maeejr,. , We have the best Variety of goods belonging to or.r line to be seen south of Baltimore, You will find in onr store a splendid line of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, CHINA, TIN WARE, WOODEN WARE, ETC., DECORATED DINNER SETS, TEA SETS AND CHAMBER SETS* TABLE AND ROCKET CUTLERY, ways if no sale. The fairest way to deal. Our Instruments are good and cheap, and a trial always gives a satisfied purchaser. Sena for K’&Snmsssr Sale Cir cular. REMEMBER, — Lowest prices; Easiest Terms; Best Instruments: Pine Stools and Cov ers; All Freight Paid; 15 Days' Trial; Six Tears’ Guarantee; Square Dealing; One Price Only; Money Saved; All! LUDDEN ABATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. SAVANNAH, 6ft. An instrument called the • auto- graphometer, which records auto matically the topography and dif ference of level of all places over which it passes, is a new French invention, the utility of which cer tainly cannot be questioned if it realizes the results claimed for it. It is carried about on a light vehi cle, and those who wish to use it have nothing to do but to drag it, or have it dragged, over the ground of which they desire to obtain a GEORGIA—Houston gounty : Mrs. C. B. Means, adminislrairis of the estate of F. 5T. Means, late of said county, deceased, has applied for dis mission from said trust: This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to appear at tho November term, 1888, of the court of Ordinary of said coun ty, and show cause, if any. they have, why s aid application should not be granted. Witness my cfieial signature this Aug. 2nd, 1888. J. H. HCTJS.tu I>, >. The largest stock of LAMPS and CHANDELIERS ever carried in Georgia. Come in to see cs when you visit Macon. MACON CHINA STORE, J. W. Domingos, Manager. *Daily except Sunday. Sleeping cars.oii all night trains between Macon and, Savannah, and Atlanta, Savannah and Macon, and Macon and Columbus. Tickets for all points and sleeping e*r berths on bhlcat city o/T’cc Ho'pi Lanier, and Popot ticket ofnie. J. T. HOGE, E. T. CHARLTON, ; T. Agent. f G.P. Agent. KNAPP. Agent. MGa. According to late advices from China there is no doubt but that the breach in the Yellow river em bankment, which caused the terri ble inundation of: last year, cannot be repaired before.the next floods. There is, therefore, nothing to pre vent similar inundations to those of last year during, the present au tumn. In 1861; among the notes made by the government for the Second National Bank of Springfield, Mass., were three, that by an er ror in the printing, were ten-dollar bills on one side and twenty-dollar- bills on the other. They were signed and paid out before the er ror was discovered. Then the bills were called in. Two were found and destroyed, and the third is. in the possessiyn of A. M. Craig, who has refused two hun dred dollars for it LUM Hu iilUU! Ill! Lii ON EAEMS Am TOWN PROPERTY. IN BIBB AND ADJOINING COUNTIES ELLIOTT ESTES, 563 Cherry St, Macon, Ga. POLITE ATTENTION GIVEN ALL GUESTS. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS. RATES: $200PER DAY- 8Sr° Liberal reduction by the . week, or by the month. ‘•Compound Oxygen—it3 Mode o*f Action and Results,” is the title o£ a new brochure of 200 pages, published by Drs. Starkey. & Palen, which gives to allin(jnirer6 full Information as to inis re- i mariable curative agent and a record of several hundred surprising cures in *he wide range* of chronic cases—many of them after being abandon? ed to die by other physicians. Will be mailed free to any address upon application. Read the bro chure! 35S. STABSEY & VALES, No. 1529 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The young democratic battalion of Philidelphia has secured a num ber of old campaign flags, Vhieh were recently found inside the cushions of St. Stephens church in Philadelphia. They have been used as linings for the cush ion covers by a thrifty upholsterer, who had bought them for a song. The flags had been used in the eampaign of 1860.