The Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1890-1900, March 13, 1890, Image 4

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to judge of tlie quality and feeding value of the foods at his command. It is said that vegetables put into a barrel or box and covered •wilh earth, keep fresh, crisp and nice. It makes all the difference in the world whether the man runs the farm, or the farm runs the man. The season of Florida’s staple fruit crop is nearly at an end and it has bee a very good one for the growers. The orange shipments from Florida last season were about 1,- 900,000 boxes. This season they will probably approximate 2,500,- Don’t-ventilate the poultry house through cracks jn the walls and floors,'and through holes in the roof. We want men who will adjourn when the constitutional limit has been reached and who will adhere to the constitutional provision for one session every two years; pro pose an amendment to the consti- tion forbidding legislative, judicial as, says: W. FL Ellis, colored, who is heading a big scheme to colo nize the negroes from Texas into the State of Chihanhau, Mexico, arrived there from the City of Mexico several days ago, en route to New York, where he will meet 000 boxes. Prices have been veryj free passes from raiiroads; sell the satisfactory to the producers, but; Sate road apply the proceeds to the and executive officers accepiting (-the members of a wealthy English syndicate, with whom he will close the dealers claim not to have fared! payment of the State debt; prohib- amounting f° several hundred so well as usual. Early in thpsea-j it members of the legislature re- son Northern brokers purchased i ceiving pay except for actual ser- outright 800,000 boxes at SI.75 a I vice—allRost time to be deducted by No system of buying or selling or swapping animals, will improve the stock of the country. It must be bred up. Forest leaves -are not as good absorbents as straw, but they add very much to the value of‘the ma nure pile. There is no use in beeping a hog up fattening after it is as fat as it can be. It is a waste of food and time. Don’t cram fifty cents worth of drugs down the throat of a sick cnicken that wouldn’t be worth over a quarter if it was well. If you cannot give your cows the best shelter, give them the best you can. Show your good will. They will appreciate it. While there is money in co-op erative dairying, there is not much as many have been -led the boomers to suppose. If you cannot buy a good male to breed up your stock, hire the service of one. It will pay in the first calf that is dropped. —There is no dispnting the fact that corn gives the most profitable returns when converted into densed animal products. Why should not a working ani mal have a working sire and dam? What use is there in" beeping breeding animals in idleness the year round? When horses bolt their food : chaff and hay or clover cut fine, and a handful or so mixed with the oafs, will cause them to give their food better mastication A variety of food is always rel ished by animals as well as by man, and is beneficial as affording all the necessary nutritive elements to nourish the system. Butter will not grain finely “coming'’ if the fat globules have been previously injured by over heating of cream, or too much vio lence in displaped in churning. In feeding calves skim milk, don’t forget to make up for the butter taken out in the shape of cream; some supplementary feed should be given with the skim milk. Linseed oil cake, cotton seed meal,- bran oats and peas are all good. To beep the trunks of apple trees smooth an d clean,; use a wash made by slaking one-half bushel of lime with hot water, and adding one gallon of soap and two pounds of crude carbolic acid. If applied as often as the acid loses its odor, it will also keep off rabbits and other vermin. Fashion Notes. Hussar blue will be the leading shade for cloth walking suits, At home natural flowers are worn on the too of dark slippers. Egg-plant purple'is a shade that ladies of serious taste incline to. For the second period of mourn ing a jacket of Astrachan fur well liked. Some long cloaks for children are made in soft surah, lined with thin silk. ■The latest fad is a finger-ring of blackened steel with with a small brilliant stone buried in it. Sailor suits for boys are made not only in surge or drill, but in silk with wool or in velvet and silk. Now that tartan is revived, tar tan silk handkerchiefs are fash ionable for tucking into gown bodices. An effective jacket to be worn