The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, February 20, 1890, Image 2

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OUR NEW CYLINDER PRESS. New Eng- There is no denying tlie fact that there is more country than people in the south, but it is Thursday, February 20. emphatically true that we want no second-class people. We need more hard-working, upright farm- A rich phosphate bed has been discovered near. Boston, in Thomas county, Ga. The candidate must be in close sympathy with the transgressor, as the way of each is hard. It is reported that • Rev. Sam Jones has purchased a farm near Louisville, Kentucky, 1 and that he will soon move his family there to live. The alliancemen will be a posi tive figure in state and county pol itics throughout Georgia this year, though the organization proper will’not issue any political orders. A masonic temple of magnifi- cent;proportions and appointments will be erected in Atlanta soon, On the first day subscriptions were asked for, $15,000 was subscribed. Gov. Gordon is preparing to’es- tablish an extensive vineyard on his Taylor county farm. For this purpose he has purchased 24,700 grape vines, of the Concord and Ives Seedling varieties. Thebe is no likelihood that the appointment of negro postmasters for Americus and Athens wil be defeated. It is believed that res idential nomination debts will thus be paid. Wire-pulling politicians will not be allowed to control nomina tions and elections in .Georgia this year, if we read the signs correct ly. The people generally will do some choosing, ns well as voting. The new code of rules of the House of Representatives was adopted entirely by republican votes. They give the Speaker dic tatorial power, and make the dem ocratic minority absolutely power less to prevent vicipus legislaoion. “He that is not for us, is against us,” is likely to be the political slogan of the farmers in Georgia this year, and it is not unlikely that they will be able to say who shall represent the several coun ties in the next legislature. The Ordinary of Pulaski county has been petitioned to order an other prohibition election in that county, and the election will be held as soon as the provisions of the local option law will allow. Georgia legislotors should be paid a salary, and not allowed to fix daily wages for themselves, with'power to receive pay for time devoted to the private business of the public servants. A salary will cure the chief evil attendant upon absenteeism. have no room for idle, shiftless men who would not help ■ to keep the wheels of progress in constant motion. The south needs greater devel opment in every department of business, the farm, the shop, the factor, etc. We need more facto ries to manufacture into articles of use the crude materials that grow and are mined here. These facto ries must have operatives, and these operatives must have food and raiment. As the system of intensive farm ing progresses, our farms yield more, and'these products must be consumed to a considerable degree in the south, else a large percent age of the profits are alienated from the producer. Much as we need the sturdy, in telligent, upright sons of the north and New England, the need that these over-crowded people have for the south is much greater. Then here is a common heed, the ac quirement on either side producing a result beneficial and satisfactory to both. They need our genial climate, productive soil, and all the comforts, attractions and natural advantages that a home in the south implies. We need them, be cause we have too few people to occupy and utilize our extensive and glorious country as it should be occupied and used. The people of the south do not need these immigrants in a person al sense, but for the general good of the south, in hastening the gen eral development that is now con stantly progressing. The over crowded people of the inhospitable climes north of us need the south in a personal sense. They need the opportunity and the room to win for themselves homes and comforts. They need the chance to win, in a free and open “contest, the full reward of energy honestly and sensibly applied. The needs of the two sections being identical as to the objective point, that point will surely be reached. The young, energetic farmers and artisans now so badly cramped in their efforts will sure ly come south. The people of the south will cordially welcome them, and together the exceeding great industrial glory of the best coun try in the world will reach its full fruition. The time is surely coming, and even now the young men who de sire the greatest opportunity to earn a living and more, know that the advice, “go south, young man, is wise, and worth following. Speaker Reed under the rules and by the force of his audacity, is complete master of legislation in the National Hoijse of Repre- sentatives.