The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, January 02, 1890, Image 1
- I, - ' OJI - H. IODSKS. Proprietor. DEVOTED TO HOME INTERESTS, PROGRESS AND CULTURE. PRICE: TWO DOLi PEKEY, HOUSTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1890. © J§ TO*. VoitMI WILLIS S’. PRICE, Not Money, but Merit. Jefferson Davis’s Will. A flood Day Couiiug Smaller Bales of Cotton. It Will Ever Be Tims. Gremsboro Reraltl-Journal, Ooeof the evil lessons that seem to have been inculcated in the minds of the people of the present day, is that money is the “sine qua non” to man’s happi ness, rank and worth in the world. Even the ten-year-old boys have absorbed this idea, and money is the theme of discussion among them. Catching this inspiration from father, mother and adults around them, these children, these coining fathers of the future, are led away from aspirations to high er, holier and grander attainments, This money mania that' is taking such strong hold upon latter day Americans, when reduced to its last analysis, means the subversion of those grand principles which constitute the comer stone of re publican government, and leads inevitably to the establishment of a plutocracy. It is the foster pa rent of communism, socialism and anarchism, with their train of evils. This principle inculcated in the minds of our children is wrong in tendency, and terribly wrong in results. We might bring- argu ment to substantiate this assertion, but it is needless, as observation on every hand teaches it clearly. Therefore it behooves the pa rents, teachers and moulders of thought in this country to educate our boys, girls, and young people generally, that there is something higher, holier and grander than money that is possible of attain ment. Money, when weighed in the balance with true merit, is as chaff compared with the true grain. The boy or the young man who develops in his mind the thought that the world is a stage on which to contend, not merely for money, but for the pure, the noble and the good, has made one grand bound toward the attainment toward that which will be a crown of glory to his hoary hairs when the frosts of winter come upon him. Tea, he has driven down a strong and safe stake to which he may in safety anchor the efforts of his life. The penniless man whose crown jewels are honor, true merit and a. stain less life, is a higher type of the irtib ci jjUi'm* &iiti a grander man than he wnose ili- goicen millions write dishonor and shame upon his life record. Hence we should teach our children to set their mark of attainment, not at the low mark of money getting, which can only gratify-the sordid demands of fleshly lusts, but at the high notch of true worth, true manhood and true merit. Let us train them from early manhood to be frugal; but train them in the line of thought that there are with in them, susceptible of develop ment, powers other than, that of hoarding together the almighfy dollar. The will of Jefferson D-mv hv-a eth s r.g , wry.sismifi<*nnt h«p-‘ ; We are of the opinion that if the A citizen of Harl-m POSIT BA R B ' been filed for probate at Mississip- pened in a Georgia county not long pi (Sty, Harrison county, Missis- ago. A farmer who had saved a farmers of the south intend to approaching the railroad depoi, adopt the use of cotton bagging asj followed by a dog, halted and sippi. It is free from political al-■ very neat sum of money for the ’ & permanent covering for cotton picked up a stone and flung it at. 1 entirely to proverbial rainy day had the mis- j (and there is small donht that! the canine with the exclamation: lusions, and is confined entirely to proverbial rainy day had the mis- 1 (and the disposition of .his property. ■ fortune to berobbed of his savings, such is their intention), they will; “You good-for-nothing cur, The full text of the instrument is ! and within a few- days afterward "find the adoption of a smaller and ■ Td like knock your head .-ft. as foil owes: ; farmers in that county had depos- more uniform sized bale will great-, Just then a man-cat no bat J. H. HERTZ. riotfe: and FumisfiBT 0 MO.LLOO WOJLLQO 3RRY HOTEL, S&&Z1 lifer POLITE ATTENTION G1YEN ALL GUESTS. COMFORTABLE BOOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AIT OLDS. Some Famous Farmer Boys. How many presidents and other prominent men were born on the farm? Washington, Adams, Mon roe, Andrew Jackson, Van Bnren, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Buchanan, Lincoln and Garfield were all bom on farms. Jay Gould was a country boy who came to town with a patent moose trap. Henry Ward Beecher was a country boy who loved farm life all his days; William M. Evarts came from a farm in Vermont; Chauncey M. Depew used to run barefoot around Peekskill till Van derbilt took a fancy to him; White- law Beid is from Ohio, and was thirty years ridding his hair of hayseed; DeWitt Talmage first expanded his longs calling to an ox team; Sunset Cox hoed potatoes as a lad on his father’s farm near Zanesville, Ohio; Abram S. Hewitt was a country lad whose garments were made by the village seam stress when he first went to New York'; Thomas C. Platt was born on a farm; so was L. M. Bates, who got his first commercial train- ingin tending a cross-roads store; Addison Cammack was raised on a plantation; so was Tom Ochil tree. The list might he continued indefinitely.