- z. SIMS, DENTIST, PEERY, GEORGIA. frgT* OfHneover Paul’s Furniture Store First-class work. Prices moderate. Pat ronage solicits d. apl 23 ly When I say Cnaa, I do not mean merely to top them tor a time, and then have them re; nrn again. I jie.w; A BASICAL CURS. I have mads the (ilaeaso ct ifiar-Fisuif i The Original Wins. C. F. Simmons, St. Louis, Prop’r M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, Est*d 1S40, in the U. S. Court defeats J. HvZeBmJProp'r A. Q. Simmons Liv- J cf Regulator, Fst’d by ZeiliniSoX. M. A. r S. L. M. has for 47 years §& cured Indigestion^, Biliousness, Dyspefsia,Sicx IIsadachpJ^os-f Appetite, Sour Stomach, Etc. A carpenter isn’t needed to frame an excuse, A lifelong stndy. I warua: Omu3 the worst ’eases. 1'cc: .ftiledisno reason tiros: Send at once for r.trcr.: u of mv JxmtrghBi.F. 5:-::s:?s and Post OIBeK ‘ It cerri- trial, audit will care ;• H. G. ROOT. wl. 123P Renews Ker louth, Mrs. Phoebe Gheslej^, Peterson, Bnct.icnis Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for Guts, Bruises'; Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Stores* Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin- Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by all drug- dents of the town: “1 am 73 years old, have been troubled with kid ney complaint and lameness for years; could not dress myself with out help. Now 1 am free from all pains and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters' for having renewed my youth, and re moved completely all disease and pain. Try a bottle; 50c. and SI, at all drug; stores.. Mvsm Dart’s Triplets. President Cleveland’s Prize for the three best babies at the Aurora Conn tv Fair, in 1887, was' given to these triplets, Mollie, Ida, and Ray, children of Mrs. A. K. Dart, Hambnreh, N. Y. b\fle writes: “ Last August- the little ones became very sick, and as I could get no other food tnat would agree with them, I commenced the use of Lactated Food. It helped them imme diately, and they were soon as well as ever, and I consider it very largely due to the Food that they are now so welL/ Lactated Food is the best Food for bottle-ied babies. It keeps them well, and is better than medicine when they am sick. Three sizes: 25c., 50c., SLV>. At druggists. Cabinet photo, of these triplets sent free to the mother of any baby bom this Tear. Address WELLS,-RICHARDSON & CQ., Burlington, Vt, 10 35 am | 2 25 pm | 4 ft) pm j ArMilletlgeville.. { Ar Eaton ton j LvAtlanta G50ara | Ar Micon 10 25 am j 9 40 am j 1 01 pm ( 2 15 pm { 7 35 pm 6 38 pm { 1050 pm T.v Montgomery t Leave Columbus, j Arrive Macon j 3 OH pm I C 4.1 pm I W.iScu, ( ‘2 05 a in ( 6 00m‘i .... •• 6 00 cm j Leave Birmingham Leavp CoIiimb3» arrive Mac^a 11 45 am C 45 pin 10 45 pm \ ll 55 am Arrive Macoa j 5 4t! am j ...... i 5jspiu Leave Montgomery. Leave femith ville... l 7 40 am | I 48 am j s 15 am 10 05 pm j 5 21 am j Leave Milica J J^eave Augusta | Leave .Savannah .. j Arrive Macon j 9 45 r.m | 7 S > am ] 7 10 am 1 40 piu 12 00 m 8 20 pm J 2 50 am j - Leave Katonton... | *8 20 am } 1 Ar Afilledgevillc... } 9 40 am J Ar Macon | 1 40 pm j j Lv Macon 3 10 am j 6 00 am 1 2 05 pm } 5 25 pm Ar -At’aetn G 40 1? 53 ara J 5 40 pm { 9 00 i>!*i Passengers for Tiiornaslon and Carrollton take r.eavc Mac'sa | 2 55 am | 2 00 pm | T.eave J 6 •' 5 | r» 55 pm j Ar Mnutg.jinery. j lo incm} 9 40 pm j PagWMscers 5or Ts] : sltonid take either the 2:55 mi or 2 (5i» p in Leave Macon 2 53 a m Leave Ooitnnlras 8 25 a m \rrive Birmingh-im 3 3" pm Leave Alncon....... i GSopml I lojs Arrive Albany :i05pm| 1 255 for l 6 50 p in train. eery mke -either 10 15 am or