\The future has in store an opportunity-for the democrats to liken the speaker and the re publican party to a broken reed. It is said that John H. Inman inspected the Western & Atlantic railroad (the State road) last week, in company with the northerners then visiting Atlanta. This act is regarded as a pointer in the direc tion of a bid for the lease of that road, when the time comes. —Why can’t the merchants of Perry put fresh coats of paint on their stores before our beautiful shade trees put on their spring clothes? We would then have, without doubt, the prettiest town in the state. We have good paint ers here, now, so that is no longer an excuse. We hope to see this suggestion acted upon. A bloody fight occurred in Har per, Kansas, last Saturday, over the result of a bond election. Feel ing ran high, and the ballot boxes were stolen the night after the electipn, before all the votes had been counted. Out of this fact grew the riot; over qpe hundred men used guns, pistols and knives freely. Two man were killed, and a dozen wounded. It is well to call attention to the fact that Hon. J. J. Ingalls represents Kansas in the United States Senate. The said Ingalls persistently and ma lignantly vilifies the Sputh, as serting that the ^result of most of the Southern elections is encom passed by fraud. .He should now talk about Kansas. Reed, and the outrageous work of the republican majority in dispos ing of election contests by displac ing democrats who were ‘elected, contrary to positive evidence, we have believed that the political grave of the republican, party was being surely prepared. In this belief the Macon Telegraph com ments as follows: “Col. A K. McClure, editor of the independent Philadelphia Times, has been in Washington in vestigating the political situation, and hak written some very inter esting letters to his paper. In the last one of them we have seen, he indicates that those of the republi can members of congress who did not completely lose their heads on the accession of their party to su preme control are very uneasy at the turn affairs have taken. “I have not met one considerate re publican leader,” writes Col. McClure, “and I have met many of them, who does not fear that Speaker Reed is sowing dragon’s teeth which wilUripen into a fear ful harvest of profligacy, demoral ization and disaster. * * # * It is no longer a secret that we are on the eve of a flood tide of national profligacy. Many republicans de plore it, but all fear that it cannot be restrained.” This fear is well-founded. The men who entertain it will not be able to restrain the republican party from plunging the country into the wildest and most demoral izing profligacy, for the reason that that party has for years been taught that profligacy is a good thing. Its whole policy is based on the idea that the best way to gain popular support is to buy it. The party that believes the citi zens from whom money is collect ed in taxes and those to whom it is paid in pensions, bounties or protection are all equally enrich ed, cannot, indeed, be convinced that there is such a thing as profli gacy. The necessity of taxing, which lies upon all governments, has become to the Republican par ty a duty, and it feels that it may dispose of the money raised in any manner that will benefit those who support it, or in buying new sup porters. All sense of responsibil ity to tax payers has necessarily been lost, for in the opinion of the Republican party taxation is a blessing and taxpayers, therefore, make no sacrifices to support the government. The passage of ex travagant pension bills, the be stowal of huge subsidies on ship builders, the erection of numerous unnecessary public buildings, the appropriation of large sums for rivers, harbors, etc., are therefore logically certain. Congress must do all these things or the Repub lican party will be eonvicted of dishonesty—of making promises it did not intend to fulfill; of pro fessing a belief in regard to the effect of taxation which it does not really entertain. Col. McClure is right. We are on the eve of an era of profligacy, and the elections next fall will 'de termine whether it is to continue until disaster teaches the people that the Republican policy - is ut terly vile and demoralizing. We do not think teaching of that kind will be necessary. The people are wise enough without it to know where profligacy will lead. The elections will show that they want none of it. They have been mis led only as to the republican poli cy; not blinded to its folly.” the business of .ferry nave appreciated the fact that we needed greater rail road facilities, and many. efforts in that direction have been made. The following from the Perry correspondent of the Macon Tele graph seems probable, and we may entertain the hope that the road will soon be extended. “A prominent citizen of Perry is in receipt of a communication from Gen. E. P. Alexander of the Central railroad, stating that it is his purpose to extend the Per ry branch of the Southwester rail road southeaet until a connection is made with the Savannah and Western to Savannah and trains will be run from Fort Valley through to Savannah. He says this has been his purpose for some time, and the work has been de layed only by other and more presssing work. This extension will be made as early as circum stances will permit.” The New England farmers who are abandoning their unproductive lands, and the western farmers who complain that their big crops sell for less than it costs to pro duce them, cannot fail to appreci ate the advantages of the southern agricultural situation. Nowhere in this broad country has the farm er a better chance than right "here in. the rising south.