—Pittsburg (Pa.) Dis patch. “I .Jefferson Davis, of the coun ty of Harrison, and State of Mis sissippi, being of sound and dis posing mind, but at such an ad vanced age as to suggest a near approach of death, do make this, mylast will and testament, written with my own hand, and signed in the presence. of these competent witnesses. “L I give and bequeath to my wife, Varina Davis, all of my per sonal belongings, including libra ry, furniture, correspondence, and the Briarfield plantation (proper), with all its appurtenances, being and situated in the county of War ren, and State of Mississippi, and .being the same on which we lived and toiled together for many years, from the time of our mar riage. “2. I give and bequeath to Mary Bouth Ellis, of Philadelphia, Pa., all of my right, title and inter est in and to the Elliston planta tion, being and situated in the parish of Tensas, State of Louisi ana, the same being the place on which her father resided. “3. I give and bequeath to Mary Bidgely Dorsey, eldest daughter of William H. G. Dorsey, of Howard county, State of Mary land, all of my right title and in terest in and to the ‘Limerick’ plantation, being and situated in the parish of Tensas, State of Louisiana—viz, the interest in and to so much of said plantation as was the properly of the late Mrs. Sarah A. Dorsey. “4 I give and bequeath to my daughter, Varina Anna Davis, all the other property—real, personal and mixed—which was inherited by me from Mrs. Sarah A. Dorsey, deceased, and of which I may die seized and possessed.~ 5. To my wife, Varina Davis, and to my daughters, M:-.rgf’’<-t D«vis Ht-yes aed V : LaviS, as ■.iii'.. y .. iiud btqt;«.-a->h t ■> ; ; : . , r-;ai, personal and oi iw.ici. I may die seized and possessed, and which has not been disposed of by 7 the preceding articles. I appoint my tried and true friend, Jacob U. Payne, of New Orleans, La., and my son-in-law, G. Addison Hayes, Jr., of Mem phis, Tenn., executors of this my last will and testameut, they > to serve without bond and to have immediate seizure and possession of all my property, contempora neously with .the happening of my death, and to each I delegate the power to select and appoint his successor, to take effect in the contingency of the death of either before the affairs of the estate have been finally settled. “In testimony whereof this will, written by my own hand, is signed on the day and date below written, and in the presence of Frank Ken nedy, B. W. Foster and A. Evans. Jefeebson Davis.” The property above described is mortgaged to the amount of §45,- 000. ited more than §100,000 in bank.' ly augment-theaseof cotten Like their neighbor who had been; ering. robbed, they were keeping their money at home. They concluded they would seek a more secure place for it. The. incident sugt petite that many farmers are not as poor as they are believed to be, One of the chief objections urged by factors, manufacturers, shippers and compress men against the use of cotton bagging has been the fact that the new covering would not stand the strain of haul cov-; side street, followed by ! dog, and halted to say: and it is doubtless a fact that if ing. Indeed, early in the season every one of them who has money it was announced from the highest laid up at home would deposit it in a bank, the aggregate amount deposited would be very large. This is an encouraging view to take, and it seems a pity to look upon another side of the question/ While there are many farmers who are in better circumstances than they are supposed to be, there are many others who are in worse. The county officer whose duty it is to record mortgages could tell things that would surprise the public. He could reveal the fact that hundreds of farm mortgages exist that were not thought to be in existence, and that farmers who apparently are doing quite well are really very greatly embarrassed by debt Altogether, however, the farm ers of Georgia are doing very well indeed. Those who are in debt are making strong efforts to better their financial condition. In a few years, if they continue their ef forts, and their crops turn out well, they will be in very comfort able circumstances. Others who have freed themselves from debt are pursuing a policy to keep clear of embarrassment, to make their land more valuable, and to save expense by raising as many arti cles for home consumption as pos sible. It will be a great day for Georgia when all of them are able to do this, and that day is coming. authority that- one of the main rea sons why a difference in t»e would not be-allowed on cotton bagging was because this covering was easily torn, and possessed such reduced strength as compared with other coverings, that the amount of lost cotton was more than equal to the amount asked for in tare. The farmers, and alliancemen especially, should see to it that this,ground of complaint is re moved before another cotton crop is thrown on the market By adopting smaller bales we believe that these objections could be suc cessfully met. If 350 pounds, or even less, say, was adopted as a standard bale, it can be at once seen that the breaking and tearing of the bagging and the consequent waste would be, to a large extent, stopped. Even if the quality of cotton bagging is not improved, the present article is amply suffi cient to stand the pressure of the reduced bale. There are points in this entitled to the consideration of the farm ers. The fact that cotton should be the covering for cotton admits of few opposing arguments, and as long as they have determined to permanently adopt it, it is the part of wisdom for them to seek to make that covering as profitable to them as possible. TwoNoted Darkies. In Algeria every girl born of native parents is tattooed on her forehead between the eyebrows, -.-iK-a- c-; > : and just on the root of the nose, . u.-.- rk-") : Aiu- wiin a cross formed of several - ;:••• :• "... -citizen ivy Eije : straight lines of small stars, ruu- A. a aiwuys wears upon his j ning close together. These tattoo brad a ni'iiim. v cap, or rather the j marks are a deep blue color. Ai- Tlie Czar’s Iron-Clad Train. A new imperial train has just been built for the Emperor of Russia. The saloons are covered with iron outside, and then comes eight inches of cork instead of steel plates, with which the car riages of the old train were pro tected. All the saloons (which communicate by a covered pas sage,) are exactly the same in out ward appearance, so that no out sider may be able to discover in which carriage the Czar is travel ling. Daring the Emperor’s jour- ney last autumn he passed the most of his time in a carriage, which, from the ontside, looks like a luggage van. Great enterprises are crowding one upon another so rapidly in the south that, according to the Manu- fraginent of one, for it has worn to a mere frazzle now. The name of this old darkey is not so well known to the people, for his name is not as famous as himself. If he were referred to by any citizen he would be called “the old darkey with the old Con federate cap on.” There is a history about this cap, which is a credit to the old darkey. More than twenty years ago he came in possession of that cap, and on the field of battle. It was one of those bloody conflicts which characterized the war be tween the states. A dying officer of the Confederate side gave the cap to the old negro, and -he has worn it ever since. He wore it dtuing the war, and has had it knocked from his head by whiz zing grape shot more than once. He has kept the cap ever since the war, and has worn it until now it it has but little shape of a cap. He says he will wear it until he dies, and wants it buried with him. There is another darkey in Ath ens who has been through the war and stood by his master in many a bloody engagement. He has also served a master in the legislative halls of onr country, having been the late Benjamin H Hill’s body- servant. His life daring war times is replete with many an in teresting narrative, and he tells with enthusiasm of his experiences to almost any one who occupies his chair in the barber shop, while he plies the razor to -their faces. Many a one has'sat entranced at his soul-stirring narratives aboat guarding his master’s money from the Yankees, and heard the many other tales of war times which Gene Brydie loves to tell about himself.- gevian women are also considera bly tattooed on the backs of their hands, their forearms and chests, as well as on iheir shoulders, their wrists being especially adorned with drawings representing brace lets, and flowers strung together. As a rule women'are the operators, and it is principally on children between the ages of 7 and 8 that they have to exercise their art. They sometimes use a needle, but more frequently a Barbary fig tree thorn. They employ kohl as a coloring substance. It is a kind of fine powder made of sulphur of antimony, which is also in great request by the Algerian women for - the purposes' of face-pain t- ing- I’ve got another just such cur heie. He isn’t worth his weight in soap grease.” “i’ll poison mine this very night.” “And I’m going to throw mine under the locomotive.” “Say,” said the second man, af ter a moment’s thought, “call your cur up here and let’s get ’em to fighting.”" “Good idea. Here Jep—Jep— Jep! Come here, doggie!” The dog cautiously approached, aud as the two animals began growling and walking aronnd each other a sudden “Stnboy!” brought a climax, and they began fighting. Both men laughed, but it wasn’t a minute before the first man, whose dog was underneath, kicked the dog on top. “Hold on now. Give my dog;a fair show!” shouted the other. “He’s the biggest!” “No he ain’t! Don’t yon kick my dog again!” “I’m a good mind to kick bis owner!” ‘Td like to see you try it!” “I can do it!” “Yon are a liar!” And with that they began whal ing away at each other with great vigor, ending after five minutes in a draw. Meanwhile the dogs had quit and disappearecL- “I allow no one to kick mydog!” gasped one, as he wiped at his bloody nose. “And no living man can call me liar!” growled the other, as he held his black eye. “I’ll see you again!” “And Til see yon!” ... A Washington correspondent es timates the individual wealth of the notoriously rich memo vs of he Senate as follows: Barbour 31, 0.000, Brown $2,500,000 0- m >- a §3,000,000, Farweil • W Hale §1,000,000, Hearst SiO.i'i/d,- 000, Jones (Nev.) §2,000,000, McMillan §10,000,000, Payne 85,- 000,000, Plumb $1,000,000, Sawyer $3,000,000, Sherman $3,000,000, Squire 81,000,000, Stanford $30,- 000,000, Stewart $1,000,000, Stock- bridge, $1,000,000, Washburn §1,- 000,000. CLOT HA “CT rxd-er-w. To fit a boy throe years old. o; sized man. J), ft, hertz, 574 and 57G .Cherry MACON, GA IF YOU WATT FIRST-CLASS GROCERIES, Domestic Dry Goods, Hats. Shoes, CONFECTIONERIES, Fruits in Season, Ci gars, Tobacco Etc. Examine my stock before purchasing. Besides a full stock of '. ST \Ni>\0T) \ OoDS, I will always have on hand seine Specialties, at remarkably low figures. IST"Lookout for changes in this ad vertisement. S.L SPEIGHT. PERRY, CA. H. BES5k, % and Restaurant. Meals at all Hours. Open Day and Xnrf-;. Sleeping ; Ascba How to Split Paper. Elegant Barber Shops Attached. Queen Victoria lately gave her consent to the abolition of a num ber of useless coart appointments, including the mastership of the bnckhoonds, but Lord Salisbury declined to make the sweeping changes involved because he need ed tbe patronage to keep his party Mends together in the House of Lords. Robert Browning did not think his last illness was a serious one, and insisted almost to the end that he was getting better. It is stated that just before he died he turned to his son and asked for news from his publisher. The son read a tel egram saying that the edition of his last volume of poems was al most exhausted. The poet on Bearing this smiled and murmur ed, “How gratifying!” These were his last words. According to Popular Science News, there are two ways of split ting a piece of paper. One is to lay the sheet of paper on a piece qf glass, soak it thoroughly with water, and then press it smoothly over the glass. With a little care the upper half of the sheet can be peeled off, leaving the under half on the glass. Let this dry and it will come off the glass easily; of course the glass must be perfectly clean. The second way is a better one, but it requires some good practice. Paste a piece of cloth or- strong paper on each aids of the sheet to be split. When'it has thoroughly dried, poll the two pieces apart suddenly and violently. The pc»te can then be softened with water, and the two halves of the sheet easily taken off the cloths. LIQUID REFRESH MENS, I have just opened I lie elegant ‘SUWANNEE RIVER BAR* Where only the best Liquors will be solo- C° me to see me when in Maoon- Will fill jugs promptly, and at low fig ures for cash. My liquors are guaran teed to be the best in the market. Respectfully, * WILL WAtiJiOX. 673 Forth Street,{Corner of Pine, MACON, GA. Superintendent Porter intends to procure a very full body of labor statistics in 1890. Mr. Cleveland delivered an ad dress before the students of Cor nell University a few days ago, and he. was presented as “the one man in all the nation who needs no introduction.” This was quite appropriate, and contradicts the statements of some republican or- ins that Mr. Cleveland has been irgotten by the public. No doubt these , organs wish the public would forget him; but it is an en couraging fact that such men are not allowed to pas3 out of the pub lic mind. Cleveland is a name that will be heard more and more as the next presidential election approaches- - Kennesaw Restaurant -AjclcL Bar. 519 FOURTH ST., MACON, GA. ■ - '' '--A,.; and Night at All Hours. The Beat Stock of Wines, Lienors and Cigars, Accompanied by all the Delicacies of the Season. THE Idaho and TVyotuing are kuock- The man who is engaged in any line of agriculture should post himself by reading from the very best writers on the subject. They are generally practical men, and give the best results of their own experience and reflections. factnrers’Record, no one can take ‘. .... a general view of the whole, sitna- R intp the Union, tion wifchont being amazed at tiie 1 ana H 28 sa2< ^ magnitude of the revolution that is: con 8^ t ®§ rill open the door to in progress. One of the most j them; not because they are yet fit- striking features is the heavy, iu-1 ted for statehood, but because thev vestments pf Eastern and especial- would probably be republican EPOCH. The transition Horn long, linger, ing and painful sickness to robust .health marks an epoch in the life of the individual. Such a remark able event is treasured in the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence'it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So. many feel The republicans in Montana, finding a constitutional provision in the way their plan. of organiz ing the State' Senate, disposed of the constitution by the chair’s ru: ing that it did not apply until af ter the organization was efft Thiaie-^ ~ IBT RESTAURANT DEPARTMENT, Polite Clerks and Attentive ways on hand. GtIVjE me a cl J. VALENTINO, Agent. F YOU m ANY KIND. OF- . - • v-cS’u,' , .- — - m DAY. or by the month, .jgjj ly New England capital, which is pouring into the South as it for merly did into the West X? TO ITS SACK ACHES Or yea areaX '.Torn out, really good for nothing i: is general i I I BBUil.V4 IEO.V IUTTESS. It will CUTE you, and give a good appetiK. Sold —This is the best time of the states. - Perhaps after .awhile^ in self-defense, the democrats will have to get Texas to divide herself into four states. year to subscribe for the Hohe - Corporal Tanner Las a postoffiee 50c. and il JOUnXAL. nnmpj in tis llAnnr ir> . n*n they owe their restoration to t the use of the Great and Tonic. If you with any diseas of or Stomaeb, of long or ing yon will sn use of T ’ :th Jed with his t r - J lee trie by : John a Hunter, who A - named in his honor in Indiana. & Gilbe