with a plain black silk skirt is of striped blue and flame-colored vel vet. Croup, Whooping Cough andBronchi- is immediately relieved by Shiloh’s Cure Holtzclaw & Gilbert, Perry, Ga. A party of Boston capitalists is looking .over Home, Ga. For lauio bach, side Or chest, uso Shi loh’s Porous Plastors. Price 25 cents Holtzclaw & Gilbert, Perry, Ga. The Salvation Army has taken Dot in GuthberL mm box on the cars. The business of the Florida Fruit Exchange and' the Orange Growers’ Union, the two organizations which handle most of the crop, has been largely increased this season. An effort was made to establish a “home auction market” in Jacksonville, but comparatively a small portion of the crop was disposed of by this agency. New York dealers com plain that the Florida growers de mand too high prices for their fruit, but such a statement is ri diculous in view of the fact that the entire crop is sold readily and the demand regulates the price. It is believed that there are not more than 150,000 boxes*of oranges re maining in .Florida and these will soon be disposed of. New groves are being planted every' year and the confidence of the growers in the orange business properly con- ducted was never so strong as it is now. His Faith Returned. “Look a-here,” he said, as ha ap proached Officer Button at the Third street depot, “have you any faith left in human nature?” “Very little sir,7 was the prompt reply. “You look on most people as dead-beats and sharpers?” “I do.” “Beat you if they can?” “They will. They’d steal my teeth if weren’t solid in the jaw.” “You have lent.some money once or twice, I presume?” \ “I have, sir.” . “And never got it back?” “Never.” “Well, I’ve got to.tackle you just the same,” continued the man “D’ye see that;womamwith the red bow?” ‘Yes.” “She’s my bride; married last week; came in on a bridal tour. We toured too long for the size of my wallet, and now I lack just 4 cents of ’enough To buy'ouf tickets home.” “Only 4 cents?” “That’s all. If any feller ,in Michigan can plan a bridal tour closer than that I’d like to meet him.” “So would I. Here’s a quarter, sir, and that will give you 21 cents for peanuts and apples on the train. Car is now ready, sir, and there’s the ticket office. Go home and be good and happy.”—Detroit Free Press. Mrs. F. A. Wood, of Kennebunk, Me., a lady who had been lame for several years, went to the barn loft to gather some eggs, and in. slid- ding down upon the hay, with her lame leg, hearing something crack, she felt she had.broken some bone- She called to her husband for help, and when he came and help ed her up she found she could walk better than before. The lig aments which had adhered to each other by non-use were broken apart, improving her lameness. France claims the honor of util izing the highest water power in the world. At Brignond a turbine nine feet ten inches in -diameter was put in operation in 1875, util izing a head of 1,688 feet. It is still working, and gives a force of 1-500 horse power. from their salaries; keep sacred their oaths to support the’eonstitu- tion of the State of Georgia and adopt such legislation as will en force the provisions of that consti- titution'agamst’railroad monopoly; propose an amendment to the con stitution doing away with our homestead and exemption laws, which have been the parents of waiver notes, mortgages, liens, ex orbitant credit prices and ruinous usurious interest charges—this amendment not to be retro-active but for the future, after its adop tion; provide proper local tribu nals to take cognizance of all Ideal matters and do away with local legislation by the State legislature; enact a law to tax dogs, not ad va lorem, but specific and heavy; im prove tqe public school system and extend its benefits specially to those who most need them; elect a United States Senator who is in sympathy with the masses—tk‘e farmers—of Georgia and of the whole country; enact a law dis franchising the man who buys the vote political “influence” of anoth erwithout the “benefit of clergy” or executive clemency in his be half in the future—a sort of “Medes and Persians” law as to his disfranchisement. Brown gave up his seat to a pretty young lady. She accepted it without so much as “Thank you.” Later a young man entered the car whom she knew, and just before leaving she called him to her and said: “You take this seat, for I am going to get off here.’ The man who had orignally occu pied it stood directly in front of her, and his face was a study. He didn’t say anything, but it was manifest that lie was - doing a good deal of thinking. Druggists, you should always have a good supply of Dr. B nil’s Worm Destroyers on hand. Moth ers want these candies for their children and won’t take any other. “There is music in everything which God has created, the trees sigh around us with a gentle har mony, the brooklet murmurs on ward to the sea, with a sweetl sigh ing cadence, the birds sing and all nature is harmonious, all ex cept one, and that is a frog, he croaks and has no. music in his soul ”—H. W. Grady. Doubtless the croakers’ who are to be found in every community will resent the comparison with a frog, but they generally accomplish about as much for cities as —Albany News and Advertiser. the sale of the lands in Mexico, thousand acres, and containing gold, silver and coal mines. He stated that he had agents at Hous ton who would start with two hun dred families of negroes for Chi- hauhau next month, where they would locate in two towns just laid oat and now being built. The above syndicate is interesting itself in the’movement. The colonists will be transported by the company and supported for a year, if nec- essay. He expects to take several thousand negroes. from the South to locate in Mexico, where the gov ernment has granted two million acres of land for that purpose. White Caps and mobs continue to commit outrages in Indiana and Ohio. These outrages being mere ly “domestic misdemeanors,” and not “political crimes,” they escape the attention of Ingalls and others, gtill, it is probable that the victims do dot draw much comfort from the difference in terms. . BuclUon's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Colds, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by Holtzclaw & Gilbert. Subscribejfor the Home Journal. HOW? 90S, JEFFERSON DAVIS. XjIQTTOXSS. 314 Third Street, MACON, GA. FRIENDS in old Houston MRS. JEFFERSON DAYIS. will find me at the above-named stand, .where I will be glad to serve them if they need anything in my line. Besides a stock of SOLD BYT SUBSCRIPTION ONLY Fresh groceries The prospectus and - complete outfit for canvassing will be ready immediate ly: I keep an assortment of the leading brands of W Agents wishing desirable territo ry on this great work will please address, as soon as possible, the publishers, BEDFORD COMPANY, 18-22 "East 18 Street. New York. Such as Hume six-year old, Nelson County Rye, Gibson’s XXXY. Pure Old North Carolina Com, and other brands. To care Biliousness, Sick Headache, Consti* pation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, taka the sate and certain remedy, SMITH’S BILE BEANS Use the SMALL Size (40 little Beans to the bottle). They abb the host convenient. Price of either size, 25c. per Bottle. KISSING^ 7 - 17 * 70 *”” “ 11WMailed for4 eta. (copper* or atampa). —Smoke the J. F. L. A., the best 5 cent cigar in the world, at S. L. Speight’s. PASSENGER SCHEDULE FKEIGHT SERVICE In effect Feb. 9th, 1890, via the ia RAILROAD. SUWANNEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA Standard time same as Macon city time. GOING SOUTH. No. I No. 3 No. 11.0 Lv. Macon Lv.Cordele Ar. Tifton Lv.Tifton Ar. Valdosta Ar. Jasper Ar. Lake City Ar. Jacksonville “Can the world know a man has _ 0 t 5 i . n ^, u Hl ess k e advertises the possession ox it. —Vanderbilt. GOINC NORTH. I Lv. Jacosonville I Lv. Lake City [ Ar Jasper I Ar. Valdosta Ar. Tifton | Lv Tifton I Lv. Cordele 1 Ar. Macon £*10:35 a, m. 7:00 p-m 6:00 a. m 1:30 p.m. 9:44 pm 1:45 pm 2:58 pm 11:00 pm 6:20 pm (No.13) . 2:58 pm 6:30 am 4:48 pm 1:01a.m. 10:50 pm 5:55 p m. 2;31 a m 3:00 p m 7;05pm 3:22 am 6:15 pm 9:45 pm 8:55 a m • No. 2. No. 4. No. 12 7:00 a m 7:53 pm 10:00 am 10:40 pm 7:00 am 11:05 am 11:51pm 9:35 am 12:13p m 1:01am 12:01 m 1:48 pm 2J50am. 5:40pm No. 34 2:08nm 2;50am . 7:00am 3:24 pm 4:23 am 12:23 pm 6:45 pm 7:10 am 7:50 pm. WRITE US wherever you live, and wq will ship - you fine Instrument on 15 Days’ Test Trial in your own home. * ★ * NO CASH REQUIRED Trains 1, 2, 3 and 4 arrive and depart I from Union depot. Way freight and ac- I commodation trains 11 and 12 arrive and depart from Macon junction. Freight received and delivered at de- I pot comer Fifth and Pine streets,Macon. I Freight for Americas, Albany, Bruns- I wick, Savannah, Charleston, Florida I points and all other places on or reached I via this road will behandledwithprompt- I ness and dispatch. I U. B. WILBURN, J. T. HOGE, Gen'l Freight Agt. Gen’l Pass. Agt, A. C. KNAPP, Traffic Manager. FILLING JUGS A SPECIALTY. All orders promptly attended to. J. S. VINSON. It is as pleasant to the taste as lemon 3yrap. The smallest infant will take it and never know it is medicine. Children ciy for it. Never fails to ^nro. Chills once broken will not return. Cost you only half the price of other Chill Tonics. No Quinine needed. No purgative needed. Contains no poison. Cheaper than Quinine. It purifies the blood and removes all ma larial poison from the system. It is as largo as any dollar tonic and retails for 50 cents. WABBANTES. 9 eKopei J 5 . inperior good* w* will ttadrtUCX ■— to ONI PXBSON In e*ch locmllty, S u above. Only tboie who write to tu at once can make rare of ■ the chance. All yon have to do In B return is to ahow our goods to those who call—your neighbor* ® and those around yon. Tha b*- “ ptncinp of this. advertisement . shows the small end of the tele- ■sop.- Ti. following cut sireo Ibo .ppeonneo of It trine. > 'Tuoki from S3 toblO*«U)r .tl'Ut, Mh t*xDerience. Better write at once. We pay all express chargs*. hi”I r-ETT* co„ Box 880. POUILXXD. Mxnrx. LIQUID REFRESEMENS I have just opened the elegant ‘SUWANNEE RIVER BAR he Where only the best Liquors will sold. Come to see me when in Macon. Will fill jugs promptly, and at low fig ures for cash. My; liquors are. guaran teed to be the best in the market. Respectfully, * WILL WAGNON. 673 Forth Street, Corner of Pine, MACON, GA. ’ ■For LOSTor FAILING KANHOOBf f{General and NE3.V0TJS DEBILITY; (Weakness of Body andfiind, Effects Hen testify from GO 8tates and Foreign Countries. Write them* Descriptive Boob, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) fine* 4Urus ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. “ JPJEKKY RAILROAD SCHEDULE Daily, Except -Siiinlay. Leave Perry at 5:40 A. M. Arrive at Fort Valley 6:25 A. M. Leave Fort Valley at 11:30 P. M. Arrive at Perry at 12:15 A. M. Leave Perry at 3:05 p. if. Arrive at Fort Valley 3:50 p. Leave Fort Valley at 8:15 p. Arrive at Perry at 9:00 p. M. to please ia style, pnee or quality. Ours the risk, yours only to give fair and full test, and buy if folly pleased. WOOD &BOND, 40,000 Southern Homes Supplied by us since 1870 on this TEST TRIAL PLAN, first introduced in the South by 11s. Fair est method of sale possible, and a great benefit to CHEAPEST"- those at a distance who cannot visit our ware-rooms ALL RISK SAVED By this trial plan, and purchasers absolutely a The assessed value of real estate in New York city is now about $1,400,000,000. The increase the-assessed value of the real es tate of the city for the year is 000,000, which is the largest in crease recorded in many years. Tlie Rainbow of Promise from the store-house of nature There is talk of building an Al liance cigarette factory at Oxford, N. C. -M ICcrit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been sell ing Dr. King’s'New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies_ that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund came by intuition a priceless boon to the human race, through which physical sufferers in untold thou sands are made to rejoice in -the restoration of health, and all the blessings, joys and pleasures there unto pertaining. “Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) has been a blessing to me. Afflicted with rheumatism and female weak ness for a number of years, during which time I took a great deal of. medicine, nothing] giving me relief but. Swiff a Specific (S. S.^S.) What I suffered and endured be fore commencing on Swiff v Spe cific (S. S. S.) is painful to even think about; and have continued to enjoy the :best health since, cannot say more than I believe in tkejpraise of Swift Specific (S.S.S.) Mbs. M. A. Peeler, Morgantown, N. C. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis- fhe purchase price, if saticfactoryj - .... . • Q results do not follow their ns /. [eases mailed free These remedies have won their | . Swift Specific Co., . great popularity purely on their; Atlanta, Ga. merits, oltzclaw & Gilbert, ! — ; rfl ~ Druggists. Subscribe for the Home Journal. poasil meats made, ^ comprehensive tests, we do nof fear tosendthom out --i trial and Jet them stand solely on their merits. !1 we as* is the nviml— pjjjg qh ap- , __ privilege of proval. No suit, no pay.. Our Furniture and Carpet House in TZh-e State of <3-eorgfia,_ its if we fail. EASY TO BUY From us by correspondence. No matter whether you live either ten or a thousand miles from us. We ship to all Southern-States. Our system is perfect. Prices in plain print and alike to all. * - less^" Large H£ I Gall and See ns and get Prices, and Look at One price only. *uuic, uu icss. juarge Discounts from makers prices. All compe- tition met. Complete outfits free. All fre s - v ‘ paid. _ Easy installments. Every inducement any fair dealing house can offer. Writ© for Valuable Information. Catalogues, Circulars, Special Fall Offers—1889. Copy of new Papers-“Sharps and Flats”— ALL. FREE. Address -the Finest Display in Georgia. [NEXT TO HOTEL LANIER, MACON, GA Centra,! Railroad, of G-eozgria SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, CA. “ Deal with the men,who advertise. You will never lose by it.”—Ban. Franklin. BETWEEN MACON, FORT VALLEY, PERRY AND COLUMBUS. (Southwestern Division.) Schedule went into effect February 4th, 1890. (Standard Time, 90th Meridian.) ttSj' Write L. & B. S. M. H, about it. —The Home Journal Job of fice is fully prepared to do any! kind of Commercial job work that] may be needed. All nicely pad-j ded, and at prices that will com pete with any city. Call and look at our samples and get our prices, j and you will leave your orders. No. 3. No 1. i - I No. 2. I No. 4. 3E5 a. m. 3J39 “ 3.44 “ 3.52 «' 4.07 “ 4.17 “ 4.35 a. m. 3.00 p. m. 3.15 “ 3.21 “ 3.28 “ ' 3.45 “ 3.55 “ 4.10 a. m Leave Macon. Arrive Arrive Wise, Arrive Arrive Rutland Arrive Arrive Walden Arrive Arrive Byron Arrive Arrive Powersville Arrive Arrive Fort Valley Leave 10.37 a. m. 10.29 •< 10.15 « 10.08 « 10.05 « 9.45 “. 9.45 a. m 11.10 p.m. 10.57 « 11.02 “ 10.55 « 10.40 « 10.31 “ 10.15 p. m. BETWEEN EORT VALLEY AND PERRY. 8.15 p. m. 9.00 p. m. 11.30 a. m. 12.15 a. hi. j Leave Fort valley Arrive . Arrive Perry Leave 6.25 a. m".| 5.40 a. m.| 3.50 p. m. 3.05 p. m. u SUBSCRIBE ADVERTISE 4.55 5.08 5.19 5.30 5.43 5.56 6.08 22 “ 6.32 “ 6.40 “ 7J7?£,“ 7.45 a. m. 3.10 p. m. Leave Fort Valley Arrive 9.42 a. m. 3.25 “ Arr Everett’s Arrive 9.26 “ 3.40 “ Arrive Reynolds Arrive 9.13 « 3.58 “ Arrive Bntler Arrive 8.56 “ 410 p. m. Arrive Scott’s Arrive 8.46 “ 422 “ Arrive Howard Arrive 8.34 “ 433 “ Arrive Bostick Arrive 8.22 “ 445 “ Arrive Geneva Arrive 7.55 f 457 “ Arrive Juniper Arrive 7.43 “ 5.06 “ Arrive Box Springs Arrive 7.35 « 5.24 “ Arrive Upatoie Arrive 7.20 “ 5.48 “ Arrive Schatulga Arrive 7.00 « 6.15 p.m. Arrive Columbus Leave ..6.36 p. m. 10.05 p. m. 9.50 « 9.38 9.20 9.10 8.59 8.48 8.37 8.26 “ 8.19 “ 7.03 '« 7.43 “ 7.20 p. m. , For ftutherp articulate relative -to ticket rates,-schedules, best routes, etc., writ* THEHOME JOTJX£]N'_A_I_ 1 |toorcallnpon E.M. FULLER, Agent, Perry; W. W. STARR, Sunt Macon CLYDE BOSTICK, T.P. Agent, E. T. CHARLTON, Gen’l. Pae. Agent, Headquartersfor Houston news. { Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Shiloh’s Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by ns on a guarantee. It cures ption. Holtzclaw & Gilbert. Bather dull colors are preferred in leather work. Shiloh’s Yitalizer is what you need for tipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, and all symptoms of dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Holtzclaw & Gilbert, Perry, Ga. MACON CHINA STORE, TBIAAG-ULAE BLOCK, MACON. GA. - the only exclusive china and glassware house m the city I CoEJTXEsnmc, ILxs., Dec. 12, ISSA Paxu Stolen® Co., Pari*, Tran. Flcxso Brad me three dor. of jour Grove’s Tastcfcrj Chiu Tonic. I vas pleased with the lot from jon last summer. Tbo people were <?cllgh^d with it. I gave'your Chill Tonic to soms children who wero pale' and swarthy and emaciated, bavin; i*had chronic chills for month* past, one or them for a rear, and •within three weeks afrer beginning with the Chill Tonis they were hale and hearty, with red end rosy cheeks. It acted Uk& a charm. W, TT, Szouox, IL D. HOLTZCLAW & GILBERT, Perry, Ga. -&.11 AND THE LOCAL NEWS THEREOF, SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE FOR THE HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL, PUBLISHED -AT- NOW IN ITS TWENTIETH VOLUME 1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE,IS2 A‘ YEAR, Jpro. H. HoDGes, Publisher. "Wo import- onr goods, and buy from first bauds, saving the middleman’s profits. "We can show you more China and Glassware than all the other stocks in Macon added together. -We ax’C Acknowledged Headquarters lor Goods inOurLine.- We havo now in store the most varied s f ick ever exhibited in any southern city. 'When in the city call ana see the great fist attraction to be seen in Macon. ° ' Yery Bespectfully, Our lines of SHOES AND BATS are on the market at Prices, and if you want HONEST GOODS AT HONEST call on us, w _ B CARHART & CO, and