—Atlanta Cort- stitution. Professor John Henry Com stock, the eminent naturalist, be gins in the New York Ledger of March 1, a series of six articles on the study of insects, in which he describes, not only those insects which are useful to the farmer, but also, those which destroy entire fields of grain, cotton and rice, and ravage orchards, gardens and vineyards. He demonstrates how it was scientifically determined that an annual average loss of $30,000,000 has been occasioned in the South by the cotton-worm alone; and that an average loss per year, of nearly $2,400,000, has been brought about in the apple crop of Illinois by the ravages of the cod- lin moth. The series is profusely illustrated. Preparations are being made to sell the old capitol at Atlanta, under an act passed at the last session of the legislature. The minimum price for which it can be sold is fixed at $125,000, and Gov. Gordon expresses the opin ion that the property will bring . more than that sum. It has been asserted by intimate friends that Judge C.F. Crisp will not be a candidate for gQvernor of Georgia, but that he-will offer for re-election to congress. His recent leadership of the democrats in the House of Representatives in oppo sition to Speaker Reed’s infamous rulings, has surely marked him as a statesman that must rise among statesmen. He has already been named as Speaker of the next House, when the democrats will be in control, and then in due line pf succession he may become Senator Crisp. High priced cotton is a delusion and snare to the farmer. Don’t be be caught by it Don’t be deceiv ed by it. Stick to the safe policy and plant largely in corn and food crops. There is no other safe channel open to the southern farmer; there is no other way to pay out and keep out of debt, the Several days ago a prominent allianceman of Houston county re marked to us that the next govern or of Georgia would be elected by the alliancemen of the state, as would be the representatives and senators of the different counties and districts. He says the vote of the alliancemen will be practically Thb Southern Investment Com pany has been formed. The cap ital stobk is $100,000, with the privilege of increasing to $1,000,- 000. Au application for charter has been filed at Alexandria, Va. The officers are Hon. H. H. Carl,, toD, of Athens, Ga., President; Gov. Campbell, of Ohio, Vice- President; D. McConville, Wash ington, Treasurer; W. D. Caldwell, Washington, Secretary. The pur pose of the organization is chiefly the buying and selling of lands in the South, for the direct develop ment of the Southern states. Fort Valley Enterprise. ’ Last Monday, the frait growers and a few of our leading businees men met at Mr. C. G. Gray’s office and organized .“The Georgia Fruit Growers’ Association,” with an authorized capital of $25,000, in shares of $10, each to be paid in ten' monthly payments of $1 a month for each share, and it be hooves every one wanting stock in this enterprise to come in and pur chase it at once, for if they wait six months they will have to plank down S6 for every share they take and then take up the monthly pay ment, as all the stock must be paid for in ten months from the date the charter is granted, which will be applied for at once. The As sociation is officered as follows C. G. Gray, President; S. H. Rumph, Vice President; W. E. Brown, Treasurer; and J. F. Trout man, Jr., Secretary. The reputable business capacity of these gentlemen will, at once give the Association a good stand ing and no one will be afraid to in vest their money init,asitis sure to prove a paying investment and the stock increase in value 300 per cent in less than two years. The object of the Association is pecu niary gain to the stockholders and protection to the fruit growers and shippers. With plenty of money, they will first see that they have plenty of crates to ship the crop of this section, which they will either buy largely or else establish crate factory so that they will be sure of a sufficiency of crates, Then they will make an effort to control a sufficient number of re frigerator cars to transport the crop without delay and arrange ample ice to keep the crop during transit This will probably be done by erecting an ice factory, which is sure to be done if the town ever secures a water supply sufficient to authorise the manufacture of ice. The Association will also arrange to pay farmers who have small lots of fruit the cash for it on de livery, and in this way alone they propose to benefit this section won derfully, as there will be no cause for any farmer to woste a single peck of peaches. The stock is being taken rapidly and no doubt every share will be taken by the time a charter is ob tained. Score another live enterprise to Fort Valley, and keep your ears open to hear of another one soon, for the air is full of them and they are swooping down on us. I take this method of thanking you for your patronage. My receipts this season have ex ceeded my fondest expectations, and I am now ready to return-your kindness by making a reduction of 50 cents per bale in handling your cotton the coming season. From this time forward ray price to rich and poor, white nnd black, will be 50 cents per bale. I do exclusively a cotton busi ness, I do not handle provisions, etc., and I most respectfully ask a continuance of your patronage. Remember 50 cents per bale to one and all. Reference, any planter in your county. Most Respectfully, Willis F. Price, Cotton Factor, Macon, Ga. La Grippe. On account of the “Grippe” and a contractto saw lumber, I shall close up the Variety "Works for a short time. I shall make a/number of need ed repairs while closed, and when I open again shall be better prepared to attend to my customers than ever be fore. I will ask the patrons of the grist mill to wait pa tiently for a short time. E. J. Fuller, Lessee. ASK YOUR MERCHANT FOR- PRIDE OF PERRY SHEETIITG-. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOMESPUN. THE GRIST MILLS AT Give the Very Best Returns in MEAL AND FLOURi The Cliamber of Commerce an niversary and banquet at Atlanta last Thursday was a grand affair, and in its results will benefit the entire state of Georgia. As spe cial guests and speakers were Govt Campbell, of Ohio, and several prominent business men of New York, Boston, and other northern cities. These guests spoke felicit ously of the business progress of the south, and of their hospitable treatment. Visits to the south from north ern people of prominence are now the order of the of the day. A party left Canajoharie, N. Y., Monday under an invitation from Gov. Gordon, to inspect Georgia and other southern states, from a business standpoint. On next Monday a party of farmers and other business men will leave Dayton, Ohio, for the SDecial pur pose of inspecting the agricultur- I TO BUILD A1H0USE al, fruit growing and manufactur ing sections of Georgia. The town of Sharon, Talioferro eounty, was considerably excited last Monday by the arrest of seven teen leading citizens of that town and' county. The arrests were made by United States authorities on the charge of intimidation and conspiracy. An obnoxious man had been appointed postmaster at Sharon, and the people gave em phatic expression to their indigna tion, though no unlawful act was committed. However, they boy cotted the Sharon office, refusing to buy stamps or mail lettters there. This cut off the revenue of the office, hence the charge of in timidation, and the arrrests. The prisoners were taken to Augusa for trial. curse of every interest.—Forsyth 30 lid. As to the governorship, he tv j- — ~ J Tlinrunc TTnrrlpmmi fie Advertiser. The next legislators of Georgia should be instructed by their con stituents to abolish the local elec tion bugaboo. This can be dons by relegating all such work to the several counties, under the com mon sense restrictions.of a gener al law. The people also should demand that thelaw providing for named Col. Thomas Hardeman as his own choice, but did not say to whom the alliance vote would be given. biennial sessions should be en- KansasIs still advertising for immigrants. The people there want outsiders, to come in and help them burn their corn for fu el. Kansas is a great state when it comes to burning corn and de ceiving negroes.—Atlanta Consti- George Cable lectured to a large . audience at Scranton, Pa., a short time since. "When the lec turer was introduced he was re ceived with dead silence, where upon he stated that for him to ap pear at his best before an audience it was necessary that he should be greeted with some sort of noise. The noise came and Mr. Cable praceeded with his lecture. It has long been known that Mr. Cable is fend of applause, and is not _ par ticular about his methods of get ting it. If he -should confine him- sely to the latest plan there would be less occasion for . criticising him.—Savannah News. forced or abolished. tution. The Constitution says that At lanta bears one-tenth of the finan cial burdens borne by the state of Georgia The following Georgia patents were granted for the week ending Feb. 11,1S90, reported expressly for this paper by Joseph H. Hun- er, Solicitor of American and For eign Patents, Washington, D. C.: J. W. Brooker, Dalton, car coup ling; J. M. Brosins, Atlanta, feed ing mechanism for sewing ma chines; C. L. Johnson, Augusto, rocking chair; W. R. Polk, Jr., At lanta, automatic fan; J. C. Powell, Macon, paper box. Boils and Carbuncles. It seems strange that any one will suffer with boils, carbuncles, etc., when Dr. Bull’s Sarsaparilla will certainly prevent all Such eruptive tendencies. It is a sure and safe antidote for blood poison arising from whatever source, and its use when needed should not be unnecessarily delayed. Thousands who found extensively advertised blood medicines to have no efficacy whatever, are rejoicing in the fact that Bull’s Sarsaparilla is an ex ception, and that good health in variably follows its use. Syphilitic and scrofulous symptoms disap pear, the skin becomes clear and free from pimples, the digestion is improved, aches and pains cease, the weight of the body becomes greater, the flesh more solid, ul cerative and consumptive tenden cies disappear, the power of endur ance is increased, weakness, dizzy spells and unnatural fatigue van ish, in a word the user of Bull’s Sarsaparilla becomes a picture of good health and strength. Try it. Use no other.—Dayton Enquirer. I know the composition of, and have prescribed Bull’s Sarsaparil la,and believe it an excellent prep aration for producing an alterative effect upon the system. I consid er it the best article of Sarsaparil la in use. When you think your children have worms, ask your druggist for Dr. Bull’s Worm Desb'oyers and do not take any other. They taste good and are always sure. W. A. Pledger, Jr., son of the notorious mulatto republican poli tician of Atlanta, was arrested last week by United authorities for robbing the mails. He was a mail agent on the Northeastern railroad, between Athens and Lula. Evi- dencee of Ms crime were found in his possession, and he is now jail, ’n default of- $2,000 bail. It is charged that a $1,200 check was among his stealings. Easy Terms, Secure FIRSTiCLASS -INVESTMENT THE INSTALLMENT PLAN, TAKE STOCK Mr. W. A. Wylie, formerly lieutenant of police in Macon, died at New Orleans several days ago, while there to attend the mardi gras festivities. He was stricken with paralysis. He was a native of Houston county, though for many years he had been a citizen of Macon—a most excellent gen tleman. CAMPBELL COUNTRY. 0.P.& B.E. WILLINGHAM & CO, manufacturers of and dealers in SASH. DOORS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS] MANTELS, PAINTS, OIL, LIME, AND MACON, GA- f V. E. WALTON. c. l. bateman. i WALTON & BATEMAN, RYRON, Ga -DEALERS IN- Dry Goods, Groceries, Farm Supplies] Gents* Furnishings, Staple and Fancy Articles. BEST GRADES OF GUANO A SPECIALTY. SlP&SK'g) COTTON FACTORS, Money Loaned to Planters, at Lowest Bank Rates.„^t \ VICK’S FLORAL,GUIDE'FORa1890, the Pioneer Seed Catalogue of America,' contains complete list of Vegetables, Flowers, Bulbs, Potatoes and Small Fruits, with descriptions and prices. Depart- , ment of Specialties and all Worthy Novelties. Same shape and — J > satisfactory last year. Many new and elegant illustrations, handsome colored . late 8xxoj4 inches, and frontispiece. Special Cash Prizes $xooo.oo; see Floral Guide. Every person who owns a foot of land or cultivates a plant should hare a copy. Mailed on receipt of xo cents, which amount may be deducted from tint order. ABRIDGED CATALOGUE FREE. JAMES VICK, SEEDSMAN, Rochester, N. Y. REDDING & BALDWIN’S. MACON, GA. THE INTERSTATE Building and Roan FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. ASSOCIATION. :e*o:e3 FULL STOCK OF SUITS -A-aSHD ■ BOTS The energy of Georgians will be chiefly devoted to material prog ress this year. For particulars, apply to JOEK E. EODGFS, Agt. Perry, Georgia. Hon. Thomas Hardeman may prove to be the gubenato-ial “dark horse” of the Georgia alliancemen. A Lady’s Perfect Companion. A LARGE LINE OE Hats and Underwear, Shirts and Neck-war, Umbrellas, Rubber Goods and Overcoats, Call on them, and yon will find goods and prices to suit yon. REDDING & BALDWIN, 368 Second;Street, Macon Ga. Our new book by Dr. JohnH. Dye, one of New York’s most skillfnl physicians, shows that pain is not necessary in child birth, but results from causes easily un derstood and overcome. It clearly proves that any woman may become a mother without Buffering any pain what ever. It also tells how to overcome and prevent morning sickness and the many other evils attending pregnancy. It is highly endorsed by ■ physicians every where as the wife’s true private compan ion . Out this out; it will save yon great pain, and possibly your life. Send two cent stamp for discriptiye circulars, tes timonials and confidential letter in seal ed envelope. Address Brass Thomas* Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Md. IPIEIR, IR, IT SIOTEXj, scorn EMULSION CURES CONSUMPTION 8CHOFULA BRONCHITIS COUCHS COLD8 POLITE ATTENTION GIVEN ALL GUESTS. COFOETABLE GEORGIA—Houston County: Bebecca A. Bountree has applied for exemption of personalty' and setting apart and valuation of homestead, and I will pass upon the^same at my office in the town of Perry, Ga., at. 10 o’clock a. m. on the 11th day of March, 1890, • J. H. HOUSER, Ordinary. Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one ponnd per day byits use. Scott’s Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos- phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, ~the potency of hoth being largely increased. Itisused by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by dll Druggists. SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemist*, N.Y. ROOMS. TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST EDIBLES THE MARKET AFFORDS. : . ■ L . ■ 0 •OV V. R $2.00 PEE : mm Liberal reduction by